Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 30, 1914, Image 7

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ting die Stomachs andBowds of
Ptomoles DigcsHonJChewfii
ness and Restrontalns neiiim-
Opium.Morphine norMiucraLj
BmJa'a Sttdm
AnerTect Remcdv for ConsRpa
Hon , Sour Storaach.DIarrhoea
Worms ,Coitvulsions.revtnsli
ness amlLossorSlXER
facsimile Sijjnamrcof
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the A, v
Signature AAJJ
Thirty Years
P-Hw3 I . - i mmm ll H
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Showing the amount of claims allowed, on what account, the amount of
warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid on the
31st day of March, 1914.
General Fund
Roads and Highways ? 91,104.22
Registration and Elections 3,481.10
Sheriff's Office 2,422.15
Clerk's Office 2,109.25
Recorder's Office . 1,995.20
Treasurer's Office ;". 1,007.02
Surveyor's Office 1,026.70
Assessor's Office 1,794.97
Court House 1,337.21
Circuit Court 5,507.15
County Court or Com .' 1,109.85
Justice Court 1.420.65
Coroner 574.20
Insane 96.28
School Supt 2,646.65
Health Officer 431.25
Fruit Inspector 221.55
Stock Inspector 252.50
Indigent Soldier 225.85
Widow's Pension 4,282.58
Care of Poor .' 4,746.42
Jail 730.57
Juvenile Court 223.50
Scalp Bounty 197.00
Tax Rebate 359.70
Printing and Advertising 2,408.27
State and County Fairs 325.03
Sealer Weights and Measures 266.81
Tax Department 1,015.49
Rent of Armory 150-0
Current Expense 387.20
Total General Fund Warrants issued , ? 42,752.16
Total Warrants issued 1133,856.38
To General Fund Warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and
outstanding and unpaid f 2,462.41
Interest accrued thereon .
County. Road Warrants, outstanding and unpaid i . . . 74,094.34
Estimated interest accrued thereon 2,000.00
Total Liabilities $ 78,556.75
Ky funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to payment of
General Fund Warrants $ 53.310.26
Funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to payment of
County Road Warrants 94,193.77
Total Resources $147,504.03
Balance 68,947.28
I, W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, do hereby
certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct. ,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed the Seal
of the County Court this 17th day of April, 1914.
(SEAL) ' County Clerk.
' of the County Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon, for the six months
ending on the 31st day of March, A. D., 1914, of money received and paid out,
from whom received and what source, and on what account paid out.
Special School Fund
To amount on hand from last report . .?.".$ 5,280.21
To amounts received from Delinquent Tax ' 84.88
To amounts received from 1908 Tax 1,569.29
To amounts received from 1912 Tax 5,693.01
To amounts received from 1913 Tax 36,517.96
$ 49,145.35
Amounts paid out from Special School Fund $ 24,627.61
March 31, balance on hand 24,517.74
To amounts received from Wild Animal Bounties 89.75
To amounts received from Training School 99.00
To amounts received in lieu of overdrafts in County Warrants 15.00
Amounts paid out, County Warrants '. $ 47,815.12
' Amounts paid out for violating Game Laws 125.00
Amounts paid out; Thos. B. Kay Home for Feeble Minded . . . 45.93
March 31, balance on hand 53,310.26
$ 49,145.35
y 8peclal City Fund
To amount on hand from last report $ 3,043.29
To amounts received from Delinquent Tax 12.26
To amounts received from 1912 Tax , 2,315.50
To amounts received from 1913 Tax 14,769.74
County School Fund
To amount on hand from last report . $ 27,084.17
To amounts received rom Delinquent Tax 125.04
To amounts received from 1908 Tax 2,238.21
To amounts received from 1912 Tax 6,981.65
To amounts received from 1913 Tax - 32,174.86
To amounts received from U. S. Forest Reserve Rentals 989.73
$ 69,593.66
To amounts paid out, County School Warrants $ 27,963.94
March 31, balance on hand 41,629.72
To amount
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
To amounts
' " $ 69,593.66
District Road Fund and Special Fund
on hand from last report $ 52,573.08
received from Delinquent Tax 339.00
received from 1908 Tax 6,987.47
received from 1912 Tax . 19,851.01
received from 1913 Tax 117,145.20
received in lieu of overdrafts In County Warrants .... 223.71
received from subscription 500.00
received from W. L. Mulvey for Road No. 7 1,250.00
received from U. S. Forest Reserve Rentals 989.74
received from U. S. land sales and vehicle fund 1,194.44
received from sale' of cement sacks 26.80
To amounts paid, Road Warrants and Interes't $106,886.68
March 31, balance on hand 94,193.77
State School Fund .
To amount on hand from last report $ 20,713.95
. $ 20,713.95
Amounts paid out, State School Warrants $ 20,658.87
March 31, balance on hand '. 55.08
' $ 20,713.95
Institute Fund
To amount on hand from last report '. .$ 171.02
March 31, balance on hand
$ 171.02
.$ 171.02
$ 171.02
County Fair Fund
To amount on hand from last report $ 1,708.40
$ 1,708.40
Amounts paid out, County Fair Premiums $ 1,339.00
March 31, balance on hand 369.40
$ 1,708.40
Unclaimed Estate
To amounts received from unclaimed estate $ 1,804.65
$ 1,804.6a
Amounts paid out, unclaimed estate $ 399.69
March 31, balance on hand 1,404.96
$ 1,804.65
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas, ss.
I, J. A. Tufts, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the
County Treasury of said County for the six months ending on the 31st day
of March, A. D., 1914.
Witness my hand this 17lh day of April, A. D., 1914.
County Treasurer.
OCTOBER 1st, 1913, to MARCH 31st, 1914.
Cash on hand October 1st, 1914 $ . 2,603.52
1912 tax collections 30,499.36
Penalty on 1912 collections 1,006.29
Collections for years prior to 1912 taxes 17,141.22
Tax sales '3,818.03
Fees collected 282.20
$ 61,350.62
Paid County Treasurer Account Tax Collections $ 56,608.49
Paid County Treasurer Account Tax Sales 3,736.10
Paid County Treasurer Account Fees 282.20
Cash on hand at close of business March 31st, 1914 - 724.13
$ 61,350.62
I hereby certify that the above report is correct.
E. T. MASS, Sheriff.
By B. J. STAATS, Deputy.
When run dewn with kidney
trouble, backache, rheumatism or
bladder weakness, turn quickly for
help to Foley Kidney Pills. You can
not take them into your system
without having gcod results. Chas.
N. Fox, Himrod, N. Y., says: "Foley
Kidney Pills- have done mo more
good than $ll0.000 worth of medi
cine." They give you good results.
For sale by all druggists.
$ 20,140.79
Amounts paid out from Special City Fund $ 7,912.93
March 31, balance on hand 12,227.86
$ 20,140.79
General Fund
To amount on hand from last report .....$ 272.99
To amounts received from Delinquent Tax 224.30
To amounts received from 1908 Tax , 4,476.42
To amounts received from 1912 Tax 9,446.35
To amounts received from 1913 Tax 77.842.40
To amounts received from Fines 385.50
To amounts received from County Clerk's Fees 4.025.1C
To amounts received from County Recorder's Fees 3,866.84
To amounts received from County Sheriff's Fees 282.20
To amounts received from County Fair Premium 200.00
To amounts received from Milwaukie Bank Deposit 70.56
Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids will be received by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
Orecron. ud to and including the
sixth day of May, 1914, at the hour
of 10:30 o'clock A. M. and then open
ed, for the improvement of a coun
ty road leading from Milwaukie to
Oregon City and commonly known a
the "River Road" from station 86
plus 66 to Station 268 plus 06.
Said improvement shall be execut
ed in accordance with the plans and
specifications on file in the office of
the County Clerk of Clackamas
All bids to be directed to the
County Clerk of said Clackamas
County, at Oregon City Oregon, and
marked "Bids for improvement of
River Road," and shall be accom
nanied bv a certified check for five
per cent of amount bid, which check
shall be forfeited to said Clackama
County, Bhould the successful bidder
fail, neglect or refuse for a period
of five days to enter into a contract
and file satisfactory Dona to guar
antee the completion of the work, and
the fulfilment of the law respecting
hours of labor and material furnish
ed material, men, etc., and will be re
quired to hold Clackamas County
harmless respecting damages accru
ed during the progress of said im
provement The right to reject any
and all bids is reserved.
