r i A JLl TV? ere is a iviessaae 10 me men wi reqon City. It is of the Utmost Im- jjortance to You. UtAB EVERY .WMBIM TV'S-'. 1 , f it ( t " i 55, , 4i r i A Jt jL 'M -WtSllK6iaKl ,1 .1 4 S ,4. If ' its J. f'A x if if f; J i THE MAN VVv ? WILL ' sslsS;? v sell v Skl4 THIS , fC" GREAT c l ' STOCK M, -TO THE . kM BARE " To the Men, the Wives, Daughters, Mothers and 010 IUO Ul l lUl STANLEY-WINCHELL CO', with absoittte instt tictions to sell evety piece of metchandise by JO p. m. Sattitday, Match 28th. This I shall do and emphatically state that this will be the Greatest Boni-Fide Sale of MEN'S HIGH GRADE CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES and FURNISHINGS ever held in this busy industrial and beautiful home town, Oregon City-In fact this sale will shake the city with excitement, f or the stock in many instances will be sold below wholesale prices. In all my experience as a merchandise man I have never seen a better or a cleaner stock of Merchan dise than this. It is mostly only recently purchased for Spring Trade and is all new, being Fresh, Crisp and Clean. And therefore the styles are what they are wearing in New York today. I doubt very much if there is a store in this city that is showing so much desirable New Merchandise, And just think what it means to yoti to boy this Standard Trade Marked Merchandise at Sale Prices like I am giving yoti here. I predict that the thoughtful and ap preciative people of Oregon City and vicinity will If TV Win Ollilklll SALES MANAGER IN CHARGE FOR STANLEY-WINCHELL CO. DAYS 1 jH4 V The Present Stock Of THE Qi Levitt's- 9 Oregon City OREGON nd tiding All Spring ndise Just Receive Sale Starts Friday, March 20th AT 9 A.M. SHARP, AND CONTINUES THs m W (C OMLY It ;s the absolute and Final Sale of thousands of dollars worth of Mens Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnish in at the Lowest Prices in the his tory of the city. Promptly when the doors open SAT URDAY A.M. ive will give a Silver DOLLAR to the first five customers entering the store and making purch ases. The only provision is that you spend the dollar before you leave the store....The first five sale checks re ceived by cashier to count. Sale Ends Saturday, March 28 AT 10 P.M. IT LASTS FOR - ma It Tells WHY This GREAT SALE is Held To The Public: A combination of circumstances has made this sale imperative and necessary. Knowing the Stanley-Winchell Co. to be Americas Greatest Sellers of merchandise, and knowing their methods to be clean and forceful, I am pleased to announce that I have placed the entire stock of this great store in their hands, without any restric tions whatsoever, to completely sell it out in eight days time, if possible. I am not leaving Oregon City, but the present stock of which I am manager only must be sold. I have plans which are maturing, the details of which I hope to . give to my many loyal friends soon. Signed, J. LEVITT, Mgr. DRY ONLY This Stock consists of the WorlcFs Best Merchandise. Standard Trade Marked Lines that are acknowledged by all men to Lead the World Everything ON SALE At Near Wholesale Cost and Less This is a Sale With a Reason It Is Backed by Facts J IT IS CLEAN-CUT and TRUTHFUL