OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY JUNE 25, 1911. OREGON CITY COURIER JUST FRIGHT Published Thursdays from the Courier Building, Eighth and Main streets. and entered in the Postoffice at Oregon City, Ore., as 2d class mail matter ).:33. 3 IDT COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHER M. J. BROWN, A. E. FROST, OWNERS. Subscription Price $1.50. Telephones, Main 5-1; Home A 5- Official Paper for the Farmers Society of Equity of Clackamas Co M. J BR.OWN, EDITOR "POLLY WANTS A CRACKER." 'Steen minds with but a single thought are bobbing up in the editor ial columns of Oregon country news papers, and many editors who never expressed an opinion or took a stand on anything have just found out that Oregon is bound down and gagged with "freak" legislation, and that un less we become normal once more, and hike back to the old "system," Oregon will hit the chutes of ruin and disaster. Great minds sometimes run in the same channels, but thev don't buncn up like a flock of sheep and all bleat together. A master mind inspires this chor us of criticism, a master of the old- school, want-to-get-back bunch, and the parrot papers respond "Folly wants a cracker. The object is to fiirht U'Ren. The bunch is afraid of his chances for governor. Now get down to tacks. What is this "freak" legislation W. b. U Ken has put on Oregon' statute books? Show us the specific statutes. Point 'em out, one by one, and show the damage they are doing to Oregon. Come on with them. Drag them into this page of the Courier and let this paper help to advertise the per nicious measures. Oregon has a lot of fool laws, use less bunk, petty statutes, that the su preme court dumps overboard as fast as it gets to hem. But who is responsible for them? Fool legislators, petty statesmen peanut-headed, two-bit legislators. These are the people responsibl for Oregon's fool laws not W. U'Ren and his calibre of statesmen who are responsible for the "Oregon system," a system that such men as Governor Hughes of New York stumped that state on and held up to tne boss-ridden, money-controlled people as the true system of popular rule. ' Again we ask, show up the "freak" legislation or Oregon that has W, U'Ren's label on it. Come on' with SPECIFIC instances cut out the generalizing, nail them down and point out the fathers. When Oregon editors refuse to let the politicians think for them, such a weak-kneed conspiracy can t get by, DYNAMITE BY DIVINE RIGHT A Needy hop grower was in the Courier olfice Monday and he made the definite statements that both Withycombe and Smith were under stood by the crrowers to be wet can didates, and that the hop growers had passed a resolution that none who were for state-wide prohibition would be employeed in the hop fields wis year. As to the first statement. Dr. Smith will no doubt have to denounce or defend it before the campaign ends. , As to the last one, a resolution of record, we want to ask if it is not a violation of the constitution, if it is not intimidation, coercion, bribery, aim a vioiaiion oi ine corrupt prac tices act? mi. i . ine nop growers nave no more right to combine and refuse to give employment to temperance people than they have to discriminate against Catholics. It does not seem that the intelli gent farmers of the valley would have allowed the liquor interests to have carried them to this crisis, but coming direct trom one of them, we print it as we iret it. Certainly they could not have tak en a worse means to block their own play. BEAUTIFUL HOPE Straddles on the liquor question. Opposes power of governor to ve to items in appropriation bills. Denounces the driving out of the Chinese. Opposes governor removing offic ials for neglect of duty. Says initiative, referendum, re call and corrupt practice acts, are all right in a way, but we have gone too far. Says the farmers' $1500 exemption law is vicious. Says he favors the old assembly form for nominating candidates. And this stand pat candidate hopes to be governor of progressive Oregon. Government ownership of railroads NOW, and of all natural monopolies within this generation that is tho demand of the intelligent citizen. New York Journal. Councilman Henry Templeton, ob jecting to the naming of the editor of this paper on a taxpayers' commit tee to revise the charter, showed what was the matter with him when he told the chairman of the evening that he believed only "property own ers" should be on such a committee. The Courier pays taxes on about $25,000 worth of property. Mr. Templeton, through the accident of owning property and