8 OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1916. DELINQUENT TAX LIST (Continued from page 5) Geo. S. Woolston SWVi of SWVi : Sec 11 Tp 3 R2E; $20.54. John Baker 25.20 acres Sec 15 Tp 3 R2E; $7.40. Margaret Wood 7.46 acres Sec 16 Tp 3 R2E;$5.09. L. A. Woodward Part of Lot 4 Sec 18 Tp 3 R2E; $10.54. Clackamas So. Ry Co. 4.96 acres Sec 22 Tp 2 R2E; $1.90. Edward Payne 15 acres Sec 22 Tp 3 R2E; $2.92. Hexeter and May .30 acres in Wni. Holmes D. L. C; $8.55. M. M. and T. L. Charman, trustees .57 acre in Wm Holmes D. L. C; $3.42. E. A. Gottberg .90 acre in Wm. Holmes D. L. C; $11.12.' D. Callahan 1 acre in Wm. Holmes D. L. C; $8.55. J. C. Dixon J 8 acres in Wm. Holmes D. L. C; $1.72. . John Batrenstuin 20.8G acres in Wm. Holmes D. L. C; $16.12. James A. Kays .38 acres In Wm. Holmes D. L. C; $2.57. T. Charman & son .50 acres in Wm. Holmes O. L. C; $1.71. C. S. Whiteomb $7.80 acres in Wm. Holmes D. L. C; $20.52. E. M. Kellogg 4 acres in S. S. White D. L. C; $15.31. Owen G. and Mary Thomas 11 acres in S. S. White D. L. C; $37.97. Lillie M. Woodward 10 acres in S. S. White D. L. C; $6.47. Willamette Valley So. Ry Co. 1.03 acres in Andrew Hood D. L. C; $1.39. Clackama.i So. Ry Co. 2.22 acres in Andrew Hood D. L. C; $3.23. Henrv Lonoy 15.20 acres in An- drew Hood D. L. C; $10.21. Clackamas So. Ry Co. .50 acre i Andrew Hood D. L. C; $1.08. C. E. Williamson 10.40 acres in J S. Howland D. L. C; $9.80. Susan A. Blackwood 78.50 acres in J. S. Howland D. L. C; $35.48. Clackamas So. Ry Co. 1.17 acres In Robert Cautield D. L. C; $1.58. Verner Kuppenbendpr 2.50 aTes i Rob't Caulleld D. L. C; $6.02. Gen. T. Pottete 39.20 acres i Rob't Caufiold D. L. C; $30.64. J. E. Gage 12.76 acres in .1. G. Swaf- ford D. L. C; $14.70. Clackamas So. Ry. Co. 2.24 acre; in J. G. Swafford D. L. C; $2.10. Clackamas So. Ry Co. 2.09 acres i Wm. Washington D. L. C; $3.16. I. C. Underwood 50 acres in Geo. Graham D. L. C; $22.42, Edwd. R. and Ida M. Gregory 96.74 acres in Ben' Malls D. L. C; $02.35 Elmer and Lucy Goshorn 10.50 ac res in Sec 7 Tp 4 R2E; $5.59. Oren J. Ripley 60 a res Sec 7 Tp 4 R2E; $22.92. Willamette Valley So. Ry Co. 3.15 acres See 9 Tp 4 R2E; $2.35. Willamette Valley So. Ry Co.: acres Sec 9 Tp 4 R2E; $3.35. Willamette Valley So. Ry Co. 10.42 acres Sec 10 Tp 4 R2E; $2.63. Wm. and Addie Murray SE'4 of SEVi Sec 18 Tp 4 R2E; $17.51. Stephen C. LeRay 23.33 acres Sec 21 Tp 4 R2E; $12.20. M. L. Morris 84.68 acres Sec 31 Tp 4 R2E; $10.24. John and Anna Bradburg EVi of S WVi and SVi of SE'4 of NW'4 Sec 31 Tp 4 R2E; $2J.13. Clackamas So. Ry Co. 2.48 acres in Harrison Wright D. L. C; $1.07. J. E. J. F. and R. T. Short 21.50 acres in Harrison Wright D. L. C $1S?49. D. N. Trullinger .60 acres in Har rison Wright D. L. C; $7.10. Clackamas So. Ky Co. 1.5!) acres in James Officer D. L. C; $1.07 Fred Shafor EVi of SWVi and Lots 2-3-4 Sec 11 Tp 5 R2E; $26.95. Rosa Shafcr SE'4 of SE'4 Sec 11 Tp 5 R2E; $24.50. - Rosa Shafer NWVi of SW'4 Sec 1 Tn 5 R2E: $6.86. Fred Shafor NW'4 of SE'4 und NE Vi of SWVi Sec 12 Tp 5 U2E;$!6.51. Fred Shafer NW'4 of SE'4 and NE Vi of SW'4 Sec 12 Tp 5 R2E; $16.51 Rosa Shafor Lot 1 Sec 11 Tp 0 R2E; $4.78. Fred Shufer 7.60 acres Sec 14 Tp 5 R2E; $1.30. Ida E. Parent 6.50 acres Sec 17 Tp 5 R2E; $1.84. W. H. Cook 68 acres Sec 20 Tp R2E; $16.60. H. J. Rastall Lois 1-2 ex. pt for rd Sec 24 Tp 5 R2E; $13.02. Clarence R. McAycul SWVi of SEVi and Lots 3-4 Sue. 26 Tp 5 R2E; $23.21 1). H. Easthum 100 acres Sec 30 Tp 5 R2E $57.50. Frank L. S. llagby 160 acres Sue 33 Tp 5 1(210; $58.65. Ilurriolt llagby Sil acres Sec 33 Tp 5 R2E; $25.50. Claronco 1(. Mi'Ayeal NEVi of NE',4 Sec 35 Tp 5 1(2 E; $5.12. Frank White and W. A. Dimick NE'4 of SWVi Sec 36 Tp 5 R2E; $10.20. Vionna P. Kustall 87 acres in Clif ton Callalum I). L. C; $17.80. Harry .1. Rnstnll 316 acres in Clif ton Callahan 1). L. C; $32.50. F. M. Swift 30 acres in llonj. Jack son 1). L. C; $8.09. Mattle Wells (heirs) -15 acres In Wm. Engle 1). L. C; $11.47. Fred Shafor 6 acres in Chax. Swol gle I). L. C.; $1.30. Mabel Daty .50 acres in Chas. Swui glo D. L. ('.; $8.69. Anette M. Feriuami 50 by 209 ft. in Hugh Gordon 1). L. (!,; $18.77. M. L. Morris 31.91 acres in Joseph Wlnlield