.... " v . f . , OREGON CITY COURIER .THURSDAY, MAY 1914 OREGON. - Benefits of organization cepted by all farmers. are ac- All farmers should join and" help get these benefits. Organization lifted the Denmark farmer out of the ruts of poverty and placed him in the front rank of prosperity. The American farmer has not a word to say about the price he has to sell for or the price he has to pay. Join the Equity. j Nearly every day we farmers read of some trust meeting and raising the price of what they have to sell. The farmers cannot set the price ' any crop until they are organized. When we are organized we can con trol the market. ; We can frame laws that will take away special privileges for idlers to make millions from our crops while we sell for less than cost. Your Equity editor proposes to tell the truth and inform the farmers why and how they are robbed. We are tired of milk and water sop that has no truth or benefit in it. We farmers always will be poor as long as we allow our crops and our j. v.- ;i i :n; taxes 10 ue aistnuuiea oy munon- There are two hundred thousand aires, who form soulless corporations kinds of insects that injure the far and set the nrice on all food, clothes. ,,.n nno v,iiv.r!.l and set the price on all food, clothes money ana lauor. Our Equity warehouse at Portland and to be a big help to the farmers and who patronize it should be sats fied customers. It pays no dividend on stock. It is owned by Equity far mers who elect a board of directors , who hire a manager and yet it belongs to the Front St. Union of commission houses. It seems we cannot do business without belong ing to this trust. Brother Campaa has suggested that the directors of the Equity and of the Equity Ware house Co. meet at the same time time and place. Good! get busy. We do not propose to stay out of polities. We are going to get a law governing the distribution of food If the trusts call out their pri vate army we farmers will see to it that they salute the flag. The Equity has numerous clearing houses all over the country that are saving the members manv dollars and are doing it in a co-operative way without belonging to any trust. We must get away from the trusts if we ever get closer to the consumer. We can not feed, clothe and educate our families like Americans should as long as we are compelled to pay all our money to trusts in interest, rent and profit. Congressman Bryan knows how to put a stop to the horrors of the American coal mines. His bill, if made into a law, would end strikes; would employ labor at good wages and still give people coal at cost. Mr. Bryan is from the state of Wash ington and we do not know whether he is a Democrat or Republican. He is one or the other and who cares which ? He should have the sup. port of everybody in ending these horrors. 1 The Oregon City Courier now has a' circulation greater than any pa per between Portland and Eugene, having gone ahead of any paper in Salem. The subscriptions are still coming in. The Courier is the only paper in Oregon that champions the cause of the farmer and stays with it and wins. If the farmers do their duty the Courier will soon have the largest circulation of any paper in Oregon. The railroads of this county have sold all the watered stock they can sell. They have sold about all the bonds they can sell the people and they are the ones who are paying all the charges they can stand and the whole railroad system is about to go bankrupt and the people who hold the worthless stock and bonds will be lost. Nobody has gained except the few bankers who compose the money trust.- How much blame should the American people take? Why should eight of our states in this grand old U. S. A. be bonded to Englishmen when Uncle Sam has 840 tons of gold locked up in Wall Street N. Y. ? Why should millions of people be unemployed and starving when Uncle Sam can appropriate $100,000,000 to fight ' people who are our nearest neighbors? Why i u TTr,.u Sam pnin monev ana SMUU1U --- . lock up 3,000 tons of silver m Wall St" Why does uncie oam anuw a private army-to invade a state and ''murder its citizens who ask for wag- - es to live? The salmon canners are making ;ii;n. onH farmers are naying 20 cents per pound for salmon. It is not so with smelt. The whole body of people get the benefit ot cheap 14. j tYama wardens and natcn- eries are not heeded for them. Let the state can the salmon ana sen w the people at cost, pay good wages -J4.1. v,.4- tiivc nnHer samtafV COn- W1U1 BI4U4V liuui o v ditions and stop making millionaires from poor peoples' laDor anu. wih The life of all the people depends on the farmers' crops and ye dol lars are so much more valuable than life that these crops are allowed to rot where they grow, so that a few millionaires can cnarge uic -""' . HnnWe what the far er muit wu - ., mer receives so they can pile up the am that, draw ten per cent inter est and these dollars produce no crops. Farmers are compelled to al most give their labor away for the . . . 