Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 23, 1914, Image 5

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Your Eyes
TION. Burmeister & Andresen
Suspension Bridge Cor. Oregon City
William Herman, of Beaver Creek,,
was in this city Saturday.
Mrs. Albert L. Jones, of Eldorado,
is seriously ill at her home.
Thomas Brown, of Portland, was in
this city transacting business Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Josi of Clair
mont, visited relatives in this city
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Reddick have
returned to Oregon City from their
honeymoon spent in Alaska.
C. T. Howard, of Mulino, the well
known miller of that place, was in
Oregon City on business Monday.
Mrs. Louis Farr and son left Tues
day morning for Seaside, where they
will spend several weeks.
Miss Emma Quinn left Tuesday
morning for Seaside, where she will
visit for a week.
Mrs. January and daughter, Glad
ys, have gone to Newport, where they
have a cottage for the summer.
Mrs. W. P. Hawley, of Portland,
visited friends and relatives in this
city Tuesday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schauff; of
Carus, were Oregon City visitors on
Sunday. t
Mrs. H. L. Kelly has gone to Long
Beach, Washington, where she will
spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Davis and son
of Eldorado, visited in Oregon City on
Mrs. John Gleason and daughter,
Miss Helen, left Monday morning for
an outing at Seaside, where they will
spend several weeks.
J. C. Kaupisch, of Canby, was in
this city Monday. Mr. Kaupisch Is
manager of the creamery at that
place. . I m
Miss Mayme Gleason, after spend
ing several weeks with friends at
Scappoose, Oregon, returned to hei
home in this city Friday evening.
Mrs. Vernah Shewman, after hav
ing spent the past week at Newport,
returned to Oregon City Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shively and
daughter, Elizabeth, of Portland, vis
ited the former's mother, Mrs. W. B.
Shively and daughter in this city Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Caufield, who
have been visiting ftheir daughter,
Mrs. D. Henderson, of Hood River,
have returned to their home in this
Mr. and Mrs. James Petty, who re
cently left this city by automobile
for Newport, Oregon, Jiave reached
their destination, where they will
spend several weeks.
John Burgoyne, a prominent far
mer of New Era, was in this city on
Monday. While in this city he vis
ited his daughter Mrs. Frank Busch,
Jr., of Twelfth and Water Street.
William Andresen, who accompan
ied his family to Newport two weeks
ago, returned to Oregon City Mon
day morning, and will spend several
more weeks later in the season at that
summer recort, where he has one of
the most attractive cottages.
The three small children of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Long, who reside near
the Barclay school house, are very ill
suffering from scarlet fever. The
youngest boy, who is. three years of
age, is critically ill.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Beidler, recent
ly of this city, but now of Portland,
have sold their business in the latter
city and left for Colorado, Saturday,
where Mr. Beidler was called to take
charge of hi mother's farm.
We always carry a fresh and
clean stock of the very best
groceries, fruits, and vegetab
les, and our prices are reason
able. Farmers are invited to bring
their butter, eggs and other
farm products, for which we
pay highest market prices.
Remember, market day is
every Friday, and don't forget
to stop at our store for your
groceries on yuor way home.
Seventh and Center Sts.
On the Hill
Miss Cis Pratt, after spending the
past week at Newport, returned to
Uregon Lity faunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Davies,
of Carus, were among those visiting
in Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. F. M. Swift and young son,
Richard, of Portland, spent Saturday
and Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 0. D. Eby.
Mrs. W. A. Dimick and young son
left Friday for Welches on the Mt.
Hood road, where they will spend a
Percy Caufield, who has been
spending the past two weeks at Bay
View, Tillamook County, returned to
Oregon City Saturday evening.
Williom MiT.rfv Rnant. Snndav
and Monday with his family at El-
yvinro Pnrlf Tillninnnlr. whp.re thev
have a beautiful new summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frazer, of Eldo
rado, passed through Oregon City on
Friday on their way to Portland,
where they transacted business.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Harding and
Evelyn, who nave been spending the
past ween at JNewpon, reiurnea vo
Oregon City Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoenborn,
of this city, visited relatives at Eldo
rado, Sunday. Before returning they
nf tn Wilhnit. hinp- necomnanied
by Mrs. R. A. Schoenoorn of this city.
