VJUrJL ANE of the most pleas. WORCESTER , U flT1t WnrftS i OU 4 ?' -!h 1 Prestise- smuts THE CITY NEWS. Local and Personal Items Caught on the Streets. F. Bohlander, of Beaver Creek, was in Oregon City on Tuesday. Miss Blodwyn Thomas of Beaver Creek, was in this city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldron, of Mulino, were in this city Saturday. Joseph Stidhem, of Shubel, made) a business trip to mis cuy -i ubs-1 day. I Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of Scotts Mills, who have been visiting friends in this city, have returned to their home. Dr. Jenkins, who has been in Cal ifornia and Mexico for the benefit of his health, has returned to his home in this city. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey Durham heifer, gentle. Geo. Hamilton, 5 miles out Molallu road and V4 mile west from Gardner's corner. Mrs. Rudolph Koerner, formerly of this city, but now of Portland, spent Wednesday in this city as the guest of Mrs. William H. Howell. Dewey Thomas, of Portland, pass ed through Oregon City on Monday on his way to Beaver Creek to visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Myrom Meyer, of Portland, was in this city on Wednesday vis iting with Miss Nellie Caufield. Mrs Meyer was formerly Miss Clara Koerner of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Spence, of Beaver Creek, transacted business in Oregon City on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gardner, oi Carus, were Oregon City visitors on Wednesday. D. W. Craig, of Salem, who has been in this city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Burns, of Greenpoint, has returned to his home. Mrs. Craig is an old-time newspaper man, and is well known throughout the state. He was for merly editor of the Argus, publish ed in Oregon City in the early 50's. The pure food Grocery. Our stork is frobh and clean and we take every precaution to keep our goods free from dust and flies. You would be pleased with our coffees. We have a coffee at 25c per pound that is very good. Our MAGNOLIA at 30c is fine, and our HUB SPECIAL at 35c can't be beaten at 40c per pound. The next time you order cof fee try a pound of Special you will buy more. THE HUB GROCERY Seventh and Center Sts. On the Hill THE HUB ant business is the surety of selling 100 satisfaction merchandise. Daily reminders of this come from the corset de partment. It has long been our policy to stock only dependable articles from houses of repute and That is why world-famous and fashionable pOYAL WORCESTER 1 yCORSETS which you hear so much about. Even your grandmother wore them fifty years back. For a sum almost too modest to men tion, you can secure a corset of high quality, correct style, supreme comfort, long wear and absolutely the GREAT EST VALUE at the price. mm mm J. Eggcman, of Homedale, was in this city on business Monday. Ernest Jpnes. of Eldorado, trans acted business in this city on Tues day. - Thomas McCarthy,, a prominent farmer of Carus, transacted business in this city Tuesday. Miss Maie Peel, of Portland, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. John Lewth waite, of West Linn. Miss Bessie Hammond, of Port land, is in this city visiting her sis ter, Mrs. D. T. Meldrum. Charles Grossmiller, of Shubel, transacted business in Oregon City Tuesday. George and Frank Anderson, oi Eldorado, were in this place Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jones, of West Linn, have returned to their home, after visiting with relatives at Eldo rado. Mrs. Lillian Wink, of New Era, who has been in this city visiting Mrs. G. W. Grace, has returned to her homo. D. Jenkins, who resides near the South-end road, who recently under went a surgical operation on his foot, is improving. Miss Ruth Gregory, who is en gaged in teaching in the public schools at Hoquiam, Washington, and who snent her vacation in this city last summer with her sister, Mrs. H. H. Cartlidce. has been re-elected at a recent meeting of the school board, with an increase of salary. Miss Gregory, who has resided in the West for about two years, coming to this city from Indiana, is a graduate of De Pauw University, of Queen Castle, Indiana, and is a most effic ient teacher. At the meeting of the I. O. O. F. Lodge on Thursday evening among the business transacted was the ap- Dointinir of the delegates to the Grand Loilce to convene at McMinn ville on Mav 20th. who are: S. S. Walker. E. W. Scott. William Shan non and E. A. Hughes. Mr. Wal ker, who has been a faithful mem ber