Oregon Citt courier, Thursday, june 11, 1914, CZAR CALVIN On June 6th all doctors and un dertakers in Clackamas county were supposed to turn in their formal re ports of deaths, contagious cases, and other matters to the county health officer. And on June 5th all of the physicians and undertakers in the county except those in Oregon City did so. The Oregon City gentlemen apparently forgot that the county THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM OREGON CITY COURIER Published Thursdays from the Courier Building, Eighth and Main streets, and entered in the Postoffice at Oregon City, Ore., as 2d class mail matter OV.DA CITY COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHER M. J. BROWN, A. E. FROST, OWNERS. Subscription Price $ 1 .50. Telephones, Main 5-1; Home A 5-1 Official Paper for the Farmers Society of Equity of Clackamas Co -court had sometime ago appointed -d frame up amt that w.n i i i isl, u - k. iTaiiuianic wuu uv iitomu i . . - t 'I 'j j. M.J. BR.OWN, - EDITOR " officer, and they sent their reports U'JUV'UC " put direct to the secretary of the state Vu i. j board of health jwwv feVYwimiwi, Sunday's Ore'gonian told the rea- as we.,can get under the system. The son. Dr! Calvin S. White, secretary counci men get mighty little credit auu ait iviiiuo ui vi LLu.10111. 111c vivuKjm A Few of the Bad Bluders Chargable to a No-Head Management Like the state government, . when Oregon City gets enough of an un businesslike and expensive adminis tration when the people get all they can swallow and lose their taste for more then will they get together CITY MAY BE FORCED TO PAY FOR 7TH ST. Property Owners Scent Flaw in Pro- ceedingg and Talk of Suit. A common song in Oregon City "I didn't do it; I don't know who did it." Having made a lurid failure of every attempt against Dr. Van Brakle, the city physicians are at it again. Their sand is far better than their judgment. The election of Mrs. W. A. White for a school director will help to elimate the factional tight now on among its members and which is a disgrace to the city. She should be elected. When is a doctor not a doctor? When Crawford and White so decree. of the state board of health, was We understand Bennett refuses to become a Jonthan Bourne sacrifice and will not run as an independent candidate for the liquor interests, and that the proposition for a "wet'1 candidate has been abandoned. Councilman Templeton started in with a speech hot with "economy" and the citizens are calling a mass meeting to see if means cannot be devised to stop the street commit tees "economy" system. Oregon City pays out one dollar in coin and gets back about forty cents in service and then we put on bonds to cover the shortage. How long would a business concern stay above water run in such a system? Post, the cereal manufacturer, who killed himself in Los Angeles, left a fortune of $50,000,000. He made it in less than 25 years. The breakfast tables of the country con tributed this great fortune in ex cessive prices. "Let big business alone," is the cry of the interests. Such deals as the New Haven plundering show it is not safe to leave them alone. Big business should have no more im munity from crime punishment than a petty larceny rascal. As we understand the law, while a governor may nppoint the state board of health he cannot remove them no matter what the charges. neither can the people recall them. ine coming legislature should get Dusy ana Dreak up this cinch. Last week Judge McGinn reversed a municipal court decision, which iinea two keepers of disorderly houses $100 each, on the ground that their money was "tainted." bnould this decision establish a precedent and become common law tne government might as well call in the general coinage. IUi. iiic stale uuaiu ui iicaiiu, Yt to i . , . . - , ., , . . quoted as saying that he had instruc- Is l bu8'nesa of the clty s to f'f to speed up if their -bathing suit ted Oregon City physicians to turn lul U i , 7 T LTk fashions keep ahead of street attire, their death certificates and other re- ''",v " """ "-" r I . . - I rne nro o innprl nvpf Nn nnp la re. r. i... i.