Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 16, 1914, Image 2

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What the Medical Trust is Putting
Over in the Name of Science
By, Dr. W. A. Turner, Naturopath.
Two weeks ago "606" was injected
into eight men in the county hospital
in Los Angeles seven of the men
died almost immediately, whiie the
eighth lingered a few days and then
died. Of course the doctors went
free. This is the remedy so loudly
heralded by the medical profession
as a "sure cure" for syphilis. It was
discovered by Prof. Erlivh after hav
ing "discovered" 605 and other fakes
ahead of it and is called Saloarsan.
It is a preparation of arsenic and is
very deadly. It frequently kills and
has paralyzed and made blind thou
sands of men who have submitted to
its use. But it is an "ethical" prep
aration and will probably continue
to be used, to kill off men until stop
ped by law.
Pellagro or Hoowworm
Congress has been asked by the
political doctors to spend $300,000
for ' a pellagra hospital another
graft. The medical profession ad
mits that it does not know the cause
of the disease or a cure for it. The
medical space writer in last Sunday's
Oregonian had a long dessertation
on hookworm and described it as con
tagious. Everything is "contagious"
these days with the M. D.'s except a
knowledge of how to relieve disease.
That will never be contagious with
mem. nooKWorm is a disease as
old as time and is caused by dietatic
errors. It occurs chiefly among the
negroes and "poor white trash," or
"cracker" element in the Southern
states whose daily bill of fare rarely
vanes irom noi discuiis or com
bread, hog meat and "sop" a gravy
made from hog grease. These peo
ple rarely eat green vegetables or
fruits, but diet as above. Being un-
aoie to aigesc ana eliminate this
combination of starch and fats, the
digestive apparatus becomes derang
ed, the food decomposes and produc
es a worm called "hookworm." These
people are long, lean, bilious and ma
larial. The cure for it is to eat cor
rectly and wash out the colon but
this method of cure is not "scientific'
enough for our medical friends for
inis removes the cause of the disease.
It exists in corn eating countries such
as the southern and middle western
states, Italy, India and Egypt. Med
ical ignorance makes a great mys
tery of this disease, but it is easily
cured by natural methods.
Swat the Medical Candidates
I want to remind all voters in the
coming primary election to crack
every medical head that bobs up re
gardless of his politics. These are
candidates for various offices: Dr.
Chas. J. Smith, Dr. James Withy
combe. Dr. Elof Berqhund, Dr. Cora
C. Talbot, Dr. A. K. Higgs and Dr.
A. C. Smith. Vote against all of
them at home and let them work for
a living. We have no use or med
ical doctors in politics and they have
no use for you except to use you and
burden you with more drastic and il
legal medical laws.. Eliminate them
Cancer and Health Officers
The political "health" doctors on
the various city, county and. state
board met in Portland last week and
discussed matters pertaining to dis
ease. Dr. Chas. J. Simth was there
as a bright and shining star and read
a paper. So did Dr. Calvin S. White
over $b,uuo a year luxury. These
gentlemen decided that cancer is now
caused by eating too much meat. It
has taken them a long time to find
oui one oi tne causes of cancer. Na
ture Cure doctors knew it years ago.
Cancer was a comparitively unknown
disease, although always in existence,
until Jeuner introduced vaccination,
and the tremendous increase in this
disease is due primarily to vaccina
tions and serums. It is a physical
impossibility to combine the pus and
diseased mutter of humans and an
imals and not propogate mulignant
disease, and vaccines and serums are
made from this combined diseased
filth. Cancer is not a blood disease;
is not a "germ" disease and is not a
'contagious" disease. Heredity also
has little to do with it. Fish, beef
and pork are largely cancerous and
mucn disease is transmitted to peo
ple eating these meats, but VACCI
NATION is the chief cause a fact
that is well established in and out
oi ine medical protession. It trans
mits other diseases and if you will
notice, wholesale vaccination is al
most invariably followed by epidem
ics of smallpox, scarlet fever, meas
les, diphtheria, meningitis, typhoid,
mumps, chicken pox and still other
diseases. Vaccinnted school children
are the wholesale victims of these
childhood diseases in their youth and
of cancer in their old age.
Pasteur and Pasteurization
It is a noticable fact in this coun
try that wherever a Pasteur Insti
tute is located occur the most cases
of alleged "rabies" and mad dog
scares." This of course is neces
sary in Order tn Knll tha umm
These death-dealing institutions are
are prohibited by law in England and
should and eventually will be in this
country when the. people are more
fully educated on medical fakery,
The pasteurizing of milk is nlso for
bidden in England and should be here
also. A person of average intelli
gence upon .reflection ought to know
that the high degree of temperatures
cMuucu lu taenuze or pasteurize
milk makes a complote chemical
charge in it and kills the organic
salts in it, thus making it, like con
densed milk, a starvation food. Ba
bies and others who feed largely on
"Pasteurized" milk are liable to con
tract ricketts, scrofula or tuberculo
sis. You should never use it as it is
only an exemplification of the crazy
germ" theory of disease. As a mat
ter of fact cows' milk is unfit for hu
man beings and is a large factor in
the prevahmce of disease, for it
transmits tne diseases of cows to hu
mans and is responsible for many
diseases of children of which eatarrn
is the. chief, developing adenoids and
sore throats.
Christian Science to practice in that
state. The recent action of the N.
Y. sate board of health or disease,
in Niagara Falls and in trying to
compel every school teacher and child
to be vaccinated has evidently borne
fruit. Others will be allowed to
practice there soon or the people will
know why.
(Questions relating to health matters
will be answered by me if addressed
to me care of Hotel Edwards, Port
land, Ore.)
Stark of Maple Lane, and the Way
he Sees the Moves
Some time ago while on a profit
able trip to town peddling a shirt
tail full of farm produce to the ulti
mate consumer in order to obtain a
little of the coin of the realm to ren
der unto Caesar this according to
my bringing up, being the alterna
tive of having a few rods of Clacka
mas soil confiscated by the powers
that be, I observed some of the holes
in Main street full of water. As I
could not account for the phenome
non I enquired of a nearby hayseed
for the reason. "Them's the tears
shed by the Pacific Highway promo
ters over, such guys as you that must
drag thru the mud to get to town,",
he answered with an emphasis that
aroused my interest in the matter.
1 asked if he had noticed any cal
lous spots on these fellows' hands
produced by road work. "Oh my no"
he said, "but they all had blistered
tongues telling how the work should
be done."
I believe that i have read all the
items in the Courier on the subject
of good roads, and have been warn
ed that if I attempt to discuss the
hard surface road problem I must
confine myself to cold facts and fi
gures. That I must not blaspheme
the almighty Mamon or cast asper
sions upon the high priests who burn
the incense at the altar or eat the
shewbread and drink the sacred
cocktails at the new holy of holiest
on Eighth Street.
It appears to this Rube that if
these polished promoters had follow
ed this dictum we would probably
have heard less about our out of town
ignorance and incompetence in road
building. To say that all the money
expended upon our roads "has been
worse than wasted" is far from the
truth. That is not saying that by
better organization and more exten
sive equipment better results would
not have obtained. I have held no
official responsibility on Oregon
roads nor do I care to defend any
person who has. I have had a little
road experience and helped build
some mountain trails for tender feet
to come later. No road is ever laid
out thru a new country and built
permanently so a lot of preliminary
work is done that must be done over
and differently later. Neither were
there any sky scrapers bunt in Port
land 50 years ago. Let me illustrate
one incident in road building which
was duplicated all over this county.
In front of the Maple Lane school
house stood a large stump around
which I drove for something less
than a generation.
A few years ago some supervisor
undertook to remove it. While I
never heard the actual cost I'll say it
was about $25 in labor, time and pow
der. Now could that have been donj
cheaper by some "effort" following
the usual routine of doinff work 1 ,
The process would have been some
thing like this. An engineer would
have measured the stump and Kept
careful memoranda, made drawings
and estimates of the probable am
ount of labor to undermine and
amount of powder it would take to
throw it out, and perhaps set stakes
where the various pieces were to
fall and tend in a bill for about
enough to do the work required to
move the stump, but, the stump
wouldn not have been moved, not
yet, it would still take some low
browed "your truly" to get the stump
out. Perhaps you would call this
"an exaggeration" (whatever that
may be) but I have seen some an
tics bearing close resemblance to
this description without even going
to a court room. So far as the waste
fulnessness of our stupid mossbank
supervisors goes, it certainly couiu
not have been worse than some of
the famous Dimick "short" hot air
If the genius who is seeking
Do You like this Serum ?
Dr. Turck of Chicago in address
ing the Georgia Stale Medical So
ciety called attention to a serum that
is a beautv. It is for intestinal
troubles. He takes strains of colon
bacilli from human beings and cer
tain lower animals and iniects it In
to the body of a dead fetal nig and
a serum is made from it. Think of
it. Taking human filth from the
filthiest part of the body and trans
ferring it to the dead and decaying
unborn bodv of the filthiest animal
In the world and n serum of this
combined putrid filth squirted into
your blood will "cure intestinal
troubles and protect vou from dis
ease! Ye Gods! This certainly
ought to shnke the faith of anyone
in the medical profession.
The Lipht is Breaking
New York State has just emerg
ed from medical riaikneis and super
stition and passed a law allowing
the funny Salem stunts and bondage
promoter proposes to follow the same
maserly supervision over county
roads ' as was followed on the rail
road headed toward Molalla and
Terra del Fuego we had better bring
our land titles to the courthouse and
save further worry. People who live
in stone houses had better be careful
how thov throw class.
There are several phases to this
hard surface road problem. I do
not feel sure about. One is the
cost. I am awaro that experts re
port thus and so, but expert reports
like proverbs, run in pairs and ex
perts will swear to their reports in
tho court room and then swear about
them on the outside. It will be re
membored thot compotent engineers
figured the Panama Canal at $125.
000,000 when it was undertaken, and
now the cost will be about quadru
ple. Perhaps the road would turn
out in the same proportion. An
other problem is, can horses be us
ed in slippery weather unless sharp
shop ?
Farmers can not have their farm
horses shnrp shod for reasons I need
not explain. Neither can we all af
ford driving teams. We mlist use
our farm horses for the road.
The department of agriculture is
sues a circular in regard to sand,
and clay roads being cheaper and
serviceable. Have any experiments
been had in this locality to see if It
will work? Numerous other meth
ods are experimented with by the
government and it might be well not
to be in too big a haste to build so
expensive a small stretch, exhaust
ing all our resources when there are
about 3500 miles of road in this
county, so I have been told.
The claim that it raises the price
of land is a poor argument for the
farmer, in fact that is against the
farmer, only a benefit to the real
estate dealer.
lncreused valuation increases tax
es but not crops. No farmer can
live on increased valuation or big
ger taxes.
If the money and energy expended
keeping up a useless army and
wasteful navy would be put to road
making we would not need to vote
bonds for a short stretch of a pea
cock lane, and there would be ample
"mum to Dunn an tne needed roads.
Only recently the press reported
that the last stretch of toll road in
New England was abandoned, which
reminds us of the hard fight in Ken
tucky to abolish that form of pub
lic exploitation. Many years ago
mm, was tne usual torm of well
traveled highways until an agitation
set in against it. About this time
'niital turned its attention to pro
moting railroad indebtedness so it
was easier to abolish the toll sys
tem on wagon roads. Now the rail
roads have been pretty well milked
and an agitation is on to socialize
them. "Capital" turns its attention
to the public highway again, because
people possessed or means can trav
el comfortably, leisurely and exclus
lvely with an automobile, if the
roads are suitable.
Now then we come to the milk in
the cocoanut, "capital" is seekinp- a
safe investment, having keen fore
sight, seeing the trend of events of
the probability of being driven from
on exposition will seek to safeguard
its future by saddling a bonded debt
upon tne people by taking the exalt
ed ground that it is in the interest
of the farmer. No normal minded
person would sell h-s children into
slavery, yet that is just what is pro
posed Dy voting bonds, for bonds
mean bondage, only another form ot
Not long ago I saw a statanvmr,
that the bonds of this country, the
public, the transportation and indus
trial bonds amounted to over 18 bil
lion dollars. A debt like this the
American people can never pay. In
deed it is intended that they shall
not be paid so that interest will be
Now then, add the three and half
billion farm mortgages besides per
sonal indebtedness. How will we
ever -pay them? Already a move is
on foot to turn these private debts
into the bonding system. So far as
the bonds on our transportation and
industrial systems go these systems
must be confiscated by the people
before the personal debts can be
wiped out; can be paid off.
Yes, we need good roads all right,
but we need a few other things be
sides good roads also. We need good
clothes, good homes, good books and
so long as the present expensive
system obtains need good fences. So
it will not do to go broke on a pea-J
Slaves to Foolish and Harmful Fash
ion Says Woman Writer
Oregon City April 9, 1914.
Editor Courier:
Kindly allow me space in your
valuable paper to express my humble
opinion on the most lifeless question
called Fashion. Methinks itdoes
more harm than saloons. I am not
in favor of the liquor traffic nor
am I in favor of such outrageous dis
graceful fashions as we are having
now. a young girl will run all
kinds of risk just to dress in style.
Some are ignorant of facts; some
knowingly, yet they never cease to
think for themselves how they are
classed or judged y men who are
always on the lookout for "Parisian
fashion" women. Go back to our
Mothers' days and see how sensible
and respectable, their wearing ap-
parei was. How comfortable, yet
neat and healthful.
I think the corset-. tTlenr Slavpr
hasc aused more, misery than the sa
loon. Most all aiments lif the,
female sex is due to the (Dear Slay
er) the corset. Just stop a moment
and consider how women who want to
be judged stvlish. how thev torture
their unborn offsprings and what suf
fering the mother endures just to be
in fashion. If their husbands would
cause one-half such nam thev would
sue for a divorce on the grounds of
inhuman treatment and get it too.
Why is it?
In Germany and Sweden and nrrier-
foreign countries the fashion chang
es pernaps once in a lite, time, and
here in the good old U. S. A., where
the people think ("some nf theml
that they are the smartest under the
sun, and are such "gods of Fash
ion." How much better
healthy would the coming generation
De ii we would have more such sen
sible women as Dr. Mary Walker.
I hope that she will live to sen,
the day, and it is not far off, when
Rev. Milliken's Answers and Con
clusions in the Debate
Editor Courier:
Mr. Hartog's logic is a "Thing of
beauty, and a joy forever." Let me
illustrate. 4
Point .12. "The Sabbath was
made for man." Of course the Jew
is not a man. Hence the Sabbath
could not be for the Jew.
Point 11. The Hebrews were
God s chosen people. Hence they
could not have been slaves in Egypt,
despite. Deut. 6:15. (What is Deut.
5:15 in the Bible for anyway?)
Point 2. The Sabbath was kept
in the wilderness of Sin before they
came to Sinaii (The fact that it is
under the shadow of Sinaii does not
matter.) Therefore we have proven
that the Sabbath dates from the
Sabbath that the Lord kept after
His creation. To use the same bril
liant method of reasoning, because
the Bible is silent regarding Moses
personal appearance we know that he
was red-headed and had a wart on
the end of his nose.
Point 9. Meyer, Clarke, Ameri
can Commentary, Expositor's Greek
Testament, in fact all the great liv
ing or recent authorities, saji Gal. 4:
10 refers to the Jewish weekly Sab
bath "days." But of course all
these great and devout Greek schol
ars are "Wresting Scripture to their
own destruction," and our doughty
real-estate agent, who would not
know a Greek root if he should meet
it on the street, is alone capable oi
honest interpretation of Scripture.
Let me complete his point 3 by
adding that circumcision was also to
be "everlasting," hence is on the same
basis as the law of Psa. 118. Why
does he accept the one and reject the
Points 5 and 1 vanish together.
unaer tne words "it hath been said
Christ illustrates the meaning
4. "When was ' the Sabbatn
changed?" YOU CAN'T CHANGE
5. One must be "Dead to th
Law before he can be alive to
Christ. Read Rom. 7:1-6, then read
vs. v-o to see what law.
6. Intelligent reverence for the
inspired Word believes of anything
tnat it is in the rJible because it is
true. Credulous bibliotary believes
it is true because it is in the Bible.
Truth is never contradictory, wheth
er Scientific or revealed. The school
boy on the street knows that the
world was not created in six twenty-
four hour days, 4004 ' years before
Christ. The "Days" of God's week
were vast spans of Geoloeical time.
and His creation-Sabbath has not yet
enaea. ine law oi conservation of
matter shows that matter is con
stant, changing its form, but neither
being added to nor taken from,
Hence any theory that stakes its ex-
isence upon a literal six calendar
days comes under the class referred
to in 2 Timothy 2:23, where Paul
says: roonsn ana ignorant ques
tionings refuse, knowing that they
genders trues. 1 had no part In
starting this discussion and shall
rest upon those six propositions, con
fident that they are conclusive, and
need no further discussion.
W. T. Milliken.
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SLOW !' 5:
The warm showers the last few
days have stopped seeding again and
still the grass grows. Lots of po
tatoes are being planted. Beef cat
tle are scarce and will be as long as
the farmers veal their calves.
Clover is growing rapidly and
most all of the farmers are through
putting on land plaster lighter this
year than common for seed.
B. F. Faust left for Baker City
last Saturday to superintend the
large irrigation ditch near Baker.
The Molalla High School team and
the Liberal team had a social game
on the new diamond at Liberal Sun
day. Ora Sleiter has his derrick and
gasoline engine all housed and ready
to load cars, fie will start Tuesday.
Two cars are sidetracked and the P.
E. and" E. will build him a long
switch for his own use at Liberal in
a few days.
W. H. McChesney was in this city
on business matters Thursday and on
Mrs. Avin Deeth of Sellwood, S.
Wright's sister, was operated on at
the St. Vincent's Hospital Thursday
and is in a critical condition.
R. L. Morris is sick and was bed
fast for a few days, but is improv
ing at present.
There was an entertainment at
the grange hall March 11th bv th
pupils and teachers of the Lower Lo
gan school assisted by some outside
taient. mere was a laree audienco
and the affair was voted a success in
every way. The gate receipts were
i, and a large amount of ice
cream was sold. Miss Bailev's sink
ing class of boys from Oregon City
added much to the enjoyment of the
occasion. fhe Schwartz orchestra
furnished music and there was danc
ing to Mr. Balsmeicr s accordion mu
sic to close with.
There will be a snelliner contest.
two boys' ball games and other; in
teresting exercises at the grange
nan ano pane grounds on b ndav.
April 17th. The pupils of several
surrounding districts will participate
and the occasion will mark the close
of the Lower Loean school term.
On the evenine of April 25th there
will be given a concert at the grange
nan, py uscar woodtin, baritone
singer, and Gustav Flechtner. vidlin
ist, both of Oregon City. Mr. Wood-
tin is Uregon Ulty's most popular
singer. Desides Peine very Well
known in musical circles of Port
land. Mr. Flechtner is a wonderful
It will be a musical treat that
none can afford to miss.
Whiteman's orchestra will furnish
music for a dance afterwards if the
young folks desire it. Admission is
25 cents.
Frank Whiteman broke his rig the
other day and had to go home for
tne auto to finish the trip, which
seems to reverse the "usual order of
I noticed in a weekly oaner that
in London girls are dressing like
same privilege as you do
mentally, ai
cock lane mainly promoted by a lot
of soft-handed sooth-sayers who pre
tend to tell our fnrti ) II 0 a Yt rnii,l:n
a dream book written bi-ennially at
balem. We had a spectacle of gov
ernors and ex-governors in some of
the ncighbonne stnr.ps rinin
work on the road and the photos
were printed in nil tho nnnnvo ii.,.
would it look if the regular road
builder had his picture published for
every day's work? You see it is an
unusual thing for our political bums
tit Hii .... .i'. i i j i.
iob Mnt win, n .;, p.. i , 1 physically, mora v and me
ird Sauls! " h"nd8 andl& inteid women to be.
John Stark.
Strengthens Weak and Tired Women
. 1 was under a great strain nurs
ing a relative through three months'
sickness," writes Mrs. J. C. Van de
hande of Kirkland, 111., and "Elec
tric Bitters kept me from breaking
clown. I will never bo without it."
Do you fool tired and worn out:? 'n
appetite and food won't digest? It
spring weather. You need
I'.leetnc Bitters. Start a month's
treatment to-day; nothing better for
stomach, liver and kidneys. The
great spring tonic. Relief or mon
ey back. 50c and if 1.00 at your druggist.
people will erect a monument what He said in verses 17-20. Read.
tne lesson she has tautrht hu-1 carefully these references in verses
inanity. Why can't all women be as 21, 27, 33, 38, 43, and then see what
intelligent as this "Grand Old Lady?" he does with them. Why wrest
Men have discarded their dresses verses 17-20 from the part which ex
long ago and are wearing sensible plains and illustrates them, vs. 21-
Point 8. Gal. 5:4 is the nummary
of the argument of Gal. 3-4. Read
boys and they say they like trous-'what He does with the law in 3:19,
ers. ft you want your girls to be This is enough to reveal Mr. Har
nearty and strong give them the tog's logic. The lest is of like na
ture. His whole letter is "striving
about words to no profit." The
your boys
il of boys
Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser
Flush out the accumulated waste
and poisons of the winter months;
cleans your stomach, liver and kid
neys of all impurities. Take Dr
King's New Lifo Pills; nothing bet
ter for purifyfing the blood. Mild,
non-griping laxative. Cures con
stipation; makes you feel fine. Take
no other. 25c, at your Druggist,
The Courier and tho twice-a-week
Portland Journal, three papers each
week for If 1.75 is some bargain.
If you want to be healthy be nat
ural. You will have sickness only
when you violate nature's laws. In
Nature the correct measurement of
the waist is two inches smaller than
the bust measurement. How many
girls, and women can you find now
days that would conform to these
measurements? The foolish young
men say that it is nice to see girls
with small waists. I have known
some girls to make their waists as
siimll as possible just to please such
simpletons. But after they are mar
ried and he has to pay doctor bills,
he isn't pleased when the Dr. pre
sents the bill.
If there isn't a law in Oregon, and
I don't know that there is such a law,
to allow women to wear male attire
if they so choose, the neonle of Ore-
gone ought to work for one to this ef
fect. 1 am
corset trus
betterment of the coming generation.
(jueenie Lyle.
Comrade Grant's Birthday
Saturday, April Oth, the Oregon
Veteran Drumcorps assembled at the
home of the president, E. B. Grant
at Meldrum, it being Comrade
Grant's birthday. Several musical
selections was rendered by the drum
corps, which were enjoyed by all
those present. After the musical
program the veterans sat down to a
sumptious dinner, Mrs. Grant being
famous for her splendid dinners.
Several useful presents were receiv
ed from the visiting comrades, a set
of silver ware being a gift from the
drum corps tot heir president, whom
they love and esteem very highly.
Many good wishes for health and
prosperity were tendered the host
and hostess by those attending. The
guests were presented with souvenir
cards by Mr. and Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Jasper Likes, who lives at
Oswego, was visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Burns a few days
Mrs. Cochran attended the basket
social at the Mundorf school house
last Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Rape went to the
church services last Sunday.
Mr. Hunt is engaged at present In
cutting cord wood for at man at Bar
low. Mr. Hilton has been doing some
ploughing for Mr. Rape.
Rollins Porter is talking of going
away from home to work in a cream
ery. In regard to the road problem t
will say that I have lived . in this
county for thirty years and when I
came here there was little more
than cow trails. There were loes.
brush and stumps and mud holes. If
a lot of work had not been done the
automobilists of the present time
could not travel the roads. How
would the present experts like to
take out brush and stumps out ol
the roads. They would say let the
common men do that, every time, so
give credit for work done in the
past as in the future.
fhe writer has helped eet lots of
stumps and logs out of the roads
without any pay for the same.
Mr. Baty has his new house about
I want the voters to vote for An
derson for county judge, as he Is
the right man in the right place.
Oregon City Readers Should Learn to
Keep the Kidneys Well
The kidneys have a bier work to
do. All the blood in the body is
coursing through the kidneys con
stantly to be freed of poisonous
matter. It is a heavy enough task
when the kidneys are well, but a
cold, chill, fever or some thought
less exposure is likely to irritate, in
flame and congest the kidneys and
interrupt the puryfying work.
Then the aching frequently be
gins and is often accompanied by
some irregularity of the urine too
freauent passages, sediment or re
tention. Thousands testify to the
wonderful merit of Doan's Kidney
Pills, a remedy for the kidneys only,
that has been used in kidney troub
les 50 years. You will make no mis
take in following this Oregon City
citizens's advice.
Mrs. Hattie J. Pace, 612 Twelfth
St.. Oregon Ctiv, Oergon, says;
"Several of my family have taken
Doan's Kidney Pills for back and
kidney trouble and have had cuiick
and. lasting benefit. I feel justified
in recommending this remedy."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simplv ask for a kidney remedy
fet Doan's Kidnev Pills the same
that Mrs. Pace recommended. Fos-ter-Milburn
Co., Props., Buqallo, N.
Rev. Smith's Services
Rev. E. A. Smith will preach Sun
day at Logan at 11 A. M, and at
Evergreen school house at 3 P. M.
Everyone is invited. The minister
says that the roads from Logan to
Viola and from Viola to Highland are
almost IMPASSABLE. The people,
who may use those . roads are to be
Miss Watts Some Speller
Editor Courier:
I want to tell the schools thiroueh
your paper that they will have to
put on their studying caps if thev
get ahead of our school at Stone in
spelling. Five schools met at Stone
school house last Friday to spell, and
we had a very interesting and excit
ing time. Thevs pelled 132 Daees
and our school came out ahead.
Miss Martha Watts was the cham
pion and got the prize.'
These spelline schools are iust
what are needed. I am glad that they
have waked to the fact of the need
of good spelling. One may be a good
scholar in other things and be a poor
speller, and that will spoil all nt
his education.
I hope the eood work will eo on
now as it has such a, sstart, so that all
cans pell correctly.
Foley Kidney Pills Successful for
Kheumatism and Kidney Trouble
Positive in action for backacha.
weak back, rheumatism, gidney and
bladder troubles. P. J. Bovd. Od-Ih.
Texas, writes: "After taking two
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my
rheumatism and kidney troubles are
completely gone." Safe and effective.
t or sale by all druggists.
heart of the whole question lies in
the following propositions:
1. If the Sabbath is a memorial
oft creation why does the Lord say
in Ex 31:16-17, "Wherefore the CHIL
THE SABBATH to observe the Sab
ERATIONS for a perpetual covenant.
Deut. 5:15, "Thou (Israel, see vs.
CI shalt remember that THOU
OF EGYPT, and the Lord thy God
BROUGHT THEE OUT thence by a
mighty hand and by an outstretched
Also Ezek. 20.10-12. "I caused
LAND OF EGYPT also I gave
Reunion, Four Generations
The beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Martin on Dartmouth St.,
was the scene of a family reunion on
Easter Sunday, it being the birthduy
anniversary of the hostess, Mrs.
Clem Martin. Those present were.
Mrs. S. A. Smith, mother of Mrs.
Martin, a sister, Martha Hoover,
Benny Hoover and wife and little
Dorothy, of St. Johns; Mr. and Mrs.
R. B.Smith of New Era; B. T.
Smith and daughter Edna of Rainier.
Mrs. Martin was assisted by her
grandaughter, Miss Clotilde Ryp
clynsky. This family reunion rep
resented four generations. Long
may the hostess live and see many
more such gatherings is the wish of
her friends.
v Fruit and shade trees, rose !
bushes, holly, cut flowers and ?
potted plants. Funeral work
done at low prices. Phone 2511
at Green House, 3rd and Cen- .
ter Streets.
jt i$ jC
t WIS: Itelo? ! ' t.-mVi Sixths to BE A SIGN
t ot this nature for the d.thtVm mw ivn Tiiirr tw
they might know that I am God that
sanctifieth (setteth apart) them."
2. Gentiles who came to keep the
Sabbath were to keep tho BURNT
Public Sale
I will sell at mv place, thren miles
east of Canby, at Public Auction, on I ALSO." Isa. 56:6-7.
April 18th, 1914, the following: all 3. Mr. Hartog can show NO
farm tools, U head of cattle and 24 I TLACE IN THE NEW TESTA
head of hogs, shoats and brood sows.lMENT WHERE CENTILFS ARE
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
j by local applications, as they cannot reach
mo uiat'uBt-u puruuii u me ear. mere
only one way to cure deafness, and that Is
by constitutional remedlea Deafness Is
caused by an-lntlamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Kustachlan Tube. When
this tube Is innamed you have a rumbling
sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is
entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and
unless the Inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but an Inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
cartiot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
SeuO for circulars, free,
F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Take Hail s Family Pills tor constipation.
By Taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Chicago, 111. "I must thank you witi
all my heart for Lydia E. Pinkham'i
;Vegetable Com
pound. I used to go
to my doctor for pills
and remedies and
they did not help me.
I had headaches and
could not eat, and the
doctor claimed I had
female trouble and
must have an opera
tion. I read in the
paper about Lydia
E. Pinkhnm'a Vatra.
table Compound and I have taken it and
feel fine. A lady said one day, 'Oh, I
feel so tired all the time and have head
ache.' I said, 'Take Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound,' and she
did and feels fine now." Mrs. M. R.
Karschnick, 1438 N. Paulina Street,
Chicago, Illinois.
The Other Case.
Dayton, Ohio.-" Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound relieved me of
pains in my side that I had for years
and which doctors' medicines failed to
relieve. It has certainly saved me from
an operation. I will be glad to assist
you by a personal letter to any woman
in the same condition. " Mrs. J. W.
Sherer, 126 Cass St, Dayton, Ohio.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med-'
idine Co. (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidences