II Kli AH ' II LAWNS I LAWNS 1000 yds. Lawn, regul'r 700 yds. Lawn, Regular 10 and 15c the yard 15 to 25c the yard. 4c Sc EMBROIDERYS EMBROIDERYS AH Embr'd'ys 10 to 15c All 15 to 25 cents 5c 9c a l FT t I OVERALLS I WORK SHIRTS All $ 1 .0.0 and $ 1 . 1 5 A1I 50c and 65c shirts Grades 69c 35c MEN'S TIES MEN'S UND'W'R. Regular 50 and 75c 50c Balbriggen 28c I I9c We are Determined this--is In Oregon City. Combining our Removal and 1st Anniversary Sale as we are, we promise you such bargains as you never saw before and we leave it to your judgement Just, one year ago we went into business here-just one short twelve months has passed and we are preparing to move into larger and more comodious quarters. This is evidence of thrift, and growth, "Thanks To You" From all markets are coming notices of shipments of new goods for our new stock & store ... e do not want to move one sin Into our new store and the prices we quote you here will he strong evidence of that fact. Tirmweare setting the date ahead to will have due time and nature and pre You will miss tHe one opportunity of ' e item off our present stoc As this is to he absolutely the greatest bargain giving event ever of fered by any pare to get here in 'time for opening your life if you miss this great sale $3 $J?S?to??So BQYS SUITS MEN'S PANTS I MEN'S SHIRTS CHILDREN'S DRESSES I LADIES TAILORED SUITS rfjhW with long pants $5 to $6 Dress Reg $1 to $1 50 75c to $J.OO 35c La Vogae Salts in BItie, Black, Grey, White and kPoQUr tit OO Regular $2.50 qX.4S ' ' $1.50 to $2 00 68c Tan colors, beaatif ally tailored, with Skinners Sa- L 1 Jr g n QCf m cf fft tin lining. These saits are the very latest and simply Bay Now. kpo X Regalar $3.50 $1.98 ODL $2.50 to $3.00 $l.lO no prettier, salts ever shown. Only 25 of them. 3 -i TVTPRTC ctttc , Middys, reg., $ 1 .50 75c Regalar $25, $30 and $35 to go . . $ 2.50 $i8.oc rJ $2?oo oSY7S B0TS KNEE PANTS SUSPENDERS SHIRT WAISTS I LINEN SUITS I ONE PIECE DRESSES Of Regalar $4.5tTd $5. $ 00 to $1.50 Regalar 35c $1.50 to $2.50 12 . $6 Tiw th OY Ifl4 AH l ft $7-50 and $9. Swiss, Novelty and Voiles. Sl-98 48c 18C 48C $3.48 : xzzr &S SAFETY PINS Regular 5c and 10c G PINS Regular 5c Gent Pearl Buttons Regular per Dozen 10c C Ladies' Hankfs I0c and 15c C Ladies Hkds. Regular 25 to 35c 8c Towels Large Muck Regular 25c and 35c O Buy Them by the Dozens BURSON HOSE Regular 25c 12c pair Men's Hank'fs Regular lOcand 15c 4c Silk Gloves Black and White Reg. 50c 35c Ladies' Vests Bleached Regular 10c and 15c 5c Ghildren's Hose Regular 15c and 20c 9c LADIES' WAISTS 2.00 TO 2.50 78c Ladies Parasols Regular $1 to $1.50 78c Ladies' Waists $2.50 to $3.50 Sheets 72x90 Regalar 90 72c Elk Hide Mocasins For Children Regular $1.25 to $1.50 68c Children's May Jones REGULAR $2.25 $L9S Summer Dress Goods White and Novelty 25c to 35c 9c Damask Regular 75 to $1.00 48c Ladies' Shoes 50 Pairs $3.00 to $3.50 .48 Ladies Shoes 75 PAIRS,- REGULAR $4.00 to $5 Button, Cloth Top, All Leather Pat- sift- -$2.48 Mary Janes About fifty pair, pattern 2 strap, reg. $3.50 S1.98 Childrens Oxfords 50 pair I -strap pattern $J-75 to $2. 98c Shoe Department Here is undoubtedly the greatest, mass of Bargains on Earth in Shoes. Over three thousand pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, and they are sold at, less than an average of 50 cents on the dollar. Ladies Oxford $2.50 to $3.00 MENS OXFORDS $3. to $4. $1.48 Children's Oxfords $1.75 to $2.00 48c Ladies Shoes $2 50 to $3.50, stees two and one half to fours 75c Ribbons 500 yards, 25 to 35c 5C 7c CURTAiN SWISSES Beautiful Patterns Regular 30 & 35c MILLINERY U Off Pillow Cases Regular 15c 11c i i i u am HI 1 I . I v I 1 vunuren s anoes Drugs All drugs greatlyi reduced ROMPERS 35c to 50c Misses' Oxfords TAN and BLACK $2.00 to $2.50 98C Children's White Canvas Oxfords Regular $1.50 68c ALL FLOWERS Off Rain Coats $7.50 to $15.00 It is dry now, but you will need them. $3.98 SUes 3 to 9s Reg. $J.00 to $1.50 48c Old Mens Blocker Oxfords, reg. $3.50 $1.98 MEN'S DRESS SHOES Regular $3.50 $1.98 BOYS' SHOES Good Strong Calf Skin Shoes for Work or Dress. Reg. $2.75 to $3.50 $1.68 Ladies White Shoes 25 Pairs, Regalar $2.50 Misses White Fifty Pairs of Misses Duck Shoes REG. $2.00 98c MENS DRESS SHOES Botton and Lace, reg. $3 50 $2.18 Boy's High Top 25 pr. reg. $4.50 to $5.00 $2.48 Buy them, lay them away for fall. Men's Dress Men's Gun Metal, Lace and Button, reg. $5.00 $2.98 M ention Thousands of Other (Articles too Numerous to We Repeat Again "This is the Greatest Bargain Giving Sale Ever Held "--Check off your items, then COME.Don't wait a week or ten days.-While the supply is very great it will no doubt go fast; so come early and vou will find eve i, . this sale begins Monday, june 22 and closes Friday night July 3, when we close our doors prepare to 7m Z Store laott Seventh at Madison, on The Hill A r OREGON CITY, OREGON L II