being able to live on its income, has become so lm pressed with the divine right of land lordism that he can't think straight, He is in the same mental condition as the monarchs of the old world, who fancied that they ruled by divine right, and who balked at any upris ing of the people as a manifestation of batan trying to regain raradise, About the saddest thing that can be beheld in these days of enlighten ment is the man or woman who, be cause of the ownership of more or less ground, thinks he or she is a member of some favored class. Ow ership of land, perhaps, in days gone by, may have been an indication that the owner was a person of more than average ability or intelligence. But in these days, and particularly in Oregon, ownership of land is in nine cases out of ten a badge of shame for most of the folk who own land in this state are parasites. They do nothing themselves, and like leeches. they live by sucking the blood of others. In fact a large part of the land owners of Oregon got their holdings for practically nothing, and have been hanging onto them ever since, retarding the development of the state. Councilman Templeton believes in the divine right of property. If he had his way, porperty owners alone would have the right ol the allot, Yet Mr. Templeton does not believe that property should bear the cost of popular advance it should only furnish an income to those fortunate enough to own it. If Mr. Templeton had believed otherwise probably he would not have ordered Fifth street improved at the expense of the gen eral lund he would have been will ing to pay his share of the cost of the improvement. Councilman .tem pleton is for anything that won't cost the sacred property owners money. and he is against anything that will detract from the income that the property owners get by their own imagined divine right from their land In short Councilman templeton is mentally the equal of the overlords who misruled Britain before the Mag na Charta hit them in the neck. That mav sound like slang, but it is not it. is a careful selection of words to convey an exact meaning. Reference to history will show just how hard Magna Charta hit these gentry in the neck. And, the days of divine right having long ago passed on people who still incline to that belief ought to carry special accident insur ance on their necks. Mr. Temple- ton's official neck is at present one of the shining marks of the commun- tv. and while the Courier does not desire to hasten any movement of the public axe towards that mark, it would not be a bit surprised to see something happen. And in closing, Mr. Templeton has not yet told us who ordered fifth street improved, nor has he dared to come out over his own signature and say that HE did not order it improved. THE CHUTES The Republicans have put the skids under the party in this state and they have it going towards the rocks as fast as the pries can move it. Their candidate for governor open ly advocating the abolishment of the direct primary, a return to the "con vention" system, nnd in other ways making a fool of himself. The old guard politicians, out with petitions to abolish state-wide pri- jnanes, and take from the women the rights just given them. Tho "old line" Republicans lining p with the liquor interests and forc ing their candidate for governor to traudlo the booze fence. If the Republicans were searching the state for a means to commit sui- ide, do the job thoroughly and quiet ly, they could not have found a bet ter means than this trio. "Tho fools always have to throw the game away in the ninth inning," said a disgusted Republican, "they ay ball like a bunch of girls." The effects of a Democratic tariff, as usual, have resulted in decreasing the exports and increasing the imports and in doing other and various things of like importance. Morning Enterprise. Sure 'nough. This is open season for "various things of like impor tance," and the Enterprise is obey ing orders. How is it, Editor Brodie, please explain to an anxious public, how these mills that have been closed at this stage of the political game, have been for years able to invade foreign markets, and sell cheaper than foreigners could and cheaper than they pell at home. How is it that stoves manufactur ed in Syracuse, N. Y., can be bought in Germany at a less price than they can on the street where they are made .' Mills and factories that can com pete and get business abroad can take care of themselves at home. Admittting at a lessened duty the material needed by our mills and our people, and which we do not produce enough of, will never put a country into panic, only at periods when hard times are needed to change an ad ministration. Big politicians tried hard to start a panic during Koosevelt s Kepubl can administration, but couldn't make it stick. The masters of industries are try ing it on Wilson, and the Enterprise is contributing its little influence to help on a panic responding to the master s voice. That's all. If the Corvalis veterinary surgeon WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF makes a few more breaks like the, ,,Tr u,n rnvrnvurvr ones he made in the M. E. Church,1 WATER AND GOVERMHENT this old sonc will retrain nnnnlnritv t 1 1 , , " r t f "Tippicanoe and Tyler, too And Chinese emigration. Interesting Sidelights Thrown on City Problems in Street Conversation The boys have simply got to line' . c .u Drt ; t up to the bar or line up against it. 6, - As soon as Withycombe and Smith : shadow of the elevator, five men. are smoked out, "then the senatorial and congressional nominees will get the smudge. Dr. Withycombe should have a cen sor or guardian. He is state famous for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and voters are wondering if he would not be DOING the wrong thing at the wrong time if elected governor. WHEN YOU GET ENOUGH Every tick of the clock weakens the two party candidates for gover nor of Oregon. "They are both playing fast and loose to get votes," is heard on every hand. ' Withycombe's platform is weaker than booth s declaration. It is sooth ing syrup and in the judgement of this paper he would be the weakest man who ever held down the gover nor s chair. Smith, what is he and what does he stand for? Have vou ever seen a ripple in the water that he caused Do vou know of anything he will do or stand for if elected ; He has inherited Governor West'i blessing and West's backbone didn' eo with the legacy. And in the meantime taxes pile up, state expenses pile up, political jobs pile up, Oergon lags behind, and then the politicians yell "freak legis lation to hide the real cause. But there is a candidate for gover nor who stands for something, and if he is elected governor there will be a rattling of useless bones in Oregon W. S. U Ken has done more hard conscientious work for the common folks of Oregon in one year than the thirteen candidates for governor ever did in their lifetimes. He is a thinker and a doer. The empty honor of being governor is the least of his ambitions, ile has prac tical plans; he stands for the good of the many, and the great fight of the masters of politics is to shut him off from an opportunity to work them out. One after another you have taken the old parties down the line. Year alter year extravagance and taxes have increased. This year we have two Castoria nominees on the old party tickets. Little relief you will get from them, for they will have plenty of debts to pay. And if you have had enough of present conditions change them. QUALIFIED The Enterprise is out squarely for Withycombe for governor, with these qualifications to recommend him. It says: ills clothes, face, hands, hair shoes; everything on him is ex act and precise. Sunday night he wore a light suit and a high collar with the points turned down. With his short beard nicely combed, and his clean, honest face, his neat, and at tractive appearance, Dr. Withy combe is one of those few men who are precise and attractively clothed, but one who would pass you on the street without notice. And that paper never told us if he parted his hair in the middle; what number of collar he wore; what kind of a watch fob, the maker of his un derwear, or whether or not he had cut his wisdom teeth. And the more the parties fight the more support docs U'Ren get. ELBERT HUBBARD SAYS: The people who imagine the ginger jar, stocking, clock, or trousers pockets are sufer receptacles for money than a bunk, are shining marks for shining sharks, also for moth, rust, thioves and fire. A banker's success depends absolutely on ono thing, and that is protecting his depositors, and American ' bankers of all men, now know it. It is good working policy to have faith in your banker in times of doubt consult him. He may give you unpleasant advice, but the chunces are he's right. The Bank of Oregon City Oldest Bank in Clackamas County" If the proposed proportional representation measure carries we will have the Oregon City Courier to thank or abuse, for to our knowledge that is the only sheet in the state backing the project. Woodburn Independent. And while you were noticing things, did you see any sound argu ment in the hundreds