OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY-, JULY 9, 1914. BETTER OPTICAL SERVIG is the basis on which I founded my business six months ago. I had confidence in the peo ple of this community and surrounding country, in that they would support a long felt want. I put in the best optical goods obtainable and started my own shop so as to be able to give as good service as was to be had in larger cities, spar ing no expense. The number of satisfied cus tomers who are good enough to speak well of me and rec ommend their friends, leads me to believe that I have been suc cessful and that my confidence has not been misplaced. I want to thank my many friends who showed their confi dence in my ability and aided me to successfully establish an Exclusive Optical Business. Ulm.fl. Schilling OPTOMETRIST And Manufacturing Optician 719 Main St.. Oregon City Oregon "I Grind My Own tenses" GET YOUR LINE READY Government Will Plant 20 Million Trout in Forest Streams of this Country (From the Forest Service, U. S. De partment of Agriculture.) Plans to completely re-stock all trout streams and lakes throughout the national forests of Colorado, Wy oming, and South Dakota, within a period of nine years, are well under way, as the result of the approval by the federal bureau of fisheries of a plan of operation prepared by the forest service. The bureau of fish eries has promised to furnish the necessary fish fry necessary for dis tribution to the various forests, the shipments of fry to be directed to railroad stations nearest the waters to be stocked so that as many streams as may be supplied from a central station. The planting of all fry will be performed by forest officers who will keep close, check on the results of the work. According to the estimates of the forest officers, approximately 20 mil lion trout fry of the brook, rainbow, and black-spotted varieties will De needed to meet the requirements of all the waters adaptable to the pro duction of trout. Of this great num ber the bureau of fisheries is pre pared to supply something over four and a hall million tins year ana a gradually edcreasing number each successive vear for a total of nine, at the end of which time it is expected that the complete re-stocking will have been accomplished. The esti mates are said to cover 273 streams and lakes in the three states. Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain Sloan's Liniment gives instant re lief from Neuralgia or Sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part Soothes the Nerves and Stops the Pain. It is also good for Rheuma tism. Sore Throat. Chest Pains, and Sprains. You don't need to rubit penetrates. Mr. J. K. swinger, Louis ville, Ky., writes: "I suffered with quite a severe Neuralgic Headache for four months without any relief. I used Sloan's Liniment for two or three niehts and I haven't suffered with my head since." Get a bottle to day. Keep in the house all the time for pains and all hurts. 25c, 50c, and at your uruggist. SHERIFF MASS SUED For a long- time it has been the pleasant duty of Sheriff Mass to get other people involved in legal diffi culties now he has been given a dose of his own medicine. Monday the shreiff was served with a sum. mons by Coroner Wilson ordeiing him to appear as defendant in a suit brought by M. scnouweuer to re cover five horses which tho plaintiff alleees are valued at $751). bchou weiler also asks that the sheriff be made to "die m" $150 damages which he alleges he has sustained by not having the horses. The five ani mals in question were attached by Sheriff Mass as a result of a suit against the plaintiff in this litigation. Has Your Child Worms? Most children do. A Coated, Fur red Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach Pains; Circles under Eyes; rale, hal low Complexion: Nervous, Fretful; Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Dreams any one of these indicate Child has Worms. Get a box of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It kills the worms tne cause oi your child s condition. Is Laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied in candy form. Easy for children to take. 25c at your Druggist. WILLAMETTE PULP & PAPER CO. AWARD PRIZES For the best "Safety First" sug gestion for the month of June, the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company awarded A. M. Sinnott the first prize and Burt Baxter the second. In the mechanical department Burt Baxter was awarded first prize for the best suggestion in connection with the work of the plant and Claude Rittenhouse won the second prize. The Courier is $1 a year only when paid ni advance. and LATH INC All Work Guaranteed Prices The Lowest LEON DAI LEY 16 Water St. Oregon City PLASTERING HEALTH HINTS By Dr. W. A. Turner Naturopath (Continued from Page 2) of law. Every health board in the state of like composition is illegal. Ihe appointment of medical doc tors as school inspectors is illegal and a monopoly. The medical machine is in power, but the constitutional rights of the people are going to be restored. We are living