) OREGON CITY fJOURIEK, TIIUltSDAY, JULY; 23, 1914 OREGON EQUITY NEWS W P. Meredith Editor. "Dry Oregon," but don't overdo it. Oregon City has a successful pub lic market. The potato crop is being cut down by the dry weather. Good weather to get the hay and grain saved. Wheat is going lower and lower with no profit to the farmer. Scientific agriculture should teach us what became of the profits of last year's crop. Milltown, Wis., has a co-operative laundry. This is something for the ladies to think about. The Kansas City stationary engin eers are to organize a co-operative ic manufatcurine company with $200,000 capital. The most successful co-operative enterprise on the Pacific Coast is the fishermans cooperative saimon can nery at Astoria . The Adams Express Co. has start erf a sort of tiublic market of its own in Philadelphia for the producer and consumer ana delivers vne pruuuvi. w the consumer's door, does the collect ing and delivers the money to the shiDDer and does all this at about Parcel Post rates. Talk about scientific agriculture, The Kansas agricultural college suc cessfully marketed the Kansas ap ple crop last year and at a profit to the farmer too. Now this college has a class of 95 in the U. S. prison at 1 1, Leavenworth in the science of agri culture. They will, this year, find the best market for any crop raised by any Kansas farmer. Our O. A. C. could take a few scientific notes from this college also the one in Minne sota. So could our state university. The soil of Clackamas County while very rich in plant food, has one drawback, it is sour irom continu ed winter rains. Science tells us al kali counteracts an acid. The ladies understand this so they put soda in the sour milk to make biscuit. Far mers know that lime in most any form corrects this acidity and pro duces larger crops but practical tests show that for many crops the lime costs more than the increased crop sells for on the market. We have no scientific agriculture. President Wilson has appointed a banker by the name of Jones, who is under Morgan domination, to the national reserve board, and the sen ate refuses to confirm the appoint ment because this banker also holds stock in the International Harvester trust. President Wilson will make a fight to force the senate to confirm him. We farmers are beginning to believe that our harvester trust and our money trust are one and the same thing. Put a business man on the board. Nobody ever dreamed of agriculture being represented. Not much I . to all locals in the State in their buy ing and selling. What think you you about it? Unless farmers organize and do their own selling ana buying their crops will be used by people who are organized to mane money from in stead of feeding and clothing our people as they should. Everybody snould share in the prosperity of the oumper crops but under our present system the farmer is financially in jured by a big crop and the consumer is not benefitted, so all the benefit of a bumper crop goes to the organ ized middlemen. Organization is the only remedy. Organize! In Minnesota the Republicans have declared themselves in favor of a free and open market and opposed to the grain trust and grain gambling. In Wisconsin the Socialists have declar ed for state owned elevators for the farmers. Why do we Americans in all the vocations of life allow a few to con trol our market and accumulate mil lions and we know they are robbing ooth the producer and consumer in order to satisfy their greed. Far mers must organize and deal direct with the consumer. Courier readers of our Equity page must not get the idea that we farmers are demanding or even ask ine for anv special privileges. We uimf. m-rvlit, cli win as others are! getting it that is all. We want a profit on our invest ments the same as other occupations not so important. We want wages at least for our hard work. If we are in debt and paying interest we must add the interest to the cost oi produc tion and that increases the cost to he consumer. It is to the consumers' interest that we get Rural Credit. Sllverton local is very much alive and will buy and sell together and are to establish a warehouse for their local clearing house. Numerous warehouses of modest dimensions are being established over the country and the farmers' bociety of Equity is getting ready to com bine their trade on a larger scale than ever before. Avoid expense as much as possible. Pay for work done but no large salaries. Lane County has begun organizing. Ada local was formed recently with twelve members. W. P. Erhart was elected presidont. It is our opinion that Brother Er hart will establish other locals in that locality and the good work go merrily on. We are pleased to see so many city people anxious to aid the organized farmer to make conditions better for all of us. Clackamas County hires an attor ney