Mnllia nnH Plain Mitchell.
athn VinvA hppn makine1 their home at
Twelfth and Jefferson Street, have
taken apartments at saeventeentn ana
Water Street.
Mia.s M T, Hnlmps. who was re
moved from her home at Rose Farm
several weeks ago to a hospital, rort
land is rapidly improving, and will
soon be removed to her home in this
Mioo MoViollo Mills nf this citV.
Hh t Cams for several
days, returning to this city Monday
morning, ana lvionaay aiternwm icii
for Sandy, where she will spend a
week with her parents.
Born, at Hood River, to Mr. ano
Mrs. Henderson, a daughter. Mrs.
Henderson was formerly Miss Edna
Caufield of this city, and is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. cau
field of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Babcock, Jr.,
of Portland, accompanied by Charles
C. Babcock, and Miss Eva Alldredge,
lft. SatnrHav for an
wi ""VI
outing near the headwaters of the
Molalla river.
lWvc 'RranHpa nnH Ron. Herman, of
Tacoma, Wash., have arrived in thla
city and are the guests of Mrs.
Brandes' cousin, Mrs. F. C. Gadke.
Thpv have been visitine Mrs. Brands
relatives in Portland before coming
to this city. . t
rianrtra Rnvlan. who has been
making her home at Seaside, Oregon,
for several months, ana wno nan ueen
in this city visiting, has returned to
beine accompanied by her
grandson, Allen Williams, and her
daughter, Mrs. a. k. wimauw,
will spend her vacation at that resort.
iM-o William TTesHeldin and little
IA 1 t)t i , '
daughter, Geraldine, who have been
f V naof Viraa WAfiks fit HO-
tel Torrey, Seaside, Oregon, returned
to Oregon City Monaay evening, mi.
Hesseldin has been spending the
week-end with his family during their
stay at the resort.
Miss Eva Moulton left Saturday
for Seaside, accompanying a party,
from Portland. The members of the
party will hike to Seaside and alter
spending several days at that sum
mer resort will hike to Newport,
where they will remain for several
ivt i V. ToViiwitch and son.
Edward, who have been visiting for
the past two months in this city at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bab
nnnV lnft Sundav morning for their
home at Marshfield. Mr. Labowitch
recently sold his beautitul home as
Risley station, and his family will
make their future home at Marsh-
field, where the former is engaged in
m; Polio nnlHamith and sister.
ITi.oa vi.w " - -
Miss Bertha Goldsmith, have gone to
Denver, Colorado, ueiore reiurnms
) n.n ritv thpv will visit friends
at Boise, Idaho, and at Los Angeles,
California. They will return to this
city about the middle or August.
P. S. Baker, accompanied by ms
two daughters, Misses Julia and
Charlotte, left Monday morning ior
Newport, where they will spend sev-
i ,!, of tVio Hntnl TCellv at Nve
eitti nwiio v" - -
Creek, one of the leading hotels at
that summer resort, the proprietor
of whom is John W. Kelly, formerly
of this city, but now mayor oi view
port. Many other Oregon Citp peo
ple are to make their headquarters at
that place during the summer.
Miss Alene Albright, formerly of
this city but now of Hood River, was
in this city Saturday on ner way
i i a Qainm whorA sha has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. James W.
Church, wmie in tnis cuy sua via
ua ,;th frionHs. She will leave for
Newport within a few weeks, where
she will spend the remainder of the
summer with Mrs. Church, who has
il, a .nftQUO at that TBSOrt. The
latter also formerly resided in this
Mrs. J. P. Keating and children,
u,ino,r ond Virginia, who have been
spending the past month m this city,
nnri in Portland, returned to their
Washington. Wed
esdav of this week. While in this
city they were the guests of Mrs.
Keating's sisters, the Misses Coch
Portland the truest of
Mrs. .T. R. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles tsoinnger
snent Sundav in Portland as the
guests of the former's parents, Rev
o, Mm v. S. Rnllinffer. Mr. Bol
linger returned Sunday evening, his
wife returning Monday afternoon.
Mrs. A. Nelson, of this city, has
received word that her little grana
Janitor Viririnia Fnrdvce. who Un
derwent a serious .surgical operation
for abscess on me lung, is improv
ing. The little girl is the daughter
r,t Mr nnd Mrs. A. W. Fordvce. who
are tilavine for the American Film
rmnarw in ftolifnrnia and Virginia
takes a prominent part, although only
fViraa vpflrs nf p. CP. The little crirl
had come from California to visit her
aunt, Mrs. J. R. Linn, of Salem, and
it was while she was at Newport she
was stricken. Mrs. Fordyce was for
merly Miss Lena Nelson of this city.
Mr. Fordyce is now manager of a
theatre at Santa Barbara, California.
Double S. & H. Green Trading
Stamps on all purchases made be
fore noon on Saturday.
John Kummer, of Aurora, was in
this city Saturday and Sunday.
A. M. Kirchem, of Logan, was in
this city Saturday and Sunday.
R. B. Weaver, of Eugene, was in
this city Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Leila McCarthy, of Carus,
visited in this city Tuesday.
Mr. Alvin Hornshuch. of Shubel.
was in this city Tuesday.
Miss Anna Jenkins, of Albany, was
in this city Saturday and Sunday.
Henry Wallace and son, Louis
Wallace, of Clarkes, were in this
city Tuesday.
Saturday is "Red Letter Day."
Free stamps to all callers.
Ferris Mayfield, of Lower High
land, a merchant of that place, was
in this city 'luesday.
Mr. Davies. and daughter Miss
Ethel Davies, are visiting with rel
atives in Salem.
Mrs. Frank Jaggar and children,
of Carus, visited relatives in Oregon
City Sunday.
Herman Fischer and sons, Walter
and Erich, of Carus, were Oregon
City visitors Tuesday.
A. Marshall and wife of Wilhoit,
were Oregon City visitors Sunday
and Monday.
Mrs. Edward Shaw, of this city,
made a trip to Vancouver, Wash.,
Miss Virginia Shaw left for Molal
la Wednesday, where she will enjoy
an outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of St. Helens,
were registered at the Electric Ho
tel Monday and Tuesday.
M. C. King, an attorney of Gresh-
am, was in tnis city on legal dusi-
ness Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Albert Schoenborn and son,
Donald, of Carus, transacted busi
ness in Oregon City Tuesday.
Mrs. H. L. Hull and children are
spending their vacation at Rockaway
Beach. Mr. Hull has been spending
a few days with his family.
Mr. Wilfred A. White and Mr.
Kramoeter. of Portland, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whit
of this city Sunday.
Mrs. Effie Loose, of Silverton,
visited with Mrs. R. E. Libby and
Mrs.. C. F. Libby of this city Tues
M. M. Irwin, of Barlow, a well
known livestock grower of Clackamas
county, was among those transacting
business in this city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Meissner and
baby, who have been spending sev
eral weeks in California, have re
turned to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joehnke and lit
tle daughter, Catherine, who have
been enjoying an outing in the Tilla
mook country, have returned io ure
gon City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mattoon, of
Redland, were in this city Sunday and
Mondav. makine their headquarters
at the Electric Hotel while in this
Mrs. Emile Strupler and daughter
of Portland, who have been in this
city visiting Mrs. L. ti. Jones, ot
Sixth and High Street, have returned
to their home.
Robert Guinther and Chris Schue-
bel, of this city, left Tuesday morn
ing for the mountains, the destina
tion being the Bee Ranch. They will
enjoy fishing while on the trip and
will be gone about lour oays.
J. A. Tufts, who has been serious
ly ill at his home in Gladstone
for the past six weeks suffering from
neuralgia of the heart, has improved
so that he was able to come to this
citv the latter part of the week and
visit among his many friends.
Miss Evelyn Rands, who has been
visiting relatives and friends in this
city for several montns, leit Wed
nesday for Vancouver, Wash., where
she will visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward C. Rands of that city.
From there she will leave for her
home at Palouse, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lamport, of
Medford. arrived in Oregon City Mon
day afternoon, and after visiting the
latter's sister, Mrs. Maxwell Telford,
Jr., left for Portland, where . they
will visit Mrs. A. Johnson, motner oi
Mrs. Lamport. From Portland they
will go to Tacoma and Seattle, Wash,
where thev will visit relatives. Mr.
and Mrs. Lamport made the trip by
automobile, and leaving Medford Sun
day made the trip in good time. Mr.
Lamport stated that the roads were
in excellent condition until after they
reached Salem, and beween that city
and Portland the roads were in poor
"Badger" Picnic Held
fin t.hfi mnrnine1 of Julv 15th. at
ten o'clock, the "Badgers" began
o-nthprinp at the State Fair Grounds.
Salem, for their annual picnic.
The day was ideal, anu aner a pic
nic dinner a program consisting of
rpn.Hinp'. recitations and sonirs was
enjoyed, after which a picture was
taken oi the assemDied picnicers.
Ovpr 150 were resistered and
many were present who did not reg
W hnn npvt vear to meet everv
"HnHirpr" who lives in thp State of
Oregon, at our next annual picnic.
Captain Barclay in Town
Captain William Charles Barclay
arrived in Orecon Citv Mondav morn
ing, where he is visiting his old home
as the guests of his sisters, Mrs. W.
E. Pratt and Miss Katie Barclay, and
will remain here for about four
months, when he will resume his po
sition as captain of United States
Army transport Liscomb, stationed at
Manila, P. I. Captain Barclay is one
of the most popular men in the
transport service. He has traveled
over the world many times and his
experiences are of great interest to
his friends. For 21 years he was
connected with trading ships before
accepting a government position.
Campbells Go East
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Campbell
left Wednesday for British Colum
bia and after visiting several cities
will go to Toronto. Canada, where
they will also visit. They will visit
in New York and Holyoke, Mass.,
where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. J,
J. Tobin, parents of John and Charl
es Tobin . of this city. They will
make their future home at Lynn,
Mass.. where Mr. Campbell has ac
cepted a position as an engineer. He
was formerly connected with the
Hicks-Chatten Company and the
Portland Zincography Company of
Portland, but he and his wife have
been making their home in this city.
Mrs. Campbell Is a sister or Mrs,
Charles Tobin of this city.
Come in and let us show you the big savings in Furniture Stoves.
Ranges, Rugs, at our Great Remnant Sale prices. This is the time
to buy. Cash or instalments.
lie Ftimish
Its the busiest place in town, Thousands of yards of Remnants
have been sold at this sale. Piles of more remnants are now on our
counters to be closed out This sale is a money-saving event for a
great many people; you can bvy most anything you want at Remnant
Sale prices. Ladies'' Suits, Coats and Hats, Men's and Boy's Suits
Hats, and Shoes, Ladies'1 and Mens Furnishings, Underwear, Hosi
ery, Tables full of Shoes at Sale Prices, Wool-Dressgoods, Cotton
washgoods, Whitegoods, Linens, 'Muslins, Sheets, Sheetings, Pillow
cases. Table-linens, Towels and Toweling s. Everybody should at
tend the Big Remnant Sale now; we can save you money on every
purchase. 1
claims Oep&rtra'ni Store
Oregon City's Busy Store Ask for Red Trading Stamps
Edward Van Wey, who has been
confined in a sanitarium suffering
from blood poisoning, has improved
so that he was able to be brought to
his home in this city Wednesday
evening. Mr. Van Wey was injured
several weeks ago while employed in
the paper mills and for several days
his condition was critical.
Van Way Recovers
Frank Riirler Hied at the familv
home at Willamette Heights, Port
land, Saturday afternoon, after an
illnpss nf several months' duration.
and the funeral services were con
ducted at the, Portland crematorium
Monday morning at 10 o clock.
Mr. Rider was sunerintendent of
the Oregon City schools for several
years, where he was well Known, ana
has many friends here. After leav
ing this city with his family for Port
land he accented a Dosition as in
structor of that city as principal, af
ter whicn ne was eiectea city super
intendent of schools. While in this
citv he made a host of friends and
was one of the most efficient in
structors Oregon City has had.
Mr. Rigler leaves a wife, one
daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Walker, and
one son, Howard Rigler, of Portland.
Miss fieneva Youne left Saturday
for Seaside, where she is spending
several days.
Mrs. A. C. Warner is rusticating
at Seaside, Oregon.
Miss Vara Caufield left Monday
afternoon for Salt Air, Tillamook
where she will be the euest
of Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Thome, of
Portland, who have a cottage at tnat
National Prohibition Will Do It
rr Frnchtenbercr's lifelonir In
dian studies have led him to one safe
conclusion if not more. His remark
that linuor will destroy the native
races is indisputably true. The only
way to save them is to guard mem
from the bottle. Oregonian.
