I OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1914. Free Delivery To AH Parts of Oregon City OUR STORE OPENS DAILY AT 8:30 A. M. SATURDAY AT 9 A. M. The Most in Value 'I The Best in Quality Telcphones Home, A 2112 Pacific; Marshall, 5080 OUR STORE CLOSES DAILY AT 5:30 P .M. SATURDAY AT 6 P. M. uality Style and Dependable in Children's Sum mer Dresses THAT GOOD QUALITY AND STYLE IX CIULDIiEN'S CLOTHING DOES NOT NECESSARILY IMPLY EXTRAVAGANCE OF Pit ICE IS PERLIAPS NO WLTERE BETTER ILLUSTRATED TO THE PARENTS' SATISFACTION THAN HERE AND NOW. INDIVIDUALITY OF STYLE SHOWS AT A GLANCE DURABILITY AND WEAR AFTERWARDS. THESE FOR EXAMPLE : $1.75 Dresse$1.19 A fine assortment of children's dresses in all the best styles. They are made of fine lawns, linens and pique, also high-grade gin chains, percales and chambrays. They come in plain white or pink, blue, tan and lavendar. Neat stripes or checks. They are shown in either plain, sailor, middy and French styles with round or high neck and long or short sleeves. They are neatly trimmed with embroideries, tucks and piping of contrasting colors. All sizes from 2 to C years. Values to $4.50 at $1.59 This lot.iucludes high-grade dresses that have become slightly soiled from handling. They are made of fine lawns, linens and pique. They conn; in plain, French anl mid dy styles, with round, square or high neck and either long or short sleeves. They are all daintily trimmed with fine laces, insertions and embroideries. .Shown in all sizes from 2 to C years. 98c Values at 59c This assortment includes dresses made of fine quality ginghams, percales and cham brays in neat checks, stripes and plaids of pink, blue, tan and lavender. They come in Buster and French styles with or without bloomers. All are neatly trimmed with pip ing of contrasting colors. Shown in all sizes from 2 to 6. NEWS OF THE CITY Miss Nan Cochran Local Editor R. L. Badger, the well known dairyman of Beaver Creek, was in this city Wednesday. W. A. Beck, of Molalla, was trans acting business in Oregon City Mon day and Tuesday. Otto Miller left Wednesday for Walla Walla, Wash., where he will remain for four months. G. N. West, of the Willamette Fuel and Supply Company was in this city on business Wednesday. Mrs. Tieple, of Oak Grove, was in this city visiting friends Tuesday, al so visiting at Willamette before re turning to her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Buir and Mrs. M. J. Lee, of Canby, were in this city Wednesday on their way to Portland, making the trip by auto mobile. Mrs. Fred Fulley, and twin sons, Charles and Ernest, of Los Angeles, California, are visiting Mrs. George Uardner, of Meldrum. Mrs. l ulloly, who was formerly Miss Veta Bacon, of this city, is also visiting her mother, Dr. M. N. Bacon, a former resident of Oregon City. Mrs. Ful ley and children will return to their home in California early in July. II. G. Trullihger, of Molalla, was in this city Monday and Tuesday. Earl Groshong, of Marquam, was in this city Monday and Tuesday. Don't put this paper down until you see our ad on page 3. It tells about special clearance sale values in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Adams Department Store. Mrs. Nellie Wink of New Era, was visiting in Oregon City Wednesday. Miss May Kelly, teacher in the Portland schools, has returned to Oregon City, where she will spend purt of her summer vacation, the re mainder of which will be enjoyed at her cottage at Long Beach Washing ton. On page 3 you'll find clothes news that's important to you; suit values that are extraordinary. Ad ams Department Store. The Fraternal Brotherhood will meet at Knapp's hall Friday even ing, when State President M. G. O'Mallov and Mrs. Nellie Nelson, deputy, will be in attendance and give addresses. Ice cream and cake will be scTved during the social hour, which will follow the regular meet ing. J. R. Gilmoro left Tuesday for Newport, where he will spend the re mainder of the slimmer, making his headquarters at Hotel Kelly. While at Newport he will engage in the photographic business. Guaranteed Paint For 80 Cents Per Gallon That is the price we have put on our new' "BRIGHT' RED Barn Paint in 5 gallon lots. Think of it! Only 12 cents higher than linseed oil alone. Don't ask how we can do this, it seems almost too good to be true, and yet evy gallon goes out with our guarantee that it is made of strictly pure linseed oil. See our paint man about it. 25 per cent Discount on all Standard Varnish Take advantage of this following cut in this high grade var nish: Rog. Special No. 1 Coach Varnish, gul $1.70 $1.28 Inside Spar Varnish, gul 2.25 l.OS) Outside Spur Varnish, gul y.75 2.81 Floor Varnish, gal 3.00 2.25 Preservative Interior gal . 