Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 09, 1914, Image 6

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OF 1-25, 1-50, AND 1-100 OF A SECONDHAND
We develop and finish your
pictures as carefully as you
yourself, could do it, and per-
haps better try us.
. Burmeister & Andresen
Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner, Oregon City
William Herman, of Beaver Creek,
visited in Oregon City Sunday.
William Parry, of Beaver Creek,
was in this city Sunday.
Johnnie Davis, of Carus, was in
Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. Jones and daughter, of Car
us, were in Oregon City Monday.
Fred Bohlander, of Beaver Creek,
was in this city Saturday on business.
Bayne Howard, of Mulino, trans
acted business in Oregon City Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Caufield spent
Saturday and Sunday at their cot
tage at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenbom,
and son, Donald, of Eldorado, visited
relatives in Oregon City Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Smythe
and family, of Portland spent Sunday
with Mrs. Smythe's mother, Mrs.
Augusta Schoenbom of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Scott and
family and Mrs. J. C. Zinser spent
Saturday at Molalla, where a cele
bration was held.
John Dambach, of this city, has
gone to Pendleton, where he has ac
cepted a position, but will return to
this city in the fall.
Richard Davis and cousin, Mr. Par
ry, of Carus, passed through Oregon
City Saturday on their way to Port
land, where they spent the Fourth.
Charlie Larson, of Silverton, vis
ited friends in Oregon City Saturday
and Sunday, returning to his home
Sunday evening. He formerly resid
ed in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Amrine and daugh
ter went to Seaside Saturday and re
turned home in Oregon City Monday.
They spent a most delightful time at
the summer resort.
Mrs. A. Jones, of Carus, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Law
rence Darringer, of Portland, passed
through this city Sunday evening on
. her way home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook and Mr
and Mrs. George Ely and two daugh
ters Carol and Eloise, left Saturday
for South Molalla; where they will
spend several weeks enjoying camp
P. G. Winkle and family and Rich
ard Petzold and family formed a
party that left this city Saturday by
automobile, the destination being Mt.
Hood, returning to Oregon City Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Conoroe left
Friday evening for Albany, where
they spent the Fourth of July. Mr.
Conoroe returned to Oregon City on
Sunday evening, but his wife will re
main for several days visiting rel
atives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnett, of Cam
as, Washington, have returned to
their home after visiting in this city,
and in Portland. While in Oregon
"City they were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Young and family of
Fifth and Jefferson- Street.
We make a specialty of high
grade Coffee. Try our D. &
B. blend at 30c per pound, it is
great for the price.
Our Hub Special or our
Equity at 35c make as fine a
cup of coffee as you could wish
Tea Garden Peanut Butter in
bulk is fine, and costs you much
less than in glass jars, 20c per
We have just opened a 50
gallon barrel of those Heinz
celebrated dill pickles.
You have not tried any as
good, and they are going fast
at 20c per dozen.
You should eat Blue Ribbon
Bread, and Clear Creek or Ore
gon City Butter always good
and fresh.
Seventh and Center Sts.
On the Hill
Mrs. W. P. Hawley, of Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Barlow and
young son, of Oakland, California,
who recently arrived by automobile
from California, were in Oregon City
Monday being the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Pusey and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Pusey.
Mrs. David Caufield of this city,
who was Dresident for two vears of
j the Oregon City Women's Club, will
! have charge of the headquarters of
! the Federation of Women's Club dur
j ing the Chautauqua session at Glad
stone park. Mrs. Caufield was ap
pointed chairman of the Chautauqua
committee of the Federation of Wo
men's Club.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Thompson, of
Spokane, Washington, arrived , in
Oregon City Saturday morning, be
ing the guests of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. David ' . Caufield.
Mr. Thompson returned to Spokane,
Sunday evening, but Mrs. Thompson,
who was formerly Miss Ethel Cau
field, of this city, will visit in Oregon
City several weeks before returning
to her home.
Mrs. Georgia McQueen and three
children, who have been visiting Mrs
Ringo at Clarkes, were in this city
Sunday on their way home to Van
couver, Wash. They accompanied W.