W. L. Mulvey,
County Clerk.
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, will lead to chronic constipa
tion. Doan's Regulets operate easi
ly. 25c a box at all stores.
Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser
Flush out the accumulated waste
and poisons of the winter months;
cleans your stomach, liver and kid
neys of all impurities. Take Dr.
King's New Life Pills; nothing bet
ter for purifyfinjj the blood. Mild,
non-griping laxative. Cures con
stipation; makes you fel fin. Take
no other. 25c, at your Druggist.
Royersford, Pa., Man Tells How.
At this season of year with such
sudden changes, It 1b so easy to take
cold, and almost before one Is aware
there 1b Inflammation In the bronchial
tubes hard cough and unless
checked In time chronic pulmonary
troubles may result
Townsend Young of Royersford,
Pa., says: "A severe bronchial trou
ble contracted caused me much diffi
culty about breathing. My chest felt
clogged up and there was consider
able soreness. I tried different rem
edies without help; but I am glad to
Bay that Vlnol cured my bronchial
trouble which had lasted for three
months. My breathing Is all light
and the soreness entirely gone from
my chest."
Vlnol contains the curative, healing
principles of fresh cods' livers (with,
out oil) and tonic Iron. We guaran
tee It to be delicious In taste and to
satisfy you with Its medicinal effects.
Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City.
40 Acres. Part bottom, part hill,
creek runs through place. 15 acres
in cultivation. Buildings on place.
Good road to all points. 10 miles
from Oregon City on Clackamas
Southern Railroad. Sidewalk to
church. School and store. $4500.
MacDonald & VanAuken.
FOR SALE 6 lots, 3 50x100: 3 50x
120, on Oregon City carline. . 8
room house with back and front
forches, small barn, good well,
'ruit house, chicken houses and
yard. Lots of family fruit.
$2,000 $1,000 down. Macdonald
& Van Auken.
FOR SALE 19 acre garden tract
12 miles east of Pueblo, Colorado.
Raising alfalfa, beets and garden
stuff. 19 shares of water, 14
acres irrigated; 4 room house, 14
x28; 2 cisterns, cement cellar; 2
chicken houses. All fenced. Rents
for $160 a year. $4000, will trade
lor Clackamas county farm prop
erty. Macdonald & Van Auken.
4-room house and two lofe, wood
shed, chicken house, near car line.
$750.00; $400.00 down.
Timber claim in Linn County, 3 miles
from R. R. on River. $60,000,000
feet. $3000.00 cash or trade fo
acreage, Clackamas County.
4 acres, 4 miles from Molalla, and
house and 4 lots on Falls View
to trade for 10 acres close by
Oregon City. Value of acreage,
- $VbU.uu, 4 lots and house, $1600.
. 1-2 acres and four room house, 80
rods from car line, $1300.00
WANTED One or two acre tracts
on Oregon City carline within a
one lourtn mile rrom track, rrice
not over $800. Macdonald & Van
EXCHANGE for Clackamas Coun
ty cut over, or partly cleared land.
Lot 50 x 100, 4 room house, mod
ern improvements, cement walks,
shade and fruit trees. Assessed
value $1795.00. $2,500 actual val
ue. Macdonald & Van Auken.
FOUND Watch and chain on Fifth
street, which owner may have by
paying for this notice and prov-
I m .T r
ing property. x. r,. mcijain, ure-
gon City, Kt. 1.
FOR SALE Baby chicks. We can
furnish a few nundred of our
Cherry Blossom winter-laying
strain of White Leghorn and Bald
Plymouth Rock chicks at ten cents
each; setting of eggs one dollar;
hundred live dollars. Cherry
Blossom Farm, Mt. Pleasant, A.
A. Pease, Oregon City, Rt. 1.
40 acres, 5 room house, barn, shed,
etc 15 acres in cultivation. 4 horses
Crops, 5 acres in grain, 5 in pota
toes, and Personal Property for
sale at !fl,00U.OU; Kent $2Uu.UU.
