8 OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916. . BANKING SERVICE The needs of each customer carefully considered, and our service adapted to their requirements,. AMPLE CAPITAL MODERN EQUIPMENT EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT Your account is solicited and will be ap preciated BANK OF COMMERCE STUPENDOUS The Tieluve Tells The Story fJSIt s cMMX IU II lilt OREGON CITY GARAGE Agency for Reo and Dodge Bros. Car Main and 4th Sts. Sewing Machines and Supplies Motors for running Machines HOGG BROS. Quality Work at Home OREGON CITY LAUNDRY Phone 93 Fairbanks Morse Type Z Farm En gine l'j, 3 & 6 II. P. GADKE PLUMB ING SHOP The Modern Drug Store JONES DRUG CO. Tailoring, Cleaning and Pressing REPAIRING 502 Main Street CHAMPION SMITH & TELFORD Artistic Work ROCK BOTTOM PRICES A. LINDGREN 707 Seventh St. QUALITY MERCHANDISE!! Men, Women and Children W. B. EDDY CHIROPATIC PHYSICIAN Nuture Cures the Wise Physician t Helps Dr. G. F. ANDERSON SUNDRIES an d SUPPLIES Repairing & Over hauling OREGON CITY GARAGE Drain Tile, Lime & Cement LARSON & CO. 10th & Main St Phone 70 H. W. STREIBIG'S (Sanitary) MARKET 528 Main Street CHOICE MEATS Phone 131 We Give S. & II. Green Trading Stamps MORGAN'S CUT RATE GRO-CEREY MILK CREAM Hazelwood Dairy "Absolute Purity" Phone 145 HABERDASHERS "Head to Foot" Outfiitters to Men MILLER & OBST vMain and 7th POOL AND BILLIARDS Everything for Smokers RAASCH & LAMB WOOD SOLD AND SAWED Phone Main 231-R GRANT NASH 7th & J. Q. Adams Sanitary Service SKILLED BARBERS Clean Baths ED. JOHNSON Prop. IS fill I.EROY WAI.KKR, President. THOS. F. RYAN, JOHN R. HITMPHRYS. Vice President. Cashier. WOW! ZIP! ZOWIE! ' IN RIOT COUNCIL I Auken bobbed ud and placed in nom ination also the name of Roy B. Cox. (Continued from Page 1) doesn't like my appointment of street commissioner, we wont have any, and as there'll be no street work, we'll need no city engineer; and so I won't ap point ,any city surveyor. And I haven't appointed any city prosecutor or recorder, either." While the next battle was looming Mr. Metzner, as chairman of a special committee on the condition of the city hall roof, rose and reported. "Mr. Mayor, as chairman of your roof committee, I want to report that several of the sheets of tin don't lap," he said. There was an outbreak of giggles on the part of the spectators, and Mr. Metzner continued that he had asked a man to examine the roof more thoroughly and to make repairs. Councilman Roake then moved that a special committee be appointed to investigate as to whether or not the water board was legally constituted. He read a few remarks on the subject from a piece of paper he held in his hand. Mr. Roake's contention was that the charter provides that when a vacancy on the water board is report ed to the council, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next succeed ing regular meetiing of the council. When Mr. McCausland resigned, the old council appointed Mayor Jones at the same meeting as the one receiv ing word of the resignation. "Mr. Mayor, I move you that Coun cilman Roake be permitted to put that piece of paper back in his pocket," said Mr. Templeton. Mayor Hackett couldn't see Templeton, and as Roake's motion passed he appointed Roake, Cox and Metzner to look into the legality of the water board as at pres ent constituted. ; The final outbreak of the evening was then staged, when Mr. Metzner nominated Councilman Albright for president of the council. Mr. Van Councilman Albright got to his feet while ballots were being passed, and expressed his opinion of the proceed ings in general. "Mr. Mayor," he said, "I don't care particularly for the honor of being president of this council, but I wish to remark that it has long been the custom and precedent to elect one of the older members of this body to the office of president, and I am the senior member. Now a few days ago, or maybe it was a week or so ago, I began to be impressed with the fact that this council didn't want harmony this year. This was indicated by talk on the streets, by promises that cer tain members made, by letters that were written to certain organizations telling them they could name a mem ber on the police force if they'd sup port a certain man, and by things like that. This sort of thing was started a long time ago, a slate was picked out, and it will be put through, and I want the people to know just how it is. That is why I am saying this. Why, your honor even had Mr. Roake's name written in on all these commit tees before he was even nominated to be a member of this council, much less than being elected. Everything was cut and dried in caucus beforehand, and I think the people ought to know about