-i l:. T-i.. iiilh: -j SDonsible. everv man can donee, and When the names of 200 voters in T ". LU, 1" Luch a condition simnlv invites short the downtown section can be put on LT" uie " ' 'mV chane-in. extravagance and bumr- .... . . . - ,i rnnr. n nsi.pnnm.n wna nnc a p-ran- -- o. - -o--- a petition in a part ox one aay, mere . - . , i y- r i7 line, . .. f. . .i , nate of a remitah e medical col eo-e" isn't mucn aouut or now tne peopiei . ,, .... , ... . , Hoat tr;aM. hnw p a i .1 -i I l j IMS LIIK I ii W ill LB I III CLS UIIK LCIIII. illlll iivn-v, vn m ' ww-..- leei aoout tne citys present system .r. .. , n ,,,.,,, ,Y. i. tkinm, b.-a mi nru th nriee nn nttpnnnt.h rnnlH not lpcrnllv Rprvp 1 thev cost. o .mint,. li,,H4i nfrmai. Ami nn tViici niirina" the nasi two vears we put Over 200 voters have signed the ,.i: i uhua aaj i, 1,0 in a fim alarm svRtem. Svstem is , ... . iirl, I l UiHIK. 11 I vv dUUVUi lit W I ... petition to piace Mrs. w. a. wnite m ti declared that there was fine and works well, but look at the nomination for school director, lrorn .,.,., i,.,hi, (t;,. ; ri.i. nil Wvilr nrl thp pnwine house which it would appear the people al- county ani ha( "several times" asked beauty-marring, unsightly structures " """ " .""t,. . vu.cw.... ,h countv court to name such an ot- erectea in tne most signuy piace in (icial. Oregon City and sticking up like a Mavbe so. BUT WHY DID DR. sore finger with a rag on it. ihe form of government. It may be legal, but it is mightily CALVIN S. WHITE CONFINE HIS heads that located these two horrors unjust, that cities are entitled to all INSTRUCTIONS ENTIRELY TO at the head of Seventh street stair their road money, to be used in the THE PHYSICIANS OF OREGON way should qualify as architects for corporations, while the farmers must CITY? Why did he permit other phosphate pens. pay for the roads and bridges to be physicians in the county to send their The public elevator was there used by the cities. reports as usual to the only county ever such a bungling job ? A year health officer that the county court and a hall ago the people voted it, John Stark is to the Courier has named.' what Theodore Roosevelt is to The Vital statistics are important Outlook" said a business man in the things. Ihey sometimes mean a Courier office the other day, but we great deal to just common people will never let on to Stark who the They occasionally are the only legal fellow was that said it. and there the tower stands like the monument of a rich man in a coun try cemetery and of more expense and less account. fhe whole deal has been a farce- Seventh street property owners, it is rumored, will shortly commence legal proceedings to force Oregon City to refund to them all assess ments for the improvement of that thoroughfare, with the exception of a part of the new trunk sewer costs. The action will be brought on the ground that Fifth street has been redressed and the expense thereof charged to the general fund with out any objection from the council or other municipal officers. Bills cov ering the Fifth street work having been audited, allowed and passed, it is held by Seventh street property owners that it is unjust, illegal and discriminatory to charge them for an improvement of the same nature as was given Fifth street property own ers free of cost. An ordinance was passed by the city council in the latter part of 1912, declaring that after December, 31, 1912, no repair or resurfacing work on Fifth, Seventh and Main streets should be done save at the expense of the owners of abutting property. There was some doubt re garding the existence of this ordin ance, but Councilman Templeton looked the matter up and reported to the council that the ordinance really existed. It was introduced by Councilman Albright. ' Since the passage of this ordinance resurfacing and improvement of Seventh street has been ordered, the contract let, and the work partly completed. All costs for the work have been assessed upon the holders of abutting property, and the assess ments have been so heavy as to bring forth considerable protest from the property owneis. These protests were overruled by the council, and the work ordered to proceed. While the Seventh street work has methods-something that may tip the f "petty politics" and spire, and I any high school boy would over a verv weak ami PvnpnqivB rv- n member of a state board of health have built it hugging the bluffs, with f :t t has anv rieht to discriminate in re- a tunnel under the b. r. as a. I. gards to vital statistics from olne McBain and others tried hard to have The news dispatches tell us that Part of 8 county as against similar