to prosecute criminals at a salary of $175 per month and yet wo allow this attorney to devote his time and talent to defend individuals against the city of Oregon City, which con tains a large per cent of the county's population. Something wrong about a system of that kind. We, the people, who pay the salaries with our taxes, need an attorney to look after our interests, but to pay a big salary to a prosecutor and then allow him to draw large sums from our opposition is foolish. Watch for the official call for our state meeting. It will be held in Portland about August 15. If your local fails to make a change the del egate who was elected before serves until a new one is chosen, uur state constitution and by-laws need a gen eral revision by a good committee with plenty of time. We should try to revive our federation with other farmers organizations. Farmers wishing to burn slashings should see the road supervisor and iret a nermit because that is the law, If you have a patch of Canada thistle on your larm see tne roaa supervisor and he will give you some printed matter telling how it is possible to rid your farm ot this pest without much cost. We will not be allowed to sell our hay or grain if we let these thistles get started in Clackamas County. Now is the time to guard against them. All farmers are interested in havinir a representative in the legib' lutnre this winter to protect us from high taxes and other grafts usually put through these sessions should see that Brother C. E. Spence has his pe titions circulated m your precinct. Brother Farmers, you cannot de pend on other people to look after your interests. You must Always be ready to defend your business and your occupation. Farmers are learn ing to battle for each other and for the most good to the greatest num ber. ' Dictator Huerta of Mexico has re signed. He forgot to salute the flag on account of Bix million dollars of Mexican money that required his in dividual attention. U. S. has gain ed but very little in its bombarding a peaceful Mexican port and killing in nocent people of a siBter republic. We are anxious to see if President Wilson and King George are going to spend millions of money and more blood to protect John D's Mexico or see that the common people get their country and government back for their own use and live nappy ever al ter. ,' HEALTH HINTS By Dr. W. A. Turner Naturopath (Questions relating to health mat ters will be answered if accompanied by a 2 cent stamp and sent to me, care of Hotel Edwards, Portland, Oregon.) Comfort Stations The city of Portland maintains ex cellent public comfort stations lava tories and toilets in the public li brary and on the post office corner of Sixth and Yamhill street. This is an excellent beginning and should be promptly followed up by more in all sections of the city for they are not only a great convenience which the taxpayers are willing to pay for, but they are an absolute necessity for the public good. Much disease ia contracted and many times life long suffering results from failure to at tend to the function of Nature be cause of false modesty or lack of op portunity. In big cities a man can dodge into a saloon and a woman in to a department store if within reach, but these are not always available, and in "dry" towns there are no sa loons. In every town, large or small, these utilities should be just as much a part of the city improvements as paved streets or electric lights. They are maintained in all the towns and cities of Europe and over there the people would howl if deprived of their comforts and compelled to put up with American discomforts. They are a great assistance in maintain ing good public health. Honey "Honey is as wholesome and nour ishing as concentrated refined cane sugar is unwholesome and lacking in nourishment. Honey should be sub- j stituted for sugar. It is a .medicine as well as a food. Give it to the children in place of candy. Be sure, however, that you get pure honey Glucose is more harmful than sugar. Dark red honey is the best, although the people demand light yellow hon ey, just as they insist on light col- them. This is where the wise medi cal men show their assinine ignor ance of food values when they advise "overfeeding" of rich stimulating foods like cream, milk, eggs, meats, which they are unable to digest and assimilate. If the colon is kept clean and fruit juices and salad foods and nutritious vegetables properly pre pared are eaten, the tubercular pa tient makes rapid progress toward re covery. Fresh air and proper food will do the work, but food that would paralyze a hod carrier will not. Gas is caused by the fermentation of a mixture of foods in a hot, moist stomach foods that rot instead of digesting. It presses on the delicate nerve centers and on the heart and sometimes you think you are going to die. Ihe medicine