OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JU LY 16, 1914. Children Cry for Fletcher's mm The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of ana lias oeen mauo nnuer iiis per- IV-Z- sonal supervision since its lnianey. T-ctccub! Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants ana Chiiurcn experience against juxperuucui What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Cator Oil, Pare-, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss. For more than thirty years it Las been in constant use for tlio relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THr CCNTAUfl COMPANY, 77 MUHY STREET, WCW YORK CITY. A New Correspondent Squash Center, July 7 (By Arte mus Ward, Jr.) Won uv them clam ity squawkers wuz sent to our flurish in' sity by the trusts & the Republi kan campane kommittee to help cele brate the glowyus Fourth.' He left tonite on the 8:40 & in a big hury. To first he got us goin'; "Do you fel lers no," he hollered, makin' his Indi pendance Day spooch, "that times air so bad in our beluved land that them kumpatrihots uv yourn in Wawl Street, Noo Yawk, air rejuced to a mere pitance uv a milyun dollers a day ? He got us goin & our eyes be kum gushin' wells uv hot teers. But when the Glowyus Fourth, as tho pote says, had folded his tent & snuck away that there feller kept on a shoot in' off his gab. This here's a busy kommunity now; so a kommittee call edaround this mornin' on the calmity feller & Bill Finch, our choennan, made a spooch: "Do you no," Bill hollered, "that we got the hunkiest crop in the hole his'try uv Squash County? If big husky fellers like you stick around heer, you got to wuk." With that the kommittee seized the feller & politely but furmly tuk him out to Cy Higgin's & putt liim to feedin' the thresher. Well, tode sundown, he snuck uway & hit the road for town & snuck into the depott & lay in hidi'n' atween two chicken coops & to last, when the 8:40 kum, he gave a turible screech' & made a wild dash & got abode. i-t i$ t$ nC t$ t$ t$ i$ t$ k$ CORRESPONDENTS NOTICE J The Courier wants all its country correspondents (those who write neiehborhood news) to send in at once their names and addresses, together with ! the districts they represent. We want a ffood. live cor respondent in each district and, a as some of our writers have J moved away or discontinued work, we wish to revise our i9 list and replace those who . have dropped out of line. . If there is no correspondent for the Courier in your district will you not kindly write us, suggesting some one for the place? THE COURIER. J 8th and Railroad Sts. lt dt (. t$ t$ t$ liS ti fc Portland Journal, three papers each The Courier and tho twice-a-week week for $1.75 is some bargain. COUNTY COURT LOST On Molalla road, small iron cylinder 9 in. long, brass plate on side. Please return to Oregon City Foundry. One dollar reward. Clarence Voliderhoof A. F. Nicolai Geo. Townsend Geo. McCocone Oscar Wood Tom Obery L. C. Lowe Carl Aschoff 28.75 K. Weirup 23.60 2.2! 