of Oregon pa pers that are NOT backing it, WHY they are not? Can you present a substantial rea son m opposition, can you present an argument that will hold water against a system of electing officials in proportion to the wishes of the people ? If you can, trot them out. No pa per in Oregon that conies to the Cornier office has yet done so. They just hang back and yell "freak" leg islation at a bill that would give any party representation only in propor tion to its voting strength. Freak newspapers need more to be abolished than freak laws. Will Move to Wasco Dillman and Rowland have traded the Dennis Driscoll farm consisting of 80 acres near Cams, to C. D. Haynes, of Wasco, Oregon, for 160 acres-near that city and 10 acres in Wasco. The Driscoll family have resided in Clackamas County for some time, and they will leave for their new home next week. Shot by Ex-Convict Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, of Ca nemah received a telegram the first of last week announcing the death of Mrs. Smith's brother-in-law, V. H. Veatch, under sheriff of Sheridan, Wyoming, and the body was brought to Portland Wednesday morning and removed to Hillsboro, hia former home, he residing in that city about six years ago. Mr. Veatch was shot and instantly killed by an ex-convict whom he was trying to arrest. Another deputy sheriff was also shot while trying to arrest the man. The deceased also leaves a brother, Harry Veatch, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family and Mr. Veatch atended the services, and were accompanied to this city by Mrs. Veatch and children, who will tor the present make their home here, EAGLE CREEK Mrs. R. B. Gibson made a trip to Portland last Monday, returning on Tuesday, accompanied by her sister, kdith Chapman. W. H. Douglass and A. McMillan were .Portland visitors last Friday, Mrs. John Sweeney and daughter Delia, of Stevenson, Wash., are the guests of Will Douglass and wife Mrs. L. A .Woodle and daughter, Myrtle, were over to Guy Woodle's last Thursday. Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Kate Douglass and Miss Delia Sweeney were the dinner guests of Mrs. Howlett last Friday. Mrs. Howlett was very pleasantly surprised Friday afternoon when twenty ladies of the neighborhood as sembled at her home and spent the afternoon with her. H. S. Gibson was host Snudav to several of his relatives and friends, who brought their dinners with them, treating their host to a square meal and he being used to his own cook ing, contracted the sick headache on Monday, but is feeling better at this writing. Remember the Sunday School pic nic at the Douglass school house on Sunday June 28th. Come, bring your dinner ana spend the day. Mrs. Rosa Douglass was visiting witn Mrs. K. a. tiibson and Edith Chapman Sunday afternoon. Eagle Creek Grange held its retru lar session last Saturday, but only a few of the members were present as it is such a very busy time of the year. The Grange cleared $140.00 at the May picnic and dance. FOR SALE One city lot at Clinton lowa, S300, and 5 acres near Den ver, Colorado, $1500, to trade for Oregon real estate. J. Rasmussen 410 Molalla Ave., Oregon City. The Courier is $1 a year only when paid ni advance. COD LIVER OIL AND IRON Two Most World-Famed Tonics Combined in Vinol. Cod Liver oil and Iron hare proved to be the two most successful tonics the world has eyer known iron for the blood and the medicinal curative elements of cod lirer oil as a strength and tissue builder for body and nerves, and for the successful treat ment of throat and lung troubles. Two eminent French chemists dig covered a .method of separating the curative medicinal elements of the cods' livers from the oil or grease which is thrown away , but to these medicinal elements tonio iron Is sow added, thus combining in Vinol the two most world famed tonics. As a body-builder and strength cre ator for weak, run-down people, for feeble old people, delicate children, to restore strength after sickness; and for chronic coughs, colds, bron chitis or pulmonary troubles we ask you to try Vinol with the understand ing that your money will be returned if it does not help you. Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City. The Want Column Ever hear of a tie tamper on a sec tion having appendicitis? Ever hear of a negro, dago, Chinaman or Jap being operated on and part of his works taken out? Isn't it passing stvange that only tnose who can dig up the coin and pay hospital expens es are the ones who are "rushed to the hospital and carved up? Silver was demonetized bv the same interests that looted the New Haven railroad of $125,000,000 and have systematically robbed every body right and left all their lives. One of the results of that is that there are thirteen owners of every dollar on deposit, we are all head over heels in debt and nine-tenths of our business is transacted on hot air. Contra Costan, Richmond, Cal. A Kansas minister recently re minded his congregation that Eve did not realize she lucked clothing until she ate the apple. "And," he added, "I wish a few of the women of my congregation would eat one." FOR SALE Four-year-old mare, 1400 lbs., a black beauty. Also 0 h. p. gasoline wood saw, cheap. A. P. Hassler, Oregon City, Rt. 3. One was a pioneer who came to Ore gon City when it was but little more than the end of the Oregon trail, one was a Main street businessman of the present generation, one was a ma chinist, one was formerly a saloon keeper here, and the fifth was a city employee. They started talking about the mass meeting called for last Saturday to discuss what was the matter with the city government, and they wound up in the nearest thing to a fight that has been seen for some time. When a Courier reporter join ed the group the conversation was going this way: "The trouble with things today," said the Main street merchant, "is that you old-timers who came here with John McLoughlin, ought to step aside and let modern folks run the city. You old-timers are the curse of Oregon city, you ve blocked every improvement that was ever started here; you stopped the Oregon Elec tric from coming here, and now you re fighting our getting pure water. "Is that so," said the pioneer, showing some heat. "Well, let me tell you something. If it. wasn't for us there wouldn't have been any Ore gon City. We made the town, we put up the buildings on Main street, we built the place. As for water, what do they drink in the old world ? They drink filtered water. What does Paris drink? What does Lon don drink? What do all the big cit- ies drink, do you knowV "1 don t know what they drink and I don't care," said the Main street businessman of the present genera tion. "But I know this if when you old mossbacks had decided to filter sewage water and drink it you had taken the same amount of money that you put into this filteration plant down here you could have tapped a pure mountain stream somewhere, and we d be drinking good water to day at half the cost. But you folks didn t care what you drank, and be cause you don't care you think we oughtn't to care. Now let me ask you something do you think it is fair to our children to force them to drink the slop that Salem and Eu gene and Albany and all those other cities pour into the Willamette riv er I" "I haven't got any children," said the pioneer, "and " "That's just it," interrupted the businessman. "You haven't any chil dren, and you don't care whether we have or not. You live for yourselves, and you want us to dot he same thing. Now you say you put up buildings on Main street. Maybe you did, but men like me have paid you a lot more in rent for those same buildings than the shacks that you put up and the land you put them on cost you to gether when you bought them. And what have you done for us in re turn?" "They voted the town dry for you," said the former saloon-man, "and drove all your trade to Port land." "Huh, an Americanized Chinese boy, fifteen years old, could run our city better than the bunch in power now do," said the fourth member of the party." Well, said the city employee, go up to the meeting and tell them so." $100 Reward, $100 l"ha readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at leust one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medicu fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of tlie dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 760. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpatlo.i. Sale of Spring Chickens Wanted All the time. Will pay Oregonian market price. Clackamas Hotel. (A. Erickson.) Oregon City, Rt. 2, Box 175; Phone Main 3051. WANTED Two settings thorough bred Minorcha eggs. A. M. Ker chem, Oregon City, Rt. 2, Bx. 83. Notice of Administrator's Real Property In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of J. V. Gheen, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of J. V. Cheen deceased by virtue of an order and decree of above entitled Court. made and entered on the 19th dav of June, 1914, will in the manner pre scribed by law and as authorized bv the Court sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder, for cash, and accept this offer, with