OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 19H i . free Stam) Coupon Double S. & H Green Trading Stamps will be given on our opening days to every person making purchases in any department, on pre senting this coupon. This is your opportunity to fill your books! Bring the coupon! THE PEOPLE OF OREGON CITY AND ALL CLACKAMAS COUNTY HAVE EAGERLY BEEN AWAITING THIS BIG FASHION EVENT THE SPRING SALE AND OPENING EXHIBITION OF OREGON CITY'S BEST STORE! WE HAVE NEVER SHOWN SUCH BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING OUTER-GARMENTS, MILLI NERY, SHOES AND DRY GOODS AS THIS SEASON! NEVER HAVE PRICES BEEN SO LOW FOR CRISP, FRESH, NEW MERCHANDISE RIGHT AT THE OPENING OF THE SPRING SEASON. JOIN THE VAST CROWDS THAT WILL BE HERE MARCH 27TH AND 28TH! GET YOUR NEW SPRING WARDROBE AT BIG SAVINGS! COME! Bring this Coupon for Double S.dMi. Green Stamps Friday arid Saturday Mar. 27arid2& BESIDES THIS SATURDAY WILL BE RED LETTER DAY! 10 FREE S.&H. STUMPS to every visitor at the store GOIC NEW M OC yL.Ld WAISTS pl? Lovely Waists ol soft Lawn and sheer Lingerie in the season's newest effects. Many are daintily trimmed with lace and embroidery. Some open right down the front with prettiest collar effects and short sleeves. Others are in the high neck and long sleeve model. Just the thing to wear with your new Easter Suit. Exquisitely soft and dainty. The regular $2.25 Waists specially priced at ONLY $1.25 Chic Easter HATS Every woman who sees these ex quisite Easter Hats will surely enthuse over their beauty and smartness combined with mod eration of price! Nobby little hats with high, perky bows! Jaunty rolling sailors with smart pom poms every new and smart con ceit of the Season. They must be seen to be appreciated! Spring Hats Upwards j6 STUNNING SPR'G $10 fl SERGE SUITS - yl&'OV These are wonderful values in the new Spring models in tail ored and semi-tailored effects the most practical sort of all round service. Every woman who's lucky enough to get one will consider herself well-dressed indeed! They're made of all Wool Serges and Diagonals full Satin lined. Unusually smart and a rare 2 days' bargain at 12.50 sHf$9.50 Just in by express beautiful Easter models the smartest Spring novelties! Exceptionally beautiful coats for Spring and Summer wear. The popular and practical 40 "inch length, with deep yoke, drop shoulders and kimona sleeves. Tango, Tan, Copen and Novelties. No two alike so you're sure to have a distinctive and individual coat. Easter Special I9i A Vg Gaareatee I wtmMm I'ii ! " V M JHf i I1 in mwi'-ii-iu-11 ' "tombMI Patent Finger-Tipped Silk Gloves 50c up No shoddy silk gloves are sold here. Ours are the genuine Kay sers. with the name in the hem. Perfect in fabric, fit and finish protected by patent tips. Yet no silk gloves cost less. are sold in Chicago by Mar-shall-Field Glove made, the "Voltaire" at GLOVESSOC Kayser's and Niagara Maid Silk Gloves the world's most famous makes! Fresh, dainty gloves for your Eas tef outfit. All sizes, all styl es, all colors the pair 50c. Elbow length gloves, the pair at $1.00 Famous "Voltaire" Kid Gloves, $1.00 Sold here exclusively new and complete showing of all new Spring shades. They Co. The best Kid QQ Dainty New Neckwear 50c All the latest and daintiest conceits in new neck "fixings" will be found here Medici Frills, Lily Collars lace, net and linen all that's new and pretty in neck finishings. Here only 50CTS. Women's New Silk Hosiery $1.50 Hose Friday & Sat. Pure thread silk Stockings. Black, White, Tan and all fashionable shades. Extra fine ingrain silk stockings, in both medium and heavy weights. Come in and see them. You'll be agree ably surprised with the bargain. Supply Spring needs now, at 98 CENTS 50c Women's Silk Hose, Pair 35c These will be a revelation to women accustomed to paying 75c for their silk hose. You'll find, them better than any you ever got for 75c. Black and Tan, the pair 35 CENTS 98c New Nobby Spring Footwear SMART BABY DOLL LASTS New Baby Doll Effects a great assort ment. The new low heel models in giin- Wtals, patent colts, velvets and satins. Many in demi-glace leathers. The smartest and most correct fasts for Spring. Every size to choose from. THESE FAMOUS BABY DOLLS ARE FAMOUS FOR BOTH THEIR. COM FORT AND BEAUTY NOT TO MENTION WEAR- his stv r a frmc i ne rair, oniy New Royal Worcester Corsets, Latest Spring Models Every woman who wants the new "Spring figure" should own one of these excellent corsets. They're too well known to have to te'l you about. The kind you can wear under the' sheerest of summer dresses and be certain that it will give the softest effects. Special Friday and Saturday at 1.00 50c Brassieres Daintily finished with lae and embroidered Our most popular model. Friday and Saturday 25c , ' - 50cMeTn, s New e s 25C All the season's novelties in checks plaids and stripds. Many with ti)u wide op'iii ends. Opening Special 25C 50c Mens Silk Sox 25 CENTS Pino Silk Hose in Black and Colors. The pair 25c latest NEW CHENEY'S "SHOWERPROOF" SILKS A large assortment of the newest Spring shades and patterns in this world-famous Silk. The color combinations are the prettiest we've seen for many years. Be sure to see these before you decide on your new Easter Gown. ' $ Women's 7ft I .L D wash Dress "1 MASONIC TEMPLE BLDC, OREGON CITY, OREGON 20 dozen new Spring House Dresses percales ginghams and ehambrays. Light and dark Special at 7Qr colors. Regular $1.25 Dresses, ZfC Devonshire Cloth positively sun nd tub proof. For boy's suit3, women's and children's tub dresses. The yard 19c Flaxon Cloth plain and fancy figured de signes. The yard, 17c Corset Cover Lace 18 inches wide. Pretty patterns. The yard 45c Zion Val. Lace exquisite designs. Edges and insertions. The yard 5c Ratine for tub frocks and skirts, new colors and effects. The yard 50c Children's Tub Dresses Gingham and Percale well made. The yard ...65c $2.25 Crepe Kimonas all colors. Pretty pat terns. Only ,the yard $1.25 Bloomers black sateen, sizes 6 to 10 25c 10 to 16 35c I J