6.90 6.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 LOUIS W, KILL OFFERS HANDSOME SILVER GUP AT OREGON STATE FAIR, SALEM, ORE., SEPT. 28 TO OCT. 3, 1914. S. Sims 4.50 Winters 42.50 M.iDavis 47.50 C. Shipley v 85.00 A. W. Shipley 95.00 Alex Irvin 60.00 Henry Ten Eyck 100.00 Red Russil , 82.50 T. B. Mylin 49.00 Bob Akins 50.00 Homer Molton 52.50 B. Pickens 22.50 A.-Pickens 52.50 G. C. Gibons 24.15 W. H. McCarty 19.25 Hank Barney 2.25 G. A. Carry 13.75 Bill 6dell 18.00 J. Cockerrease 16.85 F. E. McGugin 72.00 District No. 8 Paul R. Meinig 30.30 District No. 9 Port. Ry. L. and Power Co 1.50 Coast Culvert and Flume Co. 62.20 Bert H. Finch 81.20 A. M. Jannsen 48.00 N. Rath '. 27.50 F. Marshall 26.50 II. Klinker 15.00 C. Lins 28.00 C. Klinker 18.00 F. Ochs 29.50 E. Granfenhein 25.50 H. Reimers 14.00 G. Zwerman 31.50 E. Harders .'. 51.00 T. Harder 21.50 A. H. Miller 44.00 R. Miller 32.00 C. Johnson : 47.00 W. Held 28.00 Otto Paulsen 48.00 H. Joyner :. 46.00 H. Schmidt . 55.00 E. Guber 36.50 F. Nitschman 21.50 H. Johnson 40.00 F. Lins 55.00 A. Steinke 17.50 W. Lins 19.50 E. Scheel .. 22.00 Otto Jannsen 8.00 J. Paulsen 8.00 District No. 10 Garfield Mercantile Co 9.35 J. B. Duncan 18.75 C. H. Duncan 3.80 Garfield Lumber Co 7.10 J. H. Tracy 12.00 D. P. Crawford 10.00 S. J. Palmateer 10.00 J. H. McKinney 5.00 J. B. Duncan 5.00 Harvey Marshall 5.00 R. C. Denning 5.00 S. D. Dunlap 10.00 F. Rhodes 6.00 C. H. Duncan 7.50 Geo. De Shields 54.00 John Duus 50.00 F. E. Thomas ' 1.50 W. A. Rhodes 26.75 L. J. Palmateer 52.75 G. T. Beebe 48.00 J. H. Tracy 47.00 E. E. Jenkins 42.00 O. D. Califf 39.50 F. Rhodes 37.50 L. M, Yokum 76.00 C. H. Duncan '58.56 Herman Duus 41.50 W. M. Wade 46.50 A. J. Duncan 43.75 M. McKenney ' 22.25 J. F. Duncan 20.00 Harvey Marshall 24.50 R. G. Palmateer 21.00 Earnest Marshall 19.76 Elvy Beebe 18.75 Calvy Beebe 11.75 Donnelly 11.76 L. McKenzie 19.75 Earl Tracy 19.75 Paul Holm 20.00 Geo. Armstrong 11.75 C. Duus 8.00 Clyde Inglish 20.75 N. M. Tracy 13.75 D. P. Crawford 28.50 J. A. Ingglish 39.50 Chester Dean 10.00 M. Schultz 49.50 C. C. Saling 32.50 A. Jacques 8.00 District No. 11 City of Gladstone 26.70 Williams Bros 38.65 N. Dauchy, Jr 7.90 W. A. Holmes 65 E. A. Hackett 3.00 Chas. Livesay 5.00 L. Pope 28.75 Guynup 29.00 H. Hartley 27.00 S. Williams 84.00 Gladstone Lmbre Co 16.00 Leonard Lundberg 15.00 Mack Rivers 18.00 Geo. Himmler .' 14.00 Solomon 8.00 Rivers 22.00 Harrington 22.50 D. Pemock 4.50 Rivers 85.00 Louis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern Railway, hns slKiial lzed his Interest In tho Oregon State Fair, to be hold at Sali'iu, Ore, Sopt. 28 to Oct. 3, by oflcrliiK u handsome ttilvcr cup as a special prize for the be8t Individual farm exhibit. Every farmer is urged to enter the contest and help make this affair a huge success. en Otto Pursell 10.00 District No, 12 Frank Busch 75 Frank Busch 5.50 Gustav Fisher 8.05 red Gerber 2.15 W. F. Haberlach 14.25 Arthur Eaden 16.25 Fred Gerber 61.85 Ed Kundig 4.00 James McCubbins 12.25 Adolph Benson 32.25 Eli Swales 2.00 J. E. Kite 2.00 John Maser 28.25 Arthur Funk 10.00 Emery Powers 5.00 Wm. Tonkin 10.25 John J. Hatton 6.00 II. Berger 2.00 O. M. Hatton 2.00 A. J. Johnston 66.00 E. C. Gorber 72.25 Carl Fallert 56.00 Henry Babler 80.00 Oscar Benson 26.00 Frank P. Wilson 30.00 Ben Swales 10.00 Earl Gerber 31.50 Wm. McCubbin 32.50 F. E. Anderson 10.00 Henry Huber 31.26 Fritz Minder 32.00 Adolph Fredich 27.50 Henry Balsmier 21.25 Harry McMurry 4.00 Olaf Verding 2.00 L. Hampton 18.00 Albert Gerber 30.50 District No. 13 Kilmer and Kinzel 6.04 Scripture and May 7.25 Schwartz Bros 2.00 Wilson and Cooke 3.00 W. E. Gould 14.00 P. Winslow 14.00 Casper Alpbnalp 8.00 J. Nufer 8.00 J. T. Hindle 36.00 E. Evenson 22.00 G. Closner 28.00 N. McKillican 6.00 H. H. Coop 62.00 J. T. Fullam 50.65 A. Schneider 73.00 E, Hinkle . 37.00 Milford Hinkle 37.00 Gotfried Schneider 4.00 A. Funk 2.00 District No. 15 Wilson and Cook 2.60 Chas. Livesay 6.10 S. Nash 57.00 R. A. Yeoman 24.00 L. Mattoon 51.25 Harvey Kuenzi 28.00 Fred Boss 44.00 Oliver Frost 24.00 Carl Brown 32.00 W. R. Snook 12.00 Clyde Stokes 10.00 A. Dickerson 10.00 Eldon Swick 30.00 C. E.' Swick 8.00 Paul Elling 8.00 District No. 16 Canby Concrete Co 9.00 H. Engle 4.00 W. Randall 1.00 F. Engel 2.30 District No. 17 Stefani Lumber Co 7.20 Southern Pacific Co 3.90 A. Johnson 2.50 G. W. Lindsay .' 16.00 John Kraft 16.00 Wm. Gilgan 17.00 Geo. Holtzman 9.00 Adam Bany 37.00 1 O. F. Fentress 32.00 A. B. Cole 35.00 Geo. Koehler 33.00 District No. 18 Frank Weisenbeck 7.00 Robert Peterson 12.00 Alvin Buckner 2.00 G. Schuebel 31.25 Walter Schubel 24.00 Ed Schmidt 15.00 Leon Edmiyton 12.00 E. P. Seppard 10.00 Arthur Staben 16.50 W. J. Herman 28.00 George Hollman 19.00 E. L. Brown 16.00 Ed Jones 10.00 Roy Talbot 14.00 Fred Steiner 12.00 Chris Fisher 6.00 District No. 19 R. Schuebel 9.80 R. P. Wallace 8.00 C. Schullhouser 75.26 S. Holsten 12.00 W. M. Murry .: 4.00 C. E. Smith 4.00 Robert Snodgrass 4.00 Lewis Churchhill 4.00 Frank Anderson 2.00 Elmer Erickson 67.25 R. Schubel 15.00 Harvey Schubel 14.00 District No. 20 A. Mather 50.00 C. A. Brandland 2.90 Hult Bros 71.00 F. Baurer 6.00 Stromgreen 10.00 G. A. Gottberg 6.50 C. G. Klang 6.00 J. Putz 8.50 A. D. Baurer 23.50 . F. Putz 10.00 F. P. Baurer 4.00 District No. 21 Mather . 