Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 02, 1914, Image 8

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PMUM! 1111111
5 Si
similaliiigihcFootfanJRcgula tingUieSiomadisandBowdsof
ness and Rest.Contalns neiltor
Opiuru.Morphine norMiueraL
Rrnipkk Seed"
JhthtlU Salts
jtnistStti biHarbomiteSsaa
ham Seed-
Anerfect Remedy forConslto
Hon . Sour Slomacli.Diarrlioca
ncss ondLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Jay Upton Asks $15,000 Damages
lor iirucie unurging fraud
Suit asking $15,000 for damages
for personal libel filed at the court
house Saturday of last week against
the Oregon City Enterprise by .Jay
Upton, an attorney of Portland and
a former member of the state legis
lature. Mr. Upton bases his suit un.
on an article printed in the Enterprise
last Christmas, in which it was stat
ed that by ways that were dark and
otherwise discreditable Mr. Upton
had defrauded a woman out of cer
tain valuable property.
Some days after printing the ar
ticle upon which the suit is based the
Enterprise contained a cnrrprtimi. in
which it was stated that the Upton
referred to in the transaction was no
Jay Upton, but was another man
with a similar name. The "story"
was given the Enterprise by a local
attorney who was about to file suit
against this other Upton, and who
for reasons of his own rushed into
print twith the matter before filing
his complaint.
Mr. Upton will probably be some
time in getting $1500 or 15 cents. It
was one of those confusions that are
bound to occur in any newspaper, no
matter what care is exercised. If a
newspaper absolutely confirmed
every news story or editorial com
ment it published, there would be
only monthly publications
lhe Enter
in full
made a correction as soon as it knew
it nad confused the names, and the
Courier very much doubts that a fair
jury will ever give damage verdict
(Continued from Page 1)
Mr. Latourette then rested his case
for the physicians making the charge
Van Brakle "Gives" Version
In his own behalf Dr. .van Brakle
told in detail of the visits of the sev-
eral witnesses to his office. In re
gard to Smith he said the man had
come to his office and told him that
he did not want anv treatment, but
oniy a consultation.
"He was very evidently suffering
nom rironcnius," said IJr. van iira
kle. His temperature was 99, and an
examination of his chest confirmed
my opinion of his bronchial condition,
I examined his abdomen and found
that he had a slight pain on the right
side, but there was no eruption to be
noticed. I marked the case down on
my card as one of bronchitis with
threatened malaria, and I also put
down 'typhoid' with a question mark
after it. I had no opportunity to
make a complete diagnosis, and told
tho man to come again the next day.
I am not like some doctors who can
make a complete diagnosis the first
time I see a case. I
kobclmch came to see ma Dr-tn
her 1, and suid ho had a sore throat
and wanted me to treat it. He said
he didn't believe
geous diseases, but said that it was
part of his teachings to call on reg
ular medical men to administer an.
titoxins when such were indicated.
At eleven o clock the hearing was
concluded, and decision on the char
ges will be made at a meeting of the
entire state board of health, to be
held in Portland Tuesday i.ight of
next week. At this time opposing
counsel will present arguments.
Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids will be received by the dalene find "the other Mary
county ourt oi wacKamas uourrty;
Oregon, up to and including the
17th day of April, 1914 at the hou
of 10:30 o'clock A. M. and then open
ed, for the improvement of a coun
ty road leading from Milwaukie to
Oregon City and commonly known as
the "River Road" from station 86
plus 66 to Station 268 plus 06.
Said improvement shall be execut
ed in accordance with the plans and
specifications on file in the office of did shake, and became as dead men.
me county went oi wacKamas
All bids to be directed to the
County Clerk of said Clackamas
County, at Oregon City Oregon, and
marked "Bids for improvement -of
River Road," and shall be accom
panied by a certified check for five
per cent of amount bid, which check
shall be forfeited to said Clackamaj
CHRISTIAN theologian hold It
to be strong proof of tho resur
rection of Christ thut the four
evangelists" accounts of t
transccndingly important event differ
irreiilly In detuil while agreeing exact
iy lii the great central declaration
which Is the foundation stone of Hi
Christian religion.
Matthew tells us that at dawn on
the first duy of the week Mary Mag-
whom we
know to be tho mother of James und
halomo, went to see the sepulclier.
