Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 28, 1914, Home and Farm Magazine Section, Image 18

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A Weekly Page of Poultry Hints to You
Here Is a Department Full of Bright Ideas for Readers of the Home and Farm Magazine Section.
When facts bump up against
theories, the truth will usually
out. Our agricultural colleges
are constantly bumping theories
hard with experience won
0 facts. In this connection an
expert at Oregon Agricultural
3 college here discusses auimal vs.
vegetable protein for poultry.
HERE are a great many perplexing
1 problems in poultry feeding.
They are made more perplexing
the average poultry raiser by the ex
ploiting of various and sundry feeds,
e merits or winch are based wholly
n theoretical assumitinnn Wo km
... r " " '
Been insisting for a number of years
pon one point more than any other in
poultry feeding, and that is that the
hen is a "moat cater.-' The knowledge
of this fact has been of great impor
tance in poultry feeding, both for egg
production and flesh production. In
creased production of eggs has been the
result in no small degree of the feed
ing of animal foods. About every year
somcoiio advocates or advertises a sub
stitute for animal food. Last year a
groat many letters caino to us asking
if soy bean meal would take the place
of meat foods. It hud been extensive
ly advertised as a substitute. Various
other fowls of vegetahlo origin have at
one time or another been advertised to
take the plneo of auimal food.
It is well known that for heavy c;g
production or for the growth of chicks,
there must bo a considerable propor
tion of protein in tho foods; that is,
the ordinary grain foods such as wheat
and corn do not contain enough of the
protein elements. It is also known that
meat foods mich as commercial beef
scrap, cut bones or any kind of meat
foods with a largo proportion of the
lean meat, are very rich in protein.
Commercial beef scrap contains about
60 per cent protein. That is, about half
tho weight oj. the beef scrap ib protein,
while wheat and corn contain some 10
to 12 per cent protein.
Inaccurate Claims Made.
It was first a question whether a
ufficieut amount of protein in the
ration, irrespective of its source, was
not all that was necessary, or whether
such foods as beans, peas, linseed meal,
gluton meal or cotton seed meal, that
are rich in protein, would not nvn u
good results as the protein found in the
meat foods. Many to this day claim
that this is all that is necessary in face
of tho faet that it has beeu thorough
ly demonstrated by experiment that
animal foods must bo fed to poultry in
order to get good results whether in
egg yield or moat production. A num
ber of oxieriment stations during the
last ton or twelve years have conduct
ed careful experiments on this point
and the results have iuvariably shown
that vogetablo proteins will not take
tho place of animal proteins.
Tho latest experiment on this point
was made at the New Jorsoy' Station,
the results of which have just beon
published, In this experiment it was
found that animal food was necessary
not only for the growing chick and for
the broiler but for the laying fowl. A
poultry food. Hen-e ta.
extensively advertised during the last
fowls, but which contains no animal
looa, was made the subject of a com
parison in Now Jorsey experiments,
with a result wholly unfavorable to the
claims made for this food.
Theory vs. Fact.
Not only was it claimed for this food
that no animal food was required and
that it contained enough protein from
other sources, which was all that was
roqnired, but the claim was also made
that the phosphorus or bone-making
material was as efficient when obtain
ed from inorganie or mineral sources,
web as phosphate rock, as the same
constituents obtained from sninml
sources, such as ground bone. The ex
periments showed very clearly that
"phosphoric acid from an organic
source (animal bone) is much more ef
ficient than phosphoric acid from an
inornanio sourm ri)wwi,ki. i . .....l.
u , .... m iuv& Ul
Record Sheets For Eggs Needed to Know Results
Trap Nests Also Required by Poultry Raiser Who Wants to Be Able to Set Off One Hen Against
Another 0. A. 0. Specimen Sheet Shown Here.
Howe No,
Pen No.
Hatched April 29. 1912
Fowl. No. C .521
Date i a. 1 7 1 MiiitoKiriiiisaKiS)itfj9ji total
CEPT. ; . . .
-OCT, I . ,
cro. TV .
)an. LLLL-LLL X1Z1
jsa 1L1LL1L1111LLL1LL11-L1LL1L1LLL21L ;
am I 1 I I I I I I I III 1 ILL LLLL1 7 '
j2l1L-L1111111 111-11L111I I 1 iP '
LL LLLL1L L1L1L1L1111171L1L2JlZ
Uzzl-.1-1.1LL1A111111L111L1.11A1.1L 2S
j&l11A11LL11111 Lit 1 till ill' I is
j t-------------- z::z::z253:
'HE rOULTHT Taiser who wants to
4 know accurately what his hens
are doinf requires trap nests and
a record.
Tho best type of record is entered up
every day immediately the band on the
nen s leg is examined, so that her num
ber can bo" determined. As tho hen is
released from the trap nest Bhe is
credited with her egg.
