Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 12, 1914, Image 3

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The Equity Society is on the boom.
Nebraska, Kansas, both Dakotas
and others.
Farmers are studying the situa
tion as never before.
The people who produce' the wealth
must sell it.'
Colossal fortunes are made be
tween the producer and consumer.
Consumers can soon buy direct
fiom the producer, thanks to the pro
ducer. The National Union is interested
in our Equity Warehouse Co. We all
should guard its best interest.
We would appreciate your assis
tance in procurring the Equity news
from your county and from your lo
cal. Now that the Equjty has taken
hold of its official paper in earnest
lets make it the best paper and most
influential paper on the Pacific
Coast. .
We mix a little fun and a little
politics with our co-operative news
and ideas to interest certain classes
who prefer their information ground
whole without bolting.
You farmers who expect your in
terest to be looked after by other
business- men will not be disappoint
ed. They like the job and you pay the
taxes. Better take hold and help do
it yourself.
A. J. Lewis writes the best letter
in favor of bonds and the Pacific
Highway. His argument is splendid.
He is open and above board. Frank
James once asked the treasurer of
a county fair about his strong box
and Frank too took to the brush, but
he took the strong box with him. .
The Prohibitionists of Oregon are
very active this campaign and have
convinced most ot our voters as wen
as the candidates for office on other
tickets, that they are a factor to be
reckoned with this time. They can
win a few victories this time if they
play a good game of politics.
Senator Lane had a resolution
passed by the U. S. Senate to inves
tigate the charges that the Steel
Trust has been receiving rebates
from the railroads. And ' the rail
roads want us to put up more
freight and passenger fare for them
to give to the Steel. Trust. "Best
system on Earth."
Co-operative canneries . have
struck the Willamette Valley like a
Texas hail storm. Salem is to have
a $50,000 outfit. Junction City, Esta
cada and numeraus other points,
smaller plants. If they would all or
ganize and buy their cans at whole
sale and sell the product together
there would be a larger margin in
it and a small cannery would fare
as well as the larger ones. Under
this system a small home canning
outfit would be a boon to every fruit
raising neighborhood in Oregon.
President Booth of the Multnomah
Bar Association wants the lawyers'
union to "exercise a vigorous cen
sorship over the bills proposed at the
coming Legislature and that a vigi
lance committee of the members be
appointed to report promptly on all
freak or dangerous legislation."
You farmers know how hard these
lawyers try to keep their union out
of politics? ? The organized farm
ers of the state will do a little censor
ing this time on their own hook,
A local was organized at Prine
ville with 36 members of the Far
mers' Union and there are a number
of locals in that county and they
have a county union. The reporter
states that they are a power in com
merce and politics in that county.
Another association with no politics
in it?? The lawyers' union will be
swamped with assistants in censor
ing legislative bills next winter and
they may go away back and sit
Congress doesn't seem to be so
swift about forming a banking sys
tem for the farmers as they were for
the bankers. There is a reason. Con
gress is made up of lawyers and law
yers are not interested in farming.
We farmers are to blame for a con
edition like this. Some day not far
"away we will have a banking system
a parcel post and a Congress where
And that is More than the
Framers Can Say
In a recent issue of the Aurora
Observer there appeared an article
stating that I could not read plain
law, when I quoted a section of Ore
gon traction law. This comment was
copied in both the Courier and the
Now I would like to refer the Au
rora editor, or any other man who is
interested and can spell out English
words to Chapter 143, and part of
Sec. 3, laws of 1909, where it states
as plainly as words can make plain
that a load SHALL NOT BE MADE
LESS than 2,500 pounds nor MORE
than 3,500 pounds.
This is LAW, anybody can read it
who can read, and why does the Au
'rora editor in trying to make me ri
diculous make himself doubly so, by
taking someone's word in place of
law? Why didn't he look it up and
PRINT IT, and show where I read
wrong ?
I stated that under this law, which
applies to all Oregon roads west of
the Cascades, that a man if a farmer
had a load of produce of 1500, he
would have to load in 1,000 pounds
of rock in order to be within the law,
and I again assert this is true.
Just Right for Backache and Rheu
matism Foley Kidney Pills are so thorough
ly effective for backache, rheumatism
' swollen, aching joints, kidney and
bladder ailments that they are reco
mmended everywhere. A. A. Jeffords,
McGrew, Nebr., says "My druggist
recommended Folef Kidney Pills for
pains in my back, and before I fin
ished one bottle, my old trouble en
tirely disappeared." Sold by all druggists.
agriculture is represented by far
mers instead of lawyers.
A great many states have their
counties divided into townships and
each township elects its own officers.
Each township makes the annual levy
assess the property and collects the
tax and turns over to the state its
share. Under this system every dol
lar collected in the township for road
purposes is spent in that district, be
it much or little. If this system was
put in operation in Oregon the Cour
ier would have space for letters on
other subjects besides good roads.
If a farmer raises hoes or chick-
ens they belong to him (if he can pay
the taxes levied on them) but if the
farmer raises pheasants, quail or oth
er game they seem to belong to the
dudes with trained dogs and pump
guns. The farmers around Umatilla
are having their grain crops destroy
ed by wild fowl and are not allow
ed to eat wild duck or protect their
crops and our lawyers' government
forgot to protect the farmer. , Will
"Billie" Gnsenthwaite shove a few
splinters under their hide that they
can pick out in the next two years?
We propose that each road super
visor of Clackamas county make an
estimate of the material needed in
his district such as hardware, imple
ments, etc., and have the County
Court buy this stuff where they can
buy it the cheapest, quality consider
ed. We believe that buying and sell
ing on the best market is good busi
ness and would correct some of the
evils that we live under now.
Is farming a profitable business?
Our National Agricultural Depart
ment made an investigation in the
richest farm sections of Indiana, Ill
inois and Iowa. It was found that
tenants had an income from their
labor of $870, owners, $408, and land
lords make three and one half per
cent on their investments. Farms of
less than 100 acres do not pay. The
average labor income of the 'crop
farmer was $28; of the live stock
raiser, $755. You see they will have
little lett when the high cost of liv
ing is paid. Bankers make a better
If the agricultural department
should investigate Clackamas County
they would find conditions no better
and I wander if they would recom
mend as a remedy Pacific Highways
and bonds or a few more fish and
game wardens? And we must not
forget to raise lots of strawberries
and potatoes and if we have our tim
ber cruised again then join the holy
We farmers can ship our produce
by water from Oregon to London,
England cheaper than we can ship it
by rail to Chicago.
Even Kansas City can get potatoes
from Ireland and Scotland cheaper
than from Oregon. Will we farmers
have to build a railroad for our own
use or devise some way to use the
ones we already have built? We need
a free canal fiom Portland to Chi
cago so we could trade canned prun
es for sorgham molasses
Farmers must keep one eye open
in regard to their schools as we have
a tip from the inside that a few
grafters are going to try to get a
law passed by our next legislature to
take from the directors the power to
hire teachers and put it . into the
hands of the superintendent and su
pervisors. Then, if that is done, they
should go ahead and have the Su
perintendent appointed by the State
Board of Health and you farmers
could have more time to raise spuds
and strawberries and not be bother
ed only at taxpaying time.
Back in Iowa and Missouri the
farmers ship their stock to market as
stockers and feeders, as well as the
fat cattle for slaughter. Now it fre
quently happens that these stockers
are brought and shipped back to the
same station and maybe to a neigh
for. This is expense that could be
saved and adds to the cost of pro
ducing meat. When these farmers
are organized into Equity societies
some of this expense can be saved.
We organized farmers here in Ore
gon are going to learn how to save
more and more as we go along pad
dling our own canoe.
There is big money in co-operation
if the farmer has the sand to
stick until the machinery is in op
eration. For proof of this see the
millionaires that spring up around us
like mushrooms on a summer's night.
They make this money in business j
C. W. BARZEE, Editor
Ten minutes' talk on "Why you
should register as a Socialist" by C.
W. Barzee, read by Miss Nettie Mae
Rankin, in the absence of the speak
er, at the Registration Rally held in
the Portland Public Library.
Fellow Citizen Electors no longer
ladies and fellow citizens:
Two fundamental principles exist
in Republican form of government.
