Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 23, 1914, Image 8

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Oregon1 (jiT Courier, Thursday, july 23, 1914
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
County of Clackamas. Plaintiff,
Gladstone R. E. Ass'n; Chris
tian Trachsel; Thos. Gibbs;
E. G. Caufield; Mary Ad
ams; Wm. Dale; City of
Estacada; Albert Suavana;
W. H. Kandle; E. L. Fra
ley; Ernest N. Moak; S. E.
Heiple; Ellen M. Ford; A.
T. Striker; Sarah E. Park
er; Earl Fitzwater; J. E.
Maher; Reinhold Griesel;;
Emanual May Investment
Co.; Blanche R. Blaumuer;
Grace L. Bronaugh; EarlC.
Bronaugh; Walter Pome
roy; M. B. Wakeman; Jo
hanna Buckley; D. J. Buck
ley. Jr.; Wm. Buckley; C.
A. Gove; Harriet Lee; Sar
ah Whitmore; G. Svarvend;
J. L. Frasier; Emma B.
Thompson; Louise Graff el
man; B. W Morris; Bishop;
Beaverton & Willsburg R.
R. Co.; M. E. Holman;
Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co.; Louis P. Lou
den; J. J. Downing; Ira
Erb; James H. Black; Lu
ella H. Hess; Chas. Cahill;
Annie Long; Edward K.
Dart; Lawrence Bauman;
Geo. W. Woellener; Leo
pold Troendle; W. I. Mc
Dermitt; Geo. L .Burtt;
Marie Rothe; A. E. La
tourette; R.' A. Miller;
Chas. E. Martin; Grace E.
Loder; B. F. Mitchell; F.
A. Vallet; Gabrilla Baker;
Jennie Pierce; Lena A.
Charman; Wesley Green;
E. K. Jackson; Helen L.
Stratton; Margaret J.
Wisher; G. W. Hendershot;
H. F. Reese; F. E. Brand
es; Mary H. Dale; John
Vinney; Oscar & Agnes N.
Schaubel; Elizabeth N.
Davis; Joseph Woell; P. J.
Emmott; Carl B. Wintler;
J. N. Pearce; J. D. Lee;
A. S. Patullo; F. T. Grif
fith; Alice Wirtz; J. T. Ap
. person; Daniel Harvey;
Florence H. Kelley; Geo.
L. Campbell; Geo. W.
Hoyt; J. S. Patton; J. S.
Beall; Willard F. Hawley;
C. Franklin; D. Franklin;
D. J. Finn: John R. Nash;
Matthew Brown; Frank
Capen; A. Finn; Wm. She
ahan; T. J. Gary; Belle
Harding; Rose M. Drake;
Willamette Falls Co.; M.
Morehead; G. W. Kennedy;
Lucinda Kline; Elam Shaw;
Gustav A. Hoffman; James
J. Koch; R. J. Friedman;
Anna Bristerfeldt; Wm.
Sherwood; Hibernia Sav
ings Bank; Queen V .Har
rell; L. F. Rasmussen; L.
C. Ewell; Marcella W. Wel
ch; R. W. Welch; J. S.
Vaughn; Anna C. Muecke;
Bert B. Espey; R. K. Lien;
E. E. Parker; Augustus H.
Harvey; Edward Graves;
E. G. Caufield; Maxwell
Telford Jr.;C. M. Critten
den; Kate Haugh; D. E.
Skirvin: D. M. Steindler;
Mary A. Wittenberg; L.
B. Wickersham; John Ann
and; Wm. C. Wetzler; G.
Bluhm; Geo. F. Honey;
Cora E. Corum; B. F. For
rester; Otto Nelson; Rem
mie J. Younger; Ethel J.
Younger; Oregon Iron &
Steel Co.; Francis Baker;
Guy Woodle; A. E. Helms;
H. E. Helms; J. N. Elliott;
0. A. Giltner; May Gilt
ner; J. F. Langley; A. Mil
ler; E. Miller; Ella Ham;
Ida M, Dundas; Peter Man
tz; Enselmo Bosso; C. M.
Oglesby; T. Charman; El
la F. Young; Rose Bridges;
City of Oregon City, a
municipal corp oration;
James A. Kays; Hans
Olesen; Elnora Miller;
C. G. Rice; A. M. Welch;
Reinhold Miobs; Ellen Cal
lahan; Henry Burgoeis; W.
