Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 23, 1914, Image 8

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simitarmg itreFoodandRcguIa
ting the Sioraadis andowdsi
Promotes D itfcs tion JdieerTuI
ness and Rest-Contalns neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic,
flmpiiit Sid'
ClanBed Sumr
tiiututjttui tltmr.
: 'uiJa i
Anpirfert Remcdv forConsfliia-
Hon, Sour Sloraach.Dlaritaa
i .VX U.I
Worms onvulsious.revensu
ness andLoss of Sleep-
Facsimile Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Romans 14:7-21 Nov. 9.
"( is good not to cat flesh, nor to drink wine,
nor to do anything whereby thy brother
ttumbleth.' Romans ll,:tl.Dlaglott.
MVHIS lesson makes, perhaps, the
d strongest appeal of anything in
J the Bible in favor of total ab
stinence from intoxicating li
quors. True, it is addressed only to
Christians, as Is the entire New Testa
mont. Nevertheless, many can appre
ciate the argument; and to such it will
appeal along the lines of the Golden
The rule -for Christum living, as
taught and exemplified by the Master,
Is far more exacting than the Golden
Hule, which Is applicable to all men,
Christ's followers are, of course,- sub
ject to the Golden Rule, but they vol
untarily place themselves under a fur
more stringent rule. Their Covenant
with the Lord is that In doing tils
will in doing righteousness they will
ever stand ready to saciillce even life
Itself. This is what the Apostle meant
when ho declared that Christ pleased
not Himself, but pleased the Futher.
"Nona of Us Liveth to Himself."
As for the world, they both live and
die to themselves. Their own personal
Interests stand
first with them.
Only to Christ
and the Church
Could theso words
apply; for none
others have en
tered Into such a
Covenant of self
renunciutlon, giv
ing up present in
1 . ..'ic-
terests 111 ox
cbaugo for a
promise of a spir
Gfrfnj Up Present In
itual life hereaf
ter, in the resurrection
These ure to live to the Lord to do
His will and not their own, to serve
Him and not self, to lay down their
lives in fighting against sin. When
these die, they die unto the Lord
in the sense that every member of the
Body of Christ must die to the flesh
before the entire Body can be glorified.
The Apostle proceeds to show that
all judgment Is vested In the Hedeem
er. Bach member of the Church must
ultimately stand the inspection of the
Head of the Church. Loyalty to the
Head of the ChutVb will eventually
bring membership In the glorious
Church beyond the veil.
Let Ui, Than, Judge Ouraelvei.
The Apostle's argument is, that in
stead of judging fellow-members of
the consecrated Body of Christ, we
should be full of sympathy for them.
We do not know thoroughly their tri
als and difficulties. Our keen sense of
justice should (lud its principal exor
cise in self-criticism and in watchful
ness not to do anything that would
stumble a brother or discourage ulin
or cause him to full away from the
How many Dud it easy to excuse
self, while they are very critical re
specting other's shortcomings! Our
Lord warned Ills people against such
an attitude, saying, "With what judg
ment ye judge, ye shall be Judged."
If you are hypercritical and wish to
measure others up to the full standard
of perfection, the Lord will properly
measure you by that high standard.
The Lord docs not wish Ills people
to think lightly of weaknesses and fail
ures. He is, on the contrary, setting a
high standard of love, sympathy aud
kindness. Love is the principal thing,
in God's sight
"Nothing Unclean of Itself."
While the Jew was forbidden the nse
of swine, rabbits, oysters, etc., these
restrictions were tests of his obedience
to God; just as the forbidden fruit was
thereafter uucleuu to Aduu) and live.
The Apostle's argument Is that to the
Jew who died to all hope of attaining
eternal life through the Law Coveuaut
UU litlJlUU IW ViH IBl, U1U
restrictions of the Law Covenant
would no longer be binding. And, of
course, to the Gentile, who never was
under the Law Covenant, its restric
tions would have no application whn
be accepted Christ.
Bat If any man's wagoning itaralti ,
1 I 1 Illl I'rtllH"
AfBJ .ft.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Tmi htauh iohmnVi new vohk city.
were so twistea tnat he thought him
self under obliga
tions, he would be
responsible accord
ing to his Judg
ment. To violate
his conscience
would mean that
he had willingly
committed sin; for
be would be
wrong In doing
whut he thought
to be wrong, how
ever harmless the
The Christian Cove
nants to Fight Bin.
matter might be
in ItHelf.
The brother who Is strong mentally,
morally and physically, should gladly
abstain from whatever would stumble
another. Should we not be glad to lay
down our lives for the brethren? If
so. should we not be ready to abstain
from using trilling liberties for our
weaker brother's sake, for whom Christ
died? This is a strong urgument.
Bather preserve others from tempta
tion too strong for them by faithfully
abstaining from everything that might
appeur evil in others' sight, however
right It might be In your own sight,
and however correct your own judg
ment f the Divine Law on the sub
ject. The advantages connected with mem
bership In God's Kingdom consist rath
er In righteousness, pence- and Joy in
the Holy Spirit enjoyed by probation
ary members of the Kingdom class.
Whooping cough is about everv
where. Measles and scarlet fever al
most as bad. Use Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound for inflamed
throats and coughing. Mrs. I. C,
Hostler, Grand Island, Nebr. says:
"My three children had severe at
tacks of whoonine couch, and a verv
few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar
ffflva o-t-anf valinF " T."1 . cnln k.. ..11
A Sent of Humor.
Dr. Ingram, bishop of London, once
declared that a "sense of humor Is es
sentlul to success. If a young man
has no sense of humor I would keep
him at college until be got one."
Nature Is Just toward men. ' It rec
ompenses them for their sufferings; It
renders them laborious, because to the
greatest tolls It attaches the greatest
rewards. M ontesipiieu.
Begret Is of little good except as a
milestone at the beginning of a steady
When run dewn with kidney
trouble, backache, rheumatism or
bladder weakness, turn quickly for
help to Foley Kidney Pills, You can
not take thorn into your system
without having gcod results. Chas.
N. Fox, Himrod, N. Y., says: "Foley
Kidney Pills have done mo more
good than $100,000 worth of medi
cine." They give you good results.
For sale by nil druggists.
Children's Diseases Vety Prevalent
Itch! Itch! Itch! Scritch! Scratch
Scratch! The more you scratch, the
worse the itch. Try Doan's Oint
ment. For eczema, any skin itching.
50c a box.
C. D. LATOURETTE, President
vJr For Over
Thirty Years
(Successor Commercial Bank
Transaota a Qenoral Banking Business ' Open from 0 0. m. to 3
Officephones: Main 50, A50;
Home BZol, Viol
Office 612 Main Street
Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specia
Sand, Gravel, Cement, Lime, Piaster, uorumon
Brick, Face Brick, Fire Brick
Stage Fiascos In the Old Days
In the Metropolis.
Wolfsohn Turned the Play Into Near
Riot and Never Acted Again George
Rignold'a Melancholy Romeo to Six
Ambitious Amateur Juliets.
The freak play or the performance
that is a travesty is little in evidence
today, but it does not seem so long
ago when a slump In business some
times emboldened even the most con
servative of theatrical managers to re
sort to extraordinary measures to at
tract at least one capacity audience.
One of the early freak performances
was Intended as an event of great ar
tistic value. The late Henry Wolf
sohn, who afterward became famous
as an Impresario, aspired to the great
Forrest's mantle. The great tragedian
was playing at Nlblo's Garden in
"Othello" and Wolfsohn, then twenty
two, had saved a little money with the
idea of purchasing the privilege of ap
pearing as the Moor In New York once
at least His ambition appealed to
Marie Seebach, the German actress,
who was appearing in that year (I8G81
at the Theatre Francals on West Four
teenth street. Wolfsohn paid the man
ager $1,000 for the privilege, besides
bimself selling out the capacity of the
Although the audience was composed
chiefly of bis friends and relatives, the
portrayal was so ludicrous that a riot
seemed imminent and was only pre
vented through aq appeal to the audi
ence from Mme. Seebach to consider
her own position. Wolfsohn never trod
the boards again.
The next year in the same theater
opera bouffe was the rage, owing to
the tremendous bit of a comedian of
the name of Gabel, who appeared as
one of the two gendarmes in "Gene
vieve de Brabant" Gabel's popularity
was so great that a benefit was ten
dered to him. He decided to present
"Genevieve" as a travesty, the male
principals assuming the female roles
and the women those of the men. The
house was sold out one hour after the
advance sale opened. Speculators reap
ed a harvest.
The audience began to laugh before
the curtain rose, the conductor - was
greeted wtyh roars of merriment. Even
the ushers were grinning In anticipa
tion of a festival of fun. When Gabel (
appeared elaborately gowned as Gene-1
vieve it was fully two minutes before
be was allowed to sing the beautiful
serenade number. He, too, was burst
ing with laughter. The same reception
greeted each of the principals, but from
then on the performance was about as
enlivening ns a funeral. The theater
was half pmpt.v before the act ended.
Gabel said the next day that he would
gladly give buck the $5,000 It yielded If
he could forget the experience.