Aim, oeuoiu. there was a great
earthquake: for the angel of the l,or
descended from heaven, und came and
lolled back the stone from the door,
and sat upon It,
"Ills countenance was like lightning
auu ms raiment white as snow
"And for fear of him the keeperi
"And the angel answered and said
unto the women, Fear not ye: for
know that ye seek Jesus, which was
"lie is not here: for he Is- risen, as he
said. Come, see the place where the
l,om lay.
"And go quickly, and tell his disci
pies that Jjo Is risen from tho dead
County, should the successful bidder and, behold, he goeth before you into
fail, neglect or refuse for a period
of five days to enter into a contract
and file satisfactory bond to guar
antee the completion of the work, and
the fulfilment of the law respecting
hours of labor and material furnish
ed material, men, etc., and will be re
quired to hold Clackamas County
harmless respecting damages accru
ed during the progress of said lm-
uauiee; there shall ye see him: lo,
have told you,
"And as they went to tell his dls
'Jipies, behold Jesus met them, say
mg, All hall. And they came and
ueld him by the feet, and worshipped
"Then said Jesus unto them, Be not
afraid: en tell mv liroHirmi Hint their
prove menu me ngnt to reject any g0 into Galilee, and there shall they
aiiu ail uiua io (cscxvcu, I o00 ma
W. L. Mulvey,
County Clerk.
FURNISHED FLAT large, pleas
ant rooms. Address given at the
Courier office.
Foley Kidney Pills Successful for
Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
Positive in action for backache.
weak back, rheumatism, gidnev and
bladder troubles. P. J. Boyd, Ogle,
Texas, writes: "After taking two
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my
rheumatism and kidnev troubles nre
completely gone." Safe and effective.
for sale by all druggists.
. i
and three large lots in Cottage
Grove on 5th st., three blocks
south of postoffice. One six-room
house and one ten room. All
connected with teleDhone and elec
tric lights and sewer.
Matthew goes on to say that the
eleven disciples went to Galilee as
bidden and saw and worshiped Jesufi
there, though some doubted. There
and then he gave them their mission
to go forth and teach and baptize all
Not one of the other throe evangel
ists mentions the eartlxjnake, but all
tell of the coming of Mnay Magdalene
to the sopulcher and of tto being her
discovery that the body r,not there.
But Mark says that f4w vr.s necom
panled by Mary, the wMfe of James
and Salome. Luke say teere were with
her this other Mary ct Jofcnna and
the other women who nI come with
him from Galilee, while John describes
her as being alone.
Mark's version is that the women
found the stone rolled awny, entered
the sepulcher and saw a white robed
Plentv nf
fruit of all kinds and fine garden young man sitting within, who bade
grouna. uood title. Wi:ll sell them tell the disciples that Jesus was
one or both to suit purchaser.
House Nos. 304 and 326. For fur
ther particulars, see Leader. Will
exchange for small farm. Mac
Donald & Van Auken.
nice level lots. 1 block from car
line. In city of Gladstone. Quick
sale price $650. MacDonald. &
VanAuken. '
in osteonathv. that
Enterprise published tho story ! i1.6 hud l'e" sufferinK fjom a cold for
faith of its correctness. It r -iPa f'v? ys a1d that he had
-iiiuiiiti niuiLiia every lew montns, 1
round a swelling of his right tonsil
and some white shreds hanging from
i, uiui nun mat ne nad tonsilitis,
','uve him a treatment and told him
to come back the next day, making
m appointment with him. I had not
completed my diagnosis, but the mail
never came hack.
Sensation is R urn no-
In discussing the case of the lit-
'.lo girl near Concord. Dr. van Rm
Ke said that he suspected when he
found a notice from Dr. Mount that
mo case was one on which he was he.
;ng tested out. and that for Hint.
oii ho had proceoded with ereat-
est caution, and had cnnstunflv
uigui Koinutmng aetimte. lie de-
uircd thut Dr. Mount would not vol
untccr any information about the
case, and only cave mene-re answers
to nis questions, lie said Dr. Mount
was evidently embarassed when he
'sued him about the case, and said
that after he had received the neg
ative report on the cultures that he
Tough, but the Right Done
While some may criticize Recorder
Loder for imposing so heavy a sen
tence, $25 fine and 90 days in jail,
un u. w. uaneton lor bringing li
quor into the oity, yet the people
who want law enforcement will com.
mend him.
There is onlv one wav tn nmlro n
certain class of people respect law,
uuu mut is xear oi law.
T7 1.. , .
1'uiiiieriy suioonmen, round or
pleading guilty to law violations
would take their fines or-$25 with u
Bmne. ihey were little less than
more license at additional expense.
ine iouows who clubbed in to
bring this booze here from Portland
knew it was a violation of the law,
duo tncy wok tne chances.
lhe next fellows won't take
many chunces. That ill) dav., in b.il ' . . . " "T. , res mat n
m i .... . . : : n'l'n mere was notninp ne con ri o.
win imiKo many a uoozo nacker think u j ,7
x...:.. .... , , ... . ".iuv uu uui lo raise ine nuflrnntino
twice anu tne second one wi II be tl.,i h. L
mm. mount, on uctoner 1 . ir. van.
second one will
"better not."
!.. i. .... !
i"u"Zr :ly ",sw Brakie ' w" not officia.lv re-
poitcu to mm as diphtheria until Oc
inner it, wncn he received a report
being brought into the city und
that is STOP IT.
Ninety days in jail will stop it,
Mr. Loder is commencing right
JJr. Kussol, Opera House, April 9
At the Shively Hall in our city
on inursoay, April y, at 7:30 l M.,
tne noted and eloquent national load
er in the temperance reform move
ment, Dr. Howard II. Russell, will
speak 111 the interest of state and
national prohibition.
For more than a quarter of a cen
tury his eloquent voice and pen have
been continuoiusly employed in open
ing the eyes of the nation to the
cause of the drink traffic, and the fi
nal achievement of national prohibit-
...:n i. 1. ..i- . V. 1 .
1011 win ue u iruimpn uir no single in
dividual more than for Howard 11.
At the groat convention at Colum
bus, m- ,v m to J.;; whieli
launched the national prohibition
campaign, he delivered an address 011
"The League, Cod's Plan," which
moved that great crowd to a frenzy
of applause.
Everyone will be glad of an oppor
tunity to hear this man who has done
so much for the temperance cause.
S. MacDonald,
Secretary Committee of One Hun
n. Sheldon.
Anti-Saloon League, Portland.
FOR SALE Four young grade Jer
sey cows, 3 fresh, heavy milkers,
tuberculin tested
These are the be
Guaranteed No. 1. Cash or time,
six per cent interest. J. H. Van
Meter, Rt. 6, Oregon City. Phono
Main 2013.
dated October 15.
On December 12 Dr. Mnnnf ),o,1
told him nil about the case, said Dr.
van iiriiKie. am nad said
I nm sorrv I trot mived
this case, doctor. You couldn't get a
HiHiiive culture in t int case hns
of the spraying of the throat and
the antitoxin, and so von couldn't
mane a positive diagnosis. I am
through with their dirty work."
Dr. van Brakle swore that he had
never received any assistance from
the state board of health as cnuntv
health officer, and that neither the
Kiimi or its secretary had ever ans
wered any of his letters. A mnv nf
a letter he sent the board charging
nr. MricKiand with irregularity In
reporting a case was identified bv
.1. . .. -i
uhi wmiess.
At this point Mr. Latourette oh
jected, saying that the state board
was not on trial, and the state board
uslained the objection.
Lively Tilts Occur
In tho course of cross-examination
sonic rapid-fire repartee was ex
changed between Dr. van Brnkle and
counsel for the comp aininc doctors.
nave you tne decree of M. I).."
.1. .. J H.. T 1 . . '
iism'u uir. uuourotte.
"I have not." answered Dr. van
"Then you don't claim to be a doc
Why it Suits Particular People
Foley's Honey and Taf Compound
promnt and effective for
colds, croup hoarseness, bronchial
coughs and throat troubles. Thomas
Verron, Hancock. Mich., writes "Fol
ey s Honey and Tar quickly relieves
ticking throat and stops the cough
with no bad after effect." It contains
no opiates and is pure. That's why
it suits particular nennle PW ooi
by"all druggists.
Influence of Feminine Dress.
Few men realize the influence that
dress has upon them. Mini thinks that
be is an unbiased being, open to con
viction, to sound logic. Fond delusion:
He is opeu to nothing except to the
eloquence of a few yards of silk and
to tho persuasion of soft laces Lon
don Graphic.
Too Swift For Him.
"Do any of the good things you hope
for come to pass?"
"They all come to puss, but they
come nnd pass so blomnln' swift I
can't grab 'eni."-Satmdii,v Journal.
Virtue of Hospitality.
nospitality solves and annuls even
the mysterious antagonisms that exist
between races. This glorious and beau
tiful and sacred rite makes all men
If some felt the pain the.v tuouirhr.-
lessly give to others tl'iey would never
feel well.
Clears Complexion Re ill fives
Why go throuirh life
and disfigured with nimnles n.
tions, blackheads, red rough skin, or
suffering the tortures of Eczema, itch
tetter, salt rheum. Just ask your
Druggist for Dr. Hobsnn's
Ointment. Follow the simnle s"mr.
gestions and your skin worries are
over. Mild,, soothing, effective. Ex
cellent for babies and delicate, ten
der skin. Stops chapping. Always
helps. Relief or money back 50c
at your Druggist.
"I surely do claim to bo a dnetnr
?n. noavv mi Kers. 1 .... T 1 . . .. ... . - .
) w Tl H li..nt 1,111 1 "!,vt 1101 1116 degree."
st money can buy L "Wo",' ,ioctor- r,l ' te the dif
, n,2'Ui -!- foronce between a culture and a snec
R. A. Wr cht of Aurora, was in
Oregon City Monday and Tuesday
Oregon City, Oregon
I can, if you will define 'speci
men, replide Dr. van Brakle.
I can t define it." said Mr. Lat
ourette. "I don t know anvthino- at all
..1 L .1 11:!. . , "
numii inese tilings.
"Do you believe in the germ the
ory?" '"I certainly do, if I didn't I would
be a mutt."
"Then you are not a mutt," ad
mitted Mr. Latourette.
Dr. van Brakle, in reply to ques
tions, outlined the osteopathic treat
ment for diphtheria and other conta-
Children's Diseases Very Prevalent
Whooping coue-h is about.
where. Measles and scarlet fever ill-
most as bad. Use Foley's TTn
and Tar Compound for inflamed
throats and couirhintr. Mrs T r
nostier, urand island, Nebr. says'
"My three children had severe at
tacks of whooping cough, and a very
few doses of Foley's llonev and Tar
gave great relief." For sale by all
Children Cry
Pay your subscription in advance
and receive the Courier for $1.00.
risen and gone to Galilee. Luke's ver
sion is that while the women stood
puzzled in the empty tomb two men
tn shining garments then appeared to
them and Informed them of the resur
rection. Nothing is said of an instruc
tion to go to Gullleo. -But, according
to John, Mary, seeing the stone rolled
away, ran back to Peter and "the
other disciples whom Jesus loved" and
told them that the body had been
taken out of the sepulcher. Then
these two disciples ran to the tomb.
"the other disciple," who ran the fast
er, arriving first, but he did not go in
until Peter arrived and went In first
and verified the absence of the body.
Here John mentions that Peter and
tho other disciple found the cloths in
which the body hnd been wrapped, but
John says, "As yet they knew not the
Scripture, that he must rise again
from the dead." After they hnd gone
home Mary remained, according to
John, weeping at the mouth of the
sepulcher. Looking Into it after a
time, she saw two angels in white
within, who spoke to her, asking why
she wept. And she answered that
"they have taken away my Lord, and
know not where they have laid
him." Just then, turning around, she
saw Jesus standing there, but she did
not know him. John declares that
she even supposed he might be the
gardener, who might have removed
the body. She asked him for it. But
ho revealed himself to her, prophesied
his immediate nscenslon and bade her
announce it to the disciples.
We have seen that Matthew has the
Saviour first appearing after the res
urrection to Mary Magdalene. Mark's
gospel relates the same. Luke declares
that lie first appeared to two of the
disciples who were on the road to
Emmnus, but they did not know him.
Mark tells of this appearance also and
says he afterward appeared to the
eleven as they sat at meat, presuma
bly in Jerusalem. Luke tolls of this,
staling that it was lu Jerusalem and
that it happened the same day after
the two had returned from Emmaus
also that Christ ate with the disciples
"a piece of a broiled fish, and of a honey
But at that Mark as well as Mat
thew drops the narration, while Luke
goes on to tell of his leading the dis
ciples out to Bethnuy nnd thence in
their presence ascending Into heaven,
while the gospel of John says that
after eight days be visited the eleven
again, on which occasion he allowed
Thomas, the doubter, to touch his
wounds and put his hand Into his
side. And a third appearance to seven
of tho eleven In related by John, this
iy the Lake of Tiberius, where they
were fishing. Here is told of the mi
raculous draft of fishes, and here it
was, nccordlug to John, that Christ
nto with his disciples nfter his resur
rection, but John closes his gospel
without a word of the-ascension ex
cept as it may be contained In this:
"And there were also many other
things which Jesus did, the which.
If they should be written every one, 1
suppose that even the world itsol!
could not contain the books that should
be written."
D. D. D. Opens Mew Era
in Cure oi Skin Disease
Profiwsor Pudlonff'a case of eczema
Was known to almost every honpiiul
and physician of reputation thnuiuhuut
the mate of Connecticut, lli.s letter Is
another inteiestintt demonstration of
what is being- accomplished bv the
it may be of interest to you to know
that your life-frlvlnir preparation.- 1"
. V, '"riptlon has been of Incal
culable value to me. I was covered
With ecsema from head to loot when
1 betran using- your remedies. I could
(tet no relief, although I in,.,; th "
nd means. I applied but two bot
tles of t ie Prescription; a cure was
effected In ft very abort time, in !.
Jones Drug Co., Oregon City
than one month." Prof. C. J. Budlone,
fc-outh Lyme, Conn.
Ask any druiruist today for D D. D.
t rescrlptlon. He'll tell you It allays
the Itch instantlyand soon there are
siyns of cure.
We have handled the remedy for
Jears and regard it as the specillc for
skin troubles of all kinds. Come In or
ask us about D. r. r. prescription,
also about D. 0, j), BOap especially
ior tender skins,
We offer the flrt full k..i-
on the guarantee that unless it stops
the Itch at once, it coats you not
tCopyrlght by American Press Association, 1911.
mf faith in man were music
Hnd love of man were song,
Cben-mfobt I sing a measure
Co move the world a long
Its theme, the Christ that is to be,
Che Christ in all Humanity.
ried by his sense illusions,
Himself man has denied.
Has scoffed the God within him
Hnd has been crucified,
Has borne his cross up Calvary,
Che Christ in all Humanity.
2. 1
Tl f A
)"t n iV
4; fy k
V ft
,1 - f
ow from his tomb self builded
Ht last he shall be freed.
Chat will be resurrection
Hnd Gaster morn, indeed!
Hnd heshall hnow himself and see
Che Christ in all Humanity.
hail him, the arisen,
GUtb lilies at his feet,
Called forth by his own angels
In resurrection sweet.
Roll bach the stone of self and free
Che Christ in all Humanity.
aster eycmpUffes the trfutnpb of Ufe. Ufe fs the sutwm fart.
Let us bclfcve only fn Iffe, refusing to be domfneered by the
unsubstantial wraftb called death. rrfnfnrr
' - - l-v Vfc UltllllU
thereby from "the upward looking and the light." Chen will 6aeter
be to us the most significant, the most Inspiring, the most uplifting
of all the days that dawn.
For Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Courier and Twice a Week Journal
When run dewn with kidney
trouble, backache, rheumatism or
bladder weakness, turn quickly for
help to Foley Kidney Pills. You can
not take them into your system
without having gcod results. Chas.
N. Fox, Himrod, N. Y., says: '"Foley
Kidney Pills have done mo more
good than $lt,0.000 worth of medi
cine." They give you good results.
For sale by all druggists.
lhe Courier is $1.50 year, but to
the subscriber who pays a year in ad
vance it is $1.00.
Reliable Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound Just be sure that you buy Foleps
Honey and Tar Compound it is a re
liable medicine for coughs, colds
croup, whooping coughs, bronchial
and lagrippe coughs, which are weak
ening to the system . It also gives
prompt and definite results for
hoarseness tickling throat and stuffy
wheezy breathing. For sale by all
Money to loan on real
MacDonald & Van Auken.