157.65 Oliver Johnson 11.00 Ernest Wallace 11.00 Victor Hill 7.00 W. C. Lunstrom 6.00 A. Gottberg 8.50 John Shoberg 7.00 England 7.00 Edgar Robinson 2.00 August Almquist 6.00 D. Ball 1.00 W. S. Gorbett 15.62 E. Bonnev 25.50 Jim Frances 10.00 A. Johnson 10.00 R. C. Ball 18,00 Claud Winslow 16.00 John Comer 21.00 John Anderson 18.00 D. Croford 22.50 Alex Erickson 22.50 Alfred Anderson 7.00 District No. 22 Port. Eugene & Eastern Ry. Co i 2.92 Cost Culvert and Flume Co. 119.04 Port. Eugene and Eastern Ry. Co 2.23 Ball and Ball ., 175.40 F. M. Henricksen 7.40 Geo. Baty 42.00 Thomas Cockrell 42.00 Carl Feyrer 30.00 James Heckert 13.50 H. J. Rastell 80.50 Willis Studinger 10.00 David Pendleton 103.75 G. Feyrer 64.00 Geo. F. Ball 2.00 Graham Hungate 1.00 S. Stuart ' 11.00 Robert Elkins 22.00 John Anderson 60.00 C. C. Edwards 36.00 C. E. Ramsby 36.00 Herman Chindgren -. 12.00 Rufus Chindgren 18.00 Carl Goranson 4.00 M. M. Jameson 23.50 J. O'Brien 38.25 Elmer Curry 32.25 G. R. Jackson 6.25 C. Dickerson 36.00 M. V. Stuart 39.00 Henry Fick 33.00 J. W. Staudinger 85.00 F. J. Painter 80.00 John Callahan 80.00 Clay Hungate 103.00 Leslie Dickey 54.00 W. W. Elkins 106.00 Burt McArthur 56.00 James Baty 84.00 Jack Feyrer 88.00 Isaac Callahan 38.00 Felix Baty It3.00 Frank Vaughan 1.4.00 Walter Painter 8.50 M. Trudinger 2.00 S. J. Serensen 27.50 District No. 23 G. H. Ehlers 4.75 Stefani Lumber Co. 72.00 A. J. Lais 6.68 Geo. E. Oglesby 33.99 E. White 36.00 F. Anderson 21.00 Al Ganske 28.00 Fred Bachert 23.00 D. Neff 21.00 John Bidwell 12.50 A. Bachert 6.50 W. D. Fish 20.00 J. G. Dregmie 2.00 Chas. E. Oglesby 10.00 James F. Oglesby 11.00 E. E. Pulley 28.10 Walter Ball ' 2.00 H. H. Deetz 71.72 Manuel King 63.37 S. J. Hoover 72.37 S. B. Benr 28.60 District No. 24 D. D. Hostetler 6.80 L. Askin 4.00 L. P. Spagle 12.50 District No. 25 D. Harms 6.10 Henry Goble 5.25 C. D. Keesling : 3.00 Al McCoy 9.00 Grover Harms 9.00 Brusch 10.00 Ed Gibson 9.76 E. Mertz : 9.00 F. A .Ross 6.50 J. Etzel 7.00 W. Baty 10.00 Wm. Bowers 4.76 Raymond Heinz 4.00 C. Collins 4.50 E. Collins 4.50 Ira Morris 4.50 Percy Porter 4.50 Ed Murray 2.25 A. Harms 2.00 District No. 25. Wm. Heinz 20.25 Fritz Stier 20.25 W. Baty : 31.00 Raymond Heinz 4.00 A. H. Reynolds 11.25 E. L. Moore 5.72 Walter Keasling 8.00 Earl' Collins 6.00 Henry Goble 10.00 Harve Enoch Wm. Echert 4.00 Al McCoy 4.00 John Hein z 2.00 Rov Graves 4.50 District No. 26. Robbins Bros 13.59 D. L. Trullinger 6.50 Addie Hammer 17.95 S. A. Douglas 63.25 H. Frazer 35.00 C. Skein 22.00 E. Bennie 33.00 C. Callahan 38.00 F. Vaughan 5.00 A. J. Baty 55.00 H. Cuttings 68.00 R. W. Davidson 71.00 J. F. Davidson 64.00 G. F. Douglas 24.00 G. S. Babcock 32.00 H. N. Summerville 16.00 J. Vaughan 4.00 Mark Hungate 48.00 C. H. Cotten 78.00 II. Engle 37.00 Mark Baty 38.00 Lee Admas 50.00 E. L. Palfrey 32.00 Ray Schatzman 30.00 Ben Steininger 32.00 Cliff Phelps 24.00 Tom McFaddin 7.00 Oscar Kayler 3.00 E. Palfrey 3.00 Frank Schatzman 2.00 Dick Stanger 1.76 H. A. Kayler 2.00 R. C. Coleman ! 