It wiis fifteen years before anything
of this nature was attempted again
This time It was for the late Maurice
Grau. who had suffered many reverses,
that the benetlt was organized nt the
Academy of Music. !rmi himself ar
ranged the program, the feature of
which was a travesty of the first net
of "La Grunde Duchesse." The grent
Almee, queen of opera bouffe, was
cast for General Bourn, the ponderous
M. Duplnu played the Duchess, and
the droll M. Mezieres was Wanda
Seats brought as much as $15 each
The house was crowded, but alas, the
fiasco was even more complete than at
Gabel's benefit.
Booth's theater, then at Twenty-third
street and Sixth avenue, was the
scene of the next freak performance,
George Bignold, famous as a matinee
idol, was attracting all New York to
see his "nenry the Fifth." Joseph
Tooker, an Ingenious showman, If ever
there was one, conceived the idea of a
special matinee of "Romeo and Ju
llct," with six amateurs to appear as
Juliet. Bignold was the Romeo. Such
a scene as was on view on West Twen
ty-third street that matinee day was
never witnessed before nor since. As
early as 0 a. m. the lobbies were pack
ed. and the line to the box office
reached to Broadway.
At noon nt least 8,000 women were
congregated In front of the theater,
and the management fully awake to
conditions, commissioned "big" Jim
Brown, king of ticket speculators of
that day, to "work the line." This
Brown did so well that 4,200 persons,
05 per cent women, were packed Into
a playhouse seating 1,800 comfortably.
The performance itself was so bad
that Bignold would have quit In the
fourth scene but for Tooker's plaintive
plea to stick It out. Tooker's Idea had
been that the Juliets would be so bad
that they would be funny, whereas
five of them were just rank Incompe
tents. The sixth Juliet was none other
thnn Marie Walnwright, who distin
guished herself nil the more by the
contrast. Miss Walnwright was imme
diately engaged us a professional and
quickly became a star. New York Sun.
A healthy man is a king in his own
right; an unhealthy man an unhappy
slave. For impure blood and slug
gish liver use Burdock Blood Bitters.
On the market for 38 years. $1.00
F. J .MEYER, Cashier.
Res. phones, M. 2524, 1751
Individual's Money To Loan.
$1,0003 to 6 years.
$15002 years.
$1,0001 to 3 years.
$5002 to 8 years.
$6003 years.
$3002 years.
On real estate, terms reasonable.
Stevens Bldg., Orecron City, Ore.
President Title & Investment Co,
wacKamas uounty Abstracts.
Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser
Flush out the accumulated waste
and poisons of the winter months:
cleans your stomach, liver and kid
neys of all impurities. Take Dr.
King's New Life Pills; nothing bet
ter ior puriiyimg we mood. Mild,
non-griping laxative. Cures con
stipation; makes you feel fine. Take
no other. 25c, at your Druggist.
The new hall will be dedicated on
Saturday evening, April 25 with a
grand ball. Good music will be fur
nished. All who like a good dance
on a good floor and a good time
are cordially invited.
William Hettman, who has been
visiting some of the California cities.
returned home last week.
An invitation is extended to Mr.
Sullivan and Judge Dimick to
come to the new hall and explain
their plan in regards to the bond is
D. F. Moehnke will move his saw
mill, on Otto Linman's place in tne
near future.
John Bluhm was on the sick list
for a few days.
Accidents will haDnen. but the
best regulated families keen Dr.
ThomasT Eclectic Oil for such emer
gencies. Two sizes 25 and 50c at ail
Do you know the geography of
your home county?
Can you give its boundaries .'
Do you know the direction from
your home to its principal points of
interest (
Can you give its anroximate size.
and the amount that is in the Forest
Reserve ? r
Do you know what voting Dre-
cinct you are in and the territory it
embraces? You will need to know
this for the coming elections.
This office has received a num
ber of blue print maps of Clackamas
County, showing section, township
and range; the streams, the towns
and postoffices, and each of the vot
ing precincts of the county outside
of Oregon City, as outlined by the
County Court. It is drawn by J. O.
Staats, and it is accurate. The map
is 36 x 42 inches in size, is of sharp,
clear print and the voting precinctc
, are shown by heavy lines, it should
be in every home and every school
for the information it contains. The
price is one dollar.
(Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, will lead to chronic constipa
tion. Doan s Kegulets operate easi
ly. 25c a box at all stores.
Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids will be received by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, up to and including the
sixth day of May, 1914, at the hour
ot iu:3u o clock A. ju. and then open
ed, for the improvement of a coun
ty road leading from Milwaukie to
Oregon City and commonly known as
the "River Road" from station 86
plus 66 to Station 268 plus 06.
