OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914. 1909 DELINQUENT TAX LIST SUMMONS IN FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT TAX CERTIFICATE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. County of Clackamas, Plaintiff, vs. Gladstone R. E. Ass'n; Chris tian Trachsel; Thos. Gibbs; E. G. Caufield; Mary Ad ams; Wm. Dale; City of Estucada; Albert Suavana; W. H. Handle; E. L. Fra ley; Ernest N. Moak; S. E. Heiple; Ellen M. Ford; A. T. Striker; Sarah E. Park er; Earl Fitzwater;, J. E. Maher; Reinhold Griesel;; Emanual May Investment Co.; Blanche R. Blaumuer; Grace L. Bronaugh; EarlC. Bronaugh; Walter Pome roy; M. B. Wakeman; Jo hanna Buckley; D. J. Buck ley. Jr.; Wm. Buckley; C. A. Gove; Harriet Lee; Sar ah Whitmore; G. Svarvend; J. L. Frasier; Emma B. ' Thompson; Louise Graf f el man ;B. W Morris; Bishop; Beaverton & Willsburg R. R. Co.; M. E. Holman; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.; Louis P. Lou den; J. J. Downing; Ira Erb; James H. Black; Lu ella H. Hess; Chas. Cahill; Annie Long; Edward K. Dart; Lawrence Bauman; Geo. W. Woellener; Leo pold Troendle; W. I. Mc Dermitt; Geo. L .Burtt; Marie Rothe; A. E. La tourette; R. A. Miller; Chas. E. Martin; Grace E. Loder; B. F. Mitchell; F. A. Vallet; Gabrilla Baker; ' Jennie Pierce; Lena A. Charman; Wesley Green; E. K. Jackson; Helen L. Stratton; Margaret J. Wisher; G. W. Hendershot; H. F. Reese; F. E. Brand es; Mary H. Dale; John Vinney; Oscar & Agnes N. Schaubel; Elizabeth N. Davis; Joseph Woell; P. J. Emmott; Carl B. Wintler; J. N. Pearce; J. D. Lee; A. S. Patullo; F. T. Grif fith; Alice Wirtz; J. T. Ap person; Daniel Harvey; Florence H. Kelley; Geo. L. Campbell; Geo. W. Hoyt; J. S. Patton; J. S. Beall; Willard F. Hawley; s C. Franklin; D. Franklin; 1 D. J. Finn; John R. Nash; Matthew Brown; Frank Capen; A. Finn; Wm. She ahan; T. J. Gary; Belle Harding; Rose M. Drake; Willamette Falls Co.; M. Morehead; G. W. Kennedy; Lucinda Kline; Ekim Shaw; Gustav A. Hoffmanj James J. Koch; R. J. Friedman; Anna Bristerfeldt; Wm. Sherwood; Hibernia Sav ings Bank; Queen V .Har rell; Jj. F. Rasmussen; L. C. Ewell; Marcella W. Wel ch; R. W. Welch; J. S. Vaughn; Anna C. Muecke; Bert B. Espey; R. K. Lien; E. E. Parker; Augustus H. Harvey; Edward Graves: E. G. Caufield; Maxwell Telford Jr.;C. M. Critten den; Kate Haugh; D. E. Skirvin: D. M. Steindler; Mary A. Wittenberg; L. B. Wickersham; John Ann and; Wm. C. Wetzter; G. Bluhm;. Geo. F. Honey; Cora E. Coram; B. F. For rester; Otto Nelson; Rem mie J. Younger; ' Ethel J. Younger; Oregon Iron & Steel Co.; Francis Baker; Guy Woodle; A. E. Helms; H. E. Helms; J. N. Elliott; 0. A. Giltner; May Gilt ner; J. F. Langley; A. Mil ler; E. Miller; Ella Ham; Ida M. Dundas; Peter Man tz; Ensclmo Bosso; C. M. Oglesby; T. Charman; El la F. Young; Rose Bridges; City of Oregon City, a municipal corp oration; James A. Kays; Hans OloBen; Elnora Miller; C. G. Rice; A. M. Welch; Reinhold Miebs; Ellen Cal lahan; Henry Burgoeis; W. F. Speer; Ina E. Speer; Emanuel Albel; Eleanor M, Boonj; Mary E. Knotts; defendants. To Gladstone R. E. Ass'n.; Christian Trachsel; Thos. Gibbs; E. G. Caufield; Mary AdamR; Wm. Dalo; City of Estacada; Albert