Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 25, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Tho most useless occupation in
Oregon Ciity. That is easy. The.
man who gives nothing for something
is the most useless ? Who is he? Let
me in on the game. Say, Hhve you
got any recoipt for that?
Don't r,ll speak at once. The man
who gives nothing for hard coin and
plenty of it, is the man engaged in
the vacant lot industry. Ever see a
let got up and sneak off in the night?
What is it worth' to "hold" it? All
the traffic will bear. Correct: pass
up head.. So in any other "hold up."
When industry and capital com
bine to get the vacant lot holder out
of the way so that buildings may go
up, homes founded, or factories start
ed up,, the vacant lot owner "don't
do nothing" but get out of the way.
That is absolutely all he does. The
highwayman does as much to help in
dustry and to develop the natural re
sources as the vacant lot owner, so
far as the vacant lot is concerned..
Of course some industrious men hold
vacant lots for a rise, and some very
useful citizens do so ; but the great
est handicap to develop is the vacant
lot. It is the big stone in the road,
the big stunip in the garden, the ever
"l owing wen on the neck of industry.
Some men do nothing but "hold" va
cant land from getting away from the
renters of ambitious communities..
They are the most useless and the
most injurious, class of dead-heads
that people have to carry on their
weary backs."
The good people of Germany are
fighting the good people of England,
and so on around. When they all,
get tired and hungry enough they
will quit about where they started.'
Then they will go to work for another
generation to produce and build up.
After that will there be another war
about nobody knows what and for
what nobody knows? Perhaps.
Each of the great powers in Eur
ope is trying to shift the blame for
starting the war on the other side.
Why not stop fighting and find out
who started the rumpus?
More bonds for roads is not going
to restore prosperity in Multnomah
county when nine out of ten of the
road workers on the Columbia high
way now cannot speak the English
language. The contractors will sim
ply hire a few hundred floating labor
ers and the taxpayers and the small
home owners will rustle themselves
a job and pay the road bonds besides.
However, the indications are that the
Portland muts will vote another mil
lion for good roads, scenic roads and
PROSPERITY. It is a great word.
Perhaps with the Celilo canal com
pleted, the Panama canal made the
highway of the world's commerce,
and the Oregon City locks built, the
railroads will be willing to 'sell out
at BOO per cent to Undo Sam. Even
then it might pay to buy them.
Law is made for lawyers, and law
yers make the laws. Judges help
the lawyers and argue on each cause,
with learned dissertations and care
fully split hairs, with wonderous as
servations while the lawyers go in
pairs. "You skin this mut, while I
skin mine." "You take this cut, while
I fling out the line,." There goes a
sucker! Quick with the bait! Don't
let him tucker, make him pay and
wait! Laws should be simply word
ed, and few. Arbitration quick, cases
heard while new. Lawyers should
never have office to hold; judges? no
never; turn 'em down cold. A lawyer
a judge, and more lawyers you'll pay!
A lawyer a judge, and day after day
the case will drag out and the law
yers will play. Put men on the bench
with hard, common sense; limit all
cases as to time and expense; exclude
all lawyers from talking at all! Let
the judge ask the questions and wit
nesses call. The longer time taken
the less should be paid; for ten laws
repealed only one should be made. Let
the lawyers hoe corn, cut wood or feed
stock, their time and attention just
now is to block the giving of justice
to men in dispute, to get fees, and ex
penses and drag out a suit..v
In Oregon you can be a Republi
can and advocate anything, or any
body. Their are Republicans more
radical than Eugene Debs, and others
more conservative than Joe Cannon.
The individual decides whether he is
Money to Loan at X Per Cent.
We have Portland property to exchange for farms.
See us for Fire Insurance
Stiff Stay Fence
I .1
26-inch Hog
20c per rod
28c per rod
47-inch Field
30c per rod
None better at any
Send for Catalogue
Frank Busch
Oregon City, Ore.
100,000 FT. LUMBER FOR SALE -:- $10 Pr. M
Delivered Any Place in City.
3,200 lb. fine dapple gray Team; Harness and Wagon; 1-3
Horse Gas Engine; 2 Cows; 2 Brood Sows; 1 Hay Rope;
1 House, 1 6 x 24; Delivered any place in town Cheap;
Slabwood $3.00 per Cord Delivered.
