OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1914. "WHALES IN THE " HOpSON. They Gave the Dutch Colonists 8oare In the Winter of 1646. In 10-10 the colouy at Kensselaers wijlc had a very hurd winter of It In deed. On tlie 25tli of November the North river was closed and remained frozen for four months. A very liigb freshet followed, which destroyed a number of houses In the vicinity, near-, ly carried away the fort and Inflicted considerable damage In the colony. This, however, was not an unusual thing to the colonists, who In Holland had been accustomed to equally hard winters. Much worse was the appear ance of a sea monster that they had never seen in their native country. "At the same time as the freshet," says Antonle de Hooges, secretary of Bensselaerswljlf, "there appeared be fore us a certain fish of considerable size, snow white in color, round In the body and blowing water out of his head. What It portended God the Lord only knew. At the same instant this flsh appeared we had the first thunder and lightning this year." The public astonishment had scarcely subsided when "another monster wns seen, estl mated at forty feet in length, of a brown color, having flns In bis 'bacli and ejecting water in like manner high In the air." This fish "which had first ascended the river (the North river) stranded on his return to sea on an island some fortv miles from the mouth of the river, near which place four'i others grounded this year." This island goes since by the name of Walvisch or Whale island.-Gazette de Hollande. THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Those Who Are and Are Not Eligible i to the House of Commons. The British parliament consists of the king (or queen regnant), the lords spiritual and temporal and the com mons. The crown virtually appoints the lords spiritual, and the peerages of the lords temporal have been created by the crown, but the members of the house of commons are elected. Every male British subject of full age and sound mind is eligible unless he is a peer, a member of the clergy of the Roman Catholic church, the Church of England or the Church of Scotland, a Judicial ofllcer, a bolder of an office under the crown which has been cre ated since 1705 or a pensioner from the crown. A member of the house of commons holds office until the dissolution of par liament by proclamation under the great seal., The king summons parlia ment to meet and prescribes the time and place of Its meeting, prorogues and dissolves It and commands the writ for the election of members to the house of commons, the present statute law exacts the meeting of par liament once In three years, but the annual voting of supplies has super seded obsolete statutes. In addition to the general elections held after the dissolution of a parlia ment, there are byeleetlons, occurring when a seat has become vacant by the death of a member, by 1x1b succession to the peerage or by bis acceptance of office under the crown. New York Times. Mazzini Loved London's Fogs. What feature of London bas the strongest appeal for the foreigner? Mazzlul loved above all things else the London fogs. "When you look up," ho wrote, "the eye loses itself In a reddish, bell slipp ed vault, which always gives me, I don't know why, an idea of the phos phorescent light of the inferno. The whole city seems under a kind of spell and reminds me of the witches' scene In 'Macbeth,' ox the nrocksbnre or th wiccn or isnaor. The passersny loos; like gliosis, i One feels almost a ghost oneself." And years after he bad left London for Italy be writes to a frlend"l think very often under these radiant skies of the London fogs and always regretful-Iy."