Suavani; W. II. Kandle; E. L. Fraley; Ernest N. Moak; S. E. Hoiplo; Ellen M. Ford; A. T. Striker; Sarah E. Parker; EarlFitz- water; J .E. Mahor; Rein hold Griesel; Emanuel May Investment Co.; Blanche R. Blumauer; Grace L. Bro nnugh; Earl C. Bronauph; . Walter Pomeroy; M. B. Wakeman; Johanna Buck ley; D. J. Buckley Jr.) Wm. Buckley; C. A. Covo; Harriett Lee; Sarah Whit more; G. Svarvend; J. L. Frasier; Emma B. Thomp son; Louise Graffelman; B. W. Morris, Biohop; Bea verton & Willsburg R. R, Co.; M. E. Holmnn; Port land Railway, Light & Power Co.; Louis P. Loud- en; J. J. Downing; Ira Erb; James II. Black; Lu ella H. Hess; Chas. Cahill; Annie Long; Edward K. Dart; Lawrence Bnuman; Geo. W. Woellner; Leopold Troendle; W. I. McDermitt; Geo. L. Burtt; Marie Rothe; A. E. Latourette; R. A. Miller; Chas. E. Martin; Grace E. Loder; B. F. Mitchell: F. A. Vallet: Gabrilla Baker; Jennie Pierce; Lena A. Charman; Wesley Green; D. K. Jackson; Helen L. Stratton; Margaret J. Wisher; G. W. Hendershot; H. F. Reese; F. F. Bran des; Mary H. Dale; John Vinney; Oscar & Agnes N. Schaubel; Elizazbeth N. Davis; Joseph Woell; P. J. Emmott; Carl B .Wint ler; J. N. Pearce; J. D. Lee; A. S. Pattullo; F. T. Griffith; Alice Wirtz; J. T. Apperson; Daniel Harvey; Florence H. Kelley; Geo. L. Campbell; Geo. W. Hoyt; J. S. Patton; J. S. Beall; Willard F. Hawley; C. Franklin; D. Franklin; D. J. Finn; A. Finn; John R. Nash; Matthew Brown; Frank Capen; Wm. Shea han; T. J. Gary; Belle Harding; Rose M. Drake; Willamette Falls Co.; M. Morehead; G. W.Kennedy; Lucinda Kline; Elam Shaw; Gustav A. Hoffman; James J. Koch; R. J. Friedman; Anna Bristerfeldt; Wm. Sherwood; Hibernia Sav ings Bank; Queen V. Har rell; L. F. Rassmussen; L. A. Rassmussen; L. C. Ewell; Marcella W. Welch; R. W. Welch; J. S. Vau ghn; Anna C. Muecke; Bert B. Espey; R. K. Lien; E. E. Parker; Augustus H. Harvey; Edward Graves; E. G. Caufield; Maxwell Telford Jr.; C. M. Critten den; Kate Haugh; D. E. Skirvin; D. M. Steindler; Mary A. Wittenberg; L. B. Wickersham; John An nand; Wm. C. Wetzler; G. Bluhm; Geo. F. Honey; Cora E. Corum; B. F. For rester; Otto Nelson; Rem mie J. Younger; Ethel J. Younger; Oregon Iron & Steel Co.; Francis Baker; Guy Woodle; A. E. Helms; H. E. Helms; J. N. Elliott; 0. A. Giltner; May Gilt ner; J. F. Langley; A. Miller; E. Miller; Ella Ham; Ida M. Dundas; Peter Mantz; Enselmo Bos so; C. M. Oglesby; T. Char man; Ella b. Young; Rose Bridges; City of Oregon City, a municipal corpo ration; James A. Kays; Hans Olesen; Elnora Mil ler; C. G. Rice; A. M. Welch; Reinhold Miebs; Ellen Callahan; Henry Bur goeis; W. F. Speer: Ina E. Speer; Emanuel Albel; Eleanor M. Boone; Mary E. Knotts; the above named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: - You are hereby notified that Clack amas County the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1339 is sued on the 14th day of April. 