11. .unlinnalvaG Deneiu oi uumui"v- . The farmer now is so poor that he cannot hold his crops .me did so he has to sen a , Old SO ne una w v,,,,, harvest is over, tnen mui"" "" it, store it and when the marKet gets short they boost the price to the con- Snori I,. icy mvoi v..o r . tho consumer has his .1..: f .;tvo-. lmmnc nr starving The poor people strike for more wages and the millionaires hire a lit tle army to murder them, their wives and babies too. a prave army. Our Agricultural Department and our agricultural coueges to teach the farmer why he is poor. They would have tneir Dig apprupn t.h beef trust, the har- on1 a lnt more trusts shut off if they did. The farmer reads their bulletins about bugs and insectides about fungus and funga cides. We are going to try and teach the Equity members why all this science fails to lift the farmer EQUITY .NEWS' .'-"as1 out of the ruts of poverty. We had hoped the Oregon City Commercial Club and Live Wires would accomplish something with their harmony ( ? ) crusade. We still believe there are men in Oregon City who would mate up with earnest business farmers for better condit ions in Clackamas countv and accom plish something for the good of all. For proof of this read the action of some of the business men in regard to farmers' teams -in last week's Courier. We appreciate it and so will our horses. The farmers, by organizing and meeting often and discussing the best ways, , can form their own co operative channels for their trade to1 pass through. Maple Lane Local has an ' important subject to discuss at each meeting. Rural Credits was the subject at the last meeting. In this way the members become posted on the important questions of the day and are able to cast an intelli gent vote in their own interests, and they stick together. Scientific Farming City people who contemplate go ing back to the land will read the following with sufficient reserves to There are about six hundred di seases of cultivated plants that ef fect all rrnns from annles to vetch. mors' crnns. About, five hundred kinds produce serious results. There are hundreds of diseases that are fa tal to the farmers' live stock. New diseases like that of the horse that lost millions for farmers in Kansas twn veara ntrn hnfflpfl tile V. S. The weather is constantly injuring some crops ana yet ail oi tnese damage the fapTMPi. let-si than the nresent rYiarlrotino. ovctem which nan lie rnn- trolled by scientific marketing thru : . " i" . i . r j.1 organization oi me iarmers meiii selves. The Equity System. Our noted and resnected towns man, W. S. U'Ren, Independent can didate for Governor, was very much honored by the nomination of the State Prohibition party to that of fice. Mr. U'Ren is regarded by all who know him as a clean man and ohnnlH ho ho plect.pH thin fall he would give the people of Oregon a .i i ' i ut ttt- clean aaministrauon. we never knew of a Governor who believed just qo wo Af in ractavA tn tavoo sr. it.'will not be necessary for Mr. U'Ren to adopt our plan. Wo aclr linnnimnnc cnnoent. frr nnr historians to expurge from the rec ords of America all reference to that big blot, the blackest ot all, the hor ror of T.ii'llnw Polnrnno Who knows how soon we farmers may be i :j .1 :ii. : o Tir. aenieu tne rignt to organize : vve see the move in that direction now. who Knows now soon we too win De in the same boat with the Colorado minora? Militnrv nrrlere, nnHor nnr flag should not come from 26 Broad way, New York City. How long? The Enuitv editor is called radi cal hecanso "he tries tn write the facts in a way that anyone can un- J 4. 1 rpi 4. 