Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 21, 1914, Image 3

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Expert Repair Men
Will Fix It
If your watch is losing or gain
ing, if it needs adjusting or clean
ing; if the pin is loose or broken
on that brooch, if a piece of silver
needs repolishing and mending
bring it in and let us tell you
frankly what is necessary and
what it will cost. Prices reasonable.
Suspension Bridge Corner
Miss Nan Cochran. .
.Local Editor
Allie Levitt visited friends in Port
land on Sunday.
Miss Mollie Mitchell, spent Sunday
at her home at bandy.
II. W. Brand, of St. Paul, Minn,
was in Oregon City on Monday.
A. F. Burr, of Molalla, was in Ore
gon City on Monday or this week.
Miss Edna Deyoe, of Boring, was
an Oregon Uity visitor Saturday.
P. A. Henderson, of Seattle, Wash.,
was in this city on business, Friday.
Homer Trullinger, of Molalla. was
in Oregon City on Thursday and Fri
Mrs. Victor Conoroe, who has
been ill at her home for. the past
weeK, is improving.
E. Kendall, of New York, N. Y.,
was among those registering at the
JMectric Hotel this week.
. T. W. Donell, of Thomas, Wash
ington, was in Oregon Uity on Moh
day and Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Edward Brown, Miss Emily
West and Charles West, of Portland,
visited relatives in Oregon City on
Charles Gill, of Logan, was in
Oregon City on Saturday and Sun
day. C. E. Jordan, of Pendleton, was an
Oregon City visitor the latter part
of the week. .
W. Riebhoff, a well known farmer
of Logan, was in Oregon City on
business, Saturday.
H. W. Gibson, of Sandy, was
among the Oregon 'City visitors on
" Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Jack Carson, of Baker, Ore
gon, was an Oregon City visitor on
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Walter L. Little is seriously
ill at her home on Seventh street suf
fering from typhoid fever.
A. Capell, of Leadville, Colorado,
was among those registering at the
Electric Hotel on Friday and Satur
day. Mrs. F. 0. McCown, of Sellwood,
who formerly resided in Oregon City,
visited relatives in this city on Mon
day. Mrs. B. C. Zumwalt. lot Powell
River, B. C, but formerly of this
city, is visiting friends in Oregon
Y. C. Clark, of Thomas, Wash.,
was among those registering at the
Hiiectnc riotel on Monday and Tues
day oi this week.
Mrs. B. F. Linn and Mrs. Nellie
M. Alldredee went to Portland on
Monday, where they spent the day
wnn inenas.
Mrs. E. L. Shaw, who was able
to be removed to her home in this
city from the St. Vincent's Hospital
last week, is rapidly improving.
James Manning, Henry Young and
W. Parrish formed a party that en
joyed nsnmg on milk Ureek, near Mu
lino on Sunday. The party succeed'
ed in catching a string of fine moun
tain trout.
Rev. A. J. Ware and Rev. E.' A.
Smith are having good meetings at
Logan. Mr. Ware is doing the
preaching and Mr. Smith leads the
singing. The interest and attend
ance is splendid. The meetings will
run until Sunday night. The Baptist
-.!.:- :li : u n..7i
inuir win lurinsn music rnaay
night and it is hoped to have the
Alldredge Brothers for Sunday night.
Mr. Smith will preach at Highland,
Alberta and Henrice at the usual
Prof. J. A. Bexel, of the Oregon
Agricultural College, was in Oregon
uiiy Saturday and Sunday, register
uig at tne iMeciric notei.
rhillip Hammond, young son oi
Mr. anu Mrs. Wm. Hammond, who
has been ill, suffering from an attack
oi appendicitis, is rapidly recover
Mr. and Mrs. M. McDermott and
daugnter, miss McDermott, have ar
rived in. Oregon City Irom Duluth
Minnesota, to make their future
ivir. and Airs. A. B. Cone, who sola
their larm m iviaple kuuu last ween.,
leu on ivioiiday xor iNe-aii-iia-mi:,
near nenaiem, Oregon, wnere uiej
vViU spend cue summer and in uit
iaii wm lane up ineir residence in
f ortland. . .
Mrs. Charles J. Parker, of Four
teenth and Jetierson street, leu
Wednesday morning of this week lor
Perdue, Oregon, wnere she will re-
mam otr aoout two weeks, going to
unit piace on Business.
Attorney B. N. Hicks and daugh
ter, Miss Pauline Hicks, tne latter
oi wnom recently returned trom Sa
lem, wnere she had been attending
tne Willamette university, have tak
en apartments at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Hardine on Twelfth
ana main streets.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the .
Signature of
Good Sized Nave) Oranges,
sweet and juicy, 2 dozen for 35
As oranges are advancing
in price, this will be your last
low figure.
Fill the kids up on them,
Saturday, 2 dozens 35 cents.
We sell the best of groceries
at reasonable prices.
Seventh and Center Sts.
On the Hill
S. M. Elnea and wife, of Oakland
California, were in this citv on Sun
day on their way to Portland, where
they will visit for a short time. Mr.
and Mrs. Elnea have made the trip
irom oamornia to Oregon by auto
moDiie, and sav it was a most de
lightful one, although early in the
Mrs. Arthur Dente. formerlv of
Oregon City but now of Sherwood,
who has been visiting her son m
San Francisco, Calif., for the past
two weens, arrived in Oregon Uity
the latter part of the week, and after
spending several days with her sis
ter Mrs. Otto JJente. lelt lor her
Mrs. Lillie A. Dygert has arrived
from San Francisco, California, anu
will make her future .home in tnis
city with her sister. Mrs. Charles T,
Tooze.'of Fifteenth and Water street.
Mrs. Dygert will be connected with
the real estate firm of Xooze & Mad
ison, whose otiice is near the South
ern Pacific depot.
Mrs. M. C. Young, of Wilsonville,
chaperoned a party to this city on
Saturday, the occasion being to wit
ness the spelling match Detween the
schools of the county taking place
at the Oregon City High School. The
party made the trip in the Young
louring car and was composed oi
Mrs. vV. F. Koung, Austin Young,
Lucy Young, Mrs. inza Wood, Wall
ace Young, Mrs. Cora Hesselbrink,
miss Mattie Heyman and Doris S
Basket Social at Redland
An entertainment and basket so
cial will be held at Firgrove school
Redland, on Thusrday evening, May
21st. Music by Schwartz's orchestra.
All are invited to attend. Ladies
please bring baskets.
Saturday Club Entertainment
The Saturday Club of the Congre
gational church will give another of
its popular entertainments ' Fridav
night of this week, May 22, when
Miss H.dna Bertsch, the well known
entertainer will give a reading from
"The Shepherd of the Hills." There
will also be a musical proeram. The
admission is 25 cents and all are in
Socialist Convention
The Socialist convention for Clack
amas county is hereby called to meet
at KnapD's Hall, cor. 10th and Main
streets, Oregon City, May 23, 10 A.
M., 1914. All party members and
registered Socialists will be entitled
to seats in convention. Let's make
the day one of record in which we
and our children will be proud of.
Let everv comrade do his dntv for
this convention is called for the. pur
pose of placing our county ticket- in
the field.
Children Cry t
In the matter of the petition of J.
VV. Loder and others tor a county
road; ordered that viewers meet at
place of beginning 6n the day of May
In the matter of improvement of
of Cromer and iNorris oe and is here
ay accepted and contract awarded
as follows: excavation 25c per yard,
trench .Ubc per loot; Macadam $z.w
per cubic yard; Lumber $10.00 per
thousand; Culverts $2.00 per foot.
In the matter of the vacation of
Golf Park; ordered that said petition
oe granted and that saTd Golf Park
be and is hereby vacated.
In the matter of the agreement be
tween Clackamas County and J. J.
Davis; Lease of land and rock quarry
for road purposes ordered tiled.
In the matter of the petition of Hi
ram Jackson for a county road; or
dered laid over until June term.
In the matter of F. Childs road;
ordered laid over until June term.
In the matter of the Baldwin road
June 5th 1914 is fixed as the time for
hearing objections.
In the matter of the town plat of
Laurelwood Addition to Molalla; or
dered that said plat be and is ap
proved. '
In the matter of townplat of Bry
ant Acres; ordered that said plat be
and is approved.
In the matter of the Carl Ander
son vacation of road proceedings;
ordered that the portion of the Le-.
ellen and Shibley road not now used
be vacated.
In the matter of claims of Gus
Wilson and Wm. Metier for indem
nitv for slaughter of diseased cattle;
ordered laid over for lack of proof of
posting notices.