it built and they would have owned i i i I ,. J- ; J? ii 1. J.l 4-hA In ft A vviVil nU limn 4-j"i nnnwnn the thread trust has been put out siausuca rum anomer part oi me ' " ot business, and the harvester trust ousted out of Missouri and yet the startling news does not even interest us. Ihe reason is, we do not believe it, they are only stage deaths. "Is Doctor Withycombe a wet or ary candidate for governor," is the question that is being repeatedly asked in western Oregon, and it Is not being answered. And we under stand the temperance people propose to smoke him out. The doctor has a reputation of dodging issues, and the people recall that in 1900 that he could not be made to line up on Statement No. 1. This year, how ever, a candidate simply must line up, and it is better to come out than be smoked out. Councilman Templeton says in the enterprise ne and Commissioner uaococK came to the Courier office and told the editor the truth about tne iMtth street deal and nsked him to print it. Councilman Templeton B'"'P'y asKea tne uourier to slate i didn't order the work done." We had stated time and again, and once more we state Councilma Templeton says he did not order the Fifth street re-suriacmg and he (savs) does not know who did order it. Ho is chair man or the street committee, and it wouiu seem as it he ought to know proof to be had in settling involved a laughable one, if it was not so ex- probate cases; and at other times pensive, a Duncn ox scnooi ooys Councilman Templeton has evi- tny r e only legal proot that vo,iia nava managca t oetter. iiiuy dontly "started something" in. try- " - . " ITZ'ZZJl under way Fifth street has been to defend Street expenditure ""'" V,e. "0,". . .ue "mu ""L :? 1' "u., Ul. resurface,! with crushed rnrk. Thfi work was done by the city, the ex pense was borne by the general fund, and no charge whatever accrued to the owners of abutting property. Bills for the work have been ordered paid by the council, and no official objection to the proceeding has been made. ;Such being the case, Seventh street property owners feel that there has been discrimination and injus tice done them, and the stand they are taking will probably bring mat ters to a head in the near future. Main street property owners are also reported to be deeply interested in the matter, for the life of Main street was declared at the same time. Main street people are now facing an apparent intention on the part of tne council to order an improvement of that thoroughfare at their ex pense, and they feel that thev ous-ht to De shown the same tavor as Fifth street folk and are seeking to have tne work done at the citv s expense. The bringing of legal action by oeventn street property owners, who have a strong organization, will bring a determination by some court of the merits of the cast, and will i ix a precedent by which the Main street muddle may be settled. Main street property owners hope that Sev enth street people will win their point, and that the cost of the Sev. enth street improvement will have to oe borne by the city. same county. But there it stands, a monument of IF DR. WHITE WAS SINCERE dollar marks, and only the Lord and AND WANTED TO BE CONSIST- the water commissioners can guess ENT, WHY DID HE NOT NOTIFY when the "going up" call will be EVERY PHYSICIAN IN CLACKA- sounded. MAS COUNTY THAT THERE WAS The Fifth street "slip over" of NO COUNTY HEALTH OFFI- $1,600 that nobody knows anything CER LEGALLY IN OFFICE? about. What kind of management do Such action at least would have yu caU that? Men in big corpora- had the merit of beinir apparently tions are going to prison for this i . r. . , . " . - I i- i i tii r i.i nonest. But ne took no action in re- Klna oi worn, megai, a piain bunco Coquille doesn't seem to find busi ness ruined by being dry. Four hun dred and fifty voters, more than two- thirds ot the city s population, signed Q nofitinn in trio fminoil aclinrr it ti refuse to grant license, and by a vote Sartl to the whole county, he merely from the general fund, yet not a man of 5 to 1 the council so decided. savs ne tooK & in Oregon City. As of tne nlne on the council knows who a matter of fact he probably didn't did it, or finds out. Nice work! Portland's Rose show needs a nub- take the action at all he probably The Seventh street improvements, licity manager who is alive above the Droke loose at the last minute