F. Speer; Ina E. Speer;
' Emanuel Albel; Eleanor M.
Boon.-; Mary E. Knotts;
To Gladstone R. E. Abs'ii.;
Christian Trachsel; Thos.
Gibbs; E. G. Caufield;
Mary Adams; Wm. Dale;
City of Estacada; Albert
Suavani; W. II. Kandle;
E. L. Fruley; Ernest N.
Moak; S. E. Heiple; Ellen
M. Ford; A. T. Striker;
Sarah E. Parker; Earl Fitz
water; J .E. Maher; Rein
hold Griesel; Emanuel May
Investment Co.; Blanche R.
Blumauer; Graco L. Bro
naugh; Earl C. Bronaugh;
Walter Pomoroy; M. B.
Wakeman; Johanna Buck
ley; D. J. Buckley Jr.;
Wm. Buckley; C. A. Cove;
Harriett Lee; Sarah Whit
more; G. Svarvend; J. L.
Frasier; Emma B. Thomp
son; Louise Grafl'elmnn; B.
W. Morris, Bishop; Bea
verton & Willsburg R. R.
Co.; M. E. Holman; Port
land Railway, Light &
Power Co.; Louis P. Loud
en; J. J. Downing; Ira
Erb; James H. Black; Lu
ella II. Hess; Chas. Cahill;
Annie Long; Edward K.
Durt; Lawrence Bauman;
Geo. W. W o e 1 1 n e r ;
Leopold Troendle; W.
I. McDormitt; Geo. L.
Burtt; Mario Rothe; A. E.
Latourette; R. A. Miller;
Chas. E. Martin; Grace E.
Loder; B. F. Mitchell; F.
A. Vallet; Gabrillu Baker;
Jennie Tierce; Lena A.
Charman; Wesley Green;
D. K. Jackson; Helen L.
Stratton; Margaret J.
Wisher; G. W. Hendershot;
H. F. Reese; F. F. Bran
des; Mary 11. Dale; John
Vinney; Oscar & Agnes N.
Schaubel; Elizazbeth N.
Davis; Joseph Woell; P.
J. Emmott; Carl B .Wint
ler; J. N. Pearce; J. D.
Lee; A. S. Pattuilo; F. T.
Griffith; Alice Wirtz; J. T.
Apperson; Daniel Harvey;
Florence H. Kelley; Geo.
L. Campbell; Geo. W.
Hoyt; J. S. Patton; J. S.
Beall; Willard F. Hawley;
C. Franklin; D. Franklin;
D. J. Finn; A. Finn; John
R. Nash; Matthew Brown;
Frank Capen; Wm. Shea
han; T. J. Gary; Belle
Harding; Rose M. Drake;
Willamette Falls Co.; M.
Morehead; G. W.Kennedy;
Lucinda Kline; Elam Shaw;
Gustav A. Hoffman; James
J. Koch; R. J. Friedman;
Anna Bristerfeldt; Wm.
Sherwood; Hibernia Sav
ings Bank; Queen V. Har
rell; L. F. Rassmussen;
L. A. Rassmussen; L. C.
Ewell; Marcella W. Welch;
R. W. Welch; J. S. Vau
ghn ; Anna C. Muecke;
Bert B. Espey; R. K. Lien;
E. E. Parker; Augustus H.
Harvey; Edward Graves;
E. G. Caufield; Maxwell
Telford Jr.; C. M. Critten
den; Kate Haugh; D.-E.
Skirvin; D. M. Steindler;
Mary A. Wittenberg; L.
B. Wickersham; John An
nand; Wm. C. Wetzler; G.
Bluhm; Geo. F. Honey;
Cora E. Corum; B. F. For
rester; Otto Nelson; Rem
mie J. Younger; Ethel J.
Younger; Oregon Iron &
Steel Co.; Francis Baker;
Guy Woodle; A. E. Helms;
H. E. Helms; J. N. Elliott;
0. A. Giltner; May Gilt
ner; J. F. Langley; A.
