OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1914 SCORPION STINGS. They Kill Thousands of Persons Yearly In Mexico. QUICK WORK OF THE POISON. The Venom of the Deadly Speoiei, Un less Prompt Treatment Follow the Bite, Will End the Life of the Viotim In Twelve or Fourteen Hour. Four thousand persona are reported to die each year In Mexico from the stings of scorpions. , ' . . There are several varieties of scor pions In Mexico, some of them exceed ingly venomous and others little feared. In the neighborhood of Tepic the viru lent Centurls gracilis abounds, but It Is little known about the more north ern state of Sonora. It Is one of the most venomous creatures in the world. In the small city of Durango scor pions are perhaps more plentiful and more dangerous than anywhere else In the republic. Here the climate is hu mid and torrid-it is in the "tlerra caliente"-and It is estimated that more than 150,000 scorpions are killed each year, with no appreciable effect on their numbers. A scorpion resembles a diminutive lobster. Some specimens are eight Inches long, though the average length Is from two to four inches. The claws closely resemble a lobster's; with them the scorpion crushes Its prey after dis abling it by means of a sting. The body of a scorpion consists of several segmented Joints, the last five or more narrowing down to form the tail, which curls up forward over the body and terminates in the sting. This businesslike appendage Is a horny, sharp spine containing two little open ings which connect with the venom gland within the shell of the last seg ment In striking the scorpion gives the tail a rapid lashing motion forward in advance of the body and literally administers a hypodermic injection of poison, or rather several injections, for it usually stings repeatedly when it does strike. In color scorpions vary according to environment. One ordinarily colorless . or translucent will assume a brown or blackish shade In dark surroundings. Scorpions live in the cracks of the sun baked clay, under stones, in the chinks of the adobe huts and in the cracks in the plaster of old framo houses. They prey upon spiders and other night marauding Insects. A spider stung by a scorpion may be observed under going convulsions before death Just as animals or human beings do. Unless Bleeping cots are well screen ed and the supports immersed in cans of kerosene or carbolic acid water evaporates too rapidly the prowling scorpion may find its way beneath the bed covers and sting the restless child. By nature it Is a nocturnnl pest. In Mexico every one takes a peep in the toe of bis shoe before dressing In the morning to assure himself that no un desirable citizen is hiding there. Contrary to common belief scorpions never commit suicide by stinging them selves to death at leaBt not in Mexico. In fact, they seem immune to their own venom. Two well matched sped mento will battle to death If confined in a Jar, stinging each other repeuted ly, yet the victor does not die. Ho tears hiB antagonist into small pieces with his claws and voruciously de vours every trace of the vanquished foe. And the cannibal thrives on the diet Some scorpion bites cause little more than burning pnln and numbness In the part affected for a few days. But the more poisonous varieties cause death, and that speedily, especially when they sting young children or de bilitated old people. The lower classes of people suffer more than the well to do because of their custom of going about half naked most of the time. In serlouB cases the local numbness and pain or burning extend over the body lu a few hours. Then follows a feeling as of u ball in tho throat, the victim clutchlug his throat as though choking on a foreign body. Prompt treatment at this stage will usually save life. If not treated the mouth soon begins to froth and the eyes become reddened and hypersensitive to light. Within an hour or two tho breathing grows short er and more dllilcult, tho body turns blue, the pulse falls aud convulsions set In. The convulsions recur fre quently during several hours, but com plete relaxation usually ushers in the end. Fortuuately unconsclousuess devel ops early, so that the victim does not suffer the tortures of one dying from lockjaw. The average time required for a scorpion sllug to cause death la twelve or fourteen hours. The trentnient of scorpion sting con sists of a free incision of the part to promote copious bleeding, then vigor ous massage toward the bleeding cen ter for half an hour or more. Stimu lantsmeaning drugs and not that pseudo stimulant, nlcohol-aro also nec essary. In villages where physicians are wanting me treatment Is applied by "practicantos" Ignorant self constitut ed healers, and many a peon carries horrible scars from the practicante's crude surgery. Their reckless use of carbolic ncltft Iodine and similar poi sons also accounts for many otherwise avoidable fatulltics among victims of scorpion stlngs.