OREGON CITY COURIER .THURSDAY JUNE 25, 1914. LnJ I I W,U UL ILTLl Li i 1 vy U IS THE VERDICT OF EVERYONE who has attended the gteat REMOVAL and ANNIVERSARY SALE of ELLIOTT BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE.-We ate determined that intetest shall not cease for one single moment.-Check op yotit List and COME! 7 MORE DAYS, ONLY, SEVEN! MEN'S SUITS I BOYS' SUITS MEN'S PANTS I MEN'S SHIRTS 1 ladies- tailored suits $12 50 to $15 ,it , r . er x C n n et i tf f . cn U Vogue Suits In blue, black, gray, white X.3UlOq3 With long PantS, $5 tO $6 M -A i 4 JODfeSSf Reg. $1 to $1.50 and tango colors, beautifully tailored, (hR ETf RCSf. $2.50 VZll. $K48 with Skinners Satin lining. These Suits H H. OlC - O L A 1 are the very latest, and simply nopret- Wj 0s'', Jv 9 p-a i dw XKl tier Suits ever shown. Only 25 of them . :Brfy.oW . :HroyQ ; Reg-.50 yal $1.98 031 Sfgaga" $12.50 MEN'S SUITS BOYS' SUITS SUSPENDERS SHIRTWAISTS LINEN SUITS $18.00 to $20.00 rals. 4 to 8 years Regalai 35c $1.50 to $2.50 1 2 of ttem, tegolat $6 , - Regolar$ 4.50 and $5 00 $7.50 and $9 $9.85 $1.98 18c 48c 83.48 One Piece Dresses LAWNS WOR.K SHIRTS Shoe Department M$SeSSeS TosSlfc' Jrf AU 50c and 65c Sh5rt-S Here is undoubtedly the greatest mass of Bargains Sl an C Cya on Earth in Shoes. Over three thousand pairs of till Cl I h if Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, and they are sold at less than an HJflo J 4 WWv average of 50 cents on the dollar. . Ladies' Vests Elk Hide Mocasins Ladies' Shoes BURSON HOSE I children's Hose KeguU?.0?l l3c ResuUrlfVso 50 P.i $3.00.0 W.50 Reglar 23c Regular 15c and 20c 5c 68c SL48 2c pair 9c Children's Mary Janes" Ladies Shoes Lad'e Oxfords MENS OXFORDS Men's Hank'fs $2.50 to $3.00 t3 to $4 REGULAR $2.25 , 75 PAIRS, REGULAR. $4.00 to $5 A (T Regular 1 0c and 15c - Button, Cloth Top, AH Leather Pat- ciut at t .tl AO 1 .4T8 . ass- $2.8 4C 9C 4c LADIES' WAISTS Summer Dress Goods . Mary Jahes children's oxfords iifc Gloves 2.00 TO 2.50 WhHe ana" Novelty 25 to 35c 2-strap, reg. $3.50 $1.75 to $2.00 Black and White Reg. 30c 78c 5C $i.98 J 48c I 35c Ladies' WaiStS Damask Childrens Oxfords Ladies Shoes MEN'S DRESS SHOES $2.50 to $3.50 " D f Cfi Regular 75 to $1.00 50 Paif "stfaP pattern $J-75 to $2. $2 50 to $3.50, sixes two and one half ttgUmt .0U it4 A tofoors SI.45 48c 48c 75c $1.98 Ladies Hkds. Sheets Misses' Oxfords BOYS' SHOES MENS DRESS SHOES Regular 25 to 35c 7290 Regda, 90 T$S? C4 StrZkof d? Batton and Lace, ,eg. $3 50 8c 72c 78C . 1 RC8$Sr $2.18 Ribbons CURTAIN SWISSES Pillow Cases ROMPERS Children's White - 500 yards, 25 to 35c Regular J 5c 3Jcto50c Canvas Oxfords ' Regular 30 & 35c A A f F Regular $1.30 5C 18 c He 25C 68c Ladies White Shoes Rain Coats Children's Shoes Misses White Men's Dtess 25 Pairs, Regular ,2.50 $7.50 to $15.00 sues 3 to 9, 'Tti Men's Gun Metal, Lace 9Q it u in now, My will need ttem. Reg. $.oo to s.50 and Button,' reg. $5.00 Ql $3.98 48c I 98c $2.98 mow Seventh at Madison, mo on The Hill Department Of OREGON CITY, OREGON