1 1 uerstaiiu. .Liitit is luuneu uu but strictly DUSiness u ing against .the ethics of 4art oflau patrons of the county. npWQruinprHnm "Mow inst. tn show I nr:i.L 4.u.. -fn.i. efofomt vou how honest, patriotic and law- abiding John D. Rockefeller's coal companies are the federal grand jury of Pueblo, Col., found them guil ty of looting the coal deposits of Col orado. Election corruption, denial of justice of individuals, open and re- peaiea violations oi law. They run saloons to corrupt the miners, all for $ $. They run company stores and dis charge all employees who fail to trade at these "pluck me" stores. ' Those riinns cnal cnmnanies nf John D's collect from 25 to 40 cents per month for each person's name that appears on the company's pay roll for the exclusive privilege of selling booze. The Congressional Record, April 29, page 8U4U has a statement by a Colorado congress man that these cnal cnmnanips OWN and have OWNED all the county of- nciais in tne two mining cuuuties iui 10 years just as much so as a. con- rrrocoman owns his cnat. On the same page is evidence that the coal companies control, the state govern ment, the banks, the state militia, and then refused credit to the state to pay his same militia except on an exhorbitant charge. That is Shy lock of old personified in our modern John D., the self constituted divine trustee of poor people. Now, John D. do you organize and set the price of coal and oil? Tohn Hirl vnn issue the military orders that caused your priyate ar- mv oi importeo. gun-men to iiiumer innocent women and babes in Colo rado? And John, did you issue the military orders for American sol diers to go to Mexico to defend your oil wells and gold mines? One more question. John, did you use your in fluence with congress to get iar mers' organizations under the Anti trust laws? We fire many John, and wo nun nnt-vnte vou and we are eo- inn. tn cot. vnur crnat. John. All the Inrieres in iJO orauo. witn very few exceptions, ride on passes over John D's railroads in violation of law, so we will pass the subject. A laAv in Kansas writes "What ic the matter with Kansas? We have to pay a dollar a year to keep a dog; 3 dollars poll tax besides taxes on everything we own. We pay double price for furniture and so much per t, nriviloore for llflinff it. and all this on wages of one dollar per day and board ourselves. "Woiioo rent $5 tn $10 per month. S26 per month is big wages for the man who pavs "(he thinks so) and boards himself. If your chickens weigh less than two pounds tney are roti onH if thev weio-h more they are too large and bring old hen prices. Why is it ( A lady in the potato country of California wants to know why sne pay gc per pound for potatoes , ch jn the coun. trv. Join the Equity. Subscribe for the Courier EQUITY STATE OFFICERS Pres. W. Grisenthwaite, Oregon Citv, Ore., Rt 3. ' Vice Pres., J. Schmitke, Banks, Ore., Rt. 3. . Sec-Treas., F. G. Buchanan, Ore gon City, Ore. Directors: J. F. Campau, Aurora, Ore, Rt. 2: P. W. Meredith, Oregon City, Ore, Rt. 1. CLACKAMAS CO. OFFICERS Pres., S. L. Casto, Oregon City, Ore, Rt. 8. Vice Pres., J. H. Bowerman, Clack amas, Ore, Rt. 1. Sec-Treas., F. G. Buchanan, Ore gon City, Ore. Directors W. J. owerman, Clackamas, Ore, Rt. 1. J. C. Royer, Clackamas, Ore, Rt. 1. W. Grisenthwaite, Oregon City, Ore, Rt. 3. For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Oint ment is highly recommended. 50c a box at all stores. , ' CASTO'S OPEN LETTER Who He Is, What He Is, and What He Advocates To the Republican voters of Clacka mas county: ' As all of you are aware, I am a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for the office of County Clerk of this county and in connection with this fact I want to say a few words regarding myself and the affairs of said office. I am desirous of becoming clerk of this county, because I am, and have been, intensely interested for many years in the affairs of the county, and I feel that with my educational, clerical, and business ability, that 1 can give the people of the county an efficient, economical and a sound business administration. Clackamas County has been my home almost continously for the past 38 years and I have never before been a candidate for a public office. I own a farm, and am, and have been for the past 15 years a taxpay er of said county. I received my education in the public schools of this county and the Fraded and high school of Portland, am a graduate' of the Oregon Agri cultural college of Corvallis, Oregon. I began clerical work in a small way when 14 years of age and after fin ishing college was employed for many years in the various railroad accounting offices .of Portland, at the same time retaining my residence in this county. , At the present time I am engaged in farming on my farm which is lo cated eight miles from Oregon City. There is one thing in connection with the office on which I wish to speak in detail and that is in the matter of the equalization of assess ments. By virtue of his position the county clerk is a member of the coun ty board of equalization and I hon o'otlv holieve. and I find many voters throughout the county who believe with me, memDers oi uus miu ought to be free-holders and taxpay ers of the county. There seems to be a general feel ing, especially among the farmers and small home owners that. farm lands are being assessed far out of proportion to other forms of taxable property. If nominated and elected f ,-.