Do not understand me to mean the
Grand Old Party for they differ
nothing from all other parties; the
Socialist party excepted. I mean
there are two principles that go to
make up and perpetuate a Republic,
as compared with any other form of
government; and these two princi
ples are franchise and representa
tion. Franchise means that you have a
voice in the government, and repre
sentation means that you are repre
sented in that government. '
Franchise, you must know, is a
myth except all the constituents of
a government are enfranchised. We
now have that in Oregon, as compar
ed with other States not granting
franchise to women.
Representation means that your
party or political faith is represented
in the law making body of the gov
ernment. Representation is but a myth iu
every state in this Union and will be,
until all parties are represented, pro
portionately, in that representative
body that makes the laws that guide
our mutual interess.
These two principles, safeguarded,
perpetuates republic and we may
then begin to talk about living as the
citizens thereof..
that we have overlooked. The wool
erowers should weave the wool into
cloth; the cane growers should make
sugar; wheat growers should have
flour and feed for sale. Some day we
will sell to the consumer instead of
the trust. Now there is no competi
tor in the buying of our produce by
the trust.
The Clackamas county farmer has
low prices to contend with, big appro
priations to colleges to dig up, sal
aries to a lot of proifessional men on
state commissions to pay, and all the
while market conditions are getting
worse and worse. When are our col
leges going to teach the farmer the
marketing end of his business? If
they never do we can depend on the
Equity pegging away at it without
any big appropriations.
When we read of 40 below zero in
Dakota, 20 below in Ohio and other
states, which are suffering from im
ported temperature from the North
Pole, we here in the Willamette Val
ley should not kick on our taxes if
the politicians would make us believe
it was for our climate and a sort of
occupation tax for living here in a
land of plenty and perpetual flow
ers. Taxes can be changed somewhat,
but climate goes on forever like in
terest on road bonds.
Mexico has killed an Englishman.
People seem to forget that we here
in the United States got our start
that way and from 1776 to 1813 we
did little else. We have acquired bil
lions of dollars worth of real estate
iust that way. Our history, like the
history of other world powers; has
been written in blood. Take organi
zed murder from the history of man
and it is like taking graft-from pol
iticsthere is little left worth telling
about. Mexico will soon be ereat
enough to send missionaries to the
more peaceful nations.
Report of Clackamas Local
Report of Clackamas Local F. S. E.
Clackamas Local Union F. S. E.
met in closed session in the Grange
nan, uiacKamas, March 6, 1914. Six
teen members were present, and Sec
retary E. Oehlschlaeger of Sunnyside
Local, was- also present. One( hew
member was admitted to the local
and one member paid dues.
After the regular session of busi
ness, J. Schmitke, Pres. of Mountain
dale Local, and also director of the
Equity Warehouse Co., gave us a
very interesting talk on organization,
and warehouse business. Mr. Schmit
ke is a fine talker and knows Equity
from first to the finish.
Four members took stock in the
warehouse. It was apparent to the
members that they did not under
stand the warehouse proposition, but
they seemed to grasp the ideas ad
vanced by Mr. Schmitke, and gave
him a vote of thanks.
It was moved and seconded that
Clackamas unite with Sunnyside in a
ioint entertainment. It was carried.
R. B. Holcomb was appointed a com
mittee of one to investigate the
strawberry proposition, and report as
soon as possible.
Our rates and wants are as fol
lows: For sale by H. Klinker,. fresh cow;
for sale by R. B. Holcomb, fresh cow.
Frank Haberlach wants pigs; Geo.
Reynolds, 5 bu. guaranteed spring
wheat. Address Clackamas Rt. 1.
Adjourned to meet in regular ses
sion at East Clackamas on Friday,
April 3.
W. S. Daywalt, Sec.
Foley Cathartic Tablets are entire-
lyeffective, thoroughly cleansing and
alwavs pleasant in action. They con
tain blue flag, are a remedy for con
stipation and sluggish liver, and a
tonic for the bowels, which are im
proved by their use. Try them. They
do not fail to give relief and satis
faction. Sold by all druggists.
Individual's Money To Loan.
$1,0003 to 5 years.
$15002 years.
$1,0001 to 3 years.
$5002 to 3 years.
$6003 years.
$3002 years.
On real estate, terms reasonable.
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore.
President Title & Investment Co,
Clackamas County Abstracts.
Oregon City, Oregon
Now down to hard facts, with re
gard to parties and registration;
there are but two parties presenting
for your consideration, the competa
tive or capitalistic party, and the cor.
operative or Socialist party. All fur
ther designation of parties are as
much a myth as now is representa
tion in our law making body, or as
was franchise before women were
allowed to vote.
The Republican, Democratic, Pro
gressive, and Prohibition, all are cap
italist parties. All believe in the pres
ent, special privUege system of "you
do me, or I'll do you" or competition,
graft. Not one of them will deny
this statement. They live by it, swear
by it, swear at it, and starve by it
that is the woikers do, who are capi
talists from their mouth up and
workers from their eyes down.' They
are capitalists only in mind and pol
itics. The Socialist party believes in co
operation and equal opportunity for
all to work and earn a living. They
repudiate special class privileges and
declare that every, man, woman and
child is entitled to an equal opportu
nity with every other man, woman
and child. These two principles of po
litical faith are manifest in every day
life. They present in .classes; the
worker and the shirker, the maker
and the taker, . the wage-slave and
the master. If you doubt this state
ment, start out right now to find a
job and a boss.
Because of Socialist agitation and
economic determinism, (that is to
say public opinion enforced by the
conditions about us) the government
is, to day, preparing to receive and
the capitalist is preparing to deliver
to the government, all monopolized
industries of this and other highly
civilized nations. This act will be
consumated while yet the capitalists
have the reins of government.
This is only the beginning of the
end. When the Socialists come into
power and the time is not far dis
tant they will finish the job of gov
ernment ownership by passing a non
inheritance law, like that exercised
in the days of the Judges of old Is
rael, when the land and the utilities
of life, which "shall not be sold for
ever" will revert to the collective
We are living in a machine age.
The machine revolutionizes industry
and causes unemployment. This is a
natural evolution else we would not
use the machine; we would discard it
and go back to the method of hand
industry. The machine is here to say.
And it should stay and aid us in get
ting more and not less out of life.
The machine driven by water pow
er, carried miles to any given point,
by an electrified wire, operated by
one man more often a woman or
child produces enough for ten per
sons to use and we have the present
condition of unemployment, that ov
ertakes society just as soon as the
machine is completed and set to
work. .
Wages and unemployment wages
for labor are always a relative thing;
they are never above the cost of sub
sistence. That is the market value of
labor; hence as soon as the machine
is builded, and the man, woman or
child, sets it in motion, enough is
produced or ten personsT and be
cause the nine have nothing where
with to buy, the machine must stop;
notwithstanding the fact that we are
in want and need, we have a surplus
an uuoui us. mus mi unemployed
problem is enforced upon society as
often as production overtakes con
sumption, and this is the cause of our
Wow my Prohibition friend will
say I am mistaken when I say there
are no vital differences in these par
ties. Let me cite you to the facts and
prove what I say. When the Social
ists come near to, or do win in an
election, in a mixed or three-cornered
contest, always at the next election
following, the prohibitionists forget
their prohibition and go with the
wets to fight for the perpetuation of
the profit-graft- system. .
Socialists have the true, scientific
plan for the abolition of the evils of
the liquor problem. They will remove
the profit from the trattic and the
curse, as it truly is, will die for the
want of a man or woman to run it.
As long as there is 8 cents profit in
a 10 cent drink, the evil will continue
to exist.
Now to registration I stood at the
doorway of the registration room and
viewed with wonder and inward men
tal anguish, the scene before me.
Here came men and women from the
various vocation of life, registering
each against the other; Republicans,
Democrats, Progressives, Prohibit
ionists and Socialists; each individual
most of them, had exactly like inter
ests in the ballot. Men from the same
shop, handling the same tools, get
ting the same wage, having families
living in the same block or flat, with
exactly the same needs.
Women similarly situated, with
their children attending the same
schoool, learning from the same
teacher, attending the same church,
learning from - the same preacher.
Women buying from the same gro
cer their family supplies, cooking it
in the same manner, serving it at the
same hour, and yet they register dif
ferently and vote to disfranchise one
What were my thoughts on this
occasion? What would be your thots,
intelligently looking at this picture?
Shall I say they are crazy? Let me
prove out this possibility.
If I were to sit in judgement and
pass sentence on the business men of
this city; if I were to say to Mr. Mer
chant, I sentence you to do the very
thing you are now doing, for your
natural mortal life-time. You shall
rise early, work late and have but a
short vacation; a vacation in one,
three, or ten years, as the case may
fit You shall lay by your money,
when you succeed in beating the
other fellow and saving it, and shall
not use it only as you are now using
it; that is you shall not get any more
out of life than you are now getting.
Then I proceed to sentence this whole
town to do the very same thing they
are doing. What would be the result
of such a proceedure under a recall ?
And yet this is what you register, it
is what you vote, it is just what the
old parties have given you and will
continue to give you as long as you
support tnem. iou mus sit in judge
ment and pass sentence .upon your
selves by registering and voting for
the capitalist parties.
Now the Socialist party says we
shall have more of leisure, more of
pleasure and a supply for our need,
for those that do useful work; and
that we shall have less of leisure and
idle pleasure, and more of useful
work for those that do nothing. That
grafting cease and that co-operation
take its place.
Now there is another suppose par
ty registering, called the Independ
ents. That is another myth, as all
these are Socialists, with few, very
few, exceptions (this does not reflect
on Mr. U'Ren) and you must add to
the Socialists, all the Independents.
This accounts for the Prohibitionists
out-registering the Socialists. This
fact is verified by consulting the
the county and state registration,
which I have had occasion to do. It
takes every one of the Socialists, all
the Independents and then some, to
make up the vote against Eugene V.
Debbs at the 1912 election. I manag
ed a socialist paper sinoe that elec
tion, and copied the registration of
some ten counties, including Multno
mah, for these registrations. I found
but one Independent that denied he
had leanings toward the Socialists,
and he was, probably afraid of his
You know many Socialists ' regis
ter Republican to please their boss.
They have to do so to hold their jobs.
Recently, I had occasion to speak
with a red card Socialist on party
affairs, who was registered Republi
can, at a time when he was at work;
and he, noticing .the boss or some of
his political flunkeys near, remark
ed to detract, "it's a fine day." Men
tal political prostitutes, are very
common among the job hunting class.
Then, again, some register Repub
lican so as to hand that party an
other "cake." This accounts for their
larpe registration and small vote. -
The Socialist, not afraid of his job,
registers and votes a vote of pro
test and education. Recently a Port
land paper, answering query as to
the principles of the different parties,
that the individual might be able to
register and vote intelligently, wag
given a fair answer with rerard to
all the different affiliation! contrary
to socialistic principles. Evidently it
was given to deceive the woman vo
ter, who made the query.
It is a case with the Socialist of
registering and voting for what he
wants, even though he does not get
it; rather than registering and vot
ing for what he does not want and
getting it where the chicken got the
axe. Sometimes a poem appeals to
thinkers and for these people allow
me to recite a poem -
Who is a Socialist?
(By Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
A Socialist is a man who tries to
formulate, or aid, a plan to better
Earth's condition. "
It is he, who having ears to hear, and
. eyes to 'see, is neither deaf nor
blind, when might, rough shod,
treads down the privileges and
rights of all men.
The privileges to toil, to breathe the
pure air and till the fertile soil;
the right to live, to love, to woo,
to wed, to earn for hungry mouths
their needed bread.
The Socialist is he who asks no more
than his own share of nature's
generous store; and that he asks;
He asks too that no other claim the
share of any weaker brother and
brand him beeear, in his domain
to glut a mad and inordinate lust
for gain.
The Socialist claims that of all God's
gifts, the best is toil; the second
is rest.
He asks that all shall learn , the
sweets of labour, and that no id
ler fatten on his neighbor; that
each shall have his share of lei
sure, nor thousands slave that one
' may seek his pleasure. We on the
Golden Rule dare insist; behold in
him the modern Socialist.
Everybody , is busy sowing grain.
A rousing booster meeting was
held in the Grange Hall Monday.
Gustav Friedrich of Parkplace is
visiting his son Adolph for a week.
A. A. Allen, the new Viola road
supervisor, is bound to make good.
No playing hookey with him .
It would be well to take a vote on
stock running at large in this vis
trict at the May primaries. What do
you tninK about it?
That meat inspection ordinance
passed by the Portland City Council
is going to hurt us farmers, and w.ll
not haip Portland any. It is for tlu
benefit of the Union Meat Co, nod
me fraiters.
. Philosophy
Ven I am mit myself alone, '
UnDen, Gott sei dank, I schmoke;
Und ven dot pipe made von bono,
Ich weis she don'd gid broke. ,
I vill her mit der tobac. tierht.
Und fetch mein flasch goot kummel
i striKe aer metcn to git der light,
Und,. Gott sei dank, dot's himmcl.
Thomas Emmet Moore.
Worth While Trying in Oregon City
There is a worth while competition
manifest and active out . in Dodge
City, Kan., where the boys and girls
and engaged in the warmest kind of
a contest. The girls started the fuss
when they organized a "Good Habits
Club." As we understand the matter,
each member took a blood-curdlimr
oath and crossed her heart seven tim
es, promising, never to have any
thing to do with any young man who
drank, smoked, gambled and used
profane or naughty words. That was
all right, and it is a wise young wo
man who stands by that bill of mo
ral requirement. But the boys thot
the girls were a bit previous and
somewhat exacting, not to say arro
gant and briggity, and some other
things, so they the aforesaid boys
retaliated by instituting a secret or
ganization in which they pledged
themselves on a skull and cross
bones, or some other dreadful and
binding emblem that they would nev
er, here or hereafter , have any
thing to do with any girl who wears
"rats" in her hair, or who buys her
complexion at the drug store, or who
goes with her lungs exposed in cold
weather, or who doesn't help her
mother do the washing, etc., etc.
We believe Rexall Olive Oil Emul
sion is the best remedy made for ton
ing the nerves, enriching the blood,
building up wasted tissues, renewing
health, strength and energy the best
medicine you can use if you are run
down, tired-out, nervous and debilita
ted, no matter what the cause, it
doesn't depend for its good effect up
onalcohol or habit-forming drugs, be
cause itcontains none. It may not
make you feel better in a few hours,
but it will make you feel better, we
are sure, just as soon as the tonic
and food properties it contains have
a chance to get into the blood and,
through the blood, into the rest of
the system. Pure Olive Oil and the
Hypophosphites have long been en
dorsed by successful physicians, but
here, for the first time, they are com
bined into one preparation which, as
a nerve-food and a builder of strength
and health, we believe, has no equal.
If you don't feel well, begin taking
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion today, and
build your health and strengthen your
system against more serious illness.
To convalescents, old people, puny
children and all others who are weak,
run-down or ailing, we offer Rexall
Olive Oil EmulBion with our personal
promise that, if it doesn't make you
well and strong again, it will cost you
nothing. If we didn't have the ut
most faith in it, we wouldn't offer it
with this guarantee, nor even recom
mend it to you. We are sure that
once you have used it you will recom
mend it to your friends, and thank us
for having recommended it to you.
Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rex
all Stores, and in this town only by
us. $1.00. Huntley Bros. Co., Ore
gon City, Or.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I
Lucas County. I
Frank J. Cheney makei ontli Hull h la
senior partner of the Ann of V. 1, Clit n.-y
ft Co., doing business in the City of To
ledo, County and Slate aforeeulil, nw'
that Bald firm will pav tho Bum of ONI
HUNDRED DOLI.AK8 foe each anil ev
ery cane of Ca'arrh that rannnt in- cun'-j
by the use of HAt.T.'fl rATUUUl CIIHK.
Sworn to before me nnd Buhsf-rllifl In
tny presfnee, thii 6th day of Dwcmlwr
A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. CI.KAHOV
Notary Pah'le.
Hall'i Catarrh Cure Ib tnki-n Intcrnnlly
and arts directly upon the lilood n:nl mu
cous surfaces of the ystein. Bond for
testimonials, froe. -
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. ,
Bold hv all Drucir.ts, 7f.
Take Hall'i Family Pills for constipation.
The Courier is $1.60 year, but to
the subscriber who pays a year in ad
vance it it (1.00.