In the matter of the Wilhoit
Springs and Molalla road; ordered
that same be and is dismissed.
Tn the matter of townnlat ol Din-
coin-Wood; ordered that said plat be
and is approved. .
In the matter of the application ol
Portland and Oreeon City Railway
Cr, fnr a franchise over and across
certain roads; ordered tnat saia ap
nl ration be and is granted.
r ------ .. - ,r j. -cJ
In the matter or tne oppiicauon oii
the Oregon Iron and Steel Co. tor
franchise to transmit electricity over
certain streets' and road;; ordered
that said application be granted.
In the matter of construction ol
a steel plate Girder bridge across
Bear Creek, near Needy; ordered
that advertisement be made in both
weekly newspapers in Oregon City.
f jo
J Parties, Entertainments, etc, J
of Interest to Lady Readers
- J J J J J J J Jt Jt J Jt
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vernette en
tertained at their home on Fourteenth
and Main street on Thursday even
ing at cards. Mrs. Metta Finley
Thayer, Miss Cis Pratt, Charles Park
er and Livy Stipp were awarded the
The rooms were prettily decorated
in roses.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces that a rural
carrier examination will be held at
Oregon Citv. Ore., on June 13, 1914
to establish an eligible register from
which selection may be made to fill
a vacancy in the position of rural
carrier at colton, ure. Age limits,
18 to 55. Application blank and full
information can be secured from the
Local Secretary. Board of Examiners
at the .Oregon City post office, the
Postmaster at Colton, Ore., or the
District Secretary, 11th Civil Service
District, 207 Post Olhce mag., Seattle,
Wash. Applications must 'be filed
... .. ii -. -i ci : n
With tne U. S. oivu oervice uvuimio'
sion, Washington, D. C. in time to ar
ranm fnr the examination.
Appointments may be made from
the eligible list resulting from the
examination to the position of Rural
Carrier at any otiice in this county.
Jefferson and the Lawyers.
In the "Autoblocriiphy of Jefferson'
is this passage:
"I served with Ueuersil Wiishlnt-'toii
in the legislature of Virginia before the
Revolution." wrote .li'flVimin. "imddur
ins it with Dr. Krnnklln in congress. I
never heard either of them speak ten
minutes at a time, nor to any but the
main point which was to decide the
question They laid their shoulders to
the great points, knowing that the lit
tle ones would follow of themselves. 11
the present congress errs lu too much
talkiiiR. how run It be otherwise in e
body to whirl) the people send 150 law
.vers, whose trade It in to question ev
erythhiR. yield iiothlnu. talk by the
our? That lfX) lawyers should do
business together ought not to be ei
nee ted " '
Find Health in a Simple Tonics,
How many women do you know
who are perfectly well, strong and
healthy as a woman should be? They
may not be sick enough to lie In bed
but they are run-down, thin, nerv
ous, tired and devitalized.
Women are so active nowadays.
and so much Is expected of them,
that they constantly overdo and Buf
fer from headache, backache, nervous
ness and kindred Ills.
Such women need Vinol, our dell-
clous cod liver and Iron tonic with-
out oil which will create an appetite.
tone up the digestive organs, make
pure blood and create strength.
Mrs. Walter Price, Biloxl, Miss.,
says: "I was In a run-down condition
for months, I had taken Beveral medi
cines but they seemed to do me no
good. Finally Vinol was recommend
ed, and from the first bottle I began
to Improve until I am strong and well
as ever."
Try a bottlei of Vinol with the un
derstanding that your money will be
returned If It does not help you
Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City.
are deep-curved lenses
which not only wonder
fully enlarge your field
of vision but give you a
lot of real comfort and
vastly improve your personal appearance. If
you wear glasses, you should know all about
Let us demonstrate and explain their many
advantages. ,
Automobile Goggles, Library Shell Frames and
Automatic Eyeglass Reels
719 MAIN STREET. Oregon City, Oregon.
Mrs. F. W. Greenman entertained
at her home on Eighth and Madison
street on Saturday afternoon, her
guests being Mrs. Carl Joehnke, Mrs.
Walter A. Dimick, Mrs. Leon Des
Larzes, Mrs. Clyde Mount, Mrs. M. D.
The afternoon was devoted to
needlework and luncheon was served
by the hostess.
Mrs. A. C. Rowland and Mrs. W.
A. Huntley entertained the Derthick
Club at the home of the former's
mother, Mrs. S. A. Chase, on Friday
afternoon, and among the business
transacted during the afternoon was
the election of officers. The following
were elected to serve for the ensuing
year: President, Mrs. Leon Des Lar
zes; vice-president, Mrs. L. H. Oim
stead; Secretary, Mrs. Livy Stipp;
treasurer, Mrs. A. C. Rowland; Mrs.
S. 0. Dillman, Mrs. Anna Sickler
Hayes, Mrs. W. A. Huntlev and Mrs.
John F Clark were chosen to serve
on the entertainment committee.
A musical programme was render
ed during the afternoon consisting of
the following numbers: Instumental
selections, Miss Louise Huntley; vo
cal selections, Miss Mariorv Haus-
mann, accompanied by Mrs. Florence
Hammond; instrumental selections
Miss Marie Sheahan.
The decorations were of roses and
Refreshments were served during
the afternoon. The next meeting of
the club will be at the home of Mrs.
John Risley, of Risley station.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred J oUzrs
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known P. 1
Cheney tor. the lust 15 years, and belief
him perfectly honorable In all bus'ii' ss
transactions and financially able to enrr;
put any obligations made bv Ills Ann.
Tolodo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is talten Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testlmonlal:
sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constlcatton
The Want Column
WANTED Young geese or baby
geese, stale numuer lor sale and
price. Principal of Schools, Mes
kill, Wash.
WANTED Experienced Accident
Man to sell monthly and commer
cial polices. A liberal contrract
w)ll be given to the right party.
Care Courier, S. Steger. Mgr.. 301
and 302 Title and Trust Bldg.,
Portland, Ure.
FOR SALE Chalmers touring car,
ltflU model, first class running or
der. See W. W. Myers, Sixth and
J. Q. Adams streets, or H. A. Mil
lef, Falls View.
WANTED Piano or furniture in ex
change for $550 equity in 10-acre
tract. Address J. H. Bellan, Ore
gon City, Ore.
COWS for sale. Fresh cows for sale,
2 and 3 years old and heifer calves.
T. T. Pankey, Clackamas Heights.
FOR EXCHANGE 7 acres, 6 acres
improved, two or three acres of
fine celery land. 4 room house,
small barn and chicken house.
Near Oregon City and Portland
Car line. Close to fine school and
stores. Will exchange for larger
tract must not be less than 35 or
40 acres and this must be half-cleared.
With ALUMINUM Kitchen Utensils
We have made arrangements to furnish yoar kitchen with Alaminttm
Kitchen Ware, Free of Charge. All we ask yot to do is to trade at
this store.
Oor first offering is a Baking Combination Set which we will give
yoa when yoar purchases amount to $50.00. The only cost to yo
is 48 cents, which we ask to cover the packing and expressage on the
Every Housewife KNOWS
That Aluminum Kitchen Ware is healthy, cleanly, durable, economical
This ware is absolutely free of charge. Ask salespeo
ple for ticket and have your cash purchases punched
on it.
Always bring your licket with you
when you buy
Telephone Main 70
- Oregon City, Oregon
"" '
Spring Chickens Wanted
All the time. Will pay Oregonian
market price. Ulackamas Hotel,
(A. Erick son.) Oregon Citv, Rt. 2.
iJox iyo; rnone Main auoi.
FOR SALE One span good work
mares; one iarm wagon, cheap;
one Oliver Chilled plaw, No. 40;
one Harrow, one 3 year-old colt;
one 1-year-old colt. Geo. W. Cone
Maple Lane, near schoolhouse.
E. e. DYE
Farm and
Automobile Loans
FOR SALI3 Jersey cow and three
months old call. Address C. U.
Overton, Oregon City Rt. 1.
FOR SALE 41 acres, 12 acres in
cultivation, good seven room house
good well and creek water, . 20
acres Alder bottom, 11 ' miles
from Molalla, price $2,300. Ad
dress W. S. Gorbett, Colton, Ore.
Dr. Pierces Toilet set, 11 piece set,
retail value wa'o; i carving set,
value $1.00, all for $1.50, by mail
15c extra. Lady agents wanted.
E. M. Kellogg, GOG Northwest
Bldg., Portland, 'Ore.