Said improvement shall be execut
ed in accordance with the plans and
specifications on file in the office of
the County Clerk of Clackamas
All bids to be directed to the
County Clerk of said Clackamas
County, at Oregon City Oregon, and
marked "Bids for improvement of
River Road," and shall be accom
panied by a certified check for five
per cent of amount bid, which check
shall be forfeited to said Clackamai)
County, should the successful bidder
tail, neglect or refuse for. a period
of five days to enter into a contract
and file satisfactory bond to guar
antee the completion of the work; and
the fulfilment of the law respecting
hours of labor and material furnish
ed material, men, etc., and will be re
quired to hold Clackamas County
harmless respecting damages accru
ed during the progress of said im
provement. The right to reject any
and all bids is reserved.
W. L. Mulvey.
County Clerk.
Made Strong and Well by VlrloL
When we tell you that Vlnol is the
best remedy In our whole stock for
making weak, puny, ailing children
strong, robust and rosy we are only
telling you what has been prored by
hundreds of mothers. .
J. L. Fickling, Macon, Go., savs:
"My child was very thin and delicate,
no appetite, nervous, and did not
sleep well. Doctors did not help her.
Vinol was recommended and the
change after a fair trial was wonder
ful. She sleeps soundly all night, has
& splendid appetite and has gained in
weight I wish every mother knew
what Vlnol will do for delicate chil
What Vinol did for this little girl
It will do for every weak and ailing
child because sickly children need
the strengthening cod liver elements
and the tonic iron that Vlnol con
tainsthat is why Vlnol builds them
up quickly and gives them a fine,
healthy color. It Is pleasant to take
and we guarantee that the results will
satisfy you money back If tiey do
Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City.
The Next SACK of FLOUR. You Buy Ask For
It is one of the best brands on the market and is
highest in everything but price.
We have recently remodeled the Union Mills, and
are better than ever prepared for regular milling
business. We exchange for flour, chopping, and
carry a line of feed, graham flour, germ meal, Etc.
40 Acres. Part bottom, part hill,
creek runs through place. 15 acres
in cultivation. Buildings on place.
Good road to all points. 10 miles
from Oregon City on Clackamas
Southern Railroad. Sidewalk to
church. School and store. $4500.
MacDonald & VanAuken.
FOR SALE 6 lots, 3 50x100; 3 50x
120, on Oregon City carline. 8
room house with back and front
porches, small barn, good well.
Fruit house, chicken houses and
yard. Lots of family fruit.
$2,000 $1,000 down. Macdonald
& Van Auken.
FOR SALE 19 acre garden tract
12 miles east of Pueblo, Colorado.
Raising alfalfa, beets and garden
stuff. 19 shares of water, 14
acres irrigated; 4 room house, 11
x28; 2 cisterns, cement cellar; 2
chicken houses. All fenced. Rents
for $160 a year. $4000, will trade
tor Clackamas county farm prou
erty. Macdonald & Van Auken.
4-room house and two lots, wood
shed, chicken house, near car line.
$750.UO; $400.00 down.
Timber claim in Linn County, 3 miles
from R. R. on River. $60,000,000
feet. $3000.00 cash or trade fot
acreage, Clackamas County.
4 acres, 4 miles from Molalla, and
house and 4 lots 'on Falls View
to trade for 10 acres close by
Uregon City. Value of acreage
$2750.00. 4 lots and house. $1500,
1-2 acres and four room house, 80
rods from car line, $1300.00
WANTED One or two acre tracts
on Oregon City carline within a
one fourth mile from track. Price
not over $800.-r-Macdonald & Van
EXCHANGE for Clackamas Coun
ty cut over, or partly cleared land
Lot 50 x 160, 4 room bouse, mod
era improvements, cement walks
shade and fruit trees. Assessed
value $1795.00. $2,500 actual val
ue. Macdonald & Van Auken.
FOUND Watch and chain on Fifth
street, which owner may ha-, a by
paying tor this notice and prov
ing property. T. E. McLain, Ore
gon City, Rt. 1.
1 UK SALii-Baby chicks. We cn
furnish a few nundred of our
. Cherry Blossom winter-laying
strain of White Leghorn and Bald
Plymouth Rock chicks at ten cents
each; setting of eggs one dollar;
nunarea live aoimrs. L-nerry
iflossom Farm, Mt. Jr'leasant, A
A. Pease, Oregon City, Rt. 1.
40 acres, 5 room house, barn, shed,
etc 15 acres in cultivation. 4 horses
Crops, 5 acres in grain, 5 in pota
toes, and Personal Property for
sale at $1,000.00; Kent $200.00.