of the Oregon City Lodge for almost 33 years, Is grand murshall of the grand encampment. The Re bekahs also appointed their dele- crntfis to their Grand Lodge, which al so convenes at the same time as that of the I. O. O. F.. and at McMinnville, The delegates are: Mrs. McGahuey, Mrs. James Shannon, and Mrs. b. fc. Walker. The latter, filrs. waiKer is the irrand conductor of the assem bly and has been an active member of this lodge ior many years. SOCIAL AFFAIRS. Miss Elva Blanchard was tendered a pleasant surprise party on lues dav evenincr in honor of ker birth day anniversary. The affair, which was piven in the parlors of the Meth odist church, was attended by the members of the choir, of which Miss Blanchard is a member, fche was Dresented with several handsome rifts durinc the eveninsr. Refresh nients were served by Mrs. A. L Blanchard. The marriage of Miss Ethel Mann and Mr. Harry A. Brown, of Clack amas Heights, was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, on April 11, the ceremony Toeing performed by Rev. J. R. Landsborough, pastor of the Presbyterian church. luring the ceremony the bridnl party stood be-J ncath a liorai arenway. ine rooms of the Mann home were prettily dec- features of our we feature those Z7 Oregon city. owe. orated with cut flowers and ferns. The bride was attended by Miss Isabelle Mann and the bridegroom by Raymond Brown. A dinner was served during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will make their future home at .Clackamas Heights. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewthwaite of West Linn, have extended invitations to a card party at their home for Friday evening. The affair will be given in honor oi ivirs. jjewmwaue s sister, Miss Maie Peel, of Portland, who has been their guest for the past week. Mrs. A. A. Price entertained at her home on Wednesday afternoon, her guests being members oi tne Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club. The rooms of the Price home were beautified with cut flowers, includ ing red and white carnations and dogwood blossoms. Refreshments were served following cards. Miss Nellie Caufield was awarded the first prize in bridge, Mrs. Theodore Clark the second, and the guest prize was won by Mrs H. E. Straight. At the Congregational Church next Sunday morning the pastor will speak on "The American Sunday and God's Sabbath." in tne evening me Rev. .1. H. Cain of the Boys and Girls Aid Society of Oregon, is to speak and present about 70 colored pictures of the famous rassion nay as given nr. Oherammereau. Prof. II. L. Bates of Pacific Uni versity, Forest Grove, is to address the Boy Scouts at the Congregation al inurcn r nuuy evening uu nivnctjr. The 'boys .are preparing a spejeiail program and refreshments. Verein Have Enjoyable Meeting On Sunday ther egular monthly meeting of the Deutsche Verein was held at Knapp's hall and was large ly attended. The meeting was pre sided over by the president, Gustave Schnoerr. The early part of the day was de voted to business of the organization followed by a programme consisting of addresses, vocal and instrumental music as follows: "Freigheit die ich Meine," Verein; vocal selection, "Sancta Lucia," Eid ehveis choir: vocal trio, "Soldiers Song," Miss Augusta Hopp, Messrs. Carl Schaudt and Albert Hopp, Mrs. I'fl. J. Windlej "piano 'pecompanist; recitation. "State of Iowa," F. Rot tor: vocal solo. "Was ist der Deine Mutter," Miss Augusta Hopp; song and chorus, "Lang, Lang ists Her," Kdelweis choir: recitationMiss Lou ise Rotter: vocal trio, "Einst War ich so Glubcklich," Miss Augusta Hopp, Mrs. Winkle accompanist; rec itation, Miss (jnarioue martin; com ic duct. "Schnadahupfle," Grandma Miller and Franz Kraxbereer; ad dress. Vice President D. M. Klemsen; address, Franz Kraxberger of Macks burg; song and chorus, "Freut Euch des Lebens." Verein; closing address, President behnoerr. After the nrocramme was eniov- ed a dinner was served by the lad ies of the Society. The table was centered with cut flowers. Games and music occupied the remainder of the evening s programme. "The Tale of a Hat" is the title of a comedy to be given at the Congre gational church on Wednesday even- intr. April 22. under the auspices of I the Saturdav Club. Among those who have prominent parts in the enst are: Mrs. vv. u. ureen, Mrs. Walter Wentworth, Mrs. John Craw- 1 0REGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, ford, Mrs. Lindberg, Miss Louise Huntley; Messrs. Uraham, H. J. Robinson, Lorraine Ostrom, E. Hinch man. The committees having charge of the affair are sparing no pains to make this a success, and is consider ed one of the best cures for the blues. BARGAINS FOR BUYERS 40 Acres. Part bottom, part hill, creek runs through place. 