2.75 2.0ii Elastaca No. 1 Varnish, gal 2.30 1.73 These prices apply to one gallon cans, but we also have a com plete stock in 5 gallons, also in quarts and pints. White load ami oil sold at Portland wholesale prices. HUNTLEY BROS CO. Agents for Slu-rwin-Williunis' Paints Officephones: Main CO, A50; Res. phones, M. 252-1, 1751 Home B25 1,1)251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANFER & STORAGE Office 612 Main Street Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Piaster, Common Brick, Face Brick, Five Brick Mrs. Otto Deutte, of Tigardville, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Deute, returned t oher home Friday. Allen Williams, who has been visit ing his mother Mrs. Anna R, Will iams, has returned to Seaside, where he is spending the summer. At the top of page 3 you'll see our ad; you'll see a hcance to get an extra Hart Schaffner .& Marx suit for little money. Adams Dept. Store. Miss Charlotte Bluhm, Miss Clara Deute and Miss Anna Michels Bpent Sunday at Tigardville, where they were the guests of Miss Deute s aunt Mrs. Otto Deute. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kelly, who moved from this city in Novem ber to their farm near Canby, have sold their stock and returned to this city. Mr. Kelly has rented his farm. J. S. Diller, employed by the gov ernment, and whose headquarters is at Washington, D. C, is in this city on business, registering at the Elec tric Hotel. The Greenpoint Hose Company No. 5. will entertain the members and families Tuesday evening, July 7 at the headquarters at Greenpoint. Ice cream and cake will be served. This is an annuul affair of this fire com pany, the previous gatherings hav ing always been enjoyable events. The best news is on page 3 it's the announcement of greatly reduced prices in Hurt Schaffner & Marx clothes; read ubout it. Adams Dept. Store. Judge Anderson and Commissioner Smith were in Canby June 26, and looked over the proposed route for the ferry across the Willamette that the Canby Business Men's Club has been striving so hard to get estab lished for several months past. Can by Irrigator. On Thursday night the Fountain Hose Company will hold its regular meeting, and following the transac tion of business, the remainder of the evening will be devoted to a social time, when the members of other companies of the city will be extend ed an invitation to join in and en joy the festivities. Mrs. Douthit and-daughter, Miss Kate Douthit, who have been visiting with the former's daughter, Mrs. Louis Farr, of Ninth and Monroe St., left for their home at Powell River, H. C. Monday and were accompanied by Violet and Leo Farr, who will spend the remainder of the summer at Powell River. Mr. and Mrs. Tyra Warren, Mrs. Vernah Shewman and the latter's son A trill will fni'm n tnnt- ...HI ...v.., ..... .UIIH U p.lLkJ bll4 YYiil leave Saturday for Mt. Hood, where tiiuy win spend a week. They will V'isiit. lit Wnli'hnc Rhndatil.'n am. J ....v ... . . ... .... ..IIV.IVIIU1VII UI1U Government Camp while on the trip. i ney win niaKe ine trip dv automo bile. E. A. Hackett, son of E .C. Hack ett of this city, who underwent a critical surgical operation for appen dicitis nt St.. Vini'ont'fl TTrtcnifal caw- en weeks ago, was able to return to ms nome ine inner part oi last week, llMil is I'UlliHIv VfWnVJririr fMm f ...... .u - J .v.viviiii tlUlll VUO W fects of the operation, ,Dr. Sterri- i - a ti.