HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Automobiles arid Good Roads A Department Designed to Help Farmers Witli'Srogrcssive Road Ideas. s ss8es.ss$.e.$$s.ss Onr agricultural colleges, East and Weet, North and Sout.li, aro S realizing tho importance of good $ roads for the farmer.. Not of necessity the eonerete road that J iermits the automobilo to- go 5 tearing along, but fliose that " will allow the farmer to haul S S his produce economically and & S easily t the railread station or S S market. The ttcocmparring ar- 3 S tide tells something about the 3 work cf highway engineering $ S at Washington Stat Collesa. ? Pullman, Washington. $ S $ t3e"S$J.4$$$,$$ "HE PBINCIl'LIOS of high wiry eon struetion have been taught to siuuenis or tiie Uvil Engineer ing epartment of the State Col loge for years. Four years ago, However, the statewide interest in good roads led to the establishing of a good roads laboratory at the college, cqmped with such machinery and fa cilitios as aro necessary to train fpe cialists in thin profession. At the pres cut writing seven students are special izing in road construction these dis tinguishod from tho otheT students of the civil engineering department, who are intorestod in other phases of en gineering. On the college canrprwi, a roadway has been reserved for an experiment with some filteen different kinds of road surface. Tho roadway reaches from the dairy building on the front campus, out east to the college farm, and will be surfaced with different typea of road materia, put down in sections, and all subjected to the game amount of wear. Early reports will be , made as to tho way in whjeh tho dif ferent sections are holding up under the traffic, which is heavy, including automobiles, light venules, and the heavy loads occasioned by the hauling of building material into the college i grounds, and the hauling of crop prod ucta. Surfaces Aro Varied Among the surfaces to be used are, brick with cement ground filler, brick with bituminous filler, sheet asphalt, sections of bituminous concrete con structed under different specifications, concrete thinly toppod with tur, bitum inous macadam, and several different kinds of patented pavements. The materials testing laboratory is equipped with tho muchinery nccossary - for determining the values of road building material. With reference to stone, this includes resistance to woar, hardness, toughness, cement values, and so on. In the abrasion tests, the rock is broken up in small pieces and put in cylinders which are revolved slowly for somo time. Tho percentage of the "rock dust" which has boon eroded from tho pieces of rock in the revolving cylinder is then computed, and with this as a basis is calculated the resis tance to wear of tho particular stone Wido differences are found in differ ent types of rock; and, what is still more confusing, wide differences of ro eistance to abrasion are found in stoue of the same type, and of almost similar appearance. life of the road. If the cementing qual ity i3 not good, the duet will dry out and blow away. ThHS, in the latter in stance, the road would soon be found in "broken down" condition. Basalt, which is plontifil in mont sections of the Pacific Northwest, usu ally is a fairly good road stoue. But not always, as herein lies, a attunhling block for many builders of roaJi. ; In the early time of creation, basalt, in a lavalike form, oozed through fissure in the earth 'a surface, and spread out, in later ages, cooling. 1'erhap the big get "Basrtltic Overflow" ia the world exists in the Pacific Northwest. It reaches from the Canadia boundary to California, and eastward to the foot hills of tho Koekied. Although prcserv ing a general similarity of appearance, the quality of basalt with reference to to roadmaking varies. The only sure way to determine is to make a careful and scientific tests; and if the bumilt is fouad to bo defectivo, the roadmaker must take this into coimiiioration, or a Hate or county will, a few yeM later be found to haro expended whole for tunes in the, building cf practically worthless roads. Civil Engiaeor, To ice udovo is cited only as an ex ample of the many problems which arise in roflHmaking, but which