the permis sion of the said Court for the follow ing described real property situate in the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, viz., The S. of S. E. and S. of 6. W. of Sec. 6, Tp. .6S. R. 2 East (containing loa twenty-four hun dredths acres.) W. of S. W. M. Sec. 5. Td. G. S. of R. 2, E. (containing 80 acres more or less.) N of N. W. Yd. of Sec. 8. T. 6 S. R. 2 E. (containing 80 acres.) to pay the unsatisfied claims, costs and the charges of Administration against said Estate. Dated at Portland. Oregon. June 24, 1914. W. J. Kirkwood, Administrator of the Estate of J. Gheen. deceased. New Scott Ho tel, Portland, Ore. First publication, June 25th, 1914. Last publication July 23, 1914. Comforting to Stout People. Foley Cahartic Tablets are a spec ially good little regulator that keeps your system in perfect working or der. No biliousness, no constipation, no distress after eating, no greasy, gassy taste. A stout person who uses nem constantly win really feel thinned out and more comfortable as a result of their use. MM BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most delicious and healthful food By the use of Royal Baking Powder a "great many more articles of food may be readily made at home, all healthful, de licious, and economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. The" Royal Baker and Pastry Cook," containing five hundred practical receipts for all kinds of baking and cookery, free. Address Royal Baking Powder Co., New York, ' LOCAL BOY HONORED Ralph Terrill Noted as Bugler Army Maneuvers at Coast Forts An Oregon City boy, Ralph Ter rill, son of Charles E. Terrill, is this year one of the chief buglers at the coast forts, and as such will sound the various calls that will send mem bers of the coast artillery to their duties. Terrill was selected for this work by Adjutant General Finzer, who has long been impressed with the Oregon City boy's ability. Before the last Rose Festival in Portland Hy Eilers, chairman of the music committee of the festival, ask ed General Finzer to send him a com petent bugler to direct the work of the heralds for Queen Thelma. Fin zer sent Terrill, and under the local boy's leadership the various heralds used in the festival functions were trained. Terrill himself was the queen's chief herald, and accompanied her majesty on all occassions. For three years he was bugler of the lo cal militia company, but last year jointo tne coast artillery corps. WILLIAM CANTWELL The funeral of the late William Cantwell, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cassie Evans, of Canby, iriday, June 5, were conduct ed at the M. E. Church of that city, feunday afternoon, June 7, Rev. T. B. Ford of. Oregon City officiating. Many friends of the deceased attend ed the services. The interment was in the Canby Cemetery. William Cantwell was born in Madison County Arkansas, February 15, 1850. In the early 80's he moved to Heppner, Ore., where he resided for some .time. In November, 1889, he moved his family to Portland, and in 1893 came to Clackamas County, where he has since resided. Mr. Cantwell is survived by his wife, Mrs. Annie Cantwell, of Canby, his former wife dying at Heppner many years ago. He also leaves three daughters, Mrs. Cassie Evans. and Mrs. A. H. Knight, of Canby, Mrs w. k.. unetwood, of Portland. Before coming to Oregon Mr Cant well was pastor of a church in the East, where Rev. T. B. Ford was at that time an elder. Deceased had many friends In Canby and throughout Clackamas County. Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals addressed to the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals for construction of Bear Creek Bridge" near Needy, Oregon, will be receiv ed by the said County Court at the Court House at Oregon City Oregon, until July 10th, 1914, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. and then opened and pub licly read. Plans and specifications for the construction of said bridge are now on file in the office of the County Clerk of said County. Each, bid shall be accompanied by a certified check 'on some bank with in the State of Oregon, for an amount equal to five per cent of the amount bid, payable to the County Clerk of Clackamas County, which certified check shall be forfeited to Clackamas County, should the successful bidder, for a period of five days after the award is made, fail to enter into con tract and furnish a satisfactory bond. No copies of the plans and speci fications will be furnished to pros pective bidders. The Count Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk. Cures Stubborn, Itchy Skin Troubles. "I could scratch myself to pieces" is often heard from sufferers of Eczema, Tetter, Itch and similar Skin Eruptions. Don't Scratch Stop the Itching at once with Dr. first application starts healing; the Red, Rough, Scaly, Itching Skin is soothed by the Healing and Cooling Medicines. Mrs. C. A. Einfeldt, Rock Island, 111., after using Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, writes; "This is the first time in nine years I have been free fro mthe dreadful ailment." Guaranteed. 