Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 11, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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News of the County and Suburbs
Local and County Items of Interest to Our Readers
Well, Mr. Editor, the reason that
we did not have any news for you
last week was because we did not ful
ly recover from the effects of Hallow
een in time to send them.
J. W. Bennett is sporting a new
Mr. and Mrs. G. Haberlach Sr., re
turned last week from their visit in
the Central States, and were mighty
glad to get back to the Webfoot coun
try. - i
Mrs. Schurer, of Portland, visited
over Sunday of last week with her
daughter, Mrs. H. H. Blake.
Jack Welch and family Were shop
ping in Portland Friday of last week.
W. S. Dawalt and family attend
ed the basket social at Sunnyside
schoolhouse a week ago last Satur
day night.
Joe Enghouse was transporting
gravel from the P. & 0. C. railway- to
the B. R. Smith ranch last week.
From the arrivals of the coming
generation in our vicinity the popu
lation by 1920 will be going some, eh
M. Tong is having an artist change
the color of his house when it does
not rain.
The wood rats who are hauling
wood by auto truck do not make very
regular trips since the moisture ha3
been so dense.
Clarence Enghouse started for the
land show last Saturday and landed
up at a movie show.
Mrs. Marie Heinrich and son, John
were transacting business in Port
land last Saturday.
Martha Schuren was a Portland
shopper last Friday.
Mrs. JMorence Shearer was head
nurse at the Sieben ranch last week-
it was a ten pound boy.
The following people were visitor.
at Cedar Springs ranch last Sunday
a weeK ago: I1. S .Weir, Clyde Wash,
Mrs. II. H. Blake, Miss Martha Schur
en, Mrs. J. W. Bennett and daughter
S. L. Boyer attended the basket so
cial at bunnyside schoolhouse a week
ago Saturday night.
the East Clackamas Social Club
will meet with Mrs. Enghouse Wed
nesday of this week.
The Literary society was started
baturday night at the school house,
the following officers being elected for
ensuing term: Anton Howard, presi
dent; E. R. Boyer, vice-president; E.
L. Boyer ,secretary-treasurer; Henry
Klinkey, seargeanf7at-arms; Mrs Lena
Heinrich, Elsie Van Water and Arlene
Haworth being appointed entertain
ment committee. Meetings will be
held every two weeks, commencing
November 6, 1915. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mundehenko
entertained the following people at a
chicken (get me chicken?) dinner
last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Antone
Heinrich, Alex Dane, wife and son;
A. Dane, of Logan, E. R. Boyer, wife
and daughter.
The ladies of the Social Club en
tertained their worst halves at a Hal
loween party at the Cedar Springs
rancn uctober ayth. The following
guests were present: Mrs. H. Klink
ey, Amelia Klinkey, Henry and Otto
Klinkey, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shearer,
Mrs. J. Enghouse and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Rasmussen .and daughter; Mr,
and Mrs. J. K. SearleS, Elsie and Mar.
gie McNair, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dane
Mr. and Mrs. G. Haberlach Jr., Emma
Haberlach, Mr. and Mrs. Sandstone,
and son, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Blake,
Martha Schuren, Arlene Haworth, El
sie Van Water, Mr. and Mrs. Antone
Heinrich, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mundn
henke and daughter; Mr. and Mrs.
A. Dane, J. W. Bennett and family, of
There was a farewell party given
at the home of Joe Youngferdorf on
Ihursday for Al Myers and family,
and John Ficken and family, who left
Saturday for their old home in Bison
Kansas. They went by wav of Cali
fornia, so as to take in the Exposition
Mr. Ficken and family will return in
the spring. There were 75 present
and alter playing games and partak-
: a - i - i . . . .
mg oi reiresnments tneir many
mends bade them at a late hour.
T. Jackson lost a valuable fat hoe:.
wnicn proves quite a loss to him.
Mrs. Wm. Mattoon was over from
Estacada a couple of days recently
to visit with her two sons.
Wm. Hicinbotham and family were
in uregon (Jity Saturday.
Harve Mattoon and wife were in
town on Monday.
Wm. Thompson and wife of High
land store, were down to the farewell
party Thursday evening. Mrs. Thomp
son is a sister oi Mrs. i lcken.
Miss Rose Tannler, of Portland, is
at her parents' home on a vacation
for a couple of weeks.
