OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914. THE DAY OF ALL DAYS IS BOOSTER DAY IN OREGON CITY BRING YOUR FRIENDS !o&e Show Prizes Notice the handsome pr fees in out 7th Street comer window to be given away by the Of egon Rose Society, for the best pro duction of Roses in Clackamas cotmty. It will be worth yotir while to see the roses that win these prises on Booster Day ADAM PARTMENT-STORE Invites the co-operation of City and Country in the celebration of the An naal Booster and Rose Show Day, Saturday, May 23rd. Make yourself at home at the Big Store all day Use out restrooms and telephones; have your parcels stored here? do your shopping and listen to the music. We shall have some saitacle gifts for Children accompanied by parents. Come and enjoy the day and Boost your County and your Home The Booster Spirit The Booster Spirit of the Adams Department Store has prepared some very interesting For Booster and Rose Show Day BRING YOUR RED TRADING STAMP BOOK HAVE IT Ied5 ONE OF THE FINE PREMIUMS ESPECIALLY BOOSTER AND ROSE SHOW DAY- We have arranged for some extra special values for Booster day in ladies up-to-date Suits, reg- ft frnm S21 fn $28 Booster Day Sale Price d? 1 L.O3 WIDE SILK RIBBONS 7c Silk ribbons in satin faced and Tafctta black, white and colors, special for Booster Day, per yard,. . .'. 7c SILK STRIPE LINGERIE, 25c YD, A very delicate Summer dress goods in all new f shades, just opened and shown for Booster Day 9 at per yd 5C HOPEDALE MUSLIN 8c. Thousands of yards Kopedale Muslin bleached and half bleached, regular price 10c, our special for Booster Day, per yard 8c 35c DRESS GOODS AT 25c A new dress fabric, yard wide, all colors under the name of R cloth and a new 29 inch Ratine regular 35c value, now special for Booster Day, per yard 25c 7c CALICOES 5c YD. For Booster Day Only, we will sell you our best 7c calicoes in navy blue, red, brown and light colors at per yd 5c DRESS GINGHAM 9c. A large assortment of Dress Ginghams, regular prices from 12c to 18c, your choice for Booster Day, per 9c BATH TOWELS 21c 25 Dozen white Turkish Bath towels in red border ordered special for Booster Day, Sale price 21c BOY'S SUITS $2.90. We offer for Booster Day a large selection of Boy's Suits New Spring Models, Norfolk styles, Nickerbocker pants, special for Booster , Day, Sale price $2.80 GOOD TOWELS 9c 25 dozen Turkish Bath towels and cotton Huck towels in fancy red border, special price Booster day . 9c SAMPLE SHOES 98c Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps, if you can use sample sizes you can get a bargain in good wearing shoes at 98c LADIES SHOES $1.98 We will put on sale for Booster Day a lot of Ladies gun metal Button Shoes, regular price $3.50, special for Booster day 81.98 FURNITURE FOR BOOSTER DAY Extra values in Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Rugs, a good iron bed, regular price $4.75 at Booster price $3.90 WHITE SEWING MACHINE There are no better sewing machines made than the Rotary White Sewing machine. We are making some very low prices and reasonable terms to sell a great many machines, terms, now, $1.00 cash and a dollar a week. FIGURED WALL PAPER All figured wall paper special for Booster Day at the big reduction of 20 per cent discount. 0STERM00RE MATTRESSES Guaranteed for 25 years, sold the world over, come in and see our special Booster sale price. Oregon Gty's Busy Store DRY GOODS CLOTHING SHOES FURNITURE GENERAL FURNISHINGS WfSBtHU WE PASS THE BUCK Questions Asked by Correspondent Must be Answered Elsewhere i Oregon City, Or. (Editor Courier,1 Sir) Like the Japanese schoolboy made famous by Will Irwin, "I ask to know." And these are the things What is a democratic county central committee for? Maybe that looks like one question to you, but it is several, so I say these are the things 1 ask. In the first pluce, why didn't the democratic county central committee get out some sort of a slate for democrats, so that those of us who believe in Jeffersonian principles could have gone to the polls last week and voted intelligently on a ballot 'that was mostly blank spaces? What do we care if it is all framed to have the "candidates" that were picked up in Mr. Hedges' office withdraw after the primaries, so that the county central committee can name Heatie's own bunch? They might at least have told us generally who those candi dates were, instead of just telling the little republican daily published in tuwu nuic. , . i Then again, how was it that the : democratic county central committee i.tu ,Uia ntiv I'jinmilntes. ami: COU1UU b cuuwi v 'V vet got ou t ana woiKeu il" w death to get Koehler nominated for sheriff? A month before the pri maries the word was passed that Koehler was them an, and three days Uuiore the primaries this same word was snuuiea out liom the corners, iioi tnut mere is anything against, ivoenler was tne man, and turee days me cuihiniti.ee guinsnoe tor him su particularly, anu put tne soil pedai oil ouuiuig .' aiiu yet again, if the chairman ol the uemocrauc county central com mittee was so dead stuck on uoosting jur lirowneil, wny didn't he come out and say that ueorge was a fnenu ot his, just tne same as Billy Wilson was a lrienu ot his, and ooost ioi tnuni personally and unoincially 1 Lemocrats wouldn't have cared a wnoop who the county chairman boosted lor on his own account, but it did Iook queer to us to see so little real party wonc done, and so much personal sneuking around uehind the iences to pass the word for Koehler, bi owned and Wilson. And whom do you suppose they will be for In November, the party candidate or the candidate that lieat ie tells them to be for? Maybe if i get the answer to these questions be loro you do I'll write and tell you. T. Lord C. 110AKD OF TUAUE ORGANIZED Stafford's Booster Day Specials 608 MAIN STREET CHILDREN'S PERCALE DRESSES. IMPED AM) NEATLY TRIMMED, AGES 2 TO 6. 