E. Grace of Portland to Vancouver in
the latter's automobile, and Miss
Mary Ellen Grace, of this city, who
also accompanied the party, will
spend the remainder of the week as
a guest of Mrs. McQueen at Van
couver. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Combs, who
recently sold their farm at Maple
Lane, and who have been visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Walter Cain,
proprietoress of the Rahch House, at
Neah-kah-nie, Tillamook County,
have returned to Oregon City, where
they will camp at Gladstone park
during the Chautauqua session, and
will return to Neah-kah-nie in Au
gust to spend the remainder of the
summer. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have
mer resort, and it is one of the most
a beautiful new home at that sum
attractive summer homes at that
N. R. Charman, chief of party of
location of highways under the Cali
fornia Highway Commission ,who has
been visiting in this city and in Port
land as a guest of relatives, will leave
Friday evening for Eugene, where he
will visit several hours at the Kappa
Sigma Fraternity of the University
of Oregon, and will leave on a later
train for San Francisco. Mr. Char
man is a former Oregon City boy,
leaving Oregon about seven years ago
for California.
William McLarty returned Tues
day from Rockaway Beach, Oregon,
where he had been visiting his family
who will rusticate at that resort dur
ing the summer months. Mr. Mc
Larty is having erected a handsome
summer residence of te nrooms on his
sightly lot at Rockaway Beach and
will be completed during the sum
mer. The McLarty property is one
block from the beach and is an ideal
location t for a ' usmmer home. Mr.
McLarty expects to erect another
building in the future to be used as a
store, as the property is also in the
business section of the town.
Buys Fine Stock
N. H. Smith, a prominent dairy
man, whose farm is located at Logan,
accompanied by his son, were in Ore
gon City Monday on business. Mr.
Smith recently attended the Forbes
sale of Jersey cattle at Dilley, Oregon,
purchasing some of the best Jerseys
in the herd, among these being "Kate
F," which Mr. Smith paid 480;
"Peek-a-boo," $265; "Aleta Winkle,"
$285: "Brown LassieL " $180!, and
another fi neanimal, "Compass." Mr.
Smith has at his dairy farm 10 head
of A. J. C. C. cattle, four P.C. J. C.
cattle and 18 head of grade stock. He
has won prizes on his stock wherever
shown, and will exhibite at the Coun
ty and State Fair this fall.
This dairyman is devoting a portion
of his time to the growing of swine,
having the Yorkshire swine, which
are crossed with the O. I. C. swine
and probably the only of this breed
in Clackamas county.
FOUND in Oregon City, ladies
hand bag containing money. Own
er may have same by calling at
Courier office and paying for this
I Miss Ruth Miller, who has been
I visiting her grandmother Mrs. J.
Dykstra, of Portland, for the past
nine days, returned to her home in
Oregon City yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Firbes, who
have been at Rockaway Beach, Ore
gon, returned to Oregon City Tues
day, after spending several weeks at
that summer resort, where Mr. Forbes
has been engaged in the construction
of the McLarty summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. House, Mr .and Mrs.
Holland and daughter Miss Holland,
visited Mrs. Esthei Meredith and Mrs.
S. McDonald Monday afternoon.
They have come out to the Coast from
Appleton City, Missouri. The party
ls charmed with Oregon City and its
wonderful scenery. They, are resid
temporarily in Portland.
Mrs. Krummel, of West Linn, who
has been visiting her daughter Mrs.
A. O. Wickstrom, at Goldendale,
Washington, returned to her home
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foster, accom
panied by the latters mother, Mrs.
Edward Foster, visited friends in
Portland Tuesday.
Thomas McCabe, of Sandy, was in
this city Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week. While in this city he re
gistered at hte Electric Hotel.
. Born, July 7, to the wife of Clar
ence Roll, a daughter. Mrs. Roll was
formerly Miss Kate Cooper.
Mrs. W. C. Green left Tuesday
for Seaside, where she will spend the
remainder fo the summer in her cot
tage. She was accompanied by her
little granddaughter, Margaret Green,
and Catharine Landsborough.
Mrs. J. R. Landsborough and child
ren left Wednesday for Seaside,
where they will enjoy the sea air for
10 days.
Mrs. John Hughes, of Logan, was
in Oregon City on business Tuesday.