Ed Miller and Ray Miller, wife and
daughter, were in Estacada Sunday to
visit thcirb rother, C. C. Miller.
Mrs. Youngferdorf, whose home is
in California, is visiting her son, Joe,
tor a tew weeks.
U. G. white was in Portland a
couple of days last week.
The regular meeting of Hardint?
urange was- held last Saturday, and
there was a fair attendance, though
the busy habit seems to have become
chronic with many members. The
question for discussion was "What
Has the Grange Accomplished for the
Community, the State and the Na
tion ?" The speakers discovered many
tnings tnat nave been done in all the
three -fields and many more that could
be done with proper support from
farmers. A committee was appointed
and a Grange dance will probably be
given on December 18th.
Fred Brown and family have been
visiting relatives near Eugene.
mi. miius dr., is cream nauier now.
as his father is serving on the jury.
There is a store again in the Trarv
uuuaing, wnicn win be a convenience
lor many.
Considerable wheat has been snwn
between showers.
Fred Gerber has gone to southern
California, and will be followed soon
by the rest of his family.
Carl Montgomery and Edith Wil-
coxon were married recently. We ex
tend our best wishes for a happy
Mrs. Henry Gill had a sewing bee
last week.
dark and
November days are
After all, these warm, gentle rains
are much to be preferred to blizzards
and zero weather.
C. D. Turner, of Keatsville, Mo.,
is nere visiting with his son at the
shinglo mill.
The question: "Resolved, that every
man physically fit should receive mili
tary training," which was discussed
at the Lyceum last Friday night, was
decided for the negative, as it was
thought we had parasites enough now
to support without havinc a lot. of
orass-nound dudes put on us.
The failure of the Central Christ
ian church, of Portland, is another
prool that we are over-churched as
over $10,000,000 are tied up in that
city in churches, more than half of
which are superflous, while little in
nocent children, called into the world
through no act of theirs, go hungry
to bed every night. Pride of opin
ion and a chance to get a nice gen.
teel job is the cause of these costly
edifices being multiplied without number.
The postoffices are being deluged
with circulars from liquor dealers in
Portland, who ure terribly concerned
about the frightful condition of the
poople after the New Year, when they
will be reduced to two dozen bottles of
beer, and two quarts of whiskey a
month. What an awful calamity. ( ?)
These kindly and considerate (?)
greedy wretches want everybody to
stock up and they will supply the
Ftock. ,
One of the school boys brought to
the postoffice lately a glow worm,
which is very luminous at night, the
lights being generated in the rear of
the body. This is one of the few
parts of this country where these cur
ious insects are found.
A-U. S. special land agent has'
been visiting through the state and
says that while there are various
plans of disposing of the grant lands
there is nobody in favor of thiov:in
it into the forest reserve or keeping
it out of the hands of future tax-payers.
Winter is almost here, and muddv
iuuus win ue tne rule now on for th
next six months.
Mrs. Mary S. Howard left Sunday
evening lor Oakland, Cal., to attend
the annual session of the National
Grange. She expects to be away
three weeks on the trip and will at
tend the Panama Exposition for a
few days.
Our new school house is nearing
completion, and will be a handsome
A number of Mulino ladies
linen shower to Miss Pearl Erirksnn
on Friday afternoon. As Miss Pearl
is an industrious young ladv and needs
a rest her friends are all pleased to
near tnat she will soon have a holi
There will be a meetinc bold nf th..
hall Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 9 to
consider the formation of a co-operat
ive creamery company.
The Postal Department hnn r.ill,,I
for proposals to carry the mail from
the W. V. S. depot to Mulinn nnt.
office. At last we are to have a good
mail service again.
Walter Douglass mude a business
trip to The Dalles last week, and lie
also paid his brother, Roll, of Bovd.
Mrs. Martha Dauchy. of Gladstone.
was tne guest ot Mrs. How ett dnvin.r
the week-end.
Mrs. Roy Douglass was an Oregon
City visitor the latter part of last
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson, of
Barton, were the guests of James
Gibson Sunday.
Mrs. Katie Douglass called on
Murphy last Thursday.
A. D. McMillan hauled some pota
toes to the car within the Inst W
H. S. Gibson was a Portland nn,l
Oregon City visitor on Monday.
Mrs. Viola Douglass. Miss F,l
Kennedy and Mrs. R. B. Gibson .ili.l
on Mrs. llowlett Sunday afternoon
Mr. Newell, of Damascus. Wile n n
this way last week, staying overnight
with Roy Douglass.
Let 'er Rain!
"Printing with a punch" -at the
Courier. !
if you ve a man's
work to do, wear
lower's Fish Brand
f$ Reflex
The coat that keeps
out all the rain. AV-
flex Edges stop every
drop from running
in at the front
Protector Hat, 75 cents
otisfciion Guaranteed ffrWFD'f
Semi for rn catalog - "
llOSTON Cli nniQ
Tice, $15.00; Geo. Koehler, $32.00.
DISTRICT NO. 18 C. W. Fried
rich, $0.75; Hoff Bros., $0.85; Wm
Daniels, $1.00; Abraham Thomas
DISTRICT NO. 1-Wm. Counsell, H-00.
a.3u; m. . Hayrnan, $10.00; 0. J. D1STK1CT NO. 19 N. Darnell,
McKenney, $4.50; H. M. Hyerstay, $2.00; W. A. Woodside, $4.60; J. A
$4.50; Frank Frossard, $4.50; S. L. Davis, $10.00; Ora Davis, $4.00; Oscar
Mullan, $5.00; W. A. Lane, $13.50; M. Daniels, $4.00; L. Wallace, $8.00; Er
K Hayman, $21.87; Joe Peters, $10.00 "est Jones, $4.50; Shlney Smith, $4.00
Dan Galiney, $10.00; Earl Atwood, E. L. Myer, $5.50; Bert Wallace, $2.00
iflU.Oti; U. J. McKenney, $10.13; H. M. Snodgrass, $4.00; G. Ashby, $13.00
nyerstay, $U(8; John Kaye, $4.50; Houghton, $9.00; D. Howse,
Frank Frossard, $4.50; S. L. Mullan, Duns, $26.00; Harvey Marshall $15.00
$11.25; Carl Parry, $4.50. Paul Holm, $15.00; Earl Tracy, $10.00
uiikh;t IMU. 2 The Courier u'vy Beebe, $15.00; Calvv Beebe.
Press, $5.00; C. Wolfhagen, $1.40: J. $14.00; Ernest Marshall. $14.00: R. G.
U Elliott & Co., $2.80; J. P. Stradley, Palmateer, $16.00; L. M. Yocum
$21.05; Jonsrud Lumber Co., $7.20: $42.00; W. M. Wade; $21.00; C. H
Carl Stein, $14.00; E. E. Pinkley, Duncan, $36.00; J. H. Tracy, $26.00;
$14.UU; K. Crawford, $4.00; W. Pill- O.-D. Cal iff,. $26.00; N. M. Tracy
ster, $12.00; Martin Trage, $22.00; $22.00; W. A. Rhodes, $26.00: E. E.
E. Chilcote, $11.00; R. Schmidt, Jenkins, $24.00; Ralph Reid, $24.00;
$11.00; A. Hellar, $20.00; J. D. Chit- R- S. Ludlow, $13.00; Joe Nicholson,
wood, $20.00; J. P. Stradley, $20.00; $9-00; Vernie Duns, $13.00; J. B. Dun
Wilbur . Brady, $20.00; Martin Eber- can, $11.00; O P.. Califf. $15.00: Clyde
nart, $ia.0U; John Mullenhoff, $20.00; Inglish, $14.00; Fred Crawford, $10.75
Louie Lehman, $10.00; II. E. Slyvester F. E. Thomas, $26.00; W. P. Snuffin.
fWMi); K. mister, $6.00; Seth Young, $22.00; Kazpar Wheeler, $10.00
lb.OU; S. Koenitzer, $14.00; H. Paul DISTRICT NO. 11 E. L. Pope.
son, $12.00; Simon Huddle, $22.00; J. $18.10; Eli Rivers, $16.00; Al Minger,
A. Stall, $12.00; John Moore, $52.00; $13.00; C. Guy nup, $8.25; Mack Rivers
Herman Seibert, $88.87; W. Thebo, $8.00.
$12.00; F, H. Allen, $8.00; W. Hall. DISTRICT NO. 12 George Tracv.
$10.00; W. W. Cooke, $36.00; Fred $10.00; Joe Kirchem, $13.50; Gilbert
Cooke, $16.00; H. Bock, $11.00; G. De- Fischer, $16.00; C. C. Barker, $4.00;
Young, $18.50; Earl Tong, " $37.00: J- D. Cromer, $19.00; E. Swales.
Curtis Young, $13.00; O. E. Haugen, $29.00; Edd Kendig, $21.00; H. Swales
$48.75; Joe Pillster, $35.00; F. Eber- $60.00; Mr, Sloper, $21.00; W. F. Hab-
hart, $6.00; John Wymore, $33.75; erlach, $18.30; Francis Johnston,
A. II. Ritzau, $155.25; J. M. Norton, $15.00; Matt Harahan, $23.00; Geo.
$,:W.UU; Kay Dallas, $10.00; Lester Wilcoxen, $27.00;' C. Montgomery,
Newell, $10.00; R. Gustafson, $5.00; $29.00; H. Swales, $60.00; B. Swales,
John Schocht, $7.50; Henry Netner, $40.00; Jesse Cromer, $64.50; O. Ben-
$7.00; A. Perlberg, $7.00; Fritz Well- son, $28.00; E. Powers, $32.00; J. Mo-
man, $16.00; A. Wellman, $16.00. ser, $21.00; Louis Wilcoxen, $11.00;
DISTRICT NO. 4-Estacada Pro- Hl Reachial. $15.00; Earl Gerber,
gress, $5.00; B. F. Cogswell, $48.60; $35-00-' E; N- Barrett, $15.75; J. F.
M. S. Sarver, $13.00; E. E. Erickson, Cromer $27.00; Patt O'Connor, $19.00
$12.00; Jake Moss, $16.00; L. Hale,' Edd Becklur"i. $19.00; Wm. McCub-
$8.00; C. R. Lovall, $19.00; J. B Linn' bin' ?20-00' Jas- McCubbin, $15.00.
$18.00; J. A. Kitching, $28.00; G. K DISTRICT NO. 13 A Funk, $17.03
Boyer, $22.00; E. E. Sailing, $8.00; A Flanum. $42.50; A. Johnson,
M. Bauernfiend, $16.00; H. S. Jones, $43-00; L- Norman, $14.00; Fred Mul-
$2.50; C. A. Looney, $2.00; R. H. Cur- ker' $46-00; A- Jensen, $38.00; Oliver
rin, $4.00; R. S. Coop, $10.00; J. R. Leek $44.25; H. Paine, $41.00; L. Po-
Hughs, $7.00: J. Dunceath. $7.00- F ,ehn $17.00; John Benson, $44.00; W.
Yunker, $8.00; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., C' Paine' $46-00: w- Kerr, $38.00; Earl
$82.60; C. W. Schuld & Sons. $82.60- AIlen. $16.00; John Kerr, $13.00; J. O.
J. A. Kitching, $45.00; J. K. Ely, Johnson. $15.00; H. A. Wolf, $39.50;
UO; Ceo. Walter, $6.50; M. E. Linn, rranK -atno, $ib.uu; u. A. Hackett,
$15.00; J. C. Kitching, $21.00; C. E !U0; A- EKKert, $9.75; J. L. Palmer
Doekendorff, $7.00; R. 0. Morrison, M"30, 0,
$17.00; B. F. Bullard, $3.50; M. M. DISTRICT NO. 16 Coast Culvert
Wade, $3.00; M. T. Yount, $5.00. & Flume Co., $27.76; W. H. Lucke.
DISTRICT NO. 5 Frank Fournier. $11.70; Chase & Linton, $30.60: H.
$2.85; The A. B. Elliott Co., $5.00; M. Ense, $13.50; W. Randall, $12.00; G.
II. Wheeler, $28.50; Paul Stone, Kelland, $2.00; M. Stauber, $2.00.
$28.00; W. E. Wheeler, $32.00; Chas. DISTRICT NO. 17-Canby Hard
Lekberg, $4.00; Geo. Tacheron, $4.00: ware & Implement Co., $3.00: A. W.
J. A. Imel, $14.00; Sam Lyons, $12.50; R'ggs, $6.00; C. O. Thomas, $4.00; S.
C. A. Wheeler, $10.00; Carl Pauseon, Latourette, $4.00; Warren Freece,
iu.uu; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $63.00; $6.00; Alex Tice, $8.00; A. B. Johnson
Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $91.00; Oreeon $17.50; Adam Bany, $17.50: John
City Enterprise, $5.00; W. R. Telford, $6.00; Frank Evans, $4.00; Frank An
$2.25; M. H. Wheeler, $18.75; C. Lek- derson, $2.00; Henry Fisher, $7.00;
berg, $12.00; Wm. E. Wheeler, $18.00; John Keller, $4.00; Lee Adkins, $4.00;
ueo. lacneron, $12.00; Paul Stone, tinier Krickson, $4.00: Aueust Erick-
$12.00; C. Z. Lake, $6.00; J. A. Imel. son $10.00; Milt Williams. $11.00:
$9.00; C. A. Wheeler, $6.00; Carl Paul- A. Utiger, $7.00; N. Robertson,
sen, $6.00. $16.50; Harvey Robertson, $6.00; Ar-
PISTRICT NO. 6 Perret & Rick. tnur Mallatt, $9.00; Sam Holsten
ford, $1.60; Chas. Krebs, $43.00; Wm. $13-00; John Romig, $14.50; Charles
Guldenzopf, $13.00; Gust Finger, Shaw' $20-00; R- Schuebel, $43.50; Ed
$22.50; John Suckow, $19.00; John win Faust' $7.00;-Arthur Dougan,
Burmeister, $20.50; H. Haselwander, liJ-uu; Jbn Kappler, $10.50; Charles
$23.80; F. Lohrmann, $42.00; George' Schul''nouser, $31.00; C. T. Howard.
K.rebs, Jr., $6.00; Nick Schmitz, $4.00; D,uu; arvey Schuebel, $4.00; Jott
Ed Sitz, $14.00; Will Bell, $4.00: Will Mallatt- $2-00; R- L- Long. $10.00;
Widmer, $4.00; Theo. Fisher. $1.00. AXle -nnson, $10.00; William John
DISTRICT NO. 7 Sandy Mercan- son' lm' Kam Johnson, $7.00; Wat-
tile Co.. $18.65: Paul R. Meinio- $7 1. ter Johnson, $5.00; Ed Utis-er. S6.00.
. "hi " ' '
sandy Lumber Co., $36.79; Sandy DISTRICT NO. 20 W. H. Wett
Lumber Co., $43.12; J. Fegles, $13.50; laufer, $4.50. .
vvm. rseecnm, $4U.50; H. Ten Eyck, DISTRICT NO. 22 Fred Schafer
$49.50; C. M. Davis, $9.00; M. Thorn- $42.05; Robbins Bros., $4.30; Goetlieb
as, $18.00; R. Akins, $13.50; E. Ten Feyrer, $43.15; J. W. Standinger,
UJUl' Ji-u"i n- Ascnon, $Z4.7o; S, $45.00; Wm. Lay, $38.50; F. E. Lav
u.iu,- in. vanuernott, .50; $28.50; S. J. Sorenson, $26.00; Clav
rV V, , ' ; - wmtera' 2.62; Hungate, $45.00; W. W. Elkins, $33.00
II. Moulton, $29.25; W. Ganger, $4.50; Leslie Dickey, $44.00; John Calla-
ii. luinger, $iu.i5; C. Aschoff. han. $37.00: H. .T. T?aatll tr.fi nn.
$14.62; B. Pickens, $10.12; D. WJj. R. Davies, $44.00: C. E. Ramshv!
Douglas, $45.00; A. Caven, $5.65: G, $43.00: Frod SW.. q7nn. ti.
on . ' ' T.vv,
uguen, a. w. Shipley, $49.50. Feyrer, $35.50; G. E. Feyrer, $25.00-
",u""vl rrea Lins. m. M. Jnmesson . sis nn- h r ni,
$.10.00; Gus Zwirnman, $7.00; N. er, $15.00; Henry Fick, $21.50; T. S.
Scheel, $11.00; Joe Weiderhold, $6.00; Cockrell, $26.50; W. O. Dickerson,
L. Ochs, $0.00; Frank Ochs. $1.00: $8.00: Jumps Rnfv 17 nn. n '
nvi, n mA. . ..' ' j t t ,
o7, ,uu; reter K1UI1' uurnsey. $15.00; R. B. Stone, $16.00;
$2.00; R. Miller, $6.00; A. W. Lee, M. V. Stuart, $26.00; Lee Jones!
?J1-I; $24.00; G. R. Jockson, $19.00; Frank
..n r t,ICT m 10?ml Holm- Vaughan, $34.00; Peter Geres, $36.00;
$10.,,0; H. G. Trowbridge, $1.40; Bert Graham Hungate, $34.00; Charles
H. Finch, $12.95; C. H.Duncan, $15.90 Purkapile, $30.00; George Kline
A. M. Stephens, $16.00; W. A. Rhodes, $35.00; R. W. Davidson, $19.00; L. O.
$10.00; W. W. Dillon, $24.00; J. A. Eldred. $5.00: r.Mr0 PnW ttonn
Inglish, $26.00; L. J. Talmateer. R. L. Holman, $10.00.
$28.00; J. M. Schultz, $16.00; E. E, DISTRICT NO. 5SR w 7 ,
Jenkins, $12.00; C. C. Sailing, $8.00; man, $9.00; V. Skinner, $8.00; C. F.
' ll '.1!-uu; w' M- rcy. Z'egler, $8.00; M. King, $8.00; W. D.
'"'""p ""o "icnoison, $io.uu; ilarvey Fish, $9.00.
Marshall, $16.00; R. G. Palmateer. DISTRICT NO. 24 Fred Stegman
$12.00; Calvy Beebe, $10.00; Elvv $2.00: M. G. Smith. $1 nn. .Tli rji,i'
Beebe $12.00; M. Neidanthal, $11.25; er, $2.50; Ernest Stweve, $2.50; Solon
.. .acy, $.uu; uydo Inglish, Kinzer, $5.00; Ray Fish, $5.00; L. P.
$13.50; R. S. Ludlow, $11.00 Paul Spagle, $16.00.
Holm, $14.00; L. M. Yocum, $39.00; DISTRICT NO. 26-W. G Master-
VV. M. Wade, $21.00; C. H. Duncan, ton, $9.75; A. Butterfield, $15.00; S.
$27.50; E. Donnelly, $5.00; A. J. Dun- Wright, $6.00; S. J. Vaughan, $8.00;
can, $8.00; Geo. De Shields, $20.00; G. W. Wingfield, $23.00.
Ernest Marshall, $10.00; J. H. Tracy, DISTRICT NO. 27-Joseph Jones.
- n.uu; naipn Keid $3.00; Orval Jackson, $4.00; Henry
ueeue, m.w; j. m. Schultz, $26.00; DISTRICT NO. 28-W. N. Chilcote
... ... union, -j.uu; ueo. De Shields. $68.98: A. SncW. Jinn- p vi
$28.00; J. A Inglish, $24.00; L. J. ball, $4.00; Andy Mazin'go, $15.00;
-p-"."", . oauine, jonn mi er. sann- v v Pit
$26.00; Herman Duns, $26.00; J. O. $16.00: W. I.. Freemnn iolnn. n'
L-.,ft NAA. lr... ,-, I ' - 1-,, vnici
,, m. v. roweu, $4.U0; Williams, $12.00; C. B. Gray, $400
Wm. Rider, $1.00; John Robins, $6.25; E. L. Gray, $4.00; C. K. Thomas'
T" $1-50; ChaS Thomas ?4-0: Chas- Walker, $4.00; Joe Sowa!
i v-uumnu, io.uu; re, j. xro- $16.50; Ed Wyland, $28 25- J D
n?li5?L3ake RUPP' $17-50; Roy Trine' 20-5: Fre"""' 'Thomas!
v...-, ,. ueeson, ju.uu; w.w; e. Sowa, $20.00; Floyd Fur-
F. A. Needham, $12.00; James Mah- geson, $16.00; C. H. Lowsinger, $24.50'
lum, $15.00; O. F. Frentress, $15.00; Dan Groshong, $21.00; Oscar Vorhies
Roy Courand, $6.00; Chas. Terry, $6.00 $16.00; Frank Kokel, $18 00- R
Gardner Whipple, $6.00; E. J. Baker. Slaughter. $14.00: FH rw, ann.
$6.00; Wm. Walker, $4.00; D. R. Dim- Sam Adkins, $12.50; E. Clester, $300:
lck, $8.75; Jake Kraft, $15.00; Wm. J. F. Jones, $8.00; V. Sowa, $2.00-'
it y
e tc.r ic
Simplifies Housekeeping
In The New Home
People who are building new homes should see
that their houses are properly wired for Electric
Domestic Appliances, not forgetting the Electric
Range, which has arrived to stay.
In Homes Already Built
Those already established in new modern
homes or those built years ago, will find it com
paratively easy and inexpensive to extend the
wiring so that an Electric Range may be con
nected. . .
The Electric Way is the
Modern Way
For years inventors have worked on the prob
lem of Electric Cooking Ranges. It is only re
centlir that comparative perfection has been
reached by the invention of a new metallic
combination. So that now manufacturers are
ready to Guarantee their products. It is now
that this Company confidently presents Electric
Cookery as practical.
Portland Railway
Light Power
The Electric
Phones Home A-229
Pacific Main 115
Beaver Bldg. Main St.
"You Can Do Better for Less on Third Street"
Store Opens
8:30 A. M.
Saturdays at
9 A. M.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
The Most in Value
The Best in Quality
Store Closes
5:30 P. M.
Saturdays a.
6 P. M.
Home Phone
A 2112
Thanksgiving Table Linen
Attractively Low Priced
So much depends on the Table Linen for the success of the Thanksgiving dinner
that these offerings at before-the-war prices will relieve many an anxious woman's
mind. They include handsome new patterns but recently taken out of bond and
now shown for the first time. Prudence will prompt you to profit by this sale-
50 Cents a Yard for Bleached
A splendid-wearing bleached Table
Damask with a high mercerized fin
ish comes in a good width and in
many pretty designs. A criso. new
aamasK of unmatchable qual
ity at the low price of, the
65 Cents a Yard for Bleached
Two fine lines to select from at this
price 64-inch, all-linen Damask and
70-inch linen-finished Damask-both
shown in pretty new designs
and both full-bleached a CC
special value at, yard DOG
20 Different Styles-All Linen Damask-66-Inch width at 75c Yard
Our Leader is a 70-Inch Bleached Damask at $1.00 a Yard .
An all-linen. full-hleacheH
ST. 'yart!:.figr!:i!!:.!!.F Sa.,S
Napkins to Match the $1.00 .Damask at $3.00 a Dozen-They Come 22 Inches
Ready-to-Use Napkins at $1.00 Dozen
Fine mercerized, neatlv hemmed.
small designs in snoL flnwpv fi;:;3. 'u' .. 1 es. s1Mfe-they come in'
of, the dozen, ................".......r...;.. " .:...... " 4 elsewhere at this price
Fine All-Linen Napkins at $2.25 Dozen
Dainty all-linen Napkins, full 21 inches square and shown in an vtc-
dLeT "."e.w....e.s:fn.s: "I:!c:!!!3:..p!:d.....th:s saIe a" CS'.rs 2 25
Henry Michels, $2.00; O. N. Kimball,
$9.00; J. M. Groshong, $31.00: Earl
Groshong, $(58.00; Ellis Nicholson,
$26.00; Luther Nicholson, $25.50; Rav
Nicholson, $25.50; F. A. Davis, $26.00;
Lefi Panquette, $28.00; Frank Brosig,
$d5.UU; John Furgeson, $32.00; Al.
Groshong, $26.00; Al. Dale, $35.25:
Joe Mikels, $34.00; I. J. Sharp, $30.00;
L. B. Thomas, $36.00; Frank Holt.
$30.00; J. Nicholson, $51.00; George
Crite, $52.00; A. E. Thomas, $27.50.
J. C. Marquarm, $2.80; R. M. Wade,
Chas. Johnston, $9.90; C. F. Holt,
$32.75; A. L. Brougher, $2.85; C. w'
Hardy, $47.66; Robbins Bros.. !!!:? 19-
W. G. Masterton, $15.50; J. S. Korb'
$13.32; C. K. Litzel, $39.50; Roy
Thomas, $22.50; Clarence Mvers
ot en. t t t . J 3p
-..u; u. u. i,yncn, $26.50; Alvis
Russel, $42.00; L. D. Shank, $43.75;
F. S. L. Bagby, $31.50: N. B. WaJ
$15.00; Leslie Shank, $57.25; George
Herbst, $15.00; Al. Wyland, $24 00
E. Brosig $21.00; C. Slaughter. Josnn!
Lloyd Vorhies, $17.00; Jason Jones!
$11.00; James Panquette, $15.00; Or
$24.00 $15! Gerge GrshonS
DISTRICT NO. 29-G. H. Gray,
S-'.50; A. Gray. $10.00; Will s 1.,
(Continued Next Week)
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