Miller; E. Miller; Ella
Ham; Ida M. Dundas;
Peter Maritz; Enselmo Bos
so; C. M. Oglesby; T. Char
man; Ella h. Young; Rose
Bridges; City of Oregon
City, a municipal corpo
ration; James A. Kays;
Hans Olesen; Elnora Mil
ler; C. G. Rice; A. M.
Welch; Reinhold Miebs;
Ellen Callahan; Henry Bur
goeis; W. F. Speer: Ina
E. Speer; Emanuel Albel;
Eleanor M. Boone; Mary E.
Knotts; the above named
You are hereby notified that Clack
amas County the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1339 is
sued on the 14th day of April, 1914,
by the Sheriff of the County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, for the
TY FOUR & 75-180 Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and de
linquent for taxes for the year 1909,
together with penalty, interest and
costs thereon upon the real property
assessed to you, of which you are the
owner as appears of record, situated
in said County and State, and par
ticularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit; .
Gladstone R. E. Ass'n.
Lots 1, 2, 6, 7,& 8, Blk. 67,
Canemah $ 4.35
Gladstone R. E. Ass'n.
Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, Blk. 58
Canemah, 2.17
Christian Trachsel,
Lot 3, Blk C, Canemah, 2.72
Thomas Gibbs,
Part of as des. Blk. 63, Pg.
415, Canemah, 1.09
E. G. Caufield,
Lot 5 Blk. 1, 1st Add to Ca
nemah, .yi 2.04
Mary Adams,
Lot 15 Blk 6, Estacada, 3.24
City of Estacada,
Lot 3 Blk 10, Estacada, 4.32
Albert Suavani,
Lot 9 Blk. 18, Estacada, 2.16
R. L. Cartwright,
Lot 3 Blk. 28, First Add to
Estacada : 2.63
E. L. Fraley,
All of Ex. W'ly 86 ft of Blk
11, Fraleys Sub-Division in
Sec. 28, T. 3 S. R. 4 E 86
W. S. Moak,
Lot 3 Blk. 6, Zobrists Add to
Estacada 1.72
Estacada State Bank,
Lot 3 Blk. 9, Zobrists Add to
Estacada 1.72
B. Gildner,
Lots 1 to 7 inc. Blk 7. Hyde
Park 1.40
B. Gildner,
Lots 8 to 30 inc, Blk 7, Hyde
Park 4.04
A. F. Striker,
Lots 9 & 10, Blk 10, Hyde
Park 85
B. Gildner,
Lots 9 to 17, Blk 14, Hyde
Park 1.59
B. Gildner,
Lots 18 to 24 inc, Blk 14,
Hyde Park 1.22
Earl Fitzwater,
Lots 28, 29 & 30, Blk. 14,
Hyde Park 62
B. Gildner,
liOts 1 to b mc, Blk 15, Hyde
Park 1.04
B. Gildner,
Lots 2, 3 & 4, Blk 18, Hyde
Park 52
B. Gildner,
Lots 35 & 30, Blk 18, Hyde
Park 35
B. Gildner,
All of Blk 19, Hyde Tark.... 1.04
Grace L, Bronaugh,
Blk 2, Boardmans Add to
Jennings Lodge, 41.99
tJ. U. Ai b.Uoanimun. & E. A.
