Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 25, 1914, Image 9

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Ed Sharp 6.00
August Delker 2.50
W. L. White 9.20
Sidney Graham ; '. 6 .00
A. McConnell 6.00
W. C. Kinyon ... 6.00
M. N. Crisell 6.00
C. S. Arnold 6.00
J. H. Miley 6.00
School Disk No. 60 2.50
J. M. Hayden , 6.00
August Hubert 6.00
C. C. Coop 6.00
Louis Funk : 6.00
A. M. Kirchem 6.00
L. S. Tenny 8.40
Urainia Fieken 6.00
School Dist. No. 14 2.50
J. W. Draper 3.00
D. C. owell 3.00
H. W. Elliott 3.00
Geo. F. Horton 3.00
P. Hansen 3.00
M. Klinger .'. 3.00
P. J. Winkle 6.00
L. L. Porter ' 3.00
Bertha Davenport 3.00
Moreita Hickman 3.00
Geo. J. Hall 3.00
A. M. Shephard 3.00
H. C. Green 3.00
jCity of West Linn 5.00
Chas. F. Wagner 6.00
Martin Tauchmann 6.00
P. T. McGinnis .' 6.00
G. F. Aden ....... 6.00
H. D. Aden 9.00
Cora Hasselbrink 6.00
Amelia Peters 6.00
Thomas Johnson 3.00
Guy Gross 3.00
J. C. Edmunds :. 3.00
D. W. Farmer 3.60
W. L. Snidow 3.00
L. P. Barnes 3.00
R. A. Junken 6.00
Blake Bowland , 3.00
Jess W. Hyatt 3.00
Gertie Wilson ' 3.00
D. C. Garmier 3.00
Geo. De Bok 3.00
J. R. Bowland I. 3.00
Willamette Fire Co 4.00
Thompson and Webb .25,
G. W. Harrington 5.80
Molalla Lmbre. Co 3.50
G. H. Young . 14.00
Oregon City Enterprise 675.39
O. Plimpton 5.00
J. K. Morris 6.50
E. T. Mass 125.00
Francis Welsh .... 12.50
Hirsch-Weis Mfg. Co 17.30,
J. F. Montgomery 1.50
Oregon 'City Courier 97.25
Estacada Furniture Co 1.00
W. M. Yonce 1.50
Estacada State Bank 3.00
Estacada Lmbre. Co 1.50
Falls Transfer Co. 1.00
John N. Sievers 27.20
E. L. Davidson 28.00
Floyd Spurlin 10.98
Wm. Grisenthwaite 2.02
J. P. Hult 6.18
W. A. Heylman 3.42
Frank Ott 16.31
M. E. Handle 9.76
Clarence L. Eaton 2.10
J. C. Elliott 12.07
W. V. Rogers 10.28
J. C. Marquam 13.08
J, E. Pomeroy .' 23.25
Sd. M. Roberts '. 1.08
L. L. Porter r... 3.70.
L. J. Robinson 2.60
Joe J. Thornton 15.86
W. W. Jesse 17.40
M. A. Mather 17.24
Chas. F. Patton 52
John T. Mclntyre 50
. C. D. Purcell 1.80
John R. White .' 2.10
Chas. Thompson 16.30
W. F. Miller 10.90
T. G. Jonsrud 4.62
Wm. Morand 13.32,
Fred Wagner 11.60
D. F. Le Fevre 16.20
P. D. Newell '15.70
Sheriff ,
Hogg Bros 75
E. T. Mass 69.25
Jones Drug Co. ' 3.00
Jones . Drug Co 10.50
Elliott-Fisher Co 2.30
W. L. Mulvey 10.00
Lou Cochran , ' 65.00
E. P. Dedman 5.00
Jones Drug Co .75
Typewriter Inspection Co 7.60
Julius Paulsen 45.00
Claude Woodle 67.50
J. E. Jack 3.00
W. H. Holder 30.00
N .R. Graham 57.00
E. W. Randolph 63.00
M. E. Gaffney 69.00
L. P. Duffy 63.00
J. O. Staats 76.50
D. Engle 18.00
Court House
Miller-Parker Co 50
V. Harris 50
J. K. Morris 5.50
Hogg Bros. 4.90
Jones Drug Co 11.80
Home Telephone Co 17.20
Pacific Telephone Co. 28.95
Citv of Oregon City . ...... 32.13
Circuit Court
J. C. Bradley 28.60
H. Peckover 1 29.00
R. L. Greaves 28.60
James Chapman 2.60
Mrs. M. E. Church 2.40
W. A. Long 28.60
A. J. Walker 30.20
S. C. Ross . 29.20
W. H. Critser 29.20
G. R. Woodle 34.60
Jennie Robertson 2.20
Robt. Robinson 2.20
D. E. Frost -2.00
Hannah Bagby 6.00
J. R. Kelso 3.60
Josephine Gerhardt 5.00
Marian Hoffman 5.00
Esther Gibson 6.00
' 6.00
. 2.00
Justice of the Peace
N, O. Say
John N. Sievers
D. E. Frost
Isabella Portouw
Mrs. E. F. Portouw
Arthur King
Mrs. A. S. Robertson-
Eugene Hafer
Mrs. M. E. Church
Mrs. E. B. Andrews
J. W. Swafford
Miller-Parker Co
Dr. M. C. Strickland
Wm. J. Wilson
' Surveyor
Bud Thompson ....
H. H. Johnson
D. T. Meldrum
Paul Dunn
M. F. McCown
Harry Gray
Dr. J. W. Norris .
Miller-Parker Co
Western Union Tel. Co
Hugh S. Mount ..
Dr. J. W. Norris
Mrs. Lillian Glenn ...
Dr. M. C. Strickland
Dr. J. W. Powell
Supt. of Schools
J. E. Calavan
D. E. Frost
H. M. James
Mrs. E. C. Shaw
E. Calavan
Brenton Vedder
James Adkins Lmbre. Co. ...
A. 0. Freel
Mrs. H, L. Hull
H. Peckover
Board of Health
The Estacada Pharmacy
Clarke Woodward Drug Co.
J. A. Can Brakle
Wm. J. Wilson .--
Fruit Inspector
O. E. Freytag :
Stock Inspector
Gus Wilson
Wm. Metier -.
W. .S. Eddy ,.
Indigent Soldier
Meade Post No. 2 G. A. R. ..
. 65.00
County Poor
A. W. Cheney
Oregon City Hospital
Farr Bros
F. T. Barlow
Board of Water Com
Jos. E. Hedges
Oregon Com. Co
Oregon City Hospital
V. Harris
O. Wissinger
Dennis Donovan
Mrs. T. L. Smith
K. Gregerson
H. F. Padgham
Kellers Grocery
L. Adams
Geo. Reddaway
Geo. Van Orthwick
Dunning and McEntee
C. J. Bentley
Electric Hotel
Frank Hopp Adm
The C. C. Store
Fred Clack
Roswell L. Holman
Dunning and McEntee
Lewis E. Evans
O. P. Overton .
Ambulance Service Co.
St. Vincent's Hospital
Mrs. Mount and Mount
Wm. Danforth
David E. Jones
W. T. Gardner .
Mrs. Bradtl
J. W. S. Owens
Sam Booher
Dock Mosier
Mrs. Jessie Allen
Paton Home
L. C. Confer
Virgil Cooper
A. L. Reed
Claude Conser
Ruben Peterson
Edna D'Tondt
George Schaber
C. L. Thomas
Bessie Hafer .
Eugene Hafer
Thomas Kelly
James Kelly
Geo. A. Thatcher ....
J. H. Watts
A. O. Johnson
Leroy Weir
Frank Ervin
Owen Walsh ...
