Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 25, 1914, Image 6

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Free Delivery To AH Part of Oregon City
Bears the
8:30 A. M.
AT 9 A. M.
The Most in Value
The Best in Quality
Telephones Home, A 2H2 Pacific; Marshall, 5080
5:30 P .M.
AT 6 P. M. s
We Have Decided To Continue Our
Great Sale of " Mary Jane " Pumps
In Patent Leather-Also Silk and Velvet, Dull Kid and Gunmetal CO AO
Pumps-Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Lines Specially Priced, the Pair JZ.'f 0
No woman or young lady should purchase Summer foot-wear without first inspecting the unusual val
ues we are offering in our busy Basement Shoe Department. This sale of the popular "Mary Jane"
and other new style pumps, is worthy of your best attention. It is a special underpriced purchase
of 500 pairs, including the new broad round-toe lasts, and with extra wide grosgrain ribbon bow and
very short vamp; also one and two-strap styles in silk, velvet, patent kid, dull kid and gunmetal, as
well as a fine lot of velvet and patent Colonial pumps with steel buckle. All sizes andj Aft
widths. Regular $3.00 and $3.50 lines, priced for this sale at only 9faB4o
Deep Price Cut in Boys' Moccasins-Two Hundred Pairs on sale
at.the pair
included are all sizes lor boys in numbers up to 5 Ms, and many Sizes for men in numbers 6 to 9. They
are made of heavy calfskin, and are linen stitched. At this sale we reserve right not to make exchang
es they're not guaranteed.
Closing-OutSale of Men's Shoes - Regular $4 and $4.50 qualities for $2.?9
Uur entire stock of several popular styles in Patent Colt, Velour, Kid, Kangaroo and Box,
Calf, sizes 6, 6V2 and 7 only; regular $4.00 and $4.50 values
Decided Underpricing of Dainty Scrim and Marquisette Curtains
Housekeepers who can arrange to attend this sale will find ti to be a very profitable opportunity to se
cure desirable window coverings. It is a special underpricing of odd lots and broken lines in Scrim
and Marquisette two to six pairs of a kind in hem-stitched and lace edge styles or with inserting.
They come in white, cream and ecru and in generous widths. All are full 2'A yards long. Come
early and have the advantage of first choice from $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 qualities at, A Q
the pair JQj
Another Important Offering A Sale of White and Ecrtf Scrim Curtains, OQn
Neat Styles, With Either Lace Edges or InsertionEReg. $J Grade, pair
At this important price reduction you have choice from a splendid lot of Scrim Curtains in whitts and
with lace inserting.
They come full 36 inches wide and 2 Mi yards long and are shown with lace edge or CQA
They are the kind regularly sold at $1 a pair priced this sale at, pait
J 00 Baby Blankets Our Rej?a- Ofl.
lar 50c Grade, Special at Only J Ju
Another underpriced attraction for tomorrow's Bale
100 fine Baby Blankets of good size and quality,
shown in pretty styles in checks, plaids, and figures
in pink, grey, and blue colorings the best nn
60c grade priced for this sale at 0C
We are now showing a very fine line of the popular
Canvas Hammocks that trood. durable kind so dn-
sirable for outing use. Four good styles o Cft
to select from at $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, and Vt..J
z jJoen feather Pillows, 50c Ofln
Grade, Priced for This Sale at JUw
A special purchase and sale of 12 dozen Feather Pil
lows, 16 by 23 inches just the thing for outing
use, to use in your hammock, or at the beach cot
tage. They are covered with fancy art ticking in
patterns of many colors. Best 50c grade
A closing out sale of about 120 Fringed Tapestry
Aim quarter size, neat patterns in
green, red and brown colorings best 60c
values, this sale at 25c
We are putting out a large number of our latest
arr'wuls of Ladies Suits running, at regular prices
from $22.50 to $28.50. To move these goods
quickly we shall offer them for a short n cn
time only, at the special price of . . $ 1 . Ju
Special Bargains in Summer Dress
Goods are now offered at our June
Adams' Department
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Attorneys at Law
Will practice in all oourta, make
collections and settlements of es
tates, furnish abstracts of title,
and lend you money, or lend your
money on first mortgage. Office
In EnterprlM Bldfl., Oregon City.