I). L. C; $16.06. W. O. VaiiKhn 111 acres in Josepn Wlnfleld D. L. C; $131.15. W. H. and A. Daugliorty SVi of NE , Vi Sec 3 Tp 6 R2E; $9.31. Virginia M. Vorhels NEVi of SV Sec 9 Tp 6 ICE; $14.03. Maggie U. Morgan N'W Vi of NWVi and SVi of NWVi Ex 1.25 "A" See 11 Tp 6 R2E; $S.03. James and Loretta M. Hill WVi of SW'4 Sec 11 Tp 6 1(2 E; $22.2S. M. H. Griffin NWVi of NE'i and of NW Vi Sec 12 Tp 6 R2E; $27.00. Susie Reinholot SEVi See 20 Tp 6 R2E; $12.75. Wm. N. Chilcote SWVi of SE'i Sec 26 Tp 6 R2E; $11.75. I Wm. N. Chilcote EVi of M'4 and NVi of SEVi Soc 26 Tp 6 R2E; $29.37. j John W, Harris Vv'Vi of NEVi Sec -2 26 Tp 6 R2E; $15.57. Clayton E. Leilwl-EVi of NWVi of Qo,. 14 Td 7 R2E: $4.70. i Edwin Nelson SWVi of NWVi Sec 28 '$4.73. Tp 1 R3E; $9.45. N. Lawrence 5 acres Sec 28 Tp 1 R3E; $3.15. Bella Hoffman Lot 1 Sec 29 Tp 1 R3E; $22.05. Joe Fisher 10 acres Sec 30 Tp 1 R3E; $10.24. Lawyers Title & Trust Co. 25 acres Sec 32 Tp 1 R3E; $27.30. Lee J. Hollenbeck 10 acres Sec 32 Tp 1 R3E; $9.45. C. Taylor 20.83 acres Sec 34 Tp 1 R3E; $19.27. L?T. Wilcox 81.22 acres Sec 34 Tp 1 1 R3E; $61.76. Cazadcro Real Estate Co. 2 acres Sec 36 Tp R3E; $2.05. J. C. William S 15 A. of SVi of SE Vi of NWVi Sec 36 Tp 1 R3E; $13.73. John Thomas (Est) 100 acres in N. W. Noble D. L. C. Sec 30 Tp 1 R3E; $273.26. - Altman & Taylor Mach. Co. jo ny 60 ft. Sec 1 Tp 2 R3E; $1.02. Grace McLcon and Benj. McGregor 1.22 acres Sec 4 Tp 2 R3E; $10.04. Lawyers Title & Trust Co. NVi of NW'4 Sec 5 Tp 2 R3E; $156.63. . P. J. and Lillie Ii. Johnson 8 acres Sec 6 Tp 2 R3E; $5.69. Mable and Clarence Miller O.oU acres Sec 9 Tp 2 R3E; $19.16. Clementine E. Hall 30 acres Sec 10 Tp 2 R3E; $21.35. D. O. and Augusta Smith 30 acres Sec 10 Tp 2 R3E; $58.56. C. O. and N. E. Davis NEVi of SW '4 Sec 13 Tp 2 R3E; $8.81. Wm. Cox 2 acres Sec 15 Tp 2 R3E; $2.45. Barney A. Gislason 5 acres Sec 15 Tp 2 RISE; $2.45. Clementine E. Hall 20 acres Sec 15 Tp 2 R3E; $10.84. J. M. Turner 51.50 acres Sec 15 Tp 2 R3E; $41.05. Fannie Kingsbury 38 acres Sec 16 Tp 2 R3E; $12.60. Fannie Kingsbury NEVi of fc'EVi Sec 17 Tp 2 R3E; $10.63. Saylor E. Smith and S. II. Covell Lois 5-6 Sec 26 Tp 2 R3E; $19.95. Elizabeth Brown 21.50 acres In the Robert Arthur D. L. C; $22.00. Lyle Howe 20.50 acres in Wm. Ar thur D. L. C; $13.97. Otto L. Ferris 18 acres in C. Rich ardson D. L. C; $36.50. D. N. Bridestinc 100.10 acres in Na thaniel Lamb D. L. C; $19.75. C. R. Ellis 19.90 acres Sec 1 Tp 3 R3E; $6.88. Jessie Dyer 54.10 acres Sec 7 Tp 3 R3E; $34.08. W. M. Stone Jr. 5 acres Sec 7 Tp 3 R3E; $2.35. B. R. Hannaford Lot 7 Sec 16 Tp 3 R3E; $18.80. Ludia S. and Grover Musgrove 91.50 acres Sec IS Tp 3 R3E; $38.02. Hazel Tooze 40 acres Sec 34 Tp 3( R3E; $28.03. Hazel Tooze 50 acres in David Cut-i ting D. L. C; $16.69. ) John C. Martin 10 acres in Mathew Richardson D. L. C; $11.75. J. H. Sevier 9 acres in Allen Mat toon D. L. C; $3.81. Louis Jermulowske 41.84 acres in W. H. Foredyce D. L. C.Vi $9.61. Rambo Brady and Frank Meeker E 18 A. of S of SW4 Sec 3 Tp 4 R 3E; $7.48. A. II. Baker and W. E. Jaberg SE'4 of SW'4 Sec 4 Tp 4 R3E; $24.22. John and Ella Carlson 98.50 acre3 Sec 5 Tp 4 1(3 E; $13.22. Alfred L. Parkhurt SWVi of SE',4 Sec 5 Tp 4 R3E; $21.35. W. G. Dwlght NE'4 of SEVi Sec 6 Tp 4 R3E; $26.11. Alfred L. Parkhurst NEVi of NVV '4 Sec 8 Tp 4 U3E; $13.2S. A. 11. Baker & W. E. Jaberg NW'4 of NE'i and NE'4 of NWVi Sec 9 Tp 1 R3E; $50.00. OrcKon Swedish Colonization Co. EVi of NE'4 Sec 24 Tp 4 R3E; $15.47. II. E. Noble NWVi of SWVi Sec 27 Tp 4 R3E; $4.10. Mary E. Hicks 82 acros Sec 29 Tp 1 R3E; $41.72. Oregon Swedish Colonization Co. 93 acres Sec 3 Tp 5 R3E; $3.32. Erick L. Asplund S'j of NE'4 of NWVi Sec 8 Tp 5 R3E; $1.47. Carl J. Renhard SE'4 of SW Vi and SV4 of SEW Soc 9 Tp 5 R3E; $10.54. Carl J. Renhard SEVi of SEy4 Soc 9 Tp 5 R3E; $2.95. Curl J. Renhard SVi of SWVi and SW'4 of SEVi Sec 10 Tp 5 R3E; $8.45. Carl J. Konhard NE'4 and EVi ol SE',4 and SWVi of SEVi Sec 15 Tp 5 IC115; $20.65. Oregon Swedish Colonization Co. WVi of WVi Soc 15 Tp 5 R3E; $11.80. Geo. P. Lenta SVi of NEVi Sec 17 Tp R3E; $11.46. Willamette Land & Development Co. SW'4 of NW',4 and NVi of SW'4 and SE',4 of SWVi WVi of WVi of SEVi Soc 17 Tp 5 1(3 E; $19.42. Oregon Swedish Colonization Co.