exist to a greater or lens extent in practically every type of road material used. Even when well informed, and with the best of testing machinery and laboratory fa eilities at hand, the good roads' en gineer often runs amuck of new and puzzling problems. Sandirtone usually ie uot vy good, thongh some of it is all right. Basalt usually js good. So is diortte, diabase, dolomite, urn granite, though, for rea sons above indicated, it w unsafe to say thftt any roek is good or bad till it has ben subjected to tests for ce ment value, lmrducsa, toughness, ab sorption, nnd so on. While the interest of the highway en gineer in roadmaking materials is al ways keen, his knowledge limited to this field would not make him a high way engineer by any means. He must be a civil engineer must understand 7 ;-1 ,13- v5 - vmmSX?" J KscUnary Is Needed, The machinery necessary to deter mica the eeroent vaulos of stoue is in cluded in tha equipment of tho good roads iaooritcry, and consists of the ball machine, w&len prepared the stone duB; the molding machine,- in which ere made small brickettea of tha stone dust; aad the impact, machine, in which tho brickettes are knocked to pieces. The number of blows required to knock the brickettes to bits constitutes the basis for determining of tho cementing value of tho rock. The cement value of aton in road surface is very important. For ex ample,' iho heavy wheels that strike upon basaltia EtQno in i road surface, krk ify.a the atone at each blow a certain amount of dust. This dust set tles in tho road bed. If its cement ing qualitieu are good, when wet by dew or rain, it wiU stik together in the road beJ; aad thus prolorg the THM NOVO GASOLINB ENGINE Will Do the Work Quicker nd Cheaper For You. The most compact and simplest en gine made. No separate gasoline tank, no separate water tank, no piping, no careful adjustments. Absolutely guar anteed against damage by freezing. Made in all sizes from 1 h. p. to 15 h. p., and furnished in combination with force pumps, coutrifugal pumps, deep well pumps, wood saws, spraying outfits, etc. Lower priees than formerly., For full particulars address. The Beebe Company Department C. 182-4-6 Morrison St PortUM, Oregon. how to establish grades for streets or roadways, must understand bridge con struction, the more thoroughly the bet ter; must have a certain amount or legal knowledge, insofar us the laws of tho state touch upon highway eonstruc tiori,' and establish rules by which as sessments aro made upon abutting prop erty owners. These and many other things . pertinent to his profession he must know; so that the four years-) which' the student spends in tho goo3 roads laboratories and class rooms of tho State College are crowded with hard and scrions study. . Nickel Plate Have the trimmings on year auto nickel plated." Also nil ether kinis of finished on an niotal. "Write for pritea. Mail orders promptly filled. OREGON PLATIKG W0BK3 16th and AMor Streets, Portland, Oregon. FARMERS! BIG SACRIFICE! IHO acre diversified Duiry and Hog ranch all in cultivation except 10 aeroB in pauhire. FINE SPEINO AND CHEEK." Oood Seven-Boom House, Fino Large Barn. OTHEB OUT BUILDINGS. Following STOCK included: SKVERTEEN M1L0II COW.l (Montly Jerseys) FOUK CALVES ONE BULL EIOilT HOUSES SIXTY HOGS AND ABOUT $1000 WORTH MACHIN ERY, TOOLS, ETC. THIS ENTIRE PROPERTY WELL WORTH . $15,000 EVERYTHING GOES, IF SOLO THIS WEEK, FOP. $10,000.0(1, WILL REQUIRE Jl.BOO CASH. The Harbolt Realty Company INC. 710 LEWIS BUILDING, Fourth and Out. Man-hall 4200. A-7158 Hotel Butler Seattle, Wash. Under new management entire change in all departments all rooms redecorated and refurnished. Particular attention is now being paid to prompt, efficient and courteous service. DAILY .RATES v $2.00 Up With Prirate Bath $1.00 Up Without Private Bath Hotel Butler Cafe THE FINEST IN SEATTLE- Servicc the Best Cuisine Unexcelled ROBERT J. ROBINSON Manager LIFE HEALTH ACCIDENT Phon Main 175 One IPolicy POM BINATION VONTRACT 3"1 INSURANCE CO, HOME OFFICE SEATTLE, U. S. A. Clip this Coupon and mall to th Home Office (or full Information. No obligation Incurred. Kama: iiVUfnTOMWVill4lt Addri: Oooapatlont naareit birthday. ..... Amt Inaurancs SuECitd: