Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 16, 1914, Image 2

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    Oregon city courier, Thursday, ju ly 16, 1914.
W P. Meredith
, Editor.
Prosperity depends on
the far-
Give the land to money loaners,
and then who will farm the land ?
Are you ready to depend on bank
ers for your daily bread?
Portland lawyers are advising their
clients not to foreclose mortgages.
Property is becoming worthless
and land, machinery and labor are
Give the farmer Rural Credit and
this money put in circulation will
make good times.
The farmer could use some of our
idle men if he was assured good pric-
The people on farms are not buy
ing because they have not the money
to buy with.
The people of our cities are not
buying our produce because they have
not the money to buy with.
Pood is wasting on our farms and
the people in our cities are hungry.
For Kent and For Sale signs are seen
People are tired of these con
ditions. Discontent is universal.
Business depression is nation wide.
Just a very few who are already rich,
are getting the profits.
A politician is badly handicapped
when his politics and morality fail to
run in the same track.
We farmers should be dealt with
very leniently as we have to dig our
morality and politics from the bot
tom of an old, empty pocketbook.
Whenever the rich are taxed they
add the tax to the cost of oil trans
portation, rent, interest ana prom,
and the farmer finds at tax paying
time that the coBt of his living has
been increased.
Riuuness men are afraid to' ex-
t.hftir honest nolitical opinions,
The average country newspaper has
its editorials shipped in maue to or
der by the association tailor or opin
and tin selling for several times what
it costs to produce it. We find sheet
metal in a trust and now the govern
ment is prosecuting the American
Can Co. as a trust and the price of
cans have doubled, and we farmers
would have to pay all this big profit
before we could be ready to can our
berries. Then, if we undertook to
sell for a fair profit we could not
because these working people who
mined the tin and worked it into
sheet metal, then into cans, would
have to be our customers and pay the
full cost of the cans and a profit to
the farmer for raising the fruit and
canning it Now how can the work
ers pay full cost of these cans wnen
they only receive about one-fourth
the cost in wages? We need legis
lation to protect us on the market
and have needed it for years, but
somehow the trusts get the protect
ion and we get none. Farmers are
beginning to see where the trouble
If a farmer wants to know if pros
perity has hit him very hard or not,
all he has to do is to feel deep in
his pocket and listen for that unfa
miliar iinirle. He need not borrow a
metropolitan paper and see what the
Iigures are xium mo ummwo
ing house, bank clearings and trade
balances. When real prosperity hits
us farmers it will not be necessary to
print big headlines or appoint a com
mittee to notify us of the fact.
f!nlWnH. Congress, and even
few nulnits trving to tell us what
our opinions should be and a presi
dent who says the cause is "psycho
Farmers, like our wage workers,
are organizing and the number now
runs up into millions, and we are
learning tne wnya 01 omu buicd
Trace a hundred pounds of wheat to
the consumer and see who gets the
Drof it. Trace a ton of coal to the
consumer and see who gets the prof
it. Trace our money from the mint
to the producer of wealth and back
thru all the taxes direct anu mairect.
and see who makes all the profit.
Our crazy system of production
and distribution is driving the real
farmers from the farms with mort
gages and low prices. We are
driving the miner from the mines
by low wages and the high cost of
niu living.
The editor and the educator are be
ing driven from their calling by the
influence of a few who produce these
horrid conditions, and we feed our
bodies and our minds on adulterated
matter and suffer from malnutrition
The remedy is to reverse our pol
icy of reward and reward honest
toil instead of those who toil not.
Give the farmer all he produces
and not just one-fourth or one-fifth,
as he gets now. In a land where in
dustry is so praised don't forget to
reward it.
Give back to the people by law
everything they need for producting
life, liberty and the pursuit of hap
piness, or you will force the people
to take it regardless of the rich man's
law and lawyers.
Labor produces all wealth and
wealth produces all credit and gov
ernment has a monopoly in issuing
credit and scientifically the govern'
ment should not by law or force give
all the credit to idlers and deny la-
bor any at all. The consumer needs
credit to buy bread, meat and clothes
and the farmer needs it to produce
them, but where is it 7
Why do we spend millions evory
year for new irrigation projects and
reclaiming swamps and other Innds
when there is no market at a profit-
able price for what we raise on land
already cultivated? And on this
cultivated land we are not raising
one-third what we could if the prof
its justified returning the nitrogen,
potash and phosphoric acid taken
from it. We are facing a famine in
this country by robbing tho farmer
so ho must rob the soil.
