OREGON . CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1913 6 MEREDITH ON PSYCHOLOGY Correspondent Also Writes on the Legislature's Ability Editor Courier: The Courier tells me that Rev. Milliken wants the. legislature to regulate mesmerism. Rev. Milliken is generally correct in his views on pennnmies or social reforms but he or myself is very much mistaken in our views about entrusting mo wie gon legislature with an intellectual power that only a few know anything at all about, and very little those know "about the' "subconscious" pow er of man. The exalted thoughts made manifest by modern psychology are not investigated by wire pulling politicians who inhabit our legisla ture. Not three men of our legislature could give you an intelligent defin ition of mesmerism. Unless you mix it with dollars and business they would not know which side to milk it. It would be just as easy for our leg islature to regulate" gravitation or the weather. Now, Brother Milliken, do you think the general reputation of our legislature in managing pro hibition, the state land, fish and game and other things, would justi fy us in making them guardian of a force they know not of and in which carries its own law not subject to change 1 The writer's knowledge of mes merism is like his knowledge of other things just .enough to create an ap petite for more. Mesmerism comes from a source devoid of all evil. It soars above man-made laws and car ries a message to all who seek to hear it, of truth that will make us free from many of the undesirable conditions of the human mind today, Brother Milliken, the average legisla tor of today can regulate dollars, crime and business, but talk psychol ogy to him and he would try to get you assigned to a ward down at Sa lem. Farmers do not acciuire the edu cation enjoyed by other classes which have the money and time to spare, and for this reason farmers are not- od fnr their lack of knowledge in business methods and are not allow ed to occupy any places of honor. Now just to show how foolish farm T will illustrate. A few (lavs &tta we read of a town in Kan sas that was enjoying unusual pros- neritv. Farmers were getting gopu prices for their produce and buying big orders from the stores. Then a strange auto came with strange men, whn tip rsuaded the fool farmers to help them land a band of counter feiters and these fool farmers are now havinir as hard times as before All farmers' telephones of Clacka mas county should be united to in crease their value. The more phones your phone is connected with, the more it is worth to' you. Some farmers' phones are centered with the Home comnanv. and some with the Pacific States. If they cannot mutually arrange the system farm era should call a meeting and pro ceed to establish a central. Unite all farmers' phones in one company un der one management. Farmers musl get into business on their own hook " and become independent by cooper ating. P. W. MEREDITH. WHAT'S IN A NAME? That Depends on the Way You Pro nounce It Sometimes The Oregon City marching club, that is going to spread the fame of this beautiful and salubrious com munity up and down the Pacific Slone. and which is eoinir to march in every parade that is to bo held as long as the club lasts, has chosen to be known as the Fallsaiians, The name is designed to let people know that wo have falls here, and that we are a great manufacturing ana water power center. Hurrah for the Falls nrians. But. Good news travels fast. As soon as the choice of name hud been an nounced, one of the Courier's rend ers sat him (or her) down and wrote us the following letter: Editor Courier: How are they go ing to pronounce the name, please? Are they going to say "False Ariuns" or "Fulzreeans"' or "Fulls-err-ians" or what? Please lot mo know at oncce. Yours, ANIXIOUS READER. We put the mutter up to T. A. Burke, one of the marchers who knows a whole lot, and who is a lin guist besides, and T. A. Burke, he said that he thought they'd call themselves the "Fall Guys" in pri vate, and the "Fallsrns" in public. HINTS ON FASHIONS (Continued from page 8) flower-like formation, tier upon tier. Other kimonos of China silk, taffeta and crepe do Chine show the art of the smocker. A Nattier blue taffeto matinee has a yoke effect of this needlework and narrow ruffles of white maline which match the ruffles on a taffeta petti coat. Then, for milady who break fasts in bed, there is a pretty jacket of peach blow Batin trimmed with swan's-down, and one of the new shirred circular pillows of the same satin, to tuck behind her back. Breakfast jackets of lierre lace and point d'esprit are also shown. Each of these has its own particular bou doir cap and here again names come in play. The "Normandy" cap of maize, pink, white, or lavender crepe de Chine takes its style from the headdress of the' Normandy peasant and the "Colleen" cap is a coenfee tion of ecru net. Oriental lounging robes are also receiving considerable attention, on account of their new shaded