-New York Suu. Difficulties may surround our path, but if the difficulties be not in our selves they may generally be over come. Jowett. PEDIGREE SEED OATS FREE samples and booklet "BETTER SEED GRAIN" BETTER SEED THE FARMERS NEED . D,,mnni rVma hv nlnnf inn uruw i u 1 1 1 iM-a viwjo -j i o these PRIZE winning OATS. Seed tested for purity and (termination. vnil L-nmir what. vou cet. irniriTV mpmhers buv in lance lots and get reduced prices. DAUGHERTY BROS. Molalla, Oregon NOT A GOOD JAILER.' Still, the Burmen Sentry W Some what In Quandary. The warders In Burmese Jails are nearly always men from the Punjab and northern India. They are large and muscular, but the principal reason for selecting them Is that they are not Buddhists. The Burman Is sometimes employed as a warder, but bis Bud dhist education often causes his preju lices to come in collision with bis offi cial duties, as in the case of one warder. A phoongyee, or Buddhist priest in Jail for stealing, had been placed in solitary confinement for disobeying the prison rules. His influence as a priest had iersuuded a Burman warder to procure him some betel nuts, which, being discovered In bis possession, caused his punishment. The stone cell In which the priest was confined had a plank supported at both ends by insertion Into slots in the walls. The plank served as a bed, and at night the priest Jumped on it again and again In order to force the ends out of the shallow sockets. The Burman sentry peeped into tho aperture of the door and asked him lo desist. The convict replied thnt he was a priest and, as such, forbidden to sleep upon a raised bed. By tbla time he had got the board free and, to disarm the sentry's sus picions, lay down upon it and feigned sleep. The seutry returned to his post, but a few hours later be was alarmed to see the phoongyee walking softly down the passage. He had used the board as a lever to force out two of the burs In the door an had managed to squeeze himself through the aper ture. The sentry, a Buddhist, was embar rassed. To lay violent hands upon the holy convict was out of the question: to allow him to escape would bring punishment upon himself. As the pas sage doors were locked and the priest sufo for the present, the sentry ven tured to remonstrate with his charge on the impropriety of his behavior. The tramp of the relief guard was heard outside. The sentry knelt and implored the priest to return to his cell. The door opened upon the tableau a uniformed sentry in an attitude of sup plication before a convict The Punjnbese who formed the re lief guard, not being Buddhists, had no respect for phoongyees. The convict priest was promptly bundled into a new cell. Boston Herald. Led Up to a Fall. Anticlimax frequently occurs In the literary efforts of natives in India, par tlcularly when they have occasion to petition Europeans for favors. Tha following Is a fulr example: "Will the presence, whose reputation for Justico is known from east to west and whose countenance spreads Joy among his Inferiors, who are as the sands of the seashore In number, gra ciously deign to take but an Instant's notice of him who has the almost de lirious honor to name himself as one of the most unworthy among the serv ants of the protector of the poor, and will the favorite sou of the Lord of the universe magnanimously overlook the amazing presumption in asking him for tho payment of a bill of two annas for hen feed?"-Ohlcago Record-Herald. Life on Broadway. "Hoy! Git outer th' way! Do you t'ink you own th' street?" "Go on, you big stiff! You got about as much brains as a weasel!" "Come down here and I'll lick you!" "You couldn't lick a postage stamp, you boob!" Sit behind the motorman on a Broad way car some afternoon and this Is some of the repartee you will hear be tween the truck driver who Insists on sticking to the car tracks aud the mo torman trying to keep to schedule. Of course nothing serious happens. There are lots of "cops" along Broadwayi good big ones. New York Tribune. Native Home of the Novel. England is the native home of the novel, as is Normandy of the apple or Valencia of the orange. Why? That question can be answered only In a large volume or In a single word. Let us answer it In a word. Lord Redes Unlo has alreudy suggested the answer to us. It is that the novel Is in Its na ture intimate, cordial and homely and thnt the English mind Is homely, inti mate and cordial. Anatole Franca In a London Address. Rinse the Lamp Every Two Weeks. To keep a lamp In good condition the oil should be entirely emptied out at leaBt every two weeks. Blnse every particle of sediment from the bowl of the lamp with a little clean oil. Never use water for this, for even a drop will cause the lluuie to sputter.. After cleaning every part thoroughly, refill the bowl with ell. to which a little salt has been added to make a more bril liant light Country Gentleman. Mean Man. Edwards - 80 you think yonr next door neighbor is mean? Matchell Of course I think be Is mean. Wouldn't you think him mean if he killed his rooster, which had wakened you and kept you awake every morning for trr years, the very night before you want ed to catch a 2:10 a. m. train? Judge A Possible Reason. Borelelgh (at 11:40 In the evenlngi 1 love that di-eumy look In your eyes 1 have never seen it In any other girls. Miss Hi-Ik ht istlfllng a yawnl-I'er- uaps you don't stay ns late with them as you do here.-Hoston Transcript I o nut allow Idleness to deceive yon. for. while yon give him today, he steals tomorrow from you. Send for This Catalog We know vou can lire taoaey and grf brtlet scedi by getting in diicct touch with the leading seed house. Coonpoadcect united TfcCWH.UnrC.,3Mle :!w L '? S'.M A Barbed Wire Cut, Collar or Saddle Oall not properly : healed leaves a disfiguring car. Ballard's SNOW LINIMENT I the Right Remedy for All Abrasion of the Flesh. If the wound Is cleansed and the liniment applied promptly, the healing; process begins at once and the wound heals from the Inside outwardly, thus per forming a perfect cure that leaves no scar. If the wound heals on the outside- too quick ly, pua forms under the sur face and breaks out into a run-ning- sore that ig hard to cure and Inevitably leaves a bad scar. Owners of blooded stock pre fer this liniment to nil others for that reason, and they use it not only on fine animals, but on human flesh, as It does its work quickly and thoroughly. Price 25c, COo and $1.00. JamesF.Ballard.Prop. St.Louls.Mo. 19 fitenhffm Ev Balve la a heallna frl ointment Tor sore byes. IsiotoAwDRfXOMi-trNneo FOR SALE OR TRADE As first payment on small ranch partly improved, must be cheap or first class cows, 1 gray mare 12 years old, heavy in foal, sound and true; also nearly new first class wagon, 2 in.; and almost new double harness. Will also trade two good lots at Bay City facing bay. J. H. Van Meter, Oregon City, R. F. D. Horrible Blotches cf Eczema Quickly cured by Dr. Hobson's Ec zema Ointment C. P. Caldwell, of New Orleans, La., states: "My doc tor advised me to try 'Dr. Hobson's Eczema Salve.' I used three boxes of Ointment and three cakes of Dr. Hobson's Derma Zema Soap. Today I have not a spot anywhere on my body, and can say that I am cured." It will do the name for you. Its sooth ing, healing, antiseptic action will rid you of all skin humors, blackheads, pimples, Eczema blotches, red un sightly sores, and leaves your skin flUon an1 tiaaltVltr (lot: a hnv tnHnv. vice.. - - " ' " - J Guaranteed. All Druggists. 60c, or by man. Pfeiffer Chemical Co. Philadelphia & St. Louis. 1 Put a thousand dollars onto a farm in a mortgage and you pay no taxes on it. Put a thousand into cows on that farm and the assessor will jump on you hard. Isn't this class legislation I ' The Oregon City Shoe Hospital . wishes to announce that it has been in Oregon City nearly two years, and is enjoying a good patronage, and new patrons are coming in every day. We do good- work, ana only use the best of material; so if you want the best you must come to the Oregon City Shoe Hospital. Colliers, the most fearless and best edited weekly magazine in the U. S., and the Courier, both one year for $2.50. Collier's alone was formerly $5.60. ' Pay your subscription in advance and receive the Courier for $1.00. Attorneys at Law Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of es tates, furnish abstracts of title, and lend you money, or lend your money on first mortgage. Offloe In Enterprl Bldg., Oregon Olty. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches in treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration of -nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills it has no equal. For ten years the Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence with women, which proves its superiority. Women who have been cured say It Is "worth its weight in gold." At druggists. 