15 acres in cultivation.- Buildings on place. Good road to all points. 10 miles frpm Oregon City -on Clackamas Southern Railroad. Sidewalk to . church. School and store. $4500. MacDonald & VanAuken. FOR SALE 6 lots, 3 50x100: 3 50x- 120, on Oregon City carline. 8 room house with back and front porches, small barn, good well. Fruit house, chicken houses and yard. Lots of family fruit. $2,000 J1,000 down. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 19 acre garden tract 12 miles east of Fueblo, Colorado. Raising alfalfa, beets and garden stuff. 19 shares of water, 14 acres irrigated; 4 room house, 14 x28; 2 cisterns, cement cellar; '2 chicken houses. All fenced. Rents for $160 a year. $4000, will trade for Clackamas county farm prop erty. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE Baby chicks. We can lurnish a lew nundred oi our -Cherry Blossom winter-laying strain of White Leghorn and Bald Plymouth Rock chicks at ten cents each; setting of eggs one dollar; hundred five dollars. Cherry Blossom Farm, Mt. Pleasant, A. A. Pease, Oregon City, Rt. 1. 4-room house and two lotjs, wood shed, chicken house, near car line. $750.00; $400.00 down. Timber claim in Linn County, 3 miles from R. R. on River. $60,000,000 , feet. $3000.00 cash or trade fof acreage.- Clackamas County. 4 acres, 4 miles from Molalla, and house and 4- lots on Falls View to trade for 10 acres close by Oregon City. Value of acreage, $2750.00, 4 lots and house, $1500. 1-2 acres and four room house, 80 rods from car line, $1300.00. Terms. Lot 33x166. $500.00 will build 4- room house to suit purcnaser ior above. Price and give terms. FOUND Watch and chain on Fifth street, which owner may have by paying for this notice ana prov ing property. T. E. McLain, Ore gon City, Rt. 1. - . . WANTED One or two acre tracts on Oregon City carline within a one fourth mile from track. Price not over $800. Macdonald & Van Auken. EXCHANGE for Clackamas Coun ty cut over, or partly cleared land. Lot 50 x 160, 4 room house, mod ern improvements, cement walks, shade and fruit trees. Assessed value $1795.00. $2,500 actual val ue. Macdonald & Van Auken. Reading Bargains Twice a week Journal and the Courier, both for $1.75. Colliers and the Courier both $2.50. COOKING DEMONSTRATION AT . LARGE The cooking demonstration which is being held at Adams Dept. Store this week is daily attracting large crowds. Yesterday one of the larg est crowds that has yet turned out to see Profefcsor Becker demonstrate was on hand promptly and the large furniture room was literally jammed with women. Of unusual interest Thursday was the walking cake demonstration. Professor Becker baked a large cake ard fifteen large women stood on it, completely crushing it. After they released the cake it went back to its original size, after which it was 3 " : Vv f' y , t yd" v f ' N I. - TOR.IO LENSES are deep-curved lenses which not only wonder fully enlarge your field of vision but give you a lot of real comfort and vastly improve your personal appearance. If you wear glasses, you should know all about TORIC LENSES Let us demonstrate and explain their many advantages. . ,: AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES-IN ALL COLORS We grind your correction in Goggles Library Frames, Lieht and Durable. Broken Lenses duplicated while you wait WM. A. SCHILLING Optometrist, and Optician v At GARDNER'S JEWELRY STORE Factory on Premise. 7 1 9 Main St APRIL 16, 1914. REAL ESTATE CHANCES FOR SALE 3 acres on the South End Road. All clear and cultivat ed. Fruit trees, good well, huose 14 x 24 ft., etc. $1500, half down, balance terms. FOR SALE We have several houses at West Linn, Willamette, on the Plank Road, Molalla Ave., 16th Street, Division Street and 18th and Main. For sale, with small payments down, balance terms. Prices range from $700.00 to $2,000. Buyers should see us when they wart to buy. Mac donald & Van Auken. FOR SALE Three-fourths acres at Clackamas Heights. Small four room house. $650. $100 balance terms. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 23 acres, 6 miles out. New house, cost $1,000; new barn, etc. Fruit trees too. $4,000. Will take Oregon City or West Linn property, tart payment. $800 down, balance terms. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 3 room house,, lot 55x 132, 8 minutes' walk from Main . St. on 15th St. Price $750.00. If you want a home this is a snap. Macdonald & Van Auken. CHEAP FOR CASH Two houses and three large lots in Cottage Grove on 5th St., three blocK3 south of postofBce. One six-room house and one ten room;. All connected with telephone and elec tric lights and sewer. ' Plenty of fruit of all kinds and fine garden srround. Good title. Wi:ll sell one or both to suit purchaser. House Nos. 304 and 326. For fur ther particulars, see Leader. Will exchange for- small farm. Mac Donald & Van Auken. 3 nice level lots. 1 block from car line. In city of Gladstone. Quick sale price $650. Macuonaid a. VanAuken. FOR SALE-3.00 acres. 2 miles from Molalla. 65 acres in cultivation. 8 room house, good barn and other buildings. A span of hoises and harness, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 35 head of hogs. Binder, mower, rake, disc, narrows, 2 wagons, blacksmith tools, cream seperator. Some grain and hay, 9 shares in irrigating ditch. Good stream of water on place. Good orchard. Including the stock, etc.. as above, $150.00 an acre. Macdonald & Van Auken. fruits. New house. Plastered. Front room, Golden Oak finish. Kitchen white enamel with built-in cup boards. Laree Pantry, lull Base ment. Good well, with pump on back porch. 6 blocks from carline. $2000.00; $600.00 bal. $10.00 per month. For Rent. Upstairs furnished rooms, $8.00 1 pleasant room for man. House. 7 rooms, $10.00. Give us your places. We can rent them, and look after collections if so desired. FOR SALE 80 acres in Price Co. Wisconsin, 5 acres clear, nice, lev el land, good black soil. Price $1,000, or tradef or Oregon City property. Macdonald & Van Au ken. ADAM'S STORE IS ATTRACTING CROWDS sliced and served to those present This was one of the most unique feats ever seen in Oregon City and the women who witnessed it were de liehted. Professor Becker also gives lec tures alone with his demonstrations. He is a chef of national reputation and has the haopy faculty of being able to impart the information to his hearers. He not only tells his audience how a thing should be done but he shows them. These demonstrations will be eiv en the rest of this week, the greai Majestic range is being used. OREGON CITY, OREGON J jt jtt j M J J J J J J J J Jt IN SOCIAL CIRCLES J Parties, Entertainments, eic, J of Interest to Lady Readers Af the hnmo ni Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Caufield on Seventh and Monroe Street, a very pretty wedding was solemnized on Easter Sunday, when their daughter. Miss Ethel, became the wife of Mr .Harland Grover Thompson, of Spokane, Wash, ihe impressive ring ceremony was per formed by Rev. George Nelson Ed wards, pastor of the Congregational church. The bride was becomingly gowned in hlim silk nnnlin. and was attended by Miss Pearl Montgomery, of Port land, who was also attired in Diue. The bridegroom was attended by Carl Caufield, brother of the bride. Aftor fho rprpmoiiv was Derform- ed the bridal party repaired to the home of Mr. ana Mrs. uvy oupp, the latter a sister of the bride, where a dinner was enjoyed. The Caufield home was a bower of beauty with decorations of apple blossoms and ferns. ine arenway, where the ceremony was performed, was of cut flowers and ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson leit on trninf nr Spokane, their future home, where the former has business interests. The bride was born and reared in Oregon City and comes from a well lv,Mifn Civoirnn ninnpAr family. She is well known and highly esteemed in Oregon City. Jf or several years she has been connected with tne or fice of the Portland Journal. fin TnpsHav morninc at 9:30 o'clock a very pretty wedding was Qniamniv.pH nt. thA home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Taylor of Molalla, when their daughter, Miss L,eota rean Taylor became the wife of Charles Franklin Dobbs, oi Molalla, Kev. J C. Simmons, pastor of the M. E church, officiating. The bride was attractively attired in a traveling suit of navy blue serge, .and wore n nicture hat. Shn carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. "ha hviriAumnin was Mrs. wmiaiii Kowski. sister of the bride. Walter Tavlor. brother of the bride, was i-nact: man. The rooms of the Tavlor home were very prettily decorated with mir mwara ann Tprns. The bride has been a resident of Molalla but one year, but she has made a host of friends and is one of tho mnst nnnnlar vounc women at that place. Her father, G. J. Tay