OREGON CITY COURIER, THURSDAY FEB. 26, 1914. Public Opinion From The People Subjects of General Jnteret CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, ITS WEAKNESS AND FALLACIES Rev. W. T. Milliken Replies to Criti cism of Paul Stark Seeley Editor Courier: In an article published in the Cour ier of Feb. 19, Mr. Paul StaYk Seeley criticises my statement that there is an error in Christian Science meta physic. Mr. Seeley may be an expert in Christian Science, but he certainly shows a lamentable lack of know ledge of the use of real metaphysi cal terms when he thinks that when I am speaking of "noumenal" reality tVinf. T mean "nomenal" reality, as he calls it. But which is correct, he or I? Dr. Prince of Dickinson College says he had the following dialogue with a Christian Scientist: . PMn.o What, is matter? C. S. Matter is an illusion of Mortal Mind. Prince. What is Mortal Mind? r. s. Nnthine- . As Mrs. Eddy says "Nothing claiming to be Something." Pr. But how can a cause which Is nroduce an effect which is a.w ... O 1 " Hnmp.thincr ? C. S. It can't. The effect is an illu- ninn. Pr. But as experience the illusion is a fact nevertheless. Who is the victim. RDiritual man? C. S. No, for he is incapable of illu sion, being made in the image and likeness of Uoa. Mortal man the victim. Pr. But vou sav mortal man is fiction. Now to experience illusion implies mental activity. How then can the mortal man, who does not even exist, think at all, even tho to be deceived? . C. S. He really doesn't. The whole thing, counterfeit, counterfeiter, and victim are illusion. Pr. Then who experiences the illu sion? Not spiritual man, for he is incapable of a wrong idea, and not mortal man for he does not exist Who then has the illusion of the matter ? C. S. Oh you don't understand Chris tian Science, that is all. If you but understood it, all would be as clear as day. "Matter is illusion, and illusion is a false experience. Only false intelli gence can have a false experience, and a false Intelligence doesn't ex ist." Hence next time I run across the illusion of a hole in the ground I can cheerfully walk straight on, knowing that there is nothing there to fall in to; and nothing to fall into what's not there to fall into; and no such thing as falling for nothing that's not there to fall. The logic is irresis tible, and reminds me of the celebra ted lawsuit between McTavish and McEagh, over a potash kettle. Mc Tavish claimed that McEagh borrow ed his potash kettle and returned it cracked. McEagh's contention was as follows: "McTavish never had a potash ket tle. McEagh never borrowed McTav ish's kettle. It was cracked when McEagh bor rowed it. It was sound as a bell when Mc Eagh took it home." Yet they designate such mush "Science!!!" The difficulty with Christian Science is its double psychology, in vented to get rid of the fact of sin hence of the necessity for surrender to Christ as an Absolute and only Savious from sin. Sin was a mighty disagreeable fact for the much mar ried divorcee who founded the cult to face. It is vastly more flattering to the pride to say: "Now Lord, you never mind me. Just go ahead and look out for yourself. Show me the way and I'll take care of myself. How much more pleasant this is than to get down upon your marrow bones in genuine contrition for sin. At all I costs sin had to be ruled out of the universe. This could be done only by denying the existence of all evil. In cidentally a few sheckels could be raked in on the side by including the annihilation of physical evil with that or moral evil, Hence Mrs. h.ddy s philosiphy has an cthico-finnncial reason, and not a logical one. But wherein does it err as a phil osophy? Mrs. Eddy is not the first idealist by any means. Six hundred years before C hrset lleraclilus chum ed that "Becoming" his term for en ergy was the basis of all phenomen al reality. The idealism of Plato teaches that the universe is the men tal manifesting itself in external forms. Kant, Berkely, and the eight eenth century idealists recognize two forms of reality, a noumenal or abso lute reality, and a phenomenal real ity, derived from the other, and at one with it, yet distinct. "There is nothing true in her philosophy that is new." And even the fallacy of the soleuess of Divine Mind she has bor rowed from Esoteric Buddhism. Science says there is an absolute or "Noumenal reality." This is God. But the Absoluto and tho Infinite can have time nor space relations, for these are finite. To be Infinite means to be boundless and timeless. But the Infinite is also active Intelligence, His intelligence is creative. What He knows to be is. Thus from the flow of His creative energy, or rather within it, arises a reality other than the Noumenal, namely, the Phenom cenal. And this without any