Lillie Stutz
Gertrude Schwock
John L. Cameron
C. H. Meissner
Mrs. M. E. Church
Ira Belle Robertson
Evelyn Pike
Leona Torrance
Sophie Mueller
E. L. Kellogg
Oscar Woodfin
Delia Woodfin
Bessie Saunders
E. J. Daulton
C. K. Quinn
Pterce Wright
County Court
J. W. Smith
W. H. Mattoon
A. J. Rosenthal
Mary Buol
Peter Erickson
Sarah Gibbons
Ella Payne
Henry Spiess
W .W. Everhart
W. J. Moldenhauer .'.
Louise Ballou
Matilda Carlisle .
S. Ensley
Mrs. Golber
Harry Cooper
Kate Gardner
V. Harris
E. T. Mas3
Juvenile' Court
Minda E. Church
D. E. Frost
Wild Animal Bounty
Tom Scott 10.00
N. W. McMillen 15.00
E. Clakins 22.00
Tax Rebate
H. M. Courtwright 84.06
Thomas Patterson 4.72
R. F. Waters 13.20
Printing and Advertising
Oregon City Courier 77.35
Oregon City Enterprise 200.85
Tax Department.
J. A. Tufts 55.00
Alice Dwiggins 60.00
E. C. Hackett 75.00
Alberta Dunn 60.00
Forest Fires
State Treasurer 269.80
In the matter of the town p at of
Clifford's Addition to Molalla; or
dered that said town plat be and is
In the matter of the HL-am Jack
son road; report of viewers read
firs and second time, remonstrances
denied and road ordered opened.
In the matter of the Palmer road;
ordered opened.
In the matter of the Pendleton
road; ordered opened.
In the matter of the Mack road;
ordered dismissed on adverse report
of viewers.
In the matter of the Botkin road;
ordered opened.
In the matter of the petiion of J. T.
Whalley and others to change road
No. 26 to a 40 foot road; ordered that
said petition be and is granted.t
In the matter of the Engstroi..
road; ordered open.
In the matter of the petition of M.
F. McCown and others for a county
road; report of County Surveyor fil
ed and time for hearing fixed at 10:30
A. M. July 3rd, 1914.
In the matter of the W. F. Young
lioad; ordered continued.
In the matter of the petition of
Charles Oglesby for a road; resolu
tion passed directing Surveyor to
make an examination.
In the matter of the resignation of
Solon Kinzer as Justice of the Peace;
ordered that said resignation be and
is acceped, and that John Owings be
appointed to fill the term.
In the matter of the petition of F.
J. Hulbert to remit interest and pen
alty; ordered thai said interest and
penalty be remitted.
In the matter of the claim of Wm.
Metier for indemnity for slaughter of
diseased cattle; ordered that warrant
issue to said claimant for $50.00.
In the matter of the claim of Gus
Wilson for indemnity for slaughter of
diseased cattle; ordered that warrant
issue to said claimant for $12.50.
In the matter of the petition of D.
H. Watts for a county road; ordered
dismissed on adverse report of Sur
In the matter of the claim of
Thomas Patterson for tax rebate; or
dered that warrant issue to said
In the matter of the claim of R.
F. Walters for tax rebate; ordered!
tnat warrant issue w saiu cmiinanu
for $13.20.
In the matter of the petition of le
gal voters of Maple Lane for spec
ial election to vote on stock running
at large; ordered that a special elec
tion be held in Maple Lane precinct
to vote on stock running at large in
said precinct.
For the matter of the petition of
G. A. Schuebe 1 and others for a
county road; resolution passed direct
ing County Surveyor to make an ex
amination.'- ,
In the matter of the Baldwin road;
ordered opened.
In the matter of the claim of H. E.
Courtwright for rebate on delinquent
certificates; warrant ordered for said
claimant in the sum of $72.06.
In the matter of the plans and
specifications for the Barton and Mo
lalla Bridges; ordered that said
plans be and is hereby approved
In the matter of bids for construc
tion of Bear Creek Bridge; ordered
that all bids be rejected and the
clerk advertise for bias to be opened
July 10th, 1914.
In the matter of bids for improve
ment of the Oregon City and New
Era road near the Lazelle place;
Henry Cromer being the lowest bid
der, the contract was awarded to said
The Insurance Man .
Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In
8urance. Dwelling House Insur.
ance a specialty.
All Work Guaranteed
Prices The Lowest
416 Water St. Oregon CiLy
Neither Palnl nor VamUk bat both
Stop Ux'u! AfpTc'd irhi B1
50c per gallon in Quantities
?. 0. Z.z.:Z Oakland, CJ.
In the County Court of the State of
Uregon lor tne uounty oi iacK
amas. In the matter of the Estate of Mi
chael Hartmann, deceased.
To Ulrich Hartmann, Silvester Hart
mann and Caecilia Hartmann:
In fchA nnmA nf the State of Ore
gon, you, and each of you, are here
by cited, by order oi tne aoove en
titled court, and required to appear
before said court, at the Court Room
thereof in the County Court House
in Oregon City, Oregon, on Wedncs-
Aarr tho 1 Kth llnV Clf Julv. 1914. at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day, to show
cause if any you, or any of you, have
why an order should not be granted
the administrator, Chris Hartmann,
of the above entitled estate,, author
;;i inoti-notino- or emoowerinar
said ' adminisrator to sell the real
property thereof, which real pro
perty is described in tne petition, ami
;a Vior-oinnftpr described, and said
property should not be sold, as pray-
ea ior in tne jjbi.ii.xuu,
The property thus described is in
r.nuntv. Oregon, and is
described as follows, to-wit;
Being a part or tne unaries wanc
er Donation Land Claim No. 43 and
lvinfr in Sections 2 and 3 Township
! .,tV, nf Poncrp 2 Kast of thfi Wil-
lamette Meridian.-Beginmng at p
stone in the east boundary line of
said Claim 43 North 32 dge. W. 15.45
chains from the reentrant corner
ii a qr Aotr 1fi min. W. 18.15
incite kj. uw - t --
chains to a point on the right bank
of Abernathy ureeit; mence n. o
30 min. W. 19.00 chains to the South
i j . lin nf tho Tf Rnhall tract:
thence North 82 deg. 55 mm. East
10.00 chains to tne aast oounuary
line of said Claim 43. Thence South
on j T?of fi fift r-Vinina tracing said
line to the place, of beginning, con-
taming 14.50 acres, more or less.
Except the right of way for public
travel along the said Easterly Claim
line on a strip 35 feet wide.
Witness my hand and the seal of
the above entitled court affixed this
3rd day of June, 1914.
W. Li. lviuivey, uuunij uiom.
By E. T. Quinn, Deputy.
Administrator's Notice
Tt: ,n UnW orivnn that Eliza-
rNuwcc ia & - , ,
haa hppn dulv at)DOintea
by the County Court, State of Ore
gon, Administratrix oi me "
F. M. Glover, deceased, and that all
plaimo against said
estate may present them duly veri-
nea, to saia uiiueiaifc'icu n.-
fice of C. D. and D. C. Latourette,
cv,.., r.ifu Cirp.cran. on or before
six months from the date hereof.
Dated June 8, 1914.
Elizabeth Glover
Notice is herebv eiven that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the county court of the state of Ore
gon ior Clackamas county, adminis
trator of the estate of J. E. Hooley,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby requir
ed to present the same to me prop
erly verified as by law required, at
the office of J. F. Clark, Oregon City
Ore., within six months from the
date hereof.
Date of first publication, Thursday
June 11, 1914.
Administrator of the estate of J. E.
Hooley, deceased.
J. F. Clark, Attorney for Administra
tor. -
Administrators Notice
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon ior the County of Clacka
mas. Estate of Eunice P. Ballou deceased.
Notice is hereby riven that the
undersigned as administrator of the
estate of Eunice P. Ballou, deceased,
has hied his final account in. the boun
ty Court of the State ofOregon for
the County of Clackamas, and that
Monday, the 20th day of July 1914, at
the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day and the Court room of
said Court nas been appointed by said
Court as the time and place for the
hearinir of obiections thereto ana tne
settlement thereof.
