OREGON CITY COURIER,.. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1914, CountyCourt In the matter of the petition of L. M. Orsmby and others for a road; the petition herein being defective is dismissed. In the matter of the petition df B. C. Palmer for a county road; this pe tition is dismissed, petitioner having filed two petitions covering sama ground. In the matter of the improvement of the River Road; ordered that the clerk advertise for bids in two week ly newspapers of Clackamas County, that bids will be received up to April 17th, 1914 at 10:30 A. M. In the matter of the petition ol J. W. Whalley to change road No. 26 from sixty feet to 40 feet in width; referred to the Board of County Road Viewers. In the matter of the Fred Ander son road; ordered that same be estab lished as a county road. In the matter of the Keisland road; ordered that same be estab lished as a county road. In the matter of petitions for county roads; resolutions were pass ed directing County Surveyor to make an examination of the follow ing prposed roads: B. C. Palmer Road No. 865; D. E. Pendleton road No. 866; A. W. Botkin road No. 867; W. W. Dillon Road No. 868; A. A. Baldwin road No. 870. In the matter of the Stuwe. Road No. 847; ordered that same be es tablished as a county road. In the matter of hearing objections to the establishment of following roads; ordered that time for hearing objections to following proposed roads be had, on May 8th 1914 at 10:30 A. M.: G. Criteser road; F. Childs'road; Carl Anderson road; Wilhoit and Molalla Road. In the matter of the petition of Hiram Jackson for a county road; referred to viewers to meet at place of beginning on the day of April 1914. In the matter of the petition of Hiram 3a$non for a county road; referred to Viewers to meet at place of beginning on the day of April 1914.. In the matter of the application of T. S. Mullan and others to lay water pipe in streets, avenues and roads in Hollywood Addition; appli cation granted. In the matter of the payment of "damages awarded to Fredrich Fred eric! and Lizzie Notdurft, by reason of the establishment of the Delker road; ordered that Clackamas County pay such damages, $100.00 to be paid out of the General Road fund and $100.00 to be paid out of the road district funds, but the actual pay ment be deferred until May term of this court. In the matter of the application of M. J. Lee for privilege to erect trans mission line on County Roads in Clackamas County; ordered that ap plicant submit form of franchise. In the matter of application of Dorothy Rakel to lay water pipes in Canemah; ordered that application be granted. In the matter of the application of the Equity Mutual Telephone Asso ciation to erect telephone wires over certain roads; ordered that said ap plication be granted. In the matter of thep etition of Thomas Peterson for rebate of tax es; referred to County Assessor. In the matter of the petition of R. F. Woodle for rebate of tax; re ferred to County Assessor, In the matter of a dedicated strip of land joining Milwaukie Park on the south; ordored that said strip of land be and is named Milwaukie Park Roa,d. In the matter of he application of H. M. Courtright for