OREGON ClTTf COURIER, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1914. n ay AY 30th- IN HONOR OF MEMORIAL DAY v STORE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Assist Us And Our Helpers in Our Efforts to Fittingly Observe The Nation's Most Solemn Holiday by Doing YOUR SATURDAY SHOPPING ON FRIDAY Will Be Closed ' SATURDAY, M All n h mm All "Booster Week Specials" Advertised in our Double-page Cir- n 2 !! 1 f a ... a!1 I " r I cuiar oi one weeK ago win oe in eueci uiuh FRIDAY EVENING AT 9:00 O'CLOCK nwiivrz nrn arr?nziv nnr mav FRID71 Y MAY 29 WILL BE RED LETTER DA Y Extra Special! SY ! Best Grade of AMOSKEAG APRON GINGHAM 6c Yd. Not more than 10 Yds. to a Customer. Extra Specially ! Best Grade of 12k Lonsdale Muslin 8c Yd. Not more than 10 Yds. to a Customer. Extra Special 1 1 Dest 50c Grade Men's Work Shirts 35c Each SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS FOR MARVELOUS Aftei-Sppe Sale Specials, on Sale FRIDAY EVENING, 7 to 9 O'clock .j. o r.hiirfi-m ikr n r To those of you -who believe in fostering the "new spirit" abroad in Oregon City these bright and sunny days and as an appreciation of your co-operation- in helping make the na tion's holiday a 'day of rest and recreation, we have prepared a series of "AFTER SUPPER SURPRISES" that will be in v effect Friday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Our windows today tell the story more eloquently than a page of printers ink could possibly do. . From the inter manifested and from the comments overheard we predict that our store will be packed with appreciative shoppers day evening as it was never crowded before. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY None of the articles displayed in our show windows will be placed on sale, until the clock strikes 7 Friday evening. est Fri- STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P .M. OREGON CITY, ORE. STORE OPEN FRIDAY EYENING UNTIL 9 P .M. Extra Special!?! Men's $3.50 WORK SHOES SOLID AS A ROCK ALL SIZES $250 PER PAIR Extra Special!' ALL DAY I FRIDAY $18.50 STUNNING New Spring Suits Yotf Last Chance at This Price 89.98 Extra Special FRIDAY 19c and 25c Quality ; CURTAIN SCRIMS A Score of Designs at 10c a yard LOCAL -AND PERSONAL H. Fonts, of Logan, was in this city Saturday and bunday. J. H. Vernon, of Molalla, was in Oregon City Thursday and Friday, Frank Sanness, of Canby, was in this city Saturday and Sundya. B. J. Berg and Miss Cora Borg, of Barlow, were Oregon City visitors baturday William Vaughnn, a prominent resident of Molalla, was in Oregon Jity on Monday. Gustnv A. Schuebel and daughter, Hilda, of bhubel, were in Oregon City Wednesday. E. S. Girbble and Louis Gribble, of Aurora, were in Oregon City on Friday and Saturday. J. E. Larson, of Corvallisl was among those registering at the Elec tric Hotel I' riday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell, of Yucolt, Washington, were Oregon City viS' itors Monday and Tuesday, register ing at the Electric Hotel. Ladies, if pou want a new pair of colonial pumps, a Mary Jane, Baby Dell, or a shoe with the new Spool Heel, call in at tho Oregon City Shoe Store. Mrs. J. O. Staots will leavo about June 3rd for Muscatine, Iowa, where she win visit with relatives. Mrs, Staats formerly resided at Muscatine, but it has been nine years sinco she has visittod her old home. Miss Thohie Draper, Ililman An dcrson and Miss Meta Watson have been elected to positions in tho Tort land schools. They were formerly 1 ...,(.iP,.s in this city. Miss Irene Curter, who also was a former teach er in Oregon City, but for the past tew yenrs has lioen engaged as teach er in the Milwaukio school, has been elected to teach in the Portland schools. Mrs A. R. Dullum, of Belloit, Wis consin, who has been in this city visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Zin- ser, left for her home on Thursday morning ot tins week. siie was ac companied by her son, Wesley Dull um, and daughter, Miss Grace Dull um, and were on their way home from