Dated and first published June 18,
Administrator of the .state of Eunice
P. Ballou, deceased.
W. D. Freeman, 722 Cham, of Com.
Portland. Oregon, Attorney.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County oi uacK-
a ma a
William P. Haynes, Plaintiff,
Eva R. Havnes. Defendant.
To Eva R. Haynes, the above named
i fv,o noma nf tViB State of Ore-
All Wis num.. -'
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear ana answer tne cuiiipmini, u
against you in the above entitled
suit on or beore the 3rd day of July
1914, and if you fail to appear or
answer plaintiff will apply to the
-f fV,o voliof nraved for in his
complaint, to-wit: a decree dissolving
. i .l. I-.! ti..nfnfnwi
the Donas OI mauimuny iicicwiuit
nj nvlofinir hfit.ween nlaintltT
and defendant, and for such other and
further relief as to tne ourt may
seem iust and equitable.
This summons is made upon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
H. S. Anderson, judge, made on the
14th day of May, 1914, directing such
publication in the Oregon City Cour
ier once a week for six consecutive
weeks, the first publication being
made on the 21st day of May, 1914,
and the last publication on the 2d day
of July, 1914.
Robert H. Down
Plaintiff's Attorney, 512-513 Hen
ry Bldg., Portland, Ore.
In the County Court of the State of
. Uregon, lor tne county oi iuch
amas. .
In the matter of the estate of Chris
tian Fisher, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been, by order of
the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, appointed
Administratrix of the estate of Chris
ian Fisher, deceased. All persona
having claims against said estate or
said deceased, are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified as by
law provided, at the office of my At
torneys, Dimick & Dimick, Oregon
.!. n.IfViin aSv mnnfki fl-ntvl
the date of the first publication of
mis notice.
Daed and first published June 4th,
Flora Fisher,
Administratrix of the estate of
ChrintiaTi Fisher, deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for
Catherine A. Sax Estate.
Notice is hereby gievn that the
undersigned, as executor of the Es
tate of Catherine A. Sax, deceased,
has filed his final account in the
County Court of the State of Ore.
gon for Clackamas County, and that
Monday the 29th day of June, 1914,
at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day, in the Court
room of said Court, has been ap.
pointed by said Court as the time
and place for the hearing of objec.
tions thereto and the settlement
Dated and first published May 28,
Frank E. Sax, Executor
George F. Brice, A.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. M. Rothrock, Plaintiff,
C. Rothrock, Defendant.
To C. Rothrock, the above named
In the name of the state of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
aeainst you in the above entitled
Court within six weeks after the
date of the first publication of this
summons, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, for want thereof,
the Plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree of abso
lute divorce from the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between you and
the plaintiff.
This summons is published in pur
suance to an order of the honorable
H. S. Anderson, Judge of the County
Court, made and entered on the 19th
day of May, 1914.
Late of first publication May zl,
1914. Date of last publication July
2, 1914.
Seitz and Clark,
Attorneys for Plaintiff."'
Alvin T. Schmale Estate
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate ot Alvin 1.
Schmale deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County, and has qualified.
All persons having: claims acramst
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to me at office of Coun
ty Clerk in Oregon City at Court
House, Oregon City, Oregon, with
proper vouchers and duly verified
within six montns from tne date
Dated and first published May 28,
A. W. Schmale, administrator es
tate of Alvin T. Schmale deceased.
W. S. Ward, attorney, 210 Alisky
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. R. H. Lampman, Plaintiff,
Louise E. Lampman, Defendant.
To Louise Lampman
In the name of the State of Oregon
vou are herebv reciuired to appear
and answer the complaint filed again
st vou in the above entitled suit on
or before six weeks after the first
publication of this summons, to-wit:
The 24th day of July, 1914, and if you
fail to appear and answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in said
suit, as follows:
For a decree dissolving tne bonus
of matrimony between you and the
plaintiff and for such otner ana
further relief as to this Honorable
Court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is published pursu
ant to an order made by the Honor
able J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackams on the ltn
day of June, 1914.