We regret that through a mis
take Mr. Dye was criticized for the
acts of one of the so-called educators
at our aristocratic agricultural col
lege. We are glad Mr. Dye is not
guilty. It seems C. I. Lewis is the
guilty party, and if ho is the gifted
gentleman as brother healer would
have us believe, he certainly can de
fend his position if it is at all ten
able. Agriculture that is not econ
omic or profitable is not scientific,
and i rot . V. l. L,cwis cannot del end
hiB position of scientific production
Americans are the greatest invent
ors. Labor Baving machinery invade
all industries. With millions of idle
men one would think we had overdone
it and our nation would be better off
with less labor saving machinery.
The fault is not with the machines.
We have adopted a system of wealth
production and distribution that bene
fits the owner of the machine with
out benefiting tho public in general.
If some one would invent a machine
that would do all the work everyone
should share in the leisure produced
by that invention.
Farmers by organizing could build
canning factories as well as any other
class, in fact better. We find can
ning machinery Belling for several
times what it costs to manufacture
it. We find the tin mines in a trust
Talk about scientific farming.
How many hours would science say
a farmer should labor each day?
What kind of a house should a far
mer's family live in ? How many
acres should a farmer cultivate?
How much and what kind of labor
saving mchinery should a farmer
possess? Would science dress a far
mer and his family with equal com
fort with others? Should his chil
dren have the same educational ad
vantages? Should his income be as
large as the man who manages a rail
road, hotel or bank? Ask your
scientific farmers' scientist.
Nearly every day we read in the
daily papers ot some iarmer or smaii
business man committing suicide af
ter losing their property and a means
of living. Self preservation is the
first law of nature and these oppres
HeH cowards did no good by self de
struction. It would have been a trifle
more intelligent to blow the other
fellow's brains out instead of their
own. Society is laboring under false
standards that require live people to
correct them. A corpse is useless
value of the 1910 and 1911 crops
were greater by 60 and 77 million
dollars. It seems to be below an av-
rage crop and the Department with
all its science and knowledge does
not offer an explanation. We are an
xious to know the mystery of pros
perity and the causes of adversity.
It seems to be useless to look to the
Department for the solution.
In the Agricultural year book for
1913, on page 26, under the head of
marketing it says "We have been
suddenly brought face to face with
the fact that in many directions fur
ther production waits on better dis
tribution, and that the field of distri
bution presents problems which raise
in very grave ways the simple issue
of justice." We know that Mr.
Secretary and we are paying you to
tell us where the trouble lies and to
prescribe the remedy. Prof. Lewis
might answer.
Our Correspondents' Views
Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain
Sloan's Liniment gives instant re-
lfef from Neuralgia or Sciatica. It
goes straight to the painful part
Soothes the Nerves and Stops the
Pain. It is also good for Rheuma
tism, Sore Throat, Chest Pains, and
Sprains. You don't need to rub it
penetrates. Mr. J. R. Swinger, Louis
ville, Ky., writes: "I suffered with
quite a severe Neuralgic Headache
for four months without any relief. I
used Sloan's Liniment for two or
three nights and I haven't suffered
with my head since." Get a bottle to
day. Keep in the house all the time
for pains and all hurts. 25c, 50c, and
$1.00 at your Druggist.
The members of the Artisan Lodge
held their annual social evening at
Woodman hall Thursday evening.
Dancing and a musical and literary
programme were the features of the
The Courier is $1 a year only when
paid ni advance.
Psychological, Sociological, Anthro
pological, Theological, Zoological
and Then Some
In our issue of July 2nd we pub
lished a communication from J. L
Jones which was a treatise upon the
symbolism of the Biblical book of
Revelations. In the following letter
he gives an explanation of symbol
ism as it applies to England and the
United States. His statement that
"Modern England" is merely an ani
mated barrel (of money) with arms
and legs and a head on it, without
soul or conscience," has pleased the
editor particularly. How the super
latively brilliant Shakespeare could
have been born of such a race of pud
ding heads has been a perpet
ual puzzle. But then, according to
this writer, England had an infusion
of French blood along about a thous
and years ago, which may account for
the blooming of an occosional intel
lect in a dreary waste.
Read carefully what? Mr. Jones has
to say upon this obscure subject:
Editor Courier:
Thanks for publishing my piece
about the animals. I don't care what
comment you make so long as you
publish it correctly. Then the read
ers can judge for themselves as to
the sanity of it. I did not expect
many people to understand it. I
gave it as an experiment.
Symbolism is something the public
knows little about, but it is not very
hard to understand. For instance
there are two symbols in common
use to represent the English people,
the Lion and Johnny Bull or Johnny
Ox. The lion represents the Norman
French element, the ruling class, mili
tary and commercial. The bull or ox
Dr. Milliken Comments on the Letter
By G. A. Hendri, Published Last
Mr. Henri takes the position that
the Bible is entirely a product of hu
man thoughts and that consequently
it must be as imperfect as human
thought is likely to be when dealing
with subjects which are outside the
range of human experience. He hold
that "Civilization is a product due to
Science," and not to the Bible. Dr.
Milliken says:
Editor Courier:
You comment on the, letter of Mr.
Henri, as published in last week's
Courier, leaves very little to be said
in reply to that gentleman. He still
fails to show one particular in which
the Bible is in error. He speaks of
it as burnt out, but fails' to specify
a single instance of mistake. Now
Mr. Henri is a very estimable gentle
man but unless he can make good and
give us more than his mere say-so
we cannot help but conclude that he is
talking "through his hat."
He has criticised Christianity, but
again we have his unproven affirma
tion. A fool can criticise a philoso
pher. That does not make the phil
osopher in the wrong. It only reveals
the other fellow's ignorance or pre
judice. Facts are the only things
that counts. We know you are not
in this class, hence. Brother of mine,
be specific in pointing out the parti
culars in which the religion of Jesus
Christ, or the Christ of the Bible are
outgrown. With you we are endeav
oring to find truth, but we are not
willing to cast aside what we have
until you can provide us something
better. If you have it let us have
. The Bible tells us that the Holy
Spirit that has been the active agent
in God's creative evolution, is now ac-
By Dr. W. A. Turnet Naturopath
(Questions relating to health matters
will be answered if accompanied by
a 2 cent stamp and addressed to me,
care of Hotel Edwards, Portland,
The body is made up of and sus
tained by food, hence, as you eat so
you are consultants always tell me
that they have the best of every
thing. Exactly so the best is often
the worst for you. A rational diet
composed of fruits, green leaf salad
vegetables and non-starchy vege
tables properly cooked, with beef,
mutton, fowls or game once a day,
is an ideal diet. .People who eat beef
steaks or other heavy meats for
breakfast soon grow catarrhal and
later on develop kidney troubles, dia
betes and Unght s disease. People
who persistently eat white flour pro
ducts, pork, polished rice, potatoes,
beans, lentils, sugar candy and pastry
and drink tea, coffee or milk witn
meals, invariably come to grief soon
er or later. Notwithstanding the in
timate relations between food and
health one would naturally think the
medical doctors would know some
thing about food values. They don't,
for they have not been taught it and
any alleged knowledge on their part
is an assumption. I have in front
of me now the prospectus ... of the
medical department of the State Uni
versity of Oregon to which all tax
payers help contribute $22500 yearly,
and which supports a faculty of 62
allopathic doctors to teach drugs,
serums and operations, but not one
word of drugless methods of healing
to its students. It shows that "die
tetics" is taught 30 minues, once a
week on Tuesday during the last half
of the fourth year, or a total of 15
hours in a four year's course of
study. " Do you wonder that people
get sick? It took me four years
studying along these lines, several
hours a day in Germany to get an
accurate working knowledge of the
values of foods, besides what I have
learned from an experience of many
years' active practice. The records
kept in the leading Nature Cure in
stitutes of Europe show that about
After all we may have to smug
gle in a few cheap Chinese to go to
Congress as the ones we have there
now cannot live on their present pay,
$7,500 per year, or $625 per month
and traveling expenses. We could
use few for bankers as the ones we
have now are taking all we produce
in interest Just think . about tne
number of state commissions we
could have if they were marked down
to Chinese prices. They might mak
snlendid directors for some of our
h railroads that are making so
much noise about expenses and income.
