OREGON CIT V COURIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914. Ladies' Vests Bleached regular 10 and 15c Ladies' Vests regular 15 and 20c 9c - regular 25c 12c Ladies' Hose Burson 25c 17c Children's Hose regular . 15 and 25c 9c Men's B'lk Hose regular 15 and 20c 8c SAFETY PINS Regular 5 and 10c 2c Pins regular 5c 1c Ginghams Zypers regular 15 and 20c 9c PERCALES Regular 25c Sc (7 111 WHITE GOODS 500 yards regular 35 lo 50c 15c it I f .. 1 I Wl u Men's White H'dk's regular 10c 4c Ladies'WhiteH'dk's regular 10c 2c To the Church or Society of same, or Charitable Institution, Library or Hospital receiving the greatest Number of Votes During the Next thirty days. Contest Begins Saturday Morning June 6th and closes at 9 P. M. July 3d RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CONTEST First For each and every 5 cents spent in our store during contest, will count twenty-five votes up to $2.50. Second If purchase amounts to $2.50 one thousand votes extra will be counted and 25 votes for each five cents exceeding $2.50 and up to $5.00. Third If purchase amounts to $5.00 two thousand five hundred votes extra will be counted and 25 votes for each five cents exceeding $5.00 up to $7.50, when Rule 2nd would be applied up to $ 1 0.00. Fourth If purchase amounts to $ 1 0 it will count twenty-five thousand votes. Fifth For each five cents exceeding $10 will count 50 votes, and each dollar exceeding will count five thousand votes, and each $5 exceeding will count fifty thousand votes, and each $10 exceeding will count one hundred thousand votes. " . Sixth Every vote must be voted within five days after date of purchase. Seventh This contest closest 9 P. M. the third day of July. Eighth-HOW TO VOTE. Save your duplicate sales ticket, write on it the name of the church, chari table home or society, library, or hospital and deposit it in ballot box by Cash Register within five days of date of purchase. jRnnio Vc8i In connection with this great cash premium offer, we will start our Great REMOVAL SALE in which we will absolutely close out our entire stock here, as we have purchased a new, full, complete stock for our new home which we will occupy about July 1st. We have reduced every article in our stock to rock bottom in order to unload as quickly as possible. Space will not permit us here to list every item, but we have turned our big store into one Gigantic Mass of Bargains. In our ready-to-wear department you will find the Greatest Bargains you ever heard of in Ladies Dresses. See them. Pearl Buttons regular 10c per doz. 2c Oxfords Childrens & Misses $2.00 & $2.50 68c Mary Janes 2 Straps Regular $3.00 $1.98 Mary Janes Misses $2.50 $1.75 Shoes Ladies $3 and $3.50 $1.98 Shoes Ladies $4. $4.50 $5. $2.98 Mens Shoes $3.50 & $4.00 $2.48 This Sale Starts Wednesday Morning Save your Sales Tickets and vote them in the big Cash Prize Con test for your favorite. 1 Men's Shoes $4.50, $5 and $6 2.98 ELLIOTT BROS. Ladies Shoes Perfect Comfort Regular $3.00 $1.78 Middys Regular $1.50 Ladies Dresses street & evening one price reg. $3 to $3.50 88c $1.98 Embroideries Thousands of yards 15, 20 and 25c Ladies' Waists Hen's Suits Men's Shirts Men's Ties MILLINERY Summer Dress MESSALINE 33ST' JSfJlfe ' i PETTICOATS $16, $18 and $20 Greatly regular 25 & 35c . regular $3.50 $9.85 88C 28C Reduced . J ft- Presses RIBB)NS ROMPERS White Dresses SUSPENDERS , - thousands of thousands of extra heavy regular $2.50 regular 35 - regular 75c to $1 yards up to 25c yards, 25 to 35c regular 35 & 50c 25c 5c 9c 25c $1.18 18c Overalls Regular $1.00 75c Mens Balbriggan Underwear Oxfords $2.50 to $3.00 98c ft IS $2 and $2.50 78c 9c Regular $1. per. Suit 23c per. Garment 2L