Th date of the first nublication
of this summons being June 18, 1914
and the date of the last publication
being July 23rd, 1914.
U Ken ei ocnueuei,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas ounty.
Addis Calkir.s, Plaintiff,
0Ji T PolUno TWnnflHT.t..
To Sadie I. Calkins, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore-
nva Innvnhv VOPnllirpd to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court within six weens alter tne uuwj
of the first publication of this sum-
J if full tn sn nnnear
and answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the Lourt ior
the relief demanded in his complaint
f ,.Mf . Cnr a rlpcrpfl nf absolute dl-
vorce from the bonds of matrimony
now existing between you ana pmm-
liff- . . . , , , .
This summons is published in pur
n,.nna in un ni-ilor nf Tfnnorable H. S.
suaiitc v.m". -
. . i, il. . .... r,,..f
Anderson, juuge oi tne vouiay
made and entered on the 18th day of
May, 1914. , n
rSofn nf firot TiiiM i m tinn Mav 21
V- iuv u '
1914. Date of last publication July
I, iai4.
ilobert Scoular,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County or uacK
Frank Bogue, Plaintiff,
Mary Ella Bogue, Defendant,
To Mary Ella Bogue, the above nam
, , nfntlr (int
in tVto nflmo nf t.hft State of Ore-
-T- v ,
pear anu answer ine compiuiiii incu
.4- i.aii 'tn fVia oKnvo PnHtlorl Stilt
on or before the 17th day of July,
1914, said date beinpr auer me ex
piration of six weeks from the first
n.,Uinnfi.M nf Viio anmmnnH. and if
you fail to so appear and answer said
complaint, tor want inreui
i;,iflr mill onnlu th Court for
the relief prayed for in his complaint,
to-wit: ror a aecree uishuivimb me
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant. ,
This summons is served upon vou
by publication by order of the Hon.
J. U. Campbell, judge of the above
entitled court, which order was made
and entered on the 2nd day of June,
1914. and the time prescribed for
publication thereof is six successive
welc s .
Date of first publication June 4th,
1914. , , ,
Date of last publication July 1(5,
Johnson & Mathews,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
Theodore Schmale Esate
Notice is hereby given that the
ujiuerBigiieu nas oeen appointed aa
ministrator of the estate oi Theo
dore Schmale deceased, bv the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
oiackamas Uounty, and lias quali
fied. All persons having claims
against said estate are herebv no
tified to present the same to me at
otlice of County Clerk at Court House
Oregon City, Oregon, with proper
vouchers and duly verified within six
month from the date hereof.
Dated and first published June 4,
A. W. Schmale,
Administrator estate of Theodore
Schmale, deceased.
W. S. Ward, Attornev. 210 Alis
ky Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. Agness Garton, Plaintiff,
Emory Garton, Defendant.
To Emory Garton, defendant.
tn the name ot the State of ure
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the 4th day of
June, 1914, the date of the first pub
lication of this Summons, and if you
fail to appear and answer, plaintiff
will annlv to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wit:
a decree dissolving the bonds of ma
trimony now and heretofore existing
between plaintiff and defendant; for
the custody of their minor child, Ar
thur, and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem iust
and equitable.
Service of this summons is maae
upon you by publication, pursuant to
an order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the County of Clackamas, Oregon,
made on the 1st day of June 1914, di
recting such publication in the Ore
gon City Courier once a week for six
snrrpssive weeks, the first publica
tion being'on the 4th day of June,
1914. Last publication July 10, mi.
Fliedner, Hall & ureenneia
Attorneys for plaintiff.
707-8-9 Selling Bldg., Portland,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County oi uacK-
Dorothy Stovall, Plaintiff,
rKovIno Stnvnll TWendant.
To Charles Stovall the above named
Tn thn name of the state of Ore-
rmn vnn am ViBrehv renuired to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in tne aoove enuneu
fnnrf vo'itViin rix weeks after the
date of the first publication of this
summons, and if you fail to so ap
pear and -answer, for want thereof,
the I'laintitt win appiy to tne wun
fni- ttio rplipf rlpmanded in the com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree of abso
lute divorce from tne oonas oi mat
rimony now existing between you
and the plaintiff.