under con stitutional government, not under a medical dictatorship. ihe federal government itself is one of the worst violators of consti tutional rights when it maintains thousands of allopathic doctors ex clusively ni its army, navy, Indian and Public Health Service, who are allowed to fasten their rites and su perstitions on the people and to the exclusion of all other classes of doc tors, who are more modern and down to-date. It is a plain violation of the federal constitution continued only because of the apathy and gross ig norance of the people at large who allow the doctors to think for them and act as they please. Dr. C. J. Smith and other medical ooliticians are quite peeved at me for telling facts and I am classed as an outlaw Christ was a true refor mer and preached only goodnes sand truth, but He was crucified and if He were on earth today and healed people without drugs He would be arrested for practising "medicine" without a license. But, the days of medical monopoly are numbered and the pill pedlers know it, hence, tney are trying with their dying effort to strangle tne people into suDmission to their foul superstitions by law, if in no other way. It is time for some of our people to wake up and get busy with your legislative candidates and knock a doctor s nead wherever you see it. Serums are no uood Dr. Ehrlich who "invented" Sal vaison or "606" and Neosalvarsan or "914" as a "cure" for venereal m- seases, when in Paris recently was quoted as saying "Vaccines and prophylactic serums seem to have vielded all they can yield." Well! Weill This famous "authority" has seen the light. These filthy poisons have crip pled and slain millions in the name of "medical science" and tne "regulars who sneer at patent medicines con tinue to use these preparations not knowing many times what they are made of. In ihe meantime they re fer to healers or other schools who are undoing thepr malpractice! and sending people into the world cured, as "quacks." These filthy serums breed diseases oi many Kinas anu cure nothing, and before long they will ero the way of all other medical fads. Their use will be stopped by law even if they don t die naturally. If KiHncvs anil Bladder Bother Than Knlev Hlrtnpv fills nvcrwnrVsrl kirlnevs will break wown if not helped, wnen iney can no longer protect the blood and the hnAv from the poisons tha ctome to them, then look out for Bright's dis ease, serious kidney trouble ana Diaa der annoyances. . Foley Kidney Pills ara vftnr hoot, nrntertinn. vour best ...w J " I- - " ' . - medicine for weak, sore, overwornea kirinev and bladder weaknesses, ooia by all druggists. CANBY The Fourth of July has come and gone again. Mr. Saltmarsh and family, Mi. Ctarwrra T ,AA Art H fumilv. Mr. Morlev Mack and family and several others spent the .f ourth on tne DanKS oi tne Molalla river and the children went in hathinc nnH iwtninlv had a eood time. These people took their din ners with them and stayed an aay. In Via avonino. thav returned, and wprA AS well satisfied as if thev had gone to some Dig ceieprauon. Rollins Sorter, who is working up near Corvallis, was at home for a few Aava rpr.p.ntlv. Dick Skinner is helping his father build a new Darn. Warren Kendall has been working out near Needy lately. Warrv f.ni-krftn has been helnin? Mr. Baty do some carpenter work. Grandma W heeler nas movea dbck in this locality again. Mr. F.arl haft iiist finished slash ing a piece of land for Mr. Chubb. It helps the looks or his place. Mrs. Rape's sister, who lives in TrJahn was visitincr hpT A short time ago, and when she returned home Mrs. Rape went with her to stay lor while. AlWt firibhlp. of Macksburer was transacting business m canDy rrr day. For Women Only - Do vou want to learn about a Fire- less Cook Stove that bakes, roasts, steams, stews, or boils food without pre-heatine ? A stove that never burns never over-cooks or under cooks, that works while you rest? Then come to Huntley Bros. Co. to day and ask about the Caloric. MVa Acnes Rilvftr and two chil dren, Mary and Waldo, accompanied . ... - r . Trl a n i Dy Miss Minnie iuemsen, spent Sat urday and Sunday at Vancouver, Wash., as the euests of Mrs. Silver's sister, Airs, itoy wiiKinson. "CURE FOR ROOF TROUBLES" Neither Paint nor Vamlih-bat boA StomLaluI AppEcil vftfc a Bmk 50c per gallon in Quantities BOOKLET TELLING OF ITS MAKT OSES IT SatDKC fOSTCAM TO A. W. SMITH CHEMICAL CO. STRAYED Yearling Jersey Heifer, Black, no horns. I. C. under wood, Oregon City, Route 3. Attention Farmers Do you want to trade your farm for Portland Property? We have a number of Portland people who want to move to the Country. We have trades from $1,800.00 to $18,500.00, Come in and see uB at the corner of 8th and Main St., Oregon City. DLUs&an Cb Howlond The Realty Mm" Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Fred D. Shank, Plaintiff, vs. Jane Doe Roork, widow of Thomas Guilford hoork, deceased; Jonn Doe Roork and Jane Doe Roork, heirs at law of Thomas Guilford Roork, deceased, and other un known heirs of Thomas Guilford Roork, deceased; and Edward