ii OREGON CITT COURIER, THURSDAY,. APRIL 28, 1914. I n This Great Sale BEGINS Saturday 9 AM., April 25th IT MEANS MUCH TO YOU USE YOUR COUPON TODAY KJ i This Great Sale BEGINS Saturday 9 A. M., April 25th IT MEANS MUCH TO YOU USE YOUR COUPON TODAY Worth of Spick and Span Fresh New Merchandise, Direct From America's Greatest and Most Fashionable Markets AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE IT SPEEDILY AND IN LARGE QUANTITIES FOR IT MUST GO QUICKLY Dy Goods, Cotton, Wool, Silk, Ladies' Drcs.es, a large Selection of Coats, Waists, Skirts, Petticoats, Silk and Cotton House Dresses, Aprons, Children's Dresses of all kinds, Millin ery, Underwear, Notions, Laces and Embroidery. Shoes for Ladies Children and Men. Clothing for Men and Boys, Shirts, Pants, Overalls, Ties, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Comforts, Blankets, Hats, Caps and Hundreds of Other Articles too numerous to mention Absolutely Everything Goes, Nothing Reserved The conditions which brought this upon us came like a CLAP OF THUNDER FROM A CLEAR ' SKY Twenty-Four Hours before the pencil was on the paper writing this announcement no one thought or dreamed of such a thing, but it must bel Way tn hn Tt was he problem with us. Our Big New Stock was so large that 1 llv DvOl TT dj IU JJll 11 it made it impossible for us to list the items of our various depart ments and price them to you without taking much time, and our time is very limited. So we decided to go through our stock and mark everything down to Rock Bottom. Simply Slaughter the Price REG ARDLES OF FORMER PRICE OR VALUE. Then as AN EXTRA INDUCEMENT for a Short Time Only issue COUPONS which will he accepted as CASH for TWENTY PER CENT, of your purchase extra besides the already rock bottom closing-out price placed on this stock. Don't Forget t Me .s wts A P Such a concession as this on Merchandise right in the very heart of the season seems ridiulous. BUT WE ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS and that QUICKLY. Stock is for sale in part or whole in any quantity, fixtures for sale, building for Sale or Lease. NOW IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Coupon THIS COUPON WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CASH FOR 20 PER CENT OF HOLDER'S PURCHASE IF IT AMOUNTS TO $2.50 OR OVER. ABSOLUTELY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS At 7tb and Madison on the Hill Coup on THIS COUPON WILL BE ACCEPTED AS CASH FOR 20 PER CENT OF - HOLDER'S PURCHASE IF IT AMOUNTS TO $2.50 OR OVER