1914. by the Sheriff of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, for the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED FIF TY FOUR & 75-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and de linquent for taxes for the year 1909, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and mi- ticirlarly bounded and described as follows, to-wit; Gladstone R. E. Ass'n. Lots 1, 2, 6, 7,& 8, Blk. 57, Canemah $ 4.35 Gladstone R. E. Ass'n, Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, Blk. 58 Canemah 2.17 Christian Trachsel, Lot 3, Blk C. Canemah 2.72 Thomas Gibbs, Parfof as des. Blk. 63, Pg. 415, Canemah 1.09 E. G. Caufield, Lot 5 Blk. 1. 1st Add to Ca nemah 2.04 Mary Adams,' Lot 15 Bk 6, .Estacada " 3.24 city or Estacada, Lot 3 Blk 10. Estacada 4.82 Albert Suavani, Lot S) Blk. 18. Estacada 2.14 R. L. Cartwright, Lot 3 blk. 28, First Add to Estacada 2.G3 E. L. Fraley, All of Ex. W'ly 86 ft of Blk 11, Fraleys Sub-Division in Sec. 28, T. 3 S. R. 4 E 86 W. S. Moak, Lot 8 Blk. 6, Zobrists Add to Estacada 1.72 Estacada State Bank, Lot 3 Ulk. 9, Zobrists Add to Estacada 1.72 B. Gildner, Lots 1 to 7 inc. Blk 7, Hyde Park 1.40 B. Gildner, Lots 8 to 30 inc, Blk 7, Hyde Park 4.04 A. F. Striker, Lots 9 & 10, Blk 10, Hyde Park SB B. Gildner, Lots 9 to 17, Blk 14, Hyde Park 1.B9 B. Gildner, Lots 18 to 24 inc, Blk 14. Hyde Park 1.22 Karl l'itzwater, Lots 28, 29 & 30, Blk. 14. Hyde Park .K2 u. UUdner, Lots 1 to 6 inc, Blk 15, Hyde Park 1.04 is. Gildner, Lots 2, 3 & 4, Blk 18, Hyde Park .R u. Uililner. Lots 35 & 36, Blk 18, Hyde Park as b. UUdner, All of Blk 19. Hvde Park.... 1.04 Crace L. Bronaugh, HlK 'l. lioardman s Add to Jenninirs Lodire 41 ns ti. V. & U.Boardman. & E.A. C. F. E. Hodtrkins. Blk. 8, Boardmans Add to Jenninirs Lodire R.ii G. D. & E.Boardman. & E A. C F. E. Hodirkins. Blk. 11, Boardmans Add to Jenninirs Lodire R an G. 1). & E.Boardman, & E. A. C. F. E. Hoilekins. Blk. 14, Boardmans Add to Jennines Lodcre 7r.ft Walter Pomeroy, Lots 7, 8 & 9, Blk 1, Linn City tr,7 M. B. Wakeman. Lots 5 & 6 Blk 8. Linn C.itv 1 12 Johanna Buckley, Lot ao uik 7, Marchbanks,' .30 D. J. Buckley, Jr. Lot 3b, Blk 7. MarphlimikH an William Buckley, Lot 87 Blk 7. MflwhlMinVa an C. A. Gove. Lot 1 Blk 9. Marchlinnka 09 Harriet Lee, lots 'I to 0 inc. Blk 9. Mmvti. banks i k" C. A. Gove, Lot 8 Blk 9. Mnrehlinnts a? Sarah Whitmore, Lot 10 Blk 9. MariOilmnVa ifi G. Svarvend & J,. L. Frasier. Lots 12 13. 14. 15 Rlk 9 Marchbanks 1 vt C A. Gove. ' ' ' Lot 16 Blk 9. Man-hhnnka 1 n F. N. Breeze. Lots 4 & 5 Blk 1. Rnnta Add to MarshfieM. At F. N. Breeze, rr'l Lot 12 Blk 1. Roots Add to Marshfield 7R Louise Graffelman, Lots 1 & 2 Blk 25, Roots Add to Marshfield, 2.28 B. W. Morris, Bishop, ' W'ly 57 ft of Lot 4 Blk 30, Milwaukie, 2.63 Beaverton & Willsburg R. R. Co. EH of Lot 7 Blk 31, Mil waukie, 1.79 Beaverton & Willsburg R. R. Co. E of Lot 8 Blk 31, Milwau kie, r..... 1.79 M. E. Holman, Lot 6 Blk 44. Milwaukie Heights, 1.21 P. R. L. & P. Co. Lots 1 & 2, Blk 49, Mil waukie Heights;, 2.17 Louis f. Louden, Lots 11 & 12 Blk 25, Mil waukie Park, J. J. Downing, 100 ft off of N. end of Lot 19 Blk 68, Minthorn, Oregon Land Co., All of Ex. 100 ft off of N. end of Lots 19 & 20 Blk 68, 2.79 46 Minthorn 28 J. J. Downing, 100 ft off of N. end of Lots 20 and 21, Blk 68, Minthorn .93 Oregon Land Co. All of Ex. 100 ft. off of N. end of Lots 21 & 22, Blk 68, Minthorn, .28 J. J. Downing, 100 ft off of N. end of Lots 22 and 23, Blk 68, Min thorn, 93 Oregon Land Co. All of Ex. 100 ft. off