- WVi of NE'4 and NVi of NWVi of SE Vt Soc 21) Tp 5 H3E; $12.97. Frank Piorson SEVi Sec 8 Tp 6 R3 E; $17.36. John C. Neill EVi of NEVi Sec 34 Tp 6 R3E; $13.02. ,1. R. Milligan Lot 3 Soc 4 Tp 7 R3 E; $2.61). Kenneth M. Crow Lot 4 and SWVi of NWVi Soc 4 Tp 7 1(3E; $5.37. Waller E. Morrison SEVi of NWVi Soc 4 Tp 7 K31C; $2.6!). Percy 0. Miu'Artlnir NVi of NVi Soc 26 TP 7 K3E; $29.14. llaus O. Tojig Eli of SEVi Sec 26 Tp 7 K3E; $13.28. Abe Davidson NE'4 See 28 Tp 7 R tE; $50.06. Wm. Hudson 30.S0 acros Sec 25 Tp KIE; $18.43. MuHiioimili Central Ry. Co. 2.4S aeroB Soc 26 Tp 1 RIE; $2.07. Multnomah Contra! Ky. Co. 1.4Si acros Sec 26 Tp 1 RIE; $1.37. Multnomah Central Ry. Co. 1.70 acres Soc 27 Tp 1 R IE; $3.35. C. O. Pick SE'i of NEVi Sec 29 Tp 1 K-IE; $19.0S. Cora Newell S 14 of NE'i of NEVi Soc34Tpl HIE; $13.40. J. E. Wallace S', of NVi of SWVi Sec 36 Tp 1 R4E; $21.44. Chas C. Woodcock EV4 of SEVi Sec 36 Tp RIE; $30.01. Multnomah Central Ry. Co. 2.42 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 RIE; $2.37. Multnomah Central Ry. Co. 1.52 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 RIE; $1.5S. John H. Nelson E U of NWVi of NWVi Sec 3 Tp 2 RIE; $6.63. Albln Kampfer SEVi of SE'4 Sec 6 Tp 2 RIE; $22.14. V. Ganlenliein E 20 "A" of E'A of nek 8w! 7 td 2 U4U: $0.15. M,u.y A St ruokenB vi of NW'i Ex acres Soc 8 Tp 2 R4E; $27.57. Pinch Gantonbein W 70 "A" of NVs NW4 Soc 8 Tp 2 R4E; $25.52. Chas M. Hemphill 1 -A" In NW cor. of NEVi of SEVi Sec 11 Tp 2 R4E; C. J. Miller SV of NWVi and SWVi Ex 6.06 "A" Sec 12 Tp 2 R4E; $70.61, Lelia K. Dodson 65 acres Sec 12 Tp 2 R4E; $12.20. W. R. Albertson 2 acres Sec 12 Tp 2 R4E; $2.08. C. J. Miller 33.94 acres Sec 13 Tp 2 R4E; $11.89. J. J. Judd 45.30 acres Sec 19 Tp R4E; $22.32. Will Senske 17 acres Sec 26 Tp R4E; $5.76. Howard and Eleanor Latourette EV2 of EV of SEVi of SEVi Sec 27 Tp 2 R4E; $4.35. Gerald. Roy and Guy Wilcox 76 acres Sec 28 Tp 2 R4E; $27.45. G. A. Benedict 10 acres Sec 33 Tp 2 R4E; $3.69. Mary I. Preston 1 acre in Phillip Foster D. L. C; $5.12. F. M. Blaisdale 23.83 acres in Phil lip Foster D. L. C; $26.86. A. C. Mowry and East Side 'Mill & Lumber Co. 15 acres Sec 5 Tp 3 R4E; $5.07. Chas A. and A. A. Bow NV of NE Vi and .06 acres Sec 10 Tp 3 R4E; $28.97. C. A. Rath N'lj! of SEVi Sec 14 Tp 3 RIE; $6.05. John E. Livingston 1.17 acres Sec 21 Tp-3 R4E; $4.19. P. T. Davis 10 acres Sec 21 Tp 3 R4E; $5.03. John T. Wills 15 acres Sec 21 Tp 3 R4E; $5.02. Mary A. Wiles 5 acres Sec 21 Tp 3 R4E; $1.67. R. E. Davis SWVi of SW'i Sec 2 Tp 3 R4E; $13.39. S. W. Harris 40.53 acres Sec 28 Tp 3 R4E; $23.78. Fae Z. Zunseth 1 acre Sec 28 Tp R4E; $3.05. Oliver S and Addie M. Mathews 38 acros Sec 28 Tp 3 R4E; $10.30. Oliver S. Mathews 14.43 acres Sec 28 Tp 3 R4E; $3.68. E. C. Hunt 27.39 acres Sec 29 Tp 3 R4E; $25.39. Max Von Newman i acres Sec 29 Tp 3 R4E; $3.05. . A. D. and Caroline Schmidt NW Vi of NWVi and lot 7 Sec 32 Tp 3 R4E $18.36. R. H. Monckton Lot 4 See 32 Tp 3 R4E; $5.94. - Wm. N. Glen 119.16 acres Sec 34 Tp 3 R4E; $50.25. Rey S. Stryker 10 acres Sec 35 Tp 3 R4E; $3.94. J. D. Neilan and Herbert G. Crocker W!4 of SWVi of SW'4 Sec 35 Tp R4E; $4.41. L. H. Burd 10 acres Sec 36 Tp 3 IE; $9.93. Wm. M. Dennis 23 acres Sec 36 Tp 3 RIE; $8.67. John C. Dennis 35 acres Sec 36 Tp 3 RIE; $17.33. Chas. C. and Charlotte Palmer 17 acres Sec 36 Tp 3 R4E; $7.09. A. D. Schmidt 113.38 acres in Moses Folsom D. L. C; $120.96. Eleanor M. Boone 2.52 acres In Franklin Pierce D. L. C; $3.35. Win. and Mary F. Delap 13.50 acres in G. W. Palmateer D. L. C; $4.18. Thos and Esther MacCorkindale 17.22 acres In Thomas Lee D. L. C $11.46. Henry A. Githens 41.75 acres in B. Childs D. L. C; $29.25. Alton Rogers 10 acres Sec 2 Tp R4E; $2.67. John W. Endicott 5 acres Sec 2 Tp 4 RIE; $1.57. J. D. GoMon Lot 1 Sec 11 Tp 4 R4 E; $5.00. Edward L and Rhoda Reed S of NWVi Ex 5 acres Sec 14 Tp 4 R4E $36.25. W. N. Jones Lots 1 to 7 Sec 16 Tp 4 R4E; $64.16. W. A. Jones 20 acres Sec 20 Tp R4E;$2.81. A. and Ebollne Jensen NWVi of SE Vi Sec 22 Tp 4 R4E; $5.63. Marius Pedorson NEVI of SEVi Sec 22 TP 4 R4E; $4.07. Alice M. Pederson S of NEVi Sec 22 Tp 4 R4E; $15.63. A. McNaniara WVfc of