Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 19, 1914, Image 2

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Public Opinion
from The People Sabjects of General Interet
Parnell Averill Gives his Opinion of
this . Evangelist
Editor Courier:
I take pleasure in returning
thanks for the kindly reference giv
en, me in your Equity column by
its editor. My suggestion as a candi
date was largely in a Pickwickian
sense as the idea was to get someone
in the running as a Democratic can
didate, or. anyone who was an avow
ed and open advocate for the com
mon good and not a mere puppet for
the corporations.
By the way, Mr. Editor, it is an
nounced in the Portland papers that
"Billy" Sundav is coming tn Port
land to clean up the town and by the
same token to grab what loose cash
he can. The writer is familiar with
Dr. Turner Discusses Drugs and Gu
bernatorial Candidates
A few days ago an agitated female
gave me a calling down over the
phone because I opposed the nomina
tion of Chas. J. Smith M. D. for (inv.
ernor. In his family and circle of per
sonal friends I have no doubt that Dr.
Smith is a most estimable gentleman
aim i. nave saia nothing and do not in
tend to say anything that reflects on
him personally. I oppose and shall con
tinue to oppose to the last his nomina
tion. First, because he is a political
medical doctor, and as such is not fit
ted to be governor of the whole peo
ple. Medical "ethics" and his inclina
tion to favor his favorite school of
medicine would never allow him to on-
pose or turn down illegal or class med-
rebelled and these men are now pay
ing the penalty of the latest craze of
the medical profession: "Preventive
Medicine" or the rotting of the hu
man and animal filth under the pre
tense of protecting them against
disease, and I herein prophecy that
the time is not far distant when the
worst epidemics of disease the world
has ever seen will sweep this and
every other civilized country as the
result of the wholesale vaccinating and
serumizing the people. When it does
come and the people awaken to the
fact that they have been made the
goats of medical ignorance and super-1
stinon, me meuicai rraternity had bet
ter taKe to tne tan timber,
Rev. Milliken Takes up Both in Ans
wer to Paul Seeley of Portland
Editor Courier:
I have a sincere regard for many
members of the Christian Science
Faith whom I know. I do not doubt
mat Mr. seeley is a kindly, cultured,
conscientious gentleman. I am also
pecked Eddy Mary Baker Glover
Patterson kddy a much married
woman. Is it not truth then, rather
than "truthless inuendo" that she
was a "Much married divorcee?
Christian Science claims tn h' u
religion of revelation with Mrs. Eddy
bh us propnetess. As such her life
is open to investigation. Out of an
impure fountain can flow no nnanl.
lied stream. Facsimiles can be brot
to prove that from 1868 to 1870 she
his methods, havino. tekn f, K B?"B,""?' in 11 governor,
a newspaper 'in Illinois "during of ZLV? ena 10
u: .:..i t r : . ,7 . . . 6"'' 'a mure uniair ana dratic
ma levivaia. incidentally also his v two k; u.ui. : ".rivl
hiatorv ,n.i,- .,- ": ,01 "e"'K P
P. L. Snyder, of Paxton, 111., a rep. u beco,n,dIy: I "PPOse him because he
utable citizen, informed the write fas publicly announced and is writing
that Sunday was a large shareholde otters to ladies registered as Demo-
in the Saratoga Hotel at the stock "ats, that he intends to continue the
yard, Chicago, which hotel keeps an absurd, grand-stand, fool policies of
open bar day and night. His immense our Canadian governor. If you people
collections, now known to be close Sould ee ome of the papers I get
to $400,000 in the last six years, are f ro'" the Jast, and read thfs comments
the result of a cunningly devised made 0 West s actions, you would not
nchomo nC fir.t ii.fin w .4.v, only feel ashamed of vour state, hut.