-.ai.... A ouig, vi joruHiia, anu ur. m .j. Strickland of this city, performed the operation. Rev. S. P. Davis left Thursday of this week for Guhr, Washington, where he will spend several weeks in the vicinity of Mt. Adams. He will also visit at White Salmon, Wash.. of the mountainous scenery in that .si'cuon. .r. jjavis nas a nne collec tion ff O I'.l ir fin CAnAt... ' . v.,v.a ovviivij, many ui which have been reproduced in publi cations of the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis were Oregon City visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mation and daughter, of Eldorado, were' in this city Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Priester and son, of Carus, were in Oregon City Wednesday. ( Mrs. Frank Forsberg left Wednes day evening for The Dalles, where she will visit friends. .Mrs. Vernah Watson Shewman spent Thursday of this week at .Al bany visiting friends. Mr. Sfld Mrs. Ernest Jones and daughter, Leola, of Eldorado, were In this city Wednesday. ' James Smith, a prominent farmer of Macksburg, was among the Ore gon City visitors Wednesday. Miss Edna Heft, telephone opera tor of Beaver Creek, was in this city on business Wednesday. Miss Maude Cooke, teacher in the Portland' schools, has returned to Oregon City to spend her summer vacation. FOR SALE Bay mare, 1300 pounds. Round and Sound. True as steel. J. H. Van Meter, Oregon City, Rt. 6. Pacific Phone 2013. FOR SALE New Champion mower, and self dump rake, nine feet. J. H. Van Meter, Oregon City, Rt. 6. Pac. -phone 2013. Percy Caufield, Miss Nell Caufield, of this city, and Miss Olga McClure, of Portland, will leave Saturday for the beach, where they will spend sev eral weeks. Ed. Brenner, who has been visiting his brother, . George Brenner, of Ca rus, passed through Oregon City Wednesday on his way home to Hood River. He is much improved in health since his visit at Carus. Herman Brooks, who has been at Carus for the past four years, was in this city Wednesday on his way to The Dalles, where he will visit his brother, Max Brooks. He will spend three months in Eastern Oregon, and will then leave for his home in Iowa. While at Carus M.r Brooks visited his sister, Mrs. Theodore Miller. 1 KZ4 Mrs. Hollowell , Dead After Long Ji'Iness Mrs. Nellie M. Hollowell, the wife of John M. Hollowell, died at her home at Fernridge at 5:30 o'lock Friday evening after an illness last ing several weeks. She is survived b her husband and four children, all living at home: Garland, Nina, Homer and Madge. The funeral was held Sunday. Mrs. Hollowell was born in Indiana 46 years ago and came to the Pac ific coast with her husband 17 years ago. For the last seven years the family has lived at Fernridge. VIOLA Mrs. H. P. Mattoon has sold out the general merchandise store to Mr. T. Eaden, who seems to be the right man in the right place, to build up a good trade, which has run down of late. Mr. Eadon will buy or exchange farm produce, chickens, veal, hogs eggs, and wlil pay the highest mar ket price. There has been some hay cut and gotten into the barn before getting wet. Here in Viola Mr. John Fickens is placing new underpining under his house, and also building a new wood shed on his farm. Mir. Ed. Miller is visiting an opto metrist as his eyes are giving him trouble. Sunday June 28 was our Children's Day in the Viola Sunday School, the school had a nice program. Mr. Geo. Hively is doing some fine work on the Mattoon, road down the Clear Creek bottom. Mr. Eaden was a visitor at Port land Friday and Saturday on busi ness. There is quite a crew of men cut ting the right-of-way from Estacada through Viola to Beaver Creek for the electric power line to supply C. S. R. R. and the road building to Viola known as the Carver line. Mr. I. G. White has been a sufferer for two weeks from the Job comfort ers. He says he will sell them at less than cost. Any one may apply. Mr. James Severs was in Oregon City Friday on legal business. Mr. E. Coop has gone to California to work in a box factory for the sum mer and winter. You're Bilious and Costive! Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Furred Tongue and Indi gestion, Mean Liver and Bowels clog ged. Clean up to-night. Get a 25c bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills to-day and empty the stomach and bowels of fermenting, gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thankful feeling makes you feel fine, Effective, yet mild. Don't gripe. 