C F. E. Hodgkins,
Blk, 8. Boardmans Add to
Jennings Loilse 6.44
G. D. & E.Boardman, & E. A.
C. r . E. Hodgkins,
Blk. 11, Boardmans Add to
Jennings Lodge, 6.30
G. D. & E.Boardman, & E. A.
C F. E. Hodgkins,
Blk. 14, Boardmans Add to
Jennings Lodge, 7.66
Walter l'omeroy,
Lots 7, 8 & 9, Blk 1, Linn
City, 1.67
M. B. Wakeman,
Lots 5 & (i Blk 8, Linn City 1.12
Johanna Buckley,
Lot 35 Blk 7, Marchbanks, .30
D. J. Buckley, Jr.
Lot 3(, Blk 7, Marchbanks, .30
William Buckley,
Lot 37 Blk 7, Marchbanks, .30
C. A. Gove,
Lot 1 Blk 9, Marchbanks .92
Harriet Leo,
Lots 2 to 6 inc, Blk 9, March-
banks 1.66
C. A. Gove,
Lot 8 Blk 9, Marchbanks 32
Sarah Whitmore,
Lot 10 Blk 9, Marchbanks, .46
G. Svarvend & J. L. Frasier,
Lots 12 13, 14, 15 Blk 9,
Marchbanks 1.87
C. A. Gove,
Lot 10 Blk 9, Marchbanks, 1.08
F. N. Breeze,
Lots 4 & 5 Blk 1. Roots
Add to Marshfield, 4.12
F. N. Breeze,
Fr'l Lot 12 Blk 1, Roots Add
to Marshfield, .76
Louise Graffelman,
Lots 1 & 2 Blk 25, Roots Add
to Marshfield, 2.28
B. W. Morris, Bishop,
W'ly 57 ft of Lot 4 Blk 30.
Milwaukie 2.63
Beaverton & Willsburg R. R.
E of Lot 7 Blk 81. Mil
waukie 1.79
Beaverton & Willsburg R. R.
of Lot 8 Blk 31. Milwau
kie. 1.79
M. E. Holman,
Lot 6 Blk 44. Milwaukie
Heights 1.21
P. R. L. & P. Co.
Lots 1 & 2. Blk 49. Mil
waukie Heights:, 2.17
Louis P. Louden,
Lots 11 & 12 Blk 25. Mil
waukie Park : 2.79
J. J. Downing,
100 ft off of N. end of Lot
19 Blk 68, Minthorn 46
Oregon Land Co.,
All of Ex. 100 ft off of N.
end of Lots 19 & 20 Blk 68.
Minthorn. 28
J. J. Downing,
100 ft off of N. end of Lots
20 and 21, Blk 68, Minthorn .93
Oregon Land Co.
All of Ex. 100 ft. off of N.
end of Lots 21 & 22. Blk 68.
Minthorn 28
J. J.. Downing,
100 ft off of N. end of Lots
22 and 23. Blk 68. Min
thorn, 93
Oregon Land Co.
All of Ex. 100 ft. off of N.
end of Lots 23 & 24. Blk 68.
Minthorn, .28
J. J. Downing,
100 ft off of N. end of Lots
24 Blk 68, Minthorn, 46
Ira Erb,
. Lot 47 Blk 69, Minthorn, .54
James H. Black,
Lots 16 & 17. Blk 77. Min
thorn 46
Luella H. Hess,
Lots 11 & 12, Blk 88, Min
thorn, 39
Luella H. Hess,
Lots 25 & 26. Blk 89. Min
thorn, 76
H. W. Hatch,
Lot 38 Blk 92, Minthorn 28
H. W. Hatch,
Lot 39 Blk 92, Minthorn,.... .46
R. E.Hamilton,
NE'ly 60x100 ft of Lot 5
Blk 1, Everharts Add to Mo-
lalla B4
Gilbert Engle,
Lot 1 Blk 2. Everharts Add
to Molalla, 1.61
Nancy Engle,
Lot 2 Blk 2. Everharts Add
to Molalla 3.61
Helen L. Stratton,
Lots 1 to 6 inc, Blk 85. Ore
gon City, 4.61
Helen L. Stratton,
Lots 6. 7 & 8. Blk 85. Ore
gon City 2.71
Helen L'. Stratton,
All of Lot 1 and E'ly end
of 2 and 3. Blk 86. Oreeon
City 2.94
Harry Jones,
E'ly end of Lot 8 Blk 86.