lor, is owner and editor of tne no nppr nf Mnlnl a. Thoh riHoornnm is ft well known young farmer of Molalla, and has made his home with his aunt, rars. J r! fiimmnno TTp is t.hA son nf Mrs Artacia .Tpnenn nf Tlrit.ish finllimhia After a brief honeymoon spent in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs will return to Molalla to make their fu ture home. Tno mnrvino-p nf Miss Mary Mar vnprito rjvopn nf t.hia city and Mr WoU-o V. TTinVnV nf PnrtlnnH was solemnized in this city on Sunday ai- tamnnn ot. tno nnmp nr T.ne nrine s father, S. R. Green. The impressive marriage ceremony was performed bv Rev. A. J. Ware, uncle of the hririp. The bride was prettily gowned In a tailored suit of blue with hat to match, and her shower bouquet was composed of lillies of the valley and n .. .. .... As Lohengrin's Weddiner March uraa lpnfiorol hu Mina fipnpvipvp Green, cousin of the bride, the bride leaning on the arm of her father, &. R. Green, entered the living room, where they were met by the bride groom, and where Rev. Ware per formed the ceremony in the presence ot only the relatives and a tew inti mate friends of the contracting par f ina After the ceremonv refreshments were served. well known young women and has many friends here, where she has spent all her life. Tho Kvifiocrrnnm la pnnnaMoA wit.Vl ..- . V. .UWf. . "V... VV....VVVV.U ...... thp Waaorn Ti?lpprii wnrVa nt. Pnrt. land, and is a popular young man ot tnat city. A ftp. lWotr 1 at TWr and Mra TTiplr. ock will be nt home to their friends at 2.6'i Twelfth Street, Portland. Thp Mpwlv WpHa will hp pntpl'tuin.. ed this evening by Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meissner, at their home on Tenth anw Washington btreets. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH William T Milliltpn It TV. nsistnr 1 )r irnii knnw that, thp phlirrh Aims " j " " to do something for you that no ..1 ! x. J-O A oilier organization can uu : a man HipH last. wppk. All that the real estate man ever did for him he has ipft fni hia hpirg tn oprnn nvpr. All that the social reformer has done for him he has gone from forever. Bui what religion has done for him he keeps and will keep it thru eternity. ItO Tn nniirnn npxt Mnnav ana see how it feels! If you have no other church home the Baptist people will hp crlflH tn wplnnmp vntl. Mominc wodship at 11:00; evening worship at 7:3U. Bible scnooi at iu:uu, at tendance 335 last Sunday. Young npnnla nt. fi-Sft fin tn the church ot your own faith, but if you have none nere you win De coruiany weicomea i iL.;. . : uy tins congregation. Children Cry . FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A IN WOMAN'S BREAST ALWAYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP CLAUDS IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY I WILL 0VE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE anj CANCER cr TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE it Poisons Bona or Dee? Glands NO KNIFE Of PAIN No Pat Until Cured No X Ray or other windlo. An island ntmt mtVM tha rurA ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE Any TUMOR, LUMP or Sore on the lip, face or body long if Cancer ttNtv f Pains until Ir-t tag. 120-PAGE BOOK eot free; toumooiaia of thouarxts mired at home W DITf qlra UAU V ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST la CANCER. W refuse thousands Dying, Cam, Toe Lit. We have cured lO.Ouo in 20 yra. Address DR. & KRS. DR. CHAMLEY & CO. A 436 VALENCIA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL KINDLY KAIL Oils to seme esc with CANCER t. jam rww ay x mb Clears Complexion Removes Skin isiemisnes Whir trn thrnntrh liffi pmham SRfill and disfigured with pimples, erup tions, blackheads, red rough skin, or suffering tne tortures oi r.tzenm, ncn tetter, salt rneum. juji asu your Drueeist for Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment Follow the simple -sug gestions and your sKin worries are over. Mild, soothing, effective. Ex cellent for babies and delicate, ten der skin. Stops chapping. Always helps. Relief or money oacK ouc 40 acres, 5 room house, barn, shed, etc 15 acres in cultivation, t rnnaea Crops, 5 acres in grain, 6 in pota toes, and Personal Property - for sale at $1,000.00; Rent $200.00.