8.00 Roy Sawtell 10.00 Wiley Phelps 10.00 H. Russell 4.00 J. L. Tubbs 24.00 Sawtell 24.00 Roy Daust 24.00 Harless 31.00 J. M. F. John G. F. H. McCown 2.00 Lesher 10.00 Crandall 64.00 H. Dahl . Giles Looney Ben Cole A. Cordill . M. Cross ., Engle S. C. 20.00 6.00 6.24 1.00 4.00 42.00 Miller 2.00 Skirvin 10.00 District No. 28. J. .1 Case 895.00 W. N. Chilcote 28.09 Arthur Carter ; 50.00 A. L.' Brougher 98.55 J. I. Case 137.75 J. I. Case 19.50 W. G. Masterton ....a 5.60 Robbins Bros '. 22.25 Addie Hammer 6.12 J. M. Henricksen 12.20 S. P. Ry. Co 41.32 Earl Groshong 25.00 Roy Thomas 25.00 Roy Nickelson 17.50 Frank Huitt 9.00 W. C. Huitt 16.00 Hi Edwards 24.50 Ed Wyland 25.00 C. Myers 21.00 Floyd Ferguson 16.00 Ben Thomas 39.00 L. Di Shank 65.00 A. O. Helvy ... 11.00 E. A. Davis 12.00 J. M. Smith 5.00 J. Jones 26.00 B. J. Helvey 19.00 Frank Jones 65.00 J. Vincent 20.00 L. Bowman 65.00 W. Avison 26.00 Ora Coover 43.00 Frank Bagby 26.26 W. Rice 19.00 Guy Rice 32.00 John Marts 32.00 Andy Mazingo 25.00 Earl Bird 26.76 Eay Wyland 22.75 A. G. Wyland 54.00 John Wilhoit 32.00 Jess Bagby 32.00 Ralph Hardee 14.00 C. Ramsey 31.50 A. Russell 61.00 John Miller 36.00 Ed Coover 12.00 D. Helvey : 13.00 S. Biglow 12.00 Carl Fausky 7.00 W. M. Bird 30.75 Ben Wade 22.75 N. B. Wade ' 24.75 Perry Vorheis 22.75 E. Ringstad 2.00 E. Sowa 7.25 Blaine Bird 23.25 Dan Grfoshong 7.25 C. G. Vorheis 41.75 Geo. Groshong 41.76 Tony Oleson 45.25 Leslie Shank 44.00 Bert Bird 14.26 Steve Fisher 68.00 Dave Fox 13.00 O. N. Kimball 44.50 A. Sackett 40.50 Freeman 32.50 Pittman 5.00 Clester 48.00 Fay Kimball 26.75 Omer Williams 19.75 Chas. Barnett 10.00 John Ferguson 40.00 J. M. Groshong 37.00 James Nickelson 35.00 Joe Michel 48.00 Joe Sowa .' 38.00 Frank Brosig 64.00 Freeman Thomas 58.00 H. Olsen 21.00 Ralph Slaughter 29.00 Chas Slaughter 22.00 Al Rhomach 36.00 Guy Dibble 36.00 P. M. Boyles 39.00 Charles Fish 12.00 Lloyd Fish 12.00 H. Bock 10.00 A. Ramsey 9.00 J. White 15.00 W. N. Chilcote 8.00 Scott Carter 65.00 Arthur Carter 31.00 B. Hibbard 60.00 Frank Scott 60.00 Arthur Scott 31.00 D. Scott 31.00 Zeb Bowman 61.00 H. Jenson 62.00 H. Daugherty ;.. 23.00 Geo. Kuss 41.00 W. Ferlan 24.00 Frank Kokel 29.00 James Marts 65.00 Wm Marts 31.00 Ben Sherman 30.00 Frank Sherman 52.00 D. Sherman 20.00 J. H. Gray 15.00 District No. 29. Joe Resch 20.00 G. H. Gray 13.50 A. Gary 10.00 District No. 31. Thompson 20.00 Moser 62.00 Iderhoff 24.00 Toedtemeier 4.00 Wilken 32.00 Schroeder 68.00 Livingston 80.00 Schoner 46.00 Schoner 4.O0 Davids .. 6.00 Wilson & Cooke 8.25 Hodson-Feenaughty Co - 11.80 Peters Hardware Co 3.10 H. Baker 5.90 Otto Pamperine 5.00 L. Tiedeman 28.00 Loyd Tiedeman . 8.00 C. Jones sfi on R. Spane-enberfir 10.00 W. V. E. V. S. H. L. J. P. W. F. R. H. F. Schatzman :. 48.00 H. Oldenstadt . 34.00 Ira Steininger 60.00 F. Dick Steininger 61.00 A. E. Talfrey 14.00 P. Roy Phelps 48.00 M. District No. 27. H. Wm. Hensche 1.80 O. Olaf Olsen 30.00 C. James Jones 16.00 G. H. C. Asboe 16.00 N. L. N. Jones 20.00 C. Joe Jackson 2.00 L, S. C Miller 14.00 O, Orchard 26.00 Thomas . 