OREGON CITY COURIER .THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914., r".-i.-pv.tf if rH"HMt ii irati...,fc:..t.i '! EVERY PURCHASER IS ENTITLED TO A TICKET. TO THE GRAND CONCERT AND BALL, JUNE THE SIXTH. nn n cr U mi I 1 L I LJLJ ... ..... ..i, in i in ii i f iti iT TnT ii i --niri nil mil il in il imiiih inn i iwi mi m niiinn i imi ii iiiihimiwimwmiiiim HUT T MlPfnT fe 0 Hi; ml M 0 ill AT OREGON CITY, OREGON Frank Big NOW GOING ON Outclassing and underselling any sale or bargian event ever held in this town. The entire stock was placed on sale, extra arrangements were made, and a bargain event combined into a grand sensation, a bewildering sight, baffling and dazzling scene of astounding bargains from one end of the store to the other. People have come with a frown, and gone away with a smile. Every article is marked in plain figures absolutely without reserve. You have your pick, the goods are going in a hurry. Come before it is too late. PROFESSIONAL TANGO DANCERS WILL GIVE AN EXHIBITION DURING GRAND BALL IN THE EVENING r o xL IV, PROFESSIONAL TANGO DANCERS W Prepare tor the Big Concert ana Ban the concert in the afternoon. Busch Special $3.00 Value Yum Wizard Oil and Busch Floor' Var- 9x1 2 Beautiful Ta- 75c Clothes Bas- 1 Paints Yum Bed Springs, Mop, $2.50 value, nish at pestry Rugs kets at $1.45c" $1 .75 $1.50 $2.10'- $8.75 46c People came from 30 miles. It looked like a circus. They crammed and jammed the store from front to back. They came, they saw and they bought as they never did before. Everybody satisfied. Everybody coming again. The word went from mouth to mouth. The sale will not last much longer. Now is the time to fulfill your wants at less than half the price you pay elsewhere. $18.00 Value Vel vet Rug $14.00 $1.00 Fly Safes ' at 75c Prepare for Fruit Season and buy a 1 7 qt. Granite Iron Dish Pan at 38c 1 4-Qt. Cream Can at 35c 5 -Gallon Railroad Milk Can at $1.95 $25 Solid Quarter Sawed Oak Chif fonier at $12.25 $75.00 Steel Ranges for $58.90; Others as Cheap as $9.70 Something is happening every day. Good news and big bargains going in a hurry. Rushing scenes. The rattling of cash. Big packages going to the front. Men, women and children loaded down with good merchandise at a mere triHe ot what you pay in other sales, It is enough to make you want to come. It pays you to close up the house, postpone engagements, borrow money, dress yourself and come prepared to buy. ,e is loom Have you ever heard of such a sale? Did you ever see such a sale? "Give me this," "I will take that," "What does it cost?" "Oh, how cheap!" "Come here mama," "Hello, John," "Give me No. 36," "I want This or That." This is what you could hear on all sides. A beautiful scene; reads like a book, sounds even better. Are you coming? The sale will soon be over. OREGON CITY, IE v r-i rvT M u GH. inn o THE SALE NOW GOING ON IIMIH Ill III III II 1 T ii. - - j iiiirmiifrmrtiiiii iirinriir ' iiii-riiiriiiiiiiill-nm-rarirrT-m- 1 M 3 mm urn mi