dox ministers in a town or city, who wouw recall West in short order to
hold get-together meetings for six Prvent him giving Oregon worse
weeks prior to his arrival, and then rePutation than she now has. Eastern
build an immense tabernacle to hold People read the papers and now think
from 5 to 10,000 people. tnat tnls 8tate is the headquarters of
One of his stipulations is that. h a lawless gang of outlaws that must
shall have a trained choir of 300 Pe ruled v soldiers and that civil law
voices nnH nn crr.hoti- an i.f. I is dead here. These two facta alnnn
foi. should relegate Dr. Smith to nrivata
to draw a crowd, and then the rapid- lif? nd keep him there, as it is quite
lire talk of slang, abuse and ridicule ,cvluel" ?rlat "e is not or proper gu-
wmt ne neaps upon everybody indis-l u uiaviu o. am,
crimately and his antics and coarse 1 am a Democrat, but not enough of
jokes as well as the frightful suffer- one 10 vole Ior any men who follows
,ings of the lost in the inferal regions 'n Wests footsteps, and dozens and
soon have the yaps "bughouse." hundreds have told me the same thing.
When the physiological moment . West na offended the best elements
arrives and the crowd is reduced to ln "? Democratic party and he per-
a slate of frenzy bordering on lun- onaily couio not oe elected dog catch-
acy Billy takes up his personal col- e and no man wno follows his me-
lection, which never fails to be an tnods can e-
immense one. His laest "killing" at We need a big man to pull Oregon
Pi lnkiiHnU T3 -. J.J nr ,...4- C .L. L1 . .1 a & .
n-iffluui8u, i u., umuuiiieu vo poo,- uui, u tne noie ano one oi the ways to
000, less than two months' work, get him is to keep Dr. Smith in med
Even the rotten millionaires gave ical practice. Ladies, don't be soft-
imnusomeiy, some as nign as $z,uuu soapea vote against Dr. Smith. As a
each. This was in gratitude for doctor he is probably all right as a
Billy's sermon on the text "Let governor he would not be. Medical
everyone be content with that condi- doctors have no place in politics and
nun in mo wiiitii uou nas seen in muKe it your Dusiness to see that all
to cau mem. medical politicians are kept in pri
Pittsburgh is tho center of the vate life.
iron and steel business, which em- Something About Flv SwathW
HL T, 8my i me"' .r6" , The companion craze to eugenics is
hours a day, seven days m the week fv swattinir Now I nm JEj J
at very humble wages. This talk of f fes fw thev arl Xlw
I 'irihey contnbuto free'y te The political doctors tell you that Tthe
anlZZ Lhue aTah u' v stable f'y ca"ies the germ of spinal
One of the, secrets of the religious meningitis and other flies carrv cerms
mountebank is hip. well known rn. ,c i L..- 7 , ,1' '""J' es
mark that you can't do anything w th U1 Xvom foolish ITtZ av
I people by telling them tf t 6od Is k
' Lov!" lhev ,won.i llst?n t.yu- You theory mkht bo friXen i V
must iret ncnt alter tnom tinm hb mi . . . , . i.
to breakfast;, and, tell them hell Z-LtLT
A dispatch from Lintonville. Cali
fornia states that the whole town is
down with smallpox. No doubt filth
and vaccination are the causes. Whole
sale vaccination is frequently followed
by wholesale smallpox and some of
these Oregon towns like Monmouth,
Dalles, Arlington will no doubt come
in tor their share for they have re
cently been thoroughly vaccinated and
"protected" Dy Dr. Calvin B. White
our $5,000 a year "specialist" or
This in a "Free" Country
The Oregonian of the 15th states
that Dr. M. ti. Marcellus, health offic
er of Portland, descended on 1200 un
employed men at the Gypsy Smith
Tabernacle, backed by a squad of po
lice who guarded the frant doors, and
vaccinated 450 men. The News states
that 800 men escaped by side doors
that police failed to guard. This is as
sault and battery according to decis
ions of various supreme courts, but
then it must be, remembered that these
political doctors are above the law
and putting diseased filth into the
arms of a few hundred poor, unem
ployed working men doesn't count. I
wonder if he would take police and
surround the homes of some of our
leading bankers and business men and
do the same thing? We pause for a re-'
willing to admit that there are man v ascribed her "Science" to Dr. QnmW
excellent things about Christian -immediately after his death she
ocience. Moreover thm nnntrnvurnr , Claims that, tho snma tannh n nn.-.
did not originate with me, but wjth I through revelation of God. Not sat-
mr. oeeiey, who leaped into the lime-1 'sued with her own matrimonial
light to combat my statement that
Christian Science Metaphysic was
unscientific. Now he is hurt because
I replied to his challenge, and prov
ed my point. Our only discussion here
tofore was Christian Science Meta
physic. Now note that Mr. Seeley
makes absolutely no attempt to ans
wer my argument in my last letter.
His silence is an admission that the
argument is unanswerable and
nriBiian science Metaphysic is a
farce. He sidesteps from the point at
issue, to Mrs. Eddy's personal char
acter, anu tne rapid growth of this
creed and the good it does, things
entirely foreign to the point we had
under consideration before. Hence I
might leave the field aat.isfiVrl that t
had proyen my point. But as I en
joy little friendlv discussion T shall
allow myself to be drawn into consid
eration of Mr. Seeley's new argu
ments for Christian Science.
First, is Christian Science grow
ing rapidly? Is ramrl Growth a Hl'o-n
of infallability? Mormonism has
grown more rapidly than Christian
Science, and Mohammedan!
either, but that does not make anv
one of them true. And is it really
growing so rapidly? Two years ago I
visited many places in the East
where it had run its course and is
now dead. It is significant that the
ventures she tried to come between
several nusbands s and their wives.
When the Wentworths, with whom
she lodged, asked her to leave their
home because she had endeavored to
alienate them she scarred the fur
niture, slashed the matting and bed
ding, and placed live coals upon
some newspapers in the room. Mr.
Peabody, who has been attorney in
some cases involving Mrs. Eddy's
career, and into whose hands a mass
of evidence has fallen, affirms:
"Deliberately and solemnly, with
a full understanding of the meaning
of my language,I affirm and charge
that Mary Baker G. Eddy, the foun
der of Christian Science and the pre
tended successor to Jesus, has again,
and again, and again sought to ex
ec.se malicious animal magnetism,
u.ut sue, nerseii, nas repeatedly thus
sought to cause sickness, sought to
cause aeaxn, sought to cause disas
ter, and this, as everything else I
have said, I will Drove bv lep-al ev
idence whenever Mrs. Eddy may be
yicaaeu uu require it. mree per
sons whom she sought to kill by
mental treatment . were Daniel H.
Spofford, Richard Kennedy, and
Liara Choate. Mrs. Eddy was
willing to invoke the courts to make
the aforementioned Spofford pay her
some money she thought he owed her
lndpwintif B4ttr Conrrgl
Fdinqfrom4to20k .
L p.r jcr. - J
BwauMpnjn Pauts Under RWAk le
TeethMadfotOil-TOTperwi Spring Swl
Hiqh Carbon Bdter
Teeth set staqqered.
formlnq spirdl.glv
Inq wide delivery.
Simple Apron
Both Sides '
1 V-
JL I Jr G'Vinq LTtrectDrdft anH HrrMr.(-.-.- I I Sr I Formina ahanment Cae I
I undor all conditiona j
Oivmq rj.rect Draft and ellminatmq
all strain from Spreader Box
A Reach is as indispensable on a
Manure Spreader as It is on aWaqon.
luva ieeu ana Dreea on
only .three jumps behind them. In u tarn i3 rh- 7'i,Bn'
other' words the averae-e nerson i .f.?. ?ur "ae and keep
other' words the average person ifZ, ynrSuP
van iiiKiimu uiem or worn on meir flB - alum ,i,;n j C Z
feelings. Some say that professional Swato A-f " h"i?t
men and men of parts go in with ""J AfI d,':
Sunday and help fn the meetings. Z fnto vr fth,S! ftf yU ?-d
Professional men and men in hua. ??' i???" through the agency of f Il
lness are ant to en in wirh nnv ' Yla ? X0" n0 narm tor disease
movement Zt hafa boomehln l"0!,1" a, hey body, and na-
it, thinking it will help them get on Zf "" awoa "" Vlsltln8:
in life. b 0t'u 4. i. --.a .. j
Judge Barnes, of Chicaeo was an J- v" ' WW10" ana neany an
f ?lr.nf nS LWis ?" oth" diseases are the result of exter-
had a lot of yaps bunched up that iroids aZht X th. T- Me a"
he was robbinir. and Barnes .rot tt L i dlf c?.uht ln'the Jlmn8 rn
rake-off. ooweis. Uisease mak
T.i it i l. , . . ... I Kciuia uuu u lllHMHHPn nrnpna nny
everyone mat snases nanas witn ji". ...m .r.
Sunday is converted, even children r",,!8 Illrle,ss lf "ot
five or s x vears o d. A M.h.m nf in," mo mus aim leave me
Kankakee, 111., told the writer that
3 months after Sunday left only
about 50 of his 2,700 converts were
in line. Keduced to its last analysis
Sunday's scheme is a game to skin
'the yaps and ministers fall for it be
cause it brings accessions to their
cnurches ior a time at least, and on
the strength of this boom they get
promot,ea to larger churches at larg
er salaries.
One of the most extravagant and
absurd of Sunday's wild talks is his
denouncement of Unitarians. Here is
a choice extruct from his ravings:
"I'll tell you who is in hull I Old Em
erson is m hell!" Ralph Waldo, mark
you, whom the whole educated world
delights to honor. "Old Holmes is in
hell!" Oliver Wendell, the genial
autocrat of the Breakfast Table, and
the most lovable of ull the American
poets, except Lonirfellow. who was
also an Unitariun. as was Whittier,
and Lowell, Franklin, the best all
around American this country ever
produced, was also sent to hell and
Joiterson and Dr. Charles Elliott,
filth only increases t.hn rlnnno
owui, me mm ana mere will
be no flies to swat. Still, this is the
way of medical doctors who treat
symtons only, and never remove the
cause oi disease.
Truth and Ricrht will
A lady asked me recently if I wasn't
anuiu to say sucn awful things about
some of these medical doctors that
seem almost lnerarli n. T on ,l w
Decause 1 always tell the truth."
When Mr. Brown kindlv nnpnprl the
tuiumiis or tne "Courier" to me as a
personal representative nf nil Orllnn1a
oi arugiess healing I told him I would
always confine my remarks to facts
and truth only and I have kept my
word and I wish to snv Mint T l,Q,ro
found that the Courier has the right
ninu oi Blina. ine aai V Cltv nrnaa ia
. j i . v ----. -
uwiiuu uuuy ana soul Dy the medical
trust and many country editors are
afraid they will offend some .doctor
who spends $1.00 a month fur n nar-A
should they publish anything exposing
lueuiim malpractice.
i nave received ca s and mnnv Inf.
and everyone who is not strictly or- , n'om PeoP!e in Clackamas county
iL. J .... ,f J 1 Whnofl toc Vini.A K,w... ...... 1 A- j
By the same reasoning Bloody
Mary is in Heaven and old John Cal-
vm, who burnt his friend Serbetus
over a slow fire, and old Jeff Davis
and Dowie and all the bloody-minded
bigots of the past. One instance will
show the greediness of this revival
ist, and this came under the writer's
own knowledge.
A poor fireman was lying helpless
in bed in the cold winter time of the
Middle West and a big family were
dependent on him. When Sunday was
approached to help this poor, unfor
tunate family he contemptuously
peeled off a single: dollar bill from
a roll big enough to choke 'a cow.
This will be about all for Billy
ounuay, uut wnat s tne usei
This fall an excitement will be
waked up in Portland and Billy will
walk out of that city with $15,000
or $20,000 to the good nnd another
winter will come on with the same
hard conditions existing for the poor
ana tne unemployed.
Parnell Averill
Children Cry
Special "Health Warning" for March
March is a trying month for the
very young and for elderly people,
Croup, bronchial cold3, lagrippe, and
pneumonia are to be feared and
avoided. Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound it a great family medicine
that will quickly stop a cough, check
the progress of a cold, and relieve in
flamed and congested air passages. It
is safe, pure and always reliable. Sold
by all druggists.
whose eves have been nnpnnrl morl
ical oppression, congratulating me
and the Courier on my articles, and
telling me to keep up the good work.
The man who tells the truth has noth
ing to fear.
I come from a family of doctors,
medical doctors, nnd I am the first
one to renounce medicine for some
thing better. If I did not knnw flmt
natural methods of assisting Nature to
heal disease was belter than pills and
serums I would still be handing out
pills and serums. My fight is not
against any doctor individually, but
against the system, for I number
many medical doctors anion? mv clnsn
friends men who send their wives
ana daughters to me for treatment,
rather than poison them with serums
ana cripple them with operations,
unu woo ueneve me ana in me and fol
low my methods as nearly as they
know how and dare. There is many a
good, conscientious medical doctor
who does not believe in medical tyran
ny and who is doing good as he sees
the light. Some day perhaps they
will be Naturopaths, for it will soon
er or later be the one big universal
school to which all doctors will flock.
You can't beat it or get away from it.
It has nothing but merit to recom
mend it and all thinking people musti
ui-vcpi. it. in me meantime 1 shall con
tinue to educate the people to tho best
of my ability and when I am gone
others will tnke my place.
Now Paying the Penalty
Press dispatches today announce
that out of the standi
France, numbering 717,000 men, 250,
000 were down sick with sr-nH.it fa
vor, measles, spinal meningities and
other diseases. As these soldi
vaccinated and squirted full of all
kinds of serums, nature has finally I
For a Low Down Easy Loading Light
, Pulling Manure Spreader One that will
Last a long time and please you better
every time you use it? Look no further.
By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and
jiu nurse Kiuer ine oniy spreader with a reach Farmers
who have bought them say they are the best farm
machine investment a farmer can make.
See the BLOOM
the nearest
Mitchell Agency
write us for
Impement and
Mr. Hicinbotham Thinks he Should
be Given Same Chance as Others
Editor Courier:
In justice to Judge Anderson, I
want to say a few words to the many
patrons of tho Courier, in regard to
the . nomination of Judge Anderson
for one more full term, at least, in
his present office. It is customary
to give all county officers that have
served one. trm, sati&fadtorilyj la
second term. .
Judge Anderson left a more renu
merative position than the one he
now holds, iust heranso hio nor,,r
friends insisted on his taking hold
of the county affairs and helping to
run it in a straie-htforwarH nnH hi,
iness-like way, as he had been doing
with the business he left. nH tho
success he has had, and the satisfac
tion he has given, since he took hold
of the county affairs, you are all fa
miliar with. I do not want to say one
word against either Mr. Cross or Mr.
Mulvey. I think thev are hnth Mn.
able and worthy of the office, but I
dont think we have anv hist 'nnci
to turn Judge Anderson down, on a
piece of a term, for any other man,
iiu luanci iiuw gooa ne may De.
We certainly can't exnect to vet
..jr laii m ais piace tnat will bo
more faithful and true than he has
been. I helped to keen- Mr Mnl
in the Clerk's office for two terms
and he gave satisfaction. Now let us
do as well by Judge Anderson There
is no justice in turning him down
with a piece of one term.
George Hicinbotham.
Writer Explains the Road Situation
1 and Expenditures
In the weekly Enterprise, of Feb.
27, appeared the expenditure of
road district No. 20 since the year
1907, stating that "District 20 spent
$17,792.66 since 1907, on its high
ways, there being 20 miles of road in
District 20."
But the writer does not state tho,
that .from 1907 till 1911 there were
not only twenty miles of road, but
forty miles in district 20. Up until
that time (1911) districts 56 and 20
were, both under Number 20.
And I wish to state that the mon
ey was spent eauallv in district 56
as well as 20 up till the time when
the district was divided. The party
states that "In 1913 district 20
built one mile of plank .roads spend
ing over $2,300 during that period on
all its road work."
There was one and one-half mile
of plank road built in 1913, and one
and one-half mile of new road was
opened through timber, most of
which was heavy grading and two
new bridges were put in and one re
paired beside other expenses.
The writer also seems to favor
district 18, but he does not know that
people from districts 19, 20, 21, 45
and 56 donated work and helped do
the grading, and that is why the ex
penditure figures of district 18 show
up so well.
John Putz.
Employment Matter Must Be Faced
or History will Repeat
Mnrph 1K 1Q1I
Editor Courier: '
I . suppose the 0. W. R. . N C.n
expect a birthdav in the
and they want 150 men to make them
a nice fat present. The ojther day
they sent their man to the Gipsy
Smith Tabernacle to hire 150 men at
$1.50 per day1, charee them SH.i?R
per week for board. anH si.nn no
month hospital dues. They did offer
the men a free place to sleep. Looks
nice doesn't it? To men that, nniv
just a few months ago were paid
from $2.25 to $3.00 per day by the
oaine tumuanv ior aoine- t.hA onmo
work. But here is the criminal part
Ui 1 V.
The men refused to rnnsiHpr tho
offer. Labor balked and Capitalism
tan t unaerstano it. They have been
so used to havinc Lahnr rfn not ti
their music, and the only thine: thev
,, wine uautt, wiui is me cut in
wages. They sav thev doh't.
work I say they. do. but at a livino-
wage, dui let me asK wny is tne cu
m wages .' nave the Railroads cut
tne ireisnt rates so as tn let
farmers make a little larger com
mission on your produce, or have
tney cut the passenger milairA i
you might take a trip to the Panama
canai or some other place? No in-
steao tney are raising their rates.
Now if that fat-salaried not ,
the O. W. R. & N. had offered these
men from $2.00 to $3.00 per day
mesa men would nave tumbled a
over themselves to get to the works,
un tne other hand I have read
number of letters in the Courier
stating that if a man couldn't even
earn enough in seven months to sun.
port himself five months he ought
io starve or sometning to that ef
fect. Now I want to tell those writ.
ers to take a trip around and visit
some oi the construction camps,
have been in a few mvself . and
win say mat nine out ot ten are
working on commission with the em
ployment agencies. As a rule they
work three shifts, one coming, one
wuriung, anu one going.
They give a man work enouo-h to
scarcely make expenses and then
turn him off and by the time he finds
another job he is broke, and not onlv
tnat, dui ne is Doosted about so much
that he is disfranchised and loses his
right to vote. Qh! It is a great sys
It is a serious situation and will
have to be looked squarely in the
face and not alone by one city or
state, but by the nation, as it is a
national affair. If not attended to it
is my prediction that Labor will do
as it did in Sweden and England
some few years ago. There are chanc
es of having a Mexican situation to
settle right here at home.
C. A. F.
(Questions relating--to health mat..
ters will be answered if sent to mo
care Hotel Edwards, Portland, Ore.)
i & ,H St ,1 . ,t St St St St St st
for St
New Mexico nrnnnvtv
------ x I
Clackamas County land. 160
acres in New Mexico, 65 acres
under plow; 100 acres level,
and can be put under plow.
balance 60 nrrps ia houvilv .
timbered with cedur and Pin- .
on. bmall house and stock
! barn. This place adjoins for-
J est reserve and is an ideal
stock farm. Two miles from
Barton, 21 miles from Albur-
! querque, a town of 25,000 S
population; 15 miles from R. S
It. station, 75000 elevation,
and one of the healthiest
countries m the world. R. H. .
survey is near place and pros-
pects are that a road will
soon be built. Price $5,000.
Dillman & Rowland, 8th & S
Main St. ,4
s st st st st St St St St y st st st st st S
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
the bandy Land C o. will meet at on
o'clock P. M., Monday, April 6th, 1914,
at the office of said company at Sandy
Oregon, to elect its officers and trans
act such other business as may come
before it.
Ed F. Bruns, Sec.
Children Cry
cult has refused to report the mem- or to punish her enemies, and she
brshin statistics to U. S. Commis- had a first class case for criminal li
stener Carroll for ' several years in bel against Peabody, who again and
fact ever since it passed its merid- again challenged her to take the mat-
mn. More men are helped bv. and l,er "H- DUC nls statements were nev-
umte with, Methodist. Presbvterian er. called. In 1881 she started a
Baptist or Lutheran churches prac- Metaphysical College" which guar-
tically every year than Christian anee?, to make a ful1 fledged "sci-
Science has reached in all its history ent,st out of a numbskull in three
I called Mrs. EMv . Mnh mr. weeks for thr?e hundred plunks. In
i j- .- seven vearo shn aclmittort that hor
school sent out 4,000 full fledged
"Scientists" ($1,200,000 worth)
Could a divine stream flow from such
polluted source?
Probably a car load of crreat toe
nails of the apostle Peter were in
ried divori-oo " w. nt . t..,Tu sevm years sne admitted tnat her
1p in,o,HTV t" ""IE." ,:-ru": school sent out 4,000 full
Baker married a man namfiH Oln.
ver. He soon died, and his dust lay Polluted
for over fifty vears in the Pnt.tor's a &01 T??
field at Wilmington, N. C. unmarked
luiEuticiu win n sn wnn nan n i , . . .. . .
been his wife as amassing a nrW cuTlimuon a.ur.wS ,t.ne .UarS Aes
i.. t t tt! ; " .--- anu manv oi tne D essert re ira nor,
luiiune. r .s only son, and hers, formpH - wnnH.rfn mTni V
produced by Mrs. Eddy. The hvnno
tists of Nancy and "Paris have her
beaten to a frazzle. The late lament
was crnelly deserted hv the unntr iormea as, wonaenu. mirac es as any
al mother to the cheerless mercy of
strangers. She tries to excuse this
conduct in later life, but her plea is
Where Thomas and Wilson Differ
Bullrun, March 13, 1914.
The problem of the unemployed is
an issue that must be met, and the
sooner the better. Now Woodrow
Wilson has hit on the right scheme.
ne ays tnat as soon as warm
weather arrives there will be plenty
oi worK ior everybody.
Under his scheme all that .the
working people will have to do is to
hibernate and hole up through the
winter line a near; come out in the
spring and feed on skunk cabbage
tin grass gets good; then go to
work to producing profit for the
plutes. I don't think his scheme will
I beliieve that the whole people
must collectively own the means of
production and distribution, reduce
the hours of labor to conform to the
production of the machine: give ev
eryone an opportunity to work, and
if they will not work, don't feed
' M. V. Thomas.
To the Taxpayers of Clackamas
County, Oregon:
In presenting my name for the of
fice of County Commissioner, on the
Republican ticket for the Primary
Election, I submit for your consid
eration my pianorm;
Am -opposed to issuing bonds for
the Pacific Highway or any other
Every road district should get 78
per cent of all taxes levied on the
property of each road district for
road purposes; 25 per cent for brid
ges and repairs for bridges;
Am opposed to the present system
of taking half the road fund and
creating a fund to be used by the
Court. as a general fund, thus rob
bing many districts of their share
of road funds to give to others
where the big man with a strong pull
can get in his work.
Am in favor of eood roads to the
market places, so the farmers can
get their produce to market;
I shall oppose over a 16 mill levy
for all general purposes. The pres
ent taxation is little better than con
fiscation. We must call a halt or we
will all be out of homes in the near
Strict economy in all county ex
penditures; Will not be the tool of any clique
or ring and will not lay down to any
influences brought by anyone.
A commissioner for all. If you
think I can make good give me your
support., If not vote for the other
Geo. E. Oglesby.
Our biff Harmonv Lahnratorioo in
Boston have caueht up with t.hoir
orders now and so we won't have to
disappoint any who are using Har
mony Hair Beautifier and want, mnra
of it, or any who have been advised
by your friends to use it. We can
now fill all demands, even if it be
comes even more of a rage than it is
Harmonv Hair Beantifior is in at
what it is named a hair beautifier.
It is not a hair dve or hair nil hut u
dainty, rose-perfumed liquidd ress
mg to give the hair its natural gloss
and brightness, wavy softness, rich
beauty. Easv to annlv simnlv
sprinkle a little on your hair each
time before brushing it. Contains no
oil, and will not change color of hair,
nor darken gray hair.
To keep vour hair and sealn Hnn
druff-free and clean, use Harmony
Hair Shampoo. This nure limiirl
shampoo gives an instantaneous rich
lather that easily pentrates to every
part of hair and scaln. insuring a
quick and thorough cleansing. Wash
ed off just as quickly, the entire op
eration takes only a few moments.
Contains nothing that can harm the
hair; leaves no harshness or sticki
ness just a sweet-smelling cleanli
ness. '
Both preparations come in odd-
shaped, very ornamental bottles,
wit,h sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair
Beautifier, $1.00. Harmonv Shamnoo
50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you
Sold only at the moor than 7.000 Rev-
all Stores, and in this town only by
us nunuey tiros, uo.
as pointless as Mr.'s,lv' Af eu "jan uowie overshadowed ner
r ... . " ' nc Pfin n pro v no tho fn 11 wtsvwt
oi ner Metanhva c MfV RaW . . o uu.-
brother says that he enlisted at ?, k1 noihe "nation,
thfl war. anH n t . accompanies
i t. . ,' j xiZl 11 13 wnat does tne business. The re
the outbreak of
captured at Bull Run,' and that
wnue ne was in. a Confederate pris-
sults prove the force of suggestion
and could not hZ TTM but not the accompanying plana
.oU,;."eLhl'P.h,.mselfn,?h? tion, else there would be a score of
u vuive irom mm. mat n,PO . ioco fMj;f 4U
maqe Mary baker Glover Patterson healinrWch nrovlne i
a divorcee. Her th rdlv was Asa fi. r'.i."?8""?' e.. ProvlnK 1
itself cor
va.u, p wu- iV "7r V. rect oy us results.
resident of Lynn and vicinity and u u uY l 8 ys W
well known as an 1.7 . mh?K who made a fortune out of
gational evangelist, told the writer ncr .pets; as her successors
that Mrs. Eddy's Vrannical ta PerPetua.tev th.f business. Her philo.
mcntof her husband led la . hr hSn- Phy stlcks lts head lnto the sand
dubbed by her acouaintances th. and says because it does not see the
She devil." Mr. Peabodv. a Rnstnn destrover he is onlv a fnntasir n-t
attorney who had occasion to inves- mortal mind. Her religion is based
salLTuctllo'srofTra h" t is an-
happy in one matrimonial other story to which I shall be Dleas-
hence we are surely justified in call- ed to discuss with Mr. Seeley later
ing the relict of the deceased Glover, on I
the divorced Patterson, and the hen- w. T. "Milliken.
Foley Cathartic Tablets are entire-
lyeffective, thoroughly cleansing and
always pleasant in action. Thev con
tain blue flag, are a remedy for con
stipation and sluggish liver, and a
tonic for the bowels, which are im
proved by their use. Try them. They
do not fail to give relief and satis
faction. Sold by all druggists.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welch are
grand parents to a fine daughter
born last Monday to Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Welch, Dr. Hugh Mount being
the attending physician. Mrs. Welsh
thinks it a fine piesent on her birth
day, as well as to be a grandmother.
Mrs. Maggie Harrington is quite
ill with an attack of lagrippe.
Mrs. Dr. Hickman and Miss Lacy
of Gervaise spent several days with
Mrs. C. A. Hickman.
Wiley Mav will move this week
into his former home on Duane St.
and Mr. and Mrs. James Andrews
will move into the house he vacates.
Mr. Chanler was calffed tki hia
farm in Washington last Friday on
important business.
George Offield visited his father-in-law,
R. M. C. Brown on Molalla
Ave. Mr. Offield is a cattle dealer of
Merrill. Ore. and had inst heon tr,
n-j.i-.-j -,. -
jroruana witn cattle.
Quite a number of people are mak
ing garden and planting potatoes.
The Ladies Aid will meet at the
church next Tuesday for all day
work arid will serve dinner, to, which
the husbands are ivnited.
1' Hep
fThe High Calling of Motherhood
demands the utmost precaution in maintain'
ing health at high efficiency.
It is doubly important and nothing in the world is
so needful as Scott's Emulsion, good cheer and
sunshine. Scott's Emulsion makes the blood
rich and pure. It contains the vital flesh
building and bone-building properties
and insures abundant nourish
ment. It strengthens the nerves
and creates energy and vitality
during this period.
Expectant and nursing mother
always need Scott's Emulsion.