NWVi Sec 31 Tp'4 RIE; $10.13. T. H. Brinkley W',i of NE'4 of SW ft Sec 32 Tp 4 R4E; $2.25. Elizabeth S. Searles SEVi of NE'4 of SW', Sec 32 Tp 4 R4E; $1.13. Robert J. Snow EV4 of SEVi of SW Vi Soc 32 Tp 4 RIE; $2.25. II. I). Northrup EV4 Sec 35 Tp 4 R 4E; $32.00. H. D. Northrup V Sec 36 Tp RIE; $3-1.38. Addio Kimble NU of SEVi of SEVi Sec 36 Tp 4 RIE; $2.19. Martin II. and Elizabeth Maher 126.74 acres in E. B. Lewellen D. L C; $112.86. A. E. Lewellen 21.50 acros in E. n. Lewellen D. L. C; $24.84. J. O. Gordon 79.80 acres In Wm Stricklln D. L. C; $18.48. W. Edwin and Rachael Young 105 acres In Josiah Garlets 1). L. C; $35.00 .1. O. Elrod SEVi Sec 2 Tp 5 R4E $30.92. Jiiuun ju. joy s 'i Sec 4 Tp 5 R4 E; $6.36. E. F. LeBoid SV4 of SE'i and SEVi oi b Vi ana lots 7-6 Tp 5 RIE; $17.11 Nma Joy N'A of NVi Sec 10 Tp 5 mis; $1.1)1). Allen It. Joy S'4 of N'i Sec, 10 Tp o it I w; fs.jo. Molvina Scott NWVi Soc 34 Tp 5 mi';; ifii.iu. Alva J. Scott N'i of NE'4 and SE Vi or NE'4 and NE'4 of SEVi Sec 34 Tp 5 RIE; $14.16. Hugh Johnson SE'i of SW'4 and & '1. oi skv4 and NE'4 of SEVi See 10 TP 6 RIE; $22.67. ftlartliena Gosslin NE'4 of SWVi see lu Tp 6 RIE; $5.13. i.om iiannnook & Flynet Co. NVi sec Tp t. JM1C; $58.29. Northwest Auto Co. SE'4 of SWVi and SWVi of SEVi See 32 Tp 6 R4E $2.S5, James P. Graham WVi of SE'4 and fcV)j or SW V4 Sec 6 Tp 7 RIE: $9.1i Lemuel H. Wells EVi of NWVi and swvi ot Nn Vi and NW'i of SWVi Soc 13 Tp 7 R4E; $63.55. W. O. Walter NVi Sec 16 Tp 7 Rt E; $18.24. Morritz Uhlich 40 acres Soc 16 Td 7 It IE; $3.42. Wm. T. Root N 14 of NE'j Sop "S Tp 1 R5E; $14.79. Wm. E. Bradford 6 acres Sec 28 Tp 1 R5E; $1.15. Win. and Fannie Herbert 5 acres Soc 28 Tp 1 R5E; $1.02. Don R. Stoddard SW'i of NWVi Sec 28 Tp 1 R5E; $10.S4. A. C. Park SEVi of SE'i Sec 30 Tp 1 R5E; $8.29. C. C. Woodcock SE'4 of SWVi and lots 2-3 and 4 Ex 5.48 acres Sec 31 Tp 1 R5E; $44.83. G. B. Raymond 2 acres See 6 Tp 2 R5E; $1.10. . Alphonso and Randolph C. Shipley 60 acres Sec 9 Tp 2 R5E; $20.33. Geo. Hoffman NVi of SEVi Sec 10 Tp 2 R5E; $39.60. Geo. W. Fisher SVi of NVi Sec 12 Tp 2 R5E; $10.12. A. H. Olmstead EVi of SEVi of.SE V4 Sec 14 Tp 2 R5E; $4.58. Wm. Kletzer 30 acres Sec 14 Tp 2 R5E; $5.52. Geo. L. Barrett 8.71 acres Sec 14 Tp 2 R5E; $1.26. Alphonso and Randolph C. Shipley NVi of NWVi Sec 16 Tp 2 R5E; $42.63. E. F. and Lena Cannon EVi of SW Vi of SWVi Sec 16 Tp 2 R5E; $10.89. Arlie, John and Albert Mitchell 20.50 acres Sec 17 Tp 2 R5E; $4.90. Arlio, John and Albert Mitchell S'a of SEVi of NE'4 and NVi of NEVi of SEVi Sec 17 Tp 2 R5E; $15.77. Michael McCormick S',i of NWVi and NVi of SWVi Sec 17 Tp 2 R5E; $83.08. R. V. Sluman and -W. R. Harris 24.63 acres Sec 18 Tp 2 R5E; $8.28. C. F. Waldo and Ivan Humanson EVi of NEVi Sec 20 Tp 2 R5E; $51.25. John and Nick Canderhoff EVi of NEVi Sec 24 Tp 2 R5E; $13.24. Louise E. Hamilton 9.50 acres Sec 25 Tp 2 R5E; $3.05. John R. Maroney 15 acres Sec 29 Tp 2 R5E; $4.34. Garfield J. Smith WVi of SWVi of SEVi. Sec 29 Tp 2 R5E; $9.57. Jacob and Emma Cornog 29.15 acres Sec 30 Tp 2 R5E; $16.62. Truman Howe SWVi of NE'4 and S'2 of NWVi of NEVi Sec 32 Tp 2 R5 E; $16.83. Emma Cornog 9.75 acres Sec 32 Tp 2 R5E; $2.96. Edna A. Prescott SWVi of SEVi Sec 35 Tp 2 R5E; $7.98. Geo. P. Lent EVi of SEVi Sec 36 Tp 2 R5E; $19.52: Portland Trust Co., Tr. EVi of SW Vi and SWVi of SWVi Sec 4 Tp 3 R5E; $34.50. Detchen Garver and Martha Reyn olds SVi of NWVi Sec 4 Tp 3 R5E; $41.74. Wm. S. Turner NWV4 of SWVi Sec 4 Tp 3 R5E; $8.62. Frank H. Spears SW'4 of SEVi of NWVi Sec 6 Tp 3 R5E; $5.18. Mt. Hood Land Co. WVi of SWVi of NEVi Sec 6 Tp 3 R5E; $10.18. A. S. Schminky WVi of NEVi of NWVi Sec 8 Tp 3 R5E; $8.28. Harry A. Eilers SWVi of SWVi Sec 8 Tp 3 R5E; $11.04. Grace Syme Buell SEVi of NEVi Sec 10 Tp 3 R5E; $3.80. Edward P. Knepper SE'i Sec 14 Tp 3 R5E; $23.65. R. B. Hannaford NVi of SWVi and SWVi of SWVi Sec 16 Tp 3 R5E; $21.94. Edward L. McCabe SWVi of SEVi and SEVi of SWVi Sec 17 Tp 3 R5E; $27.08. Eastern Inv. Co. WVi of EV& of SE Vi and W'2 of SEVi Sec 22 Tp 3 R5E; $19.67. Francis Peshall NE'4 Sec 34 Tp 3 R5E; $16.48. Sherman Geis 20 acres Sec 26 Tp 3 R5E; $6.05. M. T. Hyldelune 10 acres Sec 26 Tp 3 R5E; $3.02. Thos. A. Leonard 15 acres Sec 20 Tp 3 R5E; $4.54. Curt L. and Wilhelmina Van San den WV4 of WVi of SWVi of NWVi Sec 26 Tp 3 R5E; $3.02. C. E. and Helena Tatro WVi of W Vi of SWVi of NWVi Sec 26 Tp 3 R5E; $3.02. Elwood and Hattie Hansen W of EVi of SWVi of NWVi and EVi of WVi of SWVi of NWVi Sec 26 Tp 3 R5E; $6.05. A. L. and S. L. McKonzie and Geo. Quigble 35 acres Sec 26 Tp 3 R5E; $10.58. John L. Wigle NWV4 of SWVi Sec 26 Tp 3 R5E; $13.10. F. M. Gill SVi of SVi Sec 28 Tp 3 R5E; $33.50. Herbert Fisher WVi of NWVi and NWU of SWVi Sec 34 Tp 3 R5E $29.92. A. C. Mowrey and East Side Lum ber Co. SVi of SWVi Sec 34 Tp 3 R5 E; $12.80. Harry A. and Minnio La Barre 20 acres Soc 2 Tp 4 R5E; $2.85. Wm. W. Cook SEVi of SE'i of SW Vi Sec 2 Tp 4 R5E; $1.42. A. C. Mowrey N 10 "A" of NEVi of SEVi Sec 3 Tp 4 R5E; $1.43. Ella Koyce 10 acres Sec 4 Tp 4 R 5E; $1.68. Sara A. Spackman NE'i Sec 6 Tp 4 R5E; $18.59. John J. Honobon NW'Vi Sec 6 Tp 4 R5E; $23.61. G. F. Sperow NE'4 Sec 10 Tp 4 R5E; $27.84. F. L. Ileylman NE'4 of NWVi Soo 11 Tp 4 R5E; $5.70. Mrs. Mae E. Maygar SW'4 Sec 14 Tp 4 R5E; $29.87. F. E. Reiner NEVi of NEVi of NVV Vi Sec 30 Tp 4 R5E; $2.S2. Henry E. Noble SE'4 of SEVi Sec 6 Tp 2 ROE; $7.20. C. W. Hadden NWVi of NEVi of SEVi and NEVi of NVy4 of SE',4 Sec 14 Tp 2 R6E; $2.70. Wm. L. Borthwick WVi of NEVi and SEVi of NW'4 and NEVi of SWVi Soc 14 Tp 2 ROE; $25.31. J. W. and M. A. Strucken S 30 "A" of NE'4 of SWVi Sec 19 Tp 2 RGE; $S.84. Francis and Wm. A. Stone SVi of SWVi and NWVi of SWVi Ex Nly 0 acres Sec 22 Tp 2 RGE; $24.79. Chas A. Kins SWVi of SEVi and SEVi of SW'4 and 15 acres Sec 23 Tp R6E; $12.95. Chas A. King 210 acres Sec 26 Tp R6E; $66.60. Wm. A. Beohill SEVi Sec 28 Tp 2 ROE; $18.13. Martha Lehnfield SVi of NEVi Sec 30 Tp 2 R6E; $9.99. Goo. W. Tabler SEVi of NWVi Sec 2 Tp 2 R6E; $7.62. Clair F. Corey SWVi of SWVi Sec Tp 3 R6E; $1.24. Clark W. Corey SWVi of SEVi and EVi of SWVi Sec 5 Tp 3 RGE; $25.11. Clair F. Corey NWVi of NWVi Sec Tp 3 RGE; $34.41. R. W. and W. F. Carey Vi int. in SE Vi of NE'i Sec 25 Tp 6 R6E; $3.10. E. C. Hune 'i int. in SEVi of NE Sec 25 Tp 6 RGE; $3.10. H. E. Noble SW'4 Ses 21 Tp 2 R E; $18.00. Carrie E. Dufer WVi Sec 22 Tp 2 7E; $22.50. W.Tt. McGarry EVi of EVi Ex .25 acres Sec 22 Tp 2 R7E; $14.06. George Weston NWVi of NEVi Sec 6 Tp 2 R7E; $6.41. Carrie E. Dufer NWVi Sec 27 Tp 2 R7E; $23.96. ! Tt i n atri o 09 Tp 2 R7E; $5.06. Mrs. P. R. Crutchor NW'4 of SEVi and SVi "of SEVi Sec 29 Tp 2 R7E; $3.75. Mrs. P. R. Crutcher SWVi of SWVi Sec 28 Tp 2R7E; $1.35. Wm. L. Borthwick SWVi of SWVi Sec 29 Tp 2 R7E; $4.G2. wm. Li. uorinwicK NVt ot vvy4 Sec 29 Tp 2 R7E; $10.62. Portland Trust Co. 40 acres Sec 30 Tp 2 R7E; $6.26. Wm. L. Borthwick 26.50 acres Sec 32 Tp 2 R7E; $4.20. Austin and Iva Olmstead 2.50 acres Sec 33 Tp 2 R7E; $1.13. Julia Kessler 36 acres Sec 33 Tp 2 R7E; $5.36. Mrs. Nellie Tolman WVi of EVi of NWVi of SEV4 Sec. 33 Tp 2 R7E; $2.25, Chas. P. and James Church 8 acres Sec 34 Tp 2 R7E; $1.68. P. R. Crutcher Lot 1 Sec 5 Tp 3 R7E; $2.89. Mt. Hood Hotel Co. 134.6G acres Sec 5 Tp 3 R7E; $93.76. John L. Bowman 2 acres Sec 5 Tp 2 R7E; $1.05. F. O. Northrup 1 acre Sec 8 Tp 3 R7E; $4.81. H. E. Davis 50 by 260 ft Sec 9 Tp 3 R7E $1.05. R. W. and W. F. Cary and E. C. Hunt SVi of NWVi and SWVi of NEVi and lot 2 Sec 30 Tp 6 R7E; $15.50. Elijah Coleman 81.70 acres Sec 23 Tp 3 R8ViE; $12.50. Portland Eugene & Eastern Ry. Co. 3.23 acres Sec 13 Tp 2 RIE $9.70. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAIL ROAD LAND CO. NWVi of NEVi Sec 13 Tp 4 R1E; $8.60. EVi of WVi and SWy4 of NWVi and NWVi of SWVi Sec 13 Tp 6 RIE; $149.36. Lot 4 Sec 35 Tp 1 R2E; $1.85. , Lots 1-2 Sec 3 Tp 3 R2E; $6.90. SEVi of SEVi Sec 11 Tp 3 R2E; $30.75. SEVi of NWVi and E of SWVi Sec 3 Tp 4 R2E; $44.20. NW'4 of SWVi Sec 5 Tp 4 R2E; $19.24. SEVi of NEVi and Ey2 of SWVi and NEVi of SEVi Sec 11 Tp 4 R2E; $59.18 NWVi of SEVi Sec 13 Tp 4 R2E; $20.40. SW'4 of NEVi and NVi of SEVi and SEVi of SEVi Sec 15 Tp 4 R2E; $96.60. NE'4 of NWVi Sec 21 Tp 4 R2E; $27.03. SWVi of NWVi Sec 23 Tp 4 R2E; $21.04. ' Lots 1-2 Sec 3 Tp 5 R2E; $12.25. Lot 2 Sec 5 Tp 5 R2E; $1.47. SVi of NEVi and lot 2 Sec 13 Tp 6 R2E; $42.66. EVi of NE'4 and NE'4 of SE Vi and lot 2 Sec 25 