-London Spectator. Did His Part. . A little boy of five was Invited to a children's party. The next day he was giving an account of the fun and said that each of the little visitors had contributed either a song, a recitation or music for the pleasure of the rest. "Oh, poor little Jack!' said his moth er. "How very unfortunate you could do nothing!" "Yes, I could, mother," replied the young hopeful. "I stood up and said my prayers l"-San Francisco Star. Ha Drew the Line. Offlecr-Wbnt's the matter with that soup you're turning up your nose at? Private-It s full of sana ana grit, sir. Offlcer-Now, look here, my man, did von come to camp to grumble or to serve your country? Private Well, I did come to serve my country, sir, but not to cat It-Brooklyn Eagle. REAL ESTATE MACDONAL AND VAN AUKEN Real Estate, Insurance, and Loans Courier Office If you want to buy or sell see Mc Donald and Van Auken. They hunt buyers,, they advertise your property. County Court EXPENDITURES-FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL Why Take Chances? Clackamas County real estate is a sure thing. We have all kinds of farms, lots, acreage and homes for sale, and some for trade. MacDon ald and Van Auken. Altruism. Wlllle-Paw, what Is an altruist? Paw-An altruist Is a man who is sat isfied with the way the government Is run and the way the ball team la man- Bged, niy son. Cincinnati Enquirer. Poor Schiller, Mistress What? Broke one of my china figures? The Goethe, 1 supposa lretchcn-No. ma'am, only the Schll ler.- Fllegende Blatter. Her Limit. Sbe-You must admit that a woman generally gains her point. De Yea, until she tries to sharpen a pencil. Philadelphia Record. It Is the wise bead that makes the still tongue. Lucas. Painfully Particular. "If you refuse me this time," he said. "I shall never ask you to be my wife again." "Oh, please," replied the girl from Boston, "try to use better English. never have been your wife. Why should you ask me to be your wife again?" Chicago Record-Herald. Narrow Escape. "Don't you regret your youth?" "Sometimes," replied Mr. Growcber. "And then again I'm kind o' glad to get away from the period of my existence when my supreme ambition was to be good banjo player."-Washington Star. Stopped There. "Did you have your salary raised last year?" "No, but my hopes were raised sev eral times." Boston Transcript HOW CHILDREN GROW Children crow by nouriBliment not overloaded stomachs or rich foods but qualities that are readily converted Into jiie-Husiaiuiiiir oiooa: too oiten tneir digestive powers cannot procure these qualities from ordinary foods which results in weakness, dullness and sickness. If your children are under-size. under weight, catch cold easily, are languid, backward, pale or frail, give them Scott's Emulsion which is pure medicinal nourish ment. It (sharpens the aonetite. builda healthy flesh, firm muscles and active brains. Scott's is growing-food for children. Refuse alcoholic substitutes. The Courier and twice a Journal, both one year, $1.75. week Reliable evidence is abundant that women i are constantly being restored to health by Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that we are contin tolly pub lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them ar all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has comt to these women solely through the use of Lydia E. PI ikham' Vegetable Compound. Money could not buy nor any kind of influer te obtain such recommendations ; you may depend upon . that any testimonial we publish is honest and true if yoi have any doubt of this write to the women whose true n tones and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself, I Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Oamdkn, N..T. " I was side for two years with nervous Bpclls, find my kidneys were affected. I had a doctor all tho time and used a galvanic battery, but nothing did mo any good. I was not ablo to go to bed, but Bjieut niy tiino oi.a conch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skeleton, finally my doctor went away for his health, and my husband heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound and got mo some. In two months I