Oregon City, 68
Helen L. Stratton,
Lots 7 & 8 Blk 91. Ore
gon City, 3.15
Gf.o. W. Woellener,
Lots 15 & 16 Blk 2. Oregon
City Annex, 66
Leopold Troendle,
Lots 1 & 2 Blk 4. Oreeon
City Annex 44
W. I. McDermitt, "
hot 4 Blk 8, uretron City
Annex, .22
W. I. McDermitt,
Lot 17 Blk 8. Oreeon City
Annex 22
Frank Warren,
Lot 2 Blk 18. Oreeon City
Annex, 83
Chas. E. Martin,
Blk 4, Darlings Add to Ore
gon City 2.26
Gabrilla Baker,
Lots 12 & 13 Blk 2. Ede-
wood Add to O. C, 1.91
M. and E. Green,
, Lot 2 Blk 19, Falls View Add
to Oregon City 1.81
D. K. Jackson,
Lot 11 Blk 20B. Falls View
Add to O. C 3.40
Helen L. Stratton,
Lot 13 Blk 20B, Falls View
Add to 0. C 4.54
Margaret J. Wisher,
Und of Lot 7 Blk3,
Mountain View Add to
Oregon City 1.14
Margaret J. Wisher,
Und of Lot 8 Blk 3, Moun
tain View Add to Oregon
City, 1.13
G. W. Hendershot,
Lot 1 Blk 3, Pleasant Place
Add to O. C, 3.62
W. S. King,
Lots 1 to 5 inc Blk 1, Shaws
First Add to Oregon City.... 1.91
W. S. King,
Lots 1 to 6, Blk 8, Shaws
First Add to Oreeon Citv 3.43
W. S. King,
Lots 1 & 2 Blk 5, Shaws
First Add. to Oreeon Citv. .76
W. S. King,
Lots 1, H, 3 Blk 6, Shaws
First Add to Oreeon Citv. 1.14
W. S. King,
Lot 4 Blk 6, Shaws First
Add to O. C, 38
W. S. King,
Lot 10 Blk 7, Shaws First
dd to O. C 7
N. R. Lang, Trustee,
Lot 16 Blk 7, South Oreeon
City No. 1 1.71
John Vinney,
Lots 7 & 8 Blk 9, South
Oregon City No. 1 2.29
O. I. & S. Co.
Lot 3 Blk 16, 0. I & S.
Cos. First Add to Oswego, 3.29
William Halliman,
Lots 7 & 8 Blk 9, South
Oswego 6.43
Joseph Woell,
Lots 1 to 8 Blk 19, South
Oswego 8.69
Wm. Gorman,
Lots 1 & 2 Blk 29, South
Oswego 1.71
J. N. Pearcy,
Lots 4, 6 6 & 7, Blk 36,
South Oswego, 8.42
J. F. Dickson,
Lot 13 Blk 3ft South Os
wego 86
J. N. Pearcv,
Lot 14 Blk 36, South Os
wego 86
J. D. Lee, heirs,
Lot 5 Blk 41, South Oswego, .86
J. D. Lee,
8-16 of Blk 60, South Os
wego, 86
Robert Patton, heirs,
4-16 of Blk 50, South Os
wego .32
Sophia Huerth,
Lot 2 Blk 6, Appersons Sub
division of Park Place, 1.14
J. T. Apperson,
Fr'l of Blk 11, Appersons
Sub-division of Park Place, 3.82
Daniel Harvey,
Tract 1, Peoples Transporta
tion Co's. Lots, 1.35
Wm. Carr,
Tracts 22 and 23, Pleasant
Little Homes No. 1 1.00
George L. Campbell,
Lots 5 & 6 Blk C. Pompeii, 1.16
George W. Hoyt,
Lots 1 & 2 Blk C.Pompeii 1.16
J. S. Patton,
Lots 5 & 6 Blk C. Pompeii ' 1.16
J. S. Beall,
Lots 7 & 8 Blk C, Pompeii.... 1.16
Willard F. Hawley,
Lots 7 & 8Blk 4, Pompeii,.... 1.16
C. and D. Franklin,
Lot 2 Blk 9, Pompeii 57
O. C. & A. M. Yocum,
Lot 2 Blk 10, Pompeii 57
John R. Nash,
E of Lot 2 Blk 16, Robert
son ' l.Orf
John R. Nash,
W of Lot 4 Blk 16, Robert
son 60
John R. Nnsh,'
W& of Lot 6 Blk 16, Robert
son, 61
Matthew Brown,
Lot 1 Blk 5, Rockland, 51
Willamette Falls Co.
Lot 10 Blk 8, Willamette
Falls, 4.55
Willamette Falls Co.
Lot 9 Blk 9, Willamette
Falls '4.65
W. A. Lynd,
Blk 30, Willamette Tracts..- .90
Willamette Falls Co.
Blk 33, Willamette & Tu
alatin Tracts 3.66
Willamette Falls Co.
Tract 41, Willamette & Tu
alatin Tracts, , 2.92
Sarah C. Parker,
Lots 2 & 3 Blk 7, Windsor, 2.93
G. W. Kennedy,
Lot 1 Blk 11, Windsor, 1.47
Lueinda Kline,
Lots 7 & 8, Blk 13, Windsor 2.93
J. J. Richardson,
Lot 1 Blk 15, Windsor 1.76
Gustav A. Hoffman,
Lots 9 & 10 Blk 15, Windsor 2.93
Albert Schmidle,
Lots 17 & 18 Blk 18, Wind
sor, 2.93
L. L. Porter,
Lot 3, Blk 20, Windsor 1.18
Anna Bristerfeldt,
Lot 3 Blk 21, Windsor, 1.47
u. L. Sorter,
Lot 10 Blk 21. Windsor 1.17
riioernia savings Bank,
Lot 9 Blk V, Milwaukie Park 6.40
Hibernia Savings Bank,
Lot 10 Blk V. Milwaukie
Park 6.41
Hibernia Savings Bank,
Lot 11. Blk V. Milwaukie
Park, 6.40
Queen V. Harrell,
Blk 39, Milwaukie 17.77
riibernia Savings Bank,
All or Lot 1 Blk V, lying
South and East of Lot 7 in
Blk U, Replattine of a Por
tion of Milwaukie Park 1.52
L. r. & L. A. Kasmussen,
Tract 1, Wichita 6.16
izetta is. lrvin,
Lots 5 & 6 Blk 68, .Min
thorn j 93
M. W. Welch,
fart of Lot 40, Jennines
Lodge, 1.11
S. Vaughn, heirs,
1.50 Acres Anson Cone D.
L. C 2.23
Anna Muecke,
14 acres in John Anderson
D. L. C 7.79
Bert B. Espey,
4 acres in S. H. Tyron D.
C 35.90
B. Reese,
8.21 acres in Sec. 20-3-1E, 4.12
E. Parker,
5 acres in Milton Brown D.
L. C , 4.63
J. Beutel,
.50 acre in S. D. Pomeroy'
D. L. C 1.24
G. Caufield,
Part of A. F. Hedees D. L.
C 2.70
Maxwell Telford, Jr.
a.su acres in A. b. Hedges
D. L. C 2.15
August Konigshafen,
acres in Sec. 18-4-1E. 4.45
Kate Haugh & D. E. Skirvin
50 acres in Sec. 10-6-1E 10.58
D. N. Shindler, "
NE'a of SE& in Sec. 12-6-
1E 4.46
John T. Mclntyre,
SL'14 ofSWVi in Sec. 24-2-
6E, 11.25
Wm. C. Wetzler,
10 acres in Sec. 25-1-3E, 9.02
20 acres in Andrew Hood D.
L. C 18.60
Bazil & Rosy Delore,
2 acres off of E. end of W
of NW'i in Sec. 24-2-5E.... 1.66
B. F. Forrester,
7o aues in Sec. 29-2-4E 51
Otto Nelson, .
NWV, c NW& in Sec. !)-
5-3E 8.84
Remmie J. & Ethel J. Younger,
.25 acres in Oregon City
Claim 2.25
O. I & S. Co.
9 acres in Sec. 16-2-1E, . 6.39
Francis Baker,
4 acres in Sec. 18-4-4E, 63
G. R. Woodle,
NW'4 of Sec. 10-3-6E 20.54
G. F. Blair,
11.89 acres in Sec, 21-2-1E, .. 8.53
N. Elliott,
15 acres in J. C. Norton D.
L. C 12.49
L. M. Hedge,
SWV4 of NEYt in Sec 29-1-
3E 16.43
H. Wittenberg,
NEVi of SWM, in Sec 24-2-6E,
Mt Hood Land Co.
WH of NEy of NW4 in
Sec. 8-3-5E 4.11
Ethel F. Ham.
23.50 acres in Sec. 15-2-3E 9.74
N. Rankin & T. H. Gardner,
1 acre in See. 32-1-2E, 2.47
& M. Maddox,
.50 acre in Ezra Fisher D. L.
C 3.88
Charman, heirs,
.HO acre in Ezra Fisher D. L.