-.nrv.iCo that. T will use every dos- s,e means within my power ui Dring about a fair equalization of as- . P 11 4-ovaKlo nronertv. Wwmw x --i--- td nf all tavahlp. nronertv, I will endeavor to conduct the bus iness of the office .in such a way that I myself, and my clerical force will render a. dollar's worth of ser vice for every dollar received. I will insist on kind and courteous hut strictly business treatment of With these few statements I leave ll. wiui yuu n w- ---- -v r T am capable and competent, which 1 .-. ......u nnH it iTAii tee T.na.L i sincerely hope you win, i wm appreciate your support. n Socialist Convention Ti, Socialist convention for Clack- ia horohv called to meet aulas lumii.j o ..v-j - , at Knapp's Hall, cor. 10th and Main 1 . i nir on 1A A streets, Uregon city, may co, iu M., 1914. All party members and registered Socialists will be entitled to seats in convention. Let's make the day one of record m wnicn we iind our children will be proud of. Hutv for this convention is called for the pur pose of placing our county ticitet m the field. . 1 By order ot, H. E. Kroun, .. County Ex. Com. GUY T. HUNT Garfield Candidate for House and What he will Work For Guv T. Hunt, of Garfield, who re cently filed his petition for the Re publican nomination for Representa tive in the state legislature, was ask to become a candidate by hundreds of people living in his own section of the county, where he is best known. Tr. roniv tn the. r.etition. Mr. Hunt is sued the lollowing statement; "I will use every honorable enort ; Bnnnni4 nf onv measure that I fool in for the host, interest of the people of this county and the state at large, regardless oi origin "Wo noeH fewer and hetter law". Wo ora cnondinc tno much monev yearly in our county and state affairs lor tne results ootaineu. "The Oregon Code as regards roads and highways needs thorough "Laws regarding schools, taxes and lahor should nave careiui ana tnot- ful consideration. If nominated and elected I will use every effort to the end that when my work is done, you i . i . 1: .1 . l Will ieei mat your cmuiuum aim itiltromont. wan nnt. hetraved. and that you can truthfully and willingly say well aone. i (raid aqv.j Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A MOUNTAIN VIEW We have been wondering what in ducement we could offer tne booster parade to come up Molalla Ave. We will decorate our building and give the parade a happy welcome. This is the prettiest part of Oregon City and in three years more will show up the best streets, the nicest homes and the most enterprising people found anywhere. Frank Albrignt is Duiiding a new house in the Holmes addition. John Lewellen is preparing to build a 5 room bungalow on Uuane treet. We expect to see every home in Mountain View with neat hwr.s in front of them and a fountain at the watering trough near Everhart a,id Halls store and an electric car line (or an automobile route for the down town traffic. Onlv a few more days and the bat- tic of the many will be centerel on e tew and the worry will last uii- til next November, and we hope our one woman candidate, Miss Iva Har rington, will win out with a big ma jority. Miss Harrington is 3urely competent for the office she is seek ing. While we don t approve ot wo men holding office in some of the departments of government, such as sheriff or policeman or judge altho she might do better than some men who have held these offices. We have been wondering at some new departures lately. The latest being a tango dance for a drawing card for the opening of a new soda fountain. What next? Mr. Sanders has moved back onto Pear street, having purchased prop erty of W. A. Smith. William Jones of Carus, has been spending several klays here with his mother, Mrs. Rpehl, who has been on the sick list, Mrs. Amanda Hickman and her grandaughter, Wanda, have been vis iting Wltn ur, jnicftiiiau oi aervuise. The delivery team of Everhart and Hall ran away recently, tearing up the wagon and harness. It ran over a disk harrow in a field near Moun tain View cemetery, narrowly escap ing serious injury. They had broken loose from a tree to which they were tied while the man was-delivering goods. Mrs. Albert Smith died at her home on Molalla Ave., last Sunday morning after a long illness. She re cently returned from the Oregon City hospital apparently much improved, but suddenly became worse and soon passed away. She leaves a husband and four children. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, inter ment being in the Mountain View cemetery. JAMES F. NELSON Open Letter to Voters by Republican Candidate tor county Treasurer To the Voters of Clackamas Coun ty: I am a candidate for the office of county treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Republican primaries, May 15. I was assessor of the county be fore Assessor Jack, and I believe my administration qualified me for the office of county treasurer, and I be lieve the records will show that I was the onlv assessor who ever raised the railroads and other corporations to where they paid their' fair share of taxes. Dunne mv first two years as as sessor the expense of the office was ,400 less than my predecessor. I have had six years experience as bookkeeper in large merchandise store. Have made up tax rolls and am familiar with work pertaining to the collection of taxes. I served in Co. B. 3rd. Wisconsin Cavalrv during Civil War. I have lived in Oregon 44 years and have been a resident of Clacka mas county for 35 years. If you can support me at the polls I will pledge you economy and effic iency it nominated and elected. James F. Nelson. Paid Adv. Snrinir Thickens Wanted All the time. Will pay Oregonian market price. Clackamas Hotel. iA TCriclcsnn. , Oregon Citv. Rt. 2. Box 175; rhone Main avoi. Poiicr hod for Three Years "T am a lnver nf vour godsend to humanity and science. lour meui cino Tlr Kino-'s New DiRCfwerv. cur on mv con rh nf three vears' stand ing," says Jennie Flemming, of New Dover, Ohio, nave you an annoy infl enn rh? To it stubborn and won't viold to treatment? fJet a R0(? hottle of Dr. King's New Discovery today. VVIiai it U1U 1U4 (JC411I4C J.' 4C11I4141I, IV will do for you, no matter how stub- horn nr ohrnnic a POHP-h tilav he. It stops a cough and stops throat and lung trouble. Keller or money uacK Krtc and 1 fin at vnnr driitrcist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Ecze ma. Our Beef Iron and Wine is a most Dull Feeling-Swollen Hands and foot rtiio in Kirinpv Trnnhte Your kidneys need help when your nanas ana ieei inicnen, ui uy, nu von fpol dull and slucrsish. Take Fo ley Kidney Pills. They are tonic, stimulating and strengthening and Tiir IfiHnpvR to hp.nlt.hv. nor mal action. Try them. Sold by all druggists. Keep Bowel Movement Regular Dr. King's New Life Pills keep stomach, liver and kidneys in healthy condition. Rid the body of poisons and waste. Improve your complex ion by flushing the liver and Kidneys. "I got more relief from one box of Dr. King's New Life Pills than any medicine I ever tried." says C E Hat field, of Chicago, 111. 25c at your Druggist mmmm msmmmmmmk -.-.,,.,..,.y,jl,jOTty. ALBRIGHT'S PLATFORM What he Would do If Elected Sheriff of Clackamas County To the Voters of Clackamas Coun ty: . . In seeking at your hands the r- publication nomination for the officb of Sheriff of Clackamas county at the forthcoming primaries, I desire to say a few words in regard to my- selt and my piattorm tnrougn tne columns ot the Courier. While i am personally known to many of you, and while I have tried to call upon all of you, the press of my own worK has made it impossible for me to visit all portions of the county, and I believe this the best way of reaching the vot ing public. I believe the sheriff should enforce the laws as he finds them, and if hon ored with the nomination and elec ted, this will be my policy. The people or their representatives make the laws, and I do not believe that it is any part of the sheriff's duties lo enforce some of these laws and per mit others to be violated, or to en force some of them against certain individuals and not against all. ll nominated and elected I shall do my utmost to see that our laws are rig idly yet justly enforced with regard to all. While I believe firmly in law en forcement, I do not believe that in order to