got relief and now I am like a now woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend your medicine to every one and so does niy husband." Mrs. Tiixib Waters, 1135 Knight St., Camden', N.J. And tliis one from Mrs. Haddock: Utioa, Okl a. " I was weak and nervous, not able to do my work and scarcely able to be on niy feet. I had backache, headache, palpi tation of the heart, trouble with my bowels, and intlammation. Since taking tho Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound i am better than I have been for twenty years. I think it is a wonderful medi cine and I have iveonnneuded it to others." Airs. Mast Ahn IIad dock, Utioa, Oklahoma. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. ' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that, it has saved many others why should it fal in your case? ' For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogctablo Compound lins been tho standard rented v for fe male Ms. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it has restored somany suffering women to health. Bw-sSSteWrite to LTDIA E.H Ml AM MEMCTXE CO. j-m& (COSt'lUSJiXIAL) LYNX, MASS , for ndvlco. Your letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman aud held in strict commence. GENERAL FUND Election. W. Smith .' t 12.70 Frank Busch -. 74.70 Ruth Smith .- C2.00 Geo. W. Harrington 110.40 W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk . . . 16.C0 E. W. Bartlett 4.85 Henry Wilbern 13.G9 K. h. Davidson 47.48 F. H. King - .90 E. J. Maple 8.90 Claude Devore 45.30 John S. Ritchie 6.94 William Knight 23.20 J. S. Owinga 12.98 F. H. Dungan , 47.44 E. C. Warren 17.00 Percy A. Cross 22.90 J. T.' Friel, Jr 2.50 E. T. Mass 54.55 O. Wisslnger 1G.03 HT Til Trl- . An One acre; 5-room bungalow, new. ,' ' 3 ' " Beautiful mace. Not finished, for -na8- W , 3.03 $850.00. Will take team in on deal. Elsie Telford- -. 2.00 Oreeon fMv Fniomri.o 17H7K $300 will handle $700 equity. in 13 rirormn r,-t '": 'nn owca uu vv . v . o. xt. iv. one iniiu uut Some Samples Acreage 10-20-30-40 or 80 acres for sale within 3 miles of Oregon City. $100 an acre. Land within a fourth mile sells for $800 to $1,000 an acre. Lota $45 .o $18,000 all in Oregon (Jity or vicinity. Farms All kinds, size's and prices, in and see us.. Come from Oregon City. 60 acres sold to R, R. company for $12,000 across from this, $3,500 stock trade for city or farm property. For Sale 10 acres, 4 miles from Oreeon City on the Abernethy Road; lays nice. 1,U0U cords of wood. Will trade for Oregon City property. Equity $1,500; mortgage $1,000. W. L. Mulvey , macuonaia ana van AUKen. Hogg Bros - - - In Oregon City 6 room house. 4 lots. 50 x 100 each. 300 chickens, some young fruit trees4 Lou Cochran First class location, and clear of incumbrance of $950, $500 balance terms. absolutely any kind. H. F. Gibson , 7.38 "Sheriff. W. J, Wilson ; $3.50 E. T. Mass 4G.90 Miller-Parker Co. 28.50 E. T. Mass K . . 52.10 E. L. Shaw 1.20 Lee French 2.70 D. E. Frost 3.40 Clerk ............I 10.00 . . 40 Recorder. E. P. Dedman t 10.00 65.00 House in Eugene. Trade for Ore gon City farm or city property Mac Donald and VanAuken. 2 houses in Cottage Grove. Trade for Oregon City property. Macdon- ald and Van Auken.' 80 acres. Wisconsin, first class soil. Trade for house and lot, West Linn or Oregon Citv. Macdonald and Van Auken. Trades large, trades small, trades lor everypoay. we buy, sell or trade. Macdonald ' and Van Auken, For Sale . 23 acres. 9 miles out at. Redlands First class new house, cost $1,000 Good barn. Excellent red shot soil. none better; 15 acres in cultivation. Balance easily cleared. This is a sure thing at our price. $4,000. Will trade part Oregon Citv property. iwacaonaia ana van Auken. 