Tp 5 R2E; $32.89. SVi of NEVi and E of WVi and SEVi Sec 35 Tp 5 R2E; $133.13. NE'4 and NVi of NWVi and SEVi of NW'4 and SEVi and NEVi of SE'4 and SVi of SEVi Sec 1 Tp 6 R2E $S8.84. NW'4 of NEVi and SVi of NEVi and NWVi and EVi of SWVi and SEVi Sec 5 Tp 6 R2E; $205.78. NVi and SWVi of SWVi and NWVi of SE'4 and SVi of SE'4 Soc 7 Tp 6 R2E; $136.05. SWVi of NE'4 and NW'4 and NW'4 of SEVi Sec 9 Tp 6 R2E; $79.36. SWVi of NEVi Sec 11 Tp 6 R2E; $5.40. EVi of NEVi and SWVi of NWVi and SW'4 and WVi of SE'4 Sec 13 Tp 6 R2E; $44.40. NVi of NEVi and SWVi of NEVi and NW'4 Sec 15 Tp 6 R2E; $59.14. NWVi of NEVi and SVi of NEVi and NVi of NW'4 Sec 17 Tp 6 R2E; $29.70. NWVi of NEVi and EVi of NW'4 and NE'4 of SWVi and NWVi of SEVi and SEVi of SE'4 and lots 3 and 4 Sec 19 Tp 6 R2E; $112.84. WVi of NWVi Sec 21 Tp 6 R2E; $33.78. SVi of NWVi Sec 23 Tp 6 R2E; $13.75. WVi of NW'4 of SEVi and SVi of SEVi Sec 25 Tp 6 R2E; $123.85. SWVi of NEVi and NEVi of NWVi and S of NWVi Sec 27 Tp 6 R2E; $18.80. NEVi and NVi of NWVi and SE'4 of NWVi and NVi of SEVi and SE'4 of SEV4 Sec 29 Tp 6 R2E; $165.37. NVi of SEV4 Sec 33 Tp 6 R2E; $210.70. NVi of SWVi and NWVi of SEVi and SVi of SE'4 Sec 35 tp 6 R2E; $80.02. All of Sec 1 Tp 7 R2E; $366.13. SVi of NEVi and SEVi of NW'4 and E' of SW'4 and SEVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 3 Tp 7 R2E; $154.75. S'4 of NEVi and NEVi of SE'4 and lots 1-2 Sec 5 Tp 7 R2E; $77.00. SEVi of NEVi and EVi of SEVi Sec 9 Tp 7 R2E; $59.81. NVi and SWVi and EVi of SEVi Sec 11 Tp 7 R2E; $116.56. All Sec 13 Tp 7 R2E; $75.20. EVi and EVi of WVi and NW'4 of NWVi Sec 15 Tp 7 R2E; $61.10. All Sec 23 Tp 7 R2E; $75.20. N'i and NVi of SWVi and SEVi of SWVi and SEVi Sec 25 Tp 7 R2E; $215.97. NEVi of NEVi Sec 29 Tp 1 R3E; $25.20. Lots $5.67. 6 and 8 Sec 23 Tp 2 R3E; Lots 3 and 11 Sec 1 Tp 3 R3E; $3S.83. SWVi of NE'4 and NWVi of SW'4 and lot 2 Sec 7 Tp 3 R3E; $63.60. Lot 5 Sec 13 Tp 3 R3E; $20.91. Lots 1-2-3-6-7 and 8 Sec 15 Tp 3 R3E; $45.69. NWVi of NEVi and NEVi of NWVi Sec 19 Tp 3 R2E; $75.01. Lots 3-4-5-6-7-8 Sec 25 Tp 3 R3E; $43.01. SEVi of NEVi and SWVi of SEVi and lots 1-2-3 Sec 27 Tp 3 R3E; $S3.56. SEVi of SWVi and WVi of SE'4 and lot 4 Sec 29 Tp 3 R3E; $70.99. NWVi Sec 33 Tp 3 R3E; $159.30. NVi Sec 35 Tp 3 R3E; $355.18. SVi of NEVi and NWVi and NVi of j SWVi and SEVi and lots 1-2 Sec 1 Tp 4 R3E; $474.27. - SWVi of SE4 Sec 3 Tp 4 R3E; $24.08. EVi of NWVi and NWVi ot SWVi and SVi of SWVi Sec 5 Tp 4 R3E; $121.83. SWVi of NEVi Sec 9 Tp 4 R3E $35.34. NEVi of NWVi and SVi of NWV4 and SWVi Sec 13 Tp 4 R3E; $157.01. SWVi of SWVi Sec 19 Tp 4 R3E; $22.95. EVi of NEVi and SWVi of NWVi and NVi of SWVi Sec 21 Tp 4 R3E; $103.42. NW'4 of NWVi and SVi of NW'4 and SWVi Sec 23 Tp 4 R3E; $14S.01. NWVi of NEVi and SVi of NVi Sec 23 Tp 4 R3E; $33.30. NVi of NEVi and SWVi of NEVi and NEVi of SWVi and SVi of SWVi and NWVi of SEVi Sec 27 Tp 4 R3E; $S1.28. NE'4 of NEVi and SVi of NE'4 Sec 29 Tp 4 R3E; $24.60. ' SVi of NEVi and SE'4 Sec 31 Tp 4 R3E; $109.35. NVi of NVi and NWVi of SWVi 3ec 33 Tp 4 R3E; $88.38. SVi and NE'4 and EVi of SEVi Sec 1 Tp 5 R3E; $21.20. SWVi of NWVi and NWVi of SW'4 and SVi of SW'4 Sec 5 Tp 5 R3E; $41.30. NEVi of NEVi and SEVi of NWVi and NEVi of SWVi and NVi of SEVi and SEVi of SE'4 and lot 3 Sec 7 Tp 5 R3E; $96.32. EVi and EVi of WVi Sec 11 Tp 5 R3E; $70.80. N and NWVi of SWVi and SVi of SWVi and SEVi Sec 13 Tp 5 R3E $113.57. NVi of NWVi Sec 17 Tp 5 R3E; $28.03. NE'4 and EVi of NW'4 Sec 21 Tp R3E; $31.25. NVi and EVi of SW'4 and SEVi Sec 23 Tp 5 R3E; $79.00. . Lot 1 Sec 31 Tp 5 R3E; $16.06. NEVi of NEVi Sec 7 Tp 6 R3E; $12.92. SVi olNWVi and NVi of SWVi Sec 17 Tp 6 R3E; $15.84. E'2 of NEVi Sec 19 Tp 6 R3E; $7.92, SVi of NVi and SW'4 and NVi of SEVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 1 Tp 7 R3E; $35.91. All Sec 3 Tp 7 R3E; $10.83. All Sec 5 Tp 7 R3E; $59.34. SWVi of NEVi and EVi of WVi and in wvi or suvi ana SVi of SEVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 7 Tp 7 R3E; $34.08. All Sec 9 Tp 7 R3E; $41.28. NVi and SWVi and NWy4 of SEVi Sec 11 Tp 7 R3E; $33.54. All Sec 13 Tp 7 R3E; $42.12. NE'4 and SVi of SWVi of SWVi of SEVi Sec 15 Tp 7 R3E; $18.74. NVi of NEVi and SWVi of NWVi and SWVi