This summons is puousneu in pur
suance to an order" of the honorable
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, made and entered on the 6th
day of June, 1914.
Date of first publication June n,
1914. Date of last publication July
23, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon State Highway Commission
Clackamas County Notice to
Rpnlpd nrnnosals. addressed to the
County Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, and endorsed "propsals for
constructing steel priaes in iucn-
amas County, Uregon, over tne
Clackamas river, near the town oi
JJarton and over tne woiana iviver,
near the town of Molalla" will be
i-pfpivorl lw t.ha Countv Court of
Clackamas County at its office in the
court house Oregon Uty, uregon,
until 10 o'clock A. M. on the first
rio nf .Tnlw 1914. and at that time
and place will be publicly opened
and read.
All proposals must he made upon
blank form to be obtained from the
County Clerk at his office at the
Court House, uregon city, uregon;
must give the prices proposed, both
in writinc an.) fis-ures: must be
signed by the bidder, with his ad-
li,l ia in ha i.i'pspnted under
J . I. 1 1 u.u " ww
sealed cover and shall be accompan
iorl cnuh n liirldnr's bond made
payable to the County Judge of
Clackamas uounty, or a certuieu
check made payable to the County
cinrlf nf r.li-kamaR Countv. for an
amount equal to at least five per cent
... ... i . L!.l U.
of the amount Diu, ana no uiu snun us
considered unless such casn, Dona or
.v,oi.ir ia oYiclnuurl t.hp.mwith. Such bid
der's bond shall be conditioned that if
said bid be accepted the party bidding
will duly enter into ana execute tne
contract. Should the successful bid
the. contract is awarded
fail to execute the same within ten
days (not including bunday) from
the date of the mailing of the notice
frnm thfi Countv Court to him. ac
cording to the address therewith
given, that the contract is reaay ior
signature, such cash, bond or certi
fied check shall be forfeited to
Clackamas County, and the same
shall be the property of the County.
All other cash, bonds and certified
checks will be returned to the unsuc
cessful bidders who submitted the
A corporate surety bond will be
required for the faithful perform
ance of the contract in a sum equal
to one-half of the total amount of the
Plans may be seen and forms of
specifications and contract may be
obtained at the County Clerk's of
fice, Court house, Oregon City, Ore
The right is reserved to reject any
or all proposals or to accept the pro1
posal or proposals deemed best for
Clackamas Countv.
County Judge.
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
State Highway Engineer.
County Clerk Clackamas County.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon,
June 4, 1914.
Children Cry
Made Famous by Napoleon, the Island
Appears to Be Doomed.
When the great French emperor died
In exile In 1821 there was probably a
wish burled deep In his Corslcan heart
that the Island which bad been the
scene of his humiliation might be
wiped from the face of the seas.
Whether or no such a curse was ever
cast npoB the Island, It Is certain that
St Helena Is doomed If not to extinc
tion at least to become an uninhabit
able rock. With the advent of steam
navigation the island ceased to be a
regular port of call, so that its always
scanty exports dwindled almost to tie
vanishing point; plagues of insects de
stroyed its vegetation; rats, brought
thither by foreign vessels, multiplied
and overran its soil until the govern
ment was compelled to offer a bounty
of a penny for every rodent captured.
Then the English gurrlson, which had
been practically the sole source of In
come to the Inhabitants, was with
drawn, and the needs of the natives
became desperate.
Then, as if this series of misfortunes
was not enough, the termite that
curse of tropical and semltroplcal coun
tries Invaded, the island and will un
less controlled reduce the city of
Jamestown to a pulp of sawdust. New
York Independent
Real Estate, Insurance, and Loans
Courier Office
If you want to buy or sell aee Mc
Donald and Van Auken. They hunt
buyers, they advertise your prop
on the Columbia Beach is located in
Clatsop County, Oregon, 4 miles
south of the Columbia river. A
glance at the map will show you that
Columbia Beach is the Seaside Re
sort most accessible to Portland and
all other cities of the Northwest. The
sands of the beach are firm, white
and clean. There is a magnificent
view. 6 miles from Fort Stevens.