Mrs. F. R. Andrews, of Mt Pleas
ant, returned home Tuesday morning
after several days visiting in Port-1
land, being the gu st of her dauhgter,
Mrs. C. A. Muir, ana. Mrs. F. E. An
E. Anderson, of Carus, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday and
Mr and. Mrs. Thompson, of Mo
lalla, were Oregon City visitors Fri
day and Saturday.
W.. A. Beck, Jr., of Molalla, was
in this city Sunday and Monday.
Albert King, well known young
musician of Canby, was in Oregon
City Tuesday on his way home from
Portland, where he had been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cooper are en
joying camp life at the Chautauqua.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prisey, who
recently arrived in Oregon City from
their honeymoon spent in Southern
California, have taken up their resi
dence in the Busch flat on Seventh
and Main street.
Mrs. Teiple, of Oak Grove, was in
this city Tuesday, on her way home
from Canby where she visited friends.
She also visited friends at Willam
ette. .
David Horner, of Dodge, a well
known ersident of that place, was in
this city Monday and Tuesday.
A. P. Brandt, of Vancouver, Wash.,
was in this city Sunday and Monday.
Earl Groshong, of Marquam, was
among the Oregon City visitors Sun
day and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobin, who
are visiting at their farm at Wilholt,
will return to this city Saturday.
During his stay at his farm Mr. Tobin
has made mayn improvements o nthe
land. In the future he expects to go
into the poultry business on a large
scale. Mr. and Mrs. Tobin are ac
companied by their nephew and niece,
John and May Tobin, who have been
enjoying country life for several
W. H. Jackson, of Aurora, was in
this city Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Edward Gregory and young
son. Edward, and Mrs. William Reid-
er, of Greenwood, visited in Oregon
City Tuesday.
W. E. Bonney, a well know nresi
dent of Colton, was In Oregon City
transactin gbusiness Monday.
Hugh Freeland, of Salem, was in
this city Monday and Tuesday.
H. N. Everhart, a prominent resi
dent of Molalla, was in Oregon City
Monday and Tuesday.
N. R. Charman, a civil engineer
employed by the California State
Highway arrived in Oregon City Sat
urday, and after visiting relatives in
this city and in Portland will leave
by steamer for Eureka, where he is
at present located. Mr. Charman
was formerly an Oregon City boy.
John Fairclough, who has been in
Oregon City for several days visiting
relatives, returned to the Ogle Moun
tain Mines. Operations will be star
ted within a few days, and .those in
terested in the mines are looking for
ward to bright prospects.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Newman went
to Newberg Friday, where they visit
ed until Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Meldrum and
children are camping at Gladstone
during Chautauqua.
Miss Florence Grace, who has been
visiting with friends in Portland, re
turned to Oregon City Monday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zinser, of
Portland, accompanied by Miss Catty,
were in this city Sunday, being guests
of Mrs. J. C. Zinser and family of
Thirteenth and Washington Street.
, Miss SedoniatShaw, of this city,
and Miss Bertha Koerner, of Port
land, spent the week-end at Sea
side, Oregon.
Edward Joehnke, of Marshfield, a
prominent attorney of that city,
has been in this city visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Joehnke, of Mt. Pleasant.
He also visited his brother, Carl Joe
hnke, and aunt, Mrs. Arthur Deutte.
Mr. Joehnke had just returned from
Salem, where he went on legal busi
ness and left Monday for Washington
where he will transact legal business
before returning to his home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hankins and
daughter have taken possession of
their beautiful new home on Ninth
and Washington Street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dimick spent
Saturday ana ssunaay at, rorest
Grove as guests of relatives. Their
small son accompanied them.
Miss Bess Albright, who former
ly resided in Oregon City, but now of
Hood River, has returned to her home
after visiting friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bollinger
left Wednesday of last week for Can
non Beach, Uregon, wnere iney win
spend a week.
Unique Fourth of July Celebration
Held at Alpine Farm
A very unique 4th of July celebra
tion was that of a family re-union
haU at thn Alnine Farm bv the Cas-
to's. Those comprising the company
were- Mother J. a. l,. uasio, Mrs.
Charlotte Casto La MarMrs. Augus
ta Casto Andrews, Mrs. Ella Casto
Miller, Miss Kate Casto, Miss Evan
geline Lake, a cousin from Denver,
Colorado; Mrs. Lulu Hayward Cas
t Mr FHirh Lillv Casto: Chas. W.