Office phones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524, 1751
. HomeB25l, D251
Office 612 Main Street
Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty
Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Common
Brick, Face Brick, Fire Brick
News Items From the Scene of the
Great Conflict that are Unique
The Courier doesn't pretend to
compete with the big dailies in giving
its readers telegraphic war news, but
there is a lot of news from Europe
that doesn't get into the big papers
these days simply because it is of
less importance than the telegraphic
dispatches. The Courier herewith
presents some of this less important,
but no less interesting, news.
The British Admiralty has issued
small medals, inscribed with the
words "On War Service," which are
given to artisans and craftsmen who
are engaged in manufacturing sup
plies for the navy, or who may be
doing any sort of labor that will place
the British navy on a better fighting
basis. These medals denote thai,
while the wearer is not a soldier or
a sailor, he is nevertheless engaged
in some kind of work that is of ser
vice to the country in the war. These
medals were issued to answer the
popular appeal foi- some' mark of
service for men who were "fighting
for the country" at home, and who
wore no uniforms. The Army au
thorities are considering the issuing
of similar medals or badges to me
chanics and others who are engaged
in manufacturing ammunition, guns,
gun-carriages or other military
Posters in bold type, and illustrated
with pictures of enemy and British
aeroplanes and dirigibles, have been
put up in all parts of England. The
purpose of these is to familiarize
British country folk with the appear
ance of friendly and foreign aircraft,
so that the mere appearance of an
aeroplane in the sky will not start a
panic. Printed on the top of the
poster is the folowing:
"Public Warning: The public are
advised to familiarize themselves with
the appearance of British and Ger
man aeroplanes so that they may
not be alarmed by British aircraft
and may take shelter if German air
craft appear. Should hostile air
craft be seen, take shelter immediate
ly, in tho nearest available house,
preferably in the basement, and re
main there until the aircraft have
left the vicinity ; do not stand about
in crowds, and do not touch unexplod
ed bombs."
From this it would appear that
there is less unconcern about the
threatened German air-raids of En
gland than the British would have
the rest of the world believ.
Cut This Out Now
If you don't want it today, you
may next week. Send this advertise
ment and 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chi
cago, 111., writing your name and
address clearly. You receive in re
turn three trial packages Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for coughs,
colds, croup and grippe j Foley Kid
ney Pills, for weak or disordered
kidneys or bladder; Foley Cathartic
Tablets, a pleasant, wholesome and
cleansing purgative, just tho thing
for winter's sluggish bowels and tor
pid liver. These well known standard
remedies for sale at Jones' Drug Co.,
Oregon City, Ore.
May Move North
Frank Lischke, a prominent ranch
er living near Milwaukie, and for
merly identified with many lines of
industrial development in Alaska, is
reported to be considering moving to
Vancouver, B. C, where he has the
opportunity to take control of one of
the big daily papers. Mr. Lischke
formerly managed a daily in Van
couver, after his return from Alaska.
Get Rid of Lingering Colds, Coughs
and La Grippe
Spring finds many afflicted with
lingering, hacking coughs that weak
en the system. Slush and wet cause
more colds than zero weather. Croup
bronchitist and pneumonia are preva
lent. Every family should have a
safe and reliable cough medicine
ready for use. Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound contains no harmful
ingredients. It eases a cough,
checks a cold and relieves inflamed
and congested membranes. It clears
the air passages and soothes inflam
mation. Jones Drug Co.
Cartoons of Last Legislature Ought
to be in Every Voter's Home
. One of the best things that has
W. S. U'REN, formerly of
Oregon City
Phone Main 6376
Attorneys at Law
Oreqon City Wood Fuel Company
Wood, Coal and Feed Yard
F. M. BLUHM, Prop.
Horses bought and sold. Farms and wagons for hire by the day, week
or month. Your patronage solicited, call and see us when in town.
Home Phone S ,116. Pacific Phone 137-J.
D. C. LATOURETTE, President.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier.
CAPITAL $30,000.00.
Transacts General Banking Business Open From 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
a Republican, or not, when the time
for registration comes round and no
body can read him out of the party.