We organized farmers would like
to build our own meat pacing piunw
our own elevators, mills, banks, rail
roads and own, operate and control
our own markets, but we have been
exploited until we have no money for
these, we neeo money u own
nrl our onlv show is Rural Credit.
Until we get Rurni Credit we must
do the best we can mm our yum"-
in an organized way. If no one can
ir it. nt h nrofit we must quit farm
ing, we must get o jiiuxii. h"
as long as we have a profit system,
whiio wb farmers are paying big
nricoa fnr fresh salmon, car loads of
fresh salmon are shipped to Germany
and sold there in competition vitn
tne many varieties caugnt in auru-
ocan waters. If these fish belong to
all the people when in the water af
ter being hatched and cared for hare
,in wa los j our ownership t II we are
to lose the ownership to some jm
vate individual why go to this ex
nuo7 Wo are noisoning our sal-
... J J t.nA
mon with roiuse irom wcwuh "
we are destroying ineir nnvium
breeding places by draining our lakes
for irrigation purposes and some day
we will have no salmon, we .muuiu
prcte't them all we cau and we must
own them all the time and not al
ow private individuals to get all tne
benefit of our tax money. A tiatior
mun suggests that we do away with
nil fii-h wheels, seining and drift-
not s. Allow anv citizen to ono aci
nit 100 feet lone without license.
Nota tn ha not less than 4 inch mesh,
No license or game wardens. Let the
sheriff see that the law is enforced
and tho peoples' rights protected in
stead of tho canners'. We should
give a fisherman the right to sell his
fish without license. We are going
to build power dams across all our
montain streams anil destroy tne ave
nues to spawning grounds, and with
economy we can afford the expense of
hatching our young salmon. Some
day we are going to quit making
laws for a few millionaires and be
gin to look after the food supply for
every citizen, and we won't begin any
too soon.
South America too has been try
ing to pass a law preventing tne
slaughter of cows and calves on ac
count of the shortage of beef. Agen
tina's Congress appointed a commit
tee to investigate the matter and
they reported that the slaughter of
cows and calves had stopped because
of the increased price of beef cattle
and farmers were raising more acres
of aflalfa and less acres of wheat.
So will it be in U. S. The beef trust
must divide profits with the farmer
or no cattle will bo produced, vve
must have a profit.
If there is a shortage of meat ani
mals in the U. S. how would it do to
ston tho exportation of meat? If
working people need all the meat that
is being produced why not pass a law
against any one not a laborer eating
any meat? A few such laws as these
would hit tho trusts near tne soiar
plexus and in a few years there
would be plenty of meat for every
body at a fair price, but our present
laws are not intended to benefit all
the people.
The Department of Agriculture
says that 1809 was the most pros
perous year for farmers in recent
years and apparently the most pros
perous in the past 50 years. The
The BUZZARD Silo Filler Is The Thing!
Is a
Finds It Very Satisfactory
Cleone, Oregon, May 2, 1913.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen; We have used your Bliz
zard ensilage cutter the past season and
find them a very satisfactory machine
in every way. We put up over 600 tons
of com and had no trouble cutting from
50 to 55 tons per day and elevating it
to a height of 32 feet, using an L-15 ma
chine. We consider them the best ma
chine made for the purpose. We also
used it to cut alfalfa and clover hay
fed to sheep and cattle at our yards this
Winter, and it handled the work in good
, Yours truly, THE SUN DIAL RANCH
By E. G. McGaw.
Photo Taken May 20, 1914, on the Farm of Streich & Neiger, Cleone, Oreg.
If you want to know how much the
silo filler will do for you, send in the
coupon for this book. State the size of
your silo, and we will quote you. It
places you under no obligation to buy.
Portland, Oregon
Spokane - Boise
Don't make
the mistake of
buying a silo
filler of ques
tionable merit
They cost neai-ly as much in the beginning and far
more in the long run, or short run, either, for that
matter. The Blizzard is a practical machine. It com
bines knives, fan and fly wheel instead of using these
as separate units, thereby saving power
and making a more, compact cutter. It
elevates without fail into the tallest silo.