and SVi of SE'4 Sec 17 Tp 7 R3E; $29.95. All Sec 19 Tp 7 R3E; $66.03. All Sec 21 Tp 7 R3E; $45.12. All Sec 23 Tp 7 R3E; $45.12. All Sec 25 Tp 7 R3E; $52.53. N Sec 27 Tp 7 R3E; $47.83. NWVi of NEVi and S'2 of NE'4 and NE'4 of NWy4 Sec 25 Tp 1 R4E; $56.97. WVi of NE'4 and NE'4 of NWVi and EVi of SWVi Sec 1 Tp 2 R4E; $72.27. Lot 4 Sec 19 Tp 2 R4E; $4.90. SVi of NEVi and SVi of S'2 Sec 25 Tp 2 R4E; $89.30. SW'4 of NWVi Sec 29 Tp 2 R4E; $16.40. NV4 of NEVi and WVi and NWVi of SEVi and SVi of SE Vi Sec 35 Tp 2 R4E; $324.06. SVi of SVi Sec 1 Tp 3 R4E; $99.02. EVi and EVi of WVi and NWVi of NWVi and SWVi of SWVi Sec 11 Tp 3 R4E; $392.10. NVi of NVi and SEVi of NEVi and SEVi of NWVi Sec 13 Tp 3 R4E; $119.70. SE'4 Sec 25 Tp 3 R4E; $53.G0. SEVi of SEVi Sec 29 Tp 3 R4E; $18.30. NW'4 of NW'4 and lot 5 Sec 31 Tp 3 R4E; $40.24. Lot 1 Sec 33 Tp 3 R4E; $6.10. NWVi of SWVi and SVi of SWVi Soc 1 Tp 4 R4E; $40.64. . NW'i of NEVi and EVi of NWVi and lot 1 Sec 7 Tp 4 R4E; $72.27. SEVi of SE'4 and lots' 7-8-9-10-11 Sec 9 Tp 4 R4E; $71.46. SWV4 of NE'4 Sec 11 Tp 4 R4E; $8.96. EVi Sec 13 Tp 4 R4E; $82.25. SVi of NE'4 and SEVi of SW'4 Ex 2 "A," and lot 4 Sec 15 Tp 4 R4E; $87.00. SWVi of NWVi and NVi of SW'4 and SEVi of SWVi and SVi of SEVi and lots 1-4-5-7-8 Sec 17 Tp 4 R4E; $119.51 SWVi and SWVi of SE'4 Sec 21 Tp 4 H4E; $47.78. NWVi of NE'4 and EVi of SW'4 and NE'4 of SEy4 and SVi of SEVi Sec 23 Tp 4 R4E; $68.00. All Sec 25 Tp 4 R4E; $140.50. All Sec 27 Tp 4 R4E; $128.00. SWVi of NEVi and NE'4 of NWVi and NEVi of SW'4 and NVi of SE'4 SWVi of SE'4 Sec 29 Tp 4 R4E; $88.87. NE'4 of NEVi and NEVi of NW'4 and SVi of SWVi and EVi of SE'4 Sec 31 Tp 4R4E; $48.72. All Sec 33 Tp 4 R4E; $115.20. WVi Sec 35 Tp 4 R4E; $40.00. All Sec 1 Tp 5 R4E; $70.86. All Sec 3 Tp 5 R4E; $92.48. All Sec 5 Tp 5 R4E; $52.00. All Sec 7 Tp 5 R4E; $80.69. All Sec 9 Tp 5 R4E; $55.65. All Sec 11 Tp 5 R4E; $625.10. All Sec 13 Tp 5 R4E; $1144.31. SWVi of NEVi and SVi of NW'i and SWVi and NWVi and SEVi and lots 2-3-4-5-6-7 Sec 15 Tp 5 R4E; $971.14. All Sec 17 Tp 5 R4E; $389.11. All Sec 19 Tp 5R4E; $56.79. NVi Sec 21 Tp 5 R4E; $637.20. All Sec 23 Tp 5 R4E; $9G2.SS. All Sec 25 Tp 5 R4E; $460.34. .SVi and lot 1 to 12 inc. Sec 1 Tn 6 R4E; $64.13. SVi and lots 1 to 12 Inc. Sec 3 Tp 6 R4E; $64.13. All Sec 9 Tp 6R4E; $54.72. All Sec 11 Tp 6 R4E; $54.72. SVi Sec 33 Tp 6 R4E; $40.18. SVi of NVi and SWy4 and NWVi of SWVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 5 Tp 7 RiE $36.4S. SVi of NE'4 and SE'4 of NWVi and EVi of SW'4 and SEVi and lots 2-3-4 Sec 7 Tp 7R4E; $45,60. All Sec 9 Tp 7 R4E; $54.72. NVi ana NVi of SVi Sec 13, Tp 7 it in; ; U4. All Sec 17 Tp 7 R4E; $54.72. All Sec 19 Tp 7 R4E; $61.14. NVi and WVi of SWVi Sec 21 Tn 7 R4E; $34.20. NVi and SW'4 Sec 29 Tp 7 R4E; $39.77. EVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 7 Tp 8 R4E; $417.13. NVi of NEVi and NWVi Sec 28 Tp 1 R5E; $43.20. NWVi of NE4 and NE'4 of NWVi and SWVi of SW'4 Sec 29 Tp 1 R5E; SVi of swy4 Sec 33 Tp 1 R5E; -s.si. SVi of NEVi and SVi Sec 35 Tp 1 tiots; ?ub.U4. NEVi and SE'4 of SWVi and NEVi of SEVi and S'i of SEVi Sec 1 Tp 2 Lot 5 Sec 7 Tp 2 R5E; $7.41. NEVi and EVi of SEVi Sec 13 Tp 2 K;E; $33.20. NEVi and NVi of NWVi and SWVi of NWVi and NWVi of SWVi NWVi of SEVi and SVi of SEVi Sec 15 Tp 2 R5E; $68.20. SWVi of NE'4 and EVi of NWVi Sec 19 Tp 2 R5E; $SS 20. NWVi of NWVi and NVi of NWVi and SWVi of NWVi Sec 23 Tp 2 R5E; $52.40. NVi of NEVi and SVi of SWVi and SEVi of SEVi Sec 27 Tp 2 R5E; $57.00. NWVi of NWVi and SVi of NWVi Sen 31 Tp 2 R5E; $34.46. NVi of NW'4 and SE'4 of NWVi and SEVi Sec 33 Tp 2 R5E; $100.80. All Sec 1 Tp 3 R5E; $427.07. All Sec 3 Tp 3 R5E; $124.16. SEVi of NW'4 and SVi Sec 7 Tp 3 R5E; $76.25. E'a and SVi of NW'4 and N'i of SW Vi Sec 9 Tp 3 R5E; $82.80. All Sec 11 Tp 3 R5E; $373.92. All Sec 13 Tp 3 R5E; $770.07. NE'4 of NEVi and SVi of NEVi and NVi of SWVi and SEVi Sec 15 Tp 3 R5E; $63.53. NVi of NEVi and SE'4 of SEVi Sec 17 Tp 3 R5E; $19.50. NWVi of SWVi and S of SWVi and SWVi of SEVi Sec 19 Tp 3 R5E; $21.95. NE'4 of NEVi and WVi of E'2 and SE'4 of NWVi and NE'4 of SW'4 and SWVi of SWVi of SEVi Soc 21 Tp 3 R5E; $51.30. EVi and EVi of WVi and NWVi of NWVi and SWVi of SWVi