OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914. in ; has again what the slaughter B. Tolpolar's Bankrupt Stock of New and Second Hand Furniture and Household Furnishings, a complete stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Wall, Building and Roofing Paper, Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery and Glassware, and have lived up to our promise in every detail? Hundreds of people are visiting our sale daily and taking advantage of this rare opportunity by making liberal purchases. But our stock having been very large and it being imperative that the entire stock be disposed of within the specified time of 18 days which begun May 23rd ending "Wednesday, June 9, which is positively the last day. Tuesday, June 9, 1914, at 6:30 p. m.t will mark the end of this Great Sale New and Second Hand Cook Stoves and Ranges representing all of the prominent makes. Slightly used cook stoves worth flO.OO now $1.85. worth 112.50 reduced to $0.85. worth $15.00 reduced to $9.85. New Cook Stoves Reg. $8.50 now $0.50. Reg. 11.00 now $8.00. 75 other ranges slightly used to be disposed of during this sale. Slightly used Ranges worth $25.00 now 14.85 worth $30.00 now $17.93 New Camp Stoves with cast top, Regular $2.75 now $1.05 SLIGHTLY USED. Kitchen Cahinets Worth- $3.50 now $1.1)5 Worth $5.00 now $2.35 with or without tops. New Tables Reg. price $0.50 and .!).00.... now $3.50 Drop leaf Kitchen Tables in while Reg. $2.50 now $1.75 SLIGHTLY USED Commodes Reg. $2.75 now $1.50 Reg. $3.00 now $1.75 Reg. $3.50 now $2.00 Second Hand Dressers Worth $10.00 now f 4.85 Worth $15.00 now $0.85 SLIGHTLY USED Chiffioners Reg. $10.00 value now $5.85 Reg. $10.00 value now $0.85 Reg. $17.00 value now $0.95 Cupboards Reduc'd to $2.00 each and up. SLIGHTLY USED Book Cases Worth $7.00 and $0.00 now $4.00 WoodFoldg Chairs Reg. $1.00 now 30c each 75c Kitchen Chairs reduced to ,55c . Reg. $1.25 now Sot Reg. $1.50 now !5c Bamboo Stands Reg. $3.50 now $1.75 Reg. $4.00 now $2.00 The above quotations represent only a small portion of our gigantic stock. It would be utterly impossible to quote ev ry thing. Upon visiting our sale you will be agreeably surprised at the quantity and quality of our merchandise and the care and attention our patrons receive. A. R. PRICE, Sales Mgr., ai. been rewarded, which goes to show that people appreciate. We advertised that SLIGHTLY USED Rocking Chairs as good as new. Reg. $3.00 now $1.45 Reg. $3.25 now: $2.25 Reg. $3.50 now $2.50 'iteg. $4.00 now $2.75 Reg. $5.00 now $3.25 Iron Beds re-enameled, as good as new. Worth $3.00 now 95c Brass Ornamental Beds Reg. $0.00 now $2.35 $15.00 Metal Reds $1.85 Oak Beds Quarter Sawed Oak, richly orna mented Reds costing new $20.00 Bankrupt price $2.00 each. 1 Folding Red with mirror worth $25.00 now $5.00 Iron Beds Reg. $0.00 now $1.95 Reg. $10.00 now $0.50 Upholstered Cots Slightly discolored by water, Use ful for camping out. Reg. $3.25 now 95c 300 Used Springs in good condition cut down to 90c each. Used Springs, ranging in value from $3.50 to $5.50, now $1.00. New Mattresses Reg. $3.50 now $2.35 Reg. $1.00 now $3.15 Slightly used Mattresses rang ing from $3.50 to $7.00, Rankrupt price 95e. A large assortment slightly used Blankets-Comforts worth $1.50 and up, now 75e each. Union Carpets Reg. 55e yard now 30c Filler, reg. 50c now 30c. All Wool Carpets, regular $1.00 k now 55c Formerly Nye & Wait Mar noc Rugs ' all wool and fast colors. Reg. Now. 3x0 $4.50 $2.25. 0x9 9.00 5.90. 9x9 13.50 8.40. ' 9 x 12 17.50 10.00. 9x15 21.50 13.00. Linen Warp Mat ting Reg. 35c, now 18c pr yard. 8 oz. Duch 15c yd. :.. 15c per yard A lot of second hand go-carts worth new from $5.00 to $10.00 your choice, $2.00 each. Cross-cut Saws ' Atkins & Diston guaranteed Saws in all lengths Reg. 75 per foot, Rankrupt price 50c Wedges & Sledges Reg. 10c lb now 7 1-2 c. Shovels, regular 75c .... now 45c STOVE PIPE Reg. 15c per joint now 9c Agriculture Wrenches 0 in. monkey wrench, reg. 30c now : 20 cents 8 in. reg. 35e now 25c 10 in. reg. .45c now .35. Hatchets ('law Hatchets reg. 25c....now 15c Hartford Claw Hatchets, reg. 75c . now 45c Hand Pruner Reg. $3.00 now $1.50 All kinds of Diston tools pro- portionly' reduced. Clevises 4 in. reg. 10c now 5c. 0 in. reg. 15c now 10c. 8 in. reg. 25c now 15c. Table Cuttlery Reg. $1.50 now $1.00 Knives and Forks, reg 75c now 45c Knives and Forks, reg. $1.00 now 70c Silverware Tea Spoons, reg. 25c, set of 0, now 10c Dessert Spoons, reg. 35c, set of G, now 15c Table Spoons, reg. 40c, set of 0, v now 15c Also line of high-grade Silver ware at remarkably low price. MAKE NO MISTAKE! LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGNS AND THE NAME D0 it 514 Main St. OREGON CITY utNaftC6 Locks Inside Door Locks, reg. 25c, now 17 l-2c Mortise inside locks, reg. 50c, now 35c Corbin Pad Locks, Reg. 50c now 20C Paints W. P. Fuller's Mixed Paints, reg. $2.00 now $1.25 a gal. Floor paint proportionately re duced. Barn and Roof Paints, now 85c per gallon. Shingle Stain ' Cut down to .00c per gal. . Carriage Paint Varnishes and stains proportion ately reduced. Paint Brushes A full assortment for less than wholesale cost. Building Paper Reg. 75e, : now 40c Deadening Felt Reg. $2.00, now $1.25 pr. roll Reg. $2.50, now $1.75 pr. roll Mikado Roofing Paper Reg. $1.50 now $1.00 pr. roll Wall Paper A complete stock of wall paper, double rolls, reg 10c values now 5c and up Reg. 35c- now .)C Reg. 25c, now 15c Oatmeal Paper Reg. 75c per roll, now 40c. oiipiar Mirrvrs 25c Mirrors, : now 15c. 35c Mirrors, now 20c. 50c Mirrors, now 30c. 00c Mirrors, '. now 40c. Oval Gilt Frame Mirrors, reg. $2.25 now $1.50 Reg. $5.00 now $3.00 Reg. $G.00 now $3.50 All French Plate 18x40 Plate Mirrows, reg price, $8.00, now : $5.00 Dishes 50-Piece Gilt figured dishes, reg. $5.00 at $3.45 48-Piece Gilt figure, reg. $7.50 at :. $4.05 Cup and Saucer, set of 0, reg. 00c Reduced to 35c G Plates, reg 00c, at 40c Ice Cream or Berry Dishes, reg. 5c each, Reduced to 2 l-2c Glassware Water Pitchers, reg. 50c... at 35c Berry Dishes, extra heavy, near cut glass, reg. 50c now 25c Reg. 10c Glasses 5c ea. Lamps Reg. 50c y now 25c Reg. $1.00 now 45c Reg. 00c now 35c Reg.$5.00 now $3.45 Reg. $10.00 now $4.S5 Lamp Chimneys Reg. 10c, .". now 5c each Graniteware Stew Pans, reg. 25c, ....now 15c Dish pans, reg. 50c now -25c Tea Pots, reg. 40c now 20c Tea Tots, reg 50c now 30c Tea Pots, reg. $1.00 now 55c Copper nd Sickle Tea Kettles, Reg- $1.35, reduced to 95c Pudding Pans High Grade Ware, reg 15c, now .10c Reg. 30c, now 20c Reg. 35c, now 25c The Great Bankrupt Sale is now going on. Hundreds of conservative buyers are filling their homes with thousands of our unparalled bargains. You can avail your self of the same opportunity if you will act quickly and come - without delay. Chances like, this seldom occur. facts are we would Enamel Ware High Grade, Preserving . Kettles, Reg. 55c now 35c Reg- GOc now 40c Other sizes reduced proportion ately. Dish Pans In High Grade Enamel, reg. G5c Reduced to 45c Reg. 75c, Reduced to 50c Reg. $1.25, Reduced to 85c Reg. $1.50, Reduced to $1.10 Royal Enamelware Tea Kettles, Reg. 85c,.... now 55c Dish Pans, reg. 50c now 30c Dish Tans, Reg. 00c, now 35c Dish Pans, reg. $1.00 .... now 55c All other Enamelware reduced accordingly. Tinware Milk Pans, reg. 10c, reduced, 2 for v - 15C Pie Plates, reg. 5c, .... at 2 for 5c Complete line of tinware. Reduced consistently with the quality. Galvanized Ware Tubs, No. 1. reg. 70c now45c Tubs, No. 2, reg. 85c, now 55c Tubs No. 3. reg $1.00, .... now 70c Pails Reg- 25c, reduced to 15c Reg. 30c, ! reduced to 20c Reg. 35c, reduced to 25c Special Mention A grand chance to fit up sum . mer outfit for little or nothing. We have a large lot of slightly used stuff, in Graniteware, Tin ware, Crockery and Glassware, at your own price. Also Crow P.ars, Picks, Cables, Blocks, Grab Ilooks and Clamps.