OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER ' 7, 1915. Bea r flmy:- af'ii drop you a line io .say aTm home a ain. after my visit io motheAihen af'ii make myielf "comfy" leside my neut Aeaixna iiove, o Aead thai new Look you ioicl me o o.e. Vhen you dee my new 4iovc, Amy, you'ii ao.Aee wii me iia it ii faA niceA than ihe coal aAatei, and io much lea iAau&le. She style a? Louaht ii so eleaant, too. aft's a Lea-uiifyina addition io any room. Come over soon, . JCom. Aciy on one like FRANK BUSCH Leading Furniture Dealer llth&Main Sts. Oregon City, Ore. The History of The World FROM THE DAWN OP CREATION until THE GREAT WAR Is depicted in art, science and industry and presented in wonderful colors PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION San Francisco This Wonderful Exposition Closes Dec. 4th Don't Miss It! Lest you always look back to 1915 with regret Scenic Shasta Route Through the wonderful Valleys of the Willamette, the Sacramento, the Umpqua and the Rogue offers exceptional diversion. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Full particulars with copy of booklet "Wayside Notes, Shasta Route" or "California and Its Two World Expositions" on application to nearest agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC - John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Scratching for a Living SCRATCH I Sa ty1 is what makes hens lively and healthy. Give them our spec ial scratch feed and they will earn every bit they eat and be better for the exercise. A lazy hen is a lazy layer. A lively hen gets busy on the nest regularly. Remember SNOWDRIFT FLOUR Portland Flouring Mills Oregon City, Ore. Auction! FINAL CLEAN-UP TO SATISFY THE CREDITORS I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION the entire stock of FURNITURE of D. TOLPOLAR, consisting of Furni ture, Stoves, Ranges, Dishes, Lamps, Carpets, Etc! Commencing Monday, Sept. 27, 10 a. m. Coming Monday, September 27, at 10 A. M. There will be two sales each week on Monday and Friday at 10 A. M. This is your opportunity to profit by the loss of another's loss. Goods will be positively sold to the highest bidder. You cannot afford to miss this sale Monday; September 27 at 10 A. M. CHARLES W. ISCHER, Auctioneer. SPEED OF PROJECTILES. Haw the Velooity of Cannon Balls and Bullets Is Measured. How tet loes a bullet travel? The highest velocity ever given to a cannon bull Is 1,620 feet per second. This Is equal to a mile in little more than three seconds, or nearly twenty miles a minute. ' A rifle bullet does not travel so fast as a cannon ball, the average rate be ing 1,275 feet per second. This mat ter of speed is tested In a very inter esting way. A long wooden shed is used, In which a distance of exactly 100 feet has been carefully marked off. At each end of this space is a stand something like a target with a large circular opening where the bullseye should be. Across each opening Is stretched a small elec tric wire, connected with a delicate Instrument In another room. The rifle from which the firing Is done 1 o aimed that the bullet which flies from It cuts both wires. Obvious ly the difference In time between the cutting of the two wires marks the speed of the bullet through that 100 feet. When the first wire is cut an electric current is broken and a rod falls, mov ing a pointer on a slide in its descent The breaking of the second wire acts In the same manner on another set of rods, slides and pointers. The difference in the marks made by the pointers on the slides makes it pos sible to estimate the difference In their time of falling, and from these calcu lations accurate figures as to speed are obtained. London Answers. Classified Business Directory Courier Readers will find this a handy ready reference. It contains the name and address of live, dependable professional men and business houses. BLACKSMITHS, HORSE SHOEING Scripture & May, Scientific Horse shoeing. Emery wheel for cast plow grinding. Pac. 297-J. COAL, WOOD, GRAVEL & SAND E. A. Hackett, famous Black Hawk coal, 17 & Wash., Phones 247 W. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS Geo. A. Brown, Maple Lane. Phone Pac. 23 F-22. LIBERTY BELL STARTS LONG TRIP JULY 5. CLOTHIERS MEN & BOYS Miller & Obst, Clothiers to Men and Boys. Gents' Furnishings, Main, at Seventh. Price Bros. Where clothes fit. Est. 1895. 527 Main St. Phone 107. DOCTORS OSTEOPATHIC Dr. J. A. van Brakle, Osteopathic physician. Masonic Bldg., Tel 399 & A- 118. DRUG STORES SEEKING HAPPINESS. Little Things That Make Living a Joy Are Not Always Appreciated. We are told that happiness comes by pieces and that it is these small bits linked together that make our lives worth while. Some of us are not con tent to take our happiness by degrees or at Intervals. We want it all the time in big pieces, and if we cannot have it that way we think that we are deprived of our natural rights and look upon ourselves as Injured beings. It Is a rather singular expression of human nature how happiness affects the individual. With some of us it makes us friendlier toward others and anxious that they should experience like joys; with others it makes us too satisfied with ourselves to think very much of our neighbors. Perhaps those of us who know what the joy of living means have experi enced both of these attitudes at dif ferent periods of our lives and are in position, therefore, to appreciate a varying viewpoint, but even so It Is only after we lose something of that joy of living and have found out for ourselves that there are shadows which no amount of sunlight can disperse that we can readily appreciate the blessing of whatever hupplness may tlnd Its way Into our lives. The little things that count so much in our intercourse with euch other are not always regarded as highly as they should be, and for this reason we pass by much that would give us Joy If we only knew how and where to find It Charleston News and Courier. . Gardens In the Ice. A glacier when It dislodges Itself and sails away over the Arctic ocean never travels alone. In the wake of every large one floats a Hue of similar com panions. The Eskimos call this phe nomenon "the duck and ducklings," and any one who has watched the progress of the wild duck followed by her brood will appreciate the aptitude of the name. Strange as it may seem, plants grow and blossom upon these great Ice mountains. When a glacier is at rest moss attaches itself to it, protecting the ice beneath, just as sawdust does. After a time the moss decays and forms a soil, in which the seeds of buttercups and dandelions, brought by the wind, take root and flourish. Harding, Geo. A, Prescriptions, maga zines, toilet articles Deutsche Op atheke, Phone 297R B-34. 511 Main. FIRE INSURANCE, Exclusively E. II. Cooper, the Insurance Man. Es tablished 1902. Enterprise Bldg, Phone Pac. 366. FLORIST James Wilkinson, Greenhouse, Glad stone Tel. 304-J; town shop Beaver Bldg; phone 271. FURNITURE & HARDWARE Frank Busch, Store Phones A-2-1, and 11. of Quality. Hogg Bros We Save You Money. Phones A-83 and 412. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE New and Second-Hand W. W. Bradley Bargains in Furni ture and Furnishings. 507-Main. Tel. 139. J. H. Mattley Saves You Money On Stoves, Ranges and Home Fur nishings. Corner 7th & Madison St on hill. FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP Oregon City Foundry 4th & Water St. Founders, machinists, black- ' smiths. Phones: A-199 & 373-J. J. A. Roake, Prop. GROCERY STORES Brightbill, H. P. Staple, Fancy and Green Groceries. 509 Main. Phone 74. Mt, Pleasant Grocery Plank Road. Groceries and Feed. Tel. Red-10; Pac. 163-J. II ' - . Above are shown the Liberty bell, Pennsylvania's building at the Panama-Pacific exposition, whore the bell will be placed durltig Its stay In San Francisco, and route it will take on transcontinental trip. MAXIM'S MACHINE GUN. A Terrible Engine of Death Which Works Automatically. Early in life Hiram Maxim showed himself u murvelous geuius as an in veutor. An incident of his boyhood, in which the recoil of a rifle attracted his attention to uu apparent loss of pow- er, led him iu 1881-2 to utilize the force of the recoil to good account In a gun which loads Itself automatically and fires at the rate of 770 shots a minute by the power of the previously wasted force. The Maxim machine gun Is un en glue of terrible destruction. This gun has only a single barrel, which, when the shot is fired, recoils the distance of three-quarters of an inch on the other parts of the gun. This recoil sets inov ing the machinery which automatical ly keeps up u continuous fire at the ex- traordlnary rate of twelve rounds a second. Each recoil of the barrel has there- fore to perform the necessary fuuetions of extracting and ejecting the empty cartridge, of bringing up the next full one and placing it iu its proper post tloii in the barrel, of cocking the ham mer and pulling the trigger. As long as the filing continues these functions are repeated round after round in rapid succession. The barrel Is provided with a water jacket to pre vent excessive heating. Philadelphia Press. GROCERIES, PRODUCE COM. Larsen & Co. Hay,. Grain, Feed, Poultry supplies. Wholesale and re tail grocers. Phone 70. Professional Pawners. In many of the mean streets of Lon don there are professional pawners women, well known to the pawnbro kers, who for small payments take clothes and household goods to pawn iur lueir iiuiguuurs. it is siuieu mat the function of the professional pawn er Is twofold. The woman who pawns through a recognized intermediary gets a larger loan than she would if she did the business herself. For the pawn broker the professional pawner guar antees the good faith of the owner and will be able to exercise pressure in case of default London Express. It Was a Fine Cod. The artist William M. Chase once hired a fish, painted a picture of It in two hours and afterward sold it to the Corcoran Art gallery at Washington for $2,000. Mr. Chase afterward in formed the fish dealer who had rented him the fish of the price he had receiv ed for the picture. "Well," comment ed the fishmonger, "It was a fine cod." Philadelphia Record. The Maid's Reply. As William bent over her fair face be whispered: Darling, if I should ask you in French If I might kiss you what would you answer?" She, calling up her scanty knowledge of the French language, exclaimed. Billet doux!" Exchange. A Continued Story. What did your wife say when you stayed out so late last night?" "I don't know. She hasn't finished lelling It all to me yet" Detroit Free Press. The coward only threatens when he Is safe. Goethe. Oil Displaces Coal Owing to the great output of petro leum in California and its use as a manufacturing, railroad, and steamer fuel, the production of coal in Wash ington has been considerably reduced during recent years. It is estimated that the consumption of California oil for fuel on the Pacific Coast is equiva. lent to about 21,000,000 tons of coal, or between 6 and 7 times the output of coal in Washington, or for that mat ter in all the Pacific Coast States combined, in 1914, HARNESS DEALERS & MFGS. Cross, F. H.-511-7th St. -Harness and Shoe Store. Phone, Home A-255. Stone, Wm., Harness Maker and Re pairing. 2l9-7th St. Tel. Home B-64. HOTELS Electric Hotel Best in Clackamas Co. European 50c-$1.50; American $1.00-$1.50. Popular priced restau rant. Bet. 4th & 5th, on Main. HOSPITALS Oregon City Hospital. Under new management, 11th at Wn. Private room $21, wards $10 weekly. Miss Swales, Pres., Miss Thomas, Vice Pres., Miss Marrs, Sec.-Treas. Spec, case rates on application. Phones: 384 and A-78. ICE DEALERS Oregon City Ice Works Pure Ice, Good Coal. Phones 56 & 14; 201 12th St. LAUNDERIES WET WASH Gladstone Laundry Co., Family Wash, wagon calls and delivers. Phone 304-R. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE Fashion Livery G. A, Bergren, Prop. Tel. A-95 & 65. Auto service. 4th and Main. Red Front Livery H. H. Hughes, Prop., 6th & Water St. Auto livery, phones: 116 & B-9. LUMBER DEALERS Gladstone Lumber Co, wholesale & re tail H. E. Williams, Mgr. Phones: Frmrs. 811 and 292-J. Hood, 'C. J. Lumber, lath, shingles, screens, wood, moulding. Main St., at 12th. Tel. 143, B-284. PIANO DEALERS F, F. Theroux Dealer in pianos and and Sewing Machines. 519 Main. PLUMBERS, HEATING & TINNING F. C. Gadke General jobbing shop & display rooms 914 Main St. Phone 265-R. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INS. W. F. Schooley & Co. 612 Main St., Phone 50, Res. Phone 198-W. TAILORS LADIES & GENTS. Wm. McLarty Andresen Bldg. Phone 358-J. First class work only. Hammond & Hammond Attorneys at Law Abstracts Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Oregon City, Oregon. OREGON FIREjlELIEF ASSN. Strongest Mutual in the West M. R. COOPER, Agent Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. GOING ROUND THE WORLD. The Gain or Loss of One Whole Day In Making the Trip. In sailing around the world eastward the days are each a little less than twenty-four hours, according to the speed of the ship, us the sun Is met a little earlier every morning. These lit tle difference's added together will amount" to twentj-Wtir "hours.' ' Tills gives the sailors an extra day not in Imagination, but as an actual fact They will have done un extra day's work, eaten an extra day's ration ol food and enjoyed an extra night's sleep. On the other hand. In sailing wesi ward the sun Is overtaken a little each day, and so each day is rather longet than twenty-four hours, and clocks and watches are found to be too fust This also will amount in sailing around the world to the point of departure to one whole day by which the reckoning baa fallen In arrears. The eastern bound ship, then, has gained a day, and the western bound ship has last one. This strange fact, clearly worked out leads to the apparent paradox that the first named ship has a gain of two whole days over the latter, If we sup pose them to have depurted from port and returned together. Westnilnstei Gazette. Official National Anthem. Do you know the official national an them, which is supposed to bring the patriot to his feet? No doubt you think you do, even, as has been proved again and again, when more than two or three Americans are gathered together, that no one knows more than a phrase or two of the words, but do you rise for "Hull Co lumbia," "My Country, 'TIs of Thee," or the "Star Spangled Bunuer?" Of course I hear the army and navy folk, f a iu 1 1 la r with regulations, say "Star Spangled Banner;" but, judging from the actions of audiences at vaude ville and movie shows recently, with most It Is a tossup between all three, with the odds favoring evenly "Hall Columbia" and "My Country." Which one Is it, do you really know? Phila delphia Ledger. Big Words and Big Speakers. Perhaiw it would be a good thing, writes a correspondent, if some one were to compile a fairly comprehensive list, with their meanings, of the big words which great speukers affect. The ordinary man who