n Mmns. gfW n aM ARE r JUL y p ositively Beyond Doubt- Most Mighty Bargain Event in 20 Years $ - n s CI vly ZJ 1 mm 111! pi 1 n mi nit in I "3 .S E Jl 12 Pi f -At HI mi rap '.7. 14 II MM I? H IN mi S 5 1 fc - 41 M 'ft 5 Backward business conditions; being overloaded and needing Cash demands FRANK BUSCH to throw his mammoth stock on sale THE MOST SENSA' it" 'irisincSs sun Jlr "ainniilIes---ITP "WIl i3Lj )NAL RETAIL AND WHOLESALE SELLING OF MODERN TIMES iMUMI mmmmmM 13 DAYS ONLY Oregon City L I I J AT OREGON CITY 13 Days Only Grand and collosal sale of Hardware and Furniture embrasing beautiful mahogany, birds eye maple and Circassian walnut . dressers, tables, chairs, stands,' chiffoniers, china closets, rockers, beautiful rugs, curtains, queensware, ranges, pictures, davenports, ward-robes, springs, mattresses, baby buggies, cooking utensils, etc.; and hardware, of every description to be thrown on public sale marked in plain figures. It means a marvelous saving opportunity and the most thrilling exhibition of modern retailing ever known in Oregon City. Ganc! Fee Concert PURPOSE AND REASON OF SALE -LAST NIGHT OF SALE By special arrangements on the 'last night of this sale" we have arranged to have a grand free concert in the Busch Hali. There will be music, fancy dancing-, special solos, and a erand time for evervlmdv. Ket papers and watch for more particulars and full announce ments. Everv mirchase durincr the salo ticket to the concert. Tickets will be transferable. Ithas.always beea the policy of this .store to give an annua! clearance sale, but owing to backward business conditions over which we have no control together with theh fact that we desireo meet some of our bills and would 'rather make a sacrifice on the stock than to make other arrangements for the money, we have decided o give this grand unloading .sale and raise quick cash, and it is a simple matter ofxJollars and cents, and really a sale at wholesale. To Baffle Dale tt AND DELIGHT YOU Tons and tons of hardware will be marked at prices you have never seen in your life before. Special arrangements are being made to make this the most remarkable sale in the history of this store. A busirf ess establishment nearly thirty years ago dealing fair and square with everybody and car rying the very4est of everything and at all times with a complete stock to satisfy your wants. CI NAILS 6-8-1 6-20-30-50-60 D common while they last $2.35 Beautiful Golden Oak finish Dressers Full size case. Regular $10.00 value, on sale for Screen Doors good quality, size 2ft.6by6ft,6 50c Dandy Dining Room Chairs in golden oak finish going for only 5c ' Beautiful little Sewing Rockers A delight to any woman " During this sale for .45 Nice Extension Tables in golden oak finish for only 3.75 If" ii IS I Lir-. 31 3 ' tT I II 6 J&r.'" A nriPP-5 Now h.wr o-Ptf no- rtAr, r SX.'Jt 5,000 PEOPLE EXPECTED At the Great Bargain Event Everything is marked in plain figures. It will be the greatest and grandest sale evler held in all this country. Men and women will ta.k as they never talked before. Crowds will be waiting when the doors open. Rain or shine the sale takes place. A .reduction on everything. Impossible to give details or prices. Now busy getting ready. Come, people, come! in hjbuju i mil It Extra strong Steel Sanitary Couches going on sale for White Enameled Refrigeator Extra good value for $2.65 $8.95 Beautiful 6x9 Matting Rug Regular $2.50 value. Sale price $1 .55 Swell Assortment of fine Tapestry Rugs Always sold for $15.00 will go in this sale for $9.75 e If you need any Barbed Wire now is your chance 80 rods $1.75 Stoves Ranges $6.5T),$10, $15 and up to $75 and everyone reduced Years in A special expert furniture & hardware representative of Ot$S ucsi a, woiaaem R of San r4 a n c aie will be with Mr. Busch to CO, arrange store and advertising Fifty thousand feet of floor space. Three floors and basement packed from top to bottom and concert hall, will be jamed full of goods. Special tickets marked swinging from every angle of the house. Each and every article throughout the store will be reduced and marked in plain figures. A soul stirring event, absolutely without parallel, the whole country is wild with enthusiasm. Several automobiles arid men with rigs are now going into every house for twenty miles around. Posters are being tacked up on cross roads gates. Telephone girls are busy answering calls. Letters are being written to friends to meet them at the big sale. , It's the kind of sale that will draw people for miles and miles. You come one time and you come again. The entire stock is offered and a perfect modern store system 'installed, making your shopping easy and pleasant. A remarkable sale. A great and mighty undertaking. All goods ticketed, everything marked and we are now ready to wait on you. A sale never to be forgotten as long as you live. Your grandchildren will talk about it in years to come. Be here when the big doors swing open and the flood gates of prosperity fly back, for a royal welcome is extended to you. $10 Rocker Free, 8:30 Saturday Night Every person entering the store on opening day will be given a numbered ticket. Come one time or a hundred times; each time you enter a ticket is given you during the opening day and at 8:30 opening night a blindfolded girl will draw number and announce the winner. Person hold number must be present otherwise another number will be called. Lucky person gets the rocker absobutely FREE. IUMU..UMIWI ii,n. miii """ t"'" T"""l i" "! T 3 m) zj lb mm A detail 3ale of "Vyin.lessLle OREGON CITY, OREGON $10.00 BEAUTIFUL ROCKER FREE SATURDAY MORNING 1 00 tickets will be passed out to the first 1 00 people inside of the store opening morning and one of these tickets hold the lucky number that wil draw the rocker absolutely free. Come at sunrise and avoid the crowds i-n - n!LY j Fin im it rrn rmn n i n i i iiii n i ni.ii'i ii i iiii ii ' I '""T-Trr ri t'iiiiiii ii ii r m irm i n nil i iiiiimiw inn i -m-ii , niir iupmnnmniiii iirr-B ,,BB g, PS mm I 13 m