of N. end of Lots 23 & 24. Blk 68. Minthorn, 28 J. J. Downing, 100 ft off of N. end of Lots 24 Blk 68, Minthorn, 46 Ira Erb, Lot 47 Blk 69, Minthorn, .54 James H. Black, 'Lots 16 & 17, Blk 77, Min thorn ' .46 Luella II. Hess, Lots 11 & 12, Blk 88, Min thorn, 39 Luella H. Hess, Lots 25 & 26, Blk 89, Min thorn 76 H. W. Hatch, Lot 38 Blk 92, Minthorn,.... .28 H. W. Hatch, ; Lot 39 Blk 92, Minthorn,.... .46 R. E.Hamilton, NE'ly 50x100 ft of Lot 5 Blk 1, Everharts Add to Mo lalla, 54 Gilbert Engle, Lot 1, Blk 2, Everharts Add to Molalla, 1.61 Nancy Engle, Lot 2 Blk 2, Everharts Add to Molalla .- 3.51 Helen L. Stratton, Lots 1 to 5 inc, Blk 85. Ore gon City, 4.51 Helen L. Stratton, Lots 6, 7 & 8, Blk 85, Ore gon City 2.71 Helen L. Stratton, All of Lot 1 and E'ly end of 2 and 3, Blk 86, Oregon City Harry Jones, E'ly end of Lot 8 Blk 86, Oregon City Helen L. Stratton, 2.94 .68 Lots 7 & 8 Blk 9, Ore gon City, 8.11 Gf.o. W. Woellener, Lots 15 & 16 Blk 2. Oregon City Annex, 65 Leopold Troendle, Lots 1 & 2 Blk 4, Oregon City Annex 44 W. I. McDermitt, Lot 4 Blk 8, Oregon City Annex 22 W. I. McDermitt, Lot 17 Blk 8, Oregon City Annex .22 Frank Warren, Lot 2 Blk 18, Oregon City Annex, 38 Chas. E. Martin, Blk 4, Darlings Add to Ore gon City 2.26 uabrilla Baker, Lots 12 & 13 Blk 2. Ede- wood Add to O. C, 1.91 M. and E. Green, Lot 2 Blk 19, Falls View Add to Oregon City, 1.81 u. Ji. Jackson, Lot 11 Blk 20B. Falls View Add to O. C 3.40 Helen L. Stratton, Lot 13 Blk 20B, Falls View Add to O. C. ... 4.54 Margaret J. Wisher, Und of Lot 7 Blk3, Mountain View Add to Oregon City, 1.14 Margaret J. Wisher, Und of Lot 8 Blk 3, Moun tain View Add to Oregon City 1.13 G. W. Hendershot, Lot 1 Blk 3, Pleasant Place Add to O. C, 3.62 W. S. King, Lots 1 to 5 inc Blk 1, Shaws First Add to Oregon City,.... 1.91 W. S. King, Lots 1 to 6, Blk 3, Shaws First Add to Oregon City,.... 3.43 W. S. King, Lots 1 & 2 Blk 5, Shaws First Add. to Oregon City, .76 W. S. King, Lots 1, 2, 3 Blk .6, Shaws First Add W. S. King, to Oregon City, 1.14 Lot 4 Blk 6, Shaws First Add to O. C 38 W. S. King, Lot 10 Blk 7, Shaws First Ad to O. C , 7" N. R. Lang, Trustee, Lot 16 Blk 7, South Oregon -Citv No. l: 1 71 John Vinney, Lots 7 & 8 Blk 9. South Oregon City No. 1 2.29 U. 1. & S. (Jo. Lot 3 Blk 16, O. I & S. Co s. First Add to Osweeo. 8.29 William Halliman, Lots 7 & 8 Blk 9, South Oswego, 6.43 Joseph Woell, Lots 1 to 8 Blk 19, South Oswego 8.59 Wm. Gorman, Lots 1 & 2 Blk 29, South Oswesro. 1.71 J. N. Pearcy, Lots 4, 5 6 & 7, Blk 36, South Osweeo S.42 J. F, Dickson, Lot 13 Blk 86, South Os wego fig J. N. Pearcy, Lot 14, Blk 36, South Os wego, flfl J. D. Lee, heirs, Lot 5 Blk 41, South Oswego, .86 J. D. Lee, 8-16 of Blk 50, South Os wcgb, 86 Robert Tatton, heirs, , 4-16 of Blk 60, South Os wego 32 Sophia Iluerth, Lot 2 Blk 6, Appersons Sub division of Tark Place 1.14 J. T. Apperson, Fr'l of Blk 11, Appersons Sub-division of Park Place, 3.82 Daniel Harvey, r Tract 1, Peoples Transporta tion Co's. Lots, 1.35 Wm. Carr, Tracts 22 and 23, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1 1.00 George L. Campbell, Lots 5 & 6 Blk C. Pompeii, 1.16 George W. Hoyt, Lots 1 & 2 Blk C.Pompeii, .1.16 J. S. Patton, , Lots 5 & 6 Blk C. Pompeii .' 1.16 J. S. Beall, Lots 7 & 8 Blk C, Pompeii.... 1.16 Willard F. Hawley, Lots 7 & 8Blk 4, Pompeii,.... 1.16 C. and D. Franklin, Lot 2 Blk 9, Pompeii 57 O. C. & A. M. Yocum, Lot 2 Blk 10, Pompeii, 57 John R. Nash, E of Lot 2 Blk 16, Robert son, l.Od John R. Nash, W of Lot 4 Blk 16, Robert- . son v 00 John R: Nash, ' . W of Lot 6 Blk 16, Robert son, i 61 Matthew Brown, Lot 1 Blk 5, Rockland, 51 Willamette Falls Co. Lot 10 Blk 8, Willamette Falls, 4.55 Willamette Falls Co. - Lot 9 Blk 9, . Willamette " Falls 4.56 W. A. Lynd, Blk 30, Willamette Tracts.... .90 Willamette Falls Co. Blk 33, Willamette & Tu alatin Tracts, 3.66 Willamette Falls Co. Tract 41, Willamette & Tu alatin Tracts, 2.92 Sarah C. Parker, - Lots Z &, 3 Blk 7, Windsor, 2.93 1.47 G. W. Kennedy, Lot 1 Blk 11. Windsor. ... Lueinda Kline, Lots 7 & 8. Blk 13. Windsor 2.93 J. J. Richardson. Lot 1 Blk 15, Windsor, ........ 1.76 liustav A. ttottman, Lots 9 & 10 Blk 15, Windsor 2.93 Albert Schmidle, Lots 17 & 18 Blk 18. Wind sor 2.93 L. L. Porter, Lot 3, Blk 20. Windsor 1.18 Anna Bristerfeldt, Lot 3 Blk 21. Windsor 1.47 L. L. Porter, Lot 10 Blk 21. Windsor 1.17 rlibernia Savings Bank. Lot 9 Blk V, Milwaukie Park 6.40 Hibernia Savings Bank, Lot 10 Blk V, Milwaukie Park, 6.41 Hibernia Savings Bank, Lot 11, Blk V, Milwaukie Park 6.40 Queen V. Harrell. Blk 39, Milwaukie 17.77 Hibernia Savings Bank, All of Lot 1 Blk V, lying South and East of Lot 7 in Blk U, Replatting of a Por tion of Milwaukie Park 1.52 L. r . & L. A. Kasmussen, Tract 1, Wichita 6.16 lzetta B. Irvin, Lots 5 & 6 Blk 68, Min thorn 93 M. W. Welch, Part of -. Lot 40," Jennings Lodee 1.11 J. S. Vaughn, heirs, l.bO Acres Anson Cone D. L. C 2.23 Anna Muecke, 14 acres in John Anderson D. L. C , 7.79 Bert B. Espey, 4 acres in S. H. Tyron D, L. C 35.90 S. B. Reese,. ,l 8.21 acres in Sec. 20-3-1E, 4.12 E. E. Parker, 5 acres in Milton Brown D. - L. C 4.53 R. J. Beutel, .50 acre in S. D. Pomeroy D. L. C , 1.24 E. G. Caufield, Part of A. F. Hedges D. L. C. 2.70 Maxwell Telford, Jr. 3.50 acres in A. F. Hedges D. L. C W :: 2.15 August Konigshafen, 8.22 acres in Sec. 18-4-1E. 4.45 Kate Haugh & D. E. Skirvin 50 acres in Sec. 10-6-1E,.... 10.68 D. N. Shindler, NE54 of SE'i in Sec. 12-6 IE, 4.45 John T. Mclntyre, SEVi ofSW in Sec. 24-2- 6E, 11.25 Wm. C. Wetzler, 10 acres in Sec. 25-1-3E, 9.02 G. Bluhm, 20 acres in Andrew Hood D L. C 18.60 Bazil & Rosy Delore, 2 acres off of E. end of W of NWV4 in Sec. 24-2-5E.... 1.66 B. F. Forrester, .7,1 aaes m Sec. 29-2-4E, 51 Otto NcK:i, NWy, of NW in Sec. !-. 5-3E, 8.86 Remmie J. & Ethel J. Younger, .25 acres in Oregon City Claim 2.25 O. I & S. Co. 9 acres in Sec. 16-2-1E 6.39 Francis Baker, 4 acres in Sec. 18-4-4E 63 G. R. Woodle, NW of Sec. 10-3-5E 20.54 G. F. Blair, 11.89 acres in Sec, 21-2-1E, .. 8.53 N. Elliott,- 15 acres in J. C. Norton D. L. C 12.49 M. Hedge, SW of NE& in Sec 29-1- 3E 16.43 H. Wittenberg. NEH of SWU in Sec. 24- 2.6E 5.59 Mt Hood Land Co. w of Neva of nw in Sec. 8-3-5E, 4.11 Ethel F. Ham, 23.50 acres in Sec. 15-2-3E 9.74 C. N. Rankin & T. H. Gardner, 1 acre in See. 32-1-2E 2.47 J. & M. Maddox, .50 acre in Ezra Fisher D. L. C 8.88 T. Charman, heirs, .60 acre in Ezra Fisher D. L. C : 1.96 Dion E. Pearce& U. C. McNeal 50x100 ft in Oregon City Claim 8.38 H. J. & E. J. Bigger, River Front in Geo. Aber nathy D. L. C 4.23 Harry Jones, 9 acres in Archibald Mc Kinley D. L. C 40.52 Harry Jones, I 4.15 seres in Archibald Mc Kinley D. L. C 18.01 James A. Kays, .38 acres Wm. Holmes, D. L. C 3.38 Hans Olsen, 1 acre in WasKingtion Wil liams D. L. C 1.11 OUR STORE The M8t in Va,Ue The B;9t in QU8lity OUR STORE OPENS p ' y 3 j, CL0SES ' DAILY AT -,(r1y DAILY AT Saturday , awnrgffifflM SATUR AT 9 A. M. jn; . AT 6 P. M. Telephones Home, A 2112 Pacific; Marshall, 5080 - Attractive New Styles in Women's Bath ing Suits at $ 1 .50 to $4.50 Bathing Caps at 25c to $ Bathing Slippers at, 25c to 65c ' A complete showing of the most popular styles and colors wool knitted Bathing Suits in black and in blue with neat trimmings of white, red or green; also mohair and cotton Bathing Suits all sizes and all prices from $1.50 up to $4.50 a suit. ' .i Women's Dress Skirts, f 'm'ly up to $5, now $ 1 .50 In order to immediately readjust our stock of Women's Dress Skirts we have selected about 90 fine garments to close out at this ridiculously low price. Included are many good styles in checks, dark N mixtures and in plain shodes of tan, brown, etc. both plain and peg top models in most all 4 Cft sizes values up to $5 Choice..., I iwU Underpricmg of the Fashionable "Mary jane" Pumps For Women and Young Ladies Short Round-Toe Styles, Colonials and One and Two-Strap Pumps and Velvet, Patent Kid and Calf Leathers Values to $3.50 on Special Sale at only, the Pair ... The "Mary Jane" and other desirable style Pumps are not only expressive of ideal summer comfort, but are gratifyingly effective in rounding out the becomingness of the correctly gowned women at this sale you have choice of the most popular styles for street or evening wear Hand-turned and English welt, flat-heeled, short round toe "Mary Janes""with grosgrain bows they come in patent, dull kid and velvet and in all sizes and widtsh; also patents and velvet Colonials with steel . cut or ' black buckles and one and two-strap Pumps in Patent, gun-metal and dull kid leathers A M A High grade footwear of guaranteed quality in values up to $3.50 a pair. Priced here at pa"f w 0" There are also unequaled values here in Infant's, Children's and Misses' Pomps which are specially priced forthis sale at $1, $1.25, $1.75. $1.98 a Pair You may selcet from various new styles in velvet, patent and kid leathers and with either truned or McKay sewed spies A special underpricing of our regular lines as follows; Sizes 1 to 5 at $1.00 a pair Sizes 5 to 8 at $1.25 Sizes 8 to 11 at $1.75 and Sizes 11 to 2 at $1.98 a pair. Same Styles and Qualities as Above With Instep Straps at 25c a Pair Less Children's Barefoot Sandals on Special Sale Tomorrow at Low Price of 99c a Pair Goodyear stitched Barefoot Sandals, made of the best dark tan Willow Calf and with buckles sewed by hand- they come with the numbers at, a pair '. Boys' Button Shoes in Sizes 3'i Lena and Nora Miller S. of S. E. V North of County Road in Sec. 32-3-3E 1-49 H. W. and J. Jewitt, N. of NW& in Sec. 31-9-4-3E 12.01 Reinhold