FOR SALE 100 acres, 2 miles from
Molalla. 65 acres in cultivation. 8
room house, good barn and other
buildings. A span of hoises and
harness, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 35 head
of hogs. Binder, mower, rake, disc,
harrows, 2 wagons, blacksmith
tools, cream seperator. Some grain
and hay, 9 shares In irrigating
ditch. Good stream of water on
place. Good orchard. Including the
stock, etc., as above, $150.00 an
acre. Macdonald & Van Auken.
fruits. New house. Plastered. Front
room, Golden Oak finish. Kitchen
white enamel with built-in cup
boards. Large Pantry. Full Base
ment. Good well, with pump on
back porch. 6 blocks from carline.
$2000.00; $600.00 bal. $10.00 per
For Rent.
Upstairs furnished rooms, $8.00.
1 pleasant room for man.
House, 7 rooms, $10.00.
Give us your places. We can rent
.them, and look after collections if so
FOR SALE 80 acres in Price Co.,
Wisconsin, 5 acres clear, nice, lev
el land, good black soil. Price
$1,000, or tradef or Oregon City
property. Macdonald & Van Au
ken. FOR SALE 3 room house,. lot 55x
132, 8 minutes' walk from Main
St. on 15th St. Price $750.00. If
you want a home this is a snap.
Macdonald & Van Auken.
and three large lots in Cottage
Grove on 5th st., three blocks
south of postollice. One six-room
house and one ten roomj. All
connected with telephone and elec
tric lights and sewer. Plenty of
fruit of all kinds and fine garden
ground. Good title. Wi:ll sell
one or both to suit purchaser.
House Nos. 304 and 326. For fur
ther particulars, see Leader. Will
exchange for small farm. Mac
Donald & Van Auken.
3 nice level lots. 1 block from car
line. In city of Gladstone. Quick
sale price $650. MacDonald &
FOR SALE 3 acres on the South
End Road. All clear and cultivat
ed. Fruit trees, good well, huose
14 x 24 ft., etc. $1500, half down,
balance terms.
FOR SALE We have several houses
at West Linn, Willamette, on the
Plank Road, Molalla Ave., 16th
Street, Division Street and 18th
and Main. For sale, with small
payments down, balance terms.
Prices range from $700.00 to
$2,000. Buyers should see us
when they wart, to buy. Mac
donald & Van Auken.
FOR SALE Three-fourths acres at
Clackamas Heights. Small four
room house, $050. $100 balance
terms. Macdonald & Van Auken.
FOR SALE 23 acres, 6 miles out.
New house, cost $1,000; new barn,
etc. Fruit trees too. $4,000.
Will take Oregon City or West
Linn property, j.art payment. $800
down, balance terms. Macdonald
& Van Auken. '
The Next SACK of FLOUR. You Buy Ask For
It is one of the best brands on the market and is
highest in everything but price.
We have recently remodeled the Union Mills, and
are better than ever prepared for regular milling
business. We exchange for flour, chopping, and
carry a line of feed, graham flour, germ meal, Etc.
Now Does Her Own Work.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Her.
Ironton, Ohio." I am enjoying bet
ter health now than I have for twelve
years. When I be"
gan to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound I
could not sit up. I
had female troubles
and was very ner
vous. I used the
remedies a year and
I can do my work
and for the last eight
months I have
worked for other
women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough
for I know I never would have been as
well if I had not taken it and I recom
mend it to suffering women."
Daughter Helped Also.
"I gave it to my daughter when she
was thirteen years old. She was in
school and was a nervous wreck, and
could not sleep nights. Now she looks
so healthy that even the doctor speaks
of it You can publish this letter if you
like." Mrs. Rena Bowman, 161 S. 10th
Street, Ironton, Ohio.
Why will women continue to suffer
day in and day out and drag out a sickly,
half-hearted existence, missing three
fourths of the joy of living, when they
can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound ?
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
bleCompoundwill help you, write
to Lydia E.Pinkham MedlcineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Massif or ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
Designation of Roads to be Hard
Surfaced Under Bonding Plan
In the matter of the vacation of
Golf Park: nrHnreH Hint tho nntiinn
to vacate be granted.
in the matter of the petition of
R. F. Watts for a gateway; ordered
that said petition be and is granted.
In the matter of fixing tolls over
Mt Hood & Barlow road; ordered
that the tolls hfi thfl Rump 11 fnr inr
1913. .