the redemp tion of certain delinquent cortifii-' cates and the payment of the amount with six per cent interest thereon; ordered that a warrant issue to said applicant for the sum of $244.79 be ing principal and interest thereon. EXPENDITURES FOR MONT MARCH, 1914 GENERAL F ELECTION G. W. Harrington Ruth Smith G. R. Miller Oregon City Enterprise .. F. C. Gadke F. H. King E. W. Bartlett E. C. Warren W. Knight .. Straight & Salisbury .... Sheriff H. S. Eddy E. T. Mass Western Union Tel. Co. .. Huntley Bros. Co E. B. Lowe G. A. Bergren Geo. W. H. Miller Westorn Union P. M. Hart Clerk W. L. Mulvey Huntley Bros. Co Recorder Lou Cochran Huntley Bros. Co Jones Drug Co Jones Drug Co Pioneer Transfer Co J. W. Jones E. P. Dedman Elliott-Fischer Co Treasurer Jones Drug Co Huntley Bros. Co Assessor Claude Woodle Jerome Avery J. E. Jack J. E. Jack J. O. Staats M. E. Gaffney .... L. P. Duffy W. R. Graham ... II OF UND 85.80 50.00 19.10 17.76 97.50 15.20 12.16 12.10 37.76 97.50 6.80 29.40 G.Ofi .85 4.20 17.00 4.20 3.21 8.50 10.00 5.15 65.00 7.50 1.7;-) 1.75 1.00 2.00 ..10.75 6.6J 3.65 1.25 115.00 24.00 3.00 3.00 21.00 42.00 18.00 6.00 D. Engle 12.00 H. W. Koehler 39.00 E. W. Randolph 45.00 Chas. Thompson 42.00 Huntley Bros. Co - 2.60 County Court W. H. Mattoon 33.Q0 J. W. Smith - 18.00 Richey & Lunday 5.00 Miller-Parker Co 6.00 H. S. Anderson ?-20 Court House Glass & PruHhomme Co 154.00 Board of Water Comm 15.00 J. O. Staats 1-00 E. W. Scott 7-85 Jones Drug Co L80 Straight & Salisbury 4.50 Pacific Telephone Co 24.40 Home Telephone Co 15.35 Circuit Court Geo. J. Hall 5.00 Mrs. Moreland 3.25 James McNeil 6.00 J. E. Weismandel 3.00 John E. Smith 3.00 E. Lt Johnson 3.00 A. J. Knightly 3.00 W. H. Silcox 3.00 A. J. Marrs 3.00 Harry Meyers 6.00 R. H. Taber 3.00 W. R. Wentworth 3.00 C. F. Bollinger 3.00 W. L. Lunt 2.00 John Heft 6.00 Chas. White 6.00 Harry Greaves 3.00 E. F. Veteto 19.20 Chas. F. Terrill 18.00 A. O. Alldredge .: 18.20 E. J. Daulton 18.20 Fred Lins 24.00 Fred Matthies 18.50 S. P. Davis 18.00 W. F. Schooley 3.00 Ed Su'rfus 2.00 A. C. Beauliau '. 2.00 W. O. Dickerson 1.60 A. Bell 6.00 Beulah Marcum 2.50 J. W. Powell 5.00 Mrs. A. E. Marcum 4.80 Justice of the Peace John N. Sievers 7.30 D. E. Frost 4.10 E. M. Kellogg 10.40 A! L. Reed 4.50 Jos. Milan 1.70 G. B .Creghins 1.70 Paul Garbarino , 1.70 John Colombo 1.70 J. C. Emmell 1.10 Henry Phillip 1.10 Roy Mclntyre 1.10 Harry Emeele 1.10 0. Wissinger 1.10 Coroner Wm J. Wilson 23.55 C. T. Sievers 18.35 W. A. Hanson 1.20 J. E. Mathews 1.20 G. Keller j 1.20 J. James ' 1.20 W. A. Thompson 1.20 W. E. Kelso 1.20 J. T. Kannolt 1.70 S; H. Borland 1.70 Dr. W. R. Taylor 10.00 G. E. Collier 1.70 A. C. Schultze 1.70 T. B. Richardson 2.00 Dr. W.-E. Hempstead ... 10.00 W. A. Morand 1.20 W. R. Telford 1.20 J. A. Imel 1.20 M. Sonnickson 1.20 C. F. Cross 1.20 L. Ritzer j. 1.20 Surveyor D. Thompson Meldrum 128.60 S. A. Cobb 45.50 J. A. Strauss 15.00 Paul Dunn 10.50 Harry Shelly 25.00 S. A. D. Hungate , 9.00 R. Schuebel 4.00 Kilham Stationery Co 6.33 Wm. Fine 7.50 II. .11. Johnson 78.90 Insane Electric Hotel 4.00 Mrs. Bears 5.00 Mrs. Glenn 2.50 Mount & Mount Drs 20.00 Dr. M. C. Strickland 5.00 Dr. E. R. Todd 5.00 k Supt. of Schools D. E. Frost 2.30 Brcnton Veddor 127.65 Huntley Bros. Co 7.50 J. E. Calavan 11.30 Wm. J. Wilson 12.50 II. M. James 132.65 J. E. Cnlavan 10.09 Board of Health Miller-Parker Co ttO.50 Dr. R. Morse 10.00 Wm. J. Wilson 6.00 J. A. van Brakle 7.35 Jared D. Wetmore 5.00 Huntley Bros. Co '. 4.25 The Estacada Pharmacy 6.10 Fruit Inspector O. E. Freytng 73.70 Stork Inspector W. S. Eddy 10.00 Indigent Soldier Meade Post No. 2 G. A. R 35.00 County Poor G. A. Borgren 5.00 Sophia Schooley 12.90 H. F. Padgham 13.78 C. J. Hood 3.50 Huntley Bros. Co 35.40 Robbins Bros 8.80 Larsen &. Co 30.00 John Benson t 5.25 Morse & Dill 30.00 U. S. Anderson 12.00 Bartdorf Bros 15.00 O. Wissinger 29.00 Jos. E. Hedges 12.00 E. T. Barlow 38.00 Fred Clack 7.00 (1. H. Maigary 10.35 Reverting Grocery 40.00 Oregon City Hospital 195.10 C. J. Bentley 10.00 Roswell L. Holman 40.00 Oregon City Wood & Fuel Co. 3.00 L. Adams 5.00 E. A. Haekett '4.00 Geo. V. Ely 20.00 V. Harris J.35 Allison & Verney ' 4.00 Farr Bros 10.00 Jones Drug Co 2.70 Denis Donovan 12.50 C. H. Dauchy 2.00 W. Kennedy 15.00 Jail Bannon & Co x. 5.88 E. T. Mass 96.28 Juvenile Court D. E. Frost . 38.75 Minda E. Church 12.40 Scalp Bounty Frank Linhart 10.00 Chas. Linhart 14.00 John A. Howland 6.00 F. M. Robeson 19.50 Matt Dibble 9.50 W. McMillen 24.00 , 1.50 G. Kirchem V. E. Waterman '21.50 Adolph Aschoff 2.00 W. Dixon 4.00 Tax Rebate H. M. Courtright : 234.79 Printing & Advertising Oregon City Enterprise 130.50 Oregon City Courier 88.05 Sealer of Weights & Measures Wm. Grisenthwalte 15.00 P. D. Cunningham & Co 1.25 Tax Department Chas. Peters 68.60 William Shannon '.. 31.20 R. M. McGetchie 91.40 Alberta Dunn 60.00 J. O. Staats 70.80 Cis B. Pratt 71.00 Nellie Swafford 46.30 A. Tufts 82.76 Jessie Paddock 66.00 Maude Moran 66.80 E. C. Haekett 81.80 Edith Smith 9.22 Ona Renner 4.60 Alice Dwiggins 60.00 EXPENDITURES FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 1914. ROAD FUND District No. 1 A. Mather 44.95 C. E. Battin :. 50.00 O. A. Battin 50.00 A. Davis 77.50 Wm. Smart 27.50 A. B. Kirkley 33.76 Wm. Mundion 33.75 R. Otty 25.00 F. Wolters 11.25 Joe Schiema 9.00 D. Myers , 13.50 J. Tyrrell .'. 11.25 Coates - 11.25 District No. 2 Ike Johnson 35.00 A. V. Wicklund 12.50 Lundeen .:. H2.50 John Heinrich 19.00 W. Bennett 15.00 District No, 3 C. Wolfhagen ..: 4.20 J. C. Elliott & Co , . 45.95 Edward Pillster 37.50 Joe Pillster 49.36 J. M. Morton 39.50 Lee Stradley 49.36 John Wymore 41.25 Herman Siebert 58.50 John McConnell ! 37.50 Frank Eberhart 5.50 Cecil Young 32.00 J. E. Cline 30.00 W. H. Dallas 8.00 G. H. Ritzau 5.75 District No. 4 Albert Kitchjng 28.75 M. M. Wade 25.00 Lester Hale 19.00 Geo. Kitching 6.00 Dan Matson 4.00 Roy Linn 3.00 J. B. Linn 2.00 E. E. Erickson 6.00 Hugh Jonqfe 6.00 Jake Moss 2.00 District No. 5 S. S. Waybill 15.00 M. H. Wheeler 38.75 J. A. Imel 29.00 J. W. Brooks . 29.00 E. H. Crosier 4.00 L. Sutton. 6.00 Ed Brooks 4.00 Wm. E. Wheeler 36.00 C. Apulson 9.00 Peter Larsen , 8.00 H. A. Beck 4.00 District No. 6 Chas. Krebs .. : 6.25 Sandy Carriage & Shoeing Shop 3:00 W. J. Wirtz 8.35 District No. 7 II. L. Bowman & Co 3.25 John Phelps U-25 Paul R. Meinig 81.55 JacksonW arren 44.15 L. Lowe B. A. Pulley L. C. Lowe 38.80 W. Sanders 19.95 JacksonW arren L. P. Lowe B. A. Pulley L. C. Lowe R. Shipley ,, 2.25 W. A. Shipley ..V 15.60 A. C. Thomas Otto Aschoff Carl Aschoff E. R. Leaf 1110 F. E. McGugin 17.50 W. A. Strack 10.00 District No. 9 A. M. Jannsen 7.00 H. Joyner 12.00 District No. 11 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. .. 30.3 34.60 15.75 15.75 9.00 21.10 40 4.50 2.25 35.56 Theodore Huerth 10.00 E. L. Pope 8.50 Eli Rivers 14.00 Ben Rivers 4.00 Nick Rivers' -. 3.00 L. Rivers 2.00 District No. 16 Wilson & Cooke 80.00 W. Randall ?. 6.50 M. Huiras 10.00 C. Kelland 10.00 F. Engel W. Randall A. Blanchard District No. 17 Geo. Koehler .... Wm. Maple : J. E. Wekls 2.25 E. Courand 4.00 Frank Needham 2.00 Adam Baney (29.50 13.25 6.00 4.00 .90 3.00 Ed Rupp 17.50 Geo. Koehler 27.50 Wm Beeson 10.00 James Mahlum 4.00 Fred Armstrong 4.00 Hoyt Doud 13.00 J, E. Wells ., 30.00 C. L. England , 11.00 Earl England 7.00 Robert Vorpahl 4.00 ' District No. 18 Wilson & Cooke '. 1.70 Dix Bros 83.94 C. R. Livesay 29.35 John Bluhm 1.00 Carl Ober 50 John Morhnke 1.50 G. A. Schuebel 14.35 Fred Steiner ., 2.00 Max Hollman 2.00 I. O. Dix 4.00 I. N, Cook 4.00 Walter Schuebel 7.00 District No. 19 Enos Dodge 3.00 R. Schuebel 6.00 John Brown 175.00 District No. 20 Carl Stromgreen 6.00 R. A. Putz . 2.00 W. H. Bottemiller , 2.00 P. F. Putz ., 6.00 A. Di Baurer r 7.50 J. Putz, 6.85 F. Bottemiller 2.00 F. P. Bauer 3.50 District No. 21 Alfred Danielson 13.95 Hult Bros. 138.79 J. E. Sandall 1.00 A. N. Swanson 8.00 J. D. Croford : 15.75 A. Johnson 6.00 John Erickson 7.00 Alex Erickson 6.00 W. S. Gorbett 8.75 Emile Petterson 3.00 Alfred Swanson 3.25 Jim Frances 1.25 - District No. 22 Ball & Ball 106.68 J. W. Studinger 14.00 D. Pendleton 14.00 John Anderfeon : 12.00 Jens Sorenson 8.00 Oliver Lafetry 4.00 C. E. Ball 3.00 H. J. Rastall 13.50 James Heckart 2.00 Ira Boyer 2.00 District No. 23 Canby Concrete Co 10.00 Sadler & Kraus 1.35 G. A. Ehlen 10.47 N. E. Cole 96.07 Albert Pratt ' 6.00 Chas. E. Oglesby 10.00 James F. Oglesby .' 11.50 Geo. F. Olgesby 16.62 J. J. Taylor 5.50 W. D. Fish 11.50 A. Bachert 5.50 Avon Jesse ... 8.00 Elmer Deetz 8.00 Dave Shepard 4.00 J. C. Deegne 2.00 D. Parmenter 4.00 Fred "Ormsby 4.00 Wm. Bauer 50 , District No. 24 D. D. Hostetler 8.74 Jack Leonard ...... 15.00 Amos Kauffman 10.00 Dan Emmett 9.00 Jacob Egli .' '. ,28.00 Simon Yoder 1.00 Phillip Miller .'. 5.00 Ralph Ackerson 3.00 C. E. Miller 8.00 Dave Ackerson 1.00 Chester Hartsler 9.00 Oliver Hartsler 7.00 Leonard Askin 6.00 Elmer King 2.00 Thos. E. Sager 6.00 G. E. Wyland .". 6.00 Solon Kinzer 8.00 L. P. Spagle 42.50 District No. 25 Mike Walch 4.00 Canby Concrete Co 12.50 EdG raves v 14.00 C. H. Smith 14.00 Geo. Kalb 1.78 John Heinz 8.00 Grover Graves 5.00 Geo. Southerland 7.25 Raleigh Bower 4.00 A. McCoy 4.00 Chas. Gelbrich 2.00 L. Gelbrich 1.00 District No. 26 Aaron Beugli 1.00 S. A. Douglass 7.25 P. Wright 1.00 S. Wright 1.00 G. Donnelly 1.00 G. F. Douglas 1.00 District No. 27 Olof Olsen : 12.00 A. N. Damm ......... 3.00 J. S. Young 4.00 L. N. Jones 8.75 District No. 28 C. R. Livesay 196.00 A. L. Brougher 4 26.60 Robbins Bros ' '. 43.35 Wm. Huitt 4.00 Ben Wade 7.00 Ray Wyland 7.00 Leslie Shank 23.00 Jesse Bagby 10.00 L. D. Shank 40.00 C. G. Vorheis 5.00 I David McClure 15.00 Wm. Bird 20.00 Baline Bird 15.00 Andy Mazingo 16.00 'Earl Bird 14.00 Bert Bird 13.00 Elmer Road 12.00 Tony Oleson 12.00 A. B. Wade 13.00 Oscar Vorheis 10.00 Al Wyland A 30.00 I Hiram Edwards 16.00 'Alex Fauske 5.00 Elmer Ringsted 9-00 Wm. Mazingo 8.00 Geo. Groshong 8.00 Perry Vorheis 8.00 Frank Huitt 4.00 1 District No. 30 F. E. Davidson, 56.25 G. S. Bullock 10.00 i A. J. Monk 47.25 G. N. Doaty 24.00 Henry Mettetal 50.60 i A. H. Coon 3.00 I Louis Sutton 15.00 Geo. Cline 3.00 PRINCIPAL PORTLAND AGENTS FOR LADIES HOMjURNALJ PATTERNS, ALL THE LATEST RTYI.FS IN ALL SIZES AT 10c & 15c EACH FULLLINE OF EMBROIDERY PATTERNS PRICED AT 10c is,. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED PARCEL POST PACKAGES SENT PREPAID TO AM. POINTS-WHERE CHARGES DO NOT EXCEED 5 PER CENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. PORTLAND, OREGON Mi-.'ir'1-.... Laces and -Embroideries For The Summer Dress-Novel, New, and Dainty Conceits THE SUMMER WAIST OR DRESS MUST SHOW A LAVISH USE OF LACE UK KMUKUlUfcKl THIS YEAR TO BE AUTHORATIVE THAT IS THE LAST WORD FROM FASHION FOLKS WHO SET THE PACE IN PARIS, LONDON, AND BERLIN. HENCE, THE TIMELINESS OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT AN INTERESTINGLY NEW SHOWING OF EXQUISITE EXAMPLES FROM THE HANDS OF SKILLFUL NEEDLEWORKERS, WHOSE LIFE IS BOUNDED SOLELY BY THE PATIENCE OF THEIR EFFORTS TO EXCEL. NOVELTY VIES WITH BEAUTY AND CHARM OF DESIGN. IT IS THE FINEST SHOWING WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO MAKE AT SUCH GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS. GATHER SOME IDEA OF THE VALUES FROM THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW: - 45-INCH EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS aq INSTEAD OF 50c TO 65c A varied as fciOCsortment of patterns to select from in the new open or closed designs they are made of good quality cambric or swiss all fresh, clean embroid eries that should sell regularly at 50c toOQ 65c a yard. This Sale at bWV aq INSTEAD OF $1.25 TO $1.50 Dainty and OwC exquisite patterns in a large variety that will immediately meet with your favor they are made of the finest of Swisses and should sell reg- ularlv at $1.25 to $1.50 a yard. ....Priced This Sale at (tejj fjftYARD INSTEAD, OF $2.75 TO $3.50 pl bO! m this lot y0"'11 find the very finest of high-class Swiss Embroidery Flouncings in an unlimited variety of choice new patterns. The kind sold everywhere at $2.75 to $3.50 aJ QQ yard. Priced for this sale at J) a09 : i 69c INSTEAD OF 75c TO $1.00 An exten sive showing of the most beautiful pat terns with well finished edges -they are made of fine swiss or voile cloth and are the kind rgeularly sold at 75c to $1.00 a yard. You have your-i choice of all This Sale at 48c INSTEAD OF $1.75 TO $2.00 New and C attractive patterns in beautiful floral and conventional designs they are made of fine Swis ses, crepes and voile cloths, and they are crisp, clean and desirable in every way. $1.75 1 to $2.00 grade at aq A QYARD INSTEAD OF $5.00 TO $7.50 wWa I f This lot consists of the very finest of Novelty Flouncings in linen, sheer organdies, crepe neigux and f rencn voiles, ceautiiui pat terns never before shown in this city.i Regular $5.00 to $7.50 grades for.. 98c $3.19 Oriental and Silk Shadow Flouncings Values to $3.50, per yard 98c See Our Window-Display. Extraordinary does not begin to' express the values' offered at this sale of Oriental and Silk Shadow Flouncings. You must come and see for yourself how j-eally beauti ful they are and how greatly they are underpriced. They come in 18, 24 and 27-inch widths and are shown in dozens of pretty designs -in both white and ecru. They were made to sell regularly at $1.75 to $3.50 a yard. Your choice of- entire assortment yd 98c R, C. Worthington W. B. Oliver , John Ball, '. Oliver Worthington J. K. Worthington . District No. 31 F. Baker G. Vanortwick F. Orchard I A. Schatz R. Schatz E. Robic G. Spagenberg E. B. Spagenberg H. Oldenstadt J. Dignam A. Roethting O. Van Ortwick District No. 3$ ' W. J. Lewellen Homey Bros Frank Millard R. Wilcox ; W. W. Tucker Frank Smith District No. 34 Oregon City Ice Works .... C. R. Livesay Frank Busch Owen G. Thomas Wilson & Cooke C. J. Hood C. Zimmerman T. Sinclair C. Koellermaier M. Tiedeman V. Pooler C. Pendo L. Jones K. Schrackenback W. Critser ... N. Melvin T. Johnson, Jr J. Proteau J. Schaueber C. McMann C. Smith C. Clark : P. Dillon J. Hapner J. Zimmerman ... A. Gross J. Shaw T. Johnson H. Berdine ... J. Robinson C. Parker C. Britton D. Colson W. Kaiser - J. Edmonds District No. 35 Hood & Hutchins Paul R. Meinig Wm. Botth Jim Jones Phil Bates Sylvester Barnes Irvin Radford Randolph Spiers Chester Radford Burleigh Spiers Henry Spiers E. E. van Fleet , Price Jones H. C. Mullenhoff District No. 36 Louis A. Rail Wm. Snavley Harve Livingston Alf Livingston- J. Jacobs r 12.00 55.15 46.10 6.00 3.00 29.00 15.00 13.00 12.00 ' 16.00 18.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 8.35 73.94 21.26 2.00 7.50 6.00 204.26 66.75 2.50 6.75 7.75 13.60 80.93 73.50 5H.25 46.25 27.50 5.25 43.25 22.25 38.75 38.75 32.75 42.75 25.25 15.00 210.00 14.00 18.00 9.25 . 99.00 76.00 68.67 25.23 29.33 25.33 24.00 29.33 73.75' 65.00 37.00 35.75 26.75 33.75 10.68 15.75 9.56 15.75 14.62 13.50 15.75 15.75 1.40 24.75 6.75 17.50 6.00 18.00 12.00 7.00 (Continued on Page 7, Col. 6) In order to save your DISCOUNT Electric bills must be paid before the 10th of the month at our office. 617 Mam St. Oregon City, Ore. We have numerous electrical de . vices on display in our show room that you will be interested in know ing about. PoftUnd Railway, Light & Powe Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH ALDER. PORTLAND Phones Main 6G88 and A. CI31 The Next SACK of FLOUR. You Buy Ask For UNION MILLS "HIGS1 GRADE" AND YOU WILL GO BACK FOR. ANOTHER It is one of the best brands on the market and is highest in everything but price. We have recently remodeled the Union Mills, and are better than ever prepared for regular milling business. We exchange for flour, . chopping, and carry a line of feed, graham flour, -germ meal, Etc. D. L. TRULLINGER C. D. LATOURETTE, President F. J .MEYER, Cashier. THE FiRST national bank of OREGON CITY, OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank Transact a General Banking Business Open from 0 a. m. to 3