contra diction of the Absolute. The Abso lute is the Creator. The Phenomenal is the flow of His intelligent energy, Mind is a producer; Energy is a pro duct. Matter, which in its last analy sis is composed of electrons, or cen tres of force, is but that energy in its diverse iorms. the Absolute is real with a Noumenal reality. The divcrsi fied energy of the Absolute is just as real, but with a phenomenal reality Hence matter is as real as God, being a form of His Creative energy. The erroneous is the purely temporal ele ment in tho flow of God's Divine en ergy. That which is but temporal is eliminated from the stream when it passes on. She is always connected with the temporal lusts, and passion and the soul that choose such, and refuses, through the touch of the Re deeming Christ, to be "Born Again" into the likeness of the Absolute must perish with all other temporal things. What a guir between me unscienui ic and illogical foolery that denies reality to anything except the Ab solute, and the reasonable view of mrwlern nhilosoohvl Just here some one says: "But af ter all we can not know matter. All we know is experience and sensation Is it not hard to keep from an awk ward Duality in reconciling Matter and Mind? There is, certainty, vo i;u Mr. F.Hrlv. who does not under- IIIW A!""' J J . ,r Tiff , . stand what matter is. 10 ner means only hard impenetrable stuff that has no connection with bpint in She views Matter from the standpoint of the Materialist ,not from that of the Idealist. The outer world, to us, is a world 01 sen&auuno, through the na tive activities of the Mind. Were that world our own creation we could change it at will. Instead wnewier we will or not, its reactions are the if a rhristian Scientist drinks Oaiiivi 'ii poison he will die just as quickly as a jvietnouist. mis. ""j , - have a mena wnu ed with the dentist to whom she went for relief, and he avers tnat sue hysterical patients he ever treated, despite her theory that pain and a tooth were both fic HHo.w Two children, in a case 1 FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF A HAYSEED Observations and Conclusions Thinkers to Consider for rnnt.rar.ted diphtheria. The tnnt anti-toxin and waa saved, Scientist child died, can take you to the shrine of St Anne de Beaupre on the St. Lawrence, and show you a miracle performed by th hnua nf the dead Saint match ing every cure that Christian Science accomplishes. Suggestion modifies the etrect of this Phenomenal world upon us, yet it cannot eliminate it, and even Christian Scientists contract diseases and die. There is a Noumen al reality, and its activity expresses itself in phenomenal reality. Let me quote Dr. Sturge of Cam bridge University, England. She says of Mrs. Eddy's reiteration that there is no affinity between Matter and ,viin,i- "in the light of these wonder ful glimpses of the relation between Minu and Matter, which, though as t hut little understood, indicate ..... Hnn..w.n a muni. that Matter is an expi sodium, fUUntinn nf Mind, and so happily re duce the apparent opposites to Unity without the sacrnice 01 .euuei he light of such heones, tending as they do to endorse the exquisite old poetical idea that the Universe is the garment of God,' an adumbration from Him, a veil through which glimpses of the Splendor may be seen how pitiably read such olt-re-peated passages as these, Spirit snares not us bucnsui mutter.' Who dare say either that God is in Matter, or that matter ex ists without God? Who dare indeed? It is Mrs. Eddy who dares to say that it exists without God, for it is she who gives it alien life all to it self, cut olf from all share in Mind, or Law, or Spirit. It is she who en dows with high creative powers on its own account this poor nomine claiming to be something,' this 'op posite of Spirit and therefore oppo site God,' this mortal mind with its beliefs and its reasonings, hh nmtei ial senies, 'which neither exist tin Science nor can be recognized by the Spiritual sense,' (but which is here and' must be reckoned with.) It is she who, by denying that mind can manifest itself in matter, or matter's other phase, as she calls it.