OREGON CITY COURIER,.. THURSDAY APRIL 9, 1914. WHERE MEN DISAGREE Pnrtlnnd Writer Renlics to' Recent Article of Rev. Milliken Portland, Ore. April 5, 1914 RMitnr Courier: A friend kindly sent me a clipping from an Oregon (Jity paper signea W. T. Milliken, in which the gentle man makes certain accusations against a certain denomination which are untrue and therefore unkind and imworthv of a Christian. Kindly al low me to suggest to the gentleman that he ought to make sure before accusing his lei low-men. i was an EniseoDalian for years. It puzzled me why we were exhorted weekly to keep the seventh day while all of us were caimiy Keeping me ura day of the week. Your fellow-citizen, W. T. Milliken, accuses the Seventh-Day Adventists of being para sites and proselyters. I am and have been for about 3 years a mem her of that church and deny that I was proselyted or that I am a para site. I joined them of my own free will and nobody asked me. In fact after I had taken up the Bible study . and found that there wasn't a word in all the Bible excusing or directing Sunday-keeping, I went to the church where they expect the soon coming of Christ, somethiner I had always believed in and where 'they worship the Creator as per the immutable Law of God. To my surprise nobody asked me to join and I affirm, that 1 for one was not nroselyted. Nor was my wife, whose people all belong to that splendid denomination called the j ! -1 TIT S unriHT.ian cnurcn. in or are bcui uh uj others who found the Sabbath truth of their , own accord, or through something they read or by some ac cident. Some of them were church mem bers before and others were not. One was a spiritualist medium another a Baptist, another a Roman Catholic. One couple was a mixture of Jew and Romanist. No one of these were . proselyted. As to being -parasites, that is simply a gratuitous insult. Since the gentleman however at tempts no proof of that accusation, 1 needn't take up your space to prove mm wrong. Who is it that brings so many out of darkness into the truth and make? law-abiding men and women out of them, giving them light on God's Word which they formerly were without? Why, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, just as Jesus promised. I doubt if W. T. M. dare accuse the Holy Spirit of being a proselyter? Now as to W. T. M's efforts to prove the holiness of Sunday: 1 He says "Christ fulfilled the luw, replac ing it with a better code," thus claiming that "to fulfill" means "to do away with." Very well, let us read "to do away with" for "fulfill" and see where it leads us. Jesus Is then made to say: "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, I ' am , not come to destroy it, but to do away with it." And knowing that there would be people who would claim that Jesus nas made the Law of no effect, he added: "For verily I say unto you "one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law." Couldn't make it much plainer, could He? W. T. M, claims that he believes that Jesus did away with the Law to "substitute a better code" and Jesus " says: "Don't imagine that I came to do away with it it stands for ever. Let everyone that bears the honored name of a "follower" of Christ take his choice. I for one shall take the Saviour's word, regard less of a thousand contradictions. 2.- "The Jews had no Sabbath law before the Mt. Sinaii episode," as serts W. T. M. A statement unprov en, and untrue is a dangerous basis ; to build on. W. T. M. says that they had no Sabbath beforo Mt. Sinaii, but God said that Ho wanted to see if the people would keep His law or not, when He announced that He would send them manna six days and a double portion on the sixth day to use on the Sabbath and this was long before they reached Mt. Sinaii. I need net refer to the fact that the Sabbath dates from Creation, foi" having proven the W. T. M. state ment incorrect, I can rest my case. 3. "The ten commandments would last only till .Christ came." That's what W. T. M. says. God's inspir ed writers assert that His law stands fast forever. Perusing the lit) th Psalm for instance, might help us see that. 4. W. T. M. goes to much trouble to prove that the Ten Conimaml- mont Law was done away with. Yet when somebody wishes to enforce Sunday observance, he generally bases his claim on God's command to keep the Sabbath holy. And note that in Christ's Revelation, speak ing of the Judgement and events to transpire, it says in chapter 11, vs. 12: "Hero are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." 13. There would not be all this sophistry about a "new covenant do ing away with God's law" if one would take the trouble to look up nd see that tho "new covenant" would be that God would write His law in the heart, instead of on stone as un der the olr"faulty" covenant, faulty because the people relied on their own power to keep the law. 0. W. T. M. quotes Col. 2 to show thut "Chiist nailed tho law to tho cross and hence that no man has the right to judge us regarding a Sabbath day." I only ask friend M to take his hand oil' the piign and read on. It reads: "of the Sabbath days which are a shadow of thing? to come." Let's have the whole truth; not. only a pnrt. 7. The annual Sabbaths, feast- days and other Jewish ceremonies all pointed to a Saviour and arc dis tinctly stated to have been "shadows of things to come." Now note: "Tho Creation Sabbath was also n shadow of things to come." So savs W. T. J God says that Ho instituted it to com memorate tho orontivfl work He had just ACCOMPLISHED. God ought to know. 8. W. T. M. savs it is "a mark of apostasy." God says it is a mark to know IDs people uy ana we arc piain ly told who His people are, who "Is- rael" is. To prove bis error, W. T. M quotes Gal. 5:4. I fear most read ers will take that for proof without looking up to see. If they will look it up they will find that W. T. M. minted a text which does not in any wnv refer to tho matter. (An error 1 suppose made by the printer.) The statement Set forth by W. T. M. is untrue: the text not a-propros. 9. He ouotes Gal. 4:10, which in reality reads: "Ye observe days and months and times and yours. . I . M claims this to read: "Ihew eekly Sabbath." Let's quote correctly even though it disproves our case. Any fair mind will admit that Paul re ferred to feast days. Peter sneaks of people who will "wrest the Scrip tures unto their own destruction. Let us discuss these matters in fair ness and not bv misquoting., 10, W. T. M. says: "We keep the Lord's day, so called through the Christian ages, the day of the Lord's resurrection." Ergo, the day of the resurrection is the Lord's Day, says W. T. M. But the Lord says that the Sabbath; is His Day and Jesus said that He was Lord even of the Sabbath. W. T. M. says that the first day was called the Lord's day tnrougn a 1 the Christian ages, cut Jesus, prophecying the destruction of the Temple and of Jerusalem, warned His apostles how they should know that time to come and flee, adding that they should pray that they would not have to ilee on the bao bath day. He knew that this would not come to Dass for 40 vears, there fore, He knew right then that 40 years hence the Sabbath and not the day of the sun would be kept as His holy day. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all writing by inspiration tiat- ly contradict W. T. M., for though they wrote their gospel 41, 64, CO and 97 vears respectively after Christ, all tell us that the Lord's Sab bath, His Holy Day, was the day before the first day of the week. 11. The Jews were a horde of slaves," says W. T. M. God says that thev were His chosen people! 12. The seventh day is the "Jew ish" sabbath, says W. T. M. But God savs in His Word that it was made long before Jews were thought of. "The Sahbath was made tor the Jews" savs W. T. M. Jesus said it was "made for man." With all re spect for for my friend Milliken, 1 prefer to trust what Jesus said. A casual reader might say: Why all this arcrument about the Sabbath I What difference does it make? Why quibble? My argument is not about the Sabbath but about Keeping uol s Law. The Bible tells us to keep the ten commandments. My minister told me to keep nine. The other one he claims was changed, but neither he nor W. T. M. nor anyone else can show one single place in all the Bible that it was or would be changed. U the contrary the Bible is full of proof that Uod never errs and never changes. The discussion therefore is not quibble about a day, but a matter of refusing the "commandments oi men" when they contradict God's. Let W. T. M. be sure and read his favorite text about "fulfilling the law," in Matthew and note the very next verse: "Whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments and shall teach men so, he shall the called the least in the Kinedom of Heaven." Havim? shown iin all kindness an love that not what I say, but what God says, is directly contrary to what God savs, is directly contrary to what W. T. M. thinks or claims it says, I quote what Peter and John sa d at their trial, when the cnurcn leaders told them not to preach the truth: "Whether it be right in the sight of God, o hearken nto you more than unto God, judge ye." And I beseech friend Milliken to studv the Word anew, asking how ever, divine guidance and if he Is sincere, he will no doubt get a new view which will be a joy to his soul aiid will make him wonder, as it did me, how one could have been so blind to the plain words of Holy Writ. John H. Hartog. A HEAVY BURDEN A Bad Back Makes Life Miserable For Many Oregon City People A bad back is a heavy burden. A burden at night when bedtime comes. Just as bothersome in the morn inc. Ever try Doan's Kidney Pills for t? Know they are for kidney back ache and for other kidney ills? If you don't some Oregon City people do. Read a case of it: Joseph McDermott, Washington St.. Oreiron City. Oregon, says: "1 was almost flat on my back with kidney and bladder trouble. I was so lame and stiff that I could hardly hobble around and it was all I could do to get up in the morning. My kidneys were irregular in action and the secretions were scanty. I used several boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and I soon got well. I think even more highly of Doan's Kidney Pills now than I did when I publicly rec ommended them a few years ago. They have certainly done me a lot of goou. Price COc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask, for a kidney remedy trot Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. McDermott had. Foster Milium Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. , ,t J J Jt J JtjtJtJt J - . Voters of City and County vl Warned They Must Register " All voters of the city and i county must re-register now for the two-year period. All registrations made before January 5 are now absolutely i ! void, because of the recent do- cision of the supreme court, " declaring the 1913 election law invalid. Persons who have not registered cannot vote at the ' primaries May 15 . Register i early and avoid the crowds of the last few days. ' ' ' ' !' ' ' tV ' 10 ' ' Soro Lungs and a Dry Hacking Cough can be relieved by using Ballard's Horchound Syrup Its effect In tho lungs la sootlilnff and healing-, very gratifying to thoso who are racked by a painful cough. Re lieves 1 1 e h t n o s s, loosens phlegm, clears tho voice ot hoarseness and quiets all Irri tated conditions, bo that the sleep is no longer disturbed at night. Price 33c, 60c and tl.OO, Buy tho J 1.00 eIio. It con tains five times as much as the 2Dc size, and you set with each bottlo a Dr. Ilerrlck's Red Pep per Torous Plaster for tho chest. JamesF.Ballard.Prop. St.Louli.Mo. Stephens Eye Salve It a healing eimmeni iur ours byot. I JiOLOAKORcCOMWf NQtft Jones Drug Co., Oregon City. FOR SALE A few Buff Cochin Bantam eggs from prize winning stock; won all first prizes where exhibited. Price for one doz en $l.f0. Will Allen, Oregon City, Rt. 1., Oregon. MR. MULVEY OUTLINES THE COUNTY NEEDS States What he will Work for if Nominated for Judge If I am nominated and elected I will administer the affairs of the of fice with the highest efficiency and honesty and at the' least possible cost to the taxpayers. I believe that a public officer is a public servant whose duty at all times is to conduct his office with as high standard of honesty, morality and integrity as a man would his private business. In auditing claims against the County none of the loose unbusiness like methods heretofore used will be permitted by me. I will carefully scrutinize eacn and every Dill pres ented and will allow none unless the same is verified and itemized. I will always exercise tne greatest care in the expenditure of the taxpayers money and will oppose any unwar ranted expense. When good gravel or macadam roads are built I will insist that the same be kept in good repair by a road patrol, ine road patrol is a reg ular employee in the road organiza tion in the European countries and in a gerat many states in the Uni ted States, but no attempt has ever been made in Clackamas County to keep in repair the roads which have been built. I will favor a less number of road districts for the County, since some of the districts formed have only $432.00, $423.00, $419.00 and one has only $219.88 without the Special tax which amount will do very little good to any district; l be Ueve the best in terests of Clackamas County would be served by the consolidation of dis tricts. We now have 69, the Supervi sors of which are appointed by the County Court, who can U they so de sire, build up a formidable political machine. The practice of putting pet ty politicians in control of a vital public utility, like a county road for the purpose of pavine a political debt, must be stopped. A public road is a puDiic uuuvy wnicn is a neces sity to all of the people who have oc casion to use it; it is a liability upon all of the people who have to pay taxes upon it; the building of it re quires work, money and knowledge. and wherever ror political considera tion any of these features are ignor ed or modified by the County Court, the public must suffer. I maintain that the road system of this County must be treated as a great business enterprise and conducted honestly, wisely and with reasonable balance between benefits and burdens. I ask your support for this office because I knew I can render the County a service which means econ omy, a thing which' you will agree with me is badly needed, l am wen aware of the importance of this of fice and am thoroughly familiar with its duties, having worked in conjunc tion with the County Court for the past four years. I am against a County Court play ing puiilfivo ill manner v ucivi; v bi , and am not and will not be, if elected County Judge, the candidate of any political ring, clique or 'set of men. I come straight to the people for this office on my merits, and ask that you investigate my record my character and my ability. I have passed the bar examination of this state and have been admitted to practice law; I am thirty-four years of age, the age when the mind and character of man have fully matured, when he is en tering upon the period of his great est efficiency and usefulness and be fore inactivity and mental decay ren der him unfit for active public ser vice. If vou are satisfied that 1 am the right man for this place I will ap preciate having your support and vote on May 15th. W. L. Muivey, Check Your, April Cough Thawing frost and April rains chill you to the very marrow, you catch cold Head and lungs stuffed You are feverish Cough continually and feel miserable You need Dr. King's New Discovery. It soothes Inflamed and irritated throat and lungs, stops cough, your head clears up, fever leaves, and you feel fine. Mr.' J. T. Davis, of Stickney Corner, Me.. "Was cured of a dreadful cough after doctor's treatment and all other remedies failed. Relief or money back. Pleasant Children like it. Get a bottle to-day. 50c and $1.00, at your Druggist. Uucklen s Arnica halve lor All Sores. A healthy man is a king in his own right) an unhealthy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and slug gish liver use Burdock Blood Bitters. On the market for 35 years. $1.00 a bottle. BUYING List your property jwith a MacDonald & VanAiiken, Courier Building,Oregon City If you have a farm, house or piece of property for sale, trade, or rent come in and give us the particulars. Wo will advertise all such matters free in the Oregon City Courier. We are going to be headquarters for bus iness chances in Uackamas County. If 'you want a business or wish to sell, come to Macdonald & Van Au ken. Watch tho Courier each week fot new lists and new properties. If you ant to buy or sell come and see us Acre, Good Clear Land, 5 room House. 6 minute walk from car line. $900.00; $600.00 down, bal. time. 22 'a Acres. 1 mile from West Wood- bum. Good House. 6 rooms. Good barn and outbuilding. All in cul tivation but 3 acres. All fenced. Water piped. $5000.00; $1500.00, bal. time. 153 Acres. 6 miles east of Molalla. 35 in cultivation, Fair, 5 room house, Pole and Shake Barn. Good family orchard, well and pump on porch. All fenced. $45.00 an acre. Will trade. $2500.00 in city pro perty on this place. 3 lots in Gladstone. A No. 1 location. H blk. from carline and depot. Stop. $200.00 a lot. 120 acres. 5 acres clear. Good deal of easily cleared land. About 20 acres of heavy timber mostly fir. House 2Gx30 new, not finished. Rustic; painted. Good well on porch. Good chicken house and NEW BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Over 50 Volumns Purchased By "Tag Day" Funds Now Ready Books covering a wide range of subjects of .. particular interest to children have been received at the Oregon City Library, purchased by funds secured by the children on their "Tag Day" held December 24th for this purpose. Although unfortunate in choosing a dav which nmved ev. There was considerably rivalry be- iween tne children of the different ouuuu.s, ana or the total amount, Mc Loughhn Institute turned in the tremely stormy, they netted $31.10. largest sum, high school being next. Ine children naturally feel a pro prietary interest in the books secured through their efforts, and consequen tly a beneficial interest in the library as a whole. , M,iss Price, the librarian, purchas ed the following books with the "Tag Day fund, and the selection has proved very satisfactory to the child ren: Alcott, Little Men; Alcott, Old Fashioned Girl; Baldwin, Second f airy Reader; Bigham, Mother Goose Village; Blaisdell, Boy Blue and his friends; Bryce, Fables From Afar; Bryce, Short Storip fn T.itfU vn, w7' Why Stories; Channing Dillingham & Emerson, Tell it Again Stories; Foulke, Twilight Stories; i'ox, Indian Primer- rim.,,, x, v;ir Heroer of Chivalry; Haaren & Po land, Famous Men of Greece; Haar en & Poland. Fsimnna 'Man V, m;j die Ages; Hale, The Man Without a rTir-j ,, y;. "ard'ng, Stories of the Middle Ages; Hix, Once-Upon-aTime Stories; Howaid, Banbury Cross btories: Hoxie. KinHero-oi-tor, atTO, Sr0okLI1rsolI The Ice Queen;Kaler Mr. Stubb's Brother- lf0l m Tyler; Klingensmith, Household Tales uauBiiijf, jjue in tne Greenwood; Lan sing, Rhymes and Stories; Murray, Storv Rnnlf Prioo. ir.,J oj. ' . ' Land; O Shea, Six Nursery Classics; Stevenson, Child's Garden of. Verse. (Child ): Stevenson. band. 2 copies; Vaile, The Orcutt Girls; Vaile, Sue Orcutt; Varney, The Robin Reader; Welsh, Book of iiursery jttnymes; wiggin, folly Ol iver's Problem : Wiltse. Pnib- j nra Stories and Proverbs; Wiltse, Hero Folk of Ancient Brittain; Altsheler, Horsemen of the Plains; Brady, Mid shipman of the Pacific; Connolly, Jeb Hutton: Doubleday, Cattle Ranch to College; Inman, Ranch of the Ox Hide; London, Call of the Wild; Ma son, Tom Strong; Mathewson, Pitch ing in a Pinch;. Munroe, Cab and Ca boosse; Pier, Jester of St. Timotbv's: Quirk, Baby Elton, Quarterback; Kemington, Crooked Trails; Stock ton, Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coasts; Tomlinson, Tecumseh's Young Braves. CARUS Tom Lewis' eye is better. Floy Stewart is home again, Mrs. Fred Snann-ler'a IncnWnr hatch was good, as also was Mvu. Stuart's, The Casedavs have an auto now. Bobbie can have a ride, and the en tire family can go hunting all kinds of birds. Lewis Mitts was over and I savs the Willamette Valley R. R. is pro gressing. Wayne Lewis had his eve blacken ed last week. Wait and watch, and when Carua gets the railroad we will be uo to date. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard were invited over to Mrs. John Griffith's for Sunday dinner. Mrs. J. Curtis received chicks from Salem last Saturday. They are full blooded Rhode Island Reds. Grandma Baker and Mrs. A. Case- day went to visit Charles B., her son, in Hazeldale last Sunday. Li. Adams and several .ladies started for his farrh in Hazeldale district last Sunday, but the mud got too deep for the auto and the ladies and gentleman had quite a walk. There are others that find mud! We hear that the postoffice is now- moved and that several mistakes have occurred in the mail. No news out here, only chirp and talk of how did your chicks hatch. Give Comfort to Stout Persons A good wholesome cathartic that has a stimulating effect on the stom ach, liver and bowels is Foley Ca thartic Tablets. Thoroughly cleans ing in action, they keep you regular with no griping and no unpleasant after effects. They remove that gas sy distended feeling so uncomfortable to stout persons. For7 sale bv all druggists. Pay your subscription in advance and receive, the Courier for $1.00. AND SELLING real esLate firm that will advertise free of charge to you - barn. $37.50 an acre. Trade for Portland property. House and lot on Molalla Ave. Bath room, Buttery. 4 rooms. $700.00 Cash. 2 lots, 11-12 Block 51 in Gladstone. Bargain at $275.00 each. 1 lot in Elyville. Block 1. $110.00. 1 lot and four room house at Elyville. $1100.00; $350.00, oal. terms. 10 acres. Near Melcrrum. 1M acres cultivated. 100 fruit trees. Fair barn. Fenced. ?; mile f carline. Southwest slope. $3500.00; $1000.- 00 down, bal. terms. 71 acres at Redland's. 34 acres in cultivation. 2 houses; 1 good, 1 fair; barn. Bal. of land timber. Lays on side hill. Part canyon. $5000.00; $3000.00, bal. terms. Will trade for city property. To sell. $0000.00 of No. 1 timber. 10 mile from Molalla. FOR SALE 6 lots of. the nicest building property on the hill. Fair house. First class residence sec tion close in. All level. Improved streets, $4.000.00. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE Lot $0x174. 5 room house. Needs repairing. This is in the business section of Eugene. Will sell for $2,500, or trade for Oregon City property. Macdon ald & Van Auken. FOR SALE; 6 lots. ew Monterey, California. Lots 25x100. Trade for property around or in city. $300.00 a lot. Macdonald & Van Auken. , FOR SALE 21,;, lots. 3 blocks from PRINCIPAL PORTLAND AGENTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL STYLES IN ALL SIZES AT 10c & 15c EACH FULL LINE OF EMBROIDERY PATTERNS PRICED AT 10c & 15c. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED PARCEL POST PACKAGES SENT PREPAID TO ALL POINTS WHERE CHARGES DO NOT EXCEED S PER CENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. Worthy qualities that represent the best possible values! Black, tan, white and the other popular shades are well represented. Alhsizes, all lengths, with only our low prices to pay. THE POPULAR LA FRANCE CLOVE of French lambskin, shown in black white and all the best Spring shades. Special for this sale THE EUDORA GLOVE of the fine French kid, shown in black, white, and all the popular shades. High th e pair. FOWNES' PIQUE SEWN CLOVE,?Shown with Paris point or em broidered back. A good, heavy, serviceable glove at this special price A REGULAR $1.50 KID CLOVE SPECIALLY PRICED THIS SALE 98c This glove is pique-sewn and is shown in black and white as well as the best shades of tan, gray and brown. Also shown in white with black embroidered backs. Sixteen-Bctton White Kid Gloves in all sises, specially priced for this sale $1.98 Sixteen-Botton Kid Gloves la black, white, tan and gray, special $3- and 3.50 Sixteen-Botton Silk Gloves in all colors, and all sttes, special at $f . and $J.50 Two.Clasp Silk Gloves in all colors and all sites specially priced at 50c to $(.00 ' ' ' - ' - - , . Twelve-Bctton Silk Gloves in black and white, all sites, specially priced at 75c FOR SALE 7 room house on Mont avilla carline, Portland. 3 lots 25 x 100, $3,000, cash value. Rent- ed at $20.00 a month. Will trade for acreage near Oregon City. MacDonald & Van Auken. "FAGGED-OUT" WOMEN Will Find Help in This Letter. OTerworked, run down, "fagged out" women who feel as though they could hardly drag about, should profit bj) Mrs. Brill's experience. She says: "I was In a, very weak. run-down condition. Life was not worth living. I could not sleep, waa yery nerroua, stomach bad, and was not able to work. "I consulted with one or two phy sicians, without benefit I read of Vinol helping some one In a similar condition so I began to take It, and it simply did wonders for me. I gained Jn weight and I am now In better health and stronger than ever. I can not find words 'enough to praise Vinol." Mrs. W. H. Brill, Racine, Wis, Thousand of women and men who were formerly weak and sickly owe their present rugged health to the wonderful strength-creating effects of Vinol. We guarantee Vinol to build you up and make you strong. If it does not we give back your money. Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, carline at Hereford, Gladstone, at $bOU.uu Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 4 lots and house on the plank road. $1400.00. Macdonald & Van Auken. x Macdonald and VanAuken FOR SALE 1 lot, 3 room house on improved street. $500.00, $150.00 down. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 2 Ford automobiles, . very slightly used. $550 and $500. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 6 room house. 2 lots, nice location. $850.00, $500.00 down, balance terms. No interest. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 100 acres, 2 miles from Molalla. 65 acres in cultivation. 8 room house, good barn and other buildings. A span of hoises and harness, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 35 head of hogs. Binder, mower, rake, disc, harrows, 2 wagons, blacksmith tools, cream seperator. Some grain and hay, 9 shares in irrigating ditch. Good stream of water on place. Good orchard. Including the stock, etc., as above, $150.00 an acre. Macdonald & Van Auken. fruits. New house. Plastered. Front v room, Golden Oak finish. Kitchen white enamel with built-in cup boards. Large Pantry. Full Base ment. Good well, with pump on back porch. 6 blocks from carline. $2000.00; $600.00 bal. $10.00 per month. PORTLAND, OREGON oves - grade gloves, priced for this TO OUR For In order to save your DISCOUNT Electric bills must be paid before the 10th of the month at our office. 617 Main St. Oregon City, Ore. We have numerous electrical de vices on display in our show room that you will be interested in know ing about. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH. ALDER. PORTLAND , Phones Main 6688 and A. 6131 The Next. SACK of FLOUR. You Buy Ask For UNION MILLS "HIGH GRADE" AND YOU WILL GO BACK FOR ANOTHER It is one of the best brands on the market and is 'highest' in everything but price. We have recently remodeled the Union Mills, and are better than ever prepared for regular milling business. We exchange for flour, chopping, and carry a line of feed, graham flour, germ meal, Etc. D. L. TRULLINGER C D. LATOURETTE, President F. J 3IEYER, Cashier. .THE FiRST national bank of OREGON CITY. OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank . Transaota a General Banking Business . Open from 8 a. m. to 3 PATTERNS, ALL THE LATEST raster $1.00 sale at $1.50 $1.50 PAT t