Oregon Citv. July 21; 1914.
Tn Momhors nf Enuitv:
Thp regular nuarterlv meetinir of
the Oregon State Union of the Farm
er's Society of equity win De neia at
10 o'clock A. M. on Saturday, Aug.
1 1914. in the Multnomah County
Court House, Portland, Oregon.
In connection witn this meeting a
general conference will be held for
iUa numnap nf develnninp a nlan
whereby the produce of the members
can be marketed to better advantage.
Foi.li lncnl should be renresented.
not alone by it's delegate, but by as
many of the members as can find it
possible to be present.
lours truly,
F. G. Buchanon, Sec'y.
The Courier is ?1 a year only when
paid ni advance.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .Patterson have
returned from their honeymoon and
have pitched their tent at the mill.
We wish them success in life.
Mrs. J. M. Rummell, of Seattle, is
visiting her sister Mrs. L. Funk.
Haying is on the wind-up and the
click of the binder can be heard.
The hot weather of the past week
has injured the grain. Late oats, es
pecially need rain.
There is a new pest in the winter
wheat. It's a worm about 1-4 inch
long and eats out the kernel 'in the
head. Some heads having as many
as four worms to a head.
John Hughes who has been oper
ated on for appendicitis is home again
feeling much improved in general.
Elmer Power had the misfortune
recently to fracture his arm.
Mr. Folehn has moved onto his
farm again.
Mr. and Mrs. Cat have moved down
o nthe Columbia to work in camp.
Mr. Notria has rented the Cats
place and will make it his home for
some time.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve for Cuts,
Burns, Sorea
Mr V. S T.nner. Mnrilln. N. Y..
writes- "I have never had a Cut, Burn,
Wound or sore it would not neai.
Get a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
to-day. Keep handy at all times for
Burns, Sores, Cuts, Wounds. Prevents
Lockjaw. z5c at your JJruggist.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the Estate of
Frederick M. Swift, deceased.
Notice is hcrebv eiven that the un
dersigned has been appointed as Ad
ministratrix of the above entitled es
tate, by the Judge of the above en
titled Court, and has duly qualified
as such. Any and all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified and required to present the
same to me at the offices of Dimick
and Dimick, Andresen Block, Room 3.
Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore
gon, duly verified with proper vouch
er, within six (6) months from the
date of the first publication of this
Edna E. Swift,
First publication July 23rd, 1914.
Last publication, August.' 20th,
be conducted by both and aided by
the Aldredge quartett.
Notice of Final Settlement of the
Estate of Helen W. Duff, Deceased
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Helen W. Duff, deceased, has fil
ed in the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, his final ac
count as such administrator of said
estate and that Monday, the 24th
day of August, 1914, at the hour of
10 o'clock, A. M. has been fixed by
said court as the time for hearing of
objections to Baid report and the set
tlement thereof.
C. Schuebel,
Administrator of the estate of
Helen W. Duff, deceased.
U'Ren and Schuebel,
Attorneys for administrator.
Rev. E. A. Smith and J. Weir have
snent two weeks at Chautauqua, on
as guard, the other as gate-keeper.
They will next turn their attention to
evangelistic work. Mr. Smith will
preach next Sunday at Highland at
11a. m., at Alberta at 8 p. m. and at
Henrici at 8 p. m. Mr. Weir will
preach at Gresham and at Pleasant
Home next week. It is hoped to start
a meeting at Maple Lane, which will
in an oatiug at
A most delightful outing retreat and health
resort, now easily reached from all points
through Canby and Molalla.
Very Low Season & Week End
Special Sunday stage and train service,
leaving Wilhoit Springs at 5:00 p. m.; Mo
lalla (;20 p. in. connecting with S. P. trains
at Canby arrive in Oregon City 7:25 p. in.
Train Service From Oregon City
Leave Oregon City 9 :22 a. m. and 2 :58 p. m.
Arrive Wilhoit Spriugs 2:00 noon and
5 :00 p. in.
Further particulars from any
S. P. Agent
John M. Scott,
Oeneral Passenger Agent, Port
land, Oregon.
liflt SUNSET