- mo rial mind, makes two creators, two causes, two alien worlds, two in telligences, in contradiction to her own First Principle This is ty pical of the book (Science & Health) throughout; not a single statement is thought out, and never does the author, when talking glibly of Mat ter and Mind, of Soul and Body, or of any other apparent pair of opposites, look below tho mere suriace 01 me thing. She simply cuts the knot of the difficulty bv denying existence to one member of the pair. And thus she gets rid of the matter." Let me add that her method is that of the old schoolmaster who used to say to his pupils when they came to a hard word in their reading lesson: "Never mind, honey, pass it by. It is only the name of a wild beast." I have not space to discuss Mr. Seeley's Scriptural quotations. Read them carefully for yourself in their context, and you will find that they have about as much relevancy as Pat's argument for suicide: "Judas went and hanged himself," "Go thou and do likewise." Just one example: "It is tho spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing." This, he says, leaves "no room for material phenomena in the consciousness." It leaves no such thing. It says that the material does not PROFIT the soul. It nowhero affirms that it will not AFFECT the consciousness, though. Christian Scientists still eat food and wear clothes, and prove that their interpretation is a fallacy. W. T. Milliken. Who was it that said n- i inot m wrone to over-reach with a long head as with a long arm? Labor omnia vincet: it iu a waste of time and a poor use of thread to sew new patches on old garments? , , i, 0 God! that oreaa snuuiu uc dear and flesh adn blood so cheap? Ill fares the land to nastening m . UI- ...,.t,lnln. a prey; where weaitn agtumuio, and men decay .' Justice is blind, deaf, dumb and gouty? , . . That the rich will do anything for the poor except get off their backs? That it is the most perfect gov ernment where an injury to one is the concern of all? Wnrlrors of the world, unite. You have nothing but your claims to lose and have a world to gain? White flesh is cheap today, white souls are cheaper still? Read not to contradict, nor to be 1iov0 hll t to weigh and consider? Plate sin with gold and the lance nf insticH harmless breaks; clothed in rnp-s a Digmv straw doth pierce it nnocupa nn the last Quotation are pvnrpaql V haired from guessing that Governor West is the author, while signing Ross pardon. Diirinc a conversation with an ac quaintance, he got "sloppy on mor als, other people's of course. He pic tured a glorious world which we would have just as soon asthe white rihhnn would be carried to a few more nooks and crannies in this other wise chemically pure world. He ex pectorated frequently and copiously during our talk. I am no pathologist so I do not haps you think yourself safe because you have accumulated a pile. Kelly thot so too one day, but alertness left him and wealth took wings. J Would it not be better to have an economic system whereby au tne people, that is the government would guarantee everyone honorable treat ment in declining years ? Such a sys tem is logical and possible. Such a avstem means Socialism. The despicable cowaraice oi me professional politician was painfully prominent when a . delegation of working women called upon the pres ident to press for a message to von- and they use the Btate money to build new highways, and tne district ni"; to make repairs. But they build them right at the start, and see that they are drained. The state spends about a million and a half a year on the roads but the money goes into the roads, and not into grafts. And they have just as good roads as you'd ask- with the same climate you have here. "Take the Seattle-Tacoma road, for instance. It's 36 miles long, of oil ed macadam, and 20 miles oi it are under water every time there is a flood in the Stuck and White river valleys, which is about two months gress favorable to equal suffrage. The ' out of the year. Yet just as soon as president refused to commit himself,! the water runs off, automobiles spin that rnaH at 40 miles an hour; equal suffrage had not-been supported and the truck gardeners use "all the by the party platform. It would seem year around, hauling full loads ot that a man of intelligence wouio nave been able to say he was either for or against the question. It is worthy of note that no strict ly Democratic state has granted equal suffrage, not even UKianoma, which is generally conceded progressive in its tendency. Consequently it is iair to presume the oarty is generally against it. Jonn s. Btarn. WHY NOT REASON A BIT ON HARD SURFACE FUSS? Inquisitive Stranger offers Sugges tions to Warring Factions "Pardon me for butting in," said the Inquisitive Stranger, as he step ped between tne uve wue aim me Farmer, "but what is, this scrap go ing to be about?" "He said I wanted some paving company to get a graft out of the hard surface roads," said the Live Wire. "I didn't," replied the Farmer, "I said that I didn't propose to have any more taxes put on my farm so that stuff with one horse to a wagon, Same way with the Mount Tacoma Canyon road, some 45 miles long, and ahnut 90 of it through bottom-land. That road, a county affair, built en tirely by fierce county, is uetuer than the government roaa in jvam ier National Park but it isn't hard onrfncpH. "Now what vou folks want to do is to quit fighting about hard surface. Wpt it. DRAIN YOUR ROAD BEDS and lay macadam, AND OIL IT AND ROLL IT twice a year, and then you'll be all right. And you wnn 't snend so much money, either. Try to get together on that idea, and see if you can't stop this scrapping business. The Live Wire and the Farmer ey ed each bther. "Maybe that butt-in- ski guy is right," they said, S1.000. One Year in Jail It is said Judge Campbell often tempers justice with lieniency. He didn't in the Alonzo Haskins instance, and he should not have. Found guilty of contributing to the delinquency of Notice for bids for the Construction of a County Road Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the office of tho County Clerk of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, furnishing all material, labor, and doing all the work con nected with said road according to the plans and specifications now on file in tho office of said clerk. Said road is known a tho Oregon City and Milwaukie road and commonly known as the Outfield road, begin ning at tho southerly end of the bridge across Kellogg Creek in Sec tion 1, T. 2. S. R. 1 E. and running thence southerly on said road a dis tance of about 4,.r)tK) feet. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check to the amount of ten per cent of the amount bid to in sure the entering into a contract by the bidder, should the contract be awarded to him, which check shall be forfeited to Clackamas county should the bidder refuse to enter into con tract after the samo is awarded to him. The contractor to whom the con tract is let will be required to fur nish a suitable undertaking to guar antee the completion of the work as provided in said contract and also to guarantee the fulfillment of the law respecting the hours of labor, mater ial furnished by material men, etc. Each bid must state the time with in which the contract will be com pleted, and said contractor will be re quired by his bond to save the county of Clackamas harmless in respect to damages accruing to any one during the prosecution of the said work. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The bills will be received at the of fice of said County Clerk up to the hour of five o'clock on March the 12th 1914. By order of tho County Court W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk. Courier and Twice a Week Journal $1.76. LARGE TILTING SEAT BEATER LEVER INOEPCNOtNT OF A POOH CONTflOt APRON LEVER lndpifntof Bwttr Conlrfll F.d W.4re20 INDEPENDENT RAKE .. . v J" uowEST-DOWN MACHINt TfrthMaJtrfOil-'faTipgwISpHnjSlgtlj I 5tlMCl(,Hn Itn 8 INCHCSj Hlqh Carbon Beater Teeth set staqqered. forming spual.qiv Inq wide delivery. VSS ; Simple Apron Tlqhtener :j Both Sides ' Vj t I l Kjfl DOUBLE ANGLE STEEL REACH I JW JF Givinq DVect Draft and eliminating SJnMW5 I all strain from Spreader Box A Reach is as indispensable on a Manure Spreader as tt is on a Waqon, CAST-STEEL SIM BRACKET forming alignment Caqe for Main Axle Rigid undr all conditions ARE YOU LOOKING For a Low Down Easy Loading Light Pulling Manure Spreader One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Look no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly-Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers who have bought them say they are the best farm machine investment farmer can make. See the BLOOM at the nearest Mitchell Agency or. write us for . Illustrated Catalog Northwest's Greatest Impement and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO comprehend the process that super induces the desire to holler loudly for a policeman to come and bring a big club every time a person sees someone else have a habit he does not approve. In almost every paper you pick up you may find some item of people who were once well to-do or wealthy, but came to want in old age or soon er. Some commit suicide or meet an accidental death and thus go beyond theirs utTering. Do you think such can never bo your fate because you are strong and alert. now? Terhaps these hapless persons" were your equal in their day. Here are a rouple of items among many that I noticed: A couple of months ago twin brothers 72 years old were found in an old coal shute in Louisville. Even the cops saw at once that one was sick. He was sent to a hospital while the other was sent to jail. You see jail is a nice place for poor old working people. He begged to be tak en to the hospital as they had always been together. They had driven horse cars for 40 years when the trolley system left them jobless. Their sav ings were invested in a farm, so back to the land they went. Later they lost their farm, just as it is possible for you; then they were homeless and infirm. The one in jail was dead next morning, the sick one was delirious. You see the reward capitalism gives honest toil. Under a