100 BEAUTIFUL AND COLORED TOST CARDS Many are rich, rare nictures of BEAUTIFUL MODELS AND ACT RESSES. Also a self-Filling FOUN- taijn ruiN, all tor only 00 cents. Ihe greatest bargain in' beautiful cards andVare art pictures ever offered. Many are hard to obtain and have sold singly for the price we ask lor all. these will go quickly to all lovers of the beautiful in nature who appreciate rare art pictures of well developed models. A reliable self-filling fountain pen free with each order. These alone have sold for one dollar in stores. ine luu Deautitul cards and nen all for but 50c and 10c in stamps for postage. Art Portrayal Co. Dayton, Ohio. Fet'l Dull BiidASluggish? Slart Your Liver; to Working I It beats all how uaicklv Folev Cathartic Tablets liven up your liver, overcoming constipation make you feel lively and active again. J. L. McKnight, Ft. Worth, Texas, says: My disagreable symptoms were en tirely removed by the thorough clen sing Foley Cathartic Tablets gave me, They're a wonder. Sold bv all druggists. EVERYTHING A MAN NEEDS $1 Complete Shaving Outfit $1 10 Articles 10 121 To advertise our Universal Shav ing Outfit and Universal Products we will for a limited time only, send this well worth $3.00 Shaving Outfit for $1.00. We sell our products to tne consumer direct and therefore you save all agents profits which, as you know are very large. 1 Hollow Ground Razor, il 5-inch Lather Brush. 1 Razor Strop, Canvas Back. 1 Nickel Easel Back Mirror. , 1 33-inch Barber Towel. 1 Bar Shaving Soap. 1 Box Talcum rbwder. 1 Decorated China Mug. 1 "Aluminum Barber Comb. 1 Bristle Hair Brush. Each outfit packed in neat box, $1. Coin or money order, postage 10c extra. UniWrsid Products Company Dayton, Ohio. Child Cross? Feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish, listless child. with coated tongue, pale, doesn't sleep; eats sometimes very little, then again ravenously; stomach sour; breath fetid; pains in stomach, with diarrhea; grinds teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror all suggest a Worm Killer some thing that expels worms, and almost every child has them. Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed. Get a box to-day. Start at once. You won't have to coax, as Kickapoo Worm Killer is a candy confection. Ex pels me worms, tne cause or your child s trouble. line, at your drug gist. S. P. Davis - J.70 Assessor. Frank H. Cross $ 2.00 H. W. Koehler .. v.. ....'.... 30.00 Jerome. Avery 39.00 D. Engle . ........ 45.00 Chas. Thompson 72.00 J. O. Staats ... 60.00 Claude Woodle ,78.00 L. P. Duffy 39.00 M. E. Gaffney ,v 69.00 W. H. Holder 69.00 E. W. Randolph 60.00 N. R. Graham ..... 66.00 L. Adams . . 1.02 Court House Hogg Bros. ,, $ 12.50 F. C. Gadke 7.60 C. W. Voriderahe .-. 3.00 L. Adams ,5 .- ,50 Crescent Chemical Co. 7.50 James Adklns Lumber Co 9.20 Jones Drug Co. .' 23.80 Home Telephone Co 16.60 Pacific Tel. Co. 24.70 , ' Circuit Court. Lester Huiras -. t 3.60 Willie Hurias -. 3.G0 Katherlne S. Myers . 4.80 h. If. Howland . . 4.80 B. E. Frost 1.70 E .Moore 4 80 Norman Saltmarsh 3.G0 A. P. Howell 17.00 H. N. Everhart 30.20 John It. Kline - 3.00 Donald Zee 3. 60 John Muilenhoff" 23.40 Jacob Grossmuller 23.00 David Horner 26.40 C. R. Livesay 21.40 E. F. Vetteto 13.20 Chas. F. Terrill 12.00 M. E. Dunn 30.00 Fred Matthies 12.50 S. P. Davis 12.00 H. T. Melvin 34.40 Gustav Engelbrecht 30.20 H. A. Kruse 29.40 C. W. Owings 31.00 Mrs. Moreland 12.50 L. Adams 28.50 W. A. Proctor fG.OO E. S. Woraer 9.00 H. M. Hartnell 27.80 Fred Lins 18.00 E. J. Daulton 9.20 A. O. Aldredge 9.20 E. W. Smith 27.70 W. A.,Proctor 22.00 H. H. Howard 5.00 L. C. Duffy " 28.80 VV. E. Bouncy ; 31.S0 Frank Talbot , 4.00 H. C. Salisbury 3.60 Wm. Schatz 28.40 Hiram Jackson, 30.20 C. A. Lakin 28.60 H. G. Starkweather 2S.10 O. R. Hunter 30.00 A. Hayhurst 3.00 John E. Smith 2. 