It cuts the material with a sheer cut,
does not crush it. . The Blizzard is re
sponsive to control and safe to operate.
The Blizzard is widely imitated, but
nothing can shake its popularity with
those who have used them.
Sold by
& CO.
Oregon, City
Has Your Child Worms?
Most children do. A Coated, Fur
red Tongue: Strong Breath; Stomach
Pains; Circles under uyes; raie, sal
low Complexion: Nervous, Fretful;
Grinding of Teeth: Tossing in Sleep;
Peculiar Dreams any one oi tnese
indicate Child has Worms. Get a bo
of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It
kills the Worms the cause of your
child's condition. Is laxative and aids
Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied
in candy form. Easy for children to
take. 25c at your Druggist.
The Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity will give a picnic at Canemah
Park Monday evening, July 20.
Dancing will be enjoyed in the even
ing. Members ot tne order anu in
vited guests will attend.
If Kidneys and Bladder Bother
Ihen roley Kidney rills
Overworksd kidneys will break
wown if not helped. When they can
no longer protect the blood and the
body from the poisons tha ctome to
them, then look out for liright s dis
ease, serious kidney trouble and blad
der annoyances. Foley Kidney Pills
are your uest protection, your uesi
medicine for weak, sore, overworked
kidney and bladder weaknesses. Sold
by all druggists.
Miss Louise Walker, of this city,
ntul Mrs. C. C. Dickinson, of Seattle,
Wash., who left this city about six
weeks ago for California, where they
have been visiting the letter's mother
Mrs. Leonard Diller, have started
from Oakland on their return trip to
Oregon, and will make the trip by
automobile accompanying Mrs. Dick
inson's brother, Earl Diller, of Seat
tle. The party expect to make the
trip in 10 days, visiting along the
If you have neglected your kidneys
and suffer from backache, weak back,
headache, rheumatism and distress
ing bladder weaknesses, you will find
Foley Kidney Pills to be the honestly
made, healing and curative medicine
you need to give you back your
health and strength. They are tonic
in action, quick to give good results.
They will help you. Sold by all druggists.
Mrs. Augusta Schoenborn, who has
been ill at her home suffering from
pneumonia, is rapidly improving.
represents the Saxon race.enslaved
by the Normans over 800 years ago,
and still held under the yoke.
But things have changed a lot in
800 years. The last is now first.
The bull now represents the money
power. The military power has grad
ually come under the control of the
money power in England as well as
here. It takes money to buy ammu
This is the key to the Mexican
muddle also. The barrel is greater
than the cannon or the battle ship,
for without the barrel there could be
no cannon or battle ships. Johnnie
Bull is merely an animated barrel
with legs and arms and a head on it,
without soul or conscience just like
some other corporations. Or to use
another symbolism we might say that
Johnnie Bull is the Golden Calf
grown to maturity and senility.
A double-headed beast is the politi
cal symbol of America an elephant
at ope end and a mule at the other.
Of course in the figure the kicking
end of the mule, which includes the
labor unionists and Socialists, does
not show because it is inside the body
of the elephant, and the hind part of
the elephant, which includes the cow
hide and heavy draught class of peo
plo is invisible because it is inside
the body of the mule. The image is
an official and superficial one. The
elephant looks ponderous and pro
found while the donkey end of the an
imal looks dignified and solemn.
this double-headed animal has al
ways been sane and safe and very
conservative and has taken itself
seriously till two years ago when a
strange misfortune befell it, A new
head grew on the elephant end of it
the head of a Bull Moose. This phe
nomenon has never been explained by
naturalists. Each of the three heads
has a multitude of devoted worship
pers who do not seem to understand
that the three heads are fastened to
the same body.
The puzzle now is to find how the
Progressive or Bull Moose end of the
beast is going to progress anywhere
and pull the rest of the body along
with it. The whole mass is en
tangled and grown together in one
body, which we call Society or the
Body Social. This constitutes the
great riddle of Sociology, anthropolo
gy and theology. There is one word
mat is the answer to the riddle,
tive in perfecting the crown of that
creation man into "Sons of God."