Springfield date line of February lwe learn that Jesse Kel ly, 8;t years old, once one of the wealthiest citizens of that place, died in abject poverty in a hovel, his wife 80 years old, died an hour later. You see how insecure a person is under the present economic system. You may have plenty today, but when you no longer can fight the battje of life with the stronger and keener minds they will take it from you. Per- Notice u j- . o o-iri nnrW nrre. Judere Campbell a paving company eouiu gci, o h1"1- e-. , fij "Well, disregarding that, what is sent him to jail for one year and fined all the rest of the fuss about" asked him $1,000. the Inquisitive Stranger. "We want good roads," replied the Live Wire and the Farmer with one breath, rolling up their sleeves and squaring off to one side of. their in terrogator. "Now wait a minute before you fight," said the Inquisitive Stranger, again getting between the two. "Let us reason this thing out. You both want good roads, don't you?" "Uh-huh." "Well, to get them we've got to do some highway building, haven't we" continued the Inquisitive Stran ger, "f irst ot all we ve goi 10 lay SEALED BIDS will be received by the County Clerk of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, up to B o'clock P. M., on the 12th day of March, 1914, for the improvement of a road leading from Milwaukie to Oregon City, and com monly known as the River Eoad, from Station 86 plus CO to Station 107. All work shall be done in accord ance with the plans and specifica tions now on file in the office of the said County Clerk, and all bids must be accompanied with a certified check i. f Vtn nmAlinf VtlH. foundations for our roads-mostly whkh fae forfeited to Ciack amas county, should the successiui bidder refuse to enter into a contract larire rocks in the mud, with perhaps a tile ditch underneath where the j !- . ... ! i. rpu grounu is parucumr.y ,..uu uh gaid County too of that we've trot to lay smaller will ha rocks, and some gravel, so that we ired furnish a suitable under can put down a surfacing. Am I right tQ uarantee the completion so far, and do you both agree with f . . t0 KUarantee the fulfillment of the law respecting the i . hours of labor, material furnished by minute longer, and mBfpr;a, nm n.W "Yes, but XT 'l now wail a minute ioiiKei, ..u matprial etc let me say it," persisted the lnqms- Each bid mugt sUte the time with. itive Stranger. You both agree so far, in which the contract will be com and the split seems to be over sur- leted and wiu be required by his facing. One of you wants hard sur- ond gaye clackamas county harm face, and the other doesnt know legs jn ect to damages accruing whether or not its going to be worth t an uri the prosecuti0n of V. ninnn I. f. 1 1 tar Wta Tall VAI1 something. I've iust conto down from Washington. It's been raining there just as it has here. In fact it rains more there, quite frequently. But their reads are all right, and they aren't hard surface roads, either. They are oiled twice a year, and roll ed after each oiling. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk. CUT FLOWERS and Potted Plants; also all kinds of Fruit Trees, Roses ci-o !t'a kv... and Shrubbery for sale at the new & lion mcjf la. m llwu miwivcii - ,-, . . v . r,. and crushed rock foundation, with green houses on Center and Third Sts. macadam dressing. AND THEN Funeral work done at lowest possible thjtv vrrp it tip n kv prices. Orders received over puone state aid for many of their roads, Main 2511 H' J- , and the treatment of disease. There is MEDICAL CLASS LEGISLATION IS ILLEGAL AND MUST cu And Dr. Turner Thinks Drugs and Drug Doctors will go With lhem T . .1. By Dr. W. A. Turner XNaiurupauu Medical Freedom says "Not con tent with putting descriptions of dis eases in text books, pupils are being asked to write compositions abouS them. In Indiana the bupennteiiucui. of Public Schools asked rour giuuea for a composition on Tuberculosis. Parents, who objected to tneir um dren being compelled to discuss this subject, were informed by teachers that the children would be excused at the time when the essays should be written. One parent in oDjecung, said: "this subject does not properly come in public school work anymore than religion, and I know everyone would object to having tneir cmiuieii taught someone's personal views oi religion, which I think would be wrong." In Louisiana a state health offic ial offered a box of candy as a prize for the best essay on hookworm, As I have frequently remarked, state medicine is just as much for bidden by federal and state constitu tions as is state religion. The Oregon constitution forbids class legislation, nr nnv law heine' nassed that grants special privileges to any citizen of class of citizens not enjoved by all citizens, but the