29c FINE LINE CHILDREN'S DRESSES, AGE 2-6. FANCY TRIMMED. WELL MADE. SATURDAY 55c LOT SHIRT WAISTS, KEG. 85 to $1.50. 39c CHILDREN'S CAPS, 5c EACH "5c BOYS FINE STRAW HATS, VALUE 50C TO $1.00. 25c MEXICAN FIELD HATS, 15C j, VALUE 10c Business Men of City Tak,c Stops to Remedy Conditions The newly organized Board of Trade in this city will be just what its members make it. It has a splen did opportunity to make good, and it is organized to lill this want. ' The business men behind this or ganization know too well the rela tions of the country and city, and they hope to remedy them. They propose to talk little and saw wood. They propose to take up the irritants one by one and see if they cannot be removed. They hope to bring about friendly relations between the city and country by getting right after the grievances and adjusting them. The organization starts out with Clyde (i. Huntley as president; Geo. 11. Hannon, vice president; A. A. Price, secretary. The following are the committees; Executive, Frank Busch, L. Adams, William Ander sen, 11. L. Martin and Mr. Larson; membership, Roy Cox, T. L. Char man and Dr. A. L. Beatie; by-laws, G. II liannon, V. Harris and J. Levitt Among the attractive features that will be in the parade on Satur day will be the float of the Weaver Creek Union Sunday School. This will contain "0 children from the Sunday school clad in white and will sing as they puss along the lino of march, "The Little Church In The Wildwood." Mr. K. L. Badger, of Beaver Creek, is superintendent of the Sunday school, and since its or ganization a few months ago, much interest has been tnken by the child ren as well as their parents. The color scheme of the float will be green and white, and four horses will be used for the drawing of the car.. Keep Bowel Movement Regular Dr. King's New Life Tills keep stomach, liver and kidneys in healthy condition. Kid the body of poisons and waste. Improve your complex ion by flushing the liver and kidneys. "I got more relief from one box of Dr. King's New Life Pills than any medicine I ever tried," says C 13 Hat field, of Chicago, 111. 25c at your Druggist. J. O. Staats, Candidate for County treasurer 1 r J A I Born in Jefferson Co., Iowa, 1861, raised on the farm, educated in com mon schools, Pleasant Plain Academy and business course, taught (school and entered service of Rock Island railroad in 1882, working for them 12 years in the various capacities of billing clerk, telegraph operator, car clerk, yardmaster, station agent and traveling auditor. Moved onto a homestead in Oklahoma in 181)4 and lived there 10 years and made a good farm out of it. Came to Oregon in 11)05. Has been employed in the court house most of the time for the past three years. If the people of Clackamas County see fit to elect me to the ollice of County Treasurer will give them the best service possible. Born, at the Maternity Home in Portland, May 11, a daughter to the wife of Rev. C. W. Robinson. Episcopal church of this city, attend ed the Episcopal convention in Port land on Tuesday. H. W. Brand, of St. Paul, Minn., was in Oregon City on Monday. A Stubborn Cough is Wearing and Risky Letting a stubborn cought 'Viang on" in tne spring is risky. Foley's Honev and Tar Compound heals :.aw inflamed surfaces in the throat bronchial tubes makes sore, spots sound and whole stop.-, born, tearing coughs Ref stitutes. Sold at all druggis . ;hd b-ib- Coughed for Three Years "I am a lover of your godsend to humanity and science. Your medi cine, Dr. King's New Discovery, cur ed my cough of three years' stand ing," says Jennie Flemming, of New Dover, Ohio. Have you an annoy ing cough ? Is it stubborn and won't yield to treatment? Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery today. What it did for Jennie Flemming, it will do for you, no matter how stub born or chronic a cough may be. It stops a cough and stops throat and lung trouble. Relief or money back. 50c and $1.00 at your druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Eczc- Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals will be received by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, until Thursday the 11th day of June 1914, at the hour of 10:30 a. m. tor the construction oi I a Bituminous Macadam Road on a portion of the Oregon City and New Era road, near the Lazelle place, from station 44 plus 65 to station 93 plus 50, said road to be nine (9) : feet in width, and to be constructed ' according to plans and specifications i now on file in the office of said Coun i tir r.ipvV All bids to be directed to the Coun tv f!Wlt nf Clackamas Countv. and Lmarked "Oregon City and New Era Koad" and snail De accompanieu Dy a certified check made payable to the Treasurer of said Clackamas County in a sum equal to five per cent of the amount of said bid, which .check , shall be forfeited to the county up r , foilnvo nf tVio an ccflssf nl bidder for a period of five days after award is made to enter into written contract and furnish a satisfactory bond. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. By order of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, this 20th day of May 1914. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk The Courier is $1 a year in advance Have You Planned Your Outing? Tho dancing party given at the Stokes' hall at Canemah, by the Ca nemah Progressive League on Tues day evening was a most enjoyable affair and was largely attended. Born, Monday, May 18, 19194,"to the wife of Hugh Kennedy, a daugh ter, weight eight pounds. Mrs. Ken nedy ' was formerly Miss Maude Woodward. A Few Timely Suggestions Summer Excursions East Beach Resorts Miss Cis Pratt entertained the Gypsies at her home on Saturday evening in a most charming manner. The evening was devoted to five hun dred, the prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latourette. Roses were used as decorations. A luncheon was served during the evening. The funeral of Albert Snow, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snow, of Bolton, was held from the St. John's Catholic church on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the inter ment was in the Catholic cemetery. Mrs. John Bolle entertained the Bith iah Class at her home at Bolton on Monday evening. The evening was devoted to games and music follow ed by refreshments. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Humphreys who fell from a porch a few days ago and dis located her arm, is improving. Rev. C. W. Robinson, William Hammond, John Humphreys, G. A. Harding, Herbert Martin and Oscar Woodlln, del-gates fro mSt. Paul's Rose Festival Springs and Mountain Resorts You doubtless want to go somewhere to get away for a while from the steady grind. Let us help you. Excursions East: From June 1st to September 30th low round trip tickets will be sold from all points on the S. P. one way through Cali fornia or via Portland. Newport. Yaquina Bay: For rest, pleasure or recreation and outdoor life try this old seaside outing place. The best of everything camps, cottages, hotels at moderate cost. Tillamook County Beaches: A new playground, only a short run from Portland. Moun . tain, forest, fishing streams or beach in endless variety and infinite charm. Rose Festival: From June 9 to 12 Portland will don holiday attire, and sup ply entertainment unique, historical and interesting.. Fun on land and water you cannot afford to miss. Springs and Mountain Resorts: Hot Springs, Mineral Springs and Mountain Resorts for fishing, hunting or "far from the maddening Crowds are to be found in abundance along the Southern Pacific. Our New Outing Booklets: "Vacation Days," "Newport" and "Tilla mook County Beaches" a e just off the press, full of timely suggestions as to where and how you can best spend your vacation. They are free for the asking. Drop us a postal card or call on our nearest Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon IVj SUNSET I lOGOENftSHASTAl I I I ROUTES f Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will be received by the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, at the court house in Ore gon city, Oregon, until 5:00 o'clock p. m. on the 11th day of June 1914, for the construction of the following bridge: , BEAR CREEK BRIDGE ABOUT ONE AND ONE-HALF EAST FROM NEEDY, OREGON. Plans and specifications are on file and may be seen by prospective bid ders at the office of the County Clerk. No plans or specifications will be sent out by the county, but bidders are requested to visit the bridge site and acquaint themselves with the lo cal conditions. , No proposal will be considered un less accompanied by a certified check on some reputable bank in" the State of Oregon, for an amount equal to five per cent (5) of the aggregate amount of the bid, and payable to the Treasurer of Clackamas County. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the County Court: H. S. Anderson, County Judge Attest: W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk. Dull Feeling-Swollen Hands and Feet Due to Kidney Trouble Your kidneys need help when your hands and feet thicken, swell up, and you feel dull and sluggish. ' Take Fo ley Kidney Pills. They are tonic, stimulating and strengthening and restore your kidneys to healthy, nor mal action. Try them. Sold by all druggists. We have a limited number of LADIES' Shoes and Oxfords Mostly Small Sizes . that we will place on sale for at 50c a pair OREGON CITY SHOE STORE Corner 7th and Main