OREGON CITY COURIER,.. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. -My too .11 OFFICE OF BEN W. RUBIN INSURANCE ADJUSTER Ilhe rob he again quickened by the most astound ing announcement yet made in our G REAT F E 'ALE We have succeeded in securing from our adjuster per mission to throw our entire new Spring and Summer stock into our Fire Sale. Portland, Oregon, March 5th, 1914. MR; 0. W. ELLIOTT, t Manager Elliott Bros., Dept. Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Dear Sir On account of the lateness of the season, Ifwill grant your request and permit you to include in your Fire Sale your new Spring and Summer stock. Have the stock number of all new merchandise sold entered on sales slips ecTthat same can be segregated in totaling sales. Yours truly, BEN W. RUBIN. I Thousands of Dallars worth of Bright, Beautiful A, ESSLl fe New, Snappy, Strictly Up-to-Date Spring and Jyk- A Summer Merchandise Sacrificed. f VvV TO SEE IT IS TO V V WANT FT. . reed as we have been to hold all our new Spring and Summer Stock back. from sale puts us about 45 days behind. For that reason we are forced to sacrifice in- order to quickly reduce-which means a saving of 25 to 35 per cent to you Drug Department This is a New De partment added by us and goes right into this sale. Buy all of your Drugs now and Save 25 to 35 per cent. Millinery Depart. Save 35 to 50 per cent here Ladies! we promise to show you the latest creations here right from style headquarters. We also promise to snow you the largest stock of flowers, tips and fancies in the city seejthem. SPECIAL-We have a first class Millernery in charge of this department. Talk to her abount that new hat or fixing over the old one. GIVEN AWAY FREE WHILE THEY LAST One of these Ladies' Home Journal Pat terns to Each Customer Calling Don't forget to ask for it we want you to have it. This Gigantic Sale Starts at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday OREGON CITY LLIOTT BROS. DEPT. STO 7th St. at Madison on the hill Lit