C 1.96
Dion E. Pearce& U. C. McNeal
60x100 ft in Oregon City
Claim, 8.38
J. & E. J. Bigger,
River Front in Geo. Aber-
nathy D. L. C 4.23
Harry Jones,
9 acres m Archibald Mc
Kinley D. L. C 40.53
Harry Jones,
4.15 acres in Archibald Mc
Kinley D. L. C 18.01
James A. Kays,
.as acres Wm. Holmes. D. L.
C 3.88
Hans Olsen,
1 acre in Washingtion Wil
liams D. L. C 1.11
8:30 A. M.
AT 9 A. M.
The Most in
Great Saving' in Little Tots'
Wash Dresses
In Ages 2 to 6 Years
Over three hundred mothers, much to their sur--prise,
save up to a third on fashionable Wash
Dresses if they take advantage of this Sale, Choose
from these four Jots-
Children's Dresses in $J
to $1.98 Values.
Middy, French and other equally as popular
styles all made of the finest standard
wash materials and trimmed and finished
in a perfect manner both plain colors and
neat patterns, in sizes 2 to 6 years Dresses
that were made to sell regularly
from $1.75 to $1.98. This sale
Children's Dresses
Priced at
A variety of pleasing styles in Amoskeag
ginghams, percales and chambrays plain
colors, checks, stripes and figured patterns
well finished, neatly
in sizes 2 to 6 years best
this sale
Lena and Nora Miller
S. of S. E. North of
County Road in Sec. 32-3-3E
H. W. and J. Jewitt,
of NWV in Sec. 31-
9-4-3E 12.01
Reinhold Miebs,
7.50 acres in Sec. 12-4-3E.
F.lteti Callahan.
9 acres in Sec; 19-5-3E 65
W. F. and Ina E. Speer,
N. E. Y and 1.20 acres in
N 1-2 of N. VV. 1-4 of
Sec. 31-1-4E 1.73
Chas. Timmerman,
46x50 ft. in N. W. comer of
NV4 of NEVi of Sec. 5-2-4E, 1.51
City of Estacada,
2.50 acres Franklin Pierce
D. L. C 4.27
Mary E. Knotts,
East 30 acres of N of S.E.
in Sec. 30-2-7E, 2.87
You are further notified that said
Clackamas County has paid taxes on
said premises for prior or subsequent
vears. with the rate of interest on
said amounts as follows:
Said above named defendants as
the owners of the legal title of the
above described property as the same
appears of record, and each of the
other persons above named are here
by further notified that Clackamas
County will apply to the Circuit
Court of the County and State afore
said for a decree foreclosing the lien
against the property above described
and mentioned in said certificate.
And you are hereby summoned to
appear within sixty days after the
first publication of this summons up
on you, exclusive oi tne day or saia
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due as above
shown, toeether with costs and accru
ed interest, and in case of your fail
ure to do so a decree will be render
ed foreclosing the hen of said taxes
and costs against the land and prem
ises above named.
All process and papers in this
proceeding may be served upon the
undersigned residing within the
State of Oregon, at the address here.
after mentioned.
Date of first publication of this
summons, July 9th, 1914.
Gilbert L. Hedges,
District Attorney for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Address, Uregon City, Uregon,
"Schooling in vouth ah mild tnvnriahlv he
directed to prepare a person in the beat way
lur me dci permanent occupation tor wmcn
he is capable.1' President C. W. Eliot.
This Is the Mission of the
Forty-sixth School Year Opens
SEPTEflBER i8th, 1014
Write for Illustrated loo-oaze Bodk-
let, "THE LIFE CAREER," and for Cata
log containing full Information.
Degret Courses AGRICULTURE i
Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus
bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture.
Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY,
Logging Engineering, home eco
nomics: Domestic Science, Domestic Art,
ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation,
Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining.
Industrial arts.
Vocational C?Krj-Agrkulture, Dairy
ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial
Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course.
School of iVajiVPiano, String, Band,
Voke Culture.
Firmer! Business Course by Miil Frt
(lw-7-14 to -9) CanmlHj, Orrgoa
Free Delivery To AH Parts of Oregon
A 2112
$1.50 at each
trimmed garments
75 lines,
6 years in regular values up to f 1.50
This sale at
Tillamook County
Beaches and Fishing Streams
Tillamook Countybeaches have been aptly called
"Nature's Playground." Resorts where the "Call
of the Wild" and the Life Outdoors can be fully en
joyed, now open for the Summer visitor. New ho
tels, new cottages, new camping grounds.
Low round-trip season and week-end fares from
various points on S. P. main line and branches.
Leaves Union Depot Daily 8:55 A. M.
Leaves East Morrison Daily 9:03 A. M.
"Sea Shore Special," Union Depot 1:30 P. M.
"Sea Shore Special," East Morrison 1:38 P. M.'
Parlor Observation Car on "Sea-Shore
Special" Leaving at 1:30 P. M.
Good Fishing on the Salmonberry and
Nehalem Rivers
Unsurpassed fishing in the Salmonberry and Ne
halem rivers, as well as other Tillamook
County streams.
Call for our brand new folder, "Tillamook County
Officephones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524 1751
Home B25L, 1)251 '
Office 612 Main Street
Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty
Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Common
Brick, Face Brick, Fire Brick
1 Offer ft arpnulnc tniiMiilwil
toe tobicoo or iniid babiu it u mil J, pum,
trengiheolng. For either x. Oreroome that p.
clears p'pet ubewlnc tobacco or uut
Tub&oooiipotiionouiaiidMriuuilj Injttrcn the
health in tew! owulnc mob ilioMerw
aerrou djipepiia, tdeepleMncM. f u.belcbiaf,
ftawlnfforothrruDMrafortible actuation In torn.
conitlpatloit, headache, weak rye,
Iom or vigor, rrd pou on akin, throat
Irritation, catarrh, not h ma, bronchM!,
ainraitnenlft. Imtwlrdfl mfroorr ud will-power. Impure ipoltnnctt hlond. heart!
karn, torpid liver, Iom of appetite, bad twth, foul breath, laMltu le,
mbltloii,wrRkenlnf ami fallinf out of hair and many oiherdlwnleri
Aerwoaa breakdown, wgakened Intellect and INSANITY are often attrlhoted
to tohsrw hahlr tir eminent mMWl mn. Wot ooodnue commit tin lulotda
Get the Molting
MOiung me is iosi time were
to pay tne leea Dins.
Get it over Feed a good full ration and be sure to include
prgt!$ Poultry
tie. pkfi. to it lb. pail
It', gentl. tavteorating tonic-just what th hen, need.
Pralt Lice Killer SSe. to $1.00
and all Ptatu Product, art (narantaad
money back.
The Best in Quality
5:30 P .M.
AT 6 P. M.
Pacific; Marshall, 5080
Wash Suits for Boys in Sizes 2 en.
to 8, at each JUu
The season's best styles, Buster Brown, sai
lor, etc. They are made of fine quality
Cbambray and Percale and are shown in
light and dark colors plain shades and
patterns in tan, brown, blue, etc.
Sizes 2 to 8 years. This sale at Q(JC
Dresses in Values to
The very best styles with round or square
yoke or short or long sleeves, and with or
without bloomers they are made of excel
lent quality crepe, chambray, gingham or
percale they come in plain colors, neat
stripes, checks and dainty figures they are
trimmed in a pleasing manner with fancy
yokes, box pleats or embroidery sizes 2 to
Folders and full information from
any S. P. Agent or from
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
when you can lira a really contented life If too onlr
gn your body and uerrea rlcht.' It I. H..ri
and torturing to attempt to rid youraelf of
habit by luddeuir atoppJoK iih wlll.power-doo'fc
do li. Correct method la to eliminate the life
Otlne polaon from syatem, atmigtuen the weak
ened, irritau-d membrane and ncrvea and genu
inely omeome lha cranna. Would too lik ia
quickly and eallyqnU tobacco tnd enjoy ynriwlf
1 arm enjoT mnrwir
mnnuua umea better while I
TreiirjK aiwaya In ronuil health!
My FREK book tells all about I
the wonderftil 8 daw I
Method. InexpemlT. reliable-, AIo Beerei
Method for oonquertnn habit In another with,
oat hi 1 know led are. Full particular! loolud--fiiS?
. kt ? T00 d 8anff Habit
mailed la pliilr, wrapper, free. Addre:
Now York. N. V,
Over Quickly
are no egga witn wmcn
at 12.50.
aatlifaction or
Sold and riaranteed by Uraen & Co.