Casto, S. L. Casto, Dr. Henry A. An
drews, Theodore Miner, ana seven
At tVin nnnn hour all pathsrerl in
the old , house, (said to be 65 or 70
years standing) and enjoyed a boun
tiful dinner. A' peculiar ieature oi
tha vnnn st. was the table. The old
fall leaf table was put aside and a
piano box substituted, around which
the company marched until each had
located his plate Dy tne piace-cara
method, the same having been neatly
and appropriately arranged by one of
the grand-daughters, Miss Helen An
drews. The afternoon was spent by
visiting, and by contesting skill in
various games.
At nicVit lnrcre honfira was nro-
vided, and the company, with a few
of the neighbors, enjoyed the display
of fireworks, which was furnished by
the young people.
At ten-thirty P. M. the company
dispersed with expressions of grati
tude, and the event will long be re
membered by the guests after they
have returned to their respective
homes and duties.
"Eel Factory" Closed
The experiment station in eels on
the bank of the river just north of
the suspension bridge was closed Fri
day night by Mayor Jones owing to
the odor which has come from the
place during the last few days. James
P. Kelly, one of the partners in the
establishment, said Friday night that
tho eel season was almost over,, and
he had intended to shut down his
plant within the next two days. The
building will be thoroughly cleaned
out, and experiment work of a differ
ent nature will be begun within a few
Fourt hof July Orators
As usual Oregon City contributed
generously to the celebrations in
other towns in the number of speak
ers. Local men went not only to
towns in Claskamas County, but to
points outside the county line. .
Judge Grant B. Dimick was the
speaker of the day at Aurora; Judge
Gordon E. Hayes at Woodburn, Chris
Schuebel at Clarkes, James Cary at
Gladstone Park, George C. Brownell
at Sandy, and Walter Dimick at Col
ton. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tabor, Mrs.
Edna Miller and the latter's little
son, left last weelc for Cannon Beach,
Oregon, where they will spend the
summer at their hotel, which will be
opened to guests in July.
Children Cry
(Con, from Page .1) ;
man's "dead wagon" carnied away
the dead.
Jim Louitet was evidently a felo
de se, a self-murderer, "and ye know
that no murderer hath eternal life
abiding in him." I John 3:15. "Where
a tree falleth so it lieth" Eccl. 11:3,
"he is asleep, and awaits the resur
rection." John 5:28, 29. Jesus said,
"Lazarus is asleep," "Lazarus is
dead." John 11. And the most force
ful writer of the apostles said, "I
would not hive you ignorant concern
ing I i i i.i.t art" csleep. 1 Thecs.
4 K'.,. for 'all that aie in th; gr.i .
shall h?nr y.'.b (the icrd's) vice, and
-hall come forth; trij that hive, done
good unto the resurrection of life;
and they il'.at havj done evil, unto the
vi.-e r.veci c;i of judgment." "I i iinn:
there is no remembi ance." Ps (i:5);
time to them, though it be from
Abel's day to the redemption of the
kingdom (Luke 21:25-28), is but a
twinkling of an eye, for there is no
consciousness, according to the plain
declaration of Scripture, of those who
lie down in death. In the resurrection
"then the sea will give up the dead
who are in them, and Death and Hades
(the abode of the dead, the grave) will
give up the dead, and each man will
be judged in accordance with what
his conduct has been (Rev. 20:13).
Then the cowards, the ungrhteful,
the adulterers, the murderers, the
fornicators i. e. divorced-married,
'and ALL LIARS ( clerical or other
wise, for a misinterpretation of Scrip
ture on one point of doctrine, Jas.
2:10, would invalidate the Word and
Oath of God. Hjeb. 6:18, and if made
void it would thwart the redemption
of the kingdom. "I solemnly tell
you, "said Jesus, "that not an iota
or smallest detail may be taken from
the word or heaven and earth would
come to naught," Matt. 5:18, "and
. whoever attempts it shall be aceursed.
'Rev. 22:18, 19, "thus a false inter
pretation of Scripture is also suicidal,
the portion alloted to them shall be
in the lake of fire, and the earth and
; all the works of wicked man shall be
I burnt to ashes.
Since all these things are thus pre
destined to dissolution, what sort of
men ought we to be in all holy living
and godly conduct, eagerly looking
for the coming of the day of God, the
earth all afire, will be destroyed, and
the elements will melt with fervent
heat. But according to his promise
we are expecting a new earth, in it
the righteous shall dwell eternally.
Rev. 21:8; 2 Peter, 3:10-13; Mai. 4:1;
Isa. 6547 etc; 66:22-24.
(Editor's Note: We find it im
possible to agree with Mr. "G" in the
interpretation of some of his Bib
lical references and conclusions. We
cannot believe that anyone will be
punished hereafter because of his
drinking whiskey which has been put
in his hands by a depraved society or
because of Ahis committing suicide
while intoxicated or while suffering
from a temporary emotional insanity.
Such beliefs, we think, are entirely
out of tune with modem religious
common sense as well as with any
thing ilke a rational concention of
J the real nature of the Diety.)
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Waldron spent
Saturday and Sunday of last week at
Newberg as the guests of their son,
Harold Waldron and wife.
Arthur Holden, formerly of Ore
gon City, but now of Bend, Oregon,
who has been visiting his sister, Mrs.
F. W. Greenman, has returned to his
How's This?
We offer One Hundred dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F'. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
nlm perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to curry
put any obligations made by his firm.
Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials
sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
To Buy
Hot Point Iron
American Beauty
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building:, Main Street. Phones Home A229; Pacific Main 115
Here is
Do You Know Any of Them?-
L. E. Bentley, Oregon City, R. F. D. 1.
J. M. Olds, Oregon R. F. D. 1.
W. F. Schooley, Gladstone, Ore.
Mrs. A. F. Harrington, Clackamas, Ore.
A. Mather, Clackamas, Ore.
Mrs. M. J. Moreland, Oregon City.
Hotel Powell, Molalla, Ore.
H. W. Everhart, Molalla, Ore.
W. A. Wood, Molalla, Ore.
G. H. Gregory, Molalla, Ore.
Charles Dauchey, Parkplace, Ore.
Judge H. S. Anderson, Oregon City, R. F. D. 2.
Mrs. K. Harrington, Oak Grove.
G. D. fioardman, Oak Grove.
E. R. Seeley, Woodburn, Ore., R. F. D. 1.
John Dixon, Woodburn, Ore., R. F. D. 1.
J. R. Vanderbeck, Gervais, Ore.
C. M. Miller Aumsville, Ore.
G. G. Holmes, Aumsville, Ore.
F. H. Kavlor, Turner, Ore.
Ben Boden, Salem, Ore., R. F. D.
J, C. Aumstutz, Salem, R. F. D.
Walter Goss, Salem, Ore., Box 335.
H. D. Burkhart, Albany, Ore., R. F. D.
1). D. Hackleman, Albany, Ore.
J. H, Safley, Albany, Ore.
J. W. Miller, Shelburn, Ore.
P. B. Battey, Brownsville, Ore.
W. J. Wilcox, Tonquin, Ore.
Hugh Leeper. Halsey, Ore.
E. Word, Halsey, Ore.
F. H. Haberman, Scio, Ore.
E. B. Titus, Thomas, Ore.
J. Leffler, Scio, Ore.
M. J. Mertz, Scio, Ore.
H. Whiffer, Turner, Ore.
F. A. Gooch, Shelburn, Ore.
J. S. McLaughlin, Aumsville, Ore.
O. E. Darbv, Aumsville, Ore.
Otto Shmeister, Oregon City, R. F. D. 3.
G. W. Shepherd, Oregon City.
Your Cook Stove will pump the water for the house
your meals. Why not have the conveniences , of the
systems? '
Straight &
The Largest and Most Complete
General Stock in the Country for
I tf x in iiici , juuiwi iiiuii x' uiiiiiy unit
The Public in General, and parties
buying in Wholesale Quantities we
can save Dig Money.
Cor. 10th and Main Sts., Oregon
Your Electric Iron
Why heat up the whole house by
building a fire in the range? You
save time, labor and money by
using the Electric Iron
Order one today and have it
delivered at your door
Saxton Autom
a Partial List of the Satisfied
II III : .v?:- 1 1 11 -'.
while you are cooking
City wish one of ; these
Sole n&ents
Oregon Glty, Oregon
r ;4: liiM