In the matter a special election to
be called for purpose of voting on the
issilincr hnnHa fnr Mflrl niirnnuaei ah
dered that a special election be had
on me ioin aay oi May it4 lor such
nurnnsn tn mion Sfinf) ftfwi no n k.
Bended on the following roads: Road
u. i. urays crossing road irom
county line between Clackamas and
Mult.nnmnli pnunfiao n Ua XTnM4-U
boundary of Oregon City via Clacka-
iima, except a pan, oi sucn roaa with
in limits of any incorporated town or
citv. Minimum nmntint ka
pended $70,000.00. Road No. 2. Ore-
;on City and Canby, known as South
!nd or Lazelle road from the south
boundary of Oregon City to north
Dounaary or Canby via flew HJra.
Minimum amount to be expended
$75,000.00. Road No. 3. Canby and
Barlow road, beginning at south
boundary of Canby, and following
present road as near as practicable,
parallel with Southern Pacific to the
city limits of Barlow; thence from
the south boundary of Barlow to in
tersect Weismandel and Aurora road
thence to intersect Marion county
line. Minimum amount to be ex
pended $32,000.00. Road No. 4. the
Canby and Needy road leading gen
erally south from the city limits of
Canby on the south following' pres
ent road from Canby to Needy thence
east from a point where it intersects
section 15 dad 22 T. 4 S. R. 1 E. on
the Liberal and Maxburg road, to
cross roads one mile east of Macks
burg store. Minimum amount to be
expended $64,000.00. Road No. 5.
Molalla Road beginning at city limits
of Oregon City to the city limits of
Molalla. Minimum amount to be
expended $80,000.00. Road Noi. 6.
The Beaver Creek road from inter
section of Molalla road and leading to
Beaver Creek Store. Minimum
amout to be expended $30,000,001
Road No. 7. The Redland road from
its intersection with Grays Crossing
road easterly up the Abernathy road
a distance of eight miles. Minimum
amount to be expended $48,000.00.
Road No. 8. Road leading general
ly eastward from Clackamas to Lo
gan from its intersection of Grays
Crossing road and Oregon City road
to its intersection with Oregon City
and Logan road to a point on the ap
proach to Baker Bridge, thonce east
erly on Logan road to a point on the
line between the Arthue and Wheel
er claims near the Reibhoff store,
where the lower road intersects the
Logan road, thence along said lower
or river road to Barton via proposed
bridge over Clackamas river. Mini
mum amount to be expended $67,000.
00. Road No. 9. Damascus road from
point of intersection of road from
Clackami4s to Baker Bridge along
present line as near as practicable
for a distance of three miles from
said intersection. Minimum expendi
ture $18,000.00. Road No. 10. Bor
ing and Sandy road from point where
road crosses ,the line of P. R. L. &
P. track at Boring where the road
intersects the city limits of Sanuy,
said road as near as practicable the
present line of road east and south
from Boring via Kelso. Minimum
amount to be expended $36,000.00.
Road No. 11. Stafford road leading
west in general direction from city
limits of Willamette on the west ta
cross roads at Stafford. Minimum
amount to be expended $24,000.00.
Road No. 12. Oregon City and Oswe
go road, beginning at a point where
present road from Oswego to Port
land intersects the north boundary
line of Oswego and leading northerly
along present road to Multnomah
county line. Minimum sum to be ex
pended $6,000.00. Road No. 13. Mil
waukie and Sellwood road, beginning
at a point where said road intersects
the north boundary of city limits of
Milwaukie and leading north in a
general direction along present road
to Multnomah county line. Minimum
amount to be expended $10,000.00.
WANTED Dining Room girl and
Lady to work in kitchen. Homo
Restaurant, Oregon City, Oregon.
Fill this Out It Will Pay You
Name ,
Postoffice Address
I live miles from on road near
I have acres of land.
There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of
$ against the property due on 191
I would like to borrow .for years, giving this prop
erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm?
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor
row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your
farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at
Aurora State Bank Building Aurora, Oregon
In order to save your DISCOUNT
Electric bills must be paid before the
1 0th of the month at our office.
617 Main St. Oregon City, Ore.
We have numerous electrical de
vices on display in our show room
that you will be interested in know
ing about.
Portland Railway, Light &
Powcf Company
Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131