10.OO Reser 25.00 Olich 28.00 Gebhardt 57.00 Vanorthwick 2.00 Tiedeman 10.00 Vanorthwick 21.50 S. Oldham 47.00 C. Schroeder 28.00 T. StClair 12.25 Pamperine 8.00 R. Schatz 49.00 W. Slickeiser .. 8.00 J. Scackley 8.00 A. Anderson 4.00 R. Gesser 16.00 R. Oldenstadt 64.00 F. Baker 79.60 E. Pamperine 44.00 W. Kiser 6.25 C. Zimmerman 40.25 K. Koelehmeier '. 31.25 A. Mayes 29.00 A. Schatz 34.00 J. Aerni 4.00 P. Roeser 10.25 F. Faumesger 20.00 H. D. Holten 20.00 E. Boekman 20.00 J. H. Eisle 20.00 F. Ridder 8.00 Ernest Boekman 10.00 O. H. Eisele 10.00 District No. 32. E. Todd 16.00 E. G. Jonea : 12.00 C. Reisner 4.00 H. Heater 56.00 J. Her 24.00 A. Ficken 24.00 A. Oberst 20.00 H. Seely 6.00 W. C. Heater 37.50 J. Gross 40,00 E. Westonhouse 2.00 F. Baurer 24.00 A. Weston 40.00 F. Kruger 14.00 A. Peters ; 30.00 E. Drengonberg : 12.00 O. Kaufman 8.00 H. Peters ." 16.00 District No. 33. Frank Millard 1.96 L. Baker 43.00 Earl Day 14.00 Henry Warnock 12.00 Geo. Guttridge 2.00 Jas. Folsom 6.00 E. Closner 28.00 J. F. Moger 20.00 E. Lacey 20.00 John Schenk 12.00 Will Strey 8.00 Vernon Schmidt 4.00 W. W. Tucker 30.00 Marion Millard 19.00 Jas Guttridge 82.00 Joseph Guttridge 82.00 Archie Howell 82.00 Cal Howell 82.00 W. Howell 82.00 Chas Folso m. 82.00 L. Carpenter 8.00 Frank Millard 71.75 A. D. Schmidt 74.00 T. Hayner 4.00 Press Howell 46.00 Harry Howell 28.00 W. Strey 43.00 F. Cadonau 18.00 Amos Millard 35.00 Arthur Howard 24.00 W. Strunk 10.00 I. M. Park 23.00 District No. 34. Owen G. Thomas 4.10 W. J. Wilson & Co 1.40 G. Settje 4 11.26 Phoenix Iron Works 3.00 Chas Livesay 40.95 James Adkins Lumber Co 28.65 C. Smith 204.00 C. Zimmerman 14.00 J. Zimmerman 34.00 A. Koellermeier 19.00 W. Koellermeier 27.00 G. Toedtemeier 28.00 J. Christensen 22.00 C. Chrstensen 25.00 E. Christensen 27.00 L. Rypczynski 28.00 C. Kelnhofer 41.00 E. Hodge 22.00 A. Ethey , 17.00 F, Jones 33.00 J. Edmonds 10.00 E. Tiedeman 17.00 J. Bell 88.00 L. Bacon 44,50 W. Kaiser 67.50 G. Settje 20.00 D. Colson '90.00 C. McGee 90.00 F. Kaiser 88.00 District No. 35. Hood & Hutchins 3.35 Wm. Booth .'. 63.75 Price Jones 111.87 E. E. Van Fleet 46.12 Thomas Dunn 74.25 Henry Spiers 61.62 Burleigh Spiers 61.62 Randolph Spiers 161.62 Fred Bradford 2.60 John Dunn 21.36 J. B. Jones 100.12 Dick Jones 450 Stillman Andrews 26.00 L. L. Griffin 92.25 Alec Browning 3.37 Philip Bates i. tS.75 John Erion 34.86 John Haley 67.50 Al Ha worth G0.7S District No. 37 W. Kruse 16.70 C. W. Kruse 105.90 G. G. Kruse 54,00 Andrew Klaiber 22.21 J. J. Kraus 16.87 District No. 38. W. H. Council' 2025.60 Frank Busch , 2.90 A. Mather 16,56 Geo. B. Rate & Co 26.70 J. Baungartner 96.36 E. Corrodi 40.50 F. Sandstrom 47.26 J. W. Holmes 27.00 H. P. Brownrigg 13.20 J. Hanschel oom H. Horner 2.25 M. O. Feudner 33.60 C Scofflns . 20.25 George Mason 10.I2 Herbert Holmes 40.80 Geo. Lehman 7.87 Continued Next Week.