OREGON CITY COURIER,.. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. 0 v w JS u v s 4 t 0 'A - J3 ft to ft . "V -V .V v .rv -V ' ft" ov 6 O 0' .5 rCV A ft- X" VV w. f. v ou .. 0 - a' S .a 0 . ft" -c " ? A 1 ft . ft1 . ft' & 4 ' s . ft 6 rv ' X 4i VP ' ' V S O6 MOUNTAIN VIEW ). Spring is coming and like the birds people are migrating and set SSS down in different localities Mrs8 French has moved into the "Wildwood Hospital" "and E. D. Bar to will move to Sellwood. Mrs A S Martin has a new cottage built on Duane street and will shortly move into it, having rented the house she now occupies to Mr. Terry. Mrs. Albert Smith was taken to the Oregon City Hospite last week in a very precarious condition, but we learn that she u imPr$veiomin is Mrs. R. Grubbs of Yamhill is visiting friends here and caring for Mrs Geo.. Roberts, who came home fiSm the Oregon City Hospital a few Wof our people since our last c?1?" Earl Robson and Mrs. J. J. Gorbett' both having been long sufferers. Mr. Smith, on Pearl street, has re painted the two residences he bough and he himself now occupies one o thXhn Gillett is tearing down his old barn, also wood house, and w.U make a pleasing change in the ap pearance of Mt Hood Street. Mrs. Chandler and daughter blsa were in Portland last Thursday. Mrs. Nichols visited her daugh ters in Portland several days last Candidates and measles are get ting pretty thick in Oregon City but as neither epidemic is very serious no body is worrying unless ts the ones who want an office and if all of them get elected on the economical plat form we surely won't have such high taxes and better times after they are in office. We hope every woman vo ter will register and vote this fall and make a change if possible. FOR SALE 2 lost and new, up-to-date house, 7 rooms, on 18th street Greenpoint 12,000-cash $1,000 balance terms. Macdonald & Van Anken. County Items of News Mr. E. A. Smith, county mission ary, will preach at Highland Sunday at 11 A. M., and at Alberta at 3 P. M., and at Henrici at 7:30 P. M. The subject at Henrici will be u "Stirred Up Congregation." Mr. Smith has abandoned the hurricane deck of a cayuse for a one-horse shay. Mr. Schurtle of lower Logan, is very ill with heart disease and drop sy. Mr. Schurtte is an old timer of Logan and one of Clackamas Coun ty's stable citizens. Mr. Darius Fouts, Jr., and Miss Ivy Gerber were married at Vancou ver, Wash., February 24th. OUR HOME WOMEN HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR Next time you go to the theatre or to the "movies" just notice, if you please, how many of our home ladies have beautiful hair glossy, lustrous, and well-dressed. Then, if you will pick out five or ten of those whose hair seems to be particularly pretty and will ask them what they use on it, we feel sure that at least more than half of them will say "Harmony Hair Beautifier." It is fast becoming the rage with both men and women who are particular about the appearance of their hair. Sprinkle a little Harmony Hair Beautifier on your hair each time be fore brushing it. Contains no oil; will not change color of hair,' nor darken gray hair. To keep hair and scalp dandruff free and clean, use Harmony Sham poo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous rich lather that im mediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thor ough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes on ly a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no harshness or stickiness just a sweet cleanliness. . Both preparations come in load- shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beau tifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Or. OLSON AND THE CALVES Humorous Dialect Sketch Written to the Aurora Observer The following bright bit was re cently printed in the Aurora Obser ver, and it has been going the rounds of the city: Ay ant ban jused to write nus paper. Ay tank ay skal tri skrive bout sum ting dat ain't ban look al rite to mey. Ay vas to Molalla en da en ay see ting dat mak mey fele musch bad. Ay see von nise Norske girl vak on sidvak. Her have big tare in dresskirt. Ay say to she, "Yu got big tare in dress skirt, tak dis har safty pin and' fix it rite off." She pok her nos at mey an' say, "01 fule," an' vak rite along. Lillte tim mor com alon odder vimens vid.youst same tare. Ay tank vat is mater vid Mo lalla Kjeringa? Ay tank dey mos al be crasy. . Ay go in hardvare stor. an' ask mans bout dis. Him sa skal be alrite. Him sa dey jused to show caffs at Canby fare, now dey show caffs on street. Ay dont lak des besness. Ne'x day vill show whole menagerie. Ays kal tel yu if my vimmens show caffs on street ay skal go see Lawman Kor er an devors paper quick. Ay may be sum greenhorn, but if may dotters du such ting ay skal tak names tug an mak dem plenty sorry bout dem tares in dresskirt. Ay skal go to Mo lalla next week one tim mor an if ay see any more caff ay skal write Governor West to send soldier men to round up dem caffg right away quick. Ole Urenson. FOR SALE 25 acres on Maple Lane, 14 acres clear, 1& acres in orchard and berries. 5 room fair house. Good well, woodshed and barn, and other buildings." $4,700 $2,000 down. Macdonald & Van-"Auken. FOR SALE 13 acres, 2 miles west of Oswego, mile from church and school, on the Pacifim High way. 5 acres in meadow, balance alder brush and trees. $2,500 $1,500 down, balance terms. Mac donald & Van Auken. Chris Fischer, of Beaver Creek, was in this icty Monday. ' FOR DELICATE CHILDREN A Mother's Letter to Mothers. Mrs. E. W. Cooper of Bloomfleld, N. X, says: "My child, seven years old, had a bad cold and was weak and quite run down in health. She bad been In this condition for about six weeks when I began giving her VlnoL It was a wonderful help to the child, breaking up her cold quickly and building up her strength beside. I have also found Vlnol a most excel lent tonic for keeping up the chil dren's strength during a siege of whooping cough." Vlnol is a wonderful combination of two world-famed tonics the medi cinal body building elements of cod liver oil and iron for the blood, there fore it is a perfectly safe medicine for children, because it is not a patent medicine, everything in It is printed on every package, so mothers may know what they are giving their little ones. Therefore we ask every mother of a weak, sickly or ailing child in this ricinlty to try Vlnol on our guarantee. Huntley Bros. Co, Oregon City, Ore. BUYING AND SELLING Listyour property with a real estate firm that will advertise free of charge to you MacDonald & Van Auken, Courier Building,Oregon City If you have a farm, house or piece of property for sale, trade, or rent come in and give us the particulars. We will advertise all Bucn matters free in the Oregon City Courier. We are going to be headquarters for bus iness chances in Clackamas County. If you want a business or wish to sell, come to Macdonald & Van Au ken. Watch the Courier each week foi new lists and new properties. If you want to buy or sell come and see us 1 Acre, Good Clear Land, 5 room House. 5 minute walk from car line. $900.00; $600.00 down, bal. time. 22 Vi Acres. 1 mile from West Wood burn. Good House. 6 rooms. Good barn and outbuilding. All in cul tivation but 3 acres. All fenced. Water piped. . $5000.00; $1500.00, bal. time. 153 Acres. 6 miles east of Molalla. 35 in cultivation, Fair, 6 room house. Pole and Shake Barn. Good family orchard, well and pump on porch. All fenced. $45.00 an acre. Will trade. $2500.00 in city pro perty on this place. 3 lots in Gladstone. A No. 1 location. blk. from carline and depot. Stop. $200.00 a lot. 120 acres. 5 acres clear. Good deal of easily cleared land. About 20 acres of heavy timber mostly fir. House 26x30 new, not finished. Rustic; painted. Good well on porch. Good chicken house and barn. $37.50 an acre. Trade for Portland property. House and lot on Molalla Ave. Bath room, Buttery. 4 rooms. $700.00 Cash. 2 lots, 11-12 Block 51 in Gladstone. Bargain at $275.00 each. 1 lot in Elyville. Block 1. $110.00. 1 lot and four room house at Elyville. $1100.00; $350.00, ml. terms. 10 acres. Near Meiarum. lVi acres cultivated. 100 fruit trees. Fail barn. Fenced. mile f carline. Southwest slope. $3500.00; $1000.- 00 down, bal. terms. 71 acres at Kedland's. 34 acres in cultivation. 2 houses; 1 good, I fair; barn. Bal. of land timber. Lays on side hill. Part canyon. $5000.00; $3000.00, bal. terms. Will trade for city property. To sell. $6000.00 of No. 1 timber. 10 mile from Molalla. FOR SALE 5 lots of the nicest building property on the hill. Fail house. First class residence sec tion close in. All level. Improved streets, $4.000.00. Macdonald & Vfln Aukcrii FOR SALE Lot 80x174. 5 room house. Needs repairing. This is in the business section of Eugene. Will sell for $2,500, or trade foi Oregon City property. Macdon ald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 6 lots. New Monterey, California. Lota 25x100. Trade foi property around or in city. $300.00 a lot. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 21, lots. 3 blocks from. carline at Hereford, Gladstone, at $350.00 Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 1 lots and house on the plank road. $1400.00. Macdonald & Van Auken. Macdonald and VanAuken FOR SALE 1 lot, 3 room house on improved street. $500.00, $150.00 down. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 2 Ford automobiles, very slightly used. $550 and $500. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 6 room house. 2 lots, nice location. $850.00, $500.00 down, balance terms. No interest. Macdonald & Van Auken. FOR SALE 100 acres, 2 miles from Molalla. 65 acres in cultivation. 8 room house, good barn and other buildings. A span of hoises and harness, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 35 head of hogs. Binder, mower, rake, disc, narrows, 2 wagons, blacksmith tools, cream seperator. Some grain and hay, 9 shares in irrigating ditch. Good stream of water on place. Good orchard. Including the stock, etc.. as above, $150.00 an acre. Macdonald & Van Auken. fruits. New house. Plastered. Front room, Golden Oak finish. Kitchen white enamel with built-in cup boards. Large Pantry. Full Base ment. Good well, with pump on back porch. 6 blocks from carline. $2000.00; $600.00 bal. $10.00 per month. ft