- Give Comfort to Stout Persons A irnnA whnlpanmA cathartic that has a stimulating effect on the stom ach, liver and bowels is roiey ca thartic Tablets. Thoroughly cleans ing in Qtinn thpv keen von recular with no griping and no unpleasant alter ettects. iney remove gas sy distended feeling so uncomfortable to stout persons. For, sale by all druggists. .Notice to contractors KphIpH bids will be received by the rA..4-.. rm rt rlaUmaa P.nnntv. Oregon, up to and including the sixth day ot may, i, at me nour of lU:au o ciock a. m. ana men open nA fnv na imnrnvement of A coun ty' road leading from Milwaukie to Oregon (Jity ana commonly Known bj the Kiver itoaa irom station oo plus 66 to Station 268 plus 06. Said improvement shall be execut ed in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County. m . , ... . All bids to be airecteu to me County Clerk of said Clackamas Pnnntv nt. nrecnn City Orecon. and marked "Bids for improvement of Kiver Koad, ana snail ue autum panied by a certified check for five per cent of amount bid, which check shall be forfeited to said Clackamau County, should the successtui bidder fail, neglect or refuse for a period of five days to enter into a contract A il ooticfo.tnrv hnnrl to PUar- ttllU iiiu sjawo.v.. " o antee the completion of -the work, and the tultiiment oi tne law renpecuug , hours of labor and material furnish ed material, men, etc., and will be re quired to hold Clackamas County harmless respecting damages accru ed durinsr the progress of said im provement. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. W. u wuivey, County Clerk. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of John P. Roehl, Deceased XTftfiia ia iiorpliv frivfln that th.6 undersigned administrator of the es tate of John P. Roehl, deceased, haa filed his final account as such admin iDfiatAi. if eaifl or.nt.0 find that Mon day, the 25th of May, 1914, at the hour ot 1U o'clocK, A. m., nas ueen fixed by said court as me lime ior nf objections to said reDort and the settlement thereof. C. Schuebel, btlminiatrnTnr nf thfi PRtfltfi of John P .Roehl, deceased. U'Ren & Schuebel, Attorneys ior Administrator. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State oi Oregon for Clackamas County. Leon B. Lewis, Plaintiff, 'vs. May B. Lewis, Defendant, To May B. Lewis, the above named detendant: Tn tho nnmo nf the Stnte of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this sum mons, ana u ycu iau k bo nypem and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tne renei aemanaea in nis uunipiaim. to-wit: For a decree of absolute di tho hnnris nf matrimonv now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons is pumisnea in per suance to an order of Hon. J. U. Campell, Judge of the above entit led court, made and entered on the 8th day of April, 1914. Date or lirst publication Apru , 1914. Date of last publication May 21, 1914. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. James P. Shaw, Plaintiff, vs. J. Frank Watson, Trustee; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real prop erty hereinafter described. ' To all persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the property herein described, as Ces tuis que trust of J. Frank Watson, Trusts In the name of the State of Oregon; You and each of you will appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff herein filed on or before the 1st day of June, A. D., 1914, and in default thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the relief applied for in the complaint, which is that you have no right in the property described in the complaint. The property described is all that property situate in block 51 in Mil waukie Heights, in Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, lying west of the prop erty described in deeds, recorded Hi volume 78 at tiage 466 and recorded in volume 104 at page 205. This summons served by publica tion bv order of Hon. James Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made on the 15th day of Ap ril, A. D., 1914. F. H. NORTHUP and GEORGE W. GF.ARHART. Attorneys for the Plaintiff, James P. Shaw. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of J. B. Lamb, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the state ft T TJ T amn AonentiBn Vina filed in the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, his hnai account as such such administrator of said estate and that Monday, the 18th dav of May. 1914. at the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing ef ob Vctions to said report and the set tlement thereof. t t a mm Administrator of the estate of J. B. Lamb, deceased. U'RKN ft SCHUEBEL, Attorneys for administrator. Get your letterheads and envelopes printed '"n'tli the name of your farm rmthem. The Courier will tnak them cheap for on.