25c at your Druggist. a luu wilnnnlnfir. JtWellinefl . of the flesh, bites and stings of Insects, stiff neck and lame baclc should ba treated with Ballard's SNO LINIMENT It neutralizes poisons, sub dues Inflammation, relaxes con tracted muscles and restores healthy conditions. For heal ing cuts, -wounds, burns or scalds, there is nothing like It in tho -whole list of curative agents. It cures by a mild power that Is more effective than the Btrone, harsh lini ments. "When rubbed In for rheumatic pains, neuralgia or nnlotlna tt wnnrinrfiil TIPnptrAta ins; and relieving Influence Is very gratifying. It is an all around household liniment that is useful in a thousand ways and its application la always followed by beneficial results. Price 25c, 6o and $1.00. JamesF.Ballard,Prop. 6t.Loul,Mo. M 'M Use Stephens Eye Salve for core tyei. it iure. Jones Drug Co., Oregon City. Hurrah for the Fourth of July at the grange park. The list of automobile owners is increasing )rapidly of late. Henry Gill, Judge Anderson, Mary Swales and T. W. Foster are the latest pur chasers of the horseless carriages. Considerable hay has been cut and stored away but much more will be cut soon if the weather stays as good as at present. Many clover fields have turned to mesquite this year. Fred Gerber has completed the road work and nearly all the bad places have-had an application of gravel. Thos. Eaden has moved to Viola and assumed charge of the store. Burnham Hawley was here renew ing old acquaintances recently. He is a traveling confectionery salesman. Howard Gill, of the Portland fire department, is spending a vacation with his relatives. If Kidneys and Bladder Bother Then Foley Kidney Pills Overworksd kidneys will break wown if not helped. When they can no longer protect the blood and the body from the poisons tha ctome to them, then look out for Bright's dis ease, serious kidney trouble and blad der annoyances. Foley Kidney Pills are your best protection, your best medicine for weak, sore, overworked kidney and bladder weaknesses. Sold by all druggists. EAGLE CREEK LIBERAL Having is in full blast. Soirie hay was damaged in last week's rain. Potatoes are doing fine and will be a heavy crop if weather permits. Corn is good and has a tine color. S. Wright has a small field that is beginning to throw the head out and the stalks are very large. Alsike and clover are tilling out good and the seed is large. Hops are making a tine growth and prospects for a heavy eyild. The new church at Liberal was filled Sunday to overflowing with people and a basket dinner was the order with the dedication. Ora Slvter has a full crew again and business is moving at this place lively. The small boy is happy in geting his nickels ready for next Saturday. Geo. Ginserling is repairing S. Wright's house and will finish in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, of Lents, Or., are visiting friends for a few days. They formerly resided here. LOGAN Eflie C. Kirchem and Louis Kohl at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirchem, on June 28th. Judge H. S. Anderson perform ed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of relatives of the contracting parties. Mr. Kohl s buud iug a fine house on his Logan farm which will be the home of the newly weds when completed. May their joys be many and their sorrows few. The frame of Hugh H. Kirchem's barn is up and will soon be ready for the roof and then for the hay. Fred Brown has been having a ser ious time with pneumonia in his fam ily. Three children have had it but all have passed the crisis and it is hoped they will get along all right. We hear that Mr. Thompson con templates moving his store away. Miss Nettie Woodle has been stay ing for a few days with her grand mother, Mrs. Howlett, but returned home Monday. Mrs. Howlett has gone to Estacada to spend a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Woodle. - Mrs. Eddy and son Samuel of Port land, were week-end guests at the home of R. B. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cooke were guests of Mrs. Howlette recently. Mrs. Bina Jones, of Portland, was calling on relatives out this way Sun day. The Suday School Rally was very well attended, about a hundred people being present. Some of the members of the Eagle Creek and Dover Sun day schools were present. An inter esting program was rendered, and very interesting addresses were de livered by Rev. F. P. Allen and E. R. Martin, of Portland. A. J. Chapman and daughter Miss Edith, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of Damascus, Mon day and Tuesday. Mrs Guy Woodle made a trip to Portland last Friday Citrolax Citrolax Give it to the Children Finest physic in the world for child ren. They love to take it it tastes like lemonade. It is mild and suits their sensitive organs. It is thorough and keeps their systems cleansed, sweet and wholesome. It does the same for grown-ups, too. An ideal laxative. Sold by all druggists. There is Healing in Foley Kidney Pills You need a mighty good medicine if once your kidneys are exhausted by neglect and overwork, and you have got it in Foley Kidney Pills. Their action is prompt, healing and tonic. Sound health and sound kidneys fol low their use. Try them. Sold by all druggists. Patriotic Services in Church Dr. T. B. Ford has planned a great patriotic service for his church next Sunday. He well speak Sunday morning on, "Elements of National Security." The G. A. R. quartette of Portland, will sing patriotic songs that will stir the red blood of Americans. Also sol diers and all parotic citizens Jire in vited to attend the services. In the afternoon at 3:00 o clock the Swedish people ;will have a pa triotic service. At 8:00 o'clock in the evening Dr. C. J. Smith, Democratic candidate for Governor, will speak on "An Era of Law. Enforcement in Oregon." The G. A. R. quarteite will sing and the large chorus choir of the church will assist in the music. Come ye patriots' Get the Molting Over Quickly . . l MA ma nrrtra until Wnioh Molting time IS lOSl ume mere oid uv to pay the teed mils. , .- , Get it over Feed a good full ration and be sure to include prgtts, Poultry Regulator r . 1 4.. OK 1U null at t FJ) If! . A OR Ik nail at t? 50 a gentle, Invigorating tonic-juat what the hens need and all Pratts Froducti are guaranteed-aatiaf action or money Daetc m money v A i fmum Sold and guaranteed by Larsen & Co, For Furniture Stoves and Ranges, Shelf Hardware, Kitchen Sup plies and Notions, SEE J. H. MA.TTLEY 7th and Madison Sts. "The Home Furnisher Cash Paid for Second Hand Furniture of All Kinds The Next. SACK of FLOUR. You Buy Ask For UNION MILLS "HIGH GRADE" AND YOU WILL GO BACK FOR ANOTHER It is one of the best brands on the market and is highest in everything but price. We have recently remodeled the Union Mills, and are better than ever prepared for regular milling business. We exchange for flour, chopping, and carry a line of feed,- graham flour, germ meal, Etc. D. L. TRULLINGER liTe Famous Electrical Parade of the Rose Festival WILL BE REPRODUCED UNDER THE . AUSPICES OF THE PORTLAND AD CLUB OX TITE NIGHT OF JULY 4TLT IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY IN VITED.. TO.. WITNESS.. THIS.. GOR GEOUS SPECTACLE. THE TWENTY ONE FLOATS REPRESENTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WEST, COUPLED AVITII HISTORICAL FEA TURES, WILL ALL BE REPRODUCED. tin Portland Ad Club CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature U'REN A SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of title, and lend you money, or lend your money on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise BIdg., Oregon City. Dr. L. G. IGE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City Phones Polflo, 1221. Home A 19 Fill Ms Out, It Will Pay You Name '. Postoffice Address :. I live miles from on road near I have acres of land. There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of $ against the property due on 191.... I would like to borrow $ ......for yearS, giving this prop erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm? If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at once. . N WILLAMETTE VALLEY MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY Aurora State Bank Building Aurora, Oregon Price Today $1072.00 THIS PRICE CUT DAILY $2.00 A Home in Oregon City for $1,072.00 and the nrice reduced i $2.00 each day until sold. 6"room story and a half plastered house with basement. Lot sightly location, 4 blocks from public library, ! 9 bearing fruit trees, garden. Price to-day, $1,100.00, small Day- men i uwwn, uuiance on mummy payments or $iu.UU. DILLMAN & HOWL AND "The Realty Men" 8th and Main St, Oregon City, Oregon. The Courier, Largest Circulation