political doctor; setm to be above the law, but the poople will soon become aroused to their peril, and when they do the French revolution will seem like a Quaker meeUr-g compared to the up hei.vi! that will take place. Allopath ic ytate medicine is illegal and has got to go in Oregon, and in every other state in the Union, sso one ciass of people will be allowed to fasten their pernicious theories on all the people, whether religion or medicine, and these officious state official? should be either disciplined or legis lated out of office. Again, the Ladies Women are easy marks for the medical proffesion. Never having been taueht anything to the contrary they have usually placed absolute confidence in the family doctor and his advice, even to having an opera tion performed that would mutilate and cripple them for life, has usually been heeded. "Medical Ethics" have always kept the people in ignoranec for if the layman learned anything about himself he became a menance to the medical proffesion, hence he must be kept in ignorance. The usual ills to which women are peculiarly subjected are in nearly all cases the result of wrong living and follow derangement of the stomach, bowels and liver. As the medical pro fession knows practically nothing of the cause of disease, they not only know nothing about diseases of wo men, but do not know how to treat or relieve them. This being the case the family doctor magnifies the mole hill into a mountain and advises an op eration. His friend the "specialist" of course coincides and splits his big fee with the family doctor and in these days you must plank down the cash in advance before the knife is stuck into you, or a mortgage must be placed on the home in advance then you are promised "perfect health" in six months or a year. . After the nerves and muscles have been severed and some of her organs removed, or she is unsexed, the poor woman's sufferings only begin. She realizes that her life is wrecked and that her highest . ambition mother hood, has been killed and she suffers from nervous and mental worry and shock until the end. When any woman find3 that she needs advice about these ills don't bo bamboozled into an operation by some human vulture, but first try some good doctor of any drugless school. These troubles are easy to remove and nature works a speedy and harmless cure wnen as sisted by drugless methods. Once tri ed you will be a convert and mission ary for all time and shout the prais es of drugless healing. They are sim ple and absolutely effective for they remove the cause of your trouble and make you well. Eugenics and Your Pockelbook Tho Chicago Post says: "Since January 1 there have been only five marriage licenses issued in Mliwau kie as against over 250 in the same period last year. The merchants esti mate that every newly married couple spends on an average $300 on house furnishings, clothes, etc nec essary for double life, making a loss (to Jan. 10) of $7,500 for about 10 days. "These are solid facts for our hard headed business men to won der over losses due to the fastening of an untried, unkown medical obses sion and fad on the people, and a matter on which so little is known that it does not justify legislation. This law was passed on the "demand" of the allopathic medical profession, not of the people, but when some sly humorist in the legislature slipped in our amendment making the doctors doctors' fee only $3 they at once lost interest in it and began to oppose it and within one month it was declar ed unconstitutional as all medical laws favoring one class of doctors are. The serious side of Eugenics, that some of the freaks, who advocate it have overlooked, is that it tends to prevent lawful marriage and the making of homes; will increase com mon law marriages: put a premium on unlawful cohabitation and the so cial evil. People must sooner or later reject these crazy fads of the medi cal profession and can do so by put ting them out of office. School Children Refuse Vaccination The New York Press says: "The President of the Board of Education of Harrison, New Jersey, wrote to the state school authorities yesterday for advice how to dispose of a strike of 100 school children there. The pu pils have refused to be vaccinated at the order of the board, and, backed by their parents, are naving a holi day. The school children got an ap propriation based on the attendance. The vaccination strike is decreasing this so that it is feared that there will not be enough money to pay the month's bills." The school children of Oregon should do likewise. Death from Effects of Vaccination The Kansas City Journal says: "The death from lockjaw of Lucille Hough, 6 years old, after a recent vaccination againsts mallpox, will not deter the health officers from contin uing