when at the head of the stairway. Can ears. The big show is poorly adver- the Oregonian called him up and act- any of you remember when it hasn't tised. The attendance could have ed a the "goat" for the clique of Deen torn up and when a gang of men been doubled with live wire manage- Oregon City physicians who are try- was not working on it? Plans have ment. If Portland would get on to to oust Dr- VanBrakle from his been changed, added to, taken from, the Round-up system at Pendleton Position. f and one man dumping responsibility and work it out for one season, Port- These Oregon City physicians onto another until the poor old lund would have to put on side-boards never recognized Dr. VanBrakle street hasn t many entnls left to re- or overflow attractions.. antl tney have "ever sent their re- mo,Xf- ports to him, except when he forced Tnat handsome waterfall that We read in the papers that times tnem to- And the fact that it leaked Pous ,out air in place of water, are generally tight throughout the ou tna? they had done the same cost. aoout 1W so the Co.i. thine with ren-aril tn tVipir Ma tor is informed. "watchful waiting" imitation. Yet Ports Probably made it seem expedi- . " was to have been a scenic bit in Oi-Pimn r.iHr i.noinooo i ent to Calvin S. Whit.p tn o-ivo tv,- of beauty. The street was ripped un. at the usuul gait, and we only know Oregonian the interview that he did. tne stomach taken out, the colon re of business depression through the lt looketl better it made it appear movea. and a beautiful underground newspapers. A mile of mills and as if Dr- White was not shutting his river bed made of solid cement. their navi-nlls will ntnml nfT hnuina.o eyes at an open and deliberate viola. depressions longer than anything else uo" 01 lne law- This is the way an Oregon City thinker sized up the thiee candidates for governor the other day: "Can eitner withycombe or Smith point to " H'i'Kie ining tney Have ever done jor tne people as previute citizens? llllD Ulllll.H w... , . v.H ci mu ever spent an Hour vi a uoimr lor the good of Oregon ? lias either ever initiated or worked iur any movement for the good of w Se Tm' Am1 on the 0,lu'- hand W. i. U Ren has worked for years, neglected his private business, and spent his own money to help through the many reforms in Oregon that other states are adopting as fast as the people get power to adopt thorn. U Ken is unquestionably the friend ot the people, and an honest, sincere advocate of needed reforms. Voter who stand for honesty in Oregon's government should have no doubt as towl ho they should support for gov- What has become of Hawley, our wooden Congressman from the First district? His name doesn't even appear in the Con gressional Record any more. Where ia he? Salem Mes senger. Oh, he'll come out of it ao-ain pretty soon and tret snmp mm an. piner private pension. You can't financial conditions. p. " goou man down long. SCHOOL DISTRICT DEBT REPORTED TO BE $9,000 Mystery Regarding Amount Cannot be Solved till Late in Month There is a general impression in But the river refused to Nin It went on a vacation and Inst, itsplf How it escaped from the cement con duct, no one knows, for its is all nut oi signt cnannei, river and expense. But what's the use? We could uo on with a varrl nf mis takes. When VOU tret pnnno4i thon rri . O" ft", ".VH gtl lt would be far cheaper tn h9t The Fact Remains No amount of misrepresentation by the peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug gling with chemicals, o- pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of any kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder has been found by the offi cial examinations to be of the highest leavening efficiency, free from alum, and of absolute purity and wholesomeness. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. Wright Found Guilty The jury in the circuit court Tues day found H. C. Wright, farmer of Stafford, guilty of burglary of grain from the farm of George Schaber, a neighbor, on the night of April 29. Schaber set a burglar alarm and he testified that he caught Wright with a sack half filled with grain. Wright and wife testified he was at home on the evening in question. County At torney Hedges was assisted by G. E. Hayes in the prosecution and O. D. Eby defended him. local circles that the Oregon CAt.-U " " :T., " Y."' nav oniii .ii..i,.;..t : .