enforce these statutes it is necessary to be brutal or harsh, we are all of us human beings, even tho we maydo wrong, and therefore 1 believe in treating everybody with as much consideration, kindness and leniency as circumstances will per mit. Because a man may be in jail or under restraint is no reason for treating him harshly; or if a man is sentenced to a term of punishment. I do not believe that he should be tor tured. If nominated and elected 1 shall endeavor to have my actions to wards all guided by justice and right, and not by any spirit of vengeful- ness or cruelty. It is also the duty of the sheriff to investigate complaints regarding al leged infractions of the law, as these complaints may be brought to nis notice. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to look into every mat ter oiticiaiiy brought beiore me, ano if I find a wrong has been commit ted, or that a warning will rectify matters. I promise to take whatever action may be called for in the case. As a countv otiicer 1 believe that the sheriff should do everything in his power to conserve the public moneys, and in line with this it will be my policy, if nominated and elec ted, to conduct my office, on the most economical system. There will be lederer kept by me and my deputies at all times, in which will be set down each day the work that each each man has done and lees ne s en titled to, or the time on the work he has spent, and this ledger will always be open to the inspection of the pub lic. 1 will have nothing to hide in my conduct of the office, no super flous deputies; and as I shall expect to do a full day's work every day my self, I shall insist on my deputies do ing the sam. I believe one of the principal du ties of the sheriff is to safeguard the young men and women who ' are growing into citizenship, and if hon ored with your selection as nominee and your support at the polls, I shall make it my particular duty to see that there is nowhere in this county any infraction of the laws relating to the protection of minors, and I shall constantly make it my endeavor to keep conditions throughout he coun ty at their best. The sheriff must do this, as I see it, to fulfill his oath of office. .- ' Oregon City, Clackamas County, is my home. I have long been in- dentified with the city affairs in one way or another, and J. have served as a member of the city council. While a councilman many matters oi public importance, looking towards the betterment and advancement oi the city, have been entrusted "to my hand3, and I am willing o stand upo.i my record there to show the kind of public servant I have been, and the kind of public srevice for which 1 stand. 1 may have diltered nonesuy with other men upon some subjects, but though this difference has been sincere .on my part, I have always bowed to the will of the majority, and when a vote has once been cast upon any question and a plan of ac tinn determined. I have always stood for trie enforcement of that plan or action. Mv whole policy, in public life, has been that the majority rules, and that when once the majority has spoken it is the dutv of every good citizen to abide by and support the will of tn majority. It is upon tnis pont-y aim upon my record in following it that 1 am appealing to you ior your sup- nnrt. in the cominer primaries. If you think l win mane an nones conscientious and just sheriff of Clackamas County, I ask you to vote for me. If you honor me with the . . . . , ".f, i . trust, I will hold it sacred, and will not only see that your laws are obey ed, but will obey them myself in all thl"eS' John F. Albright. (Paid Adv.) Most Childrcns Diseases Start with a Cold Restlessness-feverishncsfe an in flamed throat and spasmodic cough, maybe whooping cough, is starting in. Give Foley's Honey and Tar promptly. It helps the children so very much, and Mrs. Shipps, Ray mondsville, Mo., says: "I got fine re sults from it and it is a great medi cine for whooping cough." Sold by all druggists. Hnaww imnnre hlnnd make ft mud dy, pimp'lv complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly, ror dure blood, sound digestion, use Bur dock Blood Bitters. $1.00 at all the stores. E. G. DYE Lawyer WILL PRACTICE IN OREGON AND U. S. COURTS SPECIALTIES: TITLES EXAMI NATION; ABSTRACTS, COL LECTIONS MODERATE PRICES NOTARY WORK Farm and Automobile Loans OFFICE: OVER HARRIS GRO CERY, SOUTH OF COURT HOUSE PHONE, MAIN 43 AND C 153 OREGON CITY AFTER SUFFERING TWO LONG YEARS Mrs. Aselin Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Minneapolis, Minn. "After my little one was born I was sick with pains in my sides which the doctors eaid were caused by inflamma tion. I suffered a great deal every month and grew very thin. I was under the doctor's care for two , long years without any benefit Finally after repeated sug gestions to try it we got Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. After tak- . ing the third bottle of the Compound I cal administration. He would great was able to do my housework and today ly appreciate the votes of Democrats I am strong and healthy again. 