We need no new textbook of spiritual
truth until that Spirit leads us to the
perfect mastery of the one we have,
And 1 call you to witness if we have
mastered yet those commands of the
Christ; "Love thy neighbor as thy
self;" "Love your enemies, and
pray for them that persecute you;"
"He that loseth his life shall find it,
and he that findeth his life shall lose
it;" have you anything better to
give than this? We need not a new
type of Christianity, but more men
and women who will live the old type
as Christ demands. All the new
faiths I know let down the bars and
lower the standard, in place of giv
ing something better. Should the
Bible standard be suddenly accepted
in all its implications by the children
of men, graft, theft, murder, selfish
ness, the liquor traffic, white slavery,
black slavery, wage slavery, and
every other hideous corruption on
earth would be driven to the hell
where they belong, and the kingdom
for which we pray daily would come
in. We want not a new Christianity,
but new Christians to live the old
Christianity; and to win such, my
no . l - . ii
iu per cem, oi an disease comes
from improper living, hence the Na
turopathic way of cure is to correct
the living, thus removing the cause
oi disease ana the patient gets well,
thus again as you eat so you are.
Drugs won't cure you because they
only suppress symptoms and do no-
tning toward removing the cause and
therein lies the basic trouble with the
practice of "medicine." It only
knows effects and seeks to suppress
them, thereby retarding the effort of
ivature to cure you. Eat to 1 v and
eat slowly chew your food thorough
ly and don't over eat. Over feeding
over taxes the stomach, the fnnrl
ana your troubles begin. Moderation
snouia De practised in eating, sleep
ing, breathing and exercising in nr.
uer to nave good nealth.
Nearly all nuts are good food, ex
cept peanuts, which are too starrhv
and which properly belong to the le
gume family almond s.brazil nuts,
butter nuts, filberts, pecans ,pine
nuts and walnuts are all rich in iron,
Potassium, Sodium, Calcium. Mao-.
nesium, Silicon, Sulphur, Phosphorus
and Chlorine. They also posses a
high percentage of fats a moderate
brother, has been my life-work, and percentage of proteins and a low per-
shall be until you, or someone else, centage of carbonhydrates (sugar.)
can show me a better way. Methinks In order to get best results they
1 hear you say: "You are not very snouia De ground in a nut grinder and
successful, for there are still ras- sprinkled over salads. They are
cals aplenty in the church." True, "eh and nutritious and take the
but not half as many as there would place of meat and never should be
be without it. It stands today for eaten alter a meal or with meat
every moral influence in the commun- They are easily digested if ground up
ity, ana every scalawag who is airaid, uiuioujfmy.
and less of them. Pressure on the
waist and hips by tight corsets and
heavy clothes is one of the chief
causes of diseases of women. Bloom
ers should be substituted for skirts,
as they allow greater elasticity and
freedom of movements and help to
give a more graceful carriage. The
average woman can freeze a man to
death when it comes to clothes and I
predict that before long women will
be free to dress as they please, not
withstanding the terrible shock it will
give some evil-minded puritanical
Pharisees. Modern civilization has
not increased morality by loading us
down with clothes. Japanese men
and women and other far eastern
people go swimming together perfect
ly naked and think nothing of it. It
is the evil minded hypocrite that
sees evil in all things. The bill
boards of the "Follies of 1914" re
cently displayed some shapely limbs
to the public in Portland but our
righteous mayor promptly had white
paper pasted over them. Who says
we are not chemically pure?
Appetite and Hunger
When your mouth waters for
something to eat you are hungry.
When you have a morbid craving in
the stomach, due usually to catarrh
of the stomach that is appetite.
There is a vast difference between
the two. When you are hungry na
ture uncaps the gastric juices and Is
ready to do her work of digesting
food and you are not hungry until she
gives you the sign. Never eat when
you are not hungry and a fast of a
day or two will do you good when
If you persist in overloading the
stomach when sick or well you will
pay a penalty, for if sick or feverish
the gastric juices are not present and
the food rots, thus laying the foun
dation for worse diseases, such as
consumption, typhoid, smallpox, and
which are "caught" in the stomach
and bowels, and not from "germs,"
as our medical friends would try to
make you believe in order to vacci
nated you with that wonderful vac
cine that has been "purified" by ultra-violet
rays. One of the chief
causes of the great mortality among
those who take medical treatment
from the orthodox school of doctors
is because they persist in feeding ty
phoid and tuberculosis patients on
milk, eggs, beef and other alleged
"rjch" foods under the hallucination
that the patient must eat to sustain
life. This diet would kill a lumber
Jack if persisted in. Food is a poi
son to a sick person because of the
absence of the gastric fluids to digest
it, something our medical friends
have not yet found out, except where
they have been told by Naturopaths.