- J. " euu ana pusmess ad aT c ni U I'" tB Tl A? there is no head, while a year ago the choo TdM Z I Zu . T'ty ana "" "ttle of- r? 1 e 01 l,el.lt! lBt t.PWsent it The public meeting called fnr m, and The Enterprise stood with Its is behind son e ? 3,0 " Whe her th 20 to ifThetmgtCa,led fr &La5 S - or not seenfs di,r,culetdiseoyS oLttoft s,,n,i,; f i vr J r," r- a.- cI0.,"l!' ai"(? cierk of the citizens will onw o-Pt. ,m tn i" "Sr.J?&e Prohibi- Last. Saturday a reporter from the ... .. v....wW vmuucn in uiiv L-nns- ijourinr skH v lifAi jp u uiuviic ii 1113 UUUlfl Help Fight Booze mi. it- nn ine ury lorces are arranging rl!i 11 nrtlint t-tr fhnt- i. I i. I , n i . . - " ' niU ofth Mople. Bv e7 ! Z i" of thi ot. , . monster mass meeting to 'be .Senator Ruth, of Washington state "I cannot ,ii i iv d f- ' A-lu "i lne """dman Hall, Oregon the liuor dealers hired nmn?0 work "An 1 T t lrol 5 '' Jue 2fith. All the different against prohibition in Oregon was no financial rfT i 1 temperance omcos of the County will prohibition, and he ,. v L S" u. liL u. i? T 'uiun,e land as. that booze ubsiness, come and come early. on the Enterprise editor. h , . A can,lot 8?y Kut yur fhou'der to the wheel and iiiiiui-v mere, is on nann snnvp mtnhii v Mn.. j:j . .... If I ,.,.. t I...T r, . , : "" . uiu uuuoitu In a letter to the 1WM i r LZ'Z Zi.:".! "re tne U?.0KS "ow nity oner better, than this. Be on mil, W. S. U'Hen nf 1 , IV, . i ... " . , 1(3 expenditures or hand. Uo your part, man or woman. oil,... i ..: ..v.""-, a- "-ictpm uvlviu uie nnancia year anvbodv. vpi-vlmrlv y report I might make on help clean our state and country from iinnilil-i.iM fli. it n.:.. t .1 , J , "-"'"bo wouiu iiiosi uangerous trafnc, Hope dies hard Benson is having me uaiiora counted again. Friar Club Indictments. County Attorney Hedges has se cured indictments of three men con nected with the Friars' club (Mil- waukie tavern), J. Wilbur, William Wilber and B. Parish, and Sheriff Mass arrested them Saturday. They me out on i,uuu Dan eacn. The charge consists of six counts. It is said County Attorney Hedges will not stop with these indictments, but wm continue tne case to tne next session ot the grand jury. I he trial ' will commence before Judge Campbell in the Circuit Court r riday. CLARKES "T xv, ..m. m ,y menus who sup- ended, so an port nie on other measures but are tho present. airitid of the single tax, I wish to be worthless Mine mat 1 accept the vnfn nf tu u. peopio in i'.nz on that question. If 1 am elected governor I shall not n... port any single tax measure during my four years of olllce. or any great er exemption than the $15,00 on dwel ling house, livestock, machinery, hllllilmn-t. ....... C ..1 i . ' : cieanng land, grow ing orchards, etc., which is now pend ing before the people. Tf tho ,.! eutes of the single tax priciple are ",a 7ul.v "hi aiow tne voters a reas onable period of study and reflection luioro suDinitimg the question again. IF clnother c4dvantage IX niCALING M1T1I THIS HANK IS THAT VOU ARK NOT TOO SMAI.I, FOR US, NOR ARE WE TOO LAKGU FOR VOU. WE ARE JUST AS ATTENTIVE IN OUR DEALINGS WITH THE SMALLEST DEPOSITOR AS WITH THE LARGE ONE. .... WE INVITE CHECKING ACCOUNTS, IS SUE CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND SERVE VOU IN ANY WAY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAFE BANKING. The Bank of Oregon Citv OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY lirodie was told that it urn e generally reported that the district would find itself heavily in debt at the end of the fiscal year, and was asked if there was any indication at imi-m.mii, oi mac condition. Ho was "u mat tho reputed indebted- SJ"1SD P'lu:e'l at approximately $9,000. Replying to this Mr. Brodie sum; "Possibly the books will not show things in as good condition this year as last. But that may be accounted for by the fact that last year there was a premium nff.u-iwl f,n. ..n , v. i UIB XU11 and early payment of the special T. B. Ford. S. Macdonald, Mrs. W. Green, Com't. MRS. W. W. LAKE .Tells Others How to Get Strong and Well Mrs. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen. Miss., says: "The grippe had left me In a weak, run-down condition from school tax, and'all the incoming funds whlch 1 suffered for some time. I p,,, of ii Py accounts at the tried different remedies but nothing o'su hll enS V?j?P?PJs kmed ,to do me any good until 1 taxes liave been "paid: "t&ZSC ftw?..whteh. rec.e1 uor ot the special school tax is yet to le paid there is no rebate to be had hand lies ent . eariy payment. So possibly there wil not ho t,,..i, -v there is a flmitmn. i.,.i..i.,..j s of something like $0,000 at pres- 1 believe, aiul il,oll,.. i '.in i ... . : "'"-k'i'i nieie win be sutlieient tax nmn.,,. !.. ... of this I cannot say." ' lare Beyond this Mr. KmI! ; " . ," a? l0, whether or not hud r or no to be 'resent board of school directors un the district heavily into debt t- lhe annual school election is neiu on th Hi m i .Innn .) ' , u. uay in 7' y also Mr. Bro- wilUlWdut aCtiMtJ SCh01 derk' " Weather Tic and Health Builder. Are vou run t J ,1 vS eve,thl"-' 'ou do an ef. foit? Vou are not lazyyou ars sick! Your Stomach, Liver Kid neys, and whole system need a Tonic" A Ionic and Hea th linil, I..- a.i... m,t tha ;;.r ,".,'.'" .... v.. .-nC inuuer nuim vou up and renew your strength. Nothing better than ElertnV Hittor c,. oday. Mrs. Jnmos Duncan, Havnes ville, Me., wries: 'Completely cured me after several doctors gave me up. 50c and $1.00, at your Drug. great benefit. My cough is almost entirely gone and I am strong and well again, and I am glad to recom mend Vinol to others who suffer as I did." Mrs. Lake's recovery was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers combined with the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron, which are contained In Vinol, and her cough disappeared as a natural result. We guarantee that Vinol will do all we claim and will pay back youi money if Vinol does not satisfy you Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wettlaufer were in town last week. Mr. bred Zwahlen and Mr. Rnt.tp. miller were in town last Saturdav. Miss Emma and Tillie Bauer, from Colton, visited Mr. Christ Zwahlpn and tamily last Sunday. Mr. Wettlaufer helped Mr. Fred zwahlen break up new land last week. iur. v red Bauer, from Colton, went through Clarkes last Sunday. Elmer and Walter Kliensmith were out picking strawberries to White Salmon and have returned home again. Mr. A. F. Buche went to town on Monday. Mrs. Glick is building a new house. The Highland Grange band had a uance last Saturday night Miss Ida Zwahlen is working in "'cjjuu vny ior ivirs. Harding. Miss Elda Marquardt, from Ore gon City, came out an dvisited her relatives some time ago. Meade Post Gives Thanks At a meeting of- Meade Post on Saturday last a resolution was adopt ed thanking the parents, teachers and scholars of the various schools visit ed by the Post and Relief Corps dur ing the past two weeks, for the inter est manifested in the patriotic exer cises of the schools. A vote of thanks was also tendered M. D. Latourette ano a. A. fnce for the use of their automobiles in carrying the commit tee to suburban schools and also to the Oregon City Automobile Club for tne use of their automobiles on Mem orial day. The semi-annual report of the adjutant shows that Meade rost nas now a membership of 107, having gained six during the past six months. The Post voted to attend Flag day exercises at Elks hall on June 14, having received an Invitation from that patriotic organization. WANTED Two settings thorough bred Minorcha eggs. A. M. Ker chem, Oregon City, Rt. 2, Bx. 83. Mrs. Mary Wickham Dead. Mrs. Mary C. Wickham, a well known resident of Oregon City, who has been ill for several years, died at the home. of her son, Alonzo Wick ham, Monday morning. Mrs. Wickman came to Oregon April 30, 1880, from Harden county, Indiana, and has resided in the city since that time. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ferd Curran, two sons, William and Wesley Wickham, all of this city. Her husband, Robert Wickham, died in this city 11 years ago. Many friends attended the funeral services, which were conducted at the family home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. W. T. Milliken, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. The interment was in the family lot in Mountain View cemetery. $100 Rewifrd, $100 fhe readers of this paper will ba pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1b taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that lt falls to cure. Send lor list of testimonials. Addre: F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all DruRglita, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for conitlpatloii. Closing Out Sale I am closing out my entire stock of merchandise at the Beaver Creek store, 6 miles southeast of Oregon City, Ore., on the Highland road. Anybody looking for bargains will find them here. Everything will be sold for cash only. And no goods will be exchanged or taken back. I also have store fixtures for sale cheap. A. P. Schneider, Proprietor. Comforting to Stout People. Foley Cahartic Tablets are a spec ially good little regulator that keeps your system in perfect working or der. No biliousness, no constipation, no distress after eating, no greasy, gassy taste. A stout person who uses hem constantly will really feel thinned out and more comfortable as a result of their use. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that Eliza beth Glover has been duly appointed by the Coun,ty Court, State of Ore gon, Administratrix of the estate of F. M. Glover, deceased, and that all creditors having claims against said estate may present them duly veri fied, to said undersigned at the of fice of C. D. and D. C. Latourette, Oregon City, Oregon, on or before six months from the date hereof. Dated June 8, 1914. Elizabeth Glover Coughs and Colds Weaken the Sys tem. Continued Coue-hs. C.nhU anA Bronchial troubles are dem pssino- and weaken the system. Loss of weight and appetite generally fol low. Get a 50c. bottle of Dr New Discovery to-day. It will stop your cough. The first dose helps. The best medicine for Stubborn Coughs, Colds -and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Mr. O H. Brown. Muscatine, Ala., writes: "My wife was sick during the hot summer months and I honestly believe Dr. King's New Discovery saved her life." Good for children: 50c and $1.00, at your Druggist. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Cures Stubborn, Itchy Skin Troubles. "I could scratch myself to pieces" is often heard from sufferers of Eczema, Tetter, Itch and similar Skin Eruptions. Don't Scratch Stop the Itching at once with Dr. first application starts healing; the Red, Rough, Scaly, Itching Skin is soothed by the Healing and Cooling Medicines. Mrs. C. A. Einfeldt, Rock Island, 111., after using Dr. ' Hobson's Eczema Ointment, writes; "This is the first time in nine years I have been free fro mthe dreadful ailment." Guaranteed, 50c, at your Druggist. Notice is hereby eiven that the un. dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state of dre- gon for Clackamas county, adminis trator of the estate of J. E. Hooley, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are herehv rermir- ed to present the same to me prop erly verified as by law required, at the office of J. F. Clark. Oreo-nn Ore., within six months from tv,p date nereot. Date of first publication Thiirolo,, June 11, 1914. . . . . JOHN EGLI Administrator of thp potota f t v Hooley, deceased. J. B Clark, Attorney for Administra- ONLY AS STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST BOLT is any carriage, business wagon or other horse-drawn vehicle. We don't overlook the smallest details of our repairing business, so that when we get through with "anything on wheels" we undertake every single part is as strong as any other it's strong all over. Cost? Tell you in a minute when you ask. Owen G. Thomas 'Rose Time-June Time Good Time-Portland!" Is The Slogan of The Portland Rose Festival JUNE 9-10-1 1-12 Special Low Round Trip Fares . VIA THE Officephones: Main 50, A50;Res. phones, M. 2524 1751 Home B25t, D251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANFER & STORAGE Office 012 Main Street Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Common Brick, Face Brick, Fire Brick IWSUNSET m I lOGDENftSHASTAl I I 1 ROUTES I 1 The E.vposition'.L1ne 19 IS The Rose Festival of Portland this year will enV,nr-a iL previously held. This city will Veep o'hoSw M"ftf guests, and will provide amusement and entertainment tw -n be worth a journey of many miles to see! Cnt that wlU HISTORICAL AND ALLEGORICAL FLOATS 5e.pi!f.enti.,tne Aitory..u'd Pn of Oregon and it, ; uu ..cs--uvu ana Military Parades Snort? t j ".Z Water Grand Festival Ball, et.c Tickets on sale from all points on the S. P. south of t k eluding Klamath Fa..,8 June 7th to lO.AC Z all points north; also from points on the P. E. & E C Xr P o S i W. and P. R. N. June 7 to 12 inclusive. ' E" SF'& Final return limit all points June 15. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.