There are a bunch of politicans in
this state cf the Democratic stripe
who consider applied Democratic prin
ciples as utterly foreign for consid
eration at any of the party gather
ings. Most of them are Federal of
ficers, past, present, or with hopes of
office to come. Meanwhile the party
vote is disappearing because there
is no reason under heaven outside of
Federal pap why a young man, or an
old one, should join the party on reg
istration day. There is absolutely
no state question either of primary
no state platform, no state measure,
or minor importance whatever to dis
tinguish the Democratic party in Ore
gon from any other party. There is
no stat equestion either of primary
no principle worth sacrificing for
worth fighting for, that the Democrat
ic party of Oregon endorses, proposes,
announces or has a solitary word to
say about. So fearful are the Dem
ocratic "leaders" (Federal office hold
ers) that some issue might be start
ed if a slate conference be called,
that absolutely no movement is being
made in any way to propose, endorse
or demand any Democratic applica
tion of Democratic principles to the
great democracy of Oregon "Sit
tight, and hold fast to that job until
the Republicans kick you from under
at a national election." Thai is the
Democratic platform of Origon.
1'here can be no future for such a
party, so far as (i.-'.j on is concerned.
been pulled in a long time is a book
of cartoons on the members of the
last legislature that has just been
published by Murray Wade, one of
the state's cleverest artists. Mr.
Wade has caught the typical atti
tude and hobby of practically every
man and woman who was at Salem
during the late session, and the book
presents a review of the more salient
features of the session.
Clackamas county's representatives
in both houses are shown prominently,
and tho cartoon of Chris Schuebel is
one that would be recognized any
where. Murray Wade's work has the
special attraction of being funny, and
of being good natured in its banter
ing at the same time. There is
nothing to give offense in the book,
even Gus Moser being reported as
pleased with what Murray did to
him. And Mr. Moser is quite sensi
tive about jokes.
Copies of the book may be ordered
through The Courier office, if desir
ed, or a dollar sent direct to Murray.
Wade at the Alma Hotel, Portland,
will bring a book back by , return
We Must Realize We are Dead Before
We Can Become Alive
This thing we call by the name of
life this state of martality in which
we exist, is not Jife at all in the
absolute sense. It is a state of sub
consciousness. I cannot explain
here what sub-consciousness is. That
is another lesson. But the first
thing we have to learn if we are go
ing to get rid of death, is that we
are in it and that this sub-conscious
state is really below the life line.
Sub means below. Just as when we
realize that we are asleep, we begin
to wake up; so when we realize that
we are dead, we begin to come to
It is hard to learn this. I spent
manv unhappy years wandering in
the nightmare of mortality before I
saw the light, and this in the lace ot
the fact that I used to mumble a
prayer every evening, beginning with
the words "Lighten our darkness we
beseech thee, oh Lord."
Whv did God give the command
ment "Thou shalt not kill," and then
command the slraelites to kill off the
Canaanites? A disciple of Ingersodl
asked this question through the Sun
day Oregonian some years ago. No
one answered it. I guess nobody
could, but it started my in quisitive
ness to work; I always like to pon
der over problems that no one else
can solve.
Not long afterwards Heney, in
making a speech somewhere, let out
the remark "You can't kill a man if
he is dead," and I wondered greatly
that someone had not thought of that
sooner. It is easier to forget than
to remember; otherwise we should be
aware that the teaching of the Bible
is that the mortal man, meaning the
natrual animal man, , is by nature a
dead one. The word mortal means
that. The Canaanites were dead be
fore the Israelites killed them. If
they had been immortals they could
not have been killed.
This is the teaching of the Bible,
but somehow the words fal laway
from us like water from a duck's
back. We repeat them over and over
mechanically and do not realzie that
they mean what they say. I did not
learn it from the Bible. I learned it
from Heney and from a distinguish
ed Republican senator of Kansas,
John J. Ingalls.
Ineralls commenced one of his fa
mous speeches with the words: "We
are all under sentence of death. We
are all condemned to die." And then
he went on and proved that we are
all criminals and convicts under con
demnation of the law. He did not
realize that what he said was true or
he would have tried to start a revival
in the United States' Senate, which
is one of tha deadest places on earth.
But Ingalls did some good anyhow.
His argument convinced me that the
Bible is true. His demonstration
made it clear to me. Demonstrate
is a word much used by Christian
Scientists. It means to furnish con
vincing proof; and they are always
trying to demonstrate this same
truth, that we must ultimately learn,
that God is life and that the mortal
man without spiritual perception or
discernment is practically dead.