attends a public meeting cannot even grasp "Idiosyn crasy," let alone sucb words as "pro tagonlstlc," "cohesive," "adumbrate," "synthetic," which ure common or gar den specimens of the orator's vocabu lary. But why should he use them at all? Muuy great men who use quite homely diction In prlvute life seem to see the necessity of "doing it" on an audience with strunge words culled from the lute Sir Jans Murray's won derful dictionary. Loudon Chronicle. BraveTvfem Terslans in general are not supposed to be the bravest people in the world, but even In Persia the inhabitants of Kushun, a mercantile city, are notori ous for their lack of a warlike spirit. Their pusillanimity has passed into a proverb and given rise to many stories. One of the best of these is that when Nadir Shah disbanded his army on its return from India the 30,000 men be longing to Knshan and its sister city of Ispahan applied for an escort of 100 musketeers to see them safely home. Exchange. Expressed Differently. "Mndsm, you ought to go to a warm er climate." "For once, doctor, you and my hus band are agreed, but he expresses the idea in more emphatic language." New York Press. Letter For Letter. "Why does a poet begin so many of his sentences with 'O?' Inquired the politician. "There's no answer," replied Mr. Penwtggler. "Why does a spenchmak er begin so many of his sentences with 'I?'" Washington Star. Puzzled. Every man who Is not a monster, mathematician or mud philosopher Is the slave of some woman or other. George Eltot. We are puzzling our bruin to know which one of these fellows we are. Ohio State Journal. Outdone. "He doted on Alice and would have married her but for her mother." "Ah! Her mother"- "Yes; her mother was still more attractive." Revenge Is sweet only in anticipa tion, never in accomplishment Youth' Companion IN STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffered As Many Girla Do Tells How She Found Relief. j Sterling, Conn. "I am a girl of 22 years and I used to faint away every month and was very weak. 1 was also bothered a lot with female weakness. I read your little book 'Wisdom for Wo men,' and I saw how Others had been helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and decided to try it, and it hna insula ma faal like a new girl and I am now relieved of all these troubles. I hope all young girls will get relief as I have. I never felt better in my life. "-Miss Bertha A. Peloquin, Box 116, Sterling, Conn. Massena, N. Y. "I have taken Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I highly recommend it. If anyone wants to write to me I will gladly tell her about my case. I was certainly in a bad condition as my blood was all turn ing to water. I had pimples on my face and a bad color, and for five years I had been troubled with suppression. The doctors called it 'Anemia and Exhaus tion,' and said I was all run down, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound brought me out all right" Miss Lavisa Myres, Box 74, Massena, N.Y. Young Girls, Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells orindigestion.should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. C. SCHUEBE L LAWYER DEUTCHER ADVAKAT Oregon City Bank Bldg. , Oregon City The Courier has a full line of Legal Blanks for sale. If you are in need of Legal Blanks you will find that it will pay you to come to the Courier. Naming a Race Horse. Some years ago at a sale of racing yearlings the Duke of Portlund and another peer bid together for a fine animal, and the contest between them was very keen. At length over 500 was bid for the house. "If we go on at this rute," suld the other peer, "we shall be paying far more than the creature is worth. Sup pose we buy It between us?" The Duke of Portland agreed, and later on they bad a discussion as to what the borse should be called. "Well," said bis grace, "us we are go ing to share it why not call it 'The Loaf?' "-Loudon Mail. A Chance at Last. He Did your mother appear pleased when you broke the news of our en gagement? She Yes. indeed. She said she had always wanted to tell you what she thought of your habits of dress and speech and total lack of good manners and literary taste, and felt now she had the right to express her self. Richmond Times Dispatch. Did you ever give the Courier a trial on your stationery? You will find that they have the most up-to- date faces of type and are right there with the punch in getting up a suit able design that will please you and please others. PUT UP YOUR AUTO TOP Right now before the rain comeB in earnest. Maybe that you will need a new one, and if you do better get it now and enjoy dry seats, for there's no use bothering along and then finally having it done. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ONE-MAN TOPS, Seat Covers, Dust Hoods, Side Curtains, Back, Cushions, and Tire Covers. Auto Painting Bodies and Wheels. OREGON TOP COMPANY J 4th & Couch St. Phone Main 20 Portland, Ore. 1 i mm hli a nil i.i i i" wMwiBiii.iiiiiigsj!wpi'W,i'iiiiiiui m ;fr.vifJM