Clams and sea crabs are abundant.
Fine surf for bathing, good fishing.
Lots sell from $35.00 dollars to
$300.00. For further particulars see
Macdonald and Van Auken, Courier '
For Sale
house in Coquille. Small barn and
chicken house. Plenty of fruit. Will
trade for Clackamas farm land.
Macdonald and Van Auken.
Portland property to trade for
Clackamas County farm land. See
MacDonald & VanAuken.
Several splendid Gladstone proper
tys for sale. Terms reasonable Come
in and we will tell you all about them.
40 acres, $3,500.00; 1-2 acre Falls
View, $500.00; New 7-room House,
Gladstone, $3,000.00; 160 acres Wash
ington wheat land, $4,000.00; Board
ing house, Canby, trade, 1-2 for farm,
city coast property $8,000.00; 240
acres , will divide, cultivated, $75.00
an acre. 80 acres, 30 acres clear, 8
miles out, $4,800.00.
For Sale
205 acres, 22 acres clear, good or
chard, good stock or dairy ranch near
Coquille, Oregon. Price $7,000.
Trade for Clackamas County or Mar
ion farm property. Macdonald and
Van Auken.
240 acres, 11 miles from Oregon
City, Cultivated, 40 a.res in crop, 15
head of cattle, 4 head of horses, some
chickens. P'arm machinery and tools.
Rigs, wagons, etc. All goes in at
$100.00 an acre. All land can be cul
tivated. Will trade in 80 acre farm
at $100 an acre as part payment.
Must be closer in and stocked.
21 acres; 2 miles from Oregon
City. New 4 room house Fino Black
1,0am Soil. 20 acres in cultivation.
$6,700.00; $1000 down. In 5 acre
tracts. $300.00 an acre; $50.00 down
Balance at 6 per cent.
MacDonald & VaH, Auken
Why Take Chances?
Clackamas County real estate is a
sure thing. We have all kinds of
farms, lots, acreage and homes for
sale, and some for trade. MacDon
ald and Van Auken.
Some Samples
10-20-30-40 or 80 acres for sale
within 3 miles of Oregon City. $100
an acre. Land within a fourth mile
sells for $800 to $1,000 an acre.
Lots $45 to $18,000 all in Oregon
City or vicinity.
One acre; 5-room bungalow, new.
Beautiful place. Not finished, for
$850.00, Will take team in on deal.
S300 will handle $700 equity in 13
acres on W. V. S. R. R. one mile out
from Oregon City. 60 acres sold to
R. R. company for $12,000 across
from this.
$3,500 stock trade for city or farm
For Sale
10 acres, 4 miles from Oregon
City on the Abernethy Road; lays
nice. 1,000 cords of wood. Will
trade for Oregon City property.
Equity $1,500; mortgage $1,000.
Macdonald and Van Auken.
In Oregon City
6 room house, 4 lots, 60 x 100 each.
300 chickens, some young fruit trees.
First class location, and absolutely
clear of incumbrance of any kind.
$900, $500 balance terms,
House in Eugene. Trade for Ore
gon City farm or city property Mac
Donald and VanAuken.
2 houses in Cottage Grove. Trado
for Oregon City property. Macdon
ald and Van Auken.
80 acres, Wisconsin, first class
soil. Trade for house and lot, West
Linn or Oregon City. Macdonald
and Van Auken.
Trades large, trades small, trades
for everybody. We buy, sell or
trade. Macdonald and Van Auken.
For Sale
23 acres, 9 miles out at Redlands.
First class new hjuse, cost $1,000.
Good barn. Excellent red shot soil,
none better; 15 acres in cultivation.
Balance easily cleared. This is a
sure thing at our price, $4,000. Will
trade part Orpgon Citv property.
Macdonald and Van Auken.