1 will answer letters if anyone wishes to know about my case. "Mrs. Joseph Aselin, 628 Monroe St.,N.E.,Minneapolis,Minn. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy we know for woman's ills. If you need such a medicine why don't you try it? ' If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham McdicineCo. (confidential) Ly nn.Mass., for ad vice. Your letter Will be opened read and answered by a worn at and held in strict confidence. C. H. COOPER The Insurance Man Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In surance, Dwelling House Insur ance a specialty. Have You Planned Your Outing? A Few Timely Suggestions Summer Excursions East Rose Festival Beach Resorts Springs and Mountain Resorts You doubtless want to go somewhere to get away for a while from the steady grind. Let us help you. Excursions East: i. From June 1st to September 30th low round trip tickets will be sold from all points on the S. P. one way through Cali ' fornia or via Portland. Newport, Yaquina Bay: ' For rest, pleasure or recreation and outdoor life try this old seaside outing place. The best of everything camps, cottages, hotels at moderate cost. Tillamook County Beaches: ' ' A new playground, only a short run from Portland Moun tain, forest, fishing streams or beach in endless variety and infinite charm. , Rose Festival: From June 9 to 12 Portland will don holiday attire, and sup ply entertainment unique, historical and interesting. Fun on land and water you cannot afford to miss. Springs and Mountain Resorts: Hot Springs, Mineral Springs and Mountain Resorts for ' fishing, hunting or "far from the maddening Crowds' are to be found in abundance along the Southern Pacific. . Our New Outing Booklets: 0 "sun s etVS I I 106D (jutesI) 1 TOHNS For REPUBLICAN Governor Give this Job to a man who will reduce Taxes and cut down expenses If ypu had an interest in a private business you would want it conducted on business principles. You have an interest in the affairs of thii State. The State of Oregon is a business institution run lor the benefit of the people in it who, in a certain sense, are stockholders in its business interests. TAXES MUST BE REDUCED! In the comine primary election, Charles A. Johns, of Portland, will ask the vote of every person who believes the State of Oregon needs to have taxes reduced and expenses cut down. The only way to reduce taxes and cut down expenses is to apply the same principles in running the State that you would apply in runnino; your own business. How many institutions would run along with an increase of oper ating expenses from year to year ? Not many. Well, lei's reduce our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A. Johns, of Portland, is running on that platform and stands on his platform. Get him on the job! Start thinking about this today! Will you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce taxes, or a politician, as our next Governor ? The issue is clear. One will cut down taxes the "other will give jobs to his political friends. Which do you want ? , Paid Advertisement. C. D. LATOURETTE, President F- J -MEYER, Cashier. THE FiRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successes Commercial Bank Transaott a General Ba nklnfii Bu Inftsa Open from 0 a. m. to I D. G. THORNE The Only Farmer Candidate for Sheriff of Clackamas County He is qualified for the position by education and experience. He would give the sheriff's office an economi- "V i J May id. (Paid Adv.) WILLIAM HARRIS Beaver Creek Farmer, Candidate for County Commissioner I 1 i : - 1 ri Q y L J "Vacation Days,". "Newport" and "Tilla mook County Beaches" a:e just off the press, full of, timely suggestions as to where and how you can best spend your vacation. They are free for tho asking. Drop usl a postal card or call on our nearest Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon CA I