it." The vote on president of the coun cil resulted five to three in favor of Cox, with the modest Mr. Cox refus ing to vote. Just as a good guess it may be said that Van Auken, Roake, Buckles, Moore and Albright voted for Cox; and that Templeton, Metzner and Andrews voted for Albright. Just before adjournment, which ended the riot, Mr. Cox got over a motion instructing the recorder to keep a ledger account of all money spent by each committee, It was some meeting, and hereafter on council nights the movies will close SCrlOUS fOOTFAIER FOR TIRED ACHING FEFT, WEAK ANKLES AND TO REST I SCHOliS BUNION RIGHT STRAIGHTENS CROOKED OVERLAPPING TOC5. THE CAUSE Of BUNIONS SCHDU'S -ANTIRIOR MCTATAR5AI fOR CRAMPS AND PAINS IN TOES AND BALI OF FOOT. TOR MORTEN TOE QJv X: ' SCHOLIA 1 1X0 CORN PIASTER AOirriRtNT kino or CORN rnrnw A Great Free Demonstration Tfif f po Tin 1 1 Scholl's Foot Comfort Service 1 11 111 l v J dlL 1 J Consult The Chicago Foot Specialist Free On this day Froo examination and advice will bo given by an expert under the di rection of Dr. Wm. M. Sclioll, the famous foot specialist. He will also give demonstra tion of foot appliances necessary in the correction of foot troubles. This important event was arranged at great expense principally for you who have weak, tired, aching, calloused feet, for you who suffer from bunion pains and corns, or who have broken down arches, crooked toes, and hammer toes, for you who have tried fruitlessly to get relief. Not obliged to buy shoes here. If you have Hat foot, weak feet or broken down arches, no matter if you are already wearing arch supports, have your feet scientifically examined by this specialist and let him advise you what to do. If you have been using bunion and corn remedies that fur nish temporary relief without correcting the cause be sure to get this scientific advice. If you are one of the many thousnnds who have always had trouble in being properly fitted to shapely footgear come to our store. The difficulty, will bo solved easily and simply and perfect foot comfort will be Riven you. ' WARNING : You may not realize it but those slight aches at the heels and ankles, those painful cramped toes, that body weariness and brain fas: are typical of weak arches and likely to result in a serious derangement of the whole nervous system. Many people have mistaken these pains for i hen ma( ism of the feet and have tried internal remedies to correct them when all they really needed was proper support of the feet arches. REASON FOR THIS DEMONSTRATION H has been our ever constant aim to make this the most progressive shoe store in (own. For months we have thoroughly investigated the efficiency of the service ren dered users of Dr. Scholl's Foot Specialties and wearers of his appliances. We have seen people who previously walked with great difficulty now able to stand the most rigorous exercising of the feet, enduring long walks and long standing without the slightest an noyance. Wo have found every one of Dr. Scholl's corrective devices anatomically cor rect and scienfilically perfect. To give our patrons and friends the fullest benefit of the Sclioll Foot Comfort .Service we have arranged this demonstration and will henceforth conduct in our store an orthopedic department for continued service of this character. Wo are headquarters for Scholl's Fool Comfort Specialties and Appliances. There's A Scholl Appliance For Every Foot Ailment or Deformity Whatever your foot trouble may be, there is a Sclioll appliance or device which Avill correct permanently the trouble from which you are suffering. Consult this noted spec ialist and lot him advise you about your trouble. r Oregon City Shoe Store Cor. 7th & Main Sts. SCHOLL'S TOE-SIGHT WHOVCRIAPPINC TOES' AMD SOFT CORNS I BtTWttN TOES SCHOU'S BUNION REDUCER JTCDUCIS NMRGEMENT RELIEVES PRESSURE STOPS W PAIN R 1 SCHOU'S AB50RB0 PADS A SIZE fOREVERYTDE- CORN AND FOR EVERY CALLOUS ON BOTTOM orroor SCHOU'S BUNION SPRING ACTS AS A LEVER FOR DRAWING CROOKED BUNION TOES STRAIGHT Of All Winter Merchandise STARTS Wednesday Mornin: NINE O'CLOCK AT BANNON'S We promise The Greatest Price Cutting Event that has ever been attempted in Oregon City Thousands of Dollars Worth of New and Season able Merchandise Will Be Placed on Sale at Prices That Will Pay you to Watch and Wait for. Full Particulars of our v JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN A FEW DAYS WATCH AND WAIT j,-it ri am i- U TV . '' a -wq m Ess ipa nin : 1ASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. OREGON CITY, ORE. Watch This Space For Our ANNOUNCEMENT Next Week! Portland Railway Light Power Company The Electric Store Phones Home A-229 Pacific Main 115 Beaver Bidg. Main St