man savs vou have "heart trouble" and proceeds to inject powerful poisons to stimulate your heart action. If you have the price he will advise an operation. Rhubarb pie, strongly acid, sugar and starch will tie you in a hard knot if you have a sensitive stomach. Acids and starches or starches and sweets should not be eaten at the same meal. Probably the greatest gas generator in the world is that good old American standby pork and beans. Both are bad enough when eaten separately, but the com bination of fat pork and bean starch is the limit. The pork carries the beans from the stomach to the intestines without allowing either to be digested in the duodenum, where fats and starches are digested, and this causes chemi cal disturbances and intestinal indi gestion, hence the great generation of gas that nearly always follows a feed of pork and beans. A fast of three or four days and a rational diet or raw and cooked fruits and green leaf salad vegetables will cure you of the gas habit. Drugs injure you and don't remove the cause. Politics and Health I would advise everyone to read CRIDGE TELLS ABOUT TAXES (By Alfred D. Cridge.) The young man going upon a piece of raw ground to build a home and establish a farm cannot afford to buy expensive land, he goes to the re moter sections of Oregon. Let us as sume he has $500 capital and gets in debt for a tract of land worth in its naked state in the market $1,000. On this he puts half his capital in the shape of stock, improvements, and implements. He pays as installment $100 and holds $150 as a means of living until he gets returns from his land. Under present law he would be taxed upon his little improvements, his live stock, his machinery. Under the proposed exemption of such things from tax ation to the extent of $1,500 he would not. "Ah!" shouts the advocate oi our present tax system, "but he would pay more taxes on his land.'' So he would. It is a matter of pro portion. The assessor now comes along and assesses his land at $500 and his little improvements and per sonality at $100, with a tax rate on both of 18 mills, or a total of $600, on which is demanded the sum of $10.80. This sum is drawn from his slender store, or painfully obtained by labor away from the home, thus retarding its development. The la bor of this settler and home builder in the course of another year adds to his possession a cleared field of ten acres, a little orchard, another cow or two. He needs mnnev hadlv "Preventive medicine" and other for fences for shoes for the baby, for Health and of which the taxpayers of Oregon donate $5000 a year to have him running around over the state preaching allopathic medicine, until the state board of health is abolished? And this in face of the fact that one-half of the taxpayers oppose his system. I am informed that Dr. Andrew C. Smith, one of the Oregonian's "list of 12" and a leading medical politician, put this condition of affairs over the people when he was in the legisla ture before, and quietly boasted of it. Dr. Smith is now running for the legislature from Multnomah. He is a member of the state board of health and can be relied upon by the medical machine, as can his confrere, Dr. C. J. Smith, running for Governor and there are still some "reasonable" pen jerkers and others who think that doctors should not be condemned, who represent such a diabolical sys tem as that propagated by the poli ticians of the medical trust. I con demn no man personally unless , he deserves it by his acts and no man who knows the slightest inside work ings of the medical machine, unless he be insane or an idiot, could possib ly condone their methods. This gang of medical doctors run ning for office in Oregon are doing so for sinister purposes and for what they can get out of it directly or in directly. They will be the chief ben eficiares if they can put oyer more drastic, illegal medical laws and force the people to take their treatment. They are trying it now in New York City, where Dr. Goldwater is trying to force every man, woman and child in that city of six millions to submit to that superstition vaccination, and it is coming in Oregon if the people don't wake up and kick the doctors' out of office. 80' From the idle tracts of land all around him held by resident and alien speculators; from the timber trust; from the city million dollar sky scraper; from the fellow who "does nothing but the people of Oregon. That fellow would perhaps have less tribute in his coffers; but he now dodges taxes on most of his possessions. fads and obsessions have slam tens of thousands where it has saved no one, for you can't prevent a filthy disease by inoculating one with that uisease or worse, and a blind man and subscribe for "The Open Door," I could see that the claim now made published by "The Open Door Pub- by the faddists and their dupes that lishing Co., 456 Fourth Ave., New vaccine virus is "purified" by ultra York City. This interesting maga- violet rays is absurd and silly. It zine is devoted to anti-vivisection of would indeed be a most discriminat- necessary clothing for the faithful wife. Very little has come in from the place itself, the little reserve fund has been exhausted, and the shingle mill, lumber mill, mine, or whatever industry near by he relied upon in case of emergency for employment, is shut down. The assessor comes along. "Ah!" says the assessor, who is as blind as the average stand pat The BLIZZARD Silo Filler Is The Thing! THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT THE VALUE OF SILAGE FOR FEED AND THE BLIZZARD ENSILAGE CUTTER IS A GOOD IN VESTMENT FOR THE D'AKMUKS UF THE NORTHWEST FOR STILL ANOTHER REASON. IT ENABLES THEM TO PUT AWAY THE CROP WHEN IT SHOULD BE PUT AWAY, REGARDLESS OF WE ATHER CONDITION. MANY CROPS COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED IN THE PAST FEW YEARS IF FARMS WHERE THE LOSS OCCURE D HAD BEEN EQUIPPED WITH A SILO & BLIZZARD SILO FILLER cm, 'r t M'm The Blizzard Is a Time Tried Machine 0) :;ij!p. O Jill: 'Ml Finds It Very Satisfactory Cleone, Oregon, May 2, 1913. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen; We have used your Bliz zard ensilage cutter the past season and find them a very satisfactory machine in every way. We put up over 600 ton3 of com and had no trouble cutting from 50 to 55 tons per day and elevating it to a height of 32 feet, using an L-15 ma chine. We consider them the best ma chine made for the purpose. We also used it to cut alfalfa and clover hay fed to sheep and cattle at our yards this Winter, and it handled the work in good shape. Yours truly, THE SUN DIAL RANCH By E. G. McGaw. The Department of Agriculture of the state of Maine is aiding the or ganized farmers. 135,000 bushul of potatoes wore marketed at a guin of over $25 per car over old fashioned methods. It is estimated thnt the farmers of Maine have saved $260,000 in buying fertilizers through their organization. We may soon become strong enough to buy our coffee of tho grower in Brazil and sell all our meal to tho consumer direct. The world was not made in one day. The present system of producing crops and manufactured articles along with the distributing system must be changed. Farmers are not satisfied with tho present system. Consumers are not satisfied. The producer gets too little and tho con sumer pays too much. Only a few millionaires are statisficd with the present system. The trusts are sat isfied, but nine citizens out of ten are dissatisfied and there are going to bv. numerous changes. Our public mar ket system is a start in tho right di rection. The Oregon City board of trade deserves the hearty co-operation of the Equity Society in this move. These are the little things and by staying with our organizations and building it up in a year or two we will be able to make larger changes in larger things and reap larger benefits. Society has made many mistakes in the last fifty years and society must rectify these for the good of all. President Grisenthwaite of our State Union has been in poor health for some time. He was very sick for several days but is gradually improv ing. We are glad to state that he is able to be out and among us again. Brother Grisenthwaite is a splendid presiding officer and always gets quito a lot of business through a state mooting, and we go home encouraged and with a good deal of enthusiasm, while a poor chairman will let busi ness drug and ignore parliamentary rules get nothing done and we go homo rather discouraged. The Public Market lust Friday was well attended by both sellers and buyers. Oregon City has tho booths under canvas now and producers and consumers are dividing profits at the city's expense. The Public Market reform has jumped across the great Pacific ocean and is in full swing at J long Kong, China. The Department of Agriculture has two hundred thou- Photo Taken May 20, 1914, on the Farm of Strcich & Neiger, Cleone, Oreg. WHY SILAGE PAYS If you want to know how much the silo filler will do for you, send in the coupon for this book. State the size of your silo, and we will quote you. It places you under no obligation to buy. Portland, Oregon Spokane - Boise Don't make the mistake of buying a silo filler of ques tionable merit They cost nearly as much in the beginning and far more in the long run, or short run, either, for that matter. 'The Blizzard is a practical machine. It com- bines knives, fan and fly wheel instead of using these as separate units, thereby saving power and making a more compact cutter. It elevates without fail into the tallest silo. It cuts the material with a sheer cut, does not crush it. The Blizzard is re sponsive to control and safe to operate. The Blizzard is widely imitated; but nothing can shake its popularity with those who have used them. Sold by W. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon, City CANBY HDW.& IMPLEMENT CO. GOULD NOT STAND ON FEET Mrs. Baker So Weak Could Not Do Her Work Found Relief In Novel Way. , Adrian, Mich. " I suffered terribly with female weakness and backache and got so weaK mat i could hardly do my work. When I washed my dishes I had to sit down and when I would sweep the floor I would get so weak that I would have to gut a drink every few minutes, and before I did my dusting I would have to lie down. I gof go poorly that my folks thought I was going into consumption. One day I found a piece of paper blowing around the yard and I picked it up and read it It said 'Saved from the Grave,' and told what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has done for women. I showed it to my husband und he said, Why don't you try it ? ' So I did, and after I had taken two bottles I fejt better and I said to my husband, 'I don't need any more,' and he said 'You had better take it a little longer anyway.' So I took it f rr three months and got well and strong." Mrs. Alonzo E. BAKER, 9 Tecumseh St, Adrian, Mich. Not AVell Enouprh to Work. In these words is hidden the tragedy of many a woman, housekeeper or wage earner who supports herself and is often helping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether in house, office, fac tory, Bhop, store or kitchen, woman should remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the ills to which all women are prone, and that is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It promotes that vigor which makes work easy. -The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. U'REN AT LA GRANDE Mr. U'Ren is making excellent pro gress in his campaign for a boozeless Oregon, Everywhere he goes he finds friends of the cause in no small numbers. While at La Grande re cently he was enthusiastically re ceived, in spite of the fact that that district is a Smith stronghold. A witness says of his talk there: W. S. U'Ren has the odds against him in Union county, but he won the attention of his hearers. Mr. U'Ren said he would tax the estates of the decedent rich men to run the gov ernment, to build roads and to do vari ous other things. He would lessen the burden of taxation, he said, by removing idleness through prepara tion of public work for those want ing work, and a guard for the ones who will not work. He said he would abolish the state senate, and exempt $1500 from taxation. sand dollars to spend m promoting the Office of Markets, and tho old entel)tn century was sold by the ap ored dried fruit, because they eat with their eyes and do not think. Therefore they have to suffer in their bellies." (Brain and Brawn.) Sugar The medical profession, which has never known anything about food val ues, because never taught it, advo cates the use of sugar, particularly for "that tired feeling." The medical text books usually ignore the chemi cal and osmotic influences actuating cells and seem to regard foods as having no physical actions other than supplying heat and energy, whereas these results are secondary to prop er chemical and osmotic influences. Sugar probably causes more di sease and is the direct cause of more operations on women than any other agency in the world. It is a crystal lized vegetablo poison and in the sev- vvorhl do move on. Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain Sloan's Liniment gives instant re- othecaries. It burns the tongue of a person eating it for the first time and they will spit it out. It is an unnatural, disease breeding, starva- of all natural linP from NpnrnliiMii nr ffi'iiitipii Tf 1 f inn fr.,ij rl.mi-ivnd goes straight to the painful part salts by the process of making, which Soothes the Nerves and Stops the renders it inorganic. It irritates If we had a state business agent who did nothing but find the best market for our produce he could save us many dollars. If he spent part of his time looking for bargains for what we are forced to buy he could save us many dollars. He would be working for all Equity members and be under the direct supervision of the State Equity. He could be under bond if necessary and be a big help rain. It is also good for Uhouma-1 the mucous membranes of the stom tism, Sore Throat, Chest Pains, and uch and intestines and produces cat Sprains. You don't need to rub it arrh of the stomach. The chemicals penetrates. Mr. J. R. Swinger, Louis- j used to bleach it remain in it and are ville, Ky., writes: "I suffered with so much dilute poison. It eats up tho mine a fur fo used throe nights and I haven t suffered fiends and the young man is plant- wnn my neiui since. .,et a Dottle to-1 mar disease in his "best ear' every both animals and humans and it was instrumental in securing the convic tion of