Miebs, 7.50 acres in Sec. lz-i-itL, .00 Ellen Callahan, 2 acres in Sec. 19-5-3E, .55 W. F. and Ina E. Speer, N. E. and 1.20 acres in N 1-2 of N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 31-1-4E, l.?3 Chas. Timmerman, 46x50 ft. in N. W. corner of NV4 of NEVi of Sec. 5-2-4E, 1.51 City of Estacada, 2.50 acres Franklin Pierce D. L. C 4.27 Mary E. Knotts, Kast 3U acres ot jn ft oi a. a. in Sec. 30-2-7E, 2.87 You are further notified that said Clackamas County has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, witn tne raie oi interest ou said amounts as follows: Said above named defendants as the owners of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons above named are here by further notified that Clackamas County will apply to tne circuit Court of the County and State afore said for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described j i. j : 4.:: ana meuuoueu in .aum tci Lij-nai7. And vou are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons up on you, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this ac tion or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs and accru ed interest, and in case of your fail ure to do so a decree will be render ed foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and prem ises above named. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address here after mentioned. Date of first publication of this summons, July 9th, 1914. Uilbert L. Hedges, District Attorney for -Clackamas County, Oregon. Address, Uregon City, Oregon. McLoughlin Association Meets George A. Harding, J. E. Hedges, George H. Heims, C. H. Dye, H. C. Stevens, Fred V. Holman, E. G. Cau field, Father Hillebrand and E. E. Brodie are the directors elected at a meeting of the McLoughlin Memorial Association held at McLoughlin home on June 29. Officers for the year will be chosen from this number. The association has begun a move ment to collect pictures of Clacka mas County pioneers to decorate the historical old home of Dr. McLough lin. A vote of thanks was extended Mrs. Ida Garmire-Shannon for the gift of a part of the purchase price of an oil painting of Oregon's famous pio neer, Dr. McLoughlin. The painting, which is a striking piece of work, and which was executed by Mrs. Shannon now hangs in the McLoughlin home. An ancient writing desk which was brought around the Horn in early days and with which there is associa ted much of historical interest, was presented to the home by Mrs. So phia Charman, who has been its possessor for many years. A vote of thanks-was also extended Mrs. Charman for her gift. STRAYED Yearling Jersey Heifer, light; no horns. I. C. Under wood, Oregon City, Route 3. Free Delivery To All Parts of Oregon best oak soles andare soft and pliable to 5' -On Sale at $1.69 a Pair Greatly Reduced Prices Tillamook County Beaches and Fishing Streams ' Tillamook Countybeaches have been aptly called "Nature's Playground." Resorts where the "Call of the Wild" and the Life Outdoors can be fully en joyed, now open for the Summer visitor. New ho tels, new cottages, new camping grounds. . SEASON AND WEEK END FARES Low round-trip season1 "and week-end fares from various points on S. P. main line and branches. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Leaves Union Depot Daily 8:55 A. M. Leaves East Morrison Daily 9:03 A. M. s "Sea Shore Special," Union Depot 1:30 P. M. "Sea Shore Special," East Morrison 1:38 P. M. ' Parlor Observation Car on "Sea-Shore Special" Leaving at 1:30 P. M. Good Fishing on the Salmonfeerry and Nehalem Rivers Unsurpassed fishing in the Salmonberry and Ne halem rivers, as well as other Tillamook County streams. Call for our brand new folder, "Tillamook County Beaches" 0m IVJl SUNSET I (OGDENftSHASTAl 1 I t ROUTES I J Officephones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524, 1751 Home B2-5 1, 1)251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANFER & STORAGE Office 612 Main Street Safe, Pianoand Furniture Moving a Specialty Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Common Brick, b'ace Brick, Fire Brick TOBACCO HABITPSs1 I offer cennlne nariUMl for tobaoco or mill ttablu It U mild, pleuaut, trenglheniug. For either mx. Overcome tbt pe ouliamervHMieiat)daravlDc fo-dgaretU-H. cigar. flt chewing tobacco or untf. Tobfctrco Upolnonoan-lerioulT Injure the health In Kvertl wara, owning tuch disorder u nervoui drsprrnU, lecpleftneft, gu.belclthit, onstlpfttlan, headache, weak eycn, Iom of vigor, red npnu on ttkln throat Irritation, catarrh, sthma bronchltla, nvmn luiiure, lung trouoir, mciaacaoij-, nTmitnenl. Impaired nunorr and wit I-(tower, impure ipoiinMt hliwd. heart barn, torpid liver, lo or appetite hd twth, foul breath, lassitude, lack of ambition, wetkiwlntand ralllnf oatof hair and many oiherdlurdera, Nervoui breakdown, weakened intellect and IN8AN!TYareoften attributed to toTtaiw habit hr eminent m.1tial moo. Whr mnttnue commuting tilolda I O WARD J. WOODS, S34 Sixth Av 'Get the Molting Molting time is lost time tnere to pay the feed bills. Get it over Feed a good full ration and be sure to include prgtts, Poultry !c Dkffi. to 25 lb. pall It'i a (rent invigorating tonic jait what th hena need. Prait Lice Killer toe. to $1.00 and all Pratta Product are i-uaran toed i i. 1 City $2.48 all sizes up. to women'Qft ddb All White Shoes and Oxfords, at Folders and full information from any S. P. Agent or from . JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portlanjl, Oregon : fwmdv wnen you can iiveareaujr contented llfetf Tonoolf gut your body and nervea rlcht.' It ta aaaafa torturing to attempt to rid jonraeir of habit by auddeulr Mopping with wilt -power don't do lu Correct method la to eliminate the ale otlne poliion from ayitem, UrAiKihen the weak ened, irnuit-d uumbrauea and nervea and gana InelT overcome the cravini. Would you like to quickly and eauilranlt labaoao Knd enjoy you raelt I ana tnjoy nrarwu FREE fmin alwars in rnbuit health? Mr FREK book tells all about the wonderfnl 8 daw I a innusarm iimei neuer wniie I Method. InepeniiT, reliable. Alao Secret Method for eonqneriof habit la another with out hi knowledge. Full particulars includ ing my Book on Tobacco and Snaff Habit mailoi in . plain wrapper, free. AddreMt New York, N.Y. Over Quickly are no eggs witn winch Regulator at $2.50. - aati if action or "W il ' Sold and guaranteed by Larsen & Co.