Dr. L. G. ICE
Beaver Building ' Oregon City
Phones Paolflo, 1221. Home A 1$
This matter must not bo reprinted with
out special permission.
The reputation of the family dog, as
well an of the boy, Is to qulto un ex
tent aotorunned by where he spends
his nights.
Sunflower seed not only make a
Bpleudid ration for poultry, -but tbo
rank growing plants furnish much
needed shade In the poultry yard, If uo
other shade Is provided.
Hi Hi' 1 1 H"' 7 " HX&U
8ore Lungs and a Dry
Hacking Cough can be .
relieved by using
Its effect In the lungs Is
soothing and healing, very
gratifying to those who are
racked by a painful cough. Re
lieves tightness, loosens
phlegm, clears the voice of
hoarseness and quiets all irri
tated conditions, so that the
sleep Is no longer disturbed at
Price 25c, BOc and Sl.OO.
Buy the f 1.00 size. It con
tains five times as much as the
25c size, and you get with each
bottle a Dr. Herrlck's Red Pep
per Porous Plaster for the chest.
JamesF.Ballard.Prop. St.Loul,Mo.
Get the Molting Over Quickly
Molting time is lost time there are no eggs wun wnicn
to pay the feed bills.
et it over Feed a good full ration and be sure to include
pfgtts, Poultry Regulator
26c pksra. to 25 lb. pail at $2.60.
K a gentle, Invigorating tonic juet what the hem need.
. Pratt. Lice Killer 25c. to $1.00
and all Pratt Products are guaranteed mtlaf action or
. money back.
Sold and guaranteed by Larsen & Co
Stephens Eye Salve Is a healing
ointment tor sore tyes.
Jones Drug (Jo., Oregon City.
A good many gardeners are wonder
lug whether this will be a potato bug
season. For some reason not apparent
on the surface there were very few
bugs last year, a condition which was
greatly appreciated.
By planting early medium and late
maturing varieties of corn, and then
following with plantings of late corn
at Intervals of a couple of weeks, the
table may be kept supplied with this
cnoice vegetable until frost time next
Where sour or butter milk can be had
It should form a continuous portion of
the ration for the laying hens. It not
only furnishes a supply of needed pro
tein, out tne lactic acid tends to keep
tne fowls' systems In an excellent con
An egg eating dog may be cured of
the habit by opening one end of an egg
una stirring in a small quantity of red
pepper. The hole should be sen led hv
sticking on a piece of mucilaeed Daner.
One dose of this kind is plenty for the
average aog.
Too much corn and too little exercise
Is the reason for the small egg produc
tion of a good many flocks. Wheat
and bran, sour milk and meat scraps
should take the place of the corn, and
the hens should be made to scratch
for all their grain.
In the locality In which the writer
lives a great many folks between the
ages of thirty and sixty are having the
mumps. Just why these people did not
take advantage of their childhood op
portunities along this line it would be
Interesting to know.
It Is to be hoped that the time will
soon come when, there will be a law
forbidding the adulteration of turpen
tine and linseed oil, as there is now a
federal law prohibiting the adultera
tion of maple sirup. The consumer Is
entitled to the protection of the law.
In the writer's home state a law gov
erning the capacity of berry boxes Is
in force this season. It was nassed a
year ago, but the berry growers and
dealers were given a reasonable time
in which to conform to the terms of
the new law. Henceforth consumers
of berries won't be Davinc so much
per square Inch for the air space be
neath the raised bottoms of the boxes.
In cases not a few the value of a
horse is reduced from 20 to SO per cent
because of Its havlne noor feet, with
this consideration so important, It Is
wen to have the co t's feet looked after
by a competent horseman If one Is tint
qualified to attend to the matter him
self. Often the simple trimming of the
noors at the right time makes the dif
ference between good and bad feet In
the three-year-old.
The life of leather shoes denenrta
upon the quality of the leather, hut
even more upon the care clven them.
Damp shoes should never be nlarert
near a Are, but allowed to dry gradual
ly. Dry paper or oats placed Inside
tue shoes will remove much of the
dampness during the night. Liquid
pa mill n rubbed on boots or shoes that
nave beeu hardened bv danmness will
moke them soft and pliable.
v Sheriff's Sale
In the Circuit 'Court of the State of
Oregon- for the County of Clackamas.
A. E. Alspaugh, Plaintiff,
' . vs.
F. J. Lazarus and Caroline Laz
arus, his wife, I. Peterson, J. E.
Smith. Carrie Mar-TCrMI onH r. r
MacKrill, her husband, Defend
ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, S.
Bv virtue nf a furl 1Y ft TY1 Silt
H jMugwmwilV ViUCl)
decree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the
above entitled court, in the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the IKth rlnv nf .Tuna 1Q11 nn.
on a judgement rendered and entered
in said court on the 1st day of May,
1914, in favor of A. E. Alspaugh,
Plaintiff, anrl ao-ninor. P1 T Tavovno
! ....... w . U UM,C UO
and Caroline Lazarus. Defendants.
for the sum ef $300.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per
annum from the Sir! Aav TW
1912, together with interest on the
sum ox ifiou.uu irom Sept. 24th, 1912,
tO Dec 3. 1919 at. 7 npivenr noi- onr,m
and the further sum of $100.00, as at
torney s lee, and tne lurther sum of
$27.25 costs and disbursements, and
the COSts of anrl unnn this writ. rr,m.
mandino- me to make onto nf
following described real property, sit-
State of OrPfrnn tn.wif. Vtoninninn. oH
a point in the center of the County
road, 102 rods West of the Northeast
corner nf .Tnhn R. P.hilHo TWiatin
Land Claim Not. No. 7513, Claim No.
44, and running thence 29 degrees
West. Mnvt.h 7 rnrla in nanfai. nf
County road; thence West 23 rods;
thence South 19 rods, and 7 feet to
the north line of the A. C. Mowrey R.
said right of way 26 rods; thence
VT il. . I . . . .. i i
iNonn roos to center oi uounty
road, the place of beginning, being
in Sertinn K. T. S R R 4 Pi.. Wills.
mette Meridian, Clackamas County,
Uregon, and containing 3 acres.
Mfur Tliflt.flffti'O r rii-tiia rtf oaiA
execution, judgement order and de-
rmmmanHo nf oaiH writ T will nn
Satnrlcur tVio 1 Stli .wgv'nf Tnlir of
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the
front door of the County Court
Unnco in ViA P.itw nf Civarrnn P.itv
in said County and State, sell at pub
lic auction, suDject to reaempwon, to
the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin
jr. 1,., r! oil , T.itif tltla inJ
vaDii 114 iiuiiu, nil biic iiguv, wmv tuvi
interest which the within named de
fendants, or either of them, had on
the date of the mortgage herein or
OH11.C 11C1U 111 11 VV 1.111? HUV.V UbaVl'UbU
real property or any part thereof, to
sausiy suiu eAecuuuu, juugeiueiii. ui-
der, decree, interests, costs and all ac
cruing cost.
E. T. Mass,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
By B. J. Staats, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June
18th, 1914.
For Furniture
Stoves and Ranges, Shelf Hardware, Kitchen Sup
plies and Notions, SEE
7th and Madison Sts. "The Home Furnisher"
Cash Paid for Second Hand Furniture of All Kinds
The Next, SACK of FLOUR. You Buy Ask For
It is one of the best brands on the market and is
highest in everything but price.
We have recently remodeled the Union Mills, and
are better than ever . prepared for regular milling
business. We exchange for flour, chopping, and
carry a line of feed, graham flour, germ meal, Etc.