Sec 23 Tp 3 R5E; $79.80. All Sec 25 Tp 3 R5E; $13(5.60. All Sec 27 Tp 3 R5E; $131.81. S of and NW'4 of NW'4 and NVi of SWVi and SEVi of SWVi and S Vi of SEVi Sec 29 Tp 3 R5E; $58.00. N' of NWVi and SWVi of NWVi and SW'4 of SWVi and SVi of SEVi Sec 31 Tp 3 R5E; $42.21. NVi and NVi of SWVi and SEVi Sec 33 Tp 3 R5E; $93.80. All Sec 35 Tp 3R5E; $708.23. A'l Sec 1 Tp 4 R5E; $91.20. SVi of NE'4 and NVi of SW'4 and SWVi of SWVi and NWVi- of SEVi and lots 1-2-3 Sec 3 Tp 4 R5E; $69.54. SE'4 of NEVi and SEVi of NWVi and S',i of SVi and lots 1-2 Sec 5 Tp 4 R5E; $53.93. . All Sec 7 Tp 4 R5E; $113.90. All Sec 9 Tp 4 R5E; $85.76. WVi of NEVi and WVi of NW'4 and SEVi' of NWVi and Sy. Soc 11 Tp 4 R5E; $59.28. .AH Sec 13 Tp 4 R5E; $68.97. All Soc 16 Tp 4 R5E; $121.41. All Sec 17 Tp 4 R5E; $275.37. All Soc 19 Tp 4 R5E; $156.00. All Soc 21 Tp 4 R5E; $766.48. All Sec 23 Tp 4 R5E; $478.23. NE'i Sec 27 Tp 4 R5E; $208.62. SVi of NVi and NW'4 of NWVi Sec 29 Tp 4 R5E; $65.81. All Sec 31 Tp 4 R5E; $71.50. NEVi and NVi of SEVi and lots 3-4 Sec 35 Tp 4 R5E; $377.48. All Sec 29 Tp 1 ROE; $75.71. All Sec 31 Tp 1 R6E; $161.10. SWVi Sec 33 Tp 1 R6E; $129.26. All Sec 1 Tp 2 R6E; $239.51. All Sec 3 Tp 2 R6E; $725.40. All Sec 5 Tp 2 ROE; $135.90. EVi and EVi of NWVi and NE'4 of SWVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 7 Tp 2 ROE; $67.16. All Sec 9 Tp 2 R6E; $72.00. . All Sec 11 Tp 2 ROE; $475.87. All See 13 Tp 2 R6E; $158.29. All Sec 15 Tp 2 RGE; $S4.4S. NVi and EVi of SWVi and SE'4 Sec 17 Tp 2 RGE; $81.34. SVi of NEVi and SE'4 of NW'4 and NVi of SEVi and lots 2 and 3 Sec 19 Tp 2 R6E; $37.62. SVi of NEVi and SVi of SWVi and SEVi Sec 21 Tp 2 R6E; $60.71. NVi and NVi of SVi and SW'4 of SW Vi Sec' 23 Tp 2 ROE; $104.96. NVi of NEVi and SWVi and SEVi of SEVi and SVi of SE'4 Sec 25 Tp 2 R6 E; $124.32. All Sec 27 Tp 2 RGE; $160.86. Ail Sec 29 Tp 2 ROE; $123.49. All Sec 31 Tp 2 R6E; $97.60. All Sec 33 Tp 2 ROE; $59.20. All Sec 35 Tp 2 RGE; $81.68. SVi of NVi and SWVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 1 Tp 4 R6E; $41.04. All Sec 3 Tp 4 R6E; $54.72. All Sec B Tp 4 R6E; $54.72. . All Sec 7 Tp 4 R6E; $54.72. All Sec 9 Tp 4 R6E; $54.72. All Sec 11 Tp 4 RGE: $59.85. W Sec 13 Tp 4 RGE; $27.36. All Sec 15 Tp 4 R6E; $54.72. All Sec 17 Tp 4 RGE; $54.72. All Sec 19 Tp 4 RGE; $66.12. All Sec 21 Tp 4 R6E; $110.30. EVi of NEVi and lots 1-2 Sec 23 Tp 4 R6E; $16.81. NWVi Sec 27 Tp 4 R6H; $13.68. All See 29 Tp 4 RGE; $424.51. NE'4 of SWVi and NVi of SEV4 and lots 3-4-5-6-7 Sec 31 Tp 4 R6E; $44.32. NWVi and NVi of SWVi and lots 1-2 Sec 33 Tp 4 R6E; $25.93. All SeC 7 Tp 2 R7E;. $392.40. All Sec 19 Tp 2 R7E; $76.50. All Sec 31 Tp 2 R7E; $213.76. EVi of WVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 7 Tp 3 R7E; $28.85. EVi of WVi and lots 1-2-3-4 Sec 19 Tp 3 R7E; $27.64. NE'4 of SWVi Sec 19 Tp 3 R1W; $16.40. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. LANDS UNDER CONTRACT. A. Blanehard NWU of SEVi Sec 19 Tp 3 R1W; $23.06. L. Kummer NEVi of SWVi Sec 11 Tp 4 RIE; $12.30. "John Feely NWVi of NWVi Sec 13 Tp 6 RIE; $7.14. Charles Walters N'W '4 ' of SWVi Sec 1 Tp 3 R2E; $16.09. Wm. M. Morris NE'4 of NE'4 and NW'4 of NEVi Sec 11 Tp 4 R2E; $23.06 D. L. Paine SWVi of NE'4 of NW Vi and SE'4 of NWVi and NW'4 of -SEVi Sec 11 Tp 4 R2E; $73.78. W. J. Evans NE'4 or NW'4 Sec 11 Tp 4 R2E; $21.62. Sinton Paine SW'4 of NWVi Sec 11 Tp 4 R2E; $24.28. G. A. Bauer SEVi of NE'4 Sec 15 Tp 4 R2E; $10.65. D. B. Shaffer NE'4 of NW'4 Sec 15 Tp 4 R2E; $14.69. N. A. Peterson NE'4 of SEVi Sec 13 Tp 5 R2E; $8.68. N. A. Peterson NWVi of SEVi and Lot 3 Sec 13 Tp 5 R2E; $22.46. J. K. Bashor NWVi of SEVi Sec 1 Tp 6 R2E; $5.40. Mary E. Thomas-NEV4 of SWVi Sec 7 Tp 6 R2E; $10.20. Henry Kephart NWVi of SW'4 Sec C. Covey SEy4 of SW'i Sec 7 Tp 6 R2E; $10.84. J. K. Bashor NEVi of NEVi Sec 11 Tp 6 R2E; $5.10. Paul Veith SEVi of SWVi and SW Vi of SEVi Sec 19 Tp 6 R2E; $28.05. N. Neuhauser NEVi of SE'4 Sec 25 Tp 6 R2E; $9.40. B. F. McLoney SWVi Sec 33 Tp 6 R2E; $49.35. Alpha Corman EVi of SWV4 Sec 7 Tp 3 R3E; $67.39. Alpha Corman SWVi of SW4 Sec 7 Tp 3 R2E; $28.80. H. E. Kelly Eii of NW'4 and SW Vi of NWV4 and WVi of SEV and i.nt 3Sec9Tp3R3E; $163.32. (Continued on Page 10)