San Diego. California, where they have been spending the winter for the benefit of the hitter s health. They are so impressed with Oregon that thoy are contemplating return ing here in the ucar future. On Wednesday afternoon of last week, Miss Helen Fay, daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fay, 508 John Adams street, entertained a number of little friends in honor of her ninth birthday. Games were played and refreshments served during the af ternoon, those present were, Miss ' Margaret Simmons, Elizabeth Moore, Helen Fay, Margaret Williams, Bess ie Faber, Kuth Henderson, Ruth Swanson, Lanora Stead, Zidn Hidy, Grace Alldredge, Iva Ingram, Ber nice Gottberg, Nona Spirer, Hazel Shepherd.. M. D. Hopkins, of Yauuina, was in Oregon City Sunday and Monday, breeder at.Wilsonville, who brought some of his famous stallions to me livestock Bhow held in this city on Saturday, was painfully injured while returning to hia home, when the two stallions he was leading became fri ehtened of a passing automobile. Mr. Jaeger was knocked down by the frightened animals and severely trampled upon. He was huyndly U ken to the office of Dm. .II. S. and Guy. Mount, where his injuries were attended. O .C. Glass, of Highland, was in this city Friday and Saturday. Frank Dfiwling and two-year-old jon, Georgie, will arrive in Oregon City this eveing from Lincoln, Ne "aska. aid will h tb "no- nt the former's sister, Mrs. Peter Smith; jf Canemah. ivir. Howling is coming to Oregon City for the benefit of his health, and if the climate agrees with his health he will make his fu ture home here. Board of Trade, Take Notice Here is what a man phoned in to the Courier, Thursday noon, with the request that the new board of trade think it over. J. H. Barnett, - of Parkplace, hroue-ht in a load of strawberries The highest offer Oregon City would make was G5 cents per crate. He took them home. The next day L. Peterson took his load to Portland ana got $i.ou j crate, and the following day $1.7 There is something dead wrong with such a discrepancy. And these men are out witn tneir hammers, knocking Oregon City. And we wonder why country trade does not come here. t ""' I Would That Mv Love. - F. Mendelssohn Men's String Quartette The French Spirit E. Waldtenfel Men's String Sextette Salveigs Song Grieg Dream Valse A. Joyce Homestead Melodies R. Recker Overture Orchestra Miss Louise Huntley on the piano. SOCIAL MATTERS AlVa IT W. fJrac entertained in a charming manner at her home on Pi.rMli mwl Wnehintrtnn street, on Tuesday afternoon, the guest of hon or being Mrs. A. it. milium, oi ueu oit, Wisconsin, who has been in this City visiting ner uuugiuci, una. u. j. Zinser, of Thirteenth and Washing ton street, ine aittrnoon was ue vntnrl tn o nm-inl time, linri Mrs. Vi ola Wright, who is a musician of note, rendered several piano seiec Hnni nlun Miss Florence Grace irave -firms, rhirincr the after noon the hostess seved a lun .heon, the table being cet-jreo wun a nowi of roso Tho dining room as well as Lh- ttior rooms of th j Grac" hinie w.ii! prettily rioccrate.i with rjse- brlar. Mrs. John R. Humphreys enter tained in a most delightful manner at her home on Twelfth and Wash ington street on Wednesday after noon of this week, her guests being members of the Wednesday afternoon Ifridge Club and a few invited friends Mrs. C. II. Meisner won tne ciun (list tirize and Mrs. H. E. Hendry the second, while the guest prize was awarded to Mrs. Arthur IDowland. The rooms were artistically decora tod with roses and honeysuckles, ar ranged in baskets and hanging bas kets. Refreshments were served during tho afternoon. Aiiinncf the musical events that are being looked forward to by the music- loving people of Oregon City, is tne i-nneovt to be triven under the direc tion of Prof. Flechtner, a well known musician of this city. Tho affair will be given at the Shively opera house. Friday evening, May 29, and pro mises to be one of the most delight ful uvftp rivnn in this citv. The