to enforce the vaccination rulef sucn was the statement made by the Health Commissioner Wheeler." This is comforting to the parents of school children. Is It Logical? Dr. Harry E. Brooke in Brain and Brawn says: "It is no wonder that people become confused when those who call themselves experts differ so wiaeiy regarding the laws of health i- i. t mov nnnlv in such a Simple vesi; juu ..mj -rrv --- -- cases Ask yourself, is it logical?. For nothing that is mogicai can ue Therefore ask yourself, is it ogical to suppress the eruptions of disease without removing the cause? Is it logical to attempt to cure a poison in the blood by administering poisonous drugs and animal serums? Is it logiSal t o force food into a sick stomach when the juices neces sary to digestion are almost entirely absent ; Is it logical to cut out necessary organs of the body, such as the ap- , pendix and the tonsils (and the ovar ies) and expect the body to function as before? This is what the medical profes sion does to you under the guise of "curing" you. I wish to say that "Brain and Brawn" edited by Dr. Brooke and published by the Naturopathic Pub lish! nf Co., Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles, California, is the. very best nature cure magazine Dublishe'd in this country, being breezy, direct and to the point and should be read by everyone interested . the cure of disease oy natural me- tlmrls. Price $1.00 a year. Deadly Drugs Tho medical nrofession is mainly resnonsible for people acquiring drug . '. . ... !J1.. l.nilMn rW habits, wnicn are rapmiy uuiuk " thousands yearly. Morphine, arsenic, strychnine, conein, hervin being the chief drugs used. Dr. B. C. Keister before a meeting of scientists and r specialists in Philadelnhia recently nsserted that one fourth of the med ical profession are now victims of the drug habit. These are the gentlemen who nre clamoring for class laws to . control the lives of all the people. Drugs and drug doctors will soon be bolished by law. Swedish Movements and Osteopathy Osteopathy heratdecr a new drug less svstem and is in reality but a small fragment of the Swedish move ments ; so small in fact that osteo paths now are studying surgery and some are using drugs, in fact they hpvem fide their beds with the medi cal profession in their desire for rec ognition, and pull with them on all occasions, snd are practically out lawed by all other schools of drugless healing. Somapathy or manual manipula tion for the cure of disease was URed .1,000 years before the Christian Era md from 1776 to 1839 wass ystem atized ami brought to the attention of the civilized world. The honor of pstablishinir this method on a strictly mipntific basis belongs to Dr. Hen drick Ling of the Lund University, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1813, about 80 vears before osteopathy was known, ind the statement that this method wps "discovered" by Dr. Still is all rot. It is an undeniable fact that Dr. TCochenberg, the Swedish manipula tor and Mechano Therapist taught Dr. Still the essentials and methods of maninulation in Dr. Still's college. Any original ideas that may have been iniected into the system by Dr. Wll have evidently been rejected for todav osteopathy remains as only a small part of the Mechano Therapy portion of the great Swedish Move ments system, and does not even em brace a comprehensive knowledge of scientific massage. Honor to whom honor is due. Swedish movements and chiroprac ticare far in advance of osteopathy and the effects of their treatments more permanent and lasting. (Questions relating to health will bn answered if addressed to me care ot Hotel Edwards, Portland, Ore.) are usually thin and easily worried, sleep does not refresh and the system gradu ally weakens from insufficient nourishment. Scott's Emulsion corrects nervousness by its force of con centrated medical nourishment it restores the healthy action of body cells, enriches the blood, sharpens the appetite, and feeds the nerve centres by distributing energy and power all over the body. Don't resort to alcoholic mixtures or drug concoctions that stimulate and stupefy. Get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion tor your nerves nothing equals or compares with it, but insist on Scott's. EVERY DRUGIST HAS IX Residence 612 Center St. Phones: Main 1101 M. 172 Dr. A. McDonald Veterinary Surgeon Office, Red Front Barn Phones: Main 1 16 B-9 OREGON CITY Straight & Salisbury Agents for the celebrated LEADER Water Systems and STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES. We also carry A full line of MYERS pumps and Spray Pumps. We make a specialty of installing ater Systems and Plumb- . . ing in the country 20 Main St. Phone 2682 BR0WNELL & STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon