Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 14, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Men's Rubber Shoes,
Men's Wales Goodyear Rubber
Shoes, leather tops. Mostly
large sizes. These shoes sell
everywhere at $2.50 (f 4 " r
ami 12.75, $ L 0
Men's Suits
Wool Sox
Men's Heavy AVool Sox, Black,
Gray and Natural Colors. The
kind most stores sell at 4 A
25c. Per pair, I Ou
Ladies' Waists
Ladies' fine Fall Waists in all
the late styles. Come In light
One lot of Men's Suits in fancy
cassimeres and worsteds in
color percales and shirtings.
light and dark grays. All siz
Worth 73c to $1.00.
es. Worth up to
$8.00, now
Oregon City's Busy Progressive Store
Special Price,
Children's Heavy Gray or White Ijr
fleeced Vests and Pants, 15c to Uu
Misses heavy Black Fleeced Pants,
sizes 2 to 12- years,
AVhite Fleeced, 35c, 50c and OUC
Boys' heavy Gray or Brown Fleece-lined
Shirts and Drawers. 6 to lpQflft
years, 25c to OUC
Boys' Heavy Gray Fleece-lined Un
ion Suits all sizes
25 c
Ladies' good winter-weight
ribbed Vests and
Extra Heavy Ladies! Vests
and Pants White rn
& Cream, all sizes, Q(JU
Ladies' All Wool Vests and
Pants Gray color,
SI .00
Ladies' Union Suits White &
Cream, 50c, 75c, 85c and
Ladies' Wool Union Suits (TO flA
White and Gray, $1.50, $1.75, )Z.UU
Special Prices for October
All this season's newest and latest styles in fall and winter
goods are now in our store. We want you to come and see
them. We are making a lot of special prices in order to induce you to give
us a visit. This store is always busy, and every customer is always satisfied.
Read over these SPECIAL BARGAINS for the MONTH of OCTOBER!
These Prices Take Effect Wed, Oct. 13
Men's Gray Ribbed Shirts & Draw- AC
ers Light or Heavy wt. All sizes if J J,
Men's Gray Ribbed Union Suits Qlln
Light or Heavyweight, ...... uUu
Men's AVool Shirts and Draw-
is ers, gray color,
Men's heavy Wool Shirts and
Drawers, Brown color,
Men's fine Australian Wool Shirts and
Drawers Extra heavy. Price &4 PA
per garment, I aUU
Men's Wool Union Suits, light A PA
& heavy weights, 1.50, $2.00 & JU
Men's Arctic Overshoes
Men's four buckle heavy d 4 M A
arctic Overshoes w'th $3 P ,fO
Men's Hats at 98c
Men's fine felt hats Brown, Gray,
Green, Blue & Black col
ors. Latest style shapes,
Feather Pillows 75c
Good feather pillows, filled with
clean feathers. Full two pounds
Men's Work Shirts 45c
All of our Men's Work Shirts
Black Sateen, Blue, Gray and Brown
Cheviots and Chambrays.
12c Ladies Hose 8c
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose good
quality, fast dye all sizes.
12c Toweling 9c
Heavy brown toweling, with blue
border. Wears well and washes
Men's Wool Shirts
Men's flannel shirts in Blue, Gray,
Brown and Army Green with low
and military collar,
$1, $1.25 and $1.50
$2 Lace Curtains $1.25
Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains
also Dutch curtains, lace trimmed
White and Ecru.
Kings Thread 2 l-2c
King's Sewing Thread 200 yard
spools. Black and White all num
bers. v
O. N. T. Thread 4c
Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton 200
yard spools. Black and White, all
Pearl Buttons. Regular 5c
grade. Per dozen,
Outing Flannels
Light and dark colors, medium weight Outing
Flannel. Per jard, :.
Fancy Patterns, light and dark colors outing flan
nel. Extra heavy weight. Per yard
36-inchcs wide, light colors Outing Flannel. 4 4
Worth 15c per yard, .. j
Heavy White . Outing Flannel. Triced, per
yard, now
Daisy Cloth white only. Extra heavy; All 4 A
stores sell this for 12c. Our price per yard,
30 inches wide AVhite Outing Flannel, new sell
ing per yard,
Cotton Batting
Large Comfort size Cotton Batting. Size 72x84.
Stitched or plain. Full three pounds,
Large Comfort size Cotton Batting light and
fleecy. Weighs a little less than 3 pounds,
( Fine fleecy Cotton Batting, good grade cotton.
Weighs a little less than one pound. Per roll,....
One-half pound Cotton Batting. Soft and fleecy
Price per roll,
Sonny Suitings
Just like Devonshire Cloth. Fine for children's suits
and dresses. .Sun-proof and tub-proof. Wears 4 A
long and well. Worth 20c per yard. Our price
. Silkoline
Fine for Comforts. Full 30 inches wide. Comes in
fancy flowered patterns in Green, Pink, Blue, Red A
and Yellow colors. Regular price 15c yd. Ours, JjL
Madras Shirtings
Light and dark colors. In stripes, checks & plain A
colors. Regular price 12c. Our price per yard C
Red -Seal Ginghams
In all colors. This is the best 27-inch Gingham
made. Reg. price 12c ; our price per yard..
Curtain Scrim
White and Ecru Curtain Scrim in plain & fancy 4 A
borders. Regular 12c and 15c Scrim per yard.... )L
All the best grades of calico in Black, Gray, Blues
Reds and Light Colors, '.
Infant's Soft-soled Shoes and Moccasins in
button and lace. All colors sizes 4 Qft
0 to 5, priced QU
Infant's first walking shoes; kid leather.
Button and lace, Black or Tan.
Sizes 1 to 5. Worth 75c, for
Children's Shoes. Kid and Gun- QOn
metal leather, button & lace, size 5-8, OUu
Children's Cloth-top Button Q4 ftP
Shoes, sizes 8 1-2-11, 1 I ,D
Girls' cloth-top Button Shoes,
sizes 11 1-2 to 2,
Girls' Good School Shoes Gunmetal But
ton or Lace. Come in the sizes
11 1-2 to 2, ....
Ladies' Cloth Top But. Shoes & 4 PA
High or low heel, worth $2.25, J jjj
Ladies' and Big Girls' good Gunmetal But
ton Shoes. Broad toe and med
ium heel, good heavy sole, .
Boys' Gunmetal Button Shoes. Heavy
Soles and Heavy Uppers. Siz
es 11 1-2 to 2,
Boys' Gunmetal Button Shoes. Heavy soles
and Heavy Uppers. Sizes 2 1-2 ( A A A
to 5 1-2, PZ.UU
Boys' High Top Shoes with (J A PA
buckles, black or tan, size 9-1,.... PfcUU
Same as above, come in the
sizes 1 1-2 to 5 1-2,
Men's Good Gunmetal Dress Shoes. But:
ton or Lace, neavy soles.
sensible lasts,
Men's High Top Shoes
Wo have a lot of Men's High Top Shoes
odds and ends' that we are going to put in
two bins and mark them at a special price.
These shoes sold for as high as $7.00 and in
clude such well known brands as Kirken
dall, Washington, Battrealls, Stilsbn, Kel
logg and Dayton's. Come in Black and
Tan in 8-inch, 12-inch and 15-inih tops.
$3.75 and $4.75
Dress Goods
Covert Cloth in Gray and Blue,
and Black and White Shepherd
cliecks. Good and heavy
cloth. Per yard,.
Cotton and Wool Mixed suit
ings in plaids, "stripes, black and
white shepherds checks & plain
colors. 36 inches Avide. Good
and heavy. Price per OC-
yard, ZO
Broadhead Worsted Dress Ma
terials. Full ' 30 inches wide.
Comes in Serges, Crepes. Gran
ite Cloth and Fancy colors. In'
plaids, stripes and checks. All
our regular 65c and 75c A
goods we offer for Oct., TfO .
Children's Good School ffr
Umbrellas' 50c and...... OU
Ladies' and Men's f 1.00
Ladies' $2.00 India AC
shape umbrellas,.... V I mLv
We have a lot of New Patterns
in All Wool Cloakings. In fan
cy mixtures. Zibilines, Broad
cloths, Astrachans, and Cor
duroys. Per yard
1.50 to
Velvet Corduroy
Heavy Green Velvet Corduroy,
for Cloaks, Caps and Tarn 'o
shanters. 30 inch- d4 A A
es wide. Per yard, P I UU
Ladies' Coats
We have a full line of ladies'
fall coats in blacks, browns.
greens & gray at
$6.00 to ..............
Misses' Coats
Misses' Fall Coats in Zibilines,
Corduroys, Cassimeres in plain
and fancy colors, at
$3.00 to
Children's Coats
Children's New Fall Coats,
Priced for this sale P A A
at $1.75 to Pj.UU
Rain Coats
Children's Good School Rain
Capes with hood at- (1 A A A
tached. $1.60 and PZiUU
Children's Rain Coats, in Tan
and Black & White A AT
check. $2.50 and.... Pj.03
Waterproof Rain- (tA Pft
coats, $2.50 and.... 4 J. OU
Men's Tan Rain
Coats, all sizes,
Ladies' Rain Coats. Good ser
vice waterproof
coats at
Men's Sweaters
Men's Heavy Wool Sweaters in
Grays and Jieds. (Pi A(
$2.50 and P J.UU
Men's Heavy Work Sus- 1 Qf
penders. Regular 25e, 7y
Gray and Tan Cotton Blan
kets. Double sized,
Medium weight Gray and Tan
Cotton Blankets,
size 64x76,.
Cotton Blankets, -t A
... piiu
Heavy Cotton Blankets, in
gray, white & tan, (Pi A O
size 70x80, pl40
Heavy Gray and White wool
nap blankets, sz. ') ftft
Heavy Wool Blankets, bound
with silk. In white (Pi tf
& gray col. $3.75, & PitWv
Full bed size comforts, filled
with good grade cotton and
quilted. Covered in Challie
and Silkoline. 98c, AA
$1.48 and JZ.UU
Boys' Suits
Boys' Extra Good School Suits,
latest Norfolk styles. Come in
browns and grays. Sizes 6 to
15. .Tfco lots. $1.98 tJQ
' Boys' Hats
Boys' Good Felt Hats in Black,
Brown and Gray colors. QC(
50c, 75c and O
Boys' Pants
Boys' Knickerbocker pants, all
sizes. In brown, gray Cfp
and blue worsteds, J" V
Boys' Sweaters
Boys' Cotton Coat-style Sweat
ers. Red trimmed in
blue,. Sizes 6 to 12 yrs, v
1 Soys' Heavy Wool Mixed
Sweater Coats, with Roll Collar
and two pockets, fr-t A A
Sizes 6 to 15, P 1 UU
Jl .,-n,-,,,-
Kid Gloves
We carry the celebrated Ccntcn
eri Kid Gloves and there is no
better glove made. In Black,
White and Tans in all the
new sti tchings, for J 4 J? A
$1.25 and pl.OU
Ladies' Best Grade Rubbers.
To fit any shoe. All
Misses Best Grade Rub- CAp
bers, 111-2 to 2, OUL
Childs Best Grade Rub- A Cr
bers. All styles, 5-11, T" -J"
Darning Cotton
Darning Cotton Black & t(
white only. 3 balls for.... J'
Safety Pins
Regular 5c Safety Pins Cp
all sizes. 2 dozen for