Undigested and fermented foods
causes gas to form in the stomach
and bowels, which presses in all di
rections, often with dangerous conse
quences, still, the work ot poisoning
goes on and there are some people
who feel peeved when the attention
of the public is called to it.
School Inspection
This is a form of illegal graft,
forced upon the people by the politi
cal doctors in power for the purpose
of paying salaries as a rule to young,
inexperienced medical incompetents,
and to increase private medical prac
tice. It usually includes a "trained"
nurse to do the "follow up" work of
invading the homes and trying to
persuade the mothers to have their
children operated on for adenoids,
sore tonsils, etc troubles that yield
readily to drugless methods for they
are caused by wrong feeding. There
is no law on the statute books of
Oregon that authorizes any school
board to saddle this expense on the
taxpayers to say nothing of the in
calculable damage it does. If the
family doctor is unable to "inspect"
the children and this thing is really
desired by the parents, the doctors of
the drugless schools should be given
an equal share of the work. They at
least will not harm the children with
poisonous serums and operations.
It does worse it gives teachers and
children and others false ideas in re
gard to health and keeps children in
continued fear of disease, which in it
self is bad for fear is a great source
of disease, particularly if instilled in
the mind of a child. .
In Chicago, the most thoroughly
"inspected" city in the world, diseases
of children have so largely increased
under this most beneficent philan
thropy (bill paid by the tax payers)
that the people are beginning to get
thoroughly aroused and will probably
do away with it, as there is no law
in Illinois that calls for, or even per
mits it. It only shows vou that if
you give the average political doctor
an inch he will take a mile then it
is up to you to dislodge him from his
illegal position.
A Perfect Cathartic
There is sure and wholesnmo ac
tion in every dose of Foley Cathartic
laoiets. iney cleanse with never a
gripe or bam. Chronic nnsoa nf
stipation find them invaluable, Stout
people are relieved of that bloated,
congested feeling, so uncomfortable
especially in hot weather. Thov
your liver busy. Sold by all druggists.
WANTED From private nartv.
$1,800, 8 per cent, first class se
curity, first mortgage. For par
ticulars, see H. C. Krause, Barber-shop,
Gladstone, Ore.
reform will hurt his business fears it.
A word about Mr. Henri's science.
He acknowledges that he got it from
the dictionary. I never knew before
that Webster's international was
compendium of Science. He defines
Science as "A reaction caused by hu
man thought acting through the phy
sical senses upon a fact." How can
the physical act upon a "fact?" The
binomial theory is a fact, but how can
the mind act through the physical
upon it? What physical action en
ables the scientist to summarize the
laws of Thought? To estimate the
distance of Vega from the Solar Sys
tem? To describe the physical com
position of Areturus? Anything
that comes into experience as a truth
can be summarized bv some science,
cut off the crown and pride of all
civilization, mv hrrvt-lior Kf baa :
von i ne pnysicai conies ursi in ine or- an.
While the styles for women nowa
days are in many instances so ridi
culous as to be absolutely idiotic
(particularly in hats) they have much
to commend them, the chief of which
is the woman has less weight to carry
on the hips. She wears fewer clothes
nate the life, or man would be merely
a brute. The mental comes later,
and is distinct from the physical and
dominates it. The Spiritual nature
comes last, and dominates the entire
life of the one who truly experiences
it. Likewise physical sciences do the
the least for human uplift, mental do
more, and spiritual most of all. Don't
you guess what it is? J. L. Jones. dor of time. Yet it does not domi-
W. T. Milliken.
The oniy RESIDENCE Undertaking
Establishment in Clackamas County
Day and Nighfc Service
Tenth and Water Sts.
Main 123 A-37
t i --c i,.
Residence 612
Center St.
Phones: Main 1101
M. 172
Dr. A, McDonald
Veterinary Surgeon
Office, Red Front Barn
rnones: Main 1 1 6