Dr. J. E. Sweet, assisstant professor of "surgical research" in the medical department of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Judge Bre- ing ray that would enter poisoned pus organ "Ynn Vm idj i filth and kill all the germs excepting "fTand, and that is worth WnS those of smallpox. This is so ridicu- ,t J U Alswor $4?0- You .)rt v i . "la" worin ious ana cnemicauy impossiuie that Ynn t,om i , a person who advocates it makes your pU aid A .1? himself a tare-et. Pennlfi whn i:?'". and 8 ash.?4 a Iot of brush gy in charging the jury declared that for themselves don't accept paid ad- unreeeneratpd S f? a"d any person guilty of wanton cruel I vertisements as final. Divorce noli- ".!d Json"of:aSun tht you . . ... i :n... it in. .i. . r UICt torture oi an animai was guuty vi a tics aim neaitn matters ana make a crime, even tnougn aone ior anegea ueginning now Dy aeteating every thnt ovi,ior,,, ti. V s ,v doctor in the state who is a candi- in addit on tn th Jin an ms,Z date for office. j year 6 ?10,80 you paid last The time comes when that $19.80 scientific purposes The public, and particularly some editors, suffering from ignorance. and other causes, do not seem to under stand the fact that politics and health matters go hand in hand nowa days and somo country editors, after having read magazine paid articles emanating from the literal bureau of the medical trust wax wroth when writers like myself try to show up the rascally activities of the medical profession at large and point out that medical doctors are running for office from mercenary motives only and at the bidding of the medical trust. If some of these unreasonable laymen and assinine scribblers would read publications like the "Stuffed Club," "Brain and Brawn," "Physical Culture," "The Open Door," "The Naturopath," "Life," "Hearst's" daily papers, and many other reliable mag- izines thev would soon learn that ! such publications as "Harper's Week- severe Neuralgic Headache oxvircn in the b bod and retards di- lv. TollWs Wivfclv. MIhi-ps. N. Y. iur months without any relief. I gestion and makes the liver torpid. Sun, Chicago Tribune, Portland Ore Sloan's Liniment for two or Still, women are candy and pastry gonian and in fact nearly all the groat daily city press of the country is dominated bv the medical trust. time he buys her candy. v Natural ( That the A. M. A. openly advises and sugar, such as is contained in cane works to secure the presence of one and maple juices and in fruits of all or more doctors as editorial writers kinds is necessary to good health and ' on each publication to mislead the Nature has wisely provided such as 1 people and advocate the moss-covered pnign manager? While this office we need in these foods as well as in . theories of allopathic medicine, for will not weep over the Doctor's defeat pure honey. Sugar of this kind is money. If you don't believe it, read day. Keep in tho house all the tim for pains and all hurts. 25c, 50c, and $1.00 at your Druggist. cam- Wicked and ! Oregon does not p.n sort of thing. I will fine you $9 on If you have neglected your kidneys and suffer from backache, weak back, headache, rheumatism and distress ing bladder weaknesses, you will find Foley Kidney Pills to be the honestly made, healing and curative medicine you need to give you back your health and strength. They are tonic in action, quick to give good results, They will help you. Sold by all druggists. Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want ed to advertise. Experience unneces sary. $100 monthly and Traveling Expenses. Advertise Smoking, Chew ing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars. Send 2c stamp for full particulars. Hemet Tobacco Co. New York, N. Y. Huh Ynnr PhiU Wnrmc? Most children do. A Coated. Fur-1 MUST be paid. The nine dollars ad red Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach f'ltlon.i1 ls SO badly needed. The Pains; Circles under Eyes; Pale, Sal- beautiful heifer calf that would be a low Complexion; Nervous, Fretful; so"rce of revenue next year must go, Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; and. stl" tl)ere is a. deficit. The young Peculiar Dreams any one of these Pulets raised by the wife must be indicate Child has Worms. Get a box sacrificed, and the eggs treasured of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It for a setting must be put in to make kills the Worms the cause of your UP. tne 'ast few cents. The taxes are child's condition. Is Laxative and aids Pa'd Dut at a sacrifice that cut3 down Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied the family revenues the next year in candy form. Easy for children to nve times or more the amount of fine take. 25c at your Druggist. fr the industry and thrift displayed the last year. A JOKE But suppose meanwhile that the In rommprmno nn tho pawdiHnw nf - . . . Withycombe the Jefferson Review ii'T:Tm.tfx, eixemPtl,n m.easur? kuc into eueix ueiween tne time oi paying the first tax and the second. Dr. Withycombe the Jefferson Review gets a new angle of insight into the doctors political tactics and sees m n j. a : ii i we are nevertheless pained to see such an innocent lamb led, unresist ing, tj political slaughter. Why do not some of his friends "wise him up?" A whole congress of his po litical enemies could not do as much harm in the next four months as he himself has done in the few speeches ne nas made since the primary. Ills necessary for brain, nerve, muscle and vital tissues, while the inorganic sugar of commerce destroys them. Cut out your cane and beet sugar. Tuberculosis Is not "caught" from germs as the medicine men would fain make you believe, in order to givo credence to some of the alleged medical "editor ials" in the Oregonian and then place them in the Middle Ages, where they belong. This paper has two doctors on its staff and is so narrow and bias ed and so completely under control of the medical machine that they will not accept anti-medical copy even if paid for and vou know how well their crazy "nerm" superstition and innocence and unsophisticated ways theory of disease. It is a disease of old man Pittock and Sister Piper like nave aroused a leeling of sympathy digestion and is "caught in the din- money. It is this condition of af ami we are almost ready to otter him some wholesome, fatherly advice. Like another famous candidate who run for the governorship in 1902, Dr. Withycombe should go home and stay until after election. His only hope is in silence. Oregon Messenger. if we let this standpatter tilot the ship of state. The Review says: "The Republicans are promising the people of Oregon an economic ed ministration, a reduction of taxes, etc., and yet they head the ticket with Withycombe, a man who has lived off the public crib ever since he waa naturalized, and has grown wealthy thereby; who has lobbied for appro priations session after session. We do not believe there is an intelligent resident of the state who really be lieves that a man who for 25 years has waxed fat hanging on to the'state teat will try to cut off appropriations. on his $100 of personal property and improvements. The second time he would be taxed $19.80, of which $10.80 is personal property and improve ments, but the Home Tax Exemption steps in. The millage rate is ad vanced to 21 mills instead of 18 mills, and the home builder has to pay more on his land. HOW MUCH MORE? Multiply $500, the assessed value of his land without adding anything for improvements and personal proper ty and we have $10.50 as his tax. This is oil cents less than the previous year, although he has put labor and It is not reasonable to expect him to i im,?rov5mnt yTalu,es on the la,nd to- do so." If Kidneys and Bladder Bother Then Foley Kidney Pills Overworksd kidneys will break wown if not helped. When they can no longer protect the blood and the bodv from the noisons tha rtnnw to ing room from undigested and rotted fairs that has led to putting the med-1 them, then look out for Bright's dis meat and foods in the stomach ami ical politicians in Dower and keen-1 ease, serious kidnev trnuhlp anH hlnH. bowels. A consumptive always has ing them there illegally. Do you der annoyances. Foley Kidney Pills a Mcniv E.ivii!ti ii cum vtm uittsi unu miuw umi uiei e is no power ill me assimilate only the plain and nutrit ious foods in small amounts and any excess of food becomes a poison to state of Oregon that can remove Dr. Calvin S. White from his position as secretary of the State Board of taling StiOO. He is encouraged to do more. He has his heifer and his pul lets, and the little sum saved goes for necessities and perhaps for lux uries. The mill opens because there is a demand for building materials with which to build homes. The mine because there is a demand for metals with which to build homes. The breed er of good stock finds an increased demand for his animals, and the store- are your best protection, your best; keeper for goods that would other medicine for weak, sore, overworked ; wise move slowly off his shelves, kidney and bladder weaknesses. Sold Where would the money come from by all druggists. J to make up that home builder's $10.- E. I S. COOPER The Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In surance. Dwelling House inee a specialty. .'71SUT- PLASTERING and LATH ING All Work Guaranteed Prices The Lowest LEON DAILE Y 416 Water St. Oregon City TOM J. MYERS and E. A. BRADY RESIDENT UNDERTAKERS Is r The oMy RESIDENCE Undertaking Establishment in Clackamas County Day and Night. Service Tenth and Water Sts. Main 123 A-37 Residence 6 1 2 Center St. Phones: Main 1 101 M. 172 Dr. A. McDonald Veterinary Surgeon Office, Red Front Barn Phones: Main 116 B-9 OREGON CITY