Pe digo, and Jane Doe Pedigo, widow of Edward Pedigo, deceased; John Doe Pedigo and Jane Doe Pedigo, heirs at' law of Edward Pedigo, de ceased, and other unknown heirs of Edward Pedigo, deceased, and all unknown heirs of said defendants or any one or all of said defendants also all other persons or parties un known, claiming any ' right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint of the plaintiff herein. Defendants. To each and all and every of above named defendants, in the above en titled court and cause, and to all, each and every of the unknown heirs of anyone everyone and all of said above named defendants m tne aDove en titled court and cause, and to all other persons and parties or either of them, unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien, claim or interest in and to the real property described in plaintiff's complaint, in the above en titled court and cause, and to each and all and every one of you above named and designated and unknown, defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon You and each of you, whether known or unknown, and whether designated by your true names or by names of John Doe or Jane Doe, or either of said names, or as the heirs of said defendants, or either of them, or as unknown persons or parties, or either of them, claiming some right, title, estate, lien, claim or interest in or to the real property described in plaintiff's complaint now on file in this Court and cause are each and all hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you and each of you in the above entitled suit now pending in the above entitled court, on or be fore the 25th day of Augsut, A. 1J 1914. which said date is more than six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you or either of you fail to so appear and answer lor want tnereoi, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his said complaint, namely, for a decree of this court forever quieting the title of the plaintff in and to the following described real property, situated in the County ef Clackamas and State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginnin. at the south-east corner of the south-east quarter of the north west quarter of section three, town' shin two south, range three east of Willamette Meridian, thence north along the east line of said south-east quarter 80 rods to the north-east corner of said southeast quarter; thence west along the north line of said south-east quarter 10 rods; thence south and parallel with the east line hereof 80 rods to the south line of said south-east quarter; thence east along said south line 10 rods to place of beginning, containing 5 acres of land, more or less. Also the west half of the west half of the south' west , quarter of the north east quarter of section three, T. 2 S. R. 8 E. W. M., containing 10 acres of land more or less, and for a further decree cancelling, annuling, quieting, and barring whatever in terest you or either of you claim in and to said real property, and that you be perpetually enjoined from claiming or asserting any right, title, Hen or interest in and to said real property of whatsoever kind and na ture, and that the plaintiff be decreed and declared to be the owner in fee simple of said premises, free and clear from any claims of any nature of any or all of the above named defendants, and for a decree of this court forever quieting the title to the following described real propery, tO' wit Beginning ten rods west of the south-east corner of the S.E. 1-4 of N. W. of section three, T. 2 S. R. 3 E. W. M. and running thence north 80 rods to north line of said S. E.tt of said N. W. .; thence west along said north line 30 rods; thence south 80 rods to south line of said S. JS. of said N. W. .; thence east along said south line 30 rods to the place of beginning, containing 15 acres of land, more or less. All of which land is situate in Clackamas county, State of Uregon. All of the West one-half of the South East quarter of the North west quarter of Section three, Town. ship two South Range three East of the Willamette Meridian, containing zO acres of land, more or less. Also, the land bounded by a line, beginning at the southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of said section three thence East 80 rods, thence North one rod, thence West 80 rods thence South one rod to the place of beginning containing acres of land, to be used as a road to the farm on the South East quarter of the North west quarter of said section three, and to change hands as a road to said farm when the farm changes hands all of which property is situate in Clacka amas County, State of Oregon, and for a further decree cancelling, an nulling, quieting, and barring what ever interest you or either of you claim in and to said real property, and that you be perpetually enjoined from claiming or asserting any right title, lien or interest in and to said real property of whatsoever kind and nature, and that the plaintiff be de' creed and declared to be the owner in fee simple of said premises free and clear from claims of any nature of any or all of the above named de fendants, and for such other relief as is demanded in the complaint of the plaintiff. This summons is published by and j pursuant to an order made by the Honorable J. IT. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 6th day of July, A. D., 1914, and entered by the Clerk of said court- on said 6th day of July, A. D., 1914, and the date of the first publication is July 9th, A. D-., 1914, and the date of the last publication is the 20th day of August, A. D., 1914. Christopherson & Matthews, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 417 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. E. 11. COOPER The Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In. lurance. Dwelling Houm 7fior. ance a specialty. Dog Poisoner Is Cleared of Charge According to reports published in the Canbv Irrigator and other ex changes C. S. Stevens, of Maxsburg, has been cleared of a charge of "Ma liciously putting out poison," the iurv being out only 12 minutes. " .... i i. . . . t Ihe case was Drougnt oy mu ure gon Humane Society and handled by Arnold E. Neate, Manager. The state's case was presented by Attor ney Hammond and Mr. Stevens was represented by Attorney Latourette of Oregon City. Both sides were handled ably and the defendant was really acquitted for the presence of one word in tne complaint mau- ciou.sly- . , , ... Mr. Stevens iraniuy aamittea as the trial before Justice Knight of Canby that he had treated the car cass of an animal with strychnine, with the avowed purpose of putting a period to the career of certain dogs or dog which had been decimating his flocks of sheep anu goats, ne men pasted a sign in conspicious places warning all good dogs and their own ers to keep at a sale distance, as is usual in such cases the real culprits escaped and one of the most valuable canines in the community got the poison. Mr. Stevens was cleared upon the technical grounds that he did not put out the poison with "malicious" intentions toward this particular vic tim, but, to quote from the Irrigator: Ihe Charge migni, nave ueeu brought under another head, that of simply putting out pois on, which is a crime and punish able by a heavy penalty, and it . is not certain but what this ac tion may yet be taken by the Humane Society, according to Mr. Neate. A Peculiar Case Now that women may vote for all other public officials why Bhould they not vote at elections ior scnooi wuc ers? Usually a woman takes a deep er interest in school affairs than does her husband and there is no good reason why she should not have a voice in selecting the officers who will shape the policy of the schools. The property qualification provision is all right so far as elections invol ving the expenditure of money are concerned and should be retained, but if a woman may vote for a county superintendent of schools at a general election it is folly to say she shall not vote for the director and clerk of her own district. Amend the law. Hillsboro Independent. Administrator's Notice Mnti is hereby riven that Eliza beth Glover has been duly appointed by the County Court, State of Ore gon. Administratrix of the estate of F. M. Glover, deceased, and that all creditors having claims against said estate may present them duly veri fied, to said undersigned at the of fice of C. D. and D. C. Latourette, Oregon City, Oregon, on or before six months from the date hereof. Dated June 8, 1914. Elizabeth Glover NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice in hereby eriven that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state of Ore eon for Clackamas county, adminis trator of the estate of J. E. Hooley, deceased. All persons having claims aeainst said estate are hereby requir ed to present the same to me prop erly verified as by law required, at the office of J. r . Clark, uregon city Ore., within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication, Thursday June 11, 1914. Administrator of the estate of J. E. Hooley, deceased. J. F. Clark, Attorney for Administra tor. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. R. H. Lampman, Plaintiff, vs. Louise E. Lampman, Defendant. To Louise E. Lampman. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed again st you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks after the first publication of this summons, to-wit: The 24th day of July, 1914, and if ybu fail to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintin will apply to tne Court for the relief demanded in said .quit, as follows: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony between you and the plaintiff and for such otner ano further relief as to this Honorable Court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published pursu ant to an order made by the Honor able J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackams on the 17th day of June, 1914. The date of the first publication of this summons being June 18, 1914 and the date of the last publication being July 23rd, 1914. U'Ren & Schuebel, Attorneys for plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack mas. Frank Bogue, Plaintiff, ' vs. Mary Ella Bogue, Defendant, To Mary Ella Bogue, the above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 17th day of July, 1914, said date being after the ex piration of six weeks from the first publication OI tnis umimmo, mm y you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing ue tween plaintiff and defendant This summons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 2nd day of June, 1914, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six successive Date of first publication June 4th, 1914. ,, . , , 0 Date of last publication July 16, 1914. Johnson k Mathews, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Northwestern Bank Bldg. Portland. Oregon. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Agness Garton, Plaintiff, vs. TTmAfir rinrtrtM flflf Mutant. To Emory Garton, defendant. In the name of tne state oi ure gon, you are hereby required to ap- naov on1 answer tnA rnmnlftint filed against you in the above entitled suit ... . -T- 1. J ,41- J f Wltnin six weens irum mo iu uajr w June, 1914, the date of the first pub lication of this Summons, and if you fail to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: a decree dissolving the bonds of ma trimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant; for the custody of their minor child, Ar thur, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. t Service of this summons is made upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the County of Clackamas, Oregon, made on the 1st day of June 1914, di recting such publication in the Ore gon City Courier once a week for six successive weeks, the first publica tion being on the 4th day of June, 1914. Last publication July 16, 1914. Fliedner, Hall & Greenfield Attorneys for plaintiff. 707-8-9 Selling Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Dorothy Stovall, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Stovall, Defendant. To Charles Stovall the above named defendant" In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you ' in the above entitled Court within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, to-wit: for a decree of abso lute divorce from the bonds of mat rimony now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons is published in pur suance to an order of the honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, made and entered on the 6th day of June, 1914. Date of first publication June 11, 1914. Date of last publication July 23 1914 SAM JOHNSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Order to Show Cause In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Geo. L. Story, as Administrator of the estate of John Doe, an unknown and unidentified person, deceased, Defendant. It having been made to appear to the satisfaction of this Court by Frank C. Hesse, Special Prosecutor for the State of Oregon, that there was found on September 13, 1908, the body of a deceased man near Oswego, Clackamas County, Oregon, which said body has never been identified on account of the decomposed condit ion of said body at the time it was found. That the estate of said de ceased was administered under the name of John Doe, an unknown per son, and that there remains on hand of the $663.00 found on said body a balance of $316.40, which is now In the possession of Geo. L. Story, as Administrator of said deceased, and which should be escheated to the State of Oregon for want of legal heirs or other claimants. , Now therefore, it is hereby order ed that all persons claiming any right, title or interest in and to said balance of $316.40, by virtue of heir ship or otherwise, be and appear in the court room of the above entitled Court at the courthouse of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at Oregon City, at 9:30 A. M. on the 22nd day of August, 1914, and then and there show cause, if any they have, why said sum of money should not be es cheated to the State of Oregon for want of lawful heirs or claimants. And it is further ordered, that pub lic notice of this proceeding be given by publishing the within order at least once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon. J. U. Campbell, Judge. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 6th, 1914. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. . In the matter of the estate of Chris tian Fisher, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by order of the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, appointed Administratrix of the estate of Chris ian Fisher, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate or said deceased, are hereby notified to firesent the same, duly verified as by aw provided, at the office of my At torneys, Dimick & Dimick, Oregon City Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Daed and first published June 4th, 1914. Flora Fisher, Administratrix of the estate of Christian Fisher, deceased. Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Administratrix. Administrators Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Estate of Eunice P. Ballou deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Eunice P. Ballou, deceased, has filed his final account in the Coun ty Court of the State ofOregon for the County of Clackamas, and that Monday, the 20th day of July 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Baid day and the Court room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 18, 1914. OREN P. BALLOU,, Administrator of the '.state of Eunice P. Ballou, deceased. W. D. Freeman, 722 Cham, of Com. Portland. Oregon, Attorney. Sheriffs Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. A. E. Alspaugh, Plaintiff, vs. F. J. Lazarus and Caroline Laz arus, his wife, I. Peterson, J. E. Smith, Carrie MacKrill and C. N MacKrill, her husband, Defend ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, S3. By virtue of a judgement order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above en titled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 18th day of June, 1914, up on a judgement rendered and entered in said court on the 1st day of May, 1914, in favor of A. E. Alspaugh, Plaintiff, and against F. J. Lazarus and Caroline Lazarus, Defendants, for the sum ef $300.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of Dec. 1912, together with interest on the sum of $750.00 from Sept. 24th, 1912, to Dec 3, 1912 at 7 percent per annum and the further sum of $100.00, as at torney's fee, and the further sum of $27.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the following described real property, sit uate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: beginning at a point in the center of the County road, 102 rods West of the Northeast corner of John B. Childs Donation Land Claim Not. No. 7513, Claim No. 44, and running thence 29 degrees West, North 7 rods in center of County road; thence West 23 rods; thence South 19 rods, and IVi feet to the north line of the A. C. Mowrey R. R. right of way; thence East with Baid right of way 26 rods; thence North 14 rods to center of County road, the place of beginning, being in Section 5, T. 3 S. R. 4 E., Willa mette Meridian, Clackamas County, Oregon, and containing 8 acres. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgement order and de cree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 18th aay of July, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at pub lic auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de fendants, or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgement or der, decree, interests, costs and all ac cruing cost. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore. By B. J. Staats, Deputy, Dated, Oregon City, une 18th, 1914, Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Samuel Sprecher, Plaintiff, vs. Rachael Sprecher, Defendant. To Rachael Sprecher, the above nam ed Defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to .ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: for a decree of absolute di vorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff. " ,,... This summons is published In pur suance to an order of the honorable H. S. Anderson, Judge of the County Court, made and entered on the 24th day of June 1014. Date of first publication June 25, 1914. Date of last publication Aug ust 6, 1014. John Ditchburn, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Lillian C. O'Reilly, Plaintiff. v,s. P. H. O'Reilly, Defendant. To P. H. O'Reilly, the above named Defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court 1914. Date of last publication Aug- plaint. to-wit: for a decree of abso lute divorce from the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons is published in pur nuance to an order of the honorable II. S. Anderson, Judge of the County Court, made and entered on the 24th day of June, 1914. Date of first publication June 25, 1914. Date of Iastp ublication Aug' ust 6, 1914. John Ditchburn, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals addressed to the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals for construction of Bear Creek Bridge" near Needy, Oregon, will be receiv ed by the said County Court at the Court House at Oregon City Oregon, until July 10th, 1914, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. and then opened and pub licly read. Plans and specifications for the construction of said bridge are now on file in the office of the county Clerk of said County. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check on some bank with in the State of Oregon, for an amount equal to five per cent of the amount bid, payable to the County Clerk of Clackamas county, wnicn cermieu check shall be forfeited to Clackamas County, should the successful bidder, for a period of five days after the award is made, fail to enter into con tract and furnish a satisfactory bond. No copies of the plans and speci fications will be furnished to pros pective bidders. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ... W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk. Pay your siini,ription In advance and receive Hit courier zor si.w. REAL ESTATE MACDONAL AND VAN AUK EN Real Estate, Insurance, and Loans Courier Office If you want to buy or sell see Mc Donald and Van Auken. They hunt buyers, they advertise your prop erty. 10 ACRES 7 cultivated. House, barn, chicken coops, 4 cow3, heifer, horse and buggy, 75 chickens, 1 hog 6 acres oats and vetch. Bal. potatoes fruit, etc. Only $2700. 2 1-2 miles out from Courthouse. FOR FIRST CLASS VALUES in city property, beautiful homes, lots, houses and rooms to rent and fur nished or unfurnished. Call for particulars at Macdonald and Van Auken, New Courier Building. 200 ACRES 5 miles out, 60 acres cultivated. First class stock or dairy farm. Good house, barn, etc, 60 sheep, 2 milk cows, 48 hogs, good team. . $65 an acre. 40 ACRES 14 miles out 20 in culti vation. $3,000. 8 ROOM HOUSE at Bolton. 4 lots. Call and see us about this. 3 ACRES and House; South End Road, 1 mile out from Main St. For $1,350. 6 ROOM HOUSE 4 lots, City, $1200. 3 LOTS First class location, Glad stone. $650.00 80 ACRE Dairy Farm. Stock, etc., included for $200 per acre. 170 ACRES Five miles from Molal la. 40 acres clear. Will subdivide, 0 an acre. SAFETY FIRST You can rest at ease if your property is insured in the Atlas Assurance Co. Assets $1,000,000,000. Does an insurance business all over the world. We do a general insurance business. None better. None safer. Be sure, be safe. Do it now. Macdonald and Van Auken. SAFETY FIRST In buying farm or city property you want to be abso lutely safe in your investment. We guarantee that we will safe guard all your interests if you buy through us. This holds good on Price, Title, and Terms. We know values in this county, save your time and money by doing your buying and selling through Macdonald and Van Auken. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Property In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Estate of J. V. Gheen, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of J. V. Gheen deceased by virtue of an order and decree of above entitled Court, made and entered on the 19th day of June, 1914, will in the manner pre scribed by law and as authorized by the Court sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder, for cash, and accept this offer, with the permis sion of the said Court for the follow ing described real property situate in the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, viz., The S. Vi of S. E. Vi and S. of S. W. 14 of Sec. 6, Tp. .6S. R. 2 East (containing 159 twenty-four hun dredths acres.) W. of S. W. , Sec. 5, Tp. 6, S. of R. 2, E. (containing 80 acres more or less.) Ntt of N. W. of Sec. 8. T. 6 S. R. 2 E. (containing 80 acres.) to pay the unsatisfied claims, costs and the charges of Administration against said Estate. Dated at Portland, Oregon, June 24, 1914. W. J. Kirkwood, Administrator of the Estate of J. V. Gheen, deceased, New Scott Ho tel, Portland, Ore. First publication, June 25th, 1914. Last publication July 23, 1914. . Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals will be received by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon for the improvement of the Milwaukie and Sellwood Road, from Station 0 to Station 46 plus 48.5 at the county line between Clack amas and Multnomah Counties, until July 17th, 1914, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. and then opened and publicly read. Plans and specifications are now on file in the office of the County Clerk of said Clackamas County. Each bid shall be endorsed "Pro posal for improvement of Milwaukle Sellwood Road" and shall be accom panied by a certified check on some Oregon Bank, for an amount equal to five per cent of the amount bid. payable to the County Clerk of said County, which check shall be forfeit ed to Clackamas County, should the successful bidder fail to enter into contract and furnish a satisfactory bond within five days after the award is made. The said County Court reserves the right to reject any ora 11 bids. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk. Notice of Filing of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for and in the County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of Louise Lemery, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, her final ac county as administratrix of the estate of Louise Lemery, deceased, and that Thursday, July 3Uth, 1914 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, has been by order of the court fixed as the time, and the court room of said court, in the city of Oregon City, Clackamas County, State of Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settle ment of the estate of said Louise Lemery, deceased. All persons in terested in said estate are hereby not ified and required to file their objec tions to said final account, if any they may have, on or before the time so fixed for the hearing thereon. Margaret Lemery, Administratrix of the Estate of Lou ise Lemery, Deceased. J. Hennessy Murphy, Attorney for said Estate. First publication Juni 25, 1914 Last publication July 23, 1414.