In the book of Revelations we are
told that the two witnesses lay dead
for three days and a half (12C0
years) in the streets of the great city
called Sodom. The great city called
Sodom means this world this mor
tal state. It is more commonly called
! Babylon, but Sodom is just as appro
' priate.
The two dead witnesses are the old
I and new testaments. These witnes-
ses are dead because the people are
, dead and cannot realize that the tes
i timony is true. When anyone gets
awake spiritually then he can see that
the Bible is true in a sense entirely
' different from the materialistic con
j cept that now obtains in the mortal
i minds of those that go through the
mechanical "services" that are fondly
, and falsely supposed to constitute
J. L. Jones.
Cuts, Burns,
BruUes, Sores, Wounds and Filet
quickly healed with Arnica Solve.
It prevents infection, is antiseptic,
soothing, healing. Try it once.
Money Back If It Foils.
; The Original and Genuine,
Arnica Salve
Heals the Hurt
All Druggists and Dealers, 2So.
Yields To Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
TNMiuHl Tnd. : "I suffered for four
teen years from organic inflammation,
I e male weakness,
pain and irregulari
ties. The pains in
my sides were in
creased by walking
or standing on my
feet and I had such
awful bearing down
feelings, was de
pressed in spirits
and became thin and
pale with dull,heavy
eves. I had six doc
tors from whom I received only tempo-
rary relief. 1 decided to give ljyaia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair
trial and also the Sanative Wash. I have
now used the remedies for four months
and cannot express my thanks for what
thfiv have done for me.
"If these lines will be of any benefit
you have my permission to puDiisn
them." Mrs. SADIE WILLIAMS, 455
James Street, Elkhart, Indiana.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound.made from native rootsand herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and to-dey holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for female ills
we know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on file in the Pinkhara
laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to
prove this fact.
If yon have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you.wri te
to Lydia E.Pinkbam MedicineCo.
(confidential) Lynn.lWass., for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
All Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled at Clearance Prices Express and
Parcel Post Packages Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases Principal Portland Agents
for Ladies' Home Journal PatternsAll Styles and Sizes, 10 and 15 Cents Each
Store Opens
8:30 A. M.
Saturdays at
9 A. M.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
The Most in Value
The Best in Quality
Store Closes
5:30 P. M.
Saturdays a.'
6 P. M.
Home Phone
A 2112
An Object Lesson in Value-Giving
Offerings in the New Season's Goods
That Can Not Be Duplicated Else
where Come I Make Comparisons!
Exquisite Colorings and Charming Patterns in Cheney Bros.
Shower-Proof Foulard Silks
A wondrously interesting and instructive showing rvealing the latest and most popular
patterns and colorings of the new season novelties that demonstrate the marvelous skill
of these celebrated silk manufacturers. Cheney Bros'. Foulards are absolutely spotproof.
They are all silk and are of standard width and quality. Many designs have been confin
ed exclusively to this store. Those in search of a beautiful, high-class material for
street, afternoon or evening dress, gown or or Avaist should not purchase elsewhert"J Q
before inspecting this great display. They have been priced for this sale at, yar( JJv
Sale of Yard-Wide
Black Messalines at 75c
Yd. Reg. $1.00 Quality
A special underpricing of 500 yards of
Swiss Finished Black Messaline Silks of
fine, firm weave and brilliant finish; comes
in a perfect black and full 36 inches wide.
Regular $1.00 quality now at the
price of, yard
Sale of 40-lnch Crepe
de Chines at, Yard, $1.25
Regular $1.50 Quality
Another express shipment just received
the extremely popular and fashionable 40
inch Crepe de Chines. Included are all the
wanted new and staple colors for street or
evening wear a silk of regular fl 4 rtfjj
$1.50 quality at, yard J) .Zu
No improvement in your resi
dence will bring you bigger re
turns in convenience, comfort,
cleanliness and saving of labor.
It adds to the value of your prop
ertyadds to the pleasure of liv
ing for all in the household.
It means not only the coolest, saf
est lighting, but the ability to use
many time and labor saving devi
ces such as electric flatirons, vac
uum cleaners andsweepers,toast
ers, table stoves, water heaters,
sewing machine motors, washing
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building Main Street. Phones Home A229; Pacific Main 115