00 Frank Engle ..; ( 7.20 W. Criteser 9 60 9.00 10.60 9.60 9.40 9.00 R. L. Greaves A. J. Walker S. C. Ross II. Pcckover W. A. Long G. R. Noble 1 s on F. E. .Davidson 4.00 W. F. Young 6.40 O. N. Barker 7T 4.60 W. F. Harris 4.20 J. C. Hradlev 12.0ft John Burgoyne 32.40 Eliza Slam 9.00 County Court G. E. Hayes S 8.00 H. IT. Hughes 3.00 W. H. Mattoon 51. no U'REN A SCHUEBEL Attorneys tX Law Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of title, and lend you money, or lend your money on first mortgage. OfTlo In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. Relieves Bladder Distress and Weak ness Irregular, painful hladder weak ness disappear when the kidneys are strong and healthfully active. ,Take rolcy Kidney Pills for that burning, scalding sensation-irrpcruljir. nninfnl action, heavy, sore feeling and blad der distress. You will like their ton ic restorative effect the relief from pain quick good results. Contain Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Free Delivery To All Parts of Oregon City OUR STORE OPENS ' DAILY AT 8:30 A. M. SATURDAY AT 9 A. M. The Most in Value The Best in Quality 'i-"1:' t, .4 1 -o Telephones Home, A 2112 Pacific; Marshall, C80 OUR STORE CLOSES DAILY AT 5:30 P .M. SATURDAY ' AT 6 P. JL - NOW IS THE TIME TO SAY GOOD-BYE TO THOSE HIGH GRADE WOOLEN DRESS GOOD This hi iison's selling time is rapidly drawing to u closo ami must Immediately . dispose of a great lot of ITigh-Grade Woolen Dress Goods, 110 matter how great tlie. Naerificc, hence this out-of-thc-ordinary offering. Included are 51-inch Plain Coverts, 54-inch Scotch Mixtures, 54-inch Shepherd and -Novelty Checks,, Pin Stripes, Mat lisse, Diagonal Checks, Fancy Plaids and an endless variety ofS plain shades and the most fashionable novelties. You may now buy the desired naterial for suit, coat or skirt at a great saving, 2.00 qualities at for you haviy choice from regular $1.25, $1.50 and 98c 25c 25c A DECIEED BARGAIN SALE HALF-WOOL FRENCH CHALL1ES Full Thirty Inces Wide They are Shown in Neat Small Designs and Many Colorings Our Best Regular 39c Grade for This Sale at the Yard A special under-pricing of one f the most desirable fabrics for Summer wearfine half-wool French Challies that wash and wear perfectly. They come lull 30 inches 'wide and 111 full variety of neat small designs in medium and light colorings. The kind that sell regularly at 39c a yard specially priced for' this sale at only Complete New Summer Lines of Women's and Children's Stockings L ARANTEED HOSIER SERVICE AND SATISFACTION. BY , "SERVICE" WE MEAN STOCKINGS IN WHICH FABRIC, WORKMANSHIP AND CONSTRUCTION UNITE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN THE WEAR AND IN THE STYLE. THE ITEMS LISTED HERE ARE SPECIALLY WORTHY OF YOUR ATTENTION. ' SILK LISLE HOSE PRICED AT THE PAIR ONLY 25c One of our leading lines of women's summer hosiery fine silk lisle stockings made with garter top, double heel, sole and toe all sizes in black, white, shades of tan- and champagne a stocking of unusual durability at a low figure. FIBRE SILK HOSE PRICED AT THIS SALE. THE PAIR Extremely high-grade stockings of fine fiv her silk, made full fashioned and with double heel and toe they come in all sizes in black, white, tan aud the most popular new shades an extremely popu lar stocking moderately priced. Women's Lisle Thread Union Suits for This Sale at The Pair Well finished, form fitting garments of fine lisle thread, shown in low neck, sleeveless styles in knee length; all sizes -garments of seasonable "weight priced at, a suit,... ... ......... Oc ' j. il is u u m w usa ill I 13 1 1 0 1 I am looking lot a position in any home in Of egon City. As a Cooker I cannot be beat. I will sell my services to any home for the next 5 years for the small sum of $250 CalUTheP. Ry. L. Main I J5 or A-229 and Co., they will place me at your service SIGNED- Pay your subscription in advance-save 50c Money To Loan For Long or Short. Periods WM. HAMMOND ATTORNEY AT LAW Beaver Building Oregon City Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City Phones Paoiflo, 1221. Home A 19 Residence 612 Center St. Phones: Main 110 M. 1?2 Dr. A. McDonald Veterinary Surgeon Office, Red Front Barn Phones: Main 116 B-9 OREGON CITY