Meier & Frank's
New Delivery Schedule
Between Oak Grove
and Oregon City
With the interest of our; patrons and the improvement of
our service constantly in mind we have inaugurated a new
route for the delivery of purchases LEAVING OUR DE
. warrants: This service begius after leaving Oak Grove and
OREGON CITY AND WEST LYNN, and will accomodate
those living between Oak Grove and Oregon City on the
River Road, and others who live near this road who can
be reached over good roads by our cars. We will serve
those residing along good roads in Oregon City and West
, Lynn;'-.;'.',: ..
After leaving Clackamas River Bridge on the return trip
'. swe will serve those living on the County Road leading into
: '82d Street as far north as Lents. Those living along im
passable roads near this route, or beyond Oregon City can
have their goods delivered at any available point by noti
fying our Delivery Manager of the location.
Goods Ordered Through our Mail Order Department will
be delivered in the territory covered by this Route
Marshall 4600 - Telephones - A. 6101
The- Quality; Sto re op Portland
' Fiftt, Sixtlx, TTorrisor, Alder Sts.
Oregon City Readers ' are Learning
the Way ,
It's the little kidney ills
The lame, weak or aching back
The unnoticed urinary disorders
That may lead to dropsy and to
Bright's disease.-
When the kidneys are weak, .
Help them with Doan's Kidney
Pills. : ' : .
A remedy especially for weak kid
neys. . Doan's have been used in kidney
troubles for 50 years.
Endorsed by 30,000 people en
dorsed at hom.e
Proof in a Oregon City citizen's
statement. ,
. A. G. Woodard, 412 Main St,. Ore
gon City Oregon, says; "My kidneys
were badly disorded and caused my
back to become lame and painful.
Upon taking Doan's Kidney Pills I
steadily improved and was soon free
from the complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price GO
cents. Foster-Milburne Co., Bulffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States. . . ; v
Remember the name-r-Doan's
and take no other.
The Price She Paid for Lydia
. Which Brought
Good Health.
Danville, Va.-" I have only spent ten
dollars on your medicine and I feel so
much better man x
did when the doctor
was treating me. I
don't suffer any
bearing down pains
stall now and I sleep
well. I cannot say
enough for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound and
Liver Pills as they
have done so much
forme. I am enjoy
ing good health now and owe it all to
your remedies. I take pleasure in tell
ing my friends and neighbors about
them. "-Mrs. Mattib HALEY, 601 Col
quhone Street, Danvillo, Va.
No woman suffering from any form
of female troubles should lose hope un
til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a fair trial. .
This famous rmedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived
from native roots and herbs, has for
forty years "proved to be a most valua
ble tonic and invigorator of the fe
male organism. Women everywhere
bear willing testimony to the wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkhara'a Vegeta
ble Compound.
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound wiU help you.wrlto
to Lydia E.PinkhamMedlvineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict coniidence.
Courier and Twice a Week Journal
$1.75. ;, .. - ,
N 1914 I
for This
We know you can save
money end get better teeda
by jetting in direct touch
with the leading teed house.
Corns pondence Invited
FREE samples and booklet
Grow Bumper Crops by planting
these PRIZE winning OATS. Seed
tested for purity and germination.
YOU know what you get.
EQUITY members buy in large
lots and get reduced prices.
Molalla, Oregon
Attorneys at Law,
Will practice in all courts, make
collections and settlements of es-
I tates, furnish abstracts of title,
and lend you money, or lend your
money on first mortgage. Office
In Enterprise Bldg.; Oregon City.
Residence 612
Center St.
Phones: Main 111
M. 1720
Dr. A. McDonald
Veterinary Surgeon
Office, Red Front Barn
Phones: Main 1 16
The Insurance Man
Fire, Life, Sick and Accident In
surance. Dwelling House Insur
ance a specialty.
office with
UREN & SCHUEBEL, Oregon City
Straight & Salisbury
Agents for the oelebrated
LEADER Water Systems
We also oarry
A full line of MYERS pumps and
Spray Pumps.
We make a specialty of installing
. . Water Systems and Plumb- . .
ing in the country
20 Main St. Phone 2682
Get your letterheads and envelopes
printed with the name of your farm
on them. The Courier will make them
cheap for eu.