colorings. One butterfly ki mona of fine silk crepe is embroider ed in a wistaria pattern, graduating in tone from deep purple to whtie. GOOD ROADS DAY mm nr mm lift Kl. -mm f.v'4 Mi. sis NOW IS THE TIME to have that furnace installed. An early order will give time for the attention required to perfect every detail of installation. We'll be glad to go over the details with you and assist in the selection of a proper furnace to meet your requirements. C. Gadke Pacific 265-R Home 8223 Boost and Build Here is a solid house of enterpris ing and progressive square dealers who believe in boosting and building. They are worthy of your patronage FLOWERS f of Decoration Day YOU'LL FIND US WELL EQUIPPED WITH SEASONABLE FLOWERS TO MEET THE DEMAND OF THIS OCCASION Lilies and Sweet Peas CAN BE HAD IN ABUNDANCE, AND ARE, FOR THIS MEMORIAL DAY, UNSURPASSED. WE HAVE ALSO AN ASSORTMENT OF BED DING PLANTS FOR THE GARDEN OR FLOWER BOX Floral Shop, Beaver Bldg. Greenhouse at Gladstone Phone, Pac. 271 . " James Wilkinson, Florist Guard Yout Eyesight AT THE FIRST INDICATION OF IMPAIRED VISION CONSULT ME. MY EXPERIENCE AND MY MODERN FACILITIES GUARANTEE CORRECT GLASSES. MY REPU TATION INSURES a caret ul, honest statement of your needs, Schilling: ' TOP 'WK hy not a hc J 1 - v ifllK. lmve som r Peacock W V " "S-s fil ff . co. iM2 frtf Mi 0BEf''WN ' sOBS r-m ,s. -i n" t 1 - r i iianfr t t mi ,;, a IXL-'AVYAuV.lf ; imm 1 1 I I " iMt ! i nil II III 111 I ail I T tMtLUi 11U i tfflUiiliTrmMii tJitirJlili 1 i 1..4 tit. Lt II SAFETY It.B always u "the old-x "- . Stat TtagU.r- the house of the1 Rest In Vaudeville KD 11 w u II "III l II II Will I I Mil I1 :-S- I 1 .Wl O 11 I I m f m :::::;!':. P -Tt.-Xt W'yTN Tt'.J'J7m k JV mm 'nu.L.rm. mTm WL. - 1111 TOP X'v" Why not a home of your own? We 111111 " 0tXxe XV VC pense .- .v. j ulou auiu IIUUS- WKTrrWI WT v Vw'a:.v ' es ready for occupation, WM . ' Snr V TXlnllf or if you prefer we'll WA if dets K A build O" al,y lot H I ff Pur. a a V CO. LL HtJK ii,o F 811, " mmm JZf -v." "' wnrnai, V.V wSm'mz: . . mmmmm ' i mm in i iin lii i . CVa.U t" n Leave the Home Furnishing Pi-oblem to Us It's our business to study out plans for furnishing the home comfortably, artistically ami economically. We'll feat her your nest at prices within your reach.- 1 A HOGG SSiS It Goo. ArV APPEARANCE OF ELEGANCE is given to even the most modest of homes by installing neat electrical fix tures. The many electrical conveniences avail able spell comfort for the home in sum mer months. MILLER & PARKER mm ;;-7. ii fWl mm m 11 Outs is a Home Industry but your patronage is not solicited on this basis. Made from the finest ma terials available, our pro ducts are the best pos sible the last word in pure, wholesome bread and pastry. Peerless Bakery u Parity and Quality are the watch words at this grocery. Our policy appeals to the thrifty housewife in that universal language that speaks to the pocket-book along a money saving line. IP? SEE H. P. Btightbill ii MM I it i II M l j.irt'tt'- .rm.-Li T CONTEMPLATING BUILD I N G CONC R ET R vvn i? k i ion lind us eouiiined to moot vr j OREGON ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (.ravel, Cement and Crush. Shoes that Fit the Feet ' U LUMU1JK DEALEKS H. E. Williams, President and General Manager GLADSTONE LUMBER CO. Incorporated MBING, PIPE FIT- PRICES THAT PLEASE THE POCKETBOOlv. STYLE KEEPS PACE WITH COMFORT IN 01 R nm.N DUALITY. MATERIALS AND SKILLED SHIP AKK COMBINED TO MAKE THE CUSTOMERS TION 01R FIRST CONSIDERATION. Ofegon City Shoe Store w v Vy t0nt're,e Work 8 Specialty-Estimato -tfSq 'M ,', '''uaJtW -JVifiL iii ii ii . ijaauw 'WWwmM'., &3m . It '- K w-f 'jfcV'V.'' 1 -- ii mi- -I,-""- "-"mi -iniitiri i nifiM , iiiii,MI 1 mniof and uut in first class shape a stretch of road between New Era and Oregon City, beyond the section recently improved by the county, people of the two commun ities will unite in a "Good Roads Day" on June 10. Everybody is ex pected to turn up with serviceable overalls and a shovel or rake, and be prepared to put in the entire day or as much of it as they can spare on road work. This road would cut out a lot of heavy grades and furnish a di rect route through Oregon City, as well as an important artery of travel; and it is the desire of the people us ing; it that it be placed in the best of condition for the summer. The county has done considerable work on it already, but there is yet much to be done to make the highway what it ought to be. Under Supervisors Mattoon and Engle the grade will be established, and it is the plan of the Good Roads Day backers to level the surface down to grade, to put in a good foun dation and to roll and generally im prove the surface so that it will be good for all kinds of travel. The Live Wires of the Oregon City Com mercial Club, and local automobile users, have entered enthusiastically into the scheme and have promised to have a large "gang" on hand. William M. Stone Attorney at Law General Law Practice Beaver Building. OREGON CITY, OREGON