FOR SALE 100 acres, 2 miles from
Molalla. 65 acres in cultivation. 8
room house, good barn and other
buildings. A span of hoises and
harness, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 85 head
of hogs. Binder, mower, rake, disc,
harrows, 2 wagons, blacksmith
tools, cream seperator. Some grain
and hay, 9 shares in irrigating
ditch. Good stream of water on
place. Good orchard. Including the
stock, etc., as above, $150.00 an
acre. Macdonald & Van Auken.
fruits. New house. Plastered. Front
room, Golden Oak finish. Kitchen
white ' enamel with built-in cup
boards. Large Pantry. Full Base
ment, iiood wen, with pump on
back porch. 6 blocks from carline.
$2000.00; $600.00 bal. $10.00 per
For Rent.
Upstairs furnished rooms, $8.00.
1 pleasant room for man.
House, 7 rooms, $10.00.
Give us your places. We can rent
them, and look after collections if so
FOR SALE 80 acres in Price Co.,
Wisconsin, 5 acres clear, nice, lev
el land, good black, soil. Price
$1,000, or tradef or Oregon City
property. Macdonald & Van Au
ken. FOR SALE 3 room house, lot 55x
132, 8 minutes' walk from Main
St. on 15th St. Price $750.00. If
you want a home this is a snap.
Macdonald & Van Auken.
and three large lots in Cottage
Grove on 5th st., three blocks
south of postoffice. One six-room
house and one ten roomjs. , All
connected with telephone and elec
,tric lights and sewer. Plenty of
fruit of all kinds and fine garden
ground. Good title. Willi sell
one or both to suit purchaser.
House Nos. 304 and 326. For fur
ther particulars, see Leader. Will
exchange for small farm. Mac
Donald & Van Auken.
3 nice level lots. 1 block frora car
line. In city of Gladstone. Quick
sale price $650. MacDonald &
FOR SALE 3 acres on the South
End Road. All clear and cultivat
ed. Fruit trees, good well, huose
14 x 24 ft, etc. $1500, half down,
balance terms.
FOR SALE We have several houses
at West Linn, Willamette, on the
Plank Road, Molalla Ave., 16th
Street, JDivision Street and 18th
and Main. For sale, with small
payments down, balance terms.
Prices range from $700.00 to
$2,000. Buyers should see us
when they wart to buy. Mac
donald & Van Auken.
FOR SALE Three-fourths acres at
Clackamas Heights. Small four
room house, $650. $100 balance
terms. Macdonald & Van Auken.
FOR SALE 23 acres, 6 miles out.
New house, cost $1,000; new barn,
etc. Fruit trees too. $4,000.
Will take Oregon City or West
Linn property, J.art payment. $800
down, balance terms. Macdonald
& Van Auken.
Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con
tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con
tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic
tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer
ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ?
We have published m the newspapers of the United States
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women
and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen
uine and true. Here are three never before published:
From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I.
Providence, R I. ? For the benefit of women who suffer as I have
done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it
caused a displacement. I have always been weak and I overworked
after my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous pros
tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and.
when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her
to take your medicine." Mrs. S. T. Richmond, 199 Waldo Street,
Providence, It.. I.
A Minister's Wife Writes:
Cloquet, Minn. "I have suffered very much with irregularities,
pain and mflammation, but your wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Pink
ham s Vegetable Compound, has made me well and I can recommend
the same to all that are troubled with these complaints." Mrs. Jen
nie Akerman, co Rev. K. Akerman, Cloquet, Minnesota.
From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Quincy, Mass.
South Quincy, Mass. The doctor said that I had organic trouble
and he doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relief. I
BITOT T.Vnia Tf. PinlrViom'c "1,.,-J J
vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had
finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all
through middle life and am now a strong, healthy
woman and earn my own living," Mrs. Jane D.
Murdoch, 25 Gordon St., South Quincy, Mass. .
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
by a Woman and held in strict confidence.
Fill this Out It Will Pay You
Postoffice Address
I live miles from , .-. on road near
I have acres of land.
There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of
$ , against the property due on 191....
I would like to borrow $ for years, giving this prop
erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm?...;
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor
row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your
farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at
Aurora State Bank Building Aurora, Oregon
In order to save your DISCOUNT
Electric bills must be paid before the
10th of the month at our office.
6 1 7 Main St. Oregon City, Ore.
We have numerous electrical de
vices on display in our show room
that you will hi interested in know
ing about. :
Portland Railway, Light &
Powef Company
Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131
The Courier and Colliers, both
$2.50. Cotif let and Pof tland
Journal both $1.75