50c at your Druggist. At Bremen, Ga W. M. Golden. of the Equitable Life Assurance So ciety, says he found Foley Kidney Pills to be the best remedy for kid ney and bladder troubles, also for rheumatism. He says, "Any person having kidney trouble, backache, or rheumatism should be very glad to find such a wonderful remedy." A MISTAKEN IDEA There are some people who still resort to drugged pills or alcoholic syrups to overcome colds, nervousness or general debility, and who know that the pure, unadulterated nourishment in Scott's Emulsion is eminently better, but refrain from taking it because they fear it may lead to excessive fat or obesity. This is a mistaken idea, because Scott's Emulsion first strengthens the body before making flesh. Its blood-forming proper ties aid nature to throw off sickness by building health from Its very source, and flesh is formed only by its continued use. Avoid alcoholic substitutes for SCOTT'S. Attention Farmers Do you want to trade your farm for Portland Property? We have a number of Portland people who want to move to the Country. We have trades from $1,800.00 to $18,500.00. Come in and see us at the corner of 8th and Main St., Oregon City. Dillman Howland "The Realty Men" ONLY AS STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST BOLT is any carriage, business wagon or other horse-drawn vehicle. We don't overlook the smallest details of our repairing business, so that when we get through with "anything on wheels" we undertake every single part is as strong as any other it's strong all over. Cost? Tell you in a minute when you ask. Owen G. Thomas 100,000 FT. LUMBER FOR SALE -:- $10 Pr. M Delivered Any Place in City. 3,200 lb. fine dapple gray Team; Harness and Wagon; 1-3 Horse Gas Engine; 2 Cows; 2 Brood Sows; I Hay Rope; 1 House, 16x24; Delivered any place in town Cheap-' Slabwood $3.00 per Cord Delivered. GEORGE LAMMERS' SAWMILL, OREGON CITY, ORE., ROUTE NO. 3. Officephones: Main 50, A50;Res. phones, M. 2524, 1751 HomeB25l, D251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANFER & STORAGE Office 612 Main Street Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty Sana, uravel, dement, Lime, rlaster, (Jommon Brick, Face Brick, Five Brick i TOBACCO H ABIT maPo ays I offer B on II t n n .in u ., . for tobacco or suotl hauu. It is auld, pieaaanl, strengthening. Poreltherttx. Overcome thai pe euliar HrrenueM andoraving m'eigarette., cigar, ptpej, shewing tobacco or .uff. Tenants poisonous ajtd seriously Injure, the health to ami wa.a, causing such disorders as nervous dysper!., sleeplessness, gas, baching, .rnswlngorotheruneotnronahlc sensation instam. on: constipation, headache, weak eyes, low of vigor, red .pot. oa .Lin. throat L A .' laurro, a.inma, oroncnltls, heart failure, lung trouble. Bielaucholy. . . i J". ,., . lirc,lie, um wr-io, TOUI Dream, UMItUde, lac er ambition, wetkonlm .n.l fuilm out of h.lc nd n other disorder. RerTou. breakdown. we.enel Inlelleol and INSANITY .reon attributed to toN. babul hj, "iMt T-IWI) WbTtntlnt commit.!., .ulcM. COWARD J. WOODS, 834 Sixth Av, I neuratthenla. Impaired memorr bum, torpid liver. I When you ean lire areallrenntentM, hf.ir t. set lour body aod nerve, right- It La auaale f "kT. fM"'ln "tempt to rid jootrelr of hblt br uddenlT topping with will.po.er-don't do lu Correct method I. to eliminate the nic otlne potMB from ijstem, iLreDgthen tho weak eued. imtainl membrane, and and ran.- ioely overcome the eranng. Would yon like to quickly and euilr onit tobacco and enjoy Tourwlf a thouaaod times' better while leellng ilway, in robull healthT t D IT IT My FBER hook tells all 'about H f 'be wonderful day. Method, luexcenitve, reliable, AIM Seeret Method for conquering habit In another with, out hi. knowledge, roll particulars Inclod. lug my Book on Tobacco ud Snuff Ilabtt maltod la plan, wrapper. rVee. ""' New York, N. Y. D. C. LATOURETTE, Present. F. J. MEYER, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000.00. Transacts a General Banking Business Open From 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.