Experiments eoverlnar a nerlod of
years couducted by tbe Nebraska sta
tion along tbe line of conserving mois
ture In the soil sbow that the irrovvth
of weeds Is the greatest agency for the
loss of water from the soil. Prevent
ing weed growth was found to be more
important from the standpoint of stor
ing water In the soil than Its cultiva
tion to produce any kind of mulch. In
the experiments conducted n loose.
rough surface was found most effec
tive in tue retaluiug of soil moisture.
The troublesome crab irrass. whleh
Is doubly so because It is deep rooted
and flourishes In dry weather when
most other vegetation Is at a standstill.
is fortunately only nn annual and does
not live over the winter. Last season
the writer found he could control it
nicely in ills pntch of sweet corn by
cleaning the Held of it when the mm
was between waist and shoulder hle-h
The ground was so completely shaded
and the moisture so completely ab-
soroed by the corn roots that the grass
had no chance, lu the potato and bean
patch It Is necessary to keen thesronnd
i cioau auu irevout It irom going t seed
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack-
Samuel Sprecher, Plaintiff,
PuiViqaI ffnvopn.ov Hpf pnlnnt.
To Rachael Sm-echer. the above nam
ed Defendant:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
near and answer the comDlaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court within six weeks after the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to so appear
and answer, for want thereof, the
Plaintiff will apply to the Court for
fha noliof ilcmana in Ya nnmr a in t
to-wit: for a decree of absolute di
vorce from the bonds of matrimony
now existing between you and the
Tnla summnna ic nuKlicno In nni
suance to an order of the honorable
H S Anrlorcnn .Tnltro nf V10 Pnnnv
Court, made and entered on the 24th
aay ot June iui4.
Date of first publication June 25,
1914. Date of last nublication Aug
ust 6, 1914.
John Ditchburn,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In order to save yovt
Electric Bills Most be paid be
before tbe Otb of Montb
at our office--
6 1 7 Main St. Otegon City
We have ncmeroas Electrical Devices
on display in oar show room that you
will be interested in knowing about.
Portland Railway Light
& Power Co.
Phones Main 6688 and A-6I31
Always Lead to Better Health.
Serious sickness start in disord
ers of the stomach, liver and kidneys.
The best corrective and preventive is
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
purify the Blood Prevent Constipa
tion, keep Liver, Kidneys jnd Bow.
els in heatthy condition. Give you
better health hv ril,lini tho
of fermenting and gassy oods. Ef
fective and mild. 25c, at your Drug
gist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Uregon lor the County of Clackamas.
Lillian C. O'Reillv. Plaintiff.
P. 11 fyRoMlir TWontant
To P. H. O'Reilly, the above named
!In the name of the state of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in ine aoove entitled
Court within six weeks after the
(late of the first nuhlirat.inn nf tliia
summons, and if you fail to so ap-j
leur ana answer, ior want thereol,
the Plaintiff will apply to the Court
1914. Date nf Inst, nnlilinatiin An.
Dlaint. to-wit: fnr a nWroo nf alien.
lute divorce from the bonds of matri- :
monv now existing hetweon vnn anil I
the plaintiff. i
This summons is published in pur-1
SUance to Hn nrtlpr nf tVio Vi f-iirr Vila !
H. S. Anderson, Judge of the County '
Court, made and enteroH nn tho 9Jfh I
aay ot June, 1914.
Date of first publication June 25,
1914. Date of lastp ublication Aug
ust b 1914.
John Ditrhhnrn.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Fill this OuU It Will Pay You
Postoffice Address
1 live miles from , 0n road near
I have acres of land.
There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of
$ against the property due on 19l!.
I would like to borrow $ for years, giving this prop
erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm?
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor
row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your
farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to ut at
once. -
Aurora State Bank Building Aurora, Oregon
Price Today $ 1 086.00
MMA Hme Oregon City for $1,100.00 and the price reduced
$2 00 each day until sold. 6 room story and a half plastered house
with basement Lot sightly location, 4 blocks fromubHc library
9 bearing fruit trees, garden. Price to-day, $1,100.00, smaU p,7
ment down, balance on monthly payments of $10.00.
"The Realty Men"
8th and Main St, Oregon City, Oregon.
The Courier, Largest Circulation