Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 28, 1914, Home and Farm Magazine Section, Image 24

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King, Queen and Prince to Visit Fair
. . .
Laughs From Far
) and Near
HAT, instead o interfering witi
participation in the Panama-Pa
cific International Exposition, the
Balim wcara hr assured unexpected
Interest oa the part of the southern
Etrrcfeea aatioas, is the noin brought
by Cut-Tin B. Brown, Walter P. An
drews aad Thomas Roes, Panama-Pacific
commissioners to the Mediter
ranean, who have just returned from
an official viBit to Greece, Turkey,
EoumanSa, Bulgaria, Servia, Portugal
and Spain, where they were royally en
tertained, i i
All vrEttt the friond3hip of America,
ami are awake to the advantages of the
Exposition as well as of the Panama
canal. Greece, inspired by new ambi
tions, has a liberal appropriation be
fore the parliament, which has the in
dorsement of the king and cabinet.
Turkey has already sent her commis
sion. Bulgaria will not only appropriate
for a part in the Exposition, but Queen
Elleonora and Crown Prince Boris will
soon visit tho Exposition grounds, and
King Ferdinand will visit San Fran
cisco in 1915. Rsumania is interested,
and the parliament, which meets April
15, will receivo a request from the king
and queen that Roumania appropriate
money for participation.
In fctervia King Petor and the cabinet
are behind tho bill to permit that
country's participation. Portugal is
taking similRr action, and King Al
paonso of Spain said ho was assured
that his country should participate.
ipiIE barber was very busy and the
R shop was full of men waiting for
him to practice his tonsorial art upon
their beads and faces.
One man, Mr. Blank, became tired of
waiting for his turn to come and started
to leave. Although his beard had come
out pretty heavy, he thought no one
would notice it and that he could come
back the next morning when Hughes,
the barber, was not so very busy. Tho
barber, not wishing a customer to go
away unattended to accosted him by
saying: "iou're not leavin' us is you
Mr. Blank!"
Mr. Blank felt of his face and re
plied: "Why;! don't need a shave, do
I Hughes?"
Hughes thereupon looked his customer
over critically and answered him as
suredly: "No, youse don't need a shave,
all youse needs is a hair cut on de
face." - ;
ROWN insisted on returning tho $20
parrot he had bought a few days
"What is tho matter with it J" the
dealer asked.
W-w-hy, " replied Brown, "the d-d-
darned e-c-critter st-stutters. " In Na
tion Monthly. . -
Sudden Feed Change
Causes Bloat
fITII the coming of spring, when
cattle are changed from dry feed
to Dnsture. to avoid serious loss
it is necessary for tho farmer to waton
carefully for bloat.
Bloat is a torm of indigostion due to
the excessive formation and accumula
tion of various gases in tho paunch or
rumen. The attack is especially apt to
occur when cattle are gudaonly ehangea
from a dav diot to creen clover or al
falfa. It is ofton seen during warm,
wet weather, or when heavy qow or
.vain mm rImh the foilatre.
The chtot symptom of bloating is s
middnn dwtensiou in the lolt xianK,
which swells up and appears as tight as
a drum head when thumped witn tue nn
any. Belief must be immediate if suffoca
' tinn is to be avoided, and consist in
providing an artificial outlet for the
gas by "tapping" the animal. This is
best accomplished by inserting a trocar
' and canula into the most prominent por-
i tion of the swolliug. To prevent furth
V or gas formation, ndministor a drcneh of
" two ounces of turpentine in ft pint of
law linseed oil or a quart of new milk.
As a prevention, avoid turning the
eattle out until the dew or rain has
dried off. In addition, giving a full
feed of dry roughage, each as the ani
mals are accustomed to, just before turn
ing them out, will be found helpful in
jirevanting this trouble., t-'.
ND you want to Marry my
daughter- Have you any steady
"What is it?"
"Waiting for a job at Ford's." ,
fjAEK TWAIN had finished his
speech at a dinner-party when a
lawyer rose, shoved his hands deep into
his trousers pockets, as was his habit,
and laughingly inquired of those pres
ent: "Doosn't it strike this company as
a little unusual that a professional
humorist should be funny?"
When the laughter that greeted this
sally had subsided, Mark Twain
drawled out:
"Doesn't it strike this company as
a little unusual that a lawyer should
havo his hands in his own pockets I"
May Even Up.
"Did your daughters marry toll?"
"Not exactly. One married a farmer
and another married an ultimate con
sumer, but the third may make up for
all that."
"How so?"
"She's engaged to a middleman."
"Yes, I lost my friend."
"How was that?"
"We agreed to be cerfoctlv frank
with each other."
'Yes!" j
'Well, I got in my criticism first."
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Malt Rainier is the Pure Malt Tonic
For Mothers Who-Require Additional
Nourishment and Strength.
Tor Salo by All Druggist