The illustration above shows the daily
record of hen 0. 521 at Oregon Atrrienl.
ci a e
Itural Collogo, Corvallis, Oregon. C. 521,
it will be remembered, made tho record
of laying 303 eggs in one year.
At Corvallis, a weekly record shoot
is maintained at the poultry house.
These sheets are entered un on annual
records such as the 'one above.
Fright and Worry
Affect Laying
jT MAY BE news to many farmers, or
even poultrymen, to know that hens
"hold up" their eggs just the same
as a Jersey cow will hold up her milk
vvnen sne sets a Dit stubDorn or ex
cited: but it is 80. JiiRt let ft farmer
ichase the hens from the eornfield or
garden, sot the dog on them, or throw
clods and yell at them, and watch the
result. Where the evening gathering
showed a dozen or fifteen eggs, not
more than seven or possibly six will be
found, and the poor hen is accused of
"stealing her nest out" somewhere. It
takes three days of care to get tho eggs
record dack to normal.
Do not allow visitors tn enter t.Tm lav
ing houso nor their children to prowl
about the nests. If strange dogs aro
bent unon mvostipatin? the henvard
their hide is worth something, but give
the hens quiet peace at all costs. Often
sueceasivA nr flpvprrt fricrtit. will ramilf in
doad germs, and then tho egg is utterly
useless lor setting.
Want A Position
Being ready when the oppor
tunity comes is what counts for
success. There is a big demand
for BEHNKE-WA1KEB trained
bookkeepers, stenographers and
. Eight hundred and forty-one
different firms called on us for
help since August 1st. There is
no quicker,-surer way to secure
remunerative employment and
future success than to secure our
dioloma. .
M. Walker, Pres. Portland, Ore.
Poultry and Veal Wanted
Also Dressed Meat, Bntter Eggs
and Fruit
Potatoes and Oniom in Quantity.
Cash Returns Daily Bank Reference.
143 Front Street Portland, OregML
Necessity of Spraying.
Tn the State nf Tnwa. rinrinr tni
last summer, orchard spraying demon
strations were carried on m five dif
ferent countioH. The number of snrava
varied from one to four times. As a
rule very good results were obtained
few warn . .,i.. ... ... three sprays. The meetings held
fowls, hut' wliUh - ,.at picking time demonstrated to the
, , vviiitiuia , HDi n. i - ...
farmers present tho necessity of spray
T)rm 'I fthfn'liva nnnTr.Tv in wmTftnriznn
. t
crates. It is eruol, poor business policy
ana unlawful.
As to why the animal food or the
mineral m&tArial from animal nmireAfi
are more valuable in poultry feeding
than the same constituents obtained
from other sources, is not known, but
the fact has been sufficiently demon
strated by practical experiment. Theo
retical assumptions will not take the
place of actual demonstrations. Suc
cessful poultry feeders who have won
their success by using animal foods will
not be influenced by claims such as
have been put out for the articles men
tioned, and charged thvit rations to
ItLair financial losa.
Hand Power & Electric,
Trom $4.00 up Agents Wanted.
. 14th and Washington Streets.
Portland. Orpornn
Only Vacuum Cleaner Store in Oregon.
RENT a Typewriter from the manufacturers,
5 for three months Remington. No. 9 or
No. 7; Smith Premier. No. S or No. 4; yi.ible
RemiDffton. fnn&rk fh,i)h T !. a a
- xiouuor, is per
month delirerml unkoM u.k.:i. ...
sold on easy payment.
88 Broadway, Portland, Ore.
F. IT flfhmali A. I" :j ...
era m rtumJitr h nnar. l .
tionm, tins paper, an eg, case. Highest
market pnoe guaranteed. Write today. Tags,
prioea free. Teal, hogs, poultry and hides
also wanted. No oommisaione charged.
145 Front Street Portland, Oregon.
Let him play in overalls
with never a care in the
world and you will make
him a healthy, happy boy.
Be sure to buy him
Two-Horse Brand
The kind that Si made
for comfort and long wear.
Mad By
In Bvery Town to Handle
Lansre's Mineral Wonrkr
At Large Profits. An Article of Groat Merii
ana a KspuiaDie Business.
H. VT. T.AjjnR A now
Portland, Oregon. Bo 1073.
Cash Rearister Bargains
0nr prices about half ether dealers. We
pay highest pries for second-hand regis
ters. We do expert repairing and gnar-
aniee our worK. Will exchange to trait
our requirements. StrNDWAT.T, fin n.t
2nd avenue, Seattle. Phone Main 1180.
We win sell yon
and loan yon the money to lmy them with,
607 Commereiai Block, Portland, Ore.
uiu.lEi,K(J mietn. A postal will hrlnlr our lmn . ... v.-
" w iuau I'tJaV.
Route 1, Waltsoutg, Washington
' mortsiiKe liner,, a postal will bring o