following, program will be given: Overture Calif of Bagdad A Boieldien Spring's Awakening E. Black Orchestra Nightingale Song E. Vevin Mrs. Hilda Lindborg Selection from Maritana... Wallace Introductions to Semicanjide Rossine Ladies String Sextette 1 Timber Cruising and Estimating If you have timber cruisiig or es timating to be done, see Herman Gerhartus, Clackamas, Rt. 1. He is thoroughly familiar with the work, having been a timber cruiser in Wis consin, and his work will be thorough and price reasonable. Dr. Meisner Declines Dr. C. H. Meisner, who was elected to fill a council vacancy, has declined the place. He Bays he would not be able to give the time necessary for the place and the council will make another appointment Wednesday next. MARGARET L. LITTLE Mrs. Margaret Little, wife of Wal ter L. Little, and a prominent resi dent of this city, being of a well Imnwn Ormrnn nionfier familv. died at the family residence on Seventh and Washington street aauiraay morning at 8 o'clock, after an illness of two weeks of typhoid fever. Mm T.ittln was horn in Oreiron City August 20, 18C8, and was the daughter oi Micnaei ana n,nzaoein Summers, prominent Oregon pion Sim Roant her cirlhood davs in Oregon City, attending the Oregon Ulty scnoois. ane married waiter L. Little of this city 18 years ago. Mra T.ittln Vinrl n host of friends in Oregon City, and her death came as a sudden shock to her family and many friends. She was a member of St. John's Catholic church, having united with that denomination when a child. She is survived by her mother, MW Fliznhflth Summers. of this oltv Vioi hnshnnri. Walter L. Little. a well known merchant of this city: three sisters, Mrs. jonn i.eary, oi p.n-tlnn) Mrs Charles Crossman. of Tacoma, Wash., Mrs. Kate McNama- ra. of Oregon Ulty; two brotners, PMi Summers, nf Oreeron Citv. James Summers, of Antelope, Ore. Her father died many years ago in Oregon City. The funewu services, wnicn were lareelv attended, were held on Mon day morning at 9 o'clock at St. .Inhn's Catholic church. Rev. A. Hill- ehrand. officiating. The interment was in the Catholic cemetery. ine nallbearers were E. G. Caufield, Charles W. Kellv, P. E Frost, L. p,..i,.h W H Howell. T P Randall. The floral tributes were magnificient and in profusion, a token ot high es teem in which the deccosed was held by all who knew her. Beaver Creole Strawberry Ice Cream Social The Beaver Creek Union Sunday school will give an ice cream and strawberry social. Wednesday even ing, June 3rd at the home of Mr. and Mr. Hnl. I.indslev. Strawberries and cream, and ice cream, together with cake, will be served at ten cents a dish The proceeds of this social will go to the Sunday school organ fund, and a cordial invitation is ex tended the public generally, to attend. Elmer Swope, of Schubel, tran sacted business in Oregon City Tues day. ' , Notice m WHEREAS at the General Pri mary Election in Ardenwald Pre cinct, in Damascus Precinct, in Lo gan Precinct, in Liberal Precinct,, in Mount Pleasant Precinct in Clacka mas County, Oregon on the 15th day of May, 1914, a vote was taken for and against Stock running at large in said Precincts and said vote re sulted in a majority of votes being cast AGAINST STOCK ' RUNNING AT LARGE in said above named Precincts , 1 THEREFORE in accordance with the Statute in such cases made and provided it shall be unlawful, sixty days from the date of this notice for stock to run at large in the above named precincts under penalty of $10.00 for the first offense and $20. 00 for each and every subsequent of fense to be recovered from the owner of the stock. Dated May 28th, 1914. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk of Clackamas County. June 1 June 2 ntony an : tin ir;rrk.c eoeatr If t! L i ?r a t n D p'::bq fin j&igniapeciacmar neeis A SUPERB KLEINE-CINES-PHOTOPLAY. FILMS MADE IN ITALY AND EGYPT Jhrillmg - Romantic - Educational list;:! te, -i?Sb I Ciss it' m. Siki 1 -1 i y5fj.. ""j ! fflyjSy T t ADMISSION, ADULTS 25 CENTS, CHILDREN 15c J