50c. largo box, or by mall. The Paiton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. C. D. LATOURETTE, President A3 THE FiRST national bank of OREGON CITY. OREGON (Successor Commercial Bank Transaota a General Banking Business Open from Ocm.tol Fill Ms Out, It Name Postoffice Address I live miles from on road near I have acres of land. There are acres under cultivation. There is an incumbrance of $ against the property due on 191.... I would like to borrow $ for years, giving this prop erty as security. Do you want to sell your farm? If you have a mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to bor row money for development purposes, or if you want to sell your farm, it will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at once. WILLAMETTE VALLEY MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY Aurora State Bank Building Aurora, Oregon Officephones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones; M. 2524, 1751 Home B251, D251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANSFER & STORAGE - Office 612 Main Street Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving., a - Spcia Sand, Gravel, Cement, time, Plaster, Common Brick, Face Brick, Fire Brick The Want Column NOTICE $1,600 to loan on real property at 7 per cent. Wm. M. . Stone, attorney, Oregon City. FOR SALE 3 "4 Mitchell wagon, California hard wood box, wide . tire, good as new; will trade for lighter -wagon or for cattle. Frank Weisenbeck, Oregon City, Rt. 3, Home phone Beaver Creek 4 D 25. FOR SALE Span of mares, 8 years old, weight 1130 lbs. Capable of all kinds of farm work; good road sters, true to pull. Splendid little team. Cheap. Also a new Old Hick ory wagon, a plow, a harrow, two hoes, sulkey cultivator, and a po tato digger. All nearly new. W. S Jubb, Oregoh City,.R. F. D. No. 6. FOR SALE A good young team, weighing 3,100 to 3,200. A good young saddle pony. A nice two year old brood sow bred to barrow in April. W. W: Harris, Rt. 3. Box 66. WANTED Sheep pasture also fresh cows for sale. F. E. Parker, Ore gon City, Rt 3. FOR SALE CHEAP On account of poor health, home in Oregon City. Address Box 63. FOR SALE Black Mare, coming 6 in spring, 1600 pounds, sound, true as steel, no blemish, a beauty. $250. Also 5 wood stancheons, used 2 . months, $1.60 each. J. H. Van meter, phone Main 2013, city, P. O. Rt. 6. The Courier and tho twice-a-week Portland Journal, three papers each week for $1.75 is some bargain. S.K.CHAN CHINESE DOCTORS P k. 133tt 1st St. J Cor. Alder. Portland. Or. K. Chan Mrs. Dr. Chan The reliable Chinese Doctors, S. K. Chan, with their harmless Chinese remedies of herbs and roots as medi cine, can wonderfully cure all sick- -.. Thaw bona KimA manv sufferers both men and -women, of chronic dis eases, and all internal or external sicknesses when others failed. No y- Fvamlnat.inn free. Ladies treated hv Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call or write for symptom Dianic. UVi First St, Portland, Oregen (Opposite Oregon City Car Statin.) Order to Show Cause why Petition for Sale of Real Property Should not be Granted In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka- TY1AR. In the matter of the Guardianship of the person and estate of George a Thomas, an insane person. W. W. Myers, the guardian of the person and estate 01 ueorge o. 1 nom as, insane Derson. having: this day presented to this Court, and filed herein, his petition, duly verified, praying for an order of sale of cer tain real property belonging to said insane person for the causes ana rea sons therein set forth, and it appear inor tn the Court from the said petit ion that it is necessary and would be beneficial to the said insane person, that the said real property described in said petition or some part of it shall be sold. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the next of kin of said insane person and all persons interested in his said estate, appear before this Court in the court room thereof, in the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1914, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to show cause why an order should not bo granted for the sale of such estate, as prayed for inlaid pe tition, reference to which is hereby made for futher particulars. AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a newspaper printed and published in said County of Clackamas, State of Oregon. Dated February 4th, 1914. H. S. Anderson, Judge. F. J .MEYER, Cashier. Will Pay You Dr. S. TWILiGHT Mrs. MacNaughton of Seattle spent a couple of days at Totem Pole J. M. Jack purchased two highly bred Duroc Jersey brood sows at the Brooks, Oregon, fine stock salt, the 19th. They are handsome specimens of their kind, and no doubt good buys, for the purchaser and a step forward for the neighborhood. George Kline has sold his farm to a Mr. Calder from Albany who has taken possession of the premsies. Miss Grace Spiger of Portland and Miss Mary Confer of Oregon City, were guests of Miss Marie Harvey Sunday. Bustles and coming back into the fashion not the wire basket, excelsior affair, but a fluffiness effect in the make up of the garment that pro vides the same deformity in outward appearance that the old American Wire (Co. goods did so admirably, a few short years ago. It is often a problem with the writer what the woman minus fashion would be like. Provided J. Curtis Dodds' horse Barney is forty years of age, and has eaten $1,250 worth of feed per month he has cost his owner six thousand dollars. The debating society has decided that he is the most expensive animal in this community. Derogatory comments by a guest, on the entertainment gratuitously af forded him, is base ingratitude indi cating poor breeding. To better one's condition in life should be the ambition of everyone; Jerry Brown, the town loafer, is looking for a job. Tom Kelland is adding much to the value of his place by the replac ing of nearly a mile of rail with wo ven wire fencing. Mrs. Wm. McCord is nursing a mild case of rheumatism, recently discarded by her husband, the rheu matism, I mean. Registration of Land Title In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the application of George L. Burtt, to register the ti tle to all of the following described portions of the tract platted in the public records of Clackamas county, Oregon, as Oregon City Annex and otherwise known and described as "Shaw's Annex to Oregon City" to wit: All of Block 9; all of Block 10; all of Lots 11, 12, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 8; all of Lots 11, 12 ,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 11 and all that portion of Lots 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 in Block 8 and of Lots 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 11 thereof, which lies East of the West boundary line of the George P. Newell Dona-i tion Land Claim, all situate in Clack amas County, in the State of Oregon. D. A. Dinsmoor and Adda E. Dinsmoor his wife; A. W. Fordyce and L. Fordyce his wife; Oregon City Real Es tate and Trust Company, a corporation; Franklin T.- Griffith, individually and as trustee, Defendants, and All to whom it may concern: TAKE NOTICE: That on the. 4th day of February, A. D., 1914, an application was filed by said George L. Burtt in the CirJ cuit Court of Clackamas County, Ore gon, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. Now, unless you appear on or be fore the Sixth day of March, A. D.J 1914, and show cause why such ap plication shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according td the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred from dis puting the same. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon and ex officio Clerk of said Circuit Court. Notice of Final Settlement ' Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Michael J. SheeJ han, Deceased, has filed in the Coun-i ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, his final account as such Executor of said last Will and Testament, and that Mon day, the 6th day of April, A. D., 1914, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, has been fixed by the Court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the settle ment thereof. Dated this 27th day of February, 1914. Thomas Mooney, Executor of the last Will and Tes tament of Michael J. Sheehan, De ceased. Thos. F. Ryan, Attorney for Executor. Children Cry 3SS2S The Kind You Have Always ixx use ior over dv years, sum una uwu lmm .WW Ifrfut-UL. sonal supervision since Its Infancy. jlrjsZjAJ' Allvim- nn nna tn lAiVA VOulntlllS. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the healtn or Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-, corlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Barcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys WomJ and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving1 healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. , GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the MM 11 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI CrdTHUH COMPANY. TT MUSBY STREET, WIW VOK CITT. l Mil .11 U'W JJ11PSWISI..WI.I 1 '" TO In order to save your DISCOUNT Electric bills' must-be paid before the J 0th of the month at our office. 617 Mam St. Oregon City, Ore. We have numerous electrical de vices on display in our show room that you will be interested in know ing about. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH:, ALDER. PORTLAND Phones Main 6G88 'aud A. 6131 and Colliers only $2.50 lor Fletcher's J. ,vVNXVVW re? Bought, and which has teen uvi C Signature of i PATRONS