WANTED 20 feet 36 inch rubber
belt. M. Barde and Sons, Portland
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County oi Clackamas.
n the Matter of the Estate of Fred
rick Stulke, deceased.
Notice is hereby given -that the un
dersigned, Administrator of the es
tate of Fredrick btulke, deceased,
has filed his final report in said estate
with the County Clerk of Clackamas
County, Oregon, and the Judge of
said County Court has set June the
22nd, at the hour of ten o'clock a.
m. at the County Court house in Ore
gon Citv. Clackamas County, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing any
and all objections to said final report
na tne oiscnarge oi saia Aaminis-
. l .1 injL .1 . i r A TV
uaiea Mis lvm uay oi may, t. u.
1914. ,
Otto Stulke. Administrator.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys-for Ad
Administrator's Notice
Notice is herebv given that Eliza
beth Glover has been duly appoint
ed b" the County Court, State of Ore
gon, Administratrix or the estate oi
F. M. Glover, deceased, and that all
creditors having claims against saia
estate may present them duly veri
fied, to said undersigned at the of
fice of C. D. and D. C. Latourette,
Oregon Citv. Oregon, on or before
six months from the date hereof.
Dated April 30, 1914.
Elizabeth Gover.
Notice of hearing on final count.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the estate of John
Dpe, an unknown person, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that
George L. Story, the administrator
of the estate of John Doe, an un
known person, deceased, has render
ed and presented for settlement and
filed in said Court, his final account
of his administration of said estate,
and that Monday the 22nd day of
June 1014, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the
Courtroom of said Court, at Oregon
City, Clackamas County. State of
Oregon, has been duly appointed by
tne Judge or said Court, lor the set
tlement of said account, at which time
and place any person interested in
said estate may appear and file ex
ceptions in writing to the said ac
count, and contest the same.
Dated May 18th, 1914.
George L. Story
All Work Guaranteed
Prices The Lowest
416 Water St. Oregon City
The Insurance Man
Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In
surance. Dwelling House Insur
ance a specialty.
Residence 612
Center St.
Phones: Main 110
M. 172
, Summong
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
William P. Haynes, Plaintiff,
Eva R. Haynes, Defendant.
To Eva R. Haynes, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint hied
against you in the above entitled
suit on or beore the 3rd day of July
1914, and if you fail to appear or
answer piainuir win apniy to tne
court for the relief prayed for in his
complaint, to-wit: a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existine between plaintiff
and defendant, an for such other and
iurtner renei as to tne court may
seem just and equitable.
This summons in made unon vou
by publication by order of the Hon,
11. S. Anderson, judge, made on the
14th day of May, 1914, directing such
publication in the Oregon City Cour
ier once a week for six consecutive
weeks, the first publication being
made on the 21st day of May, 1914,
and the last publication on the 2d day
of July, 1914.
Robert II. Down
Plaintiff's Attorney, 512-513 Hen
ry Bldg., Portland, Ore.
.. f
For Furniture
Stoves and Ranges, Shelf Hardware, Kitchen Sup
plies and Notions, SEE
7th and Madison Sts. "The Home Furnisher"
Csh Paid for Second Hand Furniture of AU Kinds
Dr. A. McDonald
Veterinary Surgeon
Office, Red Front Barn ,
Phones: Main 116
Money To Loan
For Long or Short Periods
Beaver Building Oregon City
Cash Buyers of Cream -2c
above Market Price
Straight & Salisbury
Agents for the celebrated
LEADER Water Systems
, We also carry
A full line of MYERS pumps and
Spray Pumps.
We make a specialty of installing
water systems and Plumb- . .
ing in the oountry
20 Main St. Phona 2682
Fill this Out, It Will Pay You
Name i
Postoffice Address
I live miles from on road near
I have acres of land.
There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of
against the property due on 191....
I would like to borrow $ for years, giving this prop
erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm?
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor
row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your
farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at
wilLamettiTValley MORTGAGE loan "'company
Aurora State Bank Building Aurora, Oregon
is any carriage, business wagon
or other horse-drawn vehicle.
We don't overlook